American Sentinel COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development All Activities
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 1
Introduction to the Course and Communication: Syllabus, Course Completion Plan, and Chapter One
In this first unit, you will explore the course requirements, develop a course completion plan, and gain a greater understanding of the fundamentals of interpersonal communication. Specifically, you’ll review the syllabus and take a syllabus quiz, along with the lessons in Chapter One: What is Interpersonal Communication? This unit also provides an overview of the APA 7th edition citation style.
The American Psychological Association (APA) guides academic writers in academic format and citations. This format is vital to your success as you develop papers and cite your sources. In this section, you’ll use the Open Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue’s APA workshop and guide to begin practicing APA style.
Finally, you will create a timeline to complete the course assignments. This timeline is very contextualized to you and specific to your personal responsibilities (workplace and home).
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
?Understand the course requirements, course completion plan, and assignments as per the syllabus
?Identify the elements of communication models
?Discuss the ways communication meets various needs
?Review communication as it relates to culture, rules, and norms in all parts of our lives
?Use APA formatting to develop an academic paper
?Create APA in-text citations
?Create an APA references page
? Articulate a plan to complete the course in a timeline that is specific to you.
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter One: What is Interpersonal Communication? Specifically, read the following carefully:
Chapter 1 in the online text (Required)
This unit refers to the OWL at Purdue APA Workshop. Specifically, read the following carefully:
General APA Format
Headings and Seriation
In-text citations: the basics
Reference list: basic rules
Learning Activities
? Take notes on the Chapter 1 PowerPoint study guide
? Identify some physical, instrumental, relational, and identity needs that communication helps you meet in a given day.
? Watch the 12 min Ted Talk “Build Don’t Break Relationships with Communication”
? Watch the 8 min 44 sec YouTube video on APA style “How to Write in APA Style”
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 2
Self-Disclosures and Perception in Interpersonal Communication
This unit focuses on the examination of self-concept. We will explore how we manage our identities in everyday life and how communication with others reflects our own self-concept. Further, we will illustrate how we make sense of the world around us or the process of perception. These skills are important to understand so we do not misinterpret other people’s behaviors. The more we learn about ourselves and our perception making abilities, the better we are able to communicate with others in effective ways.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
? Recognize theories of self-disclosure
? Understand the effects of self-disclosure in relationships
? Review use of social media as it relates to our self-concept
? Determine effective presentation of self
? Distinguish perception of others
? Choose actions for improved self-perception
? Apply active self-reflection
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter Two: The Self and Chapter Three: Perception in the online text. Specifically, read the following carefully:
Chapter 2 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 3 in the online text (Required)
Learning Activities (Optional)
? Take notes on Chapter PowerPoint
? Watch the 11 minute Ted Talk “Mine the Gap Between Perception and Reality”
? Perception example – – BLT with cheese or something else?
Using Chpt 2 and Chpt 3 lessons, please apply the concepts of interpersonal communication skills to patient, family, and workplace communication by describing and analyzing a communication encounter in your current workplace in which perception checking may have led to a more positive result. Please relate the communication encounter to your nursing practice with clear examples. Discuss what could have been done differently. Select, demonstrate, and adapt appropriate forms of verbal, nonverbal, and mediated expression that support and enhance the meaning of messages within and across a variety of communication contexts.
(Examples (but not limited to): perception of family cues while caring for a patient, inter-departmental communication, transferring patients…) The communication encounter is your choice as it relates to your workplace or personal experience. Last, be sure to monitor and present yourself to others within and across a variety of communication context by including aspects of the “self” that you noticed came into play in the encounter and cite evidence from the textbook as support for your ideas.
For this assignment, please begin by creating a 4-6 slide PowerPoint Presentation to answer the prompts above. Be sure to turn subtitles on your slideshow. Review Death by PowerPoint – a 4 min video on what to avoid. Key words are best. If you choose to add images in your slideshow, please use Creative Commons to honor copyright. Please include textbook in-text citations
You will present the PowerPoint presentation in an MP4 recording that you will upload into the online dropbox. Please also upload the PowerPoint presentation.
