Read Part 4 pages 139-153 and the current event articles posted in this module. To achieve the best grade, please follow th
Read Part 4 pages 139-153 and the current event articles posted in this module.
- To achieve the best grade, please follow the attached rubric below
As you read, make notes about your reactions, assumptions, implications, arguments, questions (see prompts in instructions)
The idea of personal responses are to engage in thoughtful internal dialogue about the idea of global issues and education. You should attempt, in your understanding of the readings to get “underneath” what you read in order to understand the social, political, and cultural underpinnings of the issues. Reading critically involves more than understanding the words or liking or disliking the texts; critical reading requires reflection.
The world in language
The world is richer than it is possible to express in any single language.
( The lost voice of a spic by Gerson Sanchez )
''I riced S(>111cr(>()fir1g cl()11c, 11()V 111t1cl1 ,vc>tilcl )'C>Ll cliargc n1c fc>r tl1;,1t?" ''''oti ::i cxic;,1r1s,vork S() l1arcl; y·oti r1c,·cr get tir ccl!"
"Sc> vvl1c11 ).<)tt gr,-1clt1,1tc fro1T1 l1ig·l1 sc r1<)C>I, ;-11-c· y-c>tt g c>i11g tc> vvc)rk i11 c cH1str L1c tic>11 <>r g ,-1r clc11i11g?"
'''l 'l1at's all tlll'SC cla11111 SJ) ics arc g<)()(i 1c>r!''
( ; )c;,111 still l1car tl1c ccl1ocs c)f tl1csc ra cist 11c>tic)11s l1urlccl i11 tl1c !1all, v,-1,·s c)f
',,1l tc r H i11cs l_)ag ·c l – l ig·l1 Scl1c>c>l. ()11 cl cla il)i !)a.sis, clc11igrati11g jokes ,-111cl C<>111111c11ts like tl1e c>11es CJLt(>tccl ctl>()·e, vvcrc 1)r()111c>tccl l>) 1 111y ,vl1ite ]Jeers a11cl, C(>11scc1 t 1c11tl)r, i11terr1alizecl l>)' 111·) fe ll() ' L,.1ti11(> l>r(>tl1ers a11cl s is te rs. Tl1c clcn1c;,1r1ir1g (>1Jir1i(>r1s ,.(>icecl t)y· n1)· classm;,1tcs clt1rir1g tl1is JJreacl(>lcscc11t s t,1gc
t)cgar1 to create ari c111c)tiori ()f iriferic)r i t)' ,vitl1iri n1e. 1' illia111Cross's 111)(clcl
c>f IJ l.-1c k iclc r1tit)1 cle, 1c lc>p n1c11t (C ross, ct al., I ) ) f1) states tl1at !)lack cr1ilclrcr1 vvl1c) c c>11sta11tl)1 sec J)attcr11s c>f 11<·gativit)· l)ci11g cic111cn1stratccl tc>vvarcl
tl1c111slc,1cs or o tl1crs vvl10 ,-1rc l)!ack: arc likely to cl,c, c lo1 J a sc11sc of
i11te r11alizec1 racis111. If tl1csc assL11111)tic>11s clrc ll(>l cl1alle11gccl, as cl1ilclre11
rec1cl1 tl1c ;,1clc>lescc11l s t,-1g c , racist ;1;
11c1l 1eg;1:
tivc sclf-c(>11cc1)ts vvill n1(>St likely
t)c strc r1g tl1cr1ccl (E,·;,1r1s ct ;,11., 2()1( ).
E,·e11 tl1c)t1gli I a.r11riot t)lack., I ;,111 a JJCr SC)ri ()f col()r. ::1 I c)re SJJCcificall)', I ;,1n1 tl1c sor1 <Jf :-;icaragt1ar1 i1n mig ra11ts, a11cl, tl1crcfc)rc, C: ro ss's tl1c()r)1 sccrns a1)J)iic,.1l)!c tc> 111c . l hc co11sta 11t xc11C>J)l1c>l)ic c c) 1111T1c11ts a11cl jc>kcs c>f l)igc>try
,.<>ic('cl I))' 111y c lc1ss111at('s sc· r ,·c cl as a11 i1111)c t L1s tc> clc r a c i11at(' clr c a 111s c>f l1igl1er eclt1catic>11 frc>111 tl1c )'(>t 111g111i11cls c>i' Il l ) ' Lati11c) l>r <>t l1ers a11cl s is te rs, a11cl 111e; a11d. tl1L1s, f urtl1cr rc111i11clir1g LIS tl1at <>ttr S(>lc 1>L1r1><>sc ,-ts Latirl()S
,.v,1s t<> (>11ly· d() n1cr1ial l;,1l><>r. Higl1cr cdt1cati<>11, <>11ce cl clre,-1111, l1acl r1(>vv
t)C'CC)111c ,1r c ;,1ric a rid t1r1a t ta i11aJ)lcir1 ()ttr ).C)t1rig n1irids. Ex1Jerie11ces st1cl1 ,1,s tl1ese rc1T1ai11ccl tl1rot1ghc)t1t rl1)' L111dcrgr,1ciL1atc y·cars a11cl11,1.·c r1c),,· lJrC)t1g·h t
11ry lif'e
tC) a 111c11aci11g i1111 ) IC>Si<) ll .r
'l l1c ,·cs t igcs C>C t l1a t i1111 ) IC>SiC)ll l1a,·c
ca L1s c el 111c to reflect a11cl ask: 111at ca11 I acco11111lisl1 els cl L a ti110? 1:,'l11 t is
1111· J1LtrJ)<lsc i11 life? •. 111 I CclJ) c:tll l c ? Is tl1,c .11c r ic a11 D rc c111 a r c ctlity·? O r is
it Cc.tllcd tl1c i 111cr ica11D r e a111, IJcCcll lSC ) "<)Lt l1c1,·c t<) l )c aslcc1) t<) l )clic,·c it
Rcflcctir1g <111 111)' clilc111n1a C)f , ,·r cs tli 11g , ritl1 tl1c d<1mir1ar1t c t1ltt1rc 's J)CrCCJ)tio11 of n1c, a11cl tl1c i11111ac t 011 n1).- psycl1c o f tl1at !)attic l)ct,vcc11 , ,·l1<) I
;:u11 a 11,cl ,·l1c> t ll C)' tl1i11kI a111, I l)cga11 tc> U)r111 a. <Jttc s tic)ll a.l)C>t1t a cc c>t111tal) il it) ·.
