Your final assignment is focused on the plan’s proposed project framework, data collection, and ethical considerations. Instructions Consult the Virtual Resi
Methodological approach : Quantitative
TOPIC: Cybersecurity ransomware attacks
Your final assignment is focused on the plan's proposed project framework, data collection, and ethical considerations.
Consult the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your program's Project Plan Guide for specific expectations of the following sections. Remember to update the reference list as you add resources to support your project development.
Use your Project Plan Template and guide to complete the following:
Proposed Project Framework
Your project framework should be clearly defined and include population, foundations, phenomena, and variables. The framework consists of three elements:
- Methodological Approach.
- Describe the proposed methodological framework that aligns the topic, problem, gap, and project questions.
- Population and Sample (including site if necessary).
- Describe the proposed target population as it aligns with the topic, purpose, and questions.
- Foundations, Phenomena, Variables.
- Present evidence and explanation for the final choice of framework.
Data Collection
- Describe the proposed data collection procedures and potential ethical considerations associated with your data collection. Data collection begins once informed consent is confirmed. Describe where your respondents or data are, and how you will gather information from those individuals or sites. Indicate the steps necessary to gather and secure data.
Ethical Considerations
- Explain potential risks to study participants and how each risk will be mitigated to reduce ethical conflicts. Describe any ethical considerations that should be in place to address the sample, the population overall, the data, and the topic. Fully explain how you plan to protect your human participants along with any data collected through other providers. Support identified ethical, confidentiality, privacy, security, anonymity, and credibility issues and mitigation strategies with scholarly references. Be sure to cite literature associated with ethical responsibilities, including The Belmont Report (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1979).
Include in-text citations and a references section at the end of your assignment.
Additional Requirements
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Continue to use your Project Plan Template to structure your paper. Refer to the Virtual ResidencyLinks to an external site. Campus page for your PhD or Professional Doctorate program's Project Plan Guide.
- Resources: 6–10 scholarly references including seminal works. Include in Reference section at the end of the paper.
- APA guidelines: Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer to Academic WriterLinks to an external site. as needed.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Review the rubric before submitting your assignment to ensure that you meet all criteria.
To support you in proofreading your assignments, ensure you use Microsoft EditorLinks to an external site. to help correct errors with grammar, usage, and writing mechanics.
To strengthen your writing, use the Turnitin results to revise your work before submitting for grading.
Portfolio Prompt: You should consider adding this assignment to your personal ePortfolio. This assignment demonstrates your ability to address ethical considerations associated with your Project Plan. You will want to organize your course assignments to easily support future work on your dissertation or doctoral project and to showcase your knowledge with employers after graduation. For more information on ePortfolio, visit the Campus ePortfolioLinks to an external site. page.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1979). The Belmont Report: Ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research.
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Review Policies and Expectations
This week you will reflect on your ideas around a potential topic and supporting evidence for your doctoral project.
Discussion: Choose among four options to discuss your preparations for topic
endorsement. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will name, describe, and support the link between your topic and
the field of your program or specialization.
Develop two areas of your Project Plan, including the topic and problem. 10% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
Discussion: Choose one of three options to discuss aligning your project topic and
problem. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will study how quantitative or qualitative methodology requires
concepts that can be investigated and defined in a measurable way.
Choose among three options to discuss instruments and phenomena for your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will synthesize literature to examine the purpose statement.
Provide a synthesized review of scholarly literature and address the theoretical foundations or practice orientation for your study. 10% of
grade. View Scoring Guide.
Choose one of three options to discuss relating a purpose to your proposed study. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will evaluate and identify an appropriate theoretical foundation or practice orientation as the theoretical framework for your proposed project.
Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss a theoretical foundation or practice
orientation for your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will apply additional literature to your topic, problem statement,
and research question, and revise the topic and problem sections of your project.
Assignment: Apply new literature and incorporate instructor feedback to bring the
topic, problem, supporting evidence, and questions up-to-date. 30% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
Assignment: Confirm your participation in the required synchronous meetings. 10% of
grade. View Scoring Guide.
Choose among three options for discussing your work iterations and learning. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week, you will focus on important ethical considerations for your Project Plan.
Assignment: Complete the CITI Basic Course for Capella Learners, submitting your
completion certificate and module scores of 85% or higher. 10% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss ethical challenges and mitigation
strategies for your project. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will formulate ideas about sampling and the recruitment of study
Choose among three options to discuss ethical issues with your study population. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
This week you will formulate ideas about sampling and recruitment of study participants.
