-DUE DATE JUNE 12, 2024
Title of Presentation
Author, Title, Organization
Practice Issue & PICOT Question
Review of Literature
Module 6: MSN- Project Poster Presentation Guidelines and Rubric
PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is for students to display the major components of their MSN Project as part of the Dissemina;on phase. Part of the dissemina;on process is to share the findings with the stakeholders of the organiza;on. This poster will allow the student to present this informa;on in an organized fashion. This poster could then be suitable at research conferences for use in the future. Use the poster template provided on the assignment page to complete this assignment.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Through this assignment, the student will address the following course learning outcomes:
• CO 5: Disseminates scholarly work (POs 4,5)
• CO 6: Embodies the concept of extraordinary nurse through professional growth, career, and succession planning (POs 3,4)
SUGGESTED DUE DATE This assignment has a suggested due date of Sunday 11:59 pm MT at the end of Module 6. Final due date is Sunday 11:59 pm MT at the end of Module 7.
ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW In this assignment, students will use the NR662 Poster template to display the purpose, method, and findings of their Capstone Projects. Use the poster template provided on the assignment page to complete this assignment.
ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Poster has a professional appearance. Generally, the only images used should be tables or graphs
related to results.
2. Poster must include all of the following elements
a. Title and author informa;on
NR662 8/22/19
d. Prac;ce Issue and PICOT ques;on
e. Brief review of literature
f. Interven;on Descrip;on
g. Evalua;on/results
h. Conclusions
3. Spacing between elements of the poster should be evenly distributed. Note than when the boxes are filled, they will expand, which decreases the spaces between boxes. You may have to adjust the size of some boxes to fit the content.
4. Reference font can be much smaller than the rest of the poster. You will only have space for a few references so chose the most important ones.
5. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
6. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
7. Cita;on of sources, and references must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edi;on of the manual.
8. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctua;on, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly wri;ng as noted in the APA Manual (current edi;on).
9. Please note: If you do not receive a proficient ra;ng in any major content category, you can re- submit your assignment with revisions in those content categories to receive a be^er grade. You have one addi;onal opportunity to revise a_er the ini;al submission in order to make improvements. The ini;al submission must be a complete paper, rough dra_s will not be graded. All revisions must be submi^ed no later than Sunday of Module 7 at 11:59pm. (You cannot revise your APA for a higher grade in that category)
Assessment Criteria
Points % DescripTon
Author, Title and OrganizaTon
10 10% • Author, Title and Organiza;on informa;on is provided at the top of the poster.
IdenTficaTon of PracTce Issue and PICOT quesTon
10 10% • Prac;ce issue is clearly described. • PICOT ques;on and elements are present
NR662 8/22/19
Brief Review of Literature
25 25% • A logical and brief review of the literature is provided.
• Summarize key ideas, facts, and/or themes from literature that support a change in prac;ce.
DescripTon of IntervenTon
20 20% The interven;on is clearly described and includes: • Descrip;on of the sebng for where the project is
being implemented • Iden;fica;on and list cri;cal milestones and tasks
EvaluaTon/ Results and Conclusion
25 25% • The evalua;on and results are clearly described.
• Conclusion is present and should represent the contribu;on your MSN project has made to nursing prac;ce.
Graduate-level WriTng Style
10 10% • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua;on, sentence and paragraph structure
• Clarity, organiza;on, and logical flow of ideas within wri;ng
• Scholarly, professional wri;ng tone with no use of first person
• Correct APA format for the following o Cita;on and referencing sources o Mechanics of style (abbrevia;ons,
capitaliza;on, italics, numbers)
Total 100 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements.
NR662 8/22/19
Assessment Criteria
Needs Improvement
Author, Title and OrganizaTo n
10 Points 0 Points
Author, Title and Organiza;on informa;on is provided at the top of the poster.
Author, Title and Organiza;on are missing.
IdenTficaTon of PracTce Issue or problem
10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Dis;nguished presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• Prac;ce issue/ problem is clearly described.
• PICOT Ques;on and
Presenta;on of informa;on exceeds expecta;ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• Prac;ce issue/
Proficient presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• Prac;ce issue/ problem is clearly describe d.
Presenta;on of informa;on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaTsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• Prac;ce issue/ problem is clearly described.
