Course Project CAHIIM Domains Domain I. Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance I.2. Develop strategies for the management of information. I.3. Devel
Course Project CAHIIM Domains
- Domain I. Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance
- I.2. Develop strategies for the management of information.
- I.3. Develop strategies to achieve data integrity with data governance standards.
- I.6. Design data dictionaries in compliance with governance standards.
- Domain III. Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use
- III.5. Create organizational knowledge with database management techniques.
Information Governance Plan and Data Dictionary
- This course project will help you
- broaden your understanding in interpreting health information terminologies, vocabularies and classification systems.
- develop data management policies and structure.
- develop policies and procedures for the exchange of health information
- develop methods for promoting interoperability using health informatics and information governance standards.
- As Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a health organization, you will create an information governance plan and data dictionary component.
- Your project will include a written policy on how your organization will manage/govern data and protected health information.
- Things to consider:
- What are the associated standards for this type of setting?
- What type of information are you governing?
- How would you implement this plan?
- What other factors need to be considered?
- In addition to your data governance plan you will create a data dictionary (minimum of 8 elements with 5 attributes)
- Consider the applicable data set or documentation requirements, and standards for the health setting of choice.
- You may use Excel to create your data dictionary. Keep in mind that the data dictionary includes categories of data (name, address, date of birth) and attributes (character length, style, etc)
- Overall the information governance plan shpuld be 3-5 pages, APA format, 12 pt times new roman font, 1" margins, double spaced. The data dictionary should be included in your report.
- Please take a look at the examples of past student submissions in the course project folder.
Please also see the attachment, "The Project Focus on the Hospital Healthcare Setting." I submitted that to show my focus on the Healthcare setting.
The healthcare industry is adopting digitization for an immense amount of clinical,
financial, and other involved operational data. To effectively perform health analytics, every
healthcare setting needs to integrate data from complex applications such as electronic health
records, laboratory systems, ERP systems, pharmacy systems, or other affiliated healthcare
providers such as external laboratories or benchmarking consortia (AHIMA, 2015). In this
complex environment, data governance practices are required to ensure that all data used for any
analytic output is accessible, well understood, trusted, and protected (CIC, 2015). This calls for a
framework that will govern this process of information exchange. The intended audience for this
data governance framework includes healthcare executives, managers, and data managers in the
pharmacy department.
The main purpose of this charter is to classify, organize, and communicate complex activities
necessary when making decisions about the drug dispensing of a particular patient. The
document captures all the information architecture and data governance practices necessary for
the pharmacy department, in all healthcare settings. Data governance committee (DGC) main
purpose is to facilitate the data use for efficient decision making by pursuing the following
primary goals;
Information governance: To bring all clinical, financial, and technical partners together to
design and optimize data in alignment with the organization's goals. This also includes
data security of data accessed within the scope of this organization and applicable data
governance regulations and legal standards.
Quality: Effective clinical decision making is achieved by timely, complete, consistent,
and timely data. DGC ensures that data quality is maintained using standardization such
as data quality metrics monitoring. This enhances positive outcomes in clinical and
financial operations
Usability: this entails designing user-friendly systems that enhance data interaction
between organizations to enhance organizational performance. DGC ensures that they use
tools that include training and data dictionaries.
Availability: DGC aims to implement an appropriate analytical infrastructure that will
ensure data is rapidly available when needed irrespective of the clinical operational
needs. This will ensure that decision making is based on evidence-based practice
A stakeholder is a person or organization that has an interest (direct or indirect) in data
from this particular organization. They include the Chief executive officer, head of departments,
legal team, risk management team, finance department, quality improvement, physician, nurse
managers, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and human resource manager.
Functions and responsibilities include
Ensuring senior leaders commit to the implementation process of active data governance
infrastructure and effective improvement strategies by providing the necessary
operational, clinical, and technical expertise.
Providing insights into the whole process of data governance functions by adopting the
IG principles of healthcare including accountability, integrity, transparency, protection,
retention, compliance, and disposition. The overall of this project is to get good data to
the end-user so that they can make the best clinical decision-making process.
