Read over the SOAP note and formulate a primary diagnosis.? Based on the diagnosis complete the SOAP note with the details that would be expected for the diag
Directions: Read over the SOAP note and formulate a primary diagnosis. Based on the diagnosis complete the SOAP note with the details that would be expected for the diagnosis. Use UptoDate and/or Dyna MedPlus to find out what is expected from the history and physical, diagnostic workup and management for the diagnosis. Include other peer review resources and and journal articles to support the development of your SOAP note. Complete and attach the evaluation & management score sheet to show how you coded the note for billing in each section.
- Upload a copy of your completed SOAP note.
- Upload a copy of the evaluation & management score sheet.
Case Study: A 32-year-old woman presents for evaluation of a lump that she noticed in her right breast on self-examination. She says that while she does not perform breast self-examination often, she thinks that this lump is new. She denies nipple discharge or breast pain, although the lump is mildly tender on palpation. She has never noticed any breast masses previously and has never had a mammogram. She has no personal or family history of breast disease. She takes oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) regularly, but no other medications. She does not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol Links to an external site.. She has never been pregnant. On examination, she is a well-appearing, somewhat anxious, and thin woman. Her vital signs are within normal limits. On breast examination, in the lower outer quadrant of the right breast, there is a 2-cm, firm, well-circumscribed, freely mobile mass without overlying erythema that is mildly tender to palpation. There is no skin dimpling, retraction, or nipple discharge. While no other discrete breast masses are palpable, the bilateral breast tissue is noted to be firm and glandular throughout. There is no evidence of axillary, supraclavicular, or cervical lymphadenopathy. The remainder of her physical examination is unremarkable.
1-Use the case study in the description to complete the assignment. Fill in the missing details for each required section that would be expected for the diagnosis.
SUBJECTIVE Analysis (0.2 POINT) |
Score received |
1-Subjective section should include: a-Chief complaint (CC) b-History of present illness (HPI)- All 7 attributes (location, quality, quantity or severity, timing including onset, frequency, and duration, setting in which it occurs, aggravating or relieving factors, and associated symptoms) c-Past history (Medical, Surgical, Obstetric/Gynecology, Psychiatric) d-family history (3 generation pedigree of first-degree relatives, i.e. parents, siblings, children) e. Personal and social history (i.e. sexual history 5p’s) f. Review of systems (ROS, pertinent positives and/or negatives) g. Developmentally appropriate-i.e. developmental history if peds, functional assessment and/or dementia screen if elderly a-Identified and collected the necessary data b-Categorized and organized data using the appropriate format c-Incorporated all pertinent data/facts d- Used proper documentation and proper billing code e- PATIENT’S CULTURE MUST BE NOTED |
Score received |
1-Objective section should include: a. General survey b. Vital Signs (including BMI and growth chart if applicable) c. All other necessary body systems d. Diagnostic test if available a. Identified and collected the necessary data b. Categorized and organized data using the appropriate format c.Incorporated all pertinent data/facts d. Used proper documentation and billing code |
Score received |
1- Identified correct diagnosis, ICD-10 code, and correct differential diagnosis a-Filtered relevant data from irrelevant data b.-Interpreted relationships/patterns among data (e.g., noted trends) c.Integrated information to arrive at diagnosis d.Identified risk factors d. Used proper documentation |
PLAN Analysis (0.2 POINT) |
Score received |
a-Recommended an appropriate plan for each problem b-Included recommendations for non-drug and drug therapy c-Included recommendations for monitoring d- Included health education e- Included followup & referrals f- include cultural considerations of patient care Incorporate the patient's culture on the demographic section on SOAP notes. |
Score received |
1- APA 2- References Current (at least two references, one of which needs to be up to date and the other a clinical practice guideline from a peer reviewed journal article or national organization such as AAFP, ACOG, USPSTF) 3- Writing clear, concise |
TOTAL: /1 |
Initials of Patient:
Patient Age:
Patient Ethnicity:
Initials of Provider:
Clinical Setting:
Patient Status: ____New ____Established
Overall Instructions:
1. Identified and collected the necessary data
2. Categorized and organized data using the appropriate format
3. Incorporated all pertinent data/facts
4. Used proper documentation
5. LIST at the end of your subjective section the billing level : Problem Focused, Expanded problem focused, detailed, comprehensive (use guidelines for new vs. established patient
6. Identify cultural influences on care
Chief Complaint:
History of Present Illness:
Quantity or Severity
Timing (Onset, Duration, Frequency)
Aggravating and relieving Factors
Associated Symptoms
· Pertinent Positives and Negatives if it relates to the differential diagnosis of the chief compliant
Past history (include dates):
· (Chronic illness (date of onset), hospitalizations (dates), number and gender of sexual partners, risky sexual practices)
· Medications: Dose, route, frequency
· Allergies: Medications, Foods, Other Allergens
· (Dates, indications, and types of operations)
Past Psychiatric Hx
· (Illness and timeframe, diagnosis, hospitalizations and treatments)
Obstetrical/Gynecological (obstetric history, menstrual history,
Contraceptive history, and sexual history)
Obstetrical History
· (Gravida-Para-TPAL)
Menstrual History
· (Menarche, LMP, PMP, regular/irregular, frequency, duration, quality of flow, Menopause, Post-menopausal bleeding, HRT)
Contraceptive History
· The types of contraceptive being used, the dates of unprotected sex)
Sexual History
· (Five P’s: Partners, Practices, Prevention of Pregnancy, Protection from STI’s, and history of STI’s)
Pregnancy and Birth History
· Maternal health: Gestational or chronic illness (i.e., gestational diabetes, preeclampsia) complications during pregnancy, infections, drugs, alcohol, illicit drug use, and medications.
