I attached the first 2 assignments Introduction This final assignment is the culmination of the research paper and a continu
I attached the first 2 assignments
This final assignment is the culmination of the research paper and a continuation of the first two assignments. Specifically, you will finish your research paper and provide your analysis in a fully completed project.
Your paper will contain:
1) All previous sections turned in with Assignment #1 and Assignment #2 but corrected and modified to incorporate the critiques from the first and second assignments.
2) A 2-3-page analysis and/or discussion section discussing the results of your research.
3) An appropriate conclusion which should discuss future research surrounding your topic.
The format of your research proposal including the literature review should:
1) Be a total of 13-15 pages in length not including title page and references (this is the length of the previous assignment plus the addition of a literature review). In intelligence writing, succinctness counts so points will be deducted if your proposal is longer than 18 pages (not including title page or references).
2) Include a title page, proposal body, and a reference page (title and reference page are not included within the page count). You do NOT need an abstract or table of contents.
3) Have a 1-inch border on all four sides, use Times New Roman-12 point font, be double spaced, and not have an extra space in between paragraphs.
4) Have all references and citations are in the Chicago author/date format. This information is from the Master's Capstone Manual and it should help you develop your research proposal.
Cyber White Paper 1
Cyber White Paper 4
Cyber White Paper
Cybersecurity in business
Because of today's international economy, securing a company's intellectual property, financial information, and good name is critical for the company's long-term survival and growth. However, with the rise in risks and cyber vulnerability, most businesses find it difficult to keep up with the competition. Since their inception, most companies have reported 16% fraud, 37.7% financial losses, and an average of over 11% share value loss, according to data compiled by the US security agencies[footnoteRef:1]. Most corporations and governments are working hard to keep their customers and residents safe from harm. There are both physical and cybersecurity risks involved with these threats. According to a recent study, the vast majority of company owners aren't aware of the full scope of cybersecurity. People who own their businesses must deal with various issues daily. Nevertheless, steps are being taken to address these issues. Customers and the company are likely to be protected by the measures adopted. Cybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues facing organizations in today's society. Leaks of a company's intellectual property and other secrets may have devastating effects on its operations, as competitors and rivals will do all in their power to stop them[footnoteRef:2]. Equifax is an excellent illustration of this. This is perhaps the most talked-about security compromise of the yea[footnoteRef:3]r. The firm was severely damaged because of this. [1: "Database securityattacks and control methods."] [2: "Comprehending the IoT cyber threat landscape: A data dimensionality reduction technique to infer and characterize Internet-scale IoT probing campaigns."] [3: "The equifax data breach: What cpas and firms need to know now." ]
Some individuals take advantage of clients by stealing highly important information to profit financially from their actions. For example, if the wrong individuals get their hands on your credit card information, you're in serious trouble since you might lose money. Some families lose all of their resources, while others are forced to declare bankruptcy after being financially stable for a long period. Many of the findings of this study will be focused on cybersecurity and the sources of cybersecurity risks. The paper outlines a few of the issues and solutions that organizations may use to keep their operations and consumers safe from exploiting dishonest individuals.
Research question
According to the most recent study, more than 1500 companies have been exposed to some cybersecurity assault[footnoteRef:4]. This research details the specific types of attacks that have occurred. Organizational operations are affected, as is corporate governance, and the internal management of financial status is rendered ineffective due to these assaults. The question that will be investigated during the study is: [4: "Towards blockchain-based identity and access management for internet of things in enterprises."]
How does a company’s performance suffer because of cybersecurity, and What are the best practices for enhancing cybersecurity in business?
Purpose statement
Today's IT environment is diverse, dispersed, and cross-border in scope. As a result, it isn't easy to keep track of user identities across many platforms. Because identity mistakes may be very expensive, it's critical to correctly federate identities using security technologies that provide a business the control and security it needs. For example, an organization's intellectual property and its secrets are very important. If the rivals get their hands on them, they may easily bring the company to its knees. Theft and resale of company data are common occurrences. Cybercriminals have stolen large amounts of data from several firms. Therefore, an organization must understand how these attacks are carried out and use the recommended measures to prevent these attacks.
