This is the Signature Assignment for the course. It is an outcomes synthesis paper summarizing ?how the concepts, processes, and procedures studied during the course have been organized and
This is the Signature Assignment for the course. It is an outcomes synthesis paper summarizing how the concepts, processes, and procedures studied during the course have been organized and applied to an evidence-based practice project. The assignment is a 10-14 page paper (not counting the abstract, tables, or references).
My Project Topic: The prevalence of depression among adolescents in the American society.
Just a guide to understand it better Written in question form: For adolescents with depression (P) will benefit from therapies; guided meditation, aroma therapy and relaxation therapy using an app feature (I) as compared to no therapy (C)free from depression (O) over three months (t)?
Details and direction in the attachment .
My Project Topic: The prevalence of depression among adolescents in the American society.
Just a guide to understand it better Written in question form: For adolescents with depression (P) will benefit from therapies; guided meditation, aroma therapy and relaxation therapy using an app feature (I) as compared to no therapy (C)free from depression (O) over three months (t)?
Details and direction in the attachment . Appendices A
Appendix A (Signature Assignment)
Outcomes Synthesis Proposal American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII Course Learning Objectives: 1-6 Purpose: To develop students’ plans for outcomes measurement and cost effectiveness analysis related to the DNP project, and its relationship to the quality movement at the national level. Please read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Directions: This is the Signature Assignment for the course. It is an outcomes synthesis paper summarizing how the concepts, processes, and procedures studied during the course have been organized and applied to an evidence-based practice project. The assignment is a 10-14 page paper (not counting the abstract, tables, or references). The paper will apply a style similar to that described for methodological articles in the APA Publication Manual. Use the Week 7 link within the Assignments tab to go to LiveText and find the instructions for submission, as well as the rubric. Although students will have discussed their projects on the discussion boards and collaborated with classmates during the design and conduct of the project, this final assignment is not a group project. It should be written by the student as their specific individual project and reflect that student’s unique perspective and method of expression. The Paper will have 9 sections: 1. Abstract – (120 to 200 words) 2. Statement of the Problem – Explanation of the question that will be answered by the project
(200 to 400 words) 3. Background and Significance – Brief overview of the evidence base for the project and the
impact of a successful project (300 to 500 words) 4. Systems Context – Brief overview of the organizational system within which the project will
be conducted – describe how stakeholders will be involved in the project and what feedback loops will be used to sustain stakeholder involvement and support (200 to 400 words)
a. Attach an illustration/diagram of the system 5. Definition of Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each major
outcome that will be used to appraise the success of the project and how it contributes to answering the question (75 to 125 words per outcome)
a. Attach a data collection plan (table) 6. Methods of Measuring Clinical, Satisfaction, and Cost Outcomes – Description of each
metric that will be used to measure each major outcome and what is known about its reliability and validity (100 to 200 words per outcome)
7. Implications of Outcomes for Quality Management – Explanation of how the outcomes relate to current local, regional, or national QM initiatives (300 to 700 words)
8. Sustainability Plan for Translating Evidence into Practice – Explanation of how a successful project would be translated into a sustainable change in practice (300 to 700 words)
9. References
Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1) Not Complete (0) Abstract (24/300) (6.0)
Well organized and clear summary of all aspects of paper
Coherent summary of key aspects of paper
Coherent summary of some aspects of paper
Summary not coherent Missing or imcomplete
Problem (24/300) (6.0)
Clear and concise explanation of problem addressed by project
Clear explanation of problem addressed by project
Explanation of problem contains irrelevant or distracting elements
Explanation of problem not clear
Missing or imcomplete
Background & Significance (24/300) (6.0)
Exceptionally thorough and insightful analysis with depth and clarity
Adequate analysis, covered topic with depth and clarity
Analysis lacks depth or clarity
Analysis lacks depth and clarity
Missing or imcomplete
Systems Context (32/300) (8.0)
Exceptionally thorough and insightful analysis with depth and clarity
Adequate analysis, covered topic with depth and clarity
Analysis lacks depth or clarity
Analysis lacks depth and clarity
Missing or imcomplete
Definition of Outcomes (32/300) (8.0)
Demonstrated clear understanding and connection to clinical and administrative best practices
