Try to answer the questions within these guides in your own words rather than copying and pasting the content from readings/lectures. ?Try to answer each question within one or
Try to answer the questions within these guides in your own words rather than copying and pasting the content from readings/lectures. Try to answer each question within one or three sentences.
Hybrid class format T: Watch lectures on Canvas asynchronously R: 12:30- 1:45 p.m: Class in person: ILP 2211
Professor: Dr. Muniba Saleem Email: [email protected] Office hours: Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 pm (please schedule first) Office hours Zoom Meeting ID: 945 293 2863; Passcode: Saleem. Teaching Assistant: Kyle Woodman Email: [email protected] Office hours: Tuesdays 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Office hours link: Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to examine in-depth the major theories of media effects. We will: a) take a comprehensive look at media effects theories (including their specific elements, assumptions, structure, and scope), b) compare and contrast those theories to better understand how they explain current social scientific communication research, and c) explore the strengths and limitations of current theories in understanding emerging and novel communication phenomenon. Learning outcomes: By the end of this course, you will be able to… 1. Identify ways in which media influences individual cognitions, affect, and behaviors. 2. Understand the social scientific theories underlying many of the media effect phenomenon. 3. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory explaining media effects. 4. Explain course concepts in your own words through the use of media examples that you consume. 5. Reflect on the way in which you interact with media and the motivations that underlie your decision to choose and avoid certain types of media.
Course Format: This course will use a hybrid and “flipped classroom” approach with asynchronous lectures on Tuesday and in person class lecture/discussions on Thursday. My goal is for you to learn the weekly class concepts through asynchronous lectures and readings on Tuesdays but apply it, expand upon it, and discuss it in the in- person class sessions on Thursdays. Please note that the classroom we have been assigned to is unique in that you will be seated along with a group of peers to facilitate active learning, interaction, and engagement. To get the most out of this class, I expect you to stay engaged, involved, and attentive during class time to make it an enjoyable and interactive experience for all.
Sensitive Content The content and discussion in this course will necessarily engage with some topics that are sensitive (race relations), graphic (violence), or charged (political attitudes). Some of this content may be emotionally and intellectually challenging to engage with. I will do my best to present this content in a way where we can engage with it bravely, empathetically, and thoughtfully. My request is that you all engage with this material in a kind, compassionate, and civil manner to allow everyone the opportunity to share and express their opinions in a respectful way. If you would like assistance in navigating through this content, please contact me using my email address.
• Required Textbook: (Potter, 2019). Major Theories of Media Effects: Analysis & Evaluation. Peter Lang (ISBN:978-1-4331-6954-0).
• Other course readings will be made available on Canvas Tuesday Asynchronous Lectures:
• Asynchronous lectures with PowerPoint slides will be uploaded at least 1 week in advance. Lectures are intended to build upon (not replace) the content of the assigned readings each week.
Thursday In-Person Discussions:
• In person class sessions will take place every week on Thursdays in ILP 2211. The goal of these sessions is to expand upon some of the important topics from the assigned readings or asynchronous lectures and to engage with that material through class discussion and applied examples.
• Please note that attendance is NOT required but strongly encouraged as we unpack, problem-solve, and tackle many issues that directly relate to your class assignments. In addition, these sessions WILL NOT be recorded as I am not exclusively lecturing but moving around the room to facilitate pair and group discussions/activities/assignments.
• Prior to coming to the Thursday in person class sessions, you should make sure to: 1) read the assigned readings, and 2) watch the asynchronous lecture.
Weekly Course Schedule
Please note that there is a very consistent and predictable weekly schedule for assignment due dates in this class. I would strongly recommend that you create reminders on your calendar weekly for these due dates and times so that you do not forget them. Although students tend to prefer classes without midterm and final exams, they can easily get behind if they do not keep up with weekly assignments and due dates. I will also send weekly reminders for your ease. Please note that late assignments are NOT accepted.
