In this assignment, you will create a slide presentation with audio narration that outlines Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (US
-In this assignment, you will create a slide presentation with audio narration that outlines Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) protections and the current state of civil-military relations in the U.S.
First, use PowerPoint to create a set of presentation slides that outline the protections afforded to service members by USERRA and reflect on the current state of civil-military relations in the United States. Propose strategies to improve these relations and ensure that service members and veterans receive the support and resources they need. Cite at least three credible primary and/or peer-reviewed scholarly sources in your references slide(s).
-Next, use the slides and make a narrated presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. Instructions for creating a narrated PowerPoint presentation can be found at the following site:
-How to Record a Slide Show and Narrate With PowerPoint
-attach turn it in report
-the presentation should be 5–7 minutes in length
-atleast 12 slides
-be detailed
-cover and references slides as well
–Be sure to follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition for citations. For more information on Chicago Style, refer to the Marine Corps University's Style Guide or the Purdue OWL Writing Lab website.
-other sources:
- U.S. Army War College, “How Does Civil-Military Relations Help Keep Our Democracy Strong,” YouTube video, 9:04, June 5, 2019,
- U.S. Naval War College, “NWC Talks: Civil-Military Relations with Lindsay Cohn,” YouTube video, 19:01, March 24, 2020,
U.S. civil-military tensions could raise long-term issues
Stable civil-military relations have been a hallmark of U.S. military power. But the
country’s armed forces have recently been drawn into divisive political issues. The prospect of further strained relations may pose a distraction for the Pentagon,
affecting military morale.
In May 2021, a class of 995 cadets graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York, which has produced two presidents and 76 Medal of Honor recipients. © Getty Images
In a nutshell Stable civilian relations are a pillar of the U.S. military
Recent political debates have raised tensions
Morale, performance and funding could suffer
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Stable civil-military relations have long been a hallmark of American military power.
Recently, however, the armed forces have been swept up in divisive partisan political issues in a manner not seen in the United States for decades. The prospects for
strained relations among civilians and military could spill over, hampering readiness and operational practices in the near term.
For now, this challenge seems more a possibility than a reality. Nevertheless, the
issue of civil-military relations will unquestionably attract more media attention and political scrutiny. The potential for these disputes to serve as a distraction for the
Pentagon and hinder morale and performance should not be discounted.
Past as prologue The U.S. military was established with the premise that civilian military leaders
should always have the ultimate authority over the activities of the armed forces, and
that both enlisted and military personnel are bound by oath to their allegiance to the U.S. constitution. This relationship has endured over the history of the republic,
though not always without friction. Civil-military tensions erupted periodically over the course of the American Revolution, not only between senior commanders and the
Continental Congress but also among the ranks, most notably during the Newburgh Conspiracy of 1783.
Nor did the establishment of the U.S. Constitution (1787) mitigate future
confrontations. In modern times, a touchstone for the debate was Samuel P. Huntington’s “The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military
Relations” (1957). Huntington warned against drifting from a traditional model
where military leaders and civilian leaders operated in distinctly different spheres, with the armed forces focusing strictly on military affairs. Another important work
was “The Professional Soldier: A Social and Political Portrait” by Morris Janowitz (1960), which argued that the professional military had devolved into technical
“military managers,” as opposed to ethically driven, selfless, warrior-servants.
The greatest period of tension occurred in the wake of the Vietnam War (1973) and
protests against the military draft (mandatory conscription). Officers were accused of being self-serving careerists, while respect for the U.S. military dropped to historic
lows. A military reform movement briefly flirted with unionizing the armed forces. Much of the criticism implicitly drew on the influence of Huntington and Janowitz.
„ Recent strains reflect the more challenging conditions of the
post-Vietnam era.
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In the 1980s, tensions greatly reduced and respect for the armed forces dramatically
improved. Despite occasional flare-ups, such as President Bill Clinton’s confrontation with senior military leaders on gay people serving in uniform, confidence in the
armed forces and relations between civilian and military leaders has seen little concerted attention.
As with many aspects of his administration, President Donald Trump elicited some
controversies, such as with the role played by military personnel during the June 2020 demonstrations outside the White House at Lafayette Square in Washington,
D.C. Such partisan disputes and controversies, however, accompany virtually every president at one time or another. The present issue, however, is if more sustained and
systemic tensions are emerging – reflecting the more challenging and debilitating
conditions of the post-Vietnam era.
Controversies in the ranks One issue that has persistently dogged the military for decades is sexual abuse and
violence. This has tracked the expansion of women in the ranks of the armed forces (currently 14.4 percent in the active forces and 17.9 percent in the reserve forces),
and the increasing number of married personnel in the services (56.4 percent in the active forces and 48.2 percent in the reserve forces).
