Last week’s Mock question: ?how do AI innovations can help transform health care systems with the introduction of AI diagnosis an
Last week's Mock question: how do AI innovations can help transform health care systems with the introduction of AI diagnosis and AI medicines, potential smart devices and, intelligent delivery methods. How to protect cyber threats to important personal health care information using AI.
There is a connection between Mock and chapter one. Therefore, as an extension of our week in mock from last week, we will write a new mock.
- Review the rubric and examples to make sure that you understand what is expected of you in this assignment.
- Develop a 3 pages mock chapter one to include the following expectations from the university:
- Overview (1-2 well developed paragraphs)
- Background and problem statement (1-2 well developed paragraphs)
- Purpose of the study (1 well developed paragraph)
- Significance of the study (1 well developed paragraph)
- Research Questions (numbered list)
- Limitations of the Study (1 short paragraph)
- Assumptions (1 short paragraph)
- Definitions (list)
- Summary (1 well developed paragraph)
Rubric for Chapter One
No Present |
Emerging |
Approaches Expectations |
Meets Expectations |
Exceeds Expectations |
Overview: |
0 points |
10 points This section provides a brief overview of the research focus or problem, does not clearly explain why this study is worth conducting, and briefly discusses how this study will be completed. |
15 points This section provides a brief overview of the research focus or problem, somewhat explains why this study is worth conducting, and briefly discusses how this study will be completed. |
18 points This section provides a brief overview of the research focus or problem, explains why this study is worth conducting, and discusses how this study will be completed. |
20 points |
Background and Problem Statement: |
0 points |
10 points The background section does not clearly explain both the history of and the present state of the problem and research focus. It somewhat identifies the "gap" or "need" based on a summary of the current literature and discusses how the study will address that "gap" or "need." |
15 points The background section somewhat explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and research focus. It identifies the "gap" or "need" based on a summary of the current literature and discusses how the study will address that "gap" or "need." |
18 points The background section explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and research focus. It identifies the "gap" or "need" based on a summary of the current literature and discusses how the study will address that "gap" or "need." |
20 points The background section strongly explains both the history of and the present state of the problem and research focus. It identifies the "gap" or "need" based on a summary of the current literature and persuasively discusses how the study will address that "gap" or "need." |
Purpose of the Study: |
0 points |
10 points The purpose statement section does not clearly expand on the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. |
15 points The purpose statement section somewhat expands on the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It somewhat explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. |
18 points The purpose statement section expands on the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. |
20 points The purpose statement section strongly expands on the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It clearly explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field. This section is summarized in Chapter 3. |
Significance of the Study: |
0 points |
10 points This section does not clearly identify and describe the significance of the study and the implications of the potential results based on the research questions, the problem statement, and the hypotheses or the investigated phenomena. It somewhat describes how the research fits within and will contribute to the current literature or body of research. It describes potential practical applications from the research. |
15 points This section somewhat identifies and describes the significance of the study and the implications of the potential results based on the research questions, the problem statement, and the hypotheses or the investigated phenomena. It somewhat describes how the research fits within and will contribute to the current literature or body of research. It describes potential practical applications from the research. |
18 points This section identifies and describes the significance of the study and the implications of the potential results based on the research questions, the problem statement, and the hypotheses or the investigated phenomena. It describes how the research fits within and will contribute to the current literature or body of research. It describes potential practical applications from the research. |
20 points This section strongly identifies and describes the significance of the study and the implications of the potential results based on the research questions, the problem statement, and the hypotheses or the investigated phenomena. It clearly describes how the research fits within and will contribute to the current literature or body of research. It describes potential practical applications from the research. |
Research Questions: |
0 points |
10 points This section does not clearly narrow the focus of the study by specifying the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it describes the variables and/or groups and their hypothesized relationship (quantitative study) or the phenomena under investigation (qualitative study). It somewhat describes how the research questions are related to the problem statement and how the research questions will facilitate collection of the data needed to answer the research questions. |