• PICOT Ques;on and Logical and
Brief 25 Points 23 Points 22 Points 0 Points
Logical and Brief Literature Review
Dis;nguished presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• A logical and brief review of the literature is provided.
• Summarize key ideas, facts, and/or themes from
Presenta;on of informa;on exceeds expecta;ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• A logical and brief review of the literature is provided.
• Summarize key ideas,
Proficient presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• A logical and brief review of the literature is provided.
• Summarize key ideas, facts, and/or
Presenta;on of informa;on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaTsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• A logical and brief review of the literature is provided.
• Summarize key ideas, facts, and/or themes from DescripTon
of the IntervenTon
20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 0 Points
Dis;nguished presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
The interven;on is clearly described and includes: • Descrip;on of the
sebng for where the project is being implemented
• Iden;fica;on and
Presenta;on of informa;on exceeds expecta;ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
The interven;on is clearly described and includes: • Descrip;on of the
sebng for where the project is being
Proficient presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
The interven;on is clearly described and includes: • Descrip;on of
the sebng for where the project is being implemented
Presenta;on of informa;on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaTsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
The interven;on is clearly described and includes: • Descrip;on of the
sebng for where the project is being implemented
• Iden;fica;on and EvaluaTon/ Results and
25 Points 23 Points 22 Points 0 Points
EvaluaTon/ Results and Conclusions Dis;nguished
presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by all of the following content areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:
• The evalua;on/ results and fully and clearly described.
• The conclusion is present and should represent the
Presenta;on of informa;on exceeds expecta;ons evidenced by most content covered in a comprehensive and concise manner, but with one area where coverage is superficial:
• The evalua;on/ results are fully and clearly described.
• The conclusion is present and
Proficient presenta;on of informa;on evidenced by content covered in a limited or superficial manner in two or more of the content areas:
• The evalua;on/ results fully and clearly described.
• The conclusion is present and should represent
Presenta;on of informa;on needs improvement as evidenced by content that is missing or unsaTsfactory in one or more of the content areas:
• The evalua;on/ results are fully and clearly described.
• The conclusion is present and should represent the Graduate-
level WriTng Style
10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 0 Points
Dis;nguished graduate-level wri;ng style is evidenced by mee;ng all of the following criteria with 0-1 errors total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua;on and sentence structure.
• Clarity, organiza;on, and logical flow of ideas within wri;ng
• Scholarly, professional wri;ng tone with no use of first person
• Layout of poster and spacing is nicely displayed
• Correct APA format for the following:
Graduate-level wri;ng style exceeds expecta;ons as evidenced by mee;ng the following criteria with 2-4 errors total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua;on and sentence structure.
• Clarity, organiza;on, and logical flow of ideas within wri;ng
• Scholarly, professional wri;ng tone with no use of first person
• Layout of poster and spacing is nicely displayed
• Correct APA
Proficient graduate-level wri;ng style is evidenced by mee;ng the following criteria with 5-7 errors, total: • Correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctua;on and sentence structure.
• Clarity, organiza;on, and logical flow of ideas within wri;ng
• Scholarly, professional wri;ng tone with no use of first person
• Layout of poster and spacing is nicely displayed
• Correct APA
Graduate-level wri;ng style needs improvement as evidenced by mee;ng the following criteria with 8 or more errors, total:
• Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctua;on and sentence structure.
• Clarity, organiza;on, and logical flow of ideas within wri;ng
• Scholarly, professional wri;ng tone with no use of first person
• Layout of poster and spacing is nicely displayed
• Correct APA
- Purpose
- Course Learning Outcomes
- Suggested Due Date
- Total Points Possible: 125 Points
- Assignment Overview
- Assignment Instructions
- Assignment Criteria
- Grading Rubric
Heart Failure Management
MSN Project Manuscript Section IV-V
Chamberlain University
Advanced Nursing Role Synthesis
Date: June 5, 2024
Heart Failure Management
Executive Summary
The main goal of this project was to investigate the implementation of a comprehensive
nursing-led disease management program for heart failure patients in the elderly population in
Miami, Florida. The project was designed to find out if this intervention, as opposed to standard
care, would result in better clinical outcomes, fewer hospital readmissions, and a better quality of
life within the 8-week period. The amalgamation of literature and evidence helped to the
understanding of the current practices and interventions in the management of heart failure. The
suggested intervention, its implementation strategies, and dissemination plans were designed to
deal with the identified problem in a proper way.