A resulting tension is an ongoing Congressional effort to change how the U.S. military
prosecutes criminal sexual abuse cases. Proponents argue that greater safeguards are needed to protect soldiers and families, while contend that changes to the
military justice system will undermine order and discipline and command authority.
Both sides say the issue exacerbates concerns that the officer corps is becoming risk- averse, and less effective in ensuring the welfare of military members and their
Another subject which has troubled civil-military leaders is military service by transgender individuals. Policies have whipsawed back and forth: both the Obama
and Biden administrations considered transgender service an important equality issue, while the Trump administration viewed the incompatibility of transgender
service as a physical and mental health and operational readiness issue. In the debate, military leaders were caught in the middle of what is a public, highly divisive subject,
even if only a few thousand transgender persons serve in the active and reserve forces (0.7 percent of the military).
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Debates over civil-military relations were accentuated by media reports claiming that Army General Mark
A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had feared that former President Donald Trump was considering a “coup” to remain in office. © Getty Images
Another concern that has received significant attention lately is the presence of violent political extremists in the military ranks. This issue came to prominence after
the riot at the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, when protestors disrupted the Congressional confirmation of the presidential election results. According to a
May 22 report by the Washington Post, “[a]t least five service members face federal
charges for allegedly participating: an active-duty Marine Corps officer who was arrested last week, two part-time soldiers in the Army Reserve and two in the
National Guard.”
In response, the White House directed that the Pentagon be included in a national effort to combat domestic extremism, to include monitoring service members for
extremist activities. Critics argue these initiatives smack of political repression rather than a genuine concern over public safety. U.S. media outlet Defense One reported of
one effort by two federal legislators, fielding complaints that revealed “training sessions and regulations that service members argue paint the military as
fundamentally racist and support left-leaning groups while labeling conservative movements as extremist.”
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Similarly, senior U.S. military commanders and officials have been mired in
controversy over “anti-racism” training. One hallmark of this dispute was a recent Congressional hearing where senators grilled the chairman of the Joints Chiefs of
Staff over the use of critical race theory in diversity training in the armed forces. In another case, the senior officer in the U.S. Navy was criticized for including the
scholar Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be An Antiracist” in a professional reading list for naval officers. Similar controversies have erupted over the teaching of anti-racist
doctrines at the military service academies. Critics contend that rather than combating racism, the teachings stigmatize individuals by race and undermine equal
rights protections.
A recent study released by one group of Congressional leaders argues that the
political controversies are distracting and undermining the readiness of the armed forces. Published in July 2021, “A Report on the Fighting Culture of the United
States Navy Surface Fleet” concluded, “[t]here was a broad consensus across interviewees on numerous cultural and structural issues that impact the morale and
readiness of the Navy’s surface force. These include: an insufficient focus on warfighting skills, the perception of a zero-defect mentality accompanied by a culture
of micromanagement, and over-sensitivity and responsiveness to modern media culture.”
The momentum of these issues has revived debates over whether civilian leaders are being overly intrusive in injecting political issues into military culture, operations and
practices. Others ask if military leaders are intentionally or inadvertently engaged in supporting partisan political activities to the detriment of good order and discipline
in the services. The debate was accentuated by media reports about a recently released book by the Washington Post’s Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, “I Alone Can
Fix It,” which includes a claim that the chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff feared that former President Trump considered organizing a military coup to remain in
office. The reporting exacerbated acrimony on all sides of the political spectrum over the appropriate behavior from military and political leaders.
There is no question that the hyper-political debates in the public sphere have spilled over into U.S. military affairs. The issue is whether these political disputes will have a
debilitating impact on recruiting, retention, readiness and operational performance in the future.
„ There are no signs that acrimonious partisan disputes in the
U.S. will abate.
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Scenarios A significant factor that could exacerbate the current controversies is reduced
funding for the armed forces, which could impact training and readiness. That, in turn, could affect retention in the services.
In addition, as the U.S. economy recovers from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic,
the military will have to compete more vigorously with the private sector to enlist new soldiers. If the military is funded through either continuing appropriations or at
levels proposed by the president’s budget, real spending will decline.
That would inevitably hurt morale, recruiting, retention and readiness, and intensify
concerns over the distractions of strained civil-military relations. Further, there are no signs that acrimonious partisan political disputes in the U.S. will abate. Indeed, it is
far more likely that they will intensify and increasingly intrude into military matters. If these conditions persist for a few years, then the most likely scenario is that both
the capabilities and the confidence in the military will decline.
© 2025 Copyright by Geopolitical Intelligence Services AG
View this report on the web:
Report published: August 13, 2021
Document version/created:
February 6, 2025
2/6/25, 2:47 PM Will U.S. civilian-military relations worsen? – GIS Reports 6/6
What should be the role of Defense Department civilians below the secretary of
defense in policymaking? During James Mattis’s tenure as the secretary of
defense, senior civilians reported that they felt bypassed in the decision-making
process and that their responsibilities were taken over by senior military officers.