Discussion: Choose among three options to discuss sample feasibility for your project.
Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
Update and complete the Project Plan elements worked on in this course.
Topic Approval Requirements1
Alignment of Problem and Question2
Instruments and Phenomena3
Relating Purpose With Proposed Study4
Theoretical Foundations, Models, and Frameworks5
Project Design6
Ethical Challenges and Mitigation Strategies7
Ethical Issues With Population8
Sample Feasibility, Universe, and Frame9
Project Plan10
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Focus on the proposed project framework, data collection, and ethical
considerations of your Project Plan in this assignment. 20% of grade. View Scoring Guide.
Discussion: Choose among three options to reflect on your Project Plan and doctoral
journey. Overall participation is worth 10% of grade.
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Course Overview
In this 10-week virtual residency, learners apply writing, research, and critical-
thinking skills by identifying a problem, developing project questions, and
finalizing an appropriate project topic for the program. Learners use evidence
to support the selection of theories, problems, and questions to guide further
refinement of their topic. Learners establish an appropriate topic area,
preliminary project design, and begin development of a literature review.
Further development of the doctoral project is determined through a project
topic framework.
The Project Plan helps you develop the details of your project. Your work will be reviewed
through multiple lenses, including instructors, peers, the existing literature, and other sources. You should seek out opportunities to improve and refine your work. As you deepen your
understanding and add detail to your project, you should expect that you will make several revisions during and beyond this course. Doctoral project planning is an iterative process, with
each revision often inspiring further revisions until everything is aligned. These iterations are a necessary part of the doctoral journey.
To successfully complete this course, you must complete all assignments and demonstrate all course competencies at the level of Proficient or above for master's and doctoral-level
Synchronous Meetings
This course requires individual and small-group synchronous meetings. Please visit the Using Zoom page on Campus for more information.
Research Ethics: CITI Certification
Capella University expects all of its doctoral learners to have a solid understanding of research ethics and best practices for protecting the rights of human research participants. CITI
certification is required to be completed in this course. You will access the CITI Basic Course for Capella Learners on the CITI website and submit your completion certificate and module
scores in a Week 7 assignment.
Course Grading
Participation Discussions
Participation activities will account for 10% of your final grade.
Graded Activities
Week 2: Topic Selection and Problem – 10% of final grade.
Week 4: Supporting Evidence and Project Questions – 10% of final grade.
Week 6: Signature Assignment: Project Plan Approval – 30% of final grade.
Week 6: Synchronous Meeting Participation – 10% of final grade.
Week 7: Research Ethics: CITI Certification – 10% of final grade.
Week 10: Proposed Framework, Data Collection, and Ethical Considerations – 20% of final
Course Competencies
To successfully complete this course, you will be expected to:
1. Apply advanced critical thinking skills to develop a researchable topic.
2. Synthesize ideas and concepts from literature and in practice to develop a researchable topic.
3. Integrate credible scholarly literature to support ideas and concepts with evidence in
proposing research methods and design.
4. Develop research questions that align with an identified problem.
5. Articulate a theoretical framework for the proposed study.
6. Propose a research methodology that aligns with an identified problem.
7. Integrate ethics and academic integrity into the selection of a topic.
8. Write in accordance with the academic and professional requirements of the discipline during the research process ensuring appropriate structure, grammar, usage, and style.
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Tools and Resources
The online tools used in coursework may be new to you, and can vary across
courses at Capella. The resources below are tailored for the technology and
activities used in this course, and can help you get up to speed.
Online ePortfolio: OneDrive
Discussions in this Course: Yellowdig
Writing Feedback Tool
Doctoral Publication Guidelines
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Week 1
Topic Approval Requirements
What Is the Nature of Your Journey?
Feedback will come to you from your peers, instructors, and many other
sources throughout your doctoral journey. As you move on to reflecting upon
and writing the elements of your Project Plan, all feedback will be extremely
valuable to your continued refinement of the foundational elements.
This week you will have an opportunity to reflect and develop the initial sections of the Project
Plan in preparation to receive feedback from your instructor.
Set-Up Yellowdig: Set up your Yellowdig account by accessing the "Set-up Yellowdig account" button in Week 1.