Approving and reviewing the information governance policies and identifying the
burning platform once the project is launched. Data governance is tied to the real clinical
world to realize the presence of data gaps or disruption so that it can be analyzed based
on the organization metrics.
Approving all information and data governance linked road maps and strategies.
Although the DGC does not function as gatekeepers, their role is to ensure end-users
have transparent data for their jobs.
Prioritize the information governance scope, initiatives, and priorities
Coordination all data governance management responsibilities in the organization
Evaluate the progress and outcomes
All information technology team including health information management, data privacy
and security team, information content team, research committee, and business analytics
Functions and responsibilities include:
Constructing architecture of the advanced business intelligence (BI)
Quality data extraction from the many source systems into a single EDW (single source
of trusted data)
Data extraction automation and reporting
Modeling of advanced data definitions and common vocabulary
Issuing the end-users with advanced analytical tools that will help them make good
decision making and improve outcomes
Perform the ongoing improvements necessary in data governance to ensure that the end-
user manages the data needs effectively.
Educating the end-user on data governance to empower them with advanced analytical
skills needed to optimize their performance
Create a data-driven mentality in this organization.
Reporting will be made to the board committee by the DGC chair. The report will
comprise of committee reports, minutes, and any other significant documents that capture
matters to do with information governance or data governance.
The chain of command must be followed as authorized by the organization when
reporting matters concerning data governance. All authority lies within all members of the
committee. Subcommittees will be formed based on the expertise needed to complete a task:
DGC committee meetings will be held quarterly whereas the subcommittee will be done
monthly or on-demand. The monthly meeting is aimed at ensuring that stakeholders keep
updated on all matters regarding data governance. Any additional meeting will be based on
organization data governance need.
Data stewards will include the CEO, directors, department supervisors, and IT data
analysts. The roles and responsibilities of a steward include;
Ensuring accountable management of all data assets, lineage, and access in the
organization by supporting efficient data analysis and rationalization of the data
Focusing on data strategy, support and execution of data programs, data apps, and
Ensuring data remains accurate and of quality by performing profiling, querying,
analysis, and mapping of data qualities.
Defining standards and best practices needed to sustain quality data and when performing
queries and modeling.
Working in collaboration with other organizations to ensure that data collected is of
quality, is complete, and timely data collection and documentation.
The main aspects of data governance planning are determined by the WHO-WHAT-
WHEN-WHERE-WHY-HOW essentials of data governance. They include:
WHO – Includes all the names of the involved stakeholders including their organizational
roles and responsibilities, as well as their engagement with the data stewardship. They include all
stakeholders interested in how the organization creates, collects, process, manipulate, store, or
retire data.
WHAT – Data governance in this framework defines the act of decision making and
authority for all data related information. In this case, the framework explains data governance
including detailed information explaining the organization bodies, data governance rules and
regulations, how-to-decide, accountabilities, controls, evaluation, and enforcement methods for
information governance initiatives.
WHEN – Provides the key schedules that determine the need for data governance. In this
case, data governance will be required when organizations get large data that is no longer able to
manage data related functions using the previous traditional management. It will also be applied
when the organization data systems become so complex that traditional management cannot
adequately manage all the data related functions. More so, if the DGC feels the need to improve
data systems so that they can support cross-functional programs that will provide an enterprise
view of data choices. Lastly, if formal data governance regulations and contractual requirements
call for additional changes.
WHERE – Gives the location of data including their scorecards and reference documents.
The location for this organization is the Information technology (IT) team as they are responsible
for Application developments, identify the data related concerns that call for data governance
attention, and are charged with completion of data governance projects on time and within the
budget frame.
WHY – the organization data is rapidly increasing in volume. Information governance is
necessary to ensure that data stored is of high quality and accurate for effective decision-making
processes. Information management for enterprise data calls for trusted data. The data is used to
map the business intelligence, therefore, the intelligence is influenced by the quality of the data
gathered and the effectiveness in managing it. The framework will organize how DGC reason
and communicate about data-related issues or associated ambiguous concepts.