Demonstrated general understanding with limited connection to clinical and administrative best practices
Demonstrated general understanding of clinical or administrative best practices
Demonstrated limited understanding of best practices
Missing or imcomplete
Metrics for Outcomes (40/300) (10.0)
Demonstrated clear understanding and application of principles of reliability and validity
Demonstrated general understanding of principles of reliability and validity
Demonstrated limited understanding of principles of reliability and validity
Demonstrated no understanding of principles of reliability and validity
Missing or imcomplete
Implications for Quality Management (40/300) (10.0)
Exceptionally thorough and insightful analysis and synthesis
Generally clear explanation with significant attempts at analysis and synthesis
Generally clear explanation with limited attempts at concepts and principles
Explanation shows limited understanding of fundamental concepts
Missing or imcomplete
Sustainability Plan (40/300) (10.0)
Exceptionally thorough and insightful analysis and synthesis
Generally clear explanation with significant attempts at analysis and synthesis
Generally clear explanation with limited attempts at concepts and principles
Explanation shows limited understanding of fundamental concepts
Missing or imcomplete
APA References (24/300) (6.0)
Appropriate sources used and all sources documented correctly in text and reference list
Appropriate sources used and most sources documented correctly in text and reference list
Inappropriate sources used or many sources documented incorrectly in text or reference list
Inappropriate sources used and sources documented incorrectly in text or reference list
Missing references or disregard for APA
APA Expression (20/300) (5.0)
Clear organization and focus throughout paper; clear and concise writing style used; professional vocabulary and tone used; no or rare grammatical typographical, or format errors
General organization and focus throughout paper; clear and concise writing style used; professional vocabulary and tone used; no or rare grammatical typographical, or format errors
Adequate organization throughout paper; frequent minor grammatical, typographical, or format errors
Paper poorly organized; major grammatical, typographical, or format errors
Disregard for APA formatting, grammar, and
typographical errors
Appendix B Grading Rubric for Roll Call Discussion Board
American Association Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials I Course Learning Objective/s: 1 Initial post due on Wednesday One comment on another post due Friday Purpose: This assignment allows the student to re-introduce themselves to their classmates and faculty as well as discuss the importance of the use of EBP to the DNP. Step one:
• Introduce or re-introduce yourself to your classmates and faculty and include one sentence description of your Clinical Scholarly Project.
• Describe the growth of the DNP vs. Ph.D programs demonstrated in this week's readings and reflect upon how Evidence Based Practice impacts clinical, financial and satisfaction outcomes. Supply a minimum of 1 reference to support your thoughts.
Step two: Post your summary on the Roll Call discussion board. Please title: Last name, First name, Roll Call in the subject line (EX: Smith Mary Roll Call). You should respond to at least one classmate, but more dialogue is definitely welcome!
Exemplary 4
Proficient 3
Developing 2
Emerging 1
Points Awarded and
Comments Gave
sufficient information 7.5 points
Fully responds to all questions in DB topic w/ complete
Answers all questions
without fully developing
ideas for each
Answers some questions and does not fully develop ideas
Off topic or not
responsive to DB
Posted on- time
3.75 points (15/50)
Both initial post and
comment post on time
Any post were one day past
due date
Any posts more than one day past due date
Only one post submitted by end
of week
1.25 points (5/50)
Correct English;
perfect APA format
Minimal grammatical, typographical
or APA errors.
Multiple grammatical, typographical
or APA errors.
Major grammatical, typographical
or APA errors.
Appendix C WEEK 2 Course Learning Objective/s: 1 American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials I Purpose: To assess the ability to apply principles of systems thinking to an evidence-based practice project. Initial post due by Wednesday Midnight First responses due by Friday Midnight Complete conversation by Sunday Midnight
(***minimum of 5 posts of substantial, scholarly content) Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Step One: Create an illustration, diagram, or map which will be part of your initial post. It should depict inputs, throughputs, outputs, feedback loops, and sustainability mechanisms within the system. It should identify stakeholders and assessment points. The attachment should incorporate principles of systems organization described in the textbook and readings in Weeks 1and 2 this course. **Convert this diagram into PDF and attach to the initial post.** Step Two: Provide an overview of the implementation plan for his/her project and how the project fits into the healthcare system. Describe your diagram and the process you follow. The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long (plus your diagram in PDF format). The written portion of your post should in professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.).