'!11<1 is rcs1)c>11sil)lc for 111y iclc11tity clilc111111;.:1? 1·110 11(·c cls l<11 1r c>lc c t s t L1clc11ts f1·<)111 fa L1l t1· 11<)li<)11s <lf tl1cir 11L:tcc i11 tl 1c , v<)rlcl? De) lcc:tcl1crs 11;-t'C cl c i,·ic c!Ltly
tel tl1cir stt1de11ts l<l C)J)c r1l)1 clisct1ss a11cl C<)11l)c1l fat1ll)' 11<)tic)11s <lf ,·' ' l1itc
S t111rc1,n1C)':1 r1<) 111.:tttcr 11<)\" <)ftc11 <)r ,vl1cre tl1<)sc iclca.s rear tl1cir t1gly l1c,1cl? Tl1csc c1t1csti<)r1s l1a,,c lccl n1c tc) rcscarcl1 ,·ari<1t1s scl1olars ar1cl practitic)r1crs
st1c l1 els 1 licia C a r r<) )l I , is,1 D c lr) it, Pa tr ic i,1 G c111cl,1ra., l1ol) Joscs, .Jcr111ifcr
Si111J)SC)ll, . Jc>a 11 1y·1111c. l f)' rcsc·r1rcl1 !1as c> Ice! 111c tc> clig clc c1)!)' i11tc>
c c>11cc11ts <>f i11tcg rity, trL1tl1, a11cl j L1st icc ; '< Sj)c c ia ll) ' l1<1vv tl1csc iclc a ls sl1c>t dcl l)c
i11tc r1 ) rc l cc l i11 tl1c classr<)C)111 a11cl vvl1a l tl1c)1 111ca11 tel s t t1clc11ts c)f C<) l< )r, i11 tl1is
Cctsc, L ctlir1<) slt1cci r1ts.
Tl1c cx11c r ic r1ccs I c11ci. t1rcd i11 tl1ctl s111,1lll1ig·l1 scl1<)<)l <)f G r cc r1sl)c)rc), :'<)rtl1
C,1r<)lir1a c a tisc cl me tc) 1c t 1cs tic)r1 tl1c ir1tcgrit)· C)f 111y tc,1cl1crs. H c)vvCC)Ltlcl111y
tcacl1crs l1c,1r tl1csc cl,1il)' co r1clcs cc r1cl1i1g co111n1c11ts of tl1cir stt1clcr1t ir1 tl1cir cla ss rc>c>111s a11cl c!c) 11c)tl1i11g ,1l)c>t1t it? 111 tl1c , ,·c>rc ls C)f tl1c c 11i11c11t scl1c>lar a11cl
a c t i, ·ist, ( <> r11cl 'est, ''' l ' l1c ce>Jl Clili <) ll ()r lrt1tl1 is al!c)VVi11g St1llc· r i11g l() SJ) Ca k
rcgctrcllcss c)f J)C)J) Ltl ctr it)r, , ,·l1crc is )'C)Ltr i11tcgr ity?'' ( \:st, 2() 14) D iel 111)1 lc ctcl1crs C 'C11 l1ct>c a 11y i11ctg rit)/ .'cts tl1is i11tcg·rit)·/ <)r l;-1ck <)f, cx c111 )lificcl l)y· teacl1crs, als<) l1i11c.icrir1g 1111· 11ccrs ;1, 11cl 111e fr<)111 rccci,·i11g a <1ttality
cclt1ca tic)r1?, r l1) r vvcrc tllc)· r1c)t a d d rc ss ir1g tl1c s t1ffcrir1g, l1apJ)Cr1ir1g 1:-)cfc)rC'
their ,rcr1· C)·cs? .'T: l1crc ,vas tl1c jt1sticc tl1at I ,.v,1s lo11gi r1g for?