HOW – Explains how the process of data governance benefits the organization, including
how the success will be evaluated. The first step is to determine the data governance goals and
development of the value system. The scope of the project is established using SMART goals. A
road map of the efforts is developed, and it will be used to acquire all the support needed from
the DGC and involved stakeholders. The program is then designed, monitored, and assessed to
determine its outcome. If successful, staff training is conducted, if not, the team goes back to the
drawing board to determine why it failed and areas of improvement that are needed.
Effective communication is one that is:
Concise: Brief to the point and straight forward to ensure efficient action
Complete: Contains all the necessary information
Clear: Well illustrated to ensure easy comprehension
Considerate: Open to feedback, questions or clarifications
Timing: The message timing will be determined by the urgency and the message that
requires to be communicated. In this organization, the most convenient method of
communication is through E-mail. However, for detailed and complicated messages, an
interactive approach will be used such as zoom meetings. All questions asked will be followed
up including any other clarification required.
Training will be used to promote all effective information related to data governance to
the organization staff.
Training will be done to make sure that each staff in the organization understands their
roles in data governance including handling of data, accessing data, and how the data is
All of the staff are required (mandatory) to attend the training session. In-job training and
refresher training will be undertaken regularly to ensure that all staff remains up to date
with upcoming innovations.
All policies are placed on the applicable practice regulations, standards, and legal
DGC will also formulate the organization’s inventory policies.
DCG will be responsible for the policy frameworks outlining the data governance
implementation process and the enforcement policies. It will also outline all the
disciplinary measures when the policies are not adhered to.
Administrative policies
Risk management preparation and data recovery mechanism.
Governs all the process of data retention, storage, and disposition
Health information management policy
Patient health data documentation including photography, patient portals, and HPI
Management of patient identification
Approval of medical forms
Use, disclosure and amendment of PHI
Information system policy
Manage all cloud-based information
Organize all data sets, standards, and clinical vocabularies
Management of information system access, passcodes, and downtime
Management of all mobile devices
Privacy and security policy
Maintain data set confidentiality by overlooking all privacy practices
Dispose of all documents, materials and all other data governance information
Perform access audits of PHI
Fax all confidential data information
Ensure PHI security
Risk management policy
Collect, store and protect all data used in this organization
Perform E-discovery for data used in this organization.
The data governance process will be done in 12 steps organized into 5 phases as shown in
Fig 1.
Fig 1: Data governance process (Source: Data Governance Institute, 2018).
Phase 1: Charter establishment. It includes WHY essentials of data governance frameworks as
indicated in processes 1 of Data governance framework in Fig 1 including;
Identification of stakeholders
Development of mission statement in alignment with the organization policies and
Phase II: Planning phase. It includes WHO, WHAT and HOW essentials of data governance
frameworks as indicated in processes 2 to 3 of Data governance framework in Fig 1 including;
Development of project’s scope statement
Developing a plan based on decision rights and accountability
Presentation of the plan to the steering committee
Approval of the presentation
Phase III Execution. It includes WHEN and WHERE essentials of data governance frameworks
as indicated in processes 3 to 9 of Data governance framework in Fig 1 including;
Developing accountability and stewardship performance
Managing data changes based on defined data issue and conflict resolution strategies
Integrating data governance into technology
Data governance training
Organization implementation of the data governance
Phase IV: Monitoring. It includes processes 11 Fig 1 including;
Publishing of the status report communicating to the involved stakeholders
Updating project based on the status report feedback
Phase V: End phase. It includes process 12 in Fig 1 including;
Verification of the final project
Post-project evaluation
Data governance Schedule
Phases WK1 WK
WK3 WK4 WK5 WK6 WK7 WK8 WK9 WK10 WK11 WK12
Data elements Description
Pharmacists ID unique identifier for pharmacist
Primary practitioner name Name of the primary practitioner
Primary practitioner ID unique identifier for primary practitioner
Telephone number telephone at which pharmacy can be contacted
Address Addresses used to contact the person of interest
Date date of drug dispensing
Time time of drug dispensing
Remarks Any extra information not captured during drug dispensing
Patient ID Unique patients identifier
Patient Name Patient Name
Primary practitioner Patient’s physician's name
Health Status Patient's health status e.g. diabetic mellitus
Drug prescription Drugs prescribed to patient
Dispensed /Remarks Drug has been dispensed or not
AHIMA. (2015). Information Governance Toolkit. American Health Information Management
