In this assignment, you will also write a 3-5 page analysis explaining your results, and follow the instructions on the first page. However, the way you co
In this assignment, you will also write a 3-5 page analysis explaining your results, and follow the instructions on the first page. However, the way you complete the Johari Window will be a little different.
Step 1: Go through the adjectives below and identify which ones are open- you are aware you showcase; hidden- you keep to yourself; Unknown- these are generally the ones you did not pick for any of the categories.
Step 2: Interview two to three people- the more you interview, the better your results. They should be people that know you. Give them the same list of adjectives below. Then:
Open, or Arena
Place adjectives that both you and your interviewees select go in this cell (or quadrant) of the grid. These are traits that you and peers perceive.
Blind Spot
Here place the adjectives you did not select, but your interviewees did. These represent what others perceive but the you do not.
Hidden, or Façade
In this quadrant, place the adjectives you selected, but not by any those that you interviewed, go in this quadrant. These are things the those around you are either unaware of, or that are untrue but for only your perception.
The adjectives that neither you nor your interviewees selected go here. They represent your behaviors or motives that no one participating recognizes—either because they do not apply or because of collective ignorance of these traits.
Johari adjectives
A Johari window uses the following 56 adjectives as possible descriptions of the participant. [6]
· able
· accepting
· adaptable
· bold
· brave
· calm
· caring
· cheerful
· clever
· complex
· confident
· dependable
· dignified
· empathetic
· energetic
· extroverted
· friendly
· giving
· happy
· helpful
· idealistic
· independent
· ingenious
· intelligent
· introverted
· kind
· knowledgeable
· logical
· loving
· mature
· modest
· nervous
· observant
· organized
· patient
· powerful
· proud
· quiet
· reflective
· relaxed
· religious
· responsive
· searching
· self-assertive
· self-conscious
· sensible
· sentimental
· shy
· silly
· spontaneous
· sympathetic
· tense
· trustworthy
· warm
· wise
· witty
My Johari Window Results:
Your Johari Window results indicate:
- Solicits Feedback: 35
This means you are relatively open to receiving feedback from others. You likely seek input from peers, mentors, and colleagues to understand how others perceive you. Your openness suggests a desire for self-improvement and interpersonal awareness.
- Willingness to Self-Disclose/Gives Feedback: 16
This lower score suggests that while you are receptive to feedback, you may not frequently share personal insights, emotions, or constructive feedback with others. You might be more reserved in discussing personal matters or hesitant to offer critiques to others.
Your Johari Window likely has:
- A larger Blind Spot (things others see in you that you might not see yourself) since you actively solicit feedback.
- A smaller Open Area (what both you and others know about you) if you’re not frequently disclosing information about yourself.
- A larger Hidden Area (things you know about yourself but keep private).
- An Unknown Area that remains largely unexplored, though self-reflection and new experiences may uncover hidden traits.
If you're writing an analysis on this, you should:
- Reference relevant theories (such as interpersonal communication models or self-awareness frameworks).
- Discuss how this affects your relationships (e.g., work, friendships, leadership).
- Suggest strategies to expand your Open Area, like sharing more about yourself or being more proactive in giving feedback to others.
The Johari Window Model
After you have completed the assignment below, you will write a 3-5 page paper which will describe your results in detail. Please ensure to relate back to the text for relevant use of theories and constructs.
Your paper will be evaluated on the following:
· Content
· Grammar
· Structure and mechanics
· Relevance to the topic(s)
***Each essay will be submitted to the Turnitin Dropbox link in Canvas***
Your paper is to be written in an APA-Style format. This includes the following:
· 12 point font
· Times New Roman font
· Double-spaced
· 1 inch margins
· cover page
· reference page
· in-text citations
For more detailed instructions and information on how to write an APA-style paper, please visit There is an extensive databank on how to incorporate in-text citations, and properly format your references.
Additional Information on Turnitin
· All written assignments must be submitted to Canvas Turnitin Dropboxes by the posted deadline. Assignments submitted by any other means will not be accepted.
· Within one week after the assignment’s deadline has passed, you will receive written feedback on your assignment. The written comments on your assignment are accessible using the GradeMark function within your assignment submission.