Days Tasks/Due Dates
Mondays Read the assigned reading materials and start working on your reading guides
Tuesdays Watch the asynchronous lectures and continue working on reading guides
Wednesdays Complete your reading guides Reading guides due today at 11:59 PM PST on Canvas
Thursdays Come to class in person Work on discussion activity in class, due today at 11:59 PM PST on Canvas
Sundays Review for and complete the quizzes, due today at 11:59 PM PST on Canvas.
Course Evaluation
Please note that this class uses a gamification model for grading. This means that similar to a game, each student starts the quarter with 0 points. You can pick and choose how you want to earn points to get the grade you wish. I have designed different types of assignments to accommodate students with different learning styles and needs. Please note that you are NOT required to do all of the assignments and activities in this course. Evaluation for this course will be based on a series of points you can earn through different activities and assignments. You should choose to do the assignments/tasks that help you learn best and get the grade you wish to earn!
Assignments Learning Outcomes Assessed Points
Reading Guides (5 points x 9) 1 & 2 45 points
Weekly quizzes (10 points x 9) 1 & 2 90 points
+Discussion activities (5 points x 6) 3, 4, & 5 30 points
+Apply it assignment idea draft x 2 (2.5 points) 1, 2, 4, & 5 5 points
+Apply it assignment x 2 (15 points) 1, 2, 4, & 5 30 points
Total points possible 200 points
+Option to work in pairs or groups (no more than 4) on these assignments
Final Grades*: A = 177-190 B = 158-164 C = 139-145 D = 120-126 A- = 171-176 B- = 152-157 C- = 133-138 D- = 114-119 B+ = 165-170 C+ = 146-151 D+ = 127-132 F = <113
* Please note that even though there are 200 total possible points that can be earned in this class, letter grades are calculated using 190 points as the highest range. This allows you to have flexibility in how you would like to earn points based on which grade you would like to receive. Please note given the immense flexibility that I have built in this class upfront, I will NOT make exceptions for late assignments or missed due dates. Similarly, there are NO extra credit opportunities.
Course Assignments
Reading Guides To assist you with the assigned readings, I have developed an outline of questions for you to answer. Think about this as a key for what information to pay attention to in the reading. Research shows that students learn and retain information better when they can write it down in their own words. Try to answer the questions within these guides in your own words rather than copying and pasting the content from readings/lectures. The idea is to see if you can succinctly answer the question in your own words based on the knowledge you gained from your readings/lectures. Try to answer each question within one to three sentences. Grading:
• Each reading guide will contain 10 questions (0.5 point per question x 9 = 5 points per week)
• Automatic grade will be assigned for answering six of the 10 questions (worth 3 points)
• Four questions (worth 2 points) in each reading guide will be randomly graded based on the quality of your response, i.e., your ability to answer the question succinctly, accurately, and in your own words.
Weekly quizzes There will be weekly multiple-choice quizzes over the assigned readings/lectures. These 10 randomly generated questions are designed to serve as knowledge checks for the assigned content. In other words, if you complete the assigned readings and lectures, you will easily be able to answer these questions. You will have up to 15 minutes to complete each weekly quiz. Grading:
• Quiz questions will be automatically graded on based on correct answers (1 point per question x 10 questions = up to 10 points weekly). Discussion activities As stated above, the “flipped classroom” approach emphasizes engagement with and application of class content. At different points during the quarter, you will be asked to answer questions or engage with a “real world” problem associated with concepts learned in that week. We will use the knowledge learned in lectures and readings to problem-solve and critically analyze the issue at hand. Another goal of this assignment is to learn from your peers and their experiences. For each module, you will have an option to respond to one of the prompts asked. Your response should try to incorporate the following aspects:
• Succinctly but fully answer the question asked.
• Provide justification or rationale for your response.
• When possible, provide media examples from popular TV shows, movies, news articles, online videos, memes, images, etc.
• In checking your discussion responses, we will look for not just completion of the instructions but rather the quality of your responses (i.e., your engagement with the question beyond the surface level, ability to answer the question in your own words, ability to cite examples illustrating course concepts, the connection of course material with different topics, providing media examples, etc.).
