Title: ?Sustainable Urban Development? The Task Force Plan must follow this structure: Professional Cover?? Page List of Contributors?? Table o
Title: Sustainable Urban Development
- The Task Force Plan must follow this structure:
- Professional Cover Page
- List of Contributors
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- An executive summary is designed primarily to serve the person who, at least initially, does not intend to read the entire report. It usually states the main points of each section and emphasizes results, conclusions, and recommendations, usually in around three pages.
- Executive summaries are ideally suited to the needs of leaders who are seeking advice about a decision or a course of action. These summaries are called executive summaries because some decision-makers rely wholly upon their advisors to read and evaluate the rest of the report.
- For the purposes of this assignment, the Executive Summary should be no more than two pages and should concentrate on the background of the problem, current state, and a summary of recommended solutions.
- Organized Sections of Proposed Solutions (for example, goals, objectives, action steps, protocols, resources, definition of terms, etc.)
- References in APA format (for scholarly or practitioner resources that are cited or used within the plan)
- Appendices (OPTIONAL – attached materials, tools, documents, samples, templates, etc. that are part of the solution)
- Create a brief Change Management Plan in PowerPoint to accompany your Task Force Plan. The Change Management Plan must address the following:
- What will be improved with this solution? How will the problem be solved?
- What is the process for using and communicating the Task Force Plan among the organization's task force members?
- What additional resources may be needed for successful implementation?
- How will implementation be monitored for resistance (a normal part of change)?
- How will successful virtuous leadership and team performance be celebrated?
- What is the process for reviewing, revising, and continuously improving the solution?
- If any resources are cited in the Change Management Plan, use APA style to format in-text citations and the references list.
Table of Contents List of Contributors 2 Executive Summary 3 Background Information and Organizational Overview 4 Goals and Objectives 5 Efficient Operations 5 Virtuous Leadership 7 Global Team Formation 9 Self-Directed Virtual Teams 13 Impactful Team Accountability 14 Action Steps 15 Timeline 15 Proposed Action Plan 15 Steps in the Plan 16 Protocols 16 Resources 17 Effective Communication Tools 17 Definition of Terms 18 References 19
List of Contributors
Executive Summary
Dream University has a mission of providing high-quality software learning systems for educational institutions and higher learning organizations. Technological learning solutions range from delivering technological advancements and storage to learning platforms equipped with top-rated security. A taskforce will be necessary for providing global software solutions that can adapt to fit educational needs worldwide. Dream University began as a small startup in the state of Indiana. The recent expansion of its customer base has led to the need to expand services. The taskforce manual will guide employee expectations while outlining the company strategies of effectiveness, virtuous, and global with finite goals and objectives.
The Dream University organization has seen tremendous growth in its software user base. Demand is outpacing the organization's current capabilities due to limited staff size and insufficient locations for expedient services. The organization needs to grow all sectors of its business without changing its corporate values or identity; keeping personable relationships with clients is of utmost importance. Experts from around the globe are needed to adapt to local regions as Dream University is seeing interest in European, Asian, and additional markets.
Dream University will form a global taskforce that can create universal content adaptable to local regions and cultures around the globe. Strategic goals have been established with set objectives to assist in achieving the goals. Action steps are available with metrics for tracking proper planning and management. The metrics reflect industry standards, helping ensure successful expansion. Implementing protocols will ensure the global taskforce abides by all company values and rules. Resources provided include educational research for working in different regional markets and other tools to aid organizational expansion. With the addition of budgets, Dream University will have the necessary capital to meet its needs. The plan proposal will bring Dream University's software and educational resources to low resource communities, enhancing learning opportunities worldwide.
Background Information and Organizational Overview
Dream University is a nationally renowned institution growing strategically within the United States of America. Over the past several years, Dream University has been a leader in technological studies and advancements in digital learning. Dream University has capitalized on a few key developments that have forced the institution's administrators outside of the school's academic comfort zone.
