Among clinic nursing staff (RN, LPN, Nurse Tech), will teaching burnout signs/symptoms and relaxation techniques, using a small group discussion, increase kn
PICOT QUESTION: Among clinic nursing staff (RN, LPN, Nurse Tech), will teaching burnout signs/symptoms and relaxation techniques, using a small group discussion, increase knowledge and perception of burnout signs/symptoms and relaxation techniques, in four weeks?
- Complete sections I-III of the MSN project template.
- Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
- Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the most current edition of the manual.
- Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the most current edition of the APA Manual.
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NOTE: This is a template and guide. Delete all directions as you build your proposal.
Executive Summary
[Directions: An executive summary will include a summarization of the main points of the project. The summary will be one page long with a paragraph highlighting each of the main elements of the paper, including identification and purpose of the project, project location, synthesis of the literature and evidence, implementation and dissemination.
Purpose: The purpose of this project was …
Project Location: .……
Synthesis of Literature and Evidence: ………
Implementation: …….
Dissemination: ……
(Insert Title Here)
Note there is no heading that says Introduction. The paragraph or two following the title on the first page of your text is assumed to be your introduction. Your introduction follows the title of your paper (note it is not bolded). You should start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest. You should identify the purpose of your paper and provide a preview of what the paper will include. Remember formal papers are in third person so no I, me, we, etc. Refer to yourself as the MSN scholar or the MSN student. The Introduction must be 1-2 paragraphs.
Problem Statement
Your introduction section should smoothly transition into your problem statement. It should flow logically from the information you provided. This section of the paper will provide information about the clinical problem using the Johns Hopkins Question Development Tool (Appendix B) as the guide. The clinical problem should address a nursing sensitive issue and discuss why the issue/problem is important to nursing and to healthcare. There should also be a synopsis of what current practice is related to the practice concern. Explain your approach to the problem and how your intervention will address it.
Problem Background
The background of the problem is a review of information on why the problem is a pressing concern and summarizes for the reader what is known about the problem being investigated. This is accomplished with a general review of foundational research literature and data from credible sources that report findings related to the topic of interest.
What persons/groups or individuals might be impacted by your project? Ensure you think “outside the box” and consider both internal and external persons/groups, as well as entities.
PICOT Question
A well-developed clinical question using the PICO(T) components will then be developed. The PICO should be concise, relate to nursing practice and be a nursing sensitive issue. It should be written so the terms used in the PICO help guide the search strategies. The Question Development tool will also be used to identify the proposed search terms, the databases to be searched and any specific search strategies used. Search strategies can include applying limiters such as language, years to search, peer reviewed, articles limited to certain countries, etc. Search strategies can also include using Boolean search terms AND, OR and NOT to help refine the search. In this section the student will also address how the clinical question was or was not revised to reflect the current evidence. The last part of the question development tool is to identify the outcome measurement plan with very specific information and metrics related to who, what, where, how often type questions.
Review of Literature
The next area of the paper will address the literature review and provide a discussion of the evidence-supported interventions. A summary of the literature search parameters and identification of research and non-research sources of evidence will be provided with a synthesis and summary of the evidence to support the chosen intervention. The literature support must directly relate to the intervention stated in the PICO. Once the research articles have been identified a summary of the information from the studies should be provided using the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (Appendix G) as a guide. The EBP questions that will be identified in the literature review summary table will include the complete article information, author, date, name, type of evidence, sample size and setting of the study, a summary of the findings that help support the clinical question, what outcome measurements were used and any limitations of the study. Synthesize at least 8-10 (no more than 5 years old) primary research studies and/or systematic reviews; do not include summary articles. This section is all about the scientific evidence rather than someone else’s opinion of the evidence. Do not use secondary sources; you need to get the article, read it, and make your own decision about quality and applicability to your question even if you did find out about the study in a review of the literature. The studies you cite in this section must relate directly to your PICOT question. This is a synthesis where you address the similarities, differences, and controversies in the body of evidence.
Proposed Intervention
Restate the proposed intervention from the PICO in this section of the paper. A discussion of why this intervention is an important solution to the clinical problem should be addressed.
Identify the setting where the project will be implemented including information as to the organizational culture related to supporting evidence practice change, along with readiness to change.
In your proposal you will address potential barriers to the project and strategies for overcoming these barriers. In the final project you will describe what barriers were encountered during the practicum project. Along with the barriers provide information as to how the barriers were overcome and what solutions were provided to ensure project success.
Address the benefits of the change in this section as well as the expected outcomes along with the detailed steps of how these outcomes will be measured.
Action Plan
The action plan should include a synopsis of all of the critical milestones and related tasks. Include the completed John Hopkins Action Planning tool (Appendix I), as well as, the financial table completed in Module 6 of NR529 as an Appendix to the Manuscript.
Remember this is a reference list rather than a bibliography. If there is not a citation for a reference, it should not be here. PLEASE make sure your references and your citations throughout the paper are in APA format. You can go from an A paper to a B paper on APA errors alone. Take the time to make sure they are correct.
Appendices, Tables, and Figures
Appendix A
NOTE: Order these appendices in the order in which they were referred to in the paper.