· Late Submissions must be uploaded in the appropriately labeled “Late Drop Box” by the posted “Late Assignment Deadline”. Late submissions are only eligible for a maximum of 50% of the assignments original point value.
The Johari Window is a disclosure/feedback model of awareness, named after Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. It was first used in an information session at the Western Training Laboratory in Group Development in 1955. The four panes of the window represent the following:
Open: The open area is that part of our |
Blind: There are things about ourselves |
conscious self – our attitudes, behavior, |
which we do not know, but that others can |
motivation, values, way of life – of which |
see more clearly; or things we imagine to |
we are aware and which is known to |
be true of ourselves for a variety of reasons |
others. We move within this area with |
but that others do not see at all. When |
freedom. We are "open books". |
others say what they see (feedback), in a |
It is through disclosure and feedback that |
supportive, responsible way, and we are |
our open pane is expanded and that we |
able to hear it; in that way we are able to |
gain access to the potential within us |
test the reality of who we are and are able |
represented by the unknown pane. |
to grow. |
Hidden: Our hidden area cannot be known |
Unknown: We are more rich and complex |
to others unless we disclose it. There is |
than that which we and others know, but |
that which we freely keep within ourselves, |
from time to time something happens – is |
and that which we retain out of fear. The |
felt, read, heard, dreamed – something from |
degree to which we share ourselves with |
our unconscious is revealed. Then we |
others (disclosure) is the degree to which |
"know" what we have never "known" |
we can be known. |
before. |
Johari Window Questionnaire
Instructions: |
· Carefully read each numbered item and its statements marked "A" and "B." |
· Assign a point value to the A and B statements as follows: |
· The total point value for A and B added together is five (5). |
· If statement A is most similar to what you would do, mark 5 for A and 0 for B. |
· If A is not wholly satisfactory, but in your judgment better than B, mark 4 or 3 for A |
· and 1 or 2 for B. |
· The converse is true: if B is best mark 5 for B and 0 for A and so on. |
1) If a friend of mine had a "personality conflict" with a mutual acquaintance of ours with whom it was important for him/her to get along, I would:
_____ A. Tell my friend that I felt s/he was partially responsible for any problems with this other person and try to let him/her know how the person was being affected by him/her.
_____ B. Not get involved because I wouldn't be able to continue to get along with both of them once I had entered in any way.
2) If one of my friends and I had a heated argument in the past and I realized that s/he was ill at ease around me from that time on, I would:
_____ A. Avoid making things worse by discussing his/her behavior and just let the whole thing drop.
_____ B. Bring up his/her behavior and ask him/her how s/he felt the argument had affected our relationship.
3) If a friend began to avoid me and act in an aloof and withdrawn manner, I would:
_____ A. Tell him/her about his/her behavior and suggest that s/he tell me what was on his/her mind.
_____ B. Follow his/her lead and keep our contact brief and aloof since that seems to be what s/he wants.
4) If two of my friends and I were talking and one of my friends slipped and brought up a personal problem of mine that involved the other friend, of which s/he was not yet aware, I would:
_____ A. Change the subject and signal my friend to do the same.
_____ B. Fill my uniformed friend in on what the other friend was talking about and suggest that we go into it later.
5) If a friend of mine were to tell me that, in his/her opinion, I was doing things that made me less effective than I might be in social situations, I would:
_____ A. Ask him/her to spell out or describe what s/he has observed and suggest changes I might make.
_____ B. Resent his/her criticism and let him/her know why I behave the way I do.
6) If one of my friends aspired to an office in our organization for which I felt s/he was unqualified, and if s/he had been tentatively assigned to that position by the leader of our group, I would:
_____ A. Not mention my misgivings to either my friend or the leader of our group and let them handle it in their own way.