· Gestational age at delivery
· Labor and delivery length: Length of labor, fetal distress, type of delivery (vaginal or cesarean)
· Neonatal period: Apgar scores, need for intensive care, jaundice, birth injuries, length of stay, birth weight.
Developmental History
· Age at which milestones were achieved and developmental abilities
· School- present grade, specific problems, interaction with peers
· Behavior – enuresis, temper tantrums, thumb sucking, pica, nightmares
Feeding History
· Breast or bottle fed, types of formula, frequency and amount, reasons for any changes in formula
· Solids – when introduced, problems created by specific types
· Fluoride use
Health Promotion/Maintenance
· Immunizations, Eye exams, dental exams, lead screening, lipid,
Hemoglobin. Colonoscopy, Annual Physical, Mammography,
PAP, Functional Status: ADLs and IADLs
Family History: Alive, Deceased, Age, Diseases, Health Conditions that place patient at risk (ages)
Social History:
Cultural Background
Spiritual History/Religious Affiliation and Practices
Complementary/Alternative Care Practices:
Activities of Daily Living/Hobbies/Interests
Type of Family (Nuclear, Extended etc.)
Occupation of parents
Work History
Financial History
Use of alcohol, smoking, or recreational drugs
Living Arrangements and conditions- school/daycare
Travel History
Social Support
Review of Systems:
Mouth/Throat/ Neck:
GYN (female):
Reproductive (Male):
Determine Which LEVEL of HISTORY (Choose one):
Focused HPI (1-3 findings); ROS N.A; PFSH N.A
Expanded HPI (1-3 Findings); ROS 1 or more; PFSH N.A.
Detailed HPI (4 or more findings); ROS 2-9 systems; PFSH one
Comprehensive HPI (4 or more findings or status of 3 or more chronic stable conditions; ROS 10-14; PFSH 2-3 areas
OBJECTIVE DATA; Grade received_____
Overall Instructions:
1. Identified and collected the necessary data
2. Categorized and organized data using the appropriate format
3. Incorporated all pertinent data/facts
4. Used proper documentation
5. LIST at the end of your subjective section the billing level : Problem Focused, Expanded problem focused, detailed, comprehensive (use guidelines for new vs. established patient
Vital Signs:
Oxygen Saturation:
Ht and percentile on growth chart:
Wt and percentile on growth chart:
BMI (if applicable):
Physical Examination:
Mouth/Throat/ Neck:
GYN (female):
Reproductive (Male):
Determine Billing LEVEL OF PHYSICAL OBJECTIVE EXAM (choose one):
Focused: 1 body area or organ system (1-5 elements);
Expanded problem focused (2-4 body are or organ system (6-11 elements);
Detailed (5-7 see notes);
Comprehensive (8 organ systems see notes);
Laboratory Data Already Ordered and Available for Review (If not done will go in plan):
Diagnostic Procedures/Data Already Ordered and Available for Review (If not done will go in plan):
1) Main Diagnosis/Problem:
2) Additional Health Problem/Dx:
3) Differential Diagnoses for top diagnoses
4) Identify Risk Factors
For Each Diagnosis or Health Problem Identified as Appropriate:
Additional Laboratory Tests or Diagnostic Data Needed
Pharmacologic Management:
Drug, dose, route, frequency, Disp amount
SIG (write like a prescription)
Non-Pharmacologic Management: i.e. hot packs, ice, position changes, TENS unit etc.
Complementary Therapies:
Anticipatory Guidance:
Health Education:
Follow-up Appointment:
For the Encounter Final Level of Decision Making: (give rationale for level which is based on Hx, physical, Decision making); Choose one
Low Complexity:
Moderate Complexity:
High Complexity:
Billing Level: Give the reason for the Billing by E and M Evaluation Coding as per Number of Systems Reviewed and Level of Physical Exam.
Patient Status: New or established
Level of history
Level of physical (exam)
Level of Medical decision making
For new pick the lowest of the 3 levels
For established: drop the lowest level then pick 2nd lowest level
Write 1-2 paragraph summary listing the subjective and objective data that supports your main diagnosis.
Write 1-2 paragraph summary discussing the plan for the main diagnosis.
1. Analysis must have support from the literature with references within the last 5 years and/or use of clinical evidence-based guidelines. There should be sufficient number of references which are up to date preferably primary sources, research, clinical guidelines etc.