Tl1rc)t1gl1ot1t !1ig 1 scl1l)<1l, c1t1cs ti<)11s st1cl1 as l11csc c irc tda tccl i11 111·)
l1c,1cl c111cl
fi.1rtl1cr i11g ra i11ccl a sc 11sc c>C sc lf-la111c11t.' l"l1c ccH11l)i11ci1ctH1 c>C CC)llSta 11t 11c>xic>t1s
sta tc111c11ts, as ,veil els 111y1 ) a rc 11t's c,li,
o rc < r c s t1ltc cl i11 till' co11ti11t01
L1s c l)l) <)f 111)r
g r a cle s. ,
.I )
111i11i111t1111 ,,vag·e j<)l) <)f sc <)<l}1i 11g ice c rc a111llcca11c 11)' sct1c: l1a,1 c11,
a J)lace , vl1crc I CC)ltlci.
l c 1111)<)rctril)1 f<)rge t scl1<)C)l a 11ci.
l1<)111c. lr1 tl1e C)rcs <)f 111)!
tcc:tcl1ers, it 111,1)· l1a,·e a111)c,1rc cl tl1,tt 111y C<)D1J)C)rt111rc1tvvas a1),1tl1etic <)r lc tl1a.r
va rcl 111)· s tt1clics, l)ttt tl1at vv,1s riot tl1c case. I clicl care; I jt1st clicl rio t kr1c), v
l1c)vvt<) st 1ccc c cl ir1 a f)lacc tl1a t scc111ccl t<) 11<) t care ,1})c>t 1t tl1cir I ,a ti11c> s tt1clc11ts.
' 'l
l1cy 111a clc a ss tt111])li<111s , vit l1c)ttl a s ki11g c1 t H' s tic>11s, , vl1ic l1, I l)c! ic, ·c, 111irr<)rc cl
tl1cir ct11a tl1y a11cl lc tl1arg")· lC)v,-1rcl 111c. D iel tl1cy tl1i11k I vvas elt1111 ) ? Diel tl1cy
tl1i11k c)f 1111);1.
ccc11l c)r 11y l)agg")' cl<ltl1cs cts cl 11t1is;-111ce? 111)· clicl tll C')
trc,1t 11c
,-1s ,t , v,1lkir1g set c)f clcficic11cics (Kiel<). 2()1())? I<lre i111)<)rlctr1tl)1, die! tl1e)1 tl1i11k
I l1ad r1<)tl1ir1g tC) c)ffcr? Bc)rr<), vir1g a 111ctapl1<)r frc)111 R <)l)cr t T<) Sc s, 111)· d iclr1't
( ; , )ti le· "sl<)vv tl1e l)LIS clc) vv11" SC> tl1aL 111' talC'11ts a11cl vvisclc)111 l1a ci ti111c lC> flc)t1risl1
( 1y111c1, 2 ()() S ) ? H c1cl tl1cy slo vccl tl1c l) LIS clc>,, ·11, lil<'Y vvoLdcl l1a1 C rcalizccl tl1c1l l l1ctd l.)cc11 r)la)·i11gJ.)i,111c> s i11cc tl1c a g·c <>f f1 1 c : c>r tl1,1t I Vets a J.)Crsc>11 c>f ctl1ics
a11d i11tcg·rit·; c>r tl1ctt I , ·c1: s ctlr cctc.1,r r)arl c>f Ai11cricc:1's ,,vc>r kfc>rcc ell tl1c a!!C c>f
1 I · ,, f .J
1(j; C)r tl1at 111)' I)c:1rcr1t's in1n1igratccl tc> tl1is C<>t 111tr: ' dt1c t<> tl1c ci·il v-var ir1 icarag1.1a; ar1cl, tl1t1s, I t)rot1gl1t a cliffercr1t J)ersr)ccti·e tc) tl1c cl,1ssrc)c)111 tl1,1t
( ,, · t') )1r1igl1t ft1rtl1er e11ricl1 111)' fc,llc>,,. J)Cers. Bt1t n1y tea c l1crs r1e'er s,lc> til<'. C<) Ldcl o·<'t tc> k11c>,, · 111c.
vccl tl1,1t l)LIS sc>
111 c>r cl<'r l<> l)cltcr L111clcrsta11cl 111y l)rc>,v11 j)<'l'Sj)'< Cl i·c, it is i1ll j)<'r a ti1 c· l<>
aclclrcss tl1c 11c1>g· r ;-11) l1ic <>f 111r)i11stilL1lic>11. Half c)f tl1c scl1c>c)l , va s vvl1itc, vvitl1>J)Cr clc tss studcr1ts, a11cl tl1c <>tl1cr l1al,f, v,.ts cc>1111)<>sccl c>f JJC>c>r
,vl1itc, l>la c k., L,.1tir1c>, ar1c.l 111c>11tagT1c1rcl s tuc.t c 11ts. .t c lditic>r1all)·,,vc l1ad a sm,.11
J)<)pt1l,ltic)r1 c)f I)Oc)r i 111nigra r1t stuclcr1ts. Frc)11 ;1 g c c)g r a 1)l1 ic sta r1clpc) i r1t, tl1c strL1ctt1rc c)f tl1c l) t1ilcli11g scr)aratccl tr1c vvcaltl1y· siclc a11ci t l1c J)C)Or s icie c)f
c;rcc11st)C)J'C)r. l l1c 111C>r C a fll ttC'll t ])a rt c)f c; rcc11sl)C)J'C) Vas C)ll tl1c ,,·est siclc C>f
tl1c scl1c1ol i 1c i11g lusl1 grcc11<'ry. 'l 'l1c castc r11 sicl<' c>f tl1c l) L1ilcli11g, ,vl1icl1 l1c)t1sc cl tl1c cc)ttrscs fc)r tl1c J) C>c>r s tt1clc11st , f tcccl a 11;.-tl11ctl.>lc clc c a y <>f l.)Ltsi 11csscs
( ' -' ; )a11d l1c>t 1si11!!i11far str t1ctt1rc s. I rc111c111l>cr 111' s c11ic>r cl,.1ss l1ctc.l tc,>
·isi t cl s cl 1c>c>l
fc>r a titistic cl1ilclrcr1 tl1a t , ras c)r1 tl1c cast side c>f tl1c scl-1c>c>l; l1c),,·c,·c r, r1c>11c c>f tl1c ,.v}1tie s tt1cle r1ts l r1c, r its lc)catic)rl, t)t1t ,111 tl1c stt1cler1ts C)f colc)r kr1e,,v
exact!,,· vl1cre it ,ras. Tl1e clic l1o to111,· l)etvvecr1 tl1c ,vl1ite st t1cie11ts ;1, 11cl tl1c
, I
s t ucle11ts c>f cc>lc>r vvas clearly a11cl 1)ll )'Sica ll)1 c, ·iclc11t. Des1)itc tl1c f 1ct tl1at
111;-111y ()r LIS V('f(' raisC'cl i11 c;rcc11sl)()l'O, VC all l ll l CI C'r sto c>cl a11cl i 11lC'f )) l'(' t CCI
( , I )tl1c c itv i11 cliiTcrc11t ,,·cl'S.