What You Need To Know: Study resources related to topic selection
Discussion: Participate in a synchronous small-group meeting.
Prepare: Familiarize yourself with using Yellowdig for course discussions.
Prepare: Prepare: Participate in a synchronous small-group meeting.
Prepare: Prepare for your Week 2 assignment using the Project Plan Template and guides.
Set-Up Yellowdig
This courses uses Yellowdig for all discussion assignments. Before posting, you must visit this
link at least once to ensure your Yellowdig discussion activity syncs with the course's gradebook. All learners, regardless of previous experience with Yellowdig, must complete this
step to automatically receive a discussion grade.
Discussion Overview
Choose one of four discussion prompts: share a source of inspiration for your topic idea; discuss how your topic fits into a field of study; discuss resources to support the development
of your plan for endorsement; or share questions about endorsement requirements for your topic by the school.
What You Need to Know
Choose the resources that are aligned with your topic and type of method used in your project. Plan to return to these resources often and as needed. Remember, at this point in
your doctoral journey, you are expected to search outside of the courseroom for the resources you need.
Project Questions
View the Virtual Residency Campus page to read How to Craft a Research Question. This document provides the process of writing successful questions and applying this process to
your project's topic and questions.
View the Research Question Hierarchy [DOCX] for a presentation on a framework for supporting scholar-practitioner research.
Topic Selection
For more information on program and specialization alignment, avoiding significant participation risks, and addressing feasibility, view the Topic Selection page on Campus.
View the Virtual Residency Campus page to read the Acceptable Topics and Methods
document for your program and/or specialization.
Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research
View Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research to learn which technique is most appropriate
for your project.
Prepare: Introducing Yellowdig
Introducing Yellowdig
This course uses a tool called Yellowdig to facilitate course discussions. Yellowdig provides an
interface that resembles social media platforms and makes it easy to participate in discussions.
A Yellowdig account has been automatically created for you. The first time you access a
Yellowdig discussion, you will be asked to acknowledge and confirm your account. Note: You will have the best experience using Yellowdig with the Google Chrome browser.
To learn more about using Yellowdig, visit Tools and Resources. You can also explore the Yellowdig Forums page on Campus.
If you have trouble getting connected to the Yellowdig discussion boards, contact Yellowdig Technical Support.
Grading in Yellowdig
Yellowdig uses a unique discussion points grading system. In this course, points will be given as follows:
Initial post of 50 or more words: 30 points.
Comment (response) of 30 or more words on another learner’s post: 30 points.
Additional points may be awarded by your instructor in the form of accolades (badges).
You can earn a maximum of 120 points each week. Once you reach that maximum, you can still continue your conversations on Yellowdig, but you'll stop earning points for the week.
Your final discussion participation grade will be based on the total number of points you have earned throughout the course. If you earn the maximum of 1,000 points possible for the
course, your final discussion participation grade will be 100%.
Checking Your Progress
To help you stay on track, Yellowdig calculates how many points you should try to earn each
week to ensure you finish the course with a top grade. You can find this information by clicking on the points dashboard area of Yellowdig (on the left-hand menu within the tool).
Your participation grade in your courseroom My Grades area will be updated by Yellowdig throughout the day. Each week it will account for the points you could accumulate that week
as well as the points you already have, so don't be surprised if your grade changes. You’ll get used to the pattern in a few weeks.
Instead, focus on the points displayed in Yellowdig. If you're hitting your maximum points each week, you're good. In fact, you are more than good! Aim for at least 100 points each week to
stay on track.
Using Yellowdig
Yellowdig is designed to take a less formal approach to discussing course content. Think of it
as a playground for ideas. We still expect you to use APA style for citations and references. However, we want you to focus on writing short, succinct posts about the course content
rather than lengthy essays.
Try to start a conversation on the new topics you learn each week. Also, share additional
resources with one another to help everyone better understand and explore new ideas.
This is an environment designed to give you flexibility and control. Take advantage of that to
learn in the manner best suited to you.
Yellowdig Features
You can like or love each other’s posts.
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You can use hashtags.
You can filter what you see (icon on the top of the screen).
You can use the sort function (icon on the top of the screen) to control the order of the
Weekly points (on the left) will tell you how many points you’ve earned that week.
Aim for at least 100 points each week to stay on track.
You can embed outside resources like videos, pictures, and links.
You can create polls or videos from wit Plagiarism Free Papers
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