Apply it assignments (2 times in the quarter, 15 points each) The content of our course is readily applicable to the real world and our everyday lives. Throughout the quarter, you will see me: 1) applying the course content to understanding real-world issues, and 2) using media examples to illustrate different concepts and examples. In the apply it assignments, you will be asked to do the same! Your goal is to present information in a succinct, creative, and interesting manner (e.g., presentations, Ted-ed videos, animations, podcasts, interviews, etc.). Respecting students’ different learning styles and interests, I am allowing you the flexibility to choose any one of these apply it assignments. You are further encouraged (but not required) to work in pairs or in groups on these assignments. Please check the course schedule for due dates. Choices for apply it assignments: 1. Teach course concepts through the use of media examples. Pick one course concept/theory and teach it in your own way to someone who has no background knowledge about communication phenomenon (e.g., parents, grandparents, friends not in class, imaginary audience). You are free to choose the medium through which you would like to teach (using slides, infographic, animated creation, video, podcast, etc.). The different assignment components and the associated points are described in detail below. The approximate length for each section is given if you were using slides but please remember that you are free to choose whatever format you’d like to teach in. Slides are mentioned simply for reference.
• First, give a brief explanation of the relevant course concept in your own words (3 points). Be sure to explain the concept clearly as if you are teaching it to someone who has no background knowledge in communication, going beyond the definition and book explanation (1-2 slides).
• Second, explain your concept through two related media examples and give a detailed overview of your media examples (4 points). We may not be very familiar with the media example you choose so please provide a bit of background information so that we can understand it (2-3 slides).
o Third, specifically relate the media examples to the concept described in your first paragraph (4 points). Convince the audience why these are good or different examples of the concept you are describing and how different parts of the concept/theory are depicted in the media example. What are the similarities or differences between the examples and how they relate to the concept/theory? (2-3 slides).
o Presentation style, clarity, grammar, writing. Please note that any spelling/grammar issues will automatically make you lose a point. Further, students who spend time creating professional, creative, and innovative presentations will be allocated higher points. (4 point)
• Helpful notes o Be sure to include your name (e.g., slide with title, state your name in the beginning of the
video/podcast, include your name in the infographic/animation). o No references are required but you should use in-text citations based on APA guidelines if you
include them. o You will upload your presentations on Canvas before the due dates specified below. o Examples of this assignment for those who taught using slides are available on Canvas. Please
look over those before submitting yours. o Please note that the media examples you use must be original. They cannot be the ones that
come up in a google search or youtube search for that topic. o References for approximate length:
▪ Slides: 6-10 slides (including a title slide with your name)
▪ Video/Podcast: ~ 10 minutes
▪ Other formats: no reference but feel free to ask me if you are unclear 2. Teach course concepts by interviewing people. Pick one of the course concepts/topics/theories covered in class and interview 2-3 people (not in class) about the topic. You will have to develop interview questions similar to a talk show or podcast host. Talk to your TA or Dr. Saleem for ideas for your topic and how to develop interview questions for it. Present your findings in an interesting manner as if you are teaching about this concept/theory based on the experiences of everyday individuals. In presenting the assignment, explain the concept/premise/theory in your own words (3 points). Next, briefly summarize the experiences of each person (2 points). Next, apply the course concept/theory/phenomenon to the experiences shared by the interviewees (3 points). Finally, summarize how much the interviewees examples/experiences support or qualify the theories/existing research on this topic (3 points). Teach and summarize the information learned in any format you prefer (using slides, infographic, animated creation, video, podcast, etc). Students who spend time creating professional (e.g., no background noise), creative (e.g., unique formats), and innovative (e.g., technologically- savvy) presentations will be allocated higher points (4 point for presentation style/clarity/writing/creativity).