Tl1c scl1c>c>l rcflcctccl tl1c c.lirisi c>11s tl1c1l c>ftc11 <>CC:Ltr i11 ci ties a11cl t C),v11s , ,·itl1 a grc->, vir1g La ti11c> clc111<)gr,lJ>l1ic. D t1rir1g tr1c l 9S)()s i11 I c>rll1 Carc>li11,.1, as ir1 111,111)· sot1tl-1crr1 states, L,1tir1c> p<)pt1latior1s g rc,,v l)). 1nc>re tl1ar1 3()() })Crc e r1t.
SJ) Cc ific c11l) the pOJ)ttlatic)rl C)f fc)rcig r1-t)c)r11 I…atir1os g,re ,· l))' l ()5() J)Crce11t ir1
Ic>r tl1 ( arc>li11a ( 'i11clc r s, 2()(l.1). If vvc arc tl1c fastest grc)vi11g c t h11ic 111i11>cr il)' g·rc>LI]) i11 tl1c C11itccl States (( ; a11cla r a & ( c>11trc ras, 2 ()() )) . vvl1y clc1 vvc 11c>t l1a ·c a l1igl1cr 11Lu11l)cr c)r L a ti11c)s g r a c.lL1,-lti11gfr()111 l1igl1 scl1c>c)ls ct11cl attc11cli11g ir1stitt1tic>11s <>f l1igl1cr cclt1ca lic>11:-> Tl1c sacl ,.111c.l l1c1rsl1 rcc1lit)' is tl1al
al)c)ttt l1c1lf <>f L c1ti11<> s t t1clcr1ts f,1il tc> ctttai11 a l1igl1 scl1c>c)l diJ)lc>n1,1. . Otl1cr
etl-111ic 111ri1c)r i tic s, ir1clt1clir1g ! frica r1-, 111erica r1s11,lv·c sccr1 i11cre,1scs ir1 cc)llcgc grc1d t1,1t io11 rates, l)t 1t 1Tl)' I…atir10 r)r<)tr1crs ar1d sisters 11,1.·c yet t<) sec st1c l·1 J)rc>grcss i11 t1c J)ast '.) () years ((; a11cia ra & ( C)]lt rc ra s, 2 ( )( ) )) . U11clersta11cli11g
tl1csc rC';1- litiC's ;-1llc>vvs 111c· tc> ask C>11cc aga i11, if 11ry l<'acl1crs !1C'a r cl tll<'
·c l1c 111c11tl)i J.1Cr11icic>L1s c c>111111c11tsa i111c cl ell 11'1) Lati11c> l)rc>tl1crs a11cl sisters,
, vl1· dicl tl1cv 11c>t s ,1 · c111·tl1i11·g? 1' l1,1t , ,·;-1s tl1cir d ttt · as tcctcl1crs ,,·l1cr1 tl1c,1
} I , I _I I I
savv tl1c l)rc),,vr1 kids r1c>t rctL1r11i11g t<> s cl 1c><> l tr1c fc)llc>,, · i r1g·cla)·? !l1a t ,vas tl1cir role ,1s e clt ica tors ir1 tl1c>sc SJ)ecific rr1c)111cr1ts?