Section 1: Introduction and Problem Identification
Problem Statement
Heart failure is a chronic condition that occurs when the heart does not pump enough
blood to meet the body!s needs (Groenewegen et al., 2020). This condition is the main healthcare
challenge that is mostly seen among the elderly population in Miami, Florida, involving many
hospitalizations and reduced quality of life (Zacke, 2019). Despite substantial strides in heart
failure management, it is still necessary to create specific interventions to improve results and
reduce healthcare spending. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to evaluate the efficacy of a
nursing-led disease management program targeted towards elderly heart failure patients in
Problem Background
The heart failure management is a multidisciplinary task, taking into account the
complicated nature of the disease and its effect on the lives of the patients. The present practices
are mainly on the symptom management and the acute care interventions, thus hospital
readmissions and suboptimal outcomes are frequent. Through the introduction of a nursing-led
comprehensive disease management program for the elderly population in Miami, it is possible
to improve patient care, decrease the healthcare usage, and increase the overall quality of life.
The stakeholders who are affected by this project are the elderly patients with heart
failure, their families, healthcare providers, hospitals, insurance providers, and community
organizations that are part of the healthcare delivery system. Every stakeholder group is very
important in making the proposed intervention successful and sustainable.
PICOT Question
"In elderly heart failure patients (population), does the implementation of a nursing-led
comprehensive disease management program (intervention) compared to standard care
(comparison) lead to improved clinical outcomes, reduced hospital readmissions, and enhanced
quality of life (outcome) within an 8-week timeframe (timing)?”
Section 2: Literature Support
Review of Literature
There is strong evidence from the literature that calls for initiation of comprehensive
disease management programs for elderly heart failure patients under the guidance of qualified
nurses. Disease management programs include a set of integrated health care services and
information handling with patients suffering from chronic illnesses (Seferovic et al., 2019;
Bragazzi et al., 2021). These programs are aimed at achieving a healthier and better life by
offering medical, psychosocial, and lifestyle interventions. Research shows that such initiatives
help to improve patient outcomes (Tomasoni et al., 2019). For example, a study conducted by
Jackevicius et al. (2018) reveals that such programs have a positive impact of decreasing
morbidity and mortality in patients diagnosed with heart failure. Additionally, these interventions
have been repeatedly associated with a reduced rate of readmissions to the hospital, thereby
relieving the burden on the healthcare systems and enhancing the efficiency of resource
utilization (Gingele et al., 2019; Bozkurt et al., 2021). The inclusion of dietary counseling,
exercise prescription, symptom assessment, and patient information to these programs yields for
improved patient management of heart failure symptoms with improved quality of life (Bragazzi
et al., 2021). The literature also points out that nurses play a significant role in these programs
(Arrigo et al., 2020). Nursing-led interventions employ the skills of nurses in patient teaching,
coordination, and chronic conditions, thereby emphasizing patient engagement (Arrigo et al.,
2020). This approach is also in line with the evidence which suggests that comprehensive disease
management programmes do not only improve clinical status but also increase quality of life of
elderly patients with heart failure by meeting their physical, emotional and social requirements.
Section 3: Intervention Description
Proposed Intervention
The goal is creating a nursing-led comprehensive disease management program that is
targeting the needs of the elderly heart failure patients in Miami. This program will cover
medication management, dietary counseling, exercise regimens, symptom monitoring and patient
education with nurses stepping into the lead role in its implementation and supervision.
The project will be conducted in health facilities that serve the elderly population in
Miami, with the goal of creating an organizational culture that supports the change of evidence-
based practice. The readiness to change in these environments will be checked to make sure the
intervention is implemented successfully. Assessing the readiness for change in these settings
will ensure the successful implementation of the intervention.
The obstacles to the project are the resistance to change among healthcare providers, the
scarcity of resources, and the difficulties in patient adherence to the program. The ways of
coping with these problems are staff education, stakeholder engagement, and the use of the
community resources to help patients' needs. Addressing these obstacles will involve
comprehensive staff education, active stakeholder engagement, and leveraging community
resources to meet patient needs.
The expected results of the intervention are a reduction of hospital readmissions, the
enhancement of the symptom management, the increased patient satisfaction, and the better
adherence to the treatment regimens. The results will be measured by observing the clinical
indicators, patient-reported outcomes, and healthcare utilization metrics.