Significant changes to the university's construction transpired during the Covid-19 experience. Dream University is renowned for its technological superiority, but the administrative team was comfortable with national dominance. The pandemic forced Dream University's administrators to expand its educational supremacy to the global technological market.
The pandemic challenged the school's financial stability resulting from closures and a loss of in-person instruction. Dream's administrators' response to financial instability warranted an expansion of global proportions. Administrators developed a committee to select six internationally renowned scholars to lead a taskforce for the university's global expansion efforts.
The focus of the taskforce is to organize into three structural layers (1) efficient operations, (2) virtuous leadership, and (3) global team formations. The taskforce proposes to alleviate 60% of the university's expansion costs. The presentation proposes three essential components outlined by sectional goals and objectives. Each goal describes a primary focus accompanied by objective methods for reaching expectations.
Goals and Objectives
Efficient Operations
Goal: Ensure effective virtual and global team operations.
· Create an environment of authentic harmony.
· Ensure a safe environment that fosters productive conflict of ideas.
· Develop an environment that encourages cultural competence.
· Implement an environment that openly addresses communication challenges.
· Establish an environment that embraces virtual and global interactions.
· Ensure the voice of everyone is recognized.
For global remote teams, it is ideal for team effectiveness to have an initial meeting in person before working virtually (Grossman, 2021). This meeting will allow the team time to establish rules for working together upfront. For example, the group may decide to have cameras on for zoom meetings or may set an expectation for responses to emails. Operation and protocols are the underpinnings for success.
According to Sanchez and Arndt (2020), best practices for managing global teams include adopting strategies for digital communication technology, encouraging cultural competence, and creating a language policy. Dream University teams are successful when the organization helps address communication challenges with capable technological solutions. Best practices and personal experiences related to global teams foster an environment of innovation and productivity.
Global teams must encourage cultural competence and language challenges. It is crucial to understand whether speakers clearly understand communication or interpret it correctly. When native languages are all different, or people are working outside of their mother tongue, communication challenges often increase. This topic may be covered more in the question about working with different cultures or languages. For all teams, it is good to have recap sessions about what is going well or what needs to change. However, according to Feitosa and Salas (2021), this is even more important with virtual teams, so issues may adjust before people disengage from the group altogether. For effective communication, it is also essential that teams recognize everyone's voice, whether self-directed or led by a leader. Introvert team members may need to be encouraged to speak, while vocal team members may need to be encouraged to hold back to include all voices (Grossman, 2021). Dominating voices can discourage other team members from speaking, thus preventing diversity of thought and engagement.
Goal: Achieve collaborative success for global teams.
· Implement a collaborative mindset
· Establish effective decision-making
· Execute effective communication
· Utilize responsibility and accountability
· Be respectful of one another's goals, mission, and vision
A global team requires a collaborative mindset. Open communication is vital in promoting an international team here at Dream University. Being respectful of unique characteristics, goals, mission, and vision is vital for each team member. Teamwork accelerates the collaboration and cohesiveness of team members to achieve goal tasks (Driskell et al., 2018). Hence, global cooperation refers to activities where the team inputs converge into team outputs through considerations of diversification and greenness.
Virtual team members are spread across various cultures and time zones and may only interact via internet connectivity. The objective of virtual teams is to work collaboratively as a cohesive group to reach a consensus output while meeting established expectations. The expectation for virtual teams at Dream University is to predetermine autonomous collaboration with a standardized group objective (El Yousfi & Anand, 2021). Certain aspects of virtual teams could result in a lack of work-life balance. Another component of virtual teams is the availability of differing team members. Virtual teams emphasize individual productivity with minimal direct contact with team members. Considering the diversity of virtual teams and the geographical differences among members, it could be that one member's time zone drastically differs from another's.
Virtuous Leadership
Goal: Clarify virtuous decision-making processes for the functionality of team environments.
· Promote virtuous team huddles to ensure team alignment
· Reflect corporate value during team meetings and conference
· Cultivate team environment(s) with personal and professional engagement
· Engage the community to adhere to performances to local community values actively.