In November 2018, a Foreign Policy article quoted one former official that civilian
control of the military “was already weakening in the last administration, and I
think it basically fell off a cliff.” A congressionally mandated commission and
commentary by former Defense Department officials echoed these concerns.
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To what extent are these reported changes really a problem and what to do about
them? We assess that the reports of the military’s behavior in dealing with top
civilians are — arguably — compatible with current regulations, and largely on
par with past policy processes. Civilian control over military actions, at least as
legislated by Congress, does not appear at risk. Nevertheless, declining civilian
input is a concern for good policymaking. Changes in legislation or regulation
may be needed to bolster civilian input, although before such steps are taken, the
defense community needs to understand better the evolution of defense civilian
input into policy processes since the passage of the Goldwater-Nichols Act.
How Is It Supposed to Work?
By civilian control of the military, we mean that a specified, politically
accountable civilian authority has the final say on national security and defense
policy. Civil-military relations refers to the wider set of interactions between
civilians and military personnel. Relevant academic literature highlights four
issues in civil-military relations: 1) curbing the political power of the military; 2)
ensuring that the military acts to protect rather than endanger the state; 3)
ensuring civilians do not use the military for partisan political goals; and, 4)
solving the puzzle of how civilians can control the military and ensure military
effectiveness even as they lack the specific knowledge and expertise of military
officers. The current debate centers on the fourth issue: Amidst the understanding
that civilians and military have a shared responsibility for the security of the
country, the tension centers on interpreting rules and procedures in a way that is
respectful of civilian and military roles and achieves military effectiveness while
preserving civilian control.
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As a component of the U.S. government, the Department of Defense is authorized
and constrained by law. Personnel within the department draw on law and
regulation, or at least their understanding of it, to determine their roles and
responsibilities. While the academic literature is useful in evaluating performance
and proposing remedies, we use the legal and regulatory framework as a baseline,
especially on the narrow question of civilian control. The degree to which
observed behavior is within or outside the legal and regulatory framework
highlights where changes may be needed.
The basic structure and functioning of the department is specified by Department
of Defense Directive 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major
Components, issued by the secretary of defense and based on the last major defense
reform legislation, the Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reform Act of
1986. The directive describes the components of the department. The Office of the
Secretary of Defense, led by the deputy secretary of defense, acts as the “principal
staff element of the Secretary of Defense.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff is led by the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and supported by the Joint Staff. The
military services are responsible for recruiting, training, and equipping military
forces. The combatant commands are regional and functional commands who
exercise “authoritative direction over all aspects of military operations, joint
training, and logistics.”
Some of the structure and functions of the department are specified in
Goldwater-Nichols, although the legislation leaves flexibility, such as by
empowering the secretary of defense to define the chairman’s role, as is done in
the directive on functions. The current version of the directive dates back to 2010
and was issued by Robert Gates, but the basic organization articulated in the
directive has not changed greatly since 1987.
As specified in Goldwater-Nichols, the directive on functions delineates that the
operational chain of command goes from the president to the secretary of defense
to the combatant commands. The secretary therefore exercises civilian control
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over the military in the sense of being the only civilian other than the president
with the authority to issue orders to military personnel. The directive stipulates
that all communication between president or the secretary of defense and the
combatant commands, including military orders, is normally required to be
transmitted through the chairman. Indeed, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff is responsible for overseeing the activities of the combatant commands, and
acting as their spokesperson, “especially on the operational requirements.”
Furthermore, the directive states that communication between other
organizations and the combatant commands “normally shall be coordinated with”
the chairman.
Another statutory role for the Joint Chiefs of Staff is to provide their advice to
both the president and the secretary of defense, first as members of the Joint
Chiefs of Staffs and second as representatives of their respective services. While
recent commentary calls out the military commanders for “often preempt[ing] the
advice and analysis of civilian staff by sending their proposals straight to the
secretary of defense,” the functions directive effectively permits the chairman to
bypass civilians in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in providing military
advice. In principle, these civilians could also present their advice to the secretary
without inputs from the chairman, although standard procedures generally
require that they at least attempt to coordinate with the Joint Staff.
To look deeper at the issue of the alleged declining role of the civilians within the
Office of the Secretary of Defense, we focus in particular on the role of the Office
of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (hereafter referred to as “Policy”).
Other civilian organizations in the department are no less important, but may
have different dynamics. Policy has specified responsibilities and functions, such
as issuing guidance and reviewing campaign plans and contingency plans as well
as representing the department in interagency meetings and international
defense negotiations. But direct oversight of the management of the use of force,
setting requirements, and developing plans is executed by the military chain of
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