Businesses and their customers' intellectual property rights are at risk from various sources when it comes to cybersecurity risks. Threats to enterprise security may come from various places, including the ones listed below. “The Bot Network operating system, which is used to spread phishing programs and other malware, is the first to utilize remote-controlled operations to conduct attacks”[footnoteRef:5]. Underground marketplaces are the most commonplace to find these networks. In addition, criminals who organize assaults for financial gain pose a concern. In this situation, spam and other malware programs steal personal information, conduct online fraud, and manipulate computers[footnoteRef:6]. Businesses and governments are put at risk because of the ability to conduct commercial espionage wielded by certain criminal organizations and global corporate spies. [5: "The DODAS Experience on the EGI Federated Cloud."] [6: “Security and Privacy in Communication Networks”]
Also, hackers have long been acknowledged to represent a significant threat to a firm's cybersecurity. For various motives, such as vengeance, financial gain, or even political aspirations, these organizations break into networks without authorization. Because they use attack scripts and other internet protocols to get into the targeted websites, getting into a company's system without going via the normal channels involves a lot of technical know-how. Such individuals are a significant hindrance to a company's development and a threat to the privacy of its customers[footnoteRef:7]. An insider danger to a company's cyber security is also a possibility. Because of their experience, these people don't need to be computer experts to access the company's network and inflict damage by changing and stealing data. Contractors and other low-skilled staff are the most dangerous insiders since they may unintentionally inject malware into the system. [7: "Intellectual property—The Foundation of Innovation: A scientist's guide to intellectual property." ]
Research methodology: Quantitative method
According to the information presented in the introduction, cybersecurity is a complicated problem, and a wide range of strategies will be used to gather data. It will be difficult to obtain and filter information on corporate security since most companies either deny or are unaware of the cyber risks. A large amount of information is released each year by the US Department Of Defense about cybersecurity goals and procedures. Thus, this official data will help establish a quantitative foundation for corporate security.
Through interviews, we will gather more quantitative data. Security experts and others suspected of posing a cyber security danger will focus on the first interview. Participants for the interview will be recruited using a combination of traditional methods such as word-of-mouth and specialized websites and seminars. Businesses from a wide range of demographics will be notified about their involvement in an interview assessing the current state of cybersecurity. None of the information listed above will be discussed during the interview to prevent bias in favor of the research questions. Instead, questions on dangers and targeted groups will be left unanswered so that participants may express their views based on their own experiences. The research will go on to hypothesis testing after the required quantitative data has been gathered from the study of business organizations. Search engines like Google Scholar or others may be used to locate information and publications gathered by other scholars on cybersecurity.
Putting all of this information together will provide you with the raw data you need to do your study. Before analyzing the data, it will first be sorted into perceptions of the truth, the deficiencies, and even conclusions. The comparison of diverse perspectives will be made easier by categorizing them. The survey will examine the perceptions of businesses and hackers. Interviews and other relevant organizations will be used to get the data. As for truth, it will focus on what data tells us about the security of corporate enterprises. The flaws will serve as a basis for contrasting what's true with what people think they see.
Cybersecurity is a prominent concern both nationally and worldwide to safeguard consumers and companies. Information security, government service delivery, and defense measures must be developed due to the surge in cybercrime. Proper procedures should be in place to help respond promptly in the event of a cyber-attack. According to a recent survey, cyberattacks have cost many people and companies much money. Some individuals have gone broke because of cyber thieves stealing from their bank accounts, and others have lost all their fortunes. As a result, governments throughout the world must take action to establish systems, laws, and regulations to combat cybercrime[footnoteRef:8]. Most nations have seen income declines and an increase in cyber-attacks due to their failure to educate their citizens about the dangers of such assaults. The people of these nations should be educated on how to protect themselves against cyberattacks and defend themselves if one occurs. [8: "Improving the business processes management from the knowledge management."]
Work cited
Lin, Xiaodong, Ali Ghorbani, Kui Ren, Sencun Zhu, and Aiqing Zhang, eds. Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: SecureComm 2017 International Workshops, ATCS and SePrIoT, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, October 22–25, 2017, Proceedings. Vol. 239. Springer, 2018.
Malik, Mubina, and Trisha Patel. "Database securityattacks and control methods." International Journal of Information 6, no. 1/2 (2016): 175-183.
Nuss, Martin, Alexander Puchta, and Michael Kunz. "Towards blockchain-based identity and access management for internet of things in enterprises." In International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, pp. 167-181. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Spiga, Daniele, Enol Fernandez, Vincenzo Spinoso, Diego Ciangottini, Mirco Tracolli, Giacinto Donvito, Marica Antonacci et al. "The DODAS Experience on the EGI Federated Cloud." In EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 245, p. 07033. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Tabares, Marta S., Liliana Giraldo, and Luis Joyanes. "Improving the business processes management from the knowledge management." In Proceedings of the The 11th International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference on The Changing Face of Knowledge Management Impacting Society, pp. 1-8. 2016.