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Other appendices that are likely to be includes are the data collection tools, consent form, instructional design table for educational component of project
Table 1 (Sample)
Direct |
Billing |
Salary and benefits |
Grants |
Supplies |
Institutional budget support |
Services |
Statistician |
Indirect |
Overhead |
Total Expenses |
Total Revenue |
Net Balance |
Table 2
[Table Title]
Column Head |
Column Head |
Column Head |
Column Head |
Column Head |
Row Head |
123 |
123 |
123 |
123 |
Row Head |
456 |
456 |
456 |
456 |
Row Head |
789 |
789 |
789 |
789 |
Row Head |
123 |
123 |
123 |
123 |
Row Head |
456 |
456 |
456 |
456 |
Row Head |
789 |
789 |
789 |
789 |
Note: [Place all tables for your paper in a tables section, following references (and, if applicable, footnotes). Start a new page for each table, include a table number and table title for each, as shown on this page. All explanatory text appears in a table note that follows the table, such as this one. Use the Table/Figure style, available on the Home tab, in the Styles gallery, to get the spacing between table and note. Tables in APA format can use single or 1.5 line spacing. Include a heading for every row and column, even if the content seems obvious. A default table style has been setup for this template that fits APA guidelines. To insert a table, on the Insert tab, click Table.]
Figures Title
Figure 1. [Include all figures in their own section, following references (and footnotes and tables, if applicable). Include a numbered caption for each figure. Use the Table/Figure style for easy spacing between figure and caption.]
For more information about all elements of APA formatting, please consult the APA Style Manual, 6th Edition.
Series 1
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 4.300000 2.500000 3.500000 4.500000 Series 2
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2.400000 4.400000 1.800000 2.800000 Series 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2.000000 2.000000 3.000000 5.000000
Module 2 Assignment: MSN Project Manuscript Section I-III Guidelines and Rubric
As a master’s-prepared advance practice nurse you will have many opportunities to lead evidence-based change in practice. The deliverable at the end of this course/program is a completed evidence-based practice quality improvement project prepared for dissemination. In this assignment, students will begin the dissemination process through the scholarly writing of their MSN project manuscript Sections I-III. Please refer to the MSN project template to help guide the development of the evidence-based practice quality improvement project manuscript. You may use your initial work that you started in your project proposal template in NR528 but you will need to include more details, particularly in the literature review and synthesis section.
Course Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
· CO 1: Apply a process improvement model to affect positive evidence-based change in a practice setting. (POs 1,5)
· CO 4: Disseminate findings of scholarly work. (POs 3,4,5)
Suggested Due Date
This assignment has a suggested due date of Sunday 11:59 pm MT at the end of Module 2.
Final due date is Sunday 11:59 pm MT at the end of Module 7.
Total Points Possible: 160
Assignment Overview
This assignment will assist you with the information needed to complete the MSN project manuscript for dissemination. In this assignment you will complete all of the sections I-III of the MSN project template. Some of the sections you have already completed in previous assignments so you are allowed to re-use this information. It will be important to make sure you have reviewed and incorporated faculty feedback when adding in these sections to your manuscript from previous coursework. Make sure to adhere to the graduate level writing style expectations.
Assignment Instructions
1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
2. Complete sections I-III of the MSN project template.
3. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
4. Title page, pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
5. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
6. Please note: If you do not receive a proficient rating in any major content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a better grade. You have one additional opportunity to revise after the initial submission in order to make improvements. The initial submission must be a complete paper, rough drafts will not be graded. All revisions must be submitted no later than Sunday of Module 7 at 11:59pm. (You cannot revise your APA for a higher grade in that category)
Assignment Criteria
Assessment Criteria |
Points |
% |
Description |
Section I: Introduction and Problem Identification of the MSN-project Manuscript |
50 |
30% |
Complete the MSN-Project template Section I: Introduction and Problem Identification All areas are completed: · Include an introduction to the MSN Project · Summarize area of interest · Scholarly literature is used · Develop a problem statement · Problem background · Scholarly literature is used · Identify key stakeholders · Restate the PICO formatted clinical/practice question |
Section II: Review of Literature of the MSN- project |
50 |
30% |
Complete the MSN-project Template Section II Review of Literature. · Summarize key ideas, facts, and/or themes from literature that support a change in practice. Include summary and synthesis from NR528 Module 6 Proposal Template assignment. · Sufficient integration of scholarly sources to support information presented · Include the Literature Matrix completed for NR528 Module 4 as an appendix. · A summary of the literature search parameters |
Section III: Intervention Description of the MSN- project |
50 |
30% |
Complete the MSN-project Template Section III Intervention Description All areas completed: · Describe the setting for where the project is being implemented · Discuss real or potential barriers to the change project · Discuss ethical considerations related to project scope and implementation -Include scholarly literature · Discuss the expected outcomes as a result of the evidence-based practice quality improvement project -Include scholarly literature · Include the completed John Hopkins Action Planning tool (Appendix I), as well as, the financial table completed in Module 6 of NR529 as an Appendix to the Manuscript. · Identify and list critical milestones and tasks |
Graduate-level Writing Style |
10 |
10% |
· Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure · Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing · Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person · Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) · Correct APA format for the following: · Font style and size · Margins and spacing · Citation and referencing sources · Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers) |
Quality of Literature Support |
It is an expectation that a minimum of 10 scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment. If the above expectation is not met, 10 points shall be deducted. |
Total |
160 |
100% |
A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements. |
NR 662: Advanced Nursing Role Synthesis
NR662 8/24/19