Branding your company Your first task will be to name your new company. Because your company name may influence its image, m
1st Part of the Assignment Short Exercise #1: Branding your company (20 pts) Your first task will be to name your new company. Because your company name may influence its image, marketability, and the design of your logo and stationery, you should give the name careful thought. To build an identity, create an original (created) logo and the letterhead to be used as company stationery. Logos and letterhead are important because they project your company′s image to your customers and to other internal and external stakeholders. The image you project through your company name and branding impacts your credibility, so give careful thought to how you want others to perceive you and the company you own. Be sure to view The Five Principles of Design video short before you begin your logo design. Apply these principles and discuss how they were applied to your logo creation in your one page explanation assignment (see below). If you need to download a design program or need to get familiar with one, here are some choices: You can download free design software such as GIMP or SVGedit from the internet. Or, you could use a design program installed on some OSs such as Corel Draw or Paint. Submit: Sample stationery with your company name, contact information, and logo A one page explanation of why you selected the design for your logo and stationery and how you believe it projects the image you want. Use Chapter 9 (Pages 222-228) and The Five Principles of Design to help you explain why you selected any visuals or other design elements you used. And remember, for the remainder of your assignments, you will use your company′s stationery as appropriate. 2nd Part of the Assignment. This assignment has two parts – Research (10 pts.) and Memo (15 pts.) Research and Memo (Total 25 pts) Two Steps: Conduct research and write a synthesis including APA formatted sources Write a memo using your research. You will submit one document to include a 1 – 2 page research synthesis followed by a separate, 1-2 page memo correspondence. Research Synthesis Prior to writing this memo, conduct research about WebEx: what it is, how it is used by businesses for communication. Submit a 1-2 page synthesis of your research with sources cited (in-text and reference list) using APA style. Wikipedia is not a reference. Use APA format style with the research synthesis (do not use memo-head/letterhead with your synthesis). Memo Objective: Write a memo to your employees informing them that you have decided to implement WebEx for internal communication. WebEx will be used so that employees can communicate more quickly via online meetings and easily. Explain your rationale, implementation strategy and timing. Acknowledge counter viewpoints and respond to those concerns while expressing confidence (use your research vs opinion) in your decision. Refer to memo format on Pages 162 and 561 and Pages 93 – 98 to refresh your memory on audience analysis. View the How to Write a Memo Video Short. Use your newly created company memo-head and logo for this assignment
Memo Rubric
Criteria |
Formative |
Developing |
Competent |
Mature |
Exemplary |
Context |
Addresses the audience’s needs and expectations; conveys the topic’s relevance to the audience |
Lacks language that addresses audience’s needs and expectations and that conveys the topic’s relevance to them |
Overall the document does not address the audience’s needs and expectations or convey the relevance of the topic to them |
Language generally addresses the audience’s needs and expectations and the relevance of the topic to them, but could do so with greater specificity |
Addresses the audience’s needs and expectations well; explains with specificity the relevance of the topic to them |
Speaks explicitly to the audience’s needs and expectations; explains with specificity the relevance of the topic to them; anticipates their questions |
Content |
Thoroughly answers the questions in the assignment Concludes with a show of goodwill |
Missing basic information audience must have; significant points of assigned information are missing; closing does not connect with reader |
Covers minor points of the assignment; needs further development for remaining points of information; closing needs greater goodwill and a forward look |
Covers the main points of the assignment; could address other issues related to audience situation; general closing, but could create greater goodwill and forward look |
Addresses all main points and some additional areas important to audience; closing creates goodwill |
Provides all information required and additional information is relevant to the audience; closing creates goodwill, is forward looking, and cements a positive relationship with the audience |
Organization |
Orders information effectively for audience’s understanding Groups topics into coherent paragraphs |
Paragraphs lack effective order or coherence; paragraphs mix topics |
Paragraphs mainly lack an effective order; paragraphs often mix topics |
Effective order used with most paragraphs; some paragraphs mix topics |
Paragraphs are effectively ordered; paragraphs are mainly coherent |
Paragraphs are optimally ordered for audience’s understanding and retrieval of information; paragraphs are coherent |
Style |
States ideas clearly and concisely Employs correct grammar Avoids biased language (builds goodwill with the audience) |
Lacks clarity throughout; numerous and various types of errors in grammar; wordy throughout; uses language that will break goodwill |
Some paragraphs are unclear; sections are wordy and need correction in grammar; some language may break goodwill |
Paragraphs are generally clear and concise; a few grammar errors; some goodwill with the audience is built |
Paragraphs are mostly clear and concise; grammar is correct; strong goodwill is built |