Pour, Morteza Safaei, Elias Bou-Harb, Kavita Varma, Nataliia Neshenko, Dimitris A. Pados, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. "Comprehending the IoT cyber threat landscape: A data dimensionality reduction technique to infer and characterize Internet-scale IoT probing campaigns." Digital Investigation 28 (2019): S40-S49.
Primoff, Walter, and Sidney Kess. "The equifax data breach: What cpas and firms need to know now." The CPA Journal 87, no. 12 (2017): 14-17.
Poticha, David, and Mark W. Duncan. "Intellectual property—The Foundation of Innovation: A scientist's guide to intellectual property." Journal of Mass Spectrometry 54, no. 3 (2019): 288-300.
Cyber Research Proposal
Cybersecurity in business
Because of today's international economy, securing a company's intellectual property, financial information, and good name is critical for the company's long-term survival and growth. However, with the rise in risks and cyber vulnerability, most businesses find it difficult to keep up with the competition. Since their inception, most companies have reported 16% fraud, 37.7% financial losses, and an average of over 11% share value loss, according to data compiled by the US security. Most corporations and governments are working hard to keep their customers and residents safe from harm. There are both physical and cybersecurity risks involved with these threats. According to a recent study, many company owners aren't aware of the full scope of cybersecurity. People who own their businesses must deal with various issues daily.
Nevertheless, steps are being taken to address these issues. Customers and the company are likely to be protected by the measures adopted. Cybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues facing organizations today. Leaks of a company's intellectual property and other secrets may have devastating effects on its operations, as competitors and rivals will do all in their power to stop them. is an excellent illustration of this. This is perhaps the most talked-about security compromise of the year [footnoteRef:3]. The firm was severely damaged because of this. [1: "Database security attacks and control methods."] [2:q "Comprehending the IoT cyber threat landscape: A data dimensionality reduction technique to infer and characterize Internet-scale IoT probing campaigns."] [3: "The Equifax data breach: What cpas and firms need to know now." ]
Some individuals take advantage of clients by stealing highly important information to profit financially from their actions. For example, if the wrong individuals get their hands on your credit card information, you're in serious trouble since you might lose money. Some families lose all their resources, while others are forced to declare bankruptcy after being financially stable for a long period. Many of the findings of this study will be focused on cybersecurity and the sources of cybersecurity risks. The paper outlines a few of the issues and solutions that organizations may use to keep their operations and consumers safe from exploiting dishonest individuals.
Research question
According to the most recent study, more than 1500 companies have been exposed to some cybersecurity assault[footnoteRef:4]. This research details the specific types of attacks that have occurred. Organizational operations are affected, as is corporate governance, and the internal management of financial status is rendered ineffective due to these assaults. The question that will be investigated during the study is: [4: "Towards blockchain-based identity and access management for internet of things in enterprises."]
How does a company’s performance suffer because of cybersecurity, and What are the best practices for enhancing cybersecurity in business?
Purpose statement
Today's IT environment is diverse, dispersed, and cross-border in scope. As a result, it isn't easy to keep track of user identities across many platforms. Because identity mistakes may be very expensive, it's critical to correctly federate identities using security technologies that provide a business the control and security it needs. For example, an organization's intellectual property and its secrets are very important. If the rivals get their hands on them, they may easily bring the company to its knees. Theft and resale of company data are common occurrences. Cybercriminals have stolen large amounts of data from several firms. Therefore, an organization must understand how these attacks are carried out and use the recommended measures to prevent these attacks.
Businesses and their customers' intellectual property rights are at risk from various sources when it comes to cybersecurity risks. Threats to enterprise security may come from various places, including the ones listed below. “The Bot Network operating system, which is used to spread phishing programs and other malware, is the first to utilize remote-controlled operations to conduct attacks”[footnoteRef:5]. Underground marketplaces are the most commonplace to find these networks. In addition, criminals who organize assaults for financial gain pose a concern. In this situation, spam and other malware programs steal personal information, conduct online fraud, and manipulate computers[footnoteRef:6]. Businesses and governments are put at risk because of the ability to conduct commercial espionage wielded by certain criminal organizations and global corporate spies. [5: "The DODAS Experience on the EGI Federated Cloud."] [6: “Security and Privacy in Communication Networks”]
Also, hackers have long been acknowledged to represent a significant threat to a firm's cybersecurity. For various motives, such as vengeance, financial gain, or even political aspirations, these organizations break into networks without authorization. Because they use attack scripts and other internet protocols to get into the targeted websites, getting into a company's system without going via the normal channels involves a lot of technical know-how. Such individuals are a significant hindrance to a company's development and a threat to the privacy of its customers[footnoteRef:7]. An insider danger to a company's cyber security is also a possibility. Because of their experience, these people don't need to be computer experts to access the company's network and inflict damage by changing and stealing data. Contractors and other low-skilled staff are the most dangerous insiders since they may unintentionally inject malware into the system. [7: "Intellectual property—The Foundation of Innovation: A scientist's guide to intellectual property." ]
Literature Review
At the current time, most of the economic as well as commercial, cultural and even governmental activities along with interactions regarding nations, at all the levels, inclusive of the individuals as well as well as the nongovernmental and governmental organizations are performed in the cyberspace. In the recent times, most of the private fines and even governmental firms globally are experiencing the issues associated with cyberattacks. The current era is one which is highly dependent on the electronic technology and securing this kind of data from the cyberattacks is a difficult issue (Corallo et al., 2021). The key aim of this literature review is to analyze three key themes which are associated with cybersecurity in business. The three themes which will be analyzed in this case are cyberspace threats as well as cybersecurity concept and cybersecurity policies.