Course Policies:
Attendance: Not required but strongly encouraged in the in-person class sessions on Thursdays. Please note that the in-person class sessions will NOT be recorded as I do not intend to lecture the entire time. Instead, at least half of class time will be used for interactive and discussion related activities. Please DO NOT ask me for information covered in class if you were unable to attend.
Assignment Grading: Grades assigned by the TA are final and regrades are rare. Appeals for re-grades must be made within 48 hours of receiving the grade. If students wish to appeal an assignment graded by a TA, the
instructor will regrade the entire assignment based on the instructor’s independent assessment. Because the instructor might catch things missed by the TA, the assignment grade can go down if the instructor regrades it. If you feel the grade you received on an assignment was calculated incorrectly or contains a very clear error, you can file a grade appeal with the instructor. The appeal process consists of the following two steps.
1. Contact the TA (through email) within 48 hours of when your assignment grade is passed back or posted on Canvas.
2. In your email, include a detailed description of the grading error and a substantive reason for your grade appeal— state exactly where you believe the grading error occurred in the assignment. Stating that you worked really hard on the paper and/or need a higher grade for GPA purposes are not valid reasons for an appeal and will not be considered. No regrading will be done after an assignment has been posted for 48 hours.
Course Add/Remove Policies: We have limited seats in this classroom and thus cannot go above the enrollment number. Please check the following website for the Department of Communication’s waitlist policy: Please check the following website for UCSB policies regarding adding/removing classes: deadlines/2020-2021-registration-fee-payment-deadlines
Communication. Best way to reach me or your TA quickly is by directly emailing us on our ucsb email accounts (see first page). Please allow us 48 hours to respond. Please don’t use Canvas to message us as we may not check those daily. I will communicate with the class using Canvas announcements. You will receive weekly announcements outlining all your due dates. Late work/Extra Credit Assignments: Late work will NOT be accepted especially because you are not required to complete all the assignments and activities. Please be sure to mark the due dates for all assignments and tasks in your calendars. There are no extra credit opportunities in this class to keep things fair and equitable for all.
Academic Honesty/Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using other people’s work and ideas without giving them credit. This is a violation of both the university rules and regulations and the rules of this class. Please see the university policy. This applies to work on tests, papers, projects, interviews, reports, or anything else unless we specify that you can work with another class member. The purpose of the course is for you to learn – you do not learn by copying someone else’s work. Another form of academic dishonesty is using the same assignment for two different courses without the permission of both instructors. If you have any questions, please talk to me. Sharing course materials: All course materials (class lectures and discussions, handouts, examinations, web materials) and the intellectual content of the course itself are protected by United States Federal Copyright Law, the California Civil Code. The UC Policy 102.23 expressly prohibits anyone from recording lectures or discussions and from distributing or selling lectures notes and all other course materials without the prior written permission of the instructor (see Students are permitted to take notes solely for their own private educational use. Exceptions to accommodate students with disabilities may be granted with appropriate documentation. To be clear, in this class students are forbidden from making/completing study guides and selling them to any person or organization. Please don’t post my videos online or give access to people outside the class. Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a documented disability (registered with the DSP program: 893-2668, and would like to arrange accommodations, please contact me ASAP and I will be happy to discuss alternative arrangements. If you are confused about an assignment or having difficulty, talk to us. We are glad to answer questions by email or through zoom. IMPORTANT: If you have a question about an assignment, please email me and your TA(s). This will ensure you the quickest response possible.
Basic needs: If you are facing any challenges securing food or housing, and believe this may affect your performance in the class, you are urged to meet with a Food Security and Calfresh Advocate, who is aware of the broad variety of resources that UCSB has to offer (see their drop-in hours at Please visit for additional resources including Calfresh, the AS Food Bank, and more. Furthermore, please notify instructors or your TA if you are comfortable doing so. This will enable us to provide any resources or support that we can. Mental health services: If you are experiencing any difficulties meeting class requirements, or any difficulties in your personal life, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services. For information, please call (805- 893-4411) or visit their web site ( Tentative Nature of the Syllabus: This syllabus represents a contract in the works. Sometimes events arise that necessitate modification of the course schedule and/or assignments. If any changes are needed to the course administration, they will be announced. To ensure you are always aware of any changes, regularly attend class, check your UCSB email, and visit Canvas. Covid-19 related policies:
• General compliance. Student non-compliance with COVID-19 health and safety requirements or with related directions from the instructor is a violation of the UCSB Student Code of Conduct and will be adjudicated accordingly.