2. Use of APA style of references in reference list
Writing Style:
1. Writing should be clear and concise with appropriate use of medical terminology.
2. Sections identifying subjective data, objective data, assessment, and plan are written in brief short phrases; not full sentences. No need to use the word “patient.”
3. Demonstrate your clinical judgment and decision making and the evidence you are using to support your identification of the diagnoses, health problem, or differential diagnoses and management plan.
E/M Documentation Auditor’s Instructions
1. History Refer to data section (table below) in order to quantify. After referring to data, circle the entry farthest to the RIGHT in the table, which best describes the HPI, ROS and PFSH. If one column contains three circles, draw a line down that column to the bottom row to identify the type of history. If no column contains three circles, the column containing a circle farthest to the LEFT, identifies the type of history.
After completing this table which classifies the history, circle the type of history within the appropriate grid in Section 5.
HPI: Status of chronic conditions: q 1 condition q 2 conditions q 3 conditions
q Status of 1-2 chronic
Status of 3 chronic
conditions conditionsOR
HPI (history of present illness) elements: q Location q Severity q Timing q Modifying factors
q Quality q Duration q Context q Associated signs and symptoms
q Brief (1-3)
Extended (4 or more)
ROS (review of systems):
q Constitutional q Ears,nose, q GI q Integumentaryq Endo (wt loss, etc) mouth, throat q GU (skin, breast) q Hem/lymph
q Eyes q Card/vasc q Musculo q Neuro q All/immuno q Resp q Psych q All others negative
q None
q Pertinent to problem
(1 system)
Extended (2-9 systems)
PFSH (past medical, family, social history) areas: q Past history ( the patient's past experiences with illnesses, operation, injuries and treatments) q Family history (a review of medical events in the patient's family, including diseases which may be
hereditary or place the patient at risk) q Social history (an age appropriate review of past and current activities)
plete ROS: 10 or more systems or the pertinent positives and/or negatives of
q None
q Pertinent
(1 history area) e**Complet y(2 or 3 histor
*Com some systems with a statement “all others negative”.
**Complete PFSH: 2 history areas: a) Established Patients – Office (Outpatient) Care; b) Emergency Department.
3 history areas: a) New Patients – Office (Outpatient) Care, Domiciliary Care, Home Care; b) Initial Hospital Care; c) Initial Hospital Observation; d) Initial Nursing Facility Care.
NOTE:For certain categories of E/M services that include only an interval history, it is not necessary to record information about the PFSH. Please refer to procedure code descriptions.
2. Examination
Refer to data section (table below) in order to quantify. After referring to data, identify the type of examination. Circle the type of examination within the appropriate grid in Section 5.
Limited to affected body area or organ system (one body area or system related to problem) PROBLEM FOCUSED EXAM
Affected body area or organ system and other symptomatic or related organ system(s) (additional systems up to total of 7)
Extended exam of affected area(s) and other symptomatic or related organ system(s) (additional systems up to total of 7 or more depth than above) DETAILED EXAM
General multi-system exam (8 or more systems) or complete exam of a single organ system (complete single exam not defined in these instructions) COMPREHENSIVE EXAM
Body areas: q Head, including face q Chest, including breasts and axillae q Back, including spine qGenitalia, groin, buttocks
Organ systems:
Abdomen q Neck Each extremity
q q q 1 body area or system
Up to 7 systems
Up to 7 8 or more systems systems
q Constitutional q Ears,nose, q Resp q Musculo q Psych ) (e.g., vitals, gen app mouth, throat q GI q Skin
q Eyes q Cardiovascular q GU q Neuro q Hem/lymph/imm
– 1 –
3. Medical Decision Making
Number of Diagnoses or Treatment Options
Identify each problem or treatment option mentioned in the record. Enter the number in each of the categories in Column B in the table below. (There are maximum number in two categories.)
Number of Diagnoses or Treatment Options A B X C = D
Problem(s) Status Number Points Result
Self-limited or minor (stable, improved or worsening) Max = 2 1 Est. problem (to examiner); stable, improved 1
Est. problem (to examiner); worsening 2
New problem (to examiner); no additional workup planned
Max = 1
New prob. (to examiner); add. workup planned 4
TOTAL Multiply the number in columns B & C and put the product in column D. Enter a total for column D.
Bring total to line A in Final Result for Complexity (table below)
Amount and/or Complexity of Data Reviewed
For each category of reviewed data identified, circle the number in the points column. Total the points.
Amount and/or Complexity of Data Reviewed Reviewed Data Points
Review and/or order of clinical lab tests
Review and/or order of tests in the radiology section of CPT
Review and/or order of tests in the medicine section of CPT
Discussion of test results with performing physician
Decision to obtain old records and/or obtain history from someone other than patient
Review and summarization of old records and/or obtaining history from someone other than patient and/or discussion of case with another health care provider
Independent visualization of image, tracing or specimen itself (not simply review of report)
TOTAL Bring total to line C in Final Result for Complexity (table below) Plagiarism Free Papers
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