_____ B. Tell my friend and the leader of our group of my misgivings and then leave the final decision up to them.
7) If I felt that one of my friends was being unfair to me and his/her other friends, but none of them had mentioned anything about it, I would:
_____ A. Ask several of these people how they perceived the situation to see if they felt s/he was being unfair.
_____ B. Not ask the others how they perceived our friend, but wait for them to bring it up with me.
8) If I were preoccupied with some personal matters and a friend told me that I had become irritated with him/her and others and that I was jumping on him/her for unimportant things, I would:
_____ A. Tell him/her I was preoccupied and would probably be on edge for a while and would prefer not to be bothered.
_____ B. Listen to his/her complaints but not try to explain my actions to him/her.
9) If I had heard some friends discussing an ugly rumor about a friend of mine which I knew could hurt him/her and s/he asked me what I knew about it, if anything, I would:
_____ A. Say I didn't know anything about it and tell him/her no one would believe a rumor like that anyway.
_____ B. Tell him/her exactly what I had heard, when I had heard it, and from whom I had heard it.
10) If a friend pointed out the fact that I had a personality conflict with another friend with whom it was important for me to get along, I would:
_____ A. Consider his/her comments out of line and tell him/her I didn't want to discuss the matter any further.
_____ B. Talk about it openly with him/her to find out how my behavior was being affected by this.
11) If my relationship with a friend has been damaged by repeated arguments on an issue of importance to us both, I would:
_____ A. Be cautious in my conversations with him/her so the issue would not come up again to worsen our relationship.
_____ B. Point to the problems the controversy was causing in our relationship and suggest that we discuss it until we get it resolved.
12) If in a personal discussion with a friend about his/her problems and behavior s/he suddenly suggested we discuss my problems and behavior as well as his/her own, I would:
_____ A. Try to keep the discussion away from me by suggesting that other, closer friends often talked to me about such matters.
_____ B. Welcome the opportunity to hear what s/he felt about me and encourage his/her comments.
13) If a friend of mine began to tell me about his/her hostile feelings about another friend whom s/he felt was being unkind to others (and I agreed wholeheartedly), I would:
_____ A. Listen and also express my own feelings to me/her so s/he would know where I stood.
_____ B. Listen, but not express my own negative views and opinion because s/he might repeat what I said to him/her in confidence.
14) If I thought an ugly rumor was being spread about me and suspected that one of my friends had quite likely heard it, I would:
_____ A. Avoid mentioning the issue and leave it to him/her to tell me about it if s/he wanted to.
_____ B. Risk putting him/her on the spot by asking him/her directly what s/he knew about the whole thing.
15) If I had observed a friend in social situations and thought that s/he was doing a number of things which hurt his/her relationships, I would:
_____ A. Risk being seen as a busy body and tell him/her what I had observed and my reactions to it.
_____ B. Keep my opinion to myself rather than be seen as interfering in things that are none of my business.
16) If two friends and I were talking and one of them inadvertently mentioned a personal problem which involved me, but of which I knew nothing, I would:
_____ A. Press them for information about the problem and their opinions about it.
_____ B. Leave it up to my friends to tell me or not tell me, letting them change the subject if they wished.
17) If a friend seemed to be preoccupied and began to jump on me for seemingly unimportant things, and became irritated with me and others without real cause, I would:
_____ A. Treat him/her with kid gloves for awhile on the assumption that s/he was having some temporary personal problems which were none of my business.
_____ B. Try to talk to him/her about it and point out to him/her how his/her behavior was affecting people.
18) If I had begun to dislike certain habits of a friend to the point that it was interfering with my enjoying his/her company, I would:
_____ A. Say nothing to him/her directly, but let him/her know my feelings by ignoring him/her whenever his/her annoying habits were obvious.
_____ B. Get my feelings out in the open and clear the air so that we could continue our friendship comfortably and enjoyably.
19) In discussing social behavior with one of my more sensitive friends, I would:
_____ A. Avoid mentioning his/her flaws and weaknesses so as not to hurt his/her feelings.
_____ B. Focus on his/her flaws and weaknesses so s/he could improve his/her interpersonal skills.
20) If I knew I might be assigned to an important position in our group and my friends' attitudes toward me had become rather negative, I would:
_____ A. Discuss my shortcomings with my friends so I could see where to improve.
_____ B. Try to figure out my own shortcomings by myself so I could improve.
Calculating Your Scores:
Copy your point values from the questionnaire to the appropriate spaces below. Add up the total points for each column.
Willingness to |
Self-Disclose/ |
Solicits Feedback |
Gives Feedback |
2B ________ |
1A ________ |
3A ________ |
4B ________ |
5A ________ |
6B ________ |
7A ________ |
9B ________ |
8B ________ |
11B________ |
10B________ |
13A________ |
12B________ |
15A________ |
14B________ |
17B________ |
16A________ |
18B________ |
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