Association. Retrieved from
CCI. (2015). Data Governance Handbook. Retrieved from Center for Care Innovations.
Retrieved from
Data Governance Institute. (2018). Depart of behavioral health and disability services, City of
Philadelphia. Retrieved from
Data elements Pharmacists ID Primary practitioner name
Field description unique identifier for pharmacist Name of the primary practitioner
Valid values Numeric Text
Data format NNNN NNNN
Data Size 8 5
Key Primary Primary
Data Source Person Person
Example 12528963 Dr. James. D
Data elements Patient ID Patient Name
Field description Unique patients identifier Patient Name
Valid values Numeric Text
Data format NNNNN NNNN
Data Size 10 10
Key Primary Primary
Data Source hospital person
Example P659685 Mrs. M.G
Data Dictionary for Facility and Staff identification in Pharmacy
Data Dictionary for patient identification in Pharmacy
Primary practitioner ID Telphone number Address 1
unique identifier for primary practitioner telephone at which pharmacy can be contacted pharmacy address 1
Numeric Numeric Numeric
8 10 110
Primary Primary Primary
Hospital Hospital Hospital
96325843 978-969-4343 Corporate Headquarters. 343 Business Place. Suite 314. Seattle, WA 98112.
Telephone number Address 1 Primary practitioner
Number to contact patient Address to contact patient Physician's number
Numeric Numeric Text
10 12 12
Primary Primary Primary
hospital hospital hospital
978-444-5555 Fake Street. Seattle, WA 98112. Example 2. 349 23rd Avenue. Burlington, WA 98233 Dr. Tricia Smith
Data Dictionary for Facility and Staff identification in Pharmacy
Data Dictionary for patient identification in Pharmacy
Date Time Remarks
date of drug issue time of drug issue Any exta information not captured
Numeric Numeric Text
6 4 110
Primary Primary Primary
Hospital Hospital Person
20.05.2020 0230HRS Patient allergic to penicillin
Health Status Drug prescription Dispensed /Remarks
Patient's health status Drugs prescriped to patient Drug has been dispenced or not
Text Text Text
110 110 110
Primary Primary Primary
Hospital Hospital Hospital
Diabetes Metformin 40 mg Dispenced 100 tabs
Data Dictionary for Facility and Staff identification in Pharmacy
Data Dictionary for patient identification in Pharmacy
For the final project, I have chosen to focus on the hospital healthcare setting. Hospitals play a pivotal role in providing comprehensive medical care to patients, ranging from emergency services to specialized treatments and surgeries. The hospital setting encompasses a wide range of departments and services, including emergency rooms, operating theaters, intensive care units, and outpatient clinics. As a cornerstone of the healthcare system, hospitals are subjected to stringent standards and regulations to ensure the delivery of high-quality care and the safety of patients and staff alike.
One of the key standards applicable to the hospital healthcare setting is accreditation by The Joint Commission. Established as a non-profit organization, The Joint Commission sets rigorous standards for healthcare organizations, including hospitals, to assess their compliance with best practices in patient care, safety, and organizational management. Achieving and maintaining accreditation from The Joint Commission demonstrates a hospital's commitment to meeting high standards of quality and safety in healthcare delivery. This accreditation process involves thorough evaluations of various aspects of hospital operations, such as infection control protocols, patient rights, medication management, and emergency preparedness, among others. By adhering to The Joint Commission's standards, hospitals strive to continuously improve the quality of care and enhance patient outcomes while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
In addition to The Joint Commission accreditation, hospitals must also comply with other regulatory standards, such as those outlined by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) for protecting patient privacy and data security, CMS Conditions of Participation for participation in Medicare and Medicaid programs, OSHA regulations for ensuring workplace safety, CDC guidelines for infection control, and National Patient Safety Goals set by The Joint Commission. These standards collectively contribute to maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of hospital operations while upholding the highest standards of patient care and safety.
The Joint Commission. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). HIPAA Privacy Rule and Sharing Information Related to Mental Health. Retrieved from
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