15 points This section somewhat narrows the focus of the study by specifying the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it describes the variables and/or groups and their hypothesized relationship (quantitative study) or the phenomena under investigation (qualitative study). It somewhat describes how the research questions are related to the problem statement and how the research questions will facilitate collection of the data needed to answer the research questions. |
18 points This section narrows the focus of the study by specifying the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it describes the variables and/or groups and their hypothesized relationship (quantitative study) or the phenomena under investigation (qualitative study). It describes how the research questions are related to the problem statement and how the research questions will facilitate collection of the data needed to answer the research questions. |
20 points This section narrows the focus of the study by specifying the research questions to address the problem statement. Based on the research questions, it strongly describes the variables and/or groups and their hypothesized relationship (quantitative study) or the phenomena under investigation (qualitative study). It strongly describes how the research questions are related to the problem statement and how the research questions will facilitate collection of the data needed to answer the research questions. |
Limitations of the Study: |
0 points |
2 points Does not clearly specify the limitations of the study. |
3 points Somewhat specifies the limitations of the study. |
4 points Specifies the limitations of the study. |
5 points Specifies the limitations of the study. |
Assumptions: |
0 points |
2 points This section does not clearly the assumptions of the study. |
3 points This section somewhat identifies the assumptions of the study. |
4 points This section identifies the assumptions of the study. |
5 points This section identifies the assumptions of the study. |
Definitions: |
0 points |
10 points This section does not clearly define the study constructs and provides a common understanding of the technical terms, exclusive jargon, variables, phenomena, concepts, and sundry terminology used within the scope of the study. Terms are not defined in lay language and in the context in which they are used within the study. |
15 points This section somewhat defines the study constructs and provides a common understanding of the technical terms, exclusive jargon, variables, phenomena, concepts, and sundry terminology used within the scope of the study. Terms are defined in lay language and in the context in which they are used within the study. |
18 points This section defines the study constructs and provides a common understanding of the technical terms, exclusive jargon, variables, phenomena, concepts, and sundry terminology used within the scope of the study. Terms are defined in lay language and in the context in which they are used within the study. |
20 points This section strongly defines the study constructs and provides a common understanding of the technical terms, exclusive jargon, variables, phenomena, concepts, and sundry terminology used within the scope of the study. Terms are clearly defined in lay language and in the context in which they are used within the study. |
Summary: |
0 points |
10 points This section does not adequately summarize the key points of Chapter 1 and provides supporting citations for those key points. It then does not provide a clear transition discussion to Chapter 2 followed by a description of the remaining chapters. |
15 points This section somewhat summarizes the key points of Chapter 1 and provides supporting citations for those key points. It then provides a slight transition discussion to Chapter 2 followed by a description of the remaining chapters. |
18 points This section summarizes the key points of Chapter 1 and provides supporting citations for those key points. It then provides a transition discussion to Chapter 2 followed by a description of the remaining chapters. |
20 points This section strongly summarizes the key points of Chapter 1 and provides supporting citations for those key points. It then provides strong a transition discussion to Chapter 2 followed by a description of the remaining chapters. |
Chapte 1
Since the publication of the Reagan e a education epo t, A Nation at Risk, the United
States has focused attention on education efo m (United States, 1983). This epo t used
compelling language to desc ibe Ame ica’s schools as la gely inadequate and unable to meet
global demands on education, the eby leaving Ame ica’s futu e in jeopa dy. Since that time
school leade s have emb aced va ious education efo m movements such as No Child Left Behind
and Eve y Student Succeeds Act (No Child Left Behind [NCLB], 2002, Eve y Student Succeeds
Act [ESSA], 2008). Each with thei own measu es of standa dized testing, academic achievement,
and school pe fo mance. Pe haps ove looked is the impo tance of school climate in the ove all
school imp ovement p ocess. Cleveland and Sink (2018) p omote the notion that student
pe spectives on school climate should be included in school imp ovement plans. Othe esea ches
such as Zahid (2014), suggest school climate to be the numbe one conside ation fo student
academic achievement.
Dutta & Sahney (2016) esea ched the elationship between school climate and student
achievement and suggested a positive co elation. School p incipals a e the leade s of thei
building, shaping a compelling vision fo the futu e while p omoting safety, academic
achievement, and a positive climate. Depending on the schools' size, the p incipal's job desc iption
may include cu iculum, discipline, community elations, and fiscal esponsibilities. P incipals a e
equi ed to balance the expectations of state, community, and dist ict leade s to p oduce the highest
possible standa dized testing, pe sonnel, and school climate esults. These esponsibilities make
them one of the most influential school imp ovement figu es.