Paragraphs are maximally clear and concise; grammar is correct and elegant; strong goodwill is built |
Delivery |
Follows the memo format correctly Uses correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization Employs professional document design (e.g., set on one page, uses white space, uses headings) Follows APA format |
Does not follow memo format; lacks basic proofreading; design makes finding information difficult; document design lacks professional characteristics; No attempt is made to follow APA formatting |
Follows memo format but with errors; contains multiple proofreading errors; lacks some characteristics of professional document design; APA formatting is not clearly followed |
Follows memo (not email) format; contains some proofreading errors; document design is mainly professional and usable; APA formatting is followed but with errors |
Follows memo (not email) format; careful proofreading is evident, though an error may be present; document design is professional and usable overall; APA formatting is mostly followed correctly |
Follows memo (not email) format; very careful proofreading is evident; document design conveys professionalism and creates usability; APA formatting is followed correctly |
TWC 347
Letterhead and Branding Logo Rubric [Standifer]
Criteria |
Formative |
Developing |
Competent |
Mature |
Exemplary |
Content (50%) |
Audience understands the visual narrative of the logo and letterhead Audience infers meaning of logo and letterhead in relation to the company’s core business, product, service, or purpose Visuals are clear and easy to read/view within logo and letterhead Visuals have proper text when appropriate, complement the visual, and augment audience comprehension |
Lacks minimum required recognition for audience understanding; viewers cannot evaluate logo purpose; lacks appropriate and consistent application |
Audience judgments regarding logo and letterhead meaning and purpose may be vague or confusing; presents the logo and letterhead vaguely; may use an inappropriate visual for the what is presented; lacks appropriate and consistent application |
Audience perception of visual narrative’s purpose and meaning is clear, though errors are present; the type of logo and letterhead is adequate for the information presented; logo and letterhead are present but lack complementary status with overall visual narrative, and do not aid viewer comprehension |
Audience perception of visual narrative’s purpose and meaning is clear; no errors are present; the type of logo and letterhead is suitable for the information presented; logo and letterhead are present and complementary with overall visual narrative and aid viewer comprehension |
Audience perception of visual narrative is immediate and memorable; no errors are present; type of logo and letterhead presented are ideal for the assignment; logo and letterhead are elegantly labeled for audience understanding, usability, and evaluation of overall visual narrative; logo and letterhead drive and generate new viewer meaning |
Style (50%) |
Employs typeface, color, and other design elements ethically, consistently, professionally, and to a specific audience Uses correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization where needed Logo and letterhead are clear, completely viewable, and designed for specific audiences |
Lacks basic proofreading and/or design elements; uses inappropriate visuals or inappropriate ethics for the logo and letterhead presented; multiple grammatical, mechanical, and visual errors present |
logo and letterhead may contain questionable ethics or biases; audience needs are not accounted for in design elements; some grammatical, mechanical, and visual errors present; design elements not professional or geared toward specific audience(s) |
logo and letterhead contain appropriate ethics; audience needs mostly accounted for in visuals; no biased or inappropriate language; maybe one or two grammatical, mechanical, and visual errors present; professional design elements mostly employed but not focused on specific audience(s) |
Visuals ethically presented; appropriate visual elements fully account for audience needs; visual elements closely align with specific audience expectations and desires; careful proofreading; no errors; professional design elements used throughout that anticipate audience needs |
4/11/2020 Module 3: Research Synthesis and Memo- Total of 25 pts 1/3
Module 3: Research Synthesis and Memo- Total of 25 pts
Due Mar 27 by 11:59pm Points 25 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Submit Assignment
This assignment has two parts – Research (10 pts.) and Memo (15 pts.)
Research and Memo (Total 25 pts) Two Steps:
1. Conduct research and write a synthesis including APA formatted sources 2. Write a memo using your research.
You will submit one document to include a 1 – 2 page research synthesis followed by a separate, 1-2 page memo correspondence.
Research Synthesis Prior to writing this memo, conduct research about WebEx: what it is, how it is used by businesses for communication. Submit a 1-2 page synthesis of your research with sources cited (in-text and reference list) using APA style. Wikipedia is not a reference. Use APA format style with the research synthesis (do not use memo-head/letterhead with your synthesis).
Memo Objective: Write a memo to your employees informing them that you have decided to implement WebEx for internal communication. WebEx will be used so that employees can communicate more quickly via online meetings and easily. Explain your rationale, implementation strategy and timing. Acknowledge counter viewpoints and respond to those concerns while expressing confidence (use your research vs opinion) in your decision.
Refer to memo format on Pages 162 and 561 and Pages 93 – 98 to refresh your memory on audience analysis. View the How to Write a Memo Video Short. Use your newly created company memo-head and logo for this assignment. A copy of the memo grading rubric can be found here.