*You will also need to include an APA reference list at the bottom of your post to the extent possible in Blackboard DB format (i.e. no indenting or double spacing).*
*Hint: Many students find it easiest to write their post in a Word Program, completing a spell
and grammar check BEFORE cut-and-pasting it into their DB.*
Step three: Please respond to at least two other students by Friday and continue dialogue though Sunday for a minimum of 5 posts.
Appendix C Week 3 Course Learning Objective/s: 2-3 American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: IV Purpose: To assess the ability to design a cost effectiveness analysis for an evidence-based practice project. Initial post due Wednesday Midnight First responses due Friday Midnight Complete all conversations by Sunday Midnight (minimum of 5 posts required) Complete reading assignments and watch any video presentations first. Read this assignment in its entirety prior to initiating this activity. Step One: Create a template table describing the elements of costs and benefit to be attached to the post (utilize the form posted in Week 3). **Convert your table to PDF before posting as an attachment to your discussion board post.** Step Two: Provide an overview of your plan for measuring cost effectiveness of your proposed project. The costs and benefits should be clearly connected to the project and to best practices in cost effectiveness analysis. (Hint- do not use national or worldwide numbers, this table should reflect real life cost and benefit values based on your proposed project and its size) The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.).
*You will also need to include an APA reference list at the bottom of your post to the extent possible in Bb DB format (i.e. no indenting or double spacing).*
*Hint: Many students find it easiest to write their post in a Word Program, completing a spell
and grammar check BEFORE cut-and-pasting it into their Db.*
Step three: Please respond to at least two other students by Friday and dialogue for a minimum of 5 posts.
Appendix C Week 5 Course Learning Objective/s: 2-4 American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: III, V, VI, VII Purpose: To assess the ability to incorporate best practices in quality management into the design of an evidence-based practice project. Initial post due by Wednesday midnight, First responses due by Friday midnight, and complete conversation by Sunday midnight (minimum of 5 posts) Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Step one: This assignment requires each student to:
1. Analyze the relationship of quality management principles to patient care. 2. Discuss the barriers to translating research knowledge into innovative practice.
The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.).
*You will also need to include an APA reference list at the bottom of your post to the extent possible in Blackboard DB format (i.e. no indenting or double spacing).*
*Hint: Many students find it easiest to write their post in a Word Program, completing a spell
and grammar check BEFORE cut-and-pasting it into their DB.*
Step two: Please respond to at least two other students by Friday and dialogue for a minimum of 5 posts.
Appendix C Week 8 Course Learning Objective/s: 5 American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: I, II, VII Purpose: Analyze the ethical dimensions of the innovator role related to outcomes management Initial post due by Wednesday Midnight First responses due by Friday Midnight Complete conversations by Sunday Midnight (minimum of 5 posts) Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Step 1: In this discussion you will discuss experiment ethics. Reflect on the Milgrim Study, the Stanford Prison Experiment, or the Tuskegee Syphillis Study. Describe the ethical failings of the experiment and how adherence to the guidelines in the Brandman IRB website could have changed the situation. Then, describe the potential risks to subjects in your CSP. Step 2: This assignment requires each student to collaborate with classmates on the design of their projects. Each student must make a substantive comment on three classmates’ posts on or before Friday. A substantive comment points out a strength of the design or an opportunity to refine the design. Step 3: Each student must respond to his/her classmates’ comments about his/her project on or before Sunday night. Responses must demonstrate that the student understands the classmate’s feedback and is willing to incorporate it into the design of the project or has a cogent reason for not doing so. The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.).