The Virtuous Business Model (VBM) embraces three aspects of virtues for both the leader(s) and the organization: being, knowing, and doing (Booker & Boyce, 2017). The VBM model embodies servant leadership and the well-being of team members. There is the intersectionality of spiritual, personal, and professional within the virtuous leader model and social, capital, and economic capital in the virtuous organization.
The taskforce will be using virtuous strategies, including practical wisdom, controlling emotional reactions and demands, moral actions, and humanity (Hendriks et al., 2020). Dream University demonstrates virtuous leadership by serving its clients, the community, and Dream University employees and associates. Dream University will create wealth and value for all parties by building organizational relationships and systems that build the trust and commitment of others.
A virtuous leader is a determining factor of a virtuous organization. The focus of virtuous leaders centers around the moral nature of God's word first, with corporate profits following. The development of human capital and building lasting relationships with others in the company's community is just as critical (Hein & Wilkerson, 2015). Dream University will uphold these community values necessary to the locals' needs and interests. Company structured building blocks will be instrumental in breaking down economic and social barriers to those served.
Goal: Foster respectful behaviors surrounding positive performance to avoid behavior issues
· Utilize performance reviews with benchmark industry standards.
· Promote values through the use of reward and recognition systems.
· Award benefits based on preset performance metrics.
· Implement disciplinary actions to correct negative behaviors.
Industry-standard benchmarks enable the creation of operations entailing the use of a people-first model. Virtuous behavior can be rewarded with recognition of cognizant and servant-led behavior, avoiding inherent issues arising from monetary and expansive successes. Virtuous leadership focuses on ensuring people are first and foremost, allowing organizational success to follow.
Organizations realize mutual benefits when it realigns with values that best fit their associates and the community. Dream University understands that its current success emanated from sticking to its core values and following through using the Lord's righteous behaviors. The metrics used to benefit the organization can create global possibilities with current standards for cross-cultural differences.
The VBM harbors many values conditioned by regional and cultural behaviors. The spirit of Christ centers on both the virtuous organization(s) and the virtuous leader. Dream University will expound on its current success by using organizational capital and professionalism, bringing materials and resources to desperate communities seeking additional educational values and rewards.
Global Team Formation
Goal: Promote team communication and ease of access to information
· Respect time zones when setting schedules and meetings.
· Utilize zoom sessions for virtual meeting platforms.
· Communicate using email, text, and phone calls.
· Collaborate using shared drives and database systems.
· Ensure documents are correctly saved and stored.
Taskforce members should be engaged in collaborative and practical ways to secure global objectives that meet Dream University's expected goal. Communication orchestrated through digital means creates a network of members who can collaborate effectively through various resources, methods, and timeframes (El Yousfi & Anand, 2021). A standardized practice for the taskforce will consist of a rotating meeting schedule for shared emphasis. The rotating schedule will ensure that members respect different time zones.
The taskforce will use Zoom as its objective meeting platform, including recorded sessions for review and a standardized responsibility practice. The Dream University's taskforce will use diverse media channels such as emails, instant messages, phone texts, and direct phone conversations for global communication. Organized data, compiled information, and documented files will be collected and backed up using shared drives and secured database systems.
Some taskforce members may use specific methods of communication and file sharing more frequently than others relative to demographical locations. Standard practices unique to the individuals that comprise the virtual taskforce will mediate specific communication channels. El Yousfi and Anand (2021) identify the need for more research on remote, post-pandemic workforces and virtual teams.
Aspects of diverse cultures comprised of multinational employees create challenges and solutions in need of academic discovery. Fast adjustments in technologies, international commerce, and organizational expansions have resulted in the advancement of virtual teams to accommodate for better international trade and multinational operations (El Yousfi & Anand, 2021). Dream University's objective is to capitalize on the development of effective global communications with its technological capabilities.