Action Plan
The action plan defines the nursing-led disease management program to be phase
implemented with nurses as the core actors of the program whose role is to teach patients,
monitor their symptoms and coordinate their care. The first step is conducting a thorough needs
assessment to identify specific gaps in the current heart failure management practices. This will
be followed by developing detailed protocols and guidelines tailored to the needs of the elderly
heart failure patients. Staff education will play a crucial role, involving comprehensive training
sessions to familiarize the healthcare providers with the new protocols and ensure they have the
necessary skills to implement the program. Collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, including
cardiologists, dietitians, and physical therapists, will be essential to provide holistic care. The
program will be introduced as a specific protocol within the health facilities, with clear
documentation and monitoring processes to track progress and outcomes. Engagement with
community resources and organizations will also be crucial to support patient adherence and
provide additional resources.
Section 4: John Hopkins Nursing Model of Evidence-Based Practice
Introduction to Model
The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model is the core model applied to
this project. It offers a framework for the systematic process of translating the practice changes
into intervention based on the best available evidence (Dang et al., 2021; (Dang & Dearholt,
2018). The model comprises of twenty steps that enhance the change from evidence synthesis to
practice implementation. The model will be adopted systematically through the entire project
from problem definition to assessment and implementation. It embraces the culture of getting
evidence that supports practice change and also guarantees sustainability and expansion of the
intervention (Dang & Dearholt, 2018).
Beginning with the identification of opportunities for change, the project delves into
recognizing areas within current practices that necessitate improvement. For instance, in this
project, the focus is on establishing a comprehensive disease management program for elderly
heart failure patients in Miami. Following the identification of the opportunity for change, the
scope of the project and the stakeholders involved are defined. This involves outlining the
project's boundaries and identifying key individuals and groups, including healthcare providers,
administrators, patients, and community resources crucial for the success of the program.
Subsequently, an interdisciplinary team is assembled, ensuring diverse expertise is integrated to
facilitate holistic care delivery. This multidisciplinary team includes professionals such as nurses,
cardiologists, dietitians, and physical therapists.
A pivotal step in the process involves formulating a clinical question in PICOT format,
which serves as a guiding framework for evidence gathering. This question aids in directing the
search for evidence pertinent to the project's goals. For instance, inquiring about the impact of a
nursing-led disease management program on hospital readmission rates among elderly heart
failure patients in Miami sets a clear direction for evidence collection. Thorough literature
review and evidence collection are conducted to gather data supporting the effectiveness of
nursing-led interventions in heart failure management. The collected evidence is then critically
appraised to assess its validity and relevance. Integration of evidence with clinical expertise and
patient preferences follows, culminating in the development of tailored protocols and guidelines
for the intervention.
Based on synthesized evidence, practice recommendations and guidelines for the nursing-
led disease management program are developed. A detailed implementation plan is devised,
outlining steps for introducing the program into healthcare facilities serving the target
population. This plan includes aspects such as staff education, patient recruitment, and
monitoring mechanisms.
Following implementation, key outcomes such as hospital readmission rates, symptom
severity scores, and patient satisfaction are evaluated to measure the intervention's effectiveness.
Successful practices are integrated into routine care processes, with mechanisms established to
sustain the intervention's impact. Project findings are disseminated to stakeholders through
various channels, promoting awareness and knowledge dissemination.
The project also entails implementing evidence-based practice changes derived from the
findings in healthcare settings to improve patient outcomes. Institutional mechanisms are
established to ensure the continued integration of evidence-based practices into routine care
delivery. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of implemented changes are conducted to identify
areas for improvement and ensure sustained effectiveness.
Furthermore, changes in policies and procedures necessary to support evidence-based
practices are implemented and integrated into organizational protocols. Project outcomes are
disseminated to stakeholders to garner support and promote further adoption of evidence-based
practices. The impact of evidence-based practice changes on patient outcomes, such as improved
symptom management and reduced hospital readmissions, is evaluated.
Lastly, strategies for sustaining evidence-based practice changes are implemented,
including ongoing education, training, and quality improvement initiatives. This comprehensive
approach ensures the continuous improvement of healthcare delivery, with a focus on evidence-
based practices tailored to meet the needs of the target population.
Apply Model to Support Project
The model will be in every phase of the project, from problem identification to
evaluation and dissemination. It promotes a systematic way of evidence-based practice change Plagiarism Free Papers
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