You can choose to record your presentation in any for the following ways. Again, be sure to verbally state textbook evidence out loud in your presentation and include a thumbnail image of yourself in the recording.
? Record a audio and video presentation on the PPT (with captions/transcript). If you need help with adding captions, you can view the captions/transcribing video for accessibility.
? Use the FREE extension called LOOM to record your PowerPoint Presentation. The tutorial for LOOM is really helpful.
? Use the FREE Screen-castomatic recorder and video editor.
Please submit your MP4 file of your recorded PowerPoint presentation to the course submission area.
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 3
Exploring the Impact of Gender and Culture in Interpersonal Communication
This unit focuses on the examination of how gender and culture impact interpersonal communication. We will gain a greater understanding of the difference between biological sex and gender as well as gender differences in verbal and nonverbal communication. We will explore different ways of viewing culture by defining the scope of culture in interpersonal communication. We will further this discussion by examining research concerning cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal communication. Gender and culture play a major role in the way that individuals identify, communicate, and perceive the world. Understanding these aspects of identity will help us improve our own communication competence.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
? Distinguish gender and sex, as well as gender identity and sexual orientation
? Discuss gender differences that exist, as well as those that do not actually exist
? Understand and explain different theories of how gender roles are formed
? Discuss sexism and its impact on gender
? Explain how norms, values, and beliefs are expressions of our cultural identity
? Apply cultural dimensions to verbal and nonverbal variances among and within cultures
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter Five: Gender and Chapter Six: Culture. Read the following carefully:
Chapter 5 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 6 in the online text (Required)
Pre-Assessment on Unit Two: Self and Perception (Required)
Learning Activities (Optional)
? Take notes on the Chapter Study Guide PowerPoints for Chapters 5 and 6
? Watch the 18 min Ted Talk: “The Danger of a Single Story”
Assignment (Required)
Using concepts and theories from Chapters 5 and 6, write a 3-4 page paper addressing your plan to navigate culture and gender differences in the course of your care. Consider intergenerational factors that may impact gender and culture perspectives in your patients, their families, and in the workplace. Begin your paper by explaining four concepts that will be most beneficial to you as a health practitioner and/or personally to strengthen communication competence. Emphasize how you will show understanding and respect in your communication competence. Then, address the following:
? Identify two areas of communication related to culture in the course of your care that might be more challenging to navigate. Add a brief plan to strengthen understanding and respect.
? Discuss the difference between the actual gender differences, gender roles, and gender stereotypes.
? Why would actual gender differences, gender roles, and gender stereotypes matter to patients?
? To patients’ family members?
? How will you adapt to strengthen understanding and respect if there is miscommunication?
Follow APA 7th edition formatting for the title page, body of the paper, and reference page. You must use a minimum of two scholarly references to support your assignment.
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 4
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Skills
Unit four examines how the productivity and limitlessness of language is a powerful part of how we express observations and our identities. We will describe the ways humans use language to build relationships, navigate situations, share humor, and build a shared reality. This unit also illustrates the ever present and impactful nature of nonverbal communication. By labeling and recognizing nonverbal cues, we’ll examine ways to strengthen our own communication competence. Improving verbal and nonverbal skills is key to successfully managing tough situations where we must deliver bad news, offer comfort, and manage conflict.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
? Understand the power of language in expressing our identities through labels used by and on us
? Recognize the difference between connotative and denotative meanings of words
? Describe the functions of nonverbal communication
? Identify the different types of nonverbal communication
? Understand nonverbal communication in relational and professional contexts
? Demonstrate how to manage verbal and nonverbal skills in various healthcare scenarios
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter Seven: Language and Chapter Eight: Nonverbal Communication. Read the following carefully:
Chapter 7 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 8 in the online text (Required)
Pre-Assessment on Unit Two: Self and Perception (Required)
Learning Activities (Optional)
? Take notes on the Chapter Study Guide PowerPoints for Chapters 7 and 8
? Watch the 17 min Ted Talk “What Makes a Word ‘Real’?”