Cyber space threats
Naturally, it is considered the scope regarding the global cyberspace, which is associated with the creation of overlapping along with overlapping areas regarding control for the national actors with distinct legal along with cultural approaches and distinct strategic interests. Gordon & Loeb (2006) state that nations globally have become sufficiently dependent on the cyberspace for the communication needs as well as control regarding the physical world in a manner which is improbable to separate from it. Therefore, according to Gordon & Loeb (2006), the security tasks along with functions regarding each nation are highly impacted by the identified cyberspace. Due to the global production regarding software as well as hardware products, it is considered impossible to offer guarantees in the given product supply chain process. The scalability regarding the cyber domain is considered the make it qualitatively distinct.
Despite the needed concentration as well as specialized knowledge, the disseminated nature regarding the cyber domain is involved in the prevention of an individual or people from finding complete control. Yang (2021) believes that the alterations involved in the cyber field take place rapidly as well as they are based on the constant advancement regarding computing along with communication technologies. Cyber cohesion is associated with the increment of this acceleration. Each alteration is involved in the creation of a current era of vulnerability as well as response. The cyberspace can therefore be regarded as being far from static as well as almost dynamic in its entire lifespan.
Cybersecurity is regarded as being an essential issue that is found in the infrastructure regarding each company as well as organization. Bejarano (2021) illustrates that a company which is on the basis of cyber security can attain high level status as well as numerous successes, due to the fact that this kind of success is the outcome associated with the capability of the company to secure the private as well as the customer data against a certain competitor. Organizations as well as competitors of the customers and people are considered abusive. It is key that an organization firstly offers this kind of security in the most appropriate way to help in the establishment and in the development of itself and its infrastructures.
Yang (2021) gives an overview of what is included in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity entails the practical measures to help in the protection of information as well as networks and even data against the internal as well as the external threats. The cybersecurity professionals usually are involved in the protection of networks as well as the servers, intranets and even computer systems. Cybersecurity ensures that the sole authorized individuals gain accessibility to that set of information. For better security, it is essential to have knowledge on the kinds of cyber security. According to Kaplan & Weinberg (2011) there are different types of cybersecurity which are network security as well as application security, information security, cloud, and operational security.
Cyber-security policy
Cyber is associated with having increased the yield regarding the community as well as appropriately disseminated information over time. No matter what application or even industry cyber is utilized, increment of production has always been highly considered. Fast data transfer to the cyberspace usually is associated with declining the identified total system security. Corallo & Pontrandolfo (2021) state that for the technology kind of professionals who enhance production, security indicators are usually in direct conflict with the progress since prevention indicators usually minimize as well as prohibit or even delay the user access and respond to the management attention.
Bejarano (2021) illustrates that the system changes to the satisfactory as well as immediate system equipment. The conflict which exists between the identified security situation as well as cyber performance often demand along with the identified cybersecurity policy is key. The identified term policy is utilized in numerous areas associated with cybersecurity and is used to refer to the information distribution rules along with regulations, private sector goals and the system operations measures for the control of technology. Cybersecurity policy is key for the national wide efforts in ensuring success in the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire cybersecurity space. Different authors reveal that cybersecurity policy helps in overcoming any negative changes that happen to the world of cybersecurity in the businesses.
Research methodology: Quantitative method
According to the information presented in the introduction, cybersecurity is a complicated problem, and a wide range of strategies will be used to gather data. It will be difficult to obtain and filter information on corporate security since most companies either deny or are unaware of the cyber risks. A large amount of information is released each year by the US Department Of Defense about cybersecurity goals and procedures. Thus, this official data will help establish a quantitative foundation for corporate security.