( )Crl)a11 ccluca tc>r,. J<1a 111 11111c(2() I '>), CX])la i11s ,vl1at scc111s tc> l)c Jl <> t C>1l l)1 c>rtl1
c.:a roli11;.1's scl1oc>l clilc111111a, l)Lll ,llso Lll ,l t or tl1c 11atiC>ll. Sl1c cx1) lai11s Lllcll
' i. 1111<>rxi 1, 11ltcl)' 84% <>f lcacl1crs i11 l)Ltl.>lic sc l1<><>ls arc , vl1itc cl11d 111c>s tl)1 fc111c1lc. litl 1" lll c)f tl1is r>c>, ver ;:111c.i ,1.ccess tc> l>Ltl>lic cclt1cali<>11, , vl11· l1c1,·c , ,·c
failccl tc) c ffccti,1cl)' cdt1c,1tc !) a11cl l)r<>,vr1 cl1 ilclr-c·11,csr)cci,111' )tl1c>sc fc)rcc cl
to li,1c ir1 110,·cr t)'; i11cluclir1g tl1c ,.vl1itc 11oc)r?" Sl1c c1t1cstio11,s
,-l1itc cclt1ca to rs'
rcsista 11cc tc> c l1allc11gc tl1c>sc , vl1c)' '1T1;-1kc tc>11s c>r 111c>11C)' rrcH11 a sc l1c>c>l- tc>- 1)riscH1
J) iJ)c li11c?" 1\11111c alsc> c <111f1c·H1ts tl1c f 1 ilL1rc c>f tca c l1crs le> i11str L1c t '·vvl1itc cl1ilclrc 11 al)C>L1t tl1cir ci,·ic rcs11<111sil>i lit)· l<> l >c cc) 111c agc11ts c>f' sc>c i a l jLtslicc a11cl
CC! .l l l l )'
'·,)'' IIJ,·).
Tl1is i11clict111c11t c>f sc l1c>c>l s, ta kc11 fr<>111, 111r1c's l.>c><>k. C'onfes.rions (!f a T l 1hite
Educator: Stories i1z Searclz of ] zlsLice ancl Diverl'i fv, suggests tl1at sa111c c a ll fc)r
j t1s ticc tl1at I l,1,a c lo r1g c cl for si11cc I vv,1s I 2 )1Ca r s – c)lcl. Sl1c s1)c a l.;,s frc)111 tl1c
J ) C'f SJ ) C'Cti,1c ()r a Vtlitc tc,1cl1cr ,.vl10 vvas rais c el i11 ltl(' S()lt tl1c r 11 Sl,1lC' ( )r
c; c c>rg ia, a11el l1cr J)r c11 1isc is s i1111) lc,; ,·l1crc is tl1c _ jt1s t ic c ?
l'c>t C>tl l)· l1;.:1s 111·) st<1r)· !e el 11c t<1 i11tcrrc>gatc tl1c 11c>ti<>11 c> f ,i t1s t icc, l)Lt t it l1as als<) ! ) L1s l1cel 111c LC> 111c eli ta t<· c>11 tl1c i11siclio L1s clc t i<>11s <>f i11stitL1ti<>11;.:1l r a c is111
tl1at tl1, va r ts tl1e ,c, e,r , clav li,1cs c)f tl1e clisc11fr;:111lc1isecl. Vere 111,1 lcctcl1ers
; • I ,
l)ci11g racist <)r \'ere tl1c1· just l)lir1cl t<) \'llclt VclS l1aJ)J)Cr1i11g? I rc111e111l)cr <)Ile c)f tl1c fc,v tin1cs sc)n1cc)r1c r)rc)ugl1t LI]) tl1c isstic C)f r,1c isn1 ir1 cla ss , tl1c tcacl1cr
l)rt1sl1ccl it <>f[ Sl1c sa id, ''I clo r1't sec cc)lor, a r1cl r1citl1cr sl10L1ld yot1. r1 c s l1o t1lcl
all r) C CC>i()r r) li 11cl." las sl1c r i:o-·, l1l S ll<) tdei !Tl; l1i:0-·, )1 sc ll (H) I c L:1ss111a tcs a11ei J
' ; <
1·1<·)111 tl1c J) Crs11c c tivc <>f ( r i tica l l{a cc 'l 'l1c<1r y (C l{ l '), r,-1c is 111 is rcg a rclc cl ,ls 11<>r111al a 11cl <)rcli11clr ,.:, 11c>t a! Jcrr,-tti<>11;,.tl. C: R l' sc l1c>la r s t111clcrs t;,.t11cltl1at racis111 is a 1.>c r, ·a si, 1e J>c1rt c)f tl1c C.S. cL1l t L1re a11d is sc) cr1grair1cd i11 tl1c l)c)cl1· JJ<)litic tl1..:1t it sccn1s i11·,isil)lc t<) clTl)' <)11c ,,vl1<) isr1·t ,·ictin1izccl 1))1 it. Frc)111 tl1at star1cc, tl1c rc aso r1 racis111 is r1ot rc clr cssc cl ir1sc)cic t) ' is r)c c,1t1s c it is r1c>t a c kr1c),,vlc clgcd . T l1crcfc>rc , c,:cr1 t ho t1g l1 colc1r l1 li11ch1css c;1-1 1 sc)t111ei os tc r1sir)I)' g c)C)cl, it alsc)
( ( (J I ( J )( ,-1)1 l)c c:o-,·rc2:ic>LIS vvl1c 11 it s ta11cls i11 til e ,va,· C)r '' taki11 2·.
ll l C>f clifT'c
rc11c c
i11 <1r clc r l(> l1c1l ) tl1osc i11 11cccl" (Dclg,1clc> & Stcf 111cic (Eels), 2()12.! ) . 2()). By
clcfi11itic>11. it Vi:l11ts tc> !Jlc >t <)Lit cliffcre11cc, 111aki11·g s,1111c11css SLl]Jcric)r tc>
cli,·crsit·)' C <)l<)r l)li11ch1scs, t11c<>r1sci<)t1sly <>r 11c)t, tries t<) 111c1kc tl1c ,1 isil)lc
i r1,·isil )lc. T l1t1s, Black, Brc),,·11, Reel, ,1r1cl ' c llc)\' cl1ild rcr1 ,.vc)t1ld l)cC<)mc ir1,risil)lc to a do1i-1ir1,1r1tct1ltt1rc.