Assignment (Required)
Nonverbal/Verbal Response Activity Sheet:
Develop a chart using the table below to discuss best practices for verbal and nonverbal communication in each scenario. After reading the scenarios, select, demonstrate, and adapt appropriate forms of verbal and nonverbal skills that support and enhance the meaning of messages within and across a variety of communication contexts. Then, complete the table by considering and responding to the following questions for each scenario:
? What are the best ways to manage your verbal and nonverbal skills in each scenario?
? What are your industry standards?
? What does the textbook recommend you do?
Remember to cite your research from the textbook and sources for industry standards using APA 7th edition citation style.
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 5
Listening and Emotions
Listening is a learned process. Understanding the listening process, the main types of listening along with listening styles are all tools that can add a great deal to the quality of your relationships at home and at work. Further, exploration of emotions and their influence help us better understand how to respond to others and express our own emotions in effective ways.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
? Articulate the listening process
? Differentiate listening types
? Summarize listening barriers
? Apply active listening skills
? Describe primary and secondary emotions
? Define attachment theories
? Choose emotional expression in different contexts
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter Nine: Listening and Chapter Ten: Emotions in the online text. Specifically, read the following carefully:
Chapter 9 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 10 in the online text (Required)
Pre-Assessment on Unit Five: Listening and Emotions (Required)
Learning Activities (Optional)
? Take notes on Chapter PowerPoint
? Watch the 8 min Ted Talk 5 Ways to Listen Better
Assignment (Required)
Using Chpt 9 and Chpt 10 lessons, create a 4-6 slide PowerPoint slideshow and a 4 min (or less) video recording of you delivering news/explanation of care to a patient/family members using listening skills and emotional intelligence. Additionally, explain how you will incorporate empathetic listening to your nursing practice. Please apply the concepts of interpersonal communication skills to patient, family, and workplace communication. Select, demonstrate, and share appropriate forms of effectively listening and responding appropriately by monitoring and presenting yourself to others within the communication context. Last, be sure to cite evidence from the textbook as support for your ideas.
For this assignment, please begin by creating a PowerPoint Presentation to answer the prompts above. Be sure to turn subtitles on your slideshow. Review Death by PowerPoint – a 4 min video on what to avoid. Key words are best. If you choose to add images in your slideshow, please use Creative Commons to honor copyright. Please include textbook in-text citations in APA format in the notes section with explanation along with verbally stated in your presentation.
You will present the PowerPoint presentation in an MP4 recording that you will upload into the online dropbox. Please also upload the PowerPoint presentation.
You can choose to record your presentation in any for the following ways. Again, be sure to verbally state textbook evidence out loud in your presentation and include a thumbnail image of yourself in the recording.
? Record a audio and video presentation on the PPT (with captions/transcript). If you need help with adding captions, you can view the captions/transcribing video for accessibility.
? Use the FREE extension called LOOM to record your PowerPoint Presentation. The tutorial for LOOM is really helpful.
? Use the FREE Screen-castomatic recorder and video editor.
Please submit your MP4 file of your recorded PowerPoint presentation to the online dropbox.
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 6
Understanding Workplace Relationships
How do we manage the various relationships in our lives? Can relationship theories and models help us navigate small talk, conflict, and teamwork? In this unit we will explore relationship theories and models in interpersonal communication. Then, we will bring these theories and models to life by exploring the relationships in our workplace. Understanding how to successfully maintain relationships with difficult people, management, and coworkers can make all the difference.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
? Apply relationship concepts and models in interpersonal communication skills to patient, family, and workplace communication.
? Identify and explain how relationship theories and models influence the outcome of communication interactions.
? Recognize differences across and within types of relationships
? Describe how elements of perception, self, listening, emotions, verbal, and nonverbal communication impact relationships.
? Determine the best ways to monitor and present yourself in various relationships.