*You will also need to include an APA reference list at the bottom of your post to the extent possible in Blackboard DB format (i.e. no indenting or double spacing).*
*Hint: Many students find it easiest to write their post in a Word Program, completing a spell
and grammar check BEFORE cut-and-pasting it into their DB.*
Appendix C Grading Rubric for DNPU- 706 Discussion Boards
Criteria Exemplary (4)
Proficient (3) Developing (2) Emerging (1) Not Complete (0)
Content of Initial Post
10 points (40/100)
Fully responds to all questions in DB prompt and answers each completely. Minimum 2 references given
Answers all questions without fully developed responses, only 1 reference given, or fully responds but without attaching a diagram in PDF format
Answers some of the questions and/or does not fully develop answers or no references given
Off topic or does not offer substantial scholarly content, Or no table submitted
Not posted by established timeline
Comments on Others’ Posts
8 points (32/100)
Provides relevant, scholarly, helpful feedback to at least 2 others. Provides minimum 1 reference per initial peer post. Minimum of 5 total responses
Provides feedback to 2 or more classmates that is less relevant or scholarly. Provides no references. Only 4 substantive posts. One or more initial peer posts without minimum reference
Provides feedback to one classmate that is less relevant or scholarly.
Only 2 to 3 substantive posts.
Provides irrelevant feedback or comments on fewer than 2 classmates’ work.
Only 1 substantive response
Not posted by established timeline
Timeliness of Posts
3 points (12/100)
Initial post and responses completed on time
Late on initial post or responses
Late on initial post AND responses
Significantly late initial post and/or responses
Not posted by established timeline
4 points (16/100)
Correct English; perfect APA format
Minimal grammatical, typographical or APA errors.
Multiple grammatical, typographical or APA errors.
Major grammatical, typographical or APA errors.
Not posted by established timeline
Appendix D
Stakeholder Education Plan Video American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: I, II, III, VI Course Learning Objectives: 2-3 Purpose: To implement an evidence-based practice in a healthcare setting, the ability to lead change and to identify stakeholders. Please read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Implementing an evidence-based practice in a healthcare setting requires the ability to lead change. One of the first steps in planning an EBP project is to identify stakeholders who control the resources (administrative, social, clinical, financial, etc.) needed to implement the change and persuading them of the value of assessing current and proposed practice. Directions: Step 1: For this assignment, each student will create a 8-12 minute on-air video. Not a PowerPoint recording…you must be on camera*) This video presents a plan for stakeholders about the student’s evidence-based practice project. The verbal presentation should include 1) introducing yourself, 2) a brief description of stakeholder groups 3) each group’s role in the project implementation 4) discuss the theoretical foundation and conceptual framework underlying a proposed CSP intervention, 5) identify educational needs for each group, and, 6) outline a plan for delivering the intervention. When recording your verbal presentation, it should be delivered in a manner as if you were speaking to your project chair and/or program director and detailing them about your project. The description of the educational intervention should indicate what stakeholders will be told about the value of the project, how they will be kept informed of progress of the project, and how they can help to facilitate the project. Step 2: Prepare scripted notes as a reference for your verbal presentation. These notes will correspond with the outline of the rubric and should be attached/uploaded with your assignment submission. Post your video on YouTube or other media source and submit its link, along with your scripted file under the Assignments tab. Be sure to cite references used to develop the presentation at the end of the script. Please ensure your presentation is made public or provide your password (not your personal log in) for the instructor to view it. Have someone else test the link to ensure it is public. Step 3: Using your APA formatted template, create a WORD document and label the file Last Name_First Name_SEP (example: Smith_Mary_SEP). Title your paper/script: Stakeholder Education Plan. Step 4: Submit your final document for grading via the assignments tab in Blackboard. *Hint- you can use any media source such as Kaltura (tutorial tab for Kaltura is on the menu bar on the left part of your screen), vimeo, screencast-o-matic, etc.