Background and problem statement
Approaches Expectations
Leade ship p actices utilized by p incipals a e vital to the quality of thei job pe fo mance.
The influence of a p incipal extends to the pe ception of all inte nal and exte nal stakeholde s.
With inc easing esea ch to suggest positive school climates could be an influential component of
school imp ovement, p incipals should conside the extent to which inte nal stakeholde s such as
the teaching faculty pe ceive thei influence ove school climate. The extent to which p incipals
can influence school climate in A kansas’ schools is unknown.
Purpose of the study
The pu pose of this quantitative co elational esea ch was to investigate if and to what
extent p incipal leade ship p actices co elate with school climate as pe ceived by teache s in the in
u al and subu ban schools in A kansas. This study investigated the biva iate co elation between
the teache s' pe ception of the school p incipal's leade ship p actices and the co esponding
school's climate sco es. Twenty-fou schools a e included in the sample size f om six geog aphic
egions of A kansas. In all, 626 teache s pa ticipated, answe ing su veys ega ding thei
pe spective of 24 school p incipals and the co esponding school climates in A kansas. The
leade ship p actices of the p incipal and the school climate we e the va iables fo this study.
Significance of the study
The extant esea ch on school climate in cultu e is limited. P incipals seeking to imp ove
thei schools need guidance on how to p omote the best possible envi onment fo positive student
outcomes. P omoting a positive school climate may p ove beneficial to inc easing student
academic achievement. Unde standing the leade ship p actices as pe ceived that p omote a
positive school climate will benefit p incipals seeking to imp ove thei schools. This study will
ecommend leade ship p actices that may p omote a positive school climate fo ove all school
imp ovement in u al and subu ban schools in A kansas.
Research Questions
RQ1: To what extent does the ove all index of p incipal’s leade ship p actices co elate with
school climate as pe ceived by high school teache s in 24 u al and subu ban schools in A kansas?
Limitations of the Study
The scope of this study measu es the climates and leade ship behavio s of 24 schools and
p incipals. Given that school climates can change elatively quickly and a e subject to facto s
beyond the p incipals’ cont ol, the esults of this c oss-sectional study may only be app op iate fo
implementation fo a sho t time afte wa ds.
This study assumes that the inst uments used will accu ately po t ay leade ship behavio s
of school p incipals and p ope ly assess school climates. Responses eceived f om teache s a e
believed to accu ately eflect thei supe vising p incipal and accu ately measu e the co esponding
school climate.
Principal. The head leade ship position in a school. P incipals manage the day-to-day school
ope ations as well as manage discipline, cu iculum, and community engagement.
School culture. The collective beliefs and no ms of a school.
School climate may be the missing link of past education efo ms. P incipals have the
ability to influence the climate of thei espective schools. Resea ches have suggested a positive
co elation between school climate and student achievement (Dutta & Sahney, 2016). P oviding
school p incipals with best p actices to p omote a positive school climate may aide in ove all
school imp ovement measu es.
Cleveland, R. E., & Sink, C. A. (2018). Student happiness, school climate, and school
imp ovement plans. P ofessional School Counseling, 21(1)
doi:http://dx.doi.o g/10.1177/2156759X18761898
Dutta, V. & Sahney, S. (2016), School leade ship and its impact on student achievement: The
mediating ole of school climate and teache job satisfaction, Inte national Jou nal of
Educational Management, 30(6), 941-958. https://doi.o g/10.1108/IJEM-12-2014-0170
Eve y Student Succeeds Act of 2015, Pub. L. No. 114-95 § 114 Stat. 1177 (2015-2016).
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110, § 101, Stat. 1425 (2002).
United States. National Commission on Excellence in Education. (1983). A nation at isk : The
impe ative fo educational efo m. Washington, D.C.: The National Commission on
Excellence in Education.
Zahid, G. (2014). Di ect and indi ect impact of pe ceived school climate upon student outcomes.