Sc) it's r)C'Cll a lor1g jot1r11cy· t() lc;-1r r1 tr1at Il l ) ' tc,1cr1cr 'c1Scloir1g n1c ar1el 111y
J)CCrs a eiisscr,:icc r)): attCillJ)ti11g (<)! ) CrS tlrlClc LI S lC> ! ) C (' () I C))' r)l i11el. Btt l, j t1s t clS
l)ig a 11 isstH,' vi tl1i11 tl1at f1·,-1111c, v<>r k, is tl1a t vvl1itcs 'll<> <·111!)racc C<>l<>r
l>li11cl11css, , ,·l1c11fa cc cl ,vitl1 c,·iclc11cc c)f cliscri1111i1cltic>11, ·';-lc k11c>, ''lcclg·c its
<)cct1rrc11ce l>L1t lct!Jcl tl1c CJ)is<)clcs as ' is <)la tccl i11cic.lc11st' a11c.l J)r<)cced t<) IJ l a 111c 1nir1c)ritics f<)r I)layir1g tl1c 'r;:1cc c..:1rd'" (Bc)11illa-S il,·a, 2(,)1 1-, J). 3()3). .L st Lid);
c o 11str L1Cl a 11cl rc s110 11cl lc1 r ;1 c is111, 11,,1ilccl tl1is 1 r c111c 11si ty l<) b-ll1c l rac is111 as ;,111 a Jcrr,1tic)11 <>r le) ig11c)rc il allc)gc tl1cr (H a rclic & T)1Sc)11. '.2() 13). Lc)c)ki11g·al c{iffereril r;-1c i,1 l tc ris ic)1is l)e t,,'ee ri l)la ck a11cl vvl1itc slllclerils ell cl lc)c a l liigli scl1c) c)l , t l1c r csc a r c l1crs fc)Ll1id tl1at clcspitc ;-111 tl1c racia,l issLlCS a11d ric)ts o c cL1r ri11g·i11 tl1e l1igl1scl1c)C)l, tcacl1crs ar1cl a cl111ir1itsr a tc)rs d ie! 11ot clis CLlSS t l1c iss t1cs i11 tl1cir cla ss . 111 fac t, " T c ,-1c l1e r s ;-11)J)C,1recl rc l uc ta 11t tC) ciisc t1ss tl1c
i11ciclc11l i11fi'()lll Cr) Sl L1Clc11ts" (H a rclic &' l 'S()l ). '.2() l '.-3, )) . 9 2).
i- s l1a11 11c 11c·cl i11111)' l1igl1 scl1c>c1l, tl1cse tc;,1cl1crs r cs istccl a clclr c ssi 11g·tl1e issL1c c)f racis111, l)Ltl i11stea cl u11cc)11sc ic)Lts l)i 1 rc)111c)tc cl c c)lc)r l)li11cl11css. 111lier l)c)c)k,
T– 1 t {V Ar e A LL the BlacA·l ltds ,S'itting'Jo.gether in lite C'qfeteria. B,e, c r l) i D ;-111ci l T;-1tL1111
(1997) ac1clr e ssc d iss L1c s s ucli as sclf-scgrcgatic)ri ir1 sclic)c)ls a11d l1c)\' ,.vc ,-ts ed t1c;-1tors ca11 get ]) a st C)ttr rclL1ct;-1r1cc tc) ;-1c lclrcss r;-1c is 111. l11 T ;,1tc 's cx 1) cric11cc,
st t1clc11ts l1a,·c cc)n1e i11to her classrc)o111 l-,1a 1 ir1g lc a r r1ccl tl1,1t tl1ere is ,l tal)C>C)
ag a i11st s11c a ki11g a ) c>t1t iss u es c>f race, cs11c c ia lly· vvl1c11 i11 c tl111ic cH· ra c ia l!)' 111ixc cl sc·tti11gs. 'l 'l1crcic) r c , s l1e l1clic,.-cs t l1a t c111c <>f' lie r clulics as a tca cl1cr,
alll1c)L1g·l1 il 111;1; y l)e cl1,1llc1ig i1ig·, is tc) create a safe: e1i,1 i rc)1i111e11tiii lie r class
rc)c)111 tc) c),·ercc)111c tlia t t,-tlJC)C). Iii lie r l)c)c)k. slie relates ti11es , v·l ic r c s lic li;-1s l ic ,1rd , vlii tc st11cicrits re fe r tc) sc)n1ec)ric ,1s l)b1: ck iii li11sli c d tc)11cs. wliis1)cri11g tc) c ;-1c l1 C)tl1cr ;-1s tc) 11c)t be l1ca rcl. l11lier vvc)r cls, ·' v' l1c r1 I clctcct tl1is l)el-1;-1, ·i c)r, I li ke tC) J) C)i11t it c)11t, sa )1 ir1g it is r1c)t a11 i11s ttlt tc) iclc11tif)· a Bla c k J)c r so 11 a.s
Bla c k" '( la Lt1111, I ) ) 7, 11. '.17). S l1c c111 l) ra cc cl tl1csc <1])J)C>r t t 111iti<:s tc> c r a clica tc
tl1c ta l)C)() or cx1 1l ic itl)1 rc c c1g 11izi11g C<)l()J', ()r S])Cc1ki11g a l)OLI L rclCC i11 cl,1ss
r()()l1S1. ,..f. l1,lt, sl1c Jclic,·ccl, vv,-1s l ie r c i, ·ic clLtt)i as cl tc a c l1c r. Bclic,·i11g tl1at l1cr
rcs1 )c)11silJ i!i t)' is 11c)t tc) kccr) c1L1ic t, l)11t tc) s11c,-1k c)1)c11)l' al)<)Ltl tl1csc issL1cs tl1a l affect all st11cierits, 11c)t j11s t st11clc rits ()f cc)lc)r. i .ftc r all, racis111is a clisc,1sc that
i1i-1p;-1cts tl1c, , i c ti111 a11ci tl1e l)C'r J) Ctr a t c)r ir1 a 111t1ltict1lt11r;,1l r1atic)r1 a11cl ·o rl cl.