TWC 347
Memo Rubric
Criteria Formative Developing Competent Mature Exemplary
Context Addresses the audience’s
Lacks language that addresses
Overall the document does not
Language generally addresses
Addresses the audience’s
Speaks explicitly to the audience’s
4/11/2020 Module 3: Research Synthesis and Memo- Total of 25 pts 2/3
needs and expectations; conveys the topic’s relevance to the audience
audience’s needs and expectations and that conveys the topic’s relevance to them
address the audience’s needs and expectations or convey the relevance of the topic to them
the audience’s needs and expectations and the relevance of the topic to them, but could do so with greater specificity
needs and expectations well; explains with specificity the relevance of the topic to them
needs and expectations; explains with specificity the relevance of the topic to them; anticipates their questions
Thoroughly answers the questions in the assignment
Concludes with a show of goodwill
Missing basic information audience must have; significant points of assigned information are missing; closing does not connect with reader
Covers minor points of the assignment; needs further development for remaining points of information; closing needs greater goodwill and a forward look
Covers the main points of the assignment; could address other issues related to audience situation; general closing, but could create greater goodwill and forward look
Addresses all main points and some additional areas important to audience; closing creates goodwill
Provides all information required and additional information is relevant to the audience; closing creates goodwill, is forward looking, and cements a positive relationship with the audience
Orders information effectively for audience’s understanding
Groups topics into coherent paragraphs
Paragraphs lack effective order or coherence; paragraphs mix topics
Paragraphs mainly lack an effective order; paragraphs often mix topics
Effective order used with most paragraphs; some paragraphs mix topics
Paragraphs are effectively ordered; paragraphs are mainly coherent
Paragraphs are optimally ordered for audience’s understanding and retrieval of information; paragraphs are coherent
Style States ideas clearly and concisely
Employs correct grammar
Avoids biased language (builds goodwill with the audience)
Lacks clarity throughout; numerous and various types of errors in grammar; wordy throughout; uses language that will break goodwill
Some paragraphs are unclear; sections are wordy and need correction in grammar; some language may break goodwill
Paragraphs are generally clear and concise; a few grammar errors; some goodwill with the audience is built
Paragraphs are mostly clear and concise; grammar is correct; strong goodwill is built
Paragraphs are maximally clear and concise; grammar is correct and elegant; strong goodwill is built
4/11/2020 Module 3: Research Synthesis and Memo- Total of 25 pts 3/3
Follows the memo format correctly
Uses correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
Employs professional document design (e.g., set on one page, uses white space, uses headings)
Follows APA format
Does not follow memo format; lacks basic proofreading; design makes finding information difficult; document design lacks professional characteristics; No attempt is made to follow APA formatting
Follows memo format but with errors; contains multiple proofreading errors; lacks some characteristics of professional document design; APA formatting is not clearly followed
Follows memo (not email) format; contains some proofreading errors; document design is mainly professional and usable; APA formatting is followed but with errors
Follows memo (not email) format; careful proofreading is evident, though an error may be present; document design is professional and usable overall; APA formatting is mostly followed correctly
Follows memo (not email) format; very careful proofreading is evident; document design conveys professionalism and creates usability; APA formatting is followed correctly
4/11/2020 Module 2: Branding Exercise 1/1
Module 2: Branding Exercise
Due Mar 25 by 11:59pm Points 20 Submitting a file upload
Submit Assignment
Short Exercise #1: Branding your company (20 pts) Your first task will be to name your new company. Because your company name may influence its image, marketability, and the design of your logo and stationery, you should give the name careful thought.
To build an identity, create an original (created) logo and the letterhead to be used as company stationery. Logos and letterhead are important because they project your company's image to your customers and to other internal and external stakeholders. The image you project through your company name and branding impacts your credibility, so give careful thought to how you want others to perceive you and the company you own. Be sure to view The Five Principles of Design video short before you begin your logo design. Apply these principles and discuss how they were applied to your logo creation in your one page explanation assignment (see below).
If you need to download a design program or need to get familiar with one, here are some choices:
You can download free design software such as GIMP or SVGedit from the internet.
Or, you could use a design program installed on some OSs such as Corel Draw or Paint.
1. Sample stationery with your company name, contact information, and logo 2. A one page explanation of why you selected the design for your logo and stationery and how you
believe it projects the image you want. Use Chapter 9 (Pages 222-228) and The Five Principles of Design to help you explain why you selected any visuals or other design elements you used.
And remember, for the remainder of your assignments, you will use your company's stationery as appropriate. Plagiarism Free Papers
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