Goal: Ensure cultural and language alignment with understanding
· Promote authentic cross-cultural awareness.
· Create an inclusive atmosphere where all questions are addressed.
· Overcome cultural differences using theoretical and empirical research.
· Give everyone the space to clarify answers.
· Clarify any confusion on tasks and shared expectations.
The trend of globalization is progressive; thus, the growth of global teams has increased. Global teams possess innovation, high performance, and competitive advantage (Jamshed & Majeed, 2018) through cultural competence enhanced by diverse cultural practices that mitigate challenges in international trade. Dream University has comprised its taskforce to combat cultural differences with a stabilized cross-cultural awareness that establishes an inclusive atmosphere.
The development of the inclusive atmosphere is relative to the collaborative efforts of each taskforce member to work through cultural differences by the construction of theoretical and empirical research. Informed decision-making and practical guidance of the taskforce's action steps categorize the determination of such research methods. The taskforce's research will emphasize global teams' challenges and focus on solutions that alleviate problems for international communication.
Multicultural, multidisciplinary, and multisectoral teams must operate in highly demanding environments. Thus, a variety of ethical conflicts evolve. Dream University's taskforce will create practical solutions that respect international conventions and cultural differences. The taskforce's technical developments should produce increased levels of collaborative communication among global teams.
Building on the growing evidence that cultural differences in teams positively impact innovation and performance, Dream University strives to create a culturally diverse team that is self-directed to achieve its common goals. Knowledge, skills, and abilities of individual team members play a critical role in the team's ability to be efficient while maintaining ethical practices within a culturally diverse setting. An optimization of multicultural knowledge exchange processes exists for current and future practical research (Boone et al., 2019).
Cross-cultural awareness in highly inclusive environments strengthens team mechanics, thus fostering innovation and high performance (Reid et al., 2021). Theoretical and empirical research reveals mixed assumptions and findings regarding culture and the effects of cultural differences. The focus of Dream University is to discover a median within cross-cultural functionality to capitalize on operational intuitiveness for instructional advancement.
Goal: Advance organizational trust in a respectful environment
· Acknowledge team success and milestone completions.
· Define trustworthy roles and responsibilities for team continuity.
· Engage individual interests and strengths to reach desired results.
· Motivate each other on team goals.
· Help team members understand and execute complex tasks.
· Promote teamwork that makes the dream work.
Dream University nurtures a team atmosphere that promotes collaborative interaction. El Yousfi and Anand (2021) discuss challenges with virtual teams and how limited face-to-face interactions are crucial. Dream University's taskforce will build and maintain high team morale and trust with geographical factors and cultural diversity. Each taskforce member fosters a willingness to share with other team members regardless of formal or informal restrictions.
The taskforce should function with the moral nature of communal transparency. Building trust with virtual teams can be a daunting task. For this reason, Dream University has selected each taskforce member with the global virtual team aspect in mind. All taskforce members have displayed the ability to be task-oriented, self-motivated, and self-directed to accomplish primary goals that include objective processes.
Self-Directed Virtual Teams
Eseryel et al. (2020) describe two characteristic leadership styles that benefit an independent but interdependent virtual team as functional and visionary leadership. Dream University selected a functional leader taskforce to influence and orchestrate group activities to guide the group towards practical productivity. The committee chose a visionary leader for operational and fundamental transformations that positions the taskforce to meet strategic planning objectives. The taskforce comprises a functional and visionary leadership to achieve team success during expansion efforts.
Individual developments involve independent strategies as each member works on assigned tasks. After completing individual tasks, team members will come together as a cohesive group to compile objective evidence. In reviewing the compiled records, the team will collaborate to reach the expected end. Team efficiency will result from adequate supervision, appropriate decisions, and interdependent productivity stemming from collaboration.
Self-directed virtual teams perform two highly intense aspects: shared responsibilities and individual tasks requiring personal connectedness with other members (Eseryel et al., 2020). Effective problem-solving capabilities are critical to structural team formations. Individual and team growth occurs as individual members satisfy personal demands becoming self-directed to resolve subjective difficulties that may jeopardize team accomplishments.