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter Eleven: Relationship Theories, Chapter Twelve: Romantic and Family Relationships, and Chapter Thirteen: Friends and Workplace Relationships. Read the following carefully:
Chapter 11 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 12 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 13 in the online text (Required)
Pre-Assessment on Unit Six (Required)
Learning Activities (Optional)
? Take notes on the Chapter Study Guide PowerPoints for Chapters 11. 12, and 13
? Watch the 15 min Ted Talk “How to Deal with Difficult People”
Assignment (Required)
Using concepts and models of relationships found in Chapters 11, 12, and 13, construct a 3-4 page paper exploring communication competence in workplace relationships. Consider the concepts and models that stood out most to you as you read each of the chapters. Select the best concepts and models that fit your workplace setting. In your paper, address the following:
As you write your introduction, discuss your current role in your workplace. Describe the workplace relationships that are most significant to your role.
Using section 11.3 of the textbook, analyze dialectical tensions that may emerge in the relationships in your workplace.
Select at least three relevant groups to your care setting: patients, housekeeping, lab, CNAs, charge nurses, pharmacy, cafeteria, RNs, doctors, management, and janitorial staff. Discuss best practices for ways to monitor and present yourself in terms of perception, self, listening, emotions, verbal, and nonverbal communication in the three groups you selected. Explain how you would approach strengthening your communication competence in these relationships.
Follow APA 7th edition formatting for the title page, body of the paper, and reference page. You must use a minimum of two scholarly references to support your assignment
COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1
Activity 7
Deception and Conflict in Interpersonal Communication
This unit identifies how deception is used in interpersonal communication with language use and also nonverbal communication. A special emphasis focuses on social media and deception. Further, we will explore conflict management styles along with ways to improve communication in conflict events.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
? Define different types of lying
? Understand how linguistic cues are associated with deceptive speech
? Identify nonverbal cues that are associated with deception
? Examine the use of deception in social media
? Explain conflict management styles
? Review how culture relates to conflict
? Distinguish patterns to handle conflict better
Reading & Resources
This unit connects specifically to Chapter Four: Deception and Chapter Fourteen: Conflict in the online text. Specifically, read the following carefully:
Chapter 4 in the online text (Required)
Chapter 14 in the online text (Required)
Pre-Assessment on Unit Seven: Deception and Conflict (Required)
Learning Activities (Optional)
? Take notes on Chapter PowerPoint
? Watch the 6 minute Ted Talk “What Productive Conflict Can Offer a Workplace”
Assignment (Required)
Using Chpt 4 and Chpt 7 lessons, create a 4-6 slide Powerpoint and then record a 4 min (or less) video of yourself describing a conflict scenario you experienced in your nursing practice. Explain what happened along with the outcome. Then, using the deception and conflict chapter, re-imagine how you would handle the conflict. Analyze how you communicated by identifying the style of conflict you used the scenario by using the Five Styles of Interpersonal Conflict Management (remember to define, explain, and apply the style to your explanation). Now, you get to go back in time and re-do the conflict. Remember, we can only control our communication behaviors. Do not focus on the other party. Focus only on your communication. What would you do differently in hopes of a different outcome? Please apply the concepts of interpersonal communication skills to patient, family, and workplace communication. Select, demonstrate, and use appropriate forms of verbal, nonverbal, and mediated expression that support and enhance the meaning of messages within and across a variety of communication contexts by monitoring and presenting yourself to others within and across a variety of communication context by including evidence from the textbook as support for your ideas.
For this assignment, please begin by creating a PowerPoint Presentation to answer the prompts above. Be sure to turn subtitles on your slideshow. Review Death by PowerPoint – a 4 min video on what to avoid. Key words are best. If you choose to add images in your slideshow, please use Creative Commons to honor copyright. Please include textbook in-text citations in APA format in the notes of the PowerPoint presentation and verbally state aloud in the recording.
You will present the PowerPoint presentation in an MP4 recording that you will upload into the online dropbox. Please also upload the PowerPoint presentation.
You can choose to record your presentation in any for the following ways. Again, be sure to verbally state textbook evidence out loud in your presentation and include a thumbnail image of yourself in the recording.
? Record a audio and video presentation on the PPT (with captions/transcript). If you need help with adding captions, you can view the captions/transcribing video for accessibility.
? Use the FREE extension called LOOM to record your PowerPoint Presentation. The tutorial for LOOM is really helpful.
? Use the FREE Screen-cast-o-matic recorder and video editor. Plagiarism Free Papers
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