Asian Social Science, 10(8), 90-102. http://dx.doi.o g/10.5539/ass.v10n8p90
Chapte 1
Int oduction
Ove view
With littl warning in March 2020, T nn ss Gov rnor Bill L ncourag d schools in th
stat to clos for th r maind r of th 2019-2020 school y ar. Although T nn ss r op n d public
schools for th 2020-2021 acad mic y ar, conc rns r main as COVID-19 inf ctions incr as . Th
COVID-19 pand mic has dramatically chang d th way schools can saf ly op rat , and incr as d
th d mands on schools and t ach rs. Th lack of a coh siv f d ral and stat r spons has l ft
individual school districts att mpting to m t th n ds of t ach rs without ad quat r sourc s or
Each y ar T nn ss ducators compl t a T nn ss Educator Surv y (TES) which
id ntifi s priority ar as for r s arch rs, l gislators, and school r form advocat s. On th 2020 TES,
t ach rs indicat d pr -pand mic workloads almost id ntical to pr vious y ars (42% sp nding mor
than 6 hours p r w k), but thos who r spond d aft r th pand mic r port d incr as d workloads
(53% sp nding mor than 6 hours p r w k) (TDOE, 2020). Th 2020 TES clos d at th b ginning
of May 2020 b for th full impact of managing in-p rson, distanc , hybrid, synchronous, and
asynchronous l arning w r r aliz d by T nn ss ducators.
In this p riod of xpand d xp ctations, th Prof ssional L arning Community (PLC) has
b com int gral to th succ ss of classroom ducators b caus this structur mpow rs p opl to
accomplish mor tog th r than what can b don as individuals (DuFour & Eak r, 1998). Th
focus of this r s arch will b to id ntify if t ach r p rsp ctiv s r garding collaboration within th
PLC has chang d b caus of th COVID-19 pand mic.
Statement of the P oblem
Meets Expectations – HIGH
As of Nov mb r 2020, th T nn ss Stat L gislatur has not waiv d t ach r and school
accountability m asur s, t ach r valuations, or stud nt standardiz d t sting for th 2020-2021
school y ar. School administrators and t ach rs continu to fac xpanding pr ssur to produc
acad mic r sults r gardl ss of th instabiliti s cr at d by th COVID-19 pand mic. Educators ar
stuck in a p rp tual cycl of accountability and growing d mands which disr gard th chall ng s
facing schools right now. Sinc th T nn ss Stat L gislatur will not r conv n until January of
2021, any l gislativ action r sponding to th pand mic will fall short of b ing d fin d as
“proactiv ” in mitigating t ach r workload or str ss ov r m asur s of accountability. School
l ad rs must tak action to h lp th ir t ach rs r spond to incr as d workload by ncouraging
collaboration within th PLC structur .
Pu pose of the Study
Th purpos of this study was to xamin th impact of th COVID-19 pand mic on
t ach r p rsp ctiv s conc rning collaboration within th PLC. Sinc th f d ral and stat r spons
has b n pitifully lacking in support of t ach rs, it is critical to giv districts and schools actionabl
ways to support th ir staff without adding additional burd n or str ss. Sinc th PLC is common
throughout schools, districts, and stat s, it provid s an xisting structur to m asur and xamin
th rol of collaboration for t ach rs r sponding to th COVID-19 pand mic.
Significance of the Study
In mod rn ducation history, th PLC has a long-standing history of addr ssing chall ng s
facing ducators to improv stud nt outcom s from th No Child L ft B hind (NCLB) and Rac to
th Top ducation r forms. School l ad rs must utiliz th xisting PLC collaborativ structur to
addr ss incr as d t ach r workloads r sulting from th COVID-19 pand mic. T ach r shortag s
and burnout conc rn d r s arch rs b for , and incr as d d mands r lat d to pand mic t aching
will xac rbat th s conc rns.
Resea ch Questions
For th purpos of this r s arch study, th focus will conc rn th following r s arch
qu stions:
1. Has th COVID-19 pand mic chang d t ach r p rsp ctiv s on Prof ssional L arning
Communiti s and collaboration?
2. If so, how can school administrators xpand upon this chang d p rsp ctiv as a
transformational mom nt for incr as d collaboration?
Limitations of the Study
Th COVID-19 pand mic may influ nc participation l v ls in surv ys and int rvi ws.
School cal ndars and mod s of instructional d liv ry continu to b fluid as school districts
att mpt to r spond to th spr ad of COVID-19 within th ir communiti s. Unc rtainty about th
r maind r of th 2020-2021 school y ar cr at s possibl futur limitations d p nding on th
progr ssion of th pand mic in closing schools or transitioning stud nts to a hybrid or onlin
structur . T ach rs who ar ov rwork d or str ss d may not prioritiz surv y or int rvi w
participation in r lation to oth r work duti s.