Impactful Team Accountability
Stewart et al. (2021) emphasize mutual accountability across corporations, emphasizing responsible behaviors of employees at all operational levels. Accountability is critical to managing applicable information systems that measure and track organizational performance. Taskforce members should expect to operate critical components that determine developmental phases for business success. Such operations will be standard for taskforce members to promote accountable measures that encourage appropriate staff development and organizational activities. Correcting team member performance will take on a progressive appeal for business operations and management.
Taskforce accountability is prevalent for Dream University to reach organizational goals and objectives. If there were a breakdown in taskforce operations, team leadership would need to know the cause of the breakdown and how to take preventive actions. Critical to recognizing when an organization's performance is not meeting expectations depends on predetermined operations standards (Stewart et al., 2021). Standards establish indicators that reveal productivity lapses for individuals, teams, and organizations.
Executives all over the globe agree to implement direct principled methods to take corrective action in unmanageable environments (Stewart et al., 2021). The renewed focus for Dream University's taskforce will consist of relational development that reinforces a team atmosphere for objective productivity. The global diversity of a cross-cultural team will require mutual standards and consistent responsibilities (Stewart et al., 2021). Consistency establishes operational expectations that transition into functional norms as members become more accustomed to one another's abilities.
An effective process to establish shared expectations will involve mutual contributions from all group members with agreed responsibilities, announced standards, and effective communication (Stewart et al., 2021). The degree of shared responsibilities will establish mutual trust factors that enable group continuity. Shared expectations increase individual confidence, team allegiance, and organizational dedication. The taskforce will presume positive activity that targets and alleviates inappropriate practices.
Action Steps
· Responsibility (Accountability) will be determined and assigned to give equal amounts of work to all individual team members.
· The established submission dates ensure all work is complete and submitted on time.
· The team utilizes zoom sessions to ensure constant communication and individual and group assignment delivery.
Proposed Action Plan
· The created plan/outline shows detailed information on the steps taken to complete the project
· Individual Assignments (Contributions) will be summarized as necessary to inform on necessary task completions.
· Group Assignments (Contributions) will be summarized as necessary to inform on necessary task completions.
· Compilation and edits will occur as outlined mid-week to give plenty of time for combining results and resources and the proper time for changes.
· The team will provide group and individual feedback when necessary for high-performance standards and weekly contributions to the assignments
· The team will submit the draft assignment to the Professor by Thursday for scholarly feedback to ensure proper assignment direction.
· The team will rotate final revision and assignment submissions weekly to create equal workloads, knowledge habits, and developments.
Steps in the Plan
· Team to create a plan and outline tasks required to complete weekly deliverables
· A plan needs to include all required objectives (e.g., Tasks, Timelines)
· The plan allows for easy discernment of tasks, responsibilities, and timelines.
· Individual Submissions
· All team members will submit contributions to the team for combining and editing.
· The team will determine the due date for each assignment.
· Submission to Approvers
· Draft submitted for professional/scholarly feedback
· The team will determine the due date.
· Final Submission
· Will Include final revisions after scholarly feedback
· Assigned to a team member by the due date
· Keep calm and patient
· Build on the diversity of strengths of the team
· Take accountability for the tasks and delegate when needed
· Collaborate for decision making
· Be truthful to the situation
· Admit mistakes and apologize
· Keep open communication – being as transparent as possible
· Welcome the conflict for healthy communication
· Settle differences offline and report back to the group
Dream Team University's Taskforce will use practical communication resources. Daily resources include the Zoom meeting platforms, a shared Google Drive (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides), What is App's instant messaging system, Salesforce's Advanced Warehouse Management platform, and One Note's shared information management database.
Potentially unavoidable issues that may arise from utilizing these tools and resources are broadband-related. In cases of electricity outage, the flow of our digital communication may get disrupted.
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