Through interviews, we will gather more quantitative data. Security experts and others suspected of posing a cyber security danger will focus on the first interview. Participants for the interview will be recruited using a combination of traditional methods such as word-of-mouth and specialized websites and seminars. Businesses from a wide range of demographics will be notified about their involvement in an interview assessing the current state of cybersecurity. None of the information listed above will be discussed during the interview to prevent bias in favor of the research questions. Instead, questions on dangers and targeted groups will be left unanswered so that participants may express their views based on their own experiences. The research will go on to hypothesis testing after the required quantitative data has been gathered from the study of business organizations. Search engines like Google Scholar or others may be used to locate information and publications gathered by other scholars on cybersecurity.
Putting all this information together will provide you with the raw data you need to do your study. Before analyzing the data, it will first be sorted into perceptions of the truth, the deficiencies, and even conclusions. The comparison of diverse perspectives will be made easier by categorizing them. The survey will examine the perceptions of businesses and hackers. Interviews and other relevant organizations will be used to get the data. As for truth, it will focus on what data tells us about the security of corporate enterprises. The flaws will serve as a basis for contrasting what's true with what people think they see.
Cybersecurity is a prominent concern both nationally and worldwide to safeguard consumers and companies. Information security, government service delivery, and defense measures must be developed due to the surge in cybercrime. Proper procedures should be in place to help respond promptly in the event of a cyber-attack. According to a recent survey, cyberattacks have cost many people and companies much money. Some individuals have gone broke because of cyber thieves stealing from their bank accounts, and others have lost all their fortunes. As a result, governments throughout the world must take action to establish systems, laws, and regulations to combat cybercrime[footnoteRef:8]. Most nations have seen income declines and an increase in cyber-attacks due to their failure to educate their citizens about the dangers of such assaults. The people of these nations should be educated on how to protect themselves against cyberattacks and defend themselves if one occurs. [8: "Improving the business processes management from the knowledge management."]
Work cited
Bejarano, M. H. (2021). Cybersecurity and Business Continuity in Pandemic Times. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(6), 7280-7289.
Corallo, A., Lazoi, M., Lezzi, M., & Pontrandolfo, P. (2021). Cybersecurity Challenges for Manufacturing Systems 4.0: Assessment of the Business Impact Level. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Gordon, L. A., & Loeb, M. P. (2006). Managing cybersecurity resources: A cost-benefit analysis (Vol. 1). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kaplan, J., Sharma, S., & Weinberg, A. (2011). Meeting the cybersecurity challenge. Digit. McKinsey.
Lin, Xiaodong, Ali Ghorbani, Kui Ren, Sencun Zhu, and Aiqing Zhang, eds. Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: SecureComm 2017 International Workshops, ATCS and SePrIoT, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, October 22–25, 2017, Proceedings. Vol. 239. Springer, 2018.
Malik, Mubina, and Trisha Patel. "Database securityattacks and control methods." International Journal of Information 6, no. 1/2 (2016): 175-183.
Nuss, Martin, Alexander Puchta, and Michael Kunz. "Towards blockchain-based identity and access management for internet of things in enterprises." In International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, pp. 167-181. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Pour, Morteza Safaei, Elias Bou-Harb, Kavita Varma, Nataliia Neshenko, Dimitris A. Pados, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. "Comprehending the IoT cyber threat landscape: A data dimensionality reduction technique to infer and characterize Internet-scale IoT probing campaigns." Digital Investigation 28 (2019): S40-S49.
Primoff, Walter, and Sidney Kess. "The equifax data breach: What cpas and firms need to know now." The CPA Journal 87, no. 12 (2017): 14-17.
Poticha, David, and Mark W. Duncan. "Intellectual property—The Foundation of Innovation: A scientist's guide to intellectual property." Journal of Mass Spectrometry 54, no. 3 (2019): 288-300.
Spiga, Daniele, Enol Fernandez, Vincenzo Spinoso, Diego Ciangottini, Mirco Tracolli, Giacinto Donvito, Marica Antonacci et al. "The DODAS Experience on the EGI Federated Cloud." In EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 245, p. 07033. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Tabares, Marta S., Liliana Giraldo, and Luis Joyanes. "Improving the business processes management from the knowledge management." In Proceedings of the The 11th International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference on The Changing Face of Knowledge Management Impacting Society, pp. 1-8. 2016.
Yang, S. C. (2021). A meta-model of cybersecurity curriculums: Assessing cybersecurity curricular frameworks for business schools. Journal of Education for Business, 96(2), 99-110.
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