The Exploration and Exploration Discussion provide you with practical motivation, and insight into common application areas. Instructions Within the Module 1



The Exploration and Exploration Discussion provide you with practical motivation, and insight into common application areas.


Within the Module 1 Exploration, after reading through the Exploration tabs, and checking your knowledge in the Check Understanding tab, click on the Discuss! tab. Choose one of the applications, and one of the numbered Discussion Topics for that application to explore with your classmates.

Instructions for Exploration Post

  1. Create a thread that answers the question(s) posed in the Discussion Topic to the best of your ability. Provide as much detail as possible.
  2. Title your thread with the name of the application and the number of the Discussion Topic (e.g. Interpolating Polynomials, Discussion Topic #3), and restate the Discussion Topic at the top of your post.
  3. Take part in the resulting discussions for this Discussion Topic, and at least one other Discussion Topic from your chosen Application, or from one of the other Applications. You must have at least one main post , and at least two other substantive discussion posts to satisfy the requirements for this Exploration Discussion.

See the Schedule in the Syllabus and Schedule Module for due dates and the Rubric attached to this Discussion for grading information. Plagiarism Free Papers

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