Within th r s arch, participants will tak a surv y asking t ach rs to answ r th sam s t
of qu stions bas d on pr -COVID-19 r coll ction (2019-2020 school y ar b for March 2020
school closur ) and during COVID-19 xp ri nc s (post-March 2020 school closur and 2020-
2021 school y ar). Th r s arch r assum s t ach rs will b abl to r m mb r accurat ly to b for
COVID-19 and will not allow hindsight bias to cloud thos r coll ctions.
Th r s arch r also assum s t ach rs will b hon st and forthcoming conc rning th ir
p rc ptions without allowing ducational “group-think” and “toxic positivity” cultur to influ nc
or sil nc th ir voic . By cr ating a surv y outsid district r sourc s and conducting individual
int rvi ws, th r s arch r has att mpt d to limit l gitimat t ach r f ars conc rning district or
school r taliation.
Th following d finitions ar provid d to xplain words and phras s commonly us d
throughout th study:
● COVID-19 pand mic: an ongoing global h alth m rg ncy, as d fin d by th World
H alth Organization, caus d by s v r acut r spiratory syndrom coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2) (Yu n,Y , Fung, Chan, & Jin, 2020)
● Prof ssional L arning Community (PLC): ducators working collaborativ ly in ongoing
proc ss s of coll ctiv inquiry to improv stud nt achi v m nt (DuFour, DuFour, & Eak r,
● Collaboration: proc ss in which p opl work tog th r, int rd p nd ntly, to improv r sults
(Dufour, 2004)
Summa y
This chapt r provid d an introduction to th r s arch study, common d finitions, and th
pr ssing natur of xamining th impact of th COVID-19 pand mic on t ach r p rc ption of
PLCs and collaboration. Inst ad of focusing on th n gativ impacts of th pand mic, th
r s arch r hop s th COVID-19 pand mic will facilitat transformational chang in t ach rs'
approach to collaboration. Chapt r 2’s will pr s nt a r vi w of th lit ratur stablishing th
importanc of th PLC as an ducational r form ffort and th rol of collaboration within that
proc ss.
Refe ences
DuFour, R., & Eak r, R. (1998). Prof ssional l arning communiti s at work: B st practic s for
nhancing stud nt achi v m nt. Association for Sup rvision and Curriculum D v lopm nt.
DuFour, R. (2004). What is a "prof ssional l arning community?" Educational L ad rship,
61(8), 6-11
DuFour, R., DuFour, R. B., & Eak r, R. E. (2008). R visiting prof ssional l arning communiti s at
work: N w insights for improving schools. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tr .
T nn ss D partm nt of Education (TDOE). (2020). T nn ss ducator surv y 2020 ov rvi w:
A r port from th T nn ss D partm nt of Education. nt/dam/tn/ ducation/data/2020-surv y/Combin d_Bri fs.pdf
Yu n, K.S., Y , Z.W., Fung, S.Y., Chan, C.P., & Jin, D.Y. (2020). SARS-CoV-2 and
COVID-19: Th most important r s arch qu stions. Cell Bi sci. 10:40. R tri v d
S pt mb r 19, 2020. doi:10.1186/s13578-020-00404-4
Ameri an s hools began during the early olonial period. Tea hers at that time required no
training to tea h. By the mid-1800s, s hools began to evolve, and formal training for tea hers
started. Formal training soon be ame a ollege edu ation and then morphed into a ertifi ation
pro ess. Today, thousands of individuals earn their ertifi ation to tea h in publi s hools. Though
this ertifi ation varies from state to state, all of them require a preparation program. Although
these programs must meet high standards and expe tations, individuals who omplete the
programs still begin their areers as novi e tea hers (Carr, 2013).
To assist these novi e tea hers in developing their skills, s hools implement a multitude of
professional learning models. Those models in lude professional learning seminars and mentoring.
In re ent years, s hools and s hool systems have moved to ombine these two methods by
employing instru tional oa hes to support all tea hers' growth and development. It is not yet
known whether instru tional oa hes have a signifi ant impa t on new tea hers.
ackground and Problem Statement
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