• Sickness policy. If you are feeling ill or suspect you may have been exposed to someone who is ill, please stay home. Attendance is NOT required in this class and thus for everyone’s safety please DO NOT come to class if you are sick or suspect you may be sick.
• Masking: Please note that although masking is no longer required in classrooms, it will be strongly recommended. Free surgical face masks are available on campus at many locations: Library, UCEN, RecCen, and Housing front desks; N95 respirators are also available upon request at the UCEN Bookstore Customer Service Desk and the Pardall Service Center.
• Testing & Quarantine Guidelines o For return-to-campus after travel outside of California:
▪ Whether you’re vaccinated or not, get tested 3-5 days after returning with either a PCR or at home rapid antigen test.
▪ If you are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19, including a booster shot if eligible, CDC requires that you stay home and self-quarantine for a full 5 days after travel.
▪ PCR tests are available at Loma Pelona by appointment. PCR test kits can be picked up at Loma Pelona, the UCEN, RecCen, Library, SRB or some campus Housing front desks, samples prepared and then dropped off at your appointment time at Loma Pelona (within 4 hours of sample preparation).
Tentative Course Schedule
Week Topic Module Readings Due Dates for Assignments/Tasks
1 Introduction to course 1 Syllabus In week 1, all assignments are due by Sunday, April 7th, 11:59 PM
1. Module 1 reading guide (5 points) 2. Module 1 quiz (10 points) 3. Module 1 discussion (practice only, no
2 Role of theory and methods
2 Chapter 1 of book
Reading guide module 2 due: 4/10, 11:59 PM Discussion module 2 due: 4/11, 11:59 PM Quiz module 2 due: 4/14, 11:59 PM
3 Field of media effects/analysis
3 Chapters 2 & 3 of book
Reading guide module 3 due: 4/17, 11:59 PM Discussion module 3 due: 4/18, 11:59 PM Quiz module 3 due: 4/21, 11:59 PM
4 Cultivation Theory 4 Chapter 4 of book
Reading guide module 4 due: 4/24, 11:59 PM Discussion module 4 due: 4/25, 11:59 PM Quiz module 4 due: 4/28, 11:59 PM
5 Agenda Setting Theory 5 Chapter 5 of book
Reading guide module 5 due: 5/1, 11:59 PM Apply it assignment 1 draft due: 5/2, 11:59 PM Quiz module 5 due: 5/5, 11:59 PM
6 Apply it assignment workshop
Apply it module
Complete apply it assignment module
Apply it assignment 1 due 5/12, 11:59 PM No assigned readings/other assignments
7 Framing Theory 6 Chapter 6 of book
Reading guide module 6 due: 5/15, 11:59 PM Discussion module 6 due: 5/16, 11:59 PM Quiz module 6 due: 5/19, 11:59 PM
8 Uses & Gratification Theory
7 Chapter 7 of book
Reading guide module 7 due: 5/22, 11:59 PM Discussion module 7 due: 5/23, 11:59 PM Quiz module 7 due: 5/26, 11:59 PM
9 Social Cognitive Theory 8 Chapter 8 of book
Reading guide module 8 due: 5/29, 11:59 PM Discussion module 8 due: 5/30, 11:59 PM Quiz module 8 due: 6/2, 11:59 PM
10 Evaluation & Comparison 9 Chapters 10 & 11 of book
Reading guide module 9 due: 6/5, 11:59 PM Quiz module 9 due: 6/6, 11:59 PM
Complete apply it assignment 2 by 11:59 pm PST, 6/9
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