1 s S cH1ia Xictc) ( 2()1()) sa ici , '' 1f t tltic ttltt1r a l c ci t1c a tic)11 is 11c>t a l) c)ttt J) <) litica l c c>r r c c t 11<:ss , s <:11sit i, ·ity lra i11i11g c>r <:t l111ic c l1C'c r l<'a cli11g. It is 11 r i111a ril)· a l1c)t1l
sc)c ial j L1s li c c" 1( 1. 27()).
i- s I lc) c>k ) a c k a t 111)' stc) r );1
I a c k11c>, 'lc cigc tha t 111y l if'e.
l1as l) c c11 i11nt1c 11c c cl
c111(1 a fl 'c
c tccl l1y ! ) ()l'(
l'l)' ', i11a l1ilit)' l<) S))Cc1k tile clc>Jl l i11a11t la11g uag·c ()r tile
L 11ilccl Sta les, cliscri11i11a lic)11,a11cl l)y a 111yri,,1cl c)f C)t l1cr f 1c l c)rs. H c),,·c,·c r, tl1c)sc C)ll1cr 1:1ctc)rs a ls c) i11cl11clc lc),1 c . 11c111tc)r s. c1. 11cl 11ra.1)c r s fr c)11 fric11cls ;-111cl
Bc)r rc)vvi11g tl1c , ,·c)r d s c)f C c)r r1cl,
:s t , " I, t in ,vl1c) I a 111 l)c ca use
sc)mcc)r1c lc),:c cl 111,·c ( 'Vest, 2() 1-:1-). c , ·c r tl1clcss, tl1c lack C)f j11sticc ;-1r1cl
ir1tcgri t)· exc1111)lificcl I)). 111y tca cl1crs i11 }1ig}1 sct1ool ;–1r1cl cc)llcgc, a lo11g vvitt1
t l1c ccH1clc scc 11cli11g CJ) it l1c ts ciirc c tc cl at 111') ,
I a ti11c> l) ro t hcrs a11cl siste rs,
C<>11tr il1L1tccl l<> 1111)
clc v·clc>J1 111<' Jl l as a11 i11c,li,
ic lL1;–1l. 'l'l1c scccls <)f' tl1c i11111 c)s tc r
S)·11clr c)111c. a11 iclc11til)' els ;;1 f r a1 1cl, tl1;-1t c)ft.c1111,-1rgi11;1; lizccl l1igl1 acl1ic,1 crs
i11tcr11a lizc (P;;1rki111a1& Bc;1;
rcl, '.2()()8,l ).
'.2), , ·e re first sc vv11 i11111c Lll
) <)ll 111y
arri,·ctl ir1 l1igl1 scl1c)c)l a11d r1,a,
c lir1gcre cl. E,·cr1 tl1c)L1g l: i
I a n 1 r1c)vv 1)11srL1irig ,1
l Iastc r's elcg rc c a 11el CL1rrc11tl·y CX])lc>ri11g J)C>ssil)ilitics tc> c11rc>ll i11 a11 c111i11c11t clo c toral J)rc>gra111, tl1c S)'11clro111c is s till clcc1) l y ro c>tc el i11 111<'. .,-ltl10L1gl1 111y
fric11cls ct11cl fa111i)l1 c <>11,gr -tl L1la tc 111c <>11 111·) zc,-tl<)Lts clri·c, L1111>cr tL111atcly. tl1c
( I I .J L J )1ncn1<)rics <)f ;-111 ;.1rclL1<)L1s J.c)ur r1c1 i11flictcc.{ l >v l1c!..!.'C111c>r1ic tcacl1i11t.!.' ;.1rc still
cr1111csl1ccl ir1 11, 1' mi11d.