0419 bw (rubric 1219bw)
Exemplary (4) Proficient (3)
Developing (2) Emerging (1)
Not Complete (0)
Introduction 5 points (20/100)
Clear and concise definition of self, stakeholder groups and roles
Adequate explanation self, stakeholder groups, roles
Unclear description of self, stakeholder groups or roles
No description of self, stakeholder groups and/or roles
Missing or incomplete
Nursing or Educational theory and conceptual framework 7 points (28/100)
Insightful application of theory and conceptual framework to educational intervention
Some effort to connect theory and conceptual framework to educational intervention
Limited connection between theory and conceptual framework to education
No description of theory and conceptual framework underlying education plan
Missing or incomplete
Educational intervention 7 points (28/100)
Presentation is persuasive, makes a clear case for the potential value of the practice change and what stakeholders can do to facilitate the project
Presentation adequately describes the potential value of the practice change and stakeholder roles
Limited description of potential value of the practice change and stakeholder roles
No description of potential value of the practice change and stakeholder roles
Missing or incomplete
Implementatio n plan 3 points (12/100)
Clearly feasible plan for delivering project
Potentially feasible plan for delivering project
Plan for delivering project not feasible
No plan for delivering project
Missing or incomplete
Verbal and Visual Presentation 2 points (8/100)
Excellent flow throughout presentation; clear and engaging style Engaging visual presentation including effective use of text and graphics, if used Video link functional on first attempt
Presentation well organized and delivered smoothly Adequate visual presentation including effective use of text, graphics Video link not functional
Presentation delivered poorly with only occasional deviation from reading slides or script Minimal connection to verbal presentation
Presentation slides or script read verbatim Content not connected to verbal presentation
Missing or incomplete
References and Script Format 1 points (4/100)
No or rare grammatical or typographical errors All sources of information correctly documented in APA format
Occasional minor grammatical or typographical errors Most sources correctly documented in APA format
Frequent minor grammatical or typographical errors Some sources of information not documented in APA format
Major grammatical or typographical errors Sources of information not documented
Missing or incomplete
0419 bw (rubric 1219bw)
Appendix E
American Association of Colleges of Nursing: DNP Essentials: I, IV Course Learning Objectives: 2-4 Purpose: To assess the ability to design a data collection plans for an evidence-based practice project. Please read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. Directions: The success of an evidence-based practice project is determined by an appraisal of the outcomes that it generates. If there is no improvement in health, satisfaction, or cost effectiveness, then there is no need to change practice. The degree of improvement must be clinically meaningful and statistically significant in order to persuade other clinicians and administrators to adopt the practice. Thus, careful planning for data collection is key to the success of the project. This assignment requires each student to create a data collection plan that defines how success in the project will be defined. Step 1: Before beginning this assignment, review the readings and watch the video presentations for Week 6 (posted in Blackboard). Step 2: The assignment has two parts:
1. An overview of the data collection plan (300 to 500 words) 2. A table outlining the data collection elements (table form is posted in Week 6 of
Blackboard). Each plan must include one to three clinical outcomes, one to three satisfaction outcomes, and one to three cost outcomes. Students contemplating using more than three outcomes of any one type should choose the most important metrics and report only those for this assignment.
You are required to submit a minimum of 5 total outcomes Step 3: Using your APA formatted template, create a WORD document and label the file Last Name_First Name_DCP (example: Smith_Mary_DCP). Title your paper/script: Data Collection Plan. Step 4: Submit your final document for grading via the assignments tab in Blackboard.
0419 bw (rubric 1219bw)
Exemplary (4)
Proficient (3)
Developing (2)
Emerging (1)
Not Complete
(0) Overview 3.75 points (15/150)
Demonstrated clear understanding and connection to clinical and administrative best practices
Demonstrated general understanding with limited connection to clinical and administrative best practices
Demonstrated general understanding of clinical or administrative best practices -Only 4 outcomes submitted
No general understanding of clinical or administrative best practices 3 or fewer outcomes submitted = 0 points
Missing or incomplete
Clinical Outcome(s) 10 points (40/150)
Appropriate variable(s) chosen, variable(s) defined with appropriate breadth and depth
Appropriate variable(s) chosen but defined incompletely
Variable(s) not clearly defined or lacked breadth and depth
Variable(s) not defined or lacked breadth and depth
Missing or incomplete Plagiarism Free Papers
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