-lIaJcc)l1n X e>11cc s,1i cl, ''To111c>rrc)\. l-)c l c)r1gs C>r1ly to tl1c 1,co11lc '"l-1c> 1,rc11arc lc) r it to cla y" (S l1al)a zz, I )7()), a11cl tl1aJ is ,·l1at I as11irc to clc>. T o ela ); I a111 1)rc1)ari11g fc)l· tC)lllC>rrc>,v l) c ca t1sc I u11elc rs ta 11cl tl1at tl1c k11c>,,· Ie eige I seek 11c-cels t<> I)<' 111c>l) ili zccl tc> c ra clic a tc tl1c i11sLdarit y c>f' 111argi11;.;1lizc cl J)<'<>J)lc. I
l1<>JJC t<) scc111 11c)t ca11t;-111kcr<>L1s <)r cli1isi ·c , l)Ltt t<> 11r
icl c i11sigl1t frc)111 cl
first-l1a11c.l J.>Cr SJ)Cc ti'C <>11 a l1c1rsl1 rcality tl1c1t n1ctll)' <>f <>Ltr cl1ilc.lrc11 fc1cc c.lLtc
tc> cdL1c,1tic>r1,1l l1cgc1n<>11,· a. sc>cictal ,1l>L1sc tl1at l1;-1s left m;:111· c>f Lts m c r1t,1ll1
L I I ,
cxl1,1L1stccl ,1r1cl sc,1rrccl. Tl1c Ltr1jL1st, p c r r1icio L1s, a11cl cl.c)111i11,1tir1g S)1 Stc111tl1,1t
has !eel tc> tl1c pl1y·sical, 111c11tal, ar1cl SJ) irit1121l clc111isc c) I too 111,111' )c:>f <J11r
c l1ileirc11 ca11 11c> lc)l1ger l)c tc>le rc1tccl. ..'s tl1c 11,c>, c list .J;,1111cs Balel,vi11 saiel,
"'E,·crytl1i11g 11<>,, ·, ,vc 111L1st assL1111c, is i11 0L1r l1a11cls; ,vc l1a,1 c 11<> rigl1t l<> assL1111c C)tl1crvvisc" ( 'e s t, 1 ) )3, J1. X X I I I ).
B<">11illa -S il: a , 1:.:. (2() I +). R aci.1111 7{1ilhout racists: ( :olor-hlillrlraci1."Jn anrl lltf j>f1 :1is/(111cf
.r?/ ratial inPquali{J1 in .'illl frica, 4tl1 cel. La11!1a11, 1l1D: l{<>,v111a11 & LittlcficleL
( r<>SS, V., ct ;-1l. ( l )S)G). l•'l1agc11-S111itl1, l.)c c>11y
clc rsc11, Pc1L1l B.; DragL111s,
J L1ris c;.: Lc)1111cr. ,'a lter J .. "f 'ri111l)lc, J<>sc11l1 E. :' ig·rcscc11cc ,111cl cg·<> iclc11tti)1'Cl<>) )l11Cllt: Ac c<>L111tir1g fc>r c.liffcrcr1tial Blc1ck id c11til)' J.>c1ttcrr1s. Cc,1tnseLi1ig across cztl!ures, 1l tl1 ed. T l1<>Lts,1r1c-l0 ,1 ks, Ci , US: S,:igc P t1l)lic;:1ti<>11s, I11c., J)p. 1()8 123, X:ii, 373.
D clgaclo, R., & S tcfa r1cic, J . (Eels). (2()12). Critical race theo r an introrluctio,i, 211d eel. :'"c,,· 'l' c>r k: :'c,v Yc>rk U11i·crsi,tv T>rcss.
E, , a11s, N. E., l "> r 11C)', l) . S., (; t1ielc>, F :1£. , }) a ttc>I1, J_,_ 1 ) .; & 1ic1111, K..A. (Eels).
(2() 1()),.
'!udr1 11! rfev fl oj1111enl in colle,5;e: i h(1 01_-;•1
research, anrl J>raclire, 211el e el. S;-111
r1 ·a 11cisC(): J {)SSC) ! – B,tSS.
Gc111clara, P, & C: c>11trc r;-1s, F (2()()9). Tlze Latino ecfucalion crisis: 'The consequences
(lj Jailed social policies. C ,.111.>r ic lg·< l a ss . : H a r 11rcl U11i·crsit)1 Press.
H ardie, J . H ., & T y·sc>11, K. (2()13). Otl1cr r>c <)})lc's r,1cis1n:
,R 1ce, rcc-l11ccks,
a11cl ri<)ts ir1 a So11tl1crr1 l1igl1 scl1c)ol. .5ociool,gJ1 qf Eclucation f3(1 (1), f33 1()2.
ic t<), S. ( 2 () l ()). U l7{gua,g)e
Yc">rk: R c>t1tlc eigc.
culture, anrl leaching: C'riticrtl jJei:1/Jectives, 2r1d eel. Ncvv
)l a r k111a11, i ., & Bc c1.r cl, lZ. (2()()8). Succcssic)11 )l la1111i11g a11cl tl1c l111J)C>stc r
P l1 c101 111c11c)11i11 H igl1cr EclL1c,1tio11. (A' {_! J -4-JJR ] ournal , :>SJ (2), 2S)- _'.-3(;
Sl1a l.) clzz , B. ( l S)7()). B_)1 a1 J' 1neans neressa1_· )1: S11eerhes. i11tervielu.1. anrf a letter /!Ji
-1l alco/111 .¥. Kc-v Yc>r k: Patl1fi11clcr Press.
TatL111, B. (1S)97). T ll / J' are a/L the black lcids sitting toge/Iler in the t{ifeteria. N c,,v
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