Develop a plan of specially designed instruction including present performance levels, measurable goals (academic and behavioral) on powerpoint include? Measurable Goals for the followi
Develop a plan of specially designed instruction including present performance levels, measurable goals (academic and behavioral) on powerpoint include
Measurable Goals for the following were aligned to student’s needs and included in the Instructional/Behavioral Plan:
(a) Academics
(b) Behavioral
Will also use the Case Study Analysis framework to analyze (e.g., impact of disability; independent functioning, etc.) the Case Study assigned to your group. Groups can divide the contents of the case study for analysis purposes as you deem appropriate. You may need to conduct research into the condition of the student in your case study to be able to address their needs. Once you complete the analysis you will develop an Instructional/Behavioral Plan for the case assigned to the group. The Instructional/Behavioral Plan framework will be used for that purpose. The plan includes instructional and behavioral goals.
Alex Tait DAR Diagnostic Report Draft 3 June 2012 1
Assessment Report
Name: J School: Date of Birth: 10.10.97 Age at Assessment: 14 years 7 months Specialist Assessor: Alex Tait Assessment Date: 10th May 2012
This report is drawn from information provided by questionnaires, consultation, observations of behaviour and the data gathered from the assessment itself. It represents a professional opinion based on this information.
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Background Information Before the assessment two questionnaires were sent out: one to the learner’s family and the second to the learner’s school. Currently, the first has yet to come back. The information that has been given, alongside informal notes from the SENCO, was used to create the following profile of the learner and in the selection of the assessment material. Reasons for referral Currently, J is performing at a below average level in his writing and his speaking and listening. History, Geography and PE are also mentioned as areas of significant under achievement. He requires a lot of prompting before he can start a task independently and once he does he is slow to process information and tends to get easily distracted. A formal assessment would shed light on the underlying reasons for these difficulties. It would also provide indicators for where an application for future access arrangements could be made. Risk factors Family and dyslexia history At this point, it is not known if there is a family history of dyslexia. The hereditary factors of dyslexia have attracted a lot of research, but there seems to be a general consensus that ‘roughly 40-50% of the first degree relatives (siblings and parents) of an individual with dyslexia are likely to have or have had reading problems.’ (Smith, Gilger & Pennington, 2002: Scarborough, 1989; Gilger, Pennington, DeFries, 1991, cited in Gilger, 2003, p7) Speech and language J is cited by the school as performing below average in his speaking and listening attainment. These difficulties may stem from problems with expressive language (‘a process of formulating ideas into words and sentences, in accordance with the set of grammatical and semantic rules of language’ Cantwell and Baker, 1987) or receptive language (the understanding of language) or both. Both of these will have an impact on literacy skills. Left/right handed J is left handed, as is his older sister. This is worth noting in the light of research which involved a ‘study on a large group of strongly left-handed people (that) confirmed that this population has a much higher rate of learning disabilities than a control population of strongly right-handed individuals’ (Geschwind and Behan cited by Ott p32, 1997).
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Indicators Motor skills The fact that J is performing at a below average level in both his writing and his PE suggests that there may be possible issues on both a fine and gross motor skill level. A comorbidity between specific learning difficulties is not uncommon (Visser, 2003). Research suggests that about 50% of learners with dyslexia also display indications of dyspraxia (Deponio, P 2004). Behaviour J is described the school as being ‘a lovely lad’ but his attention can drift from the task in hand. This, together with the fact that he needs instructions given to him more than once, is slow to start tasks and is easily distracted all affect the speed of his work and the output. Uta Frith (2002) has pointed to a possible connection between problems in the attention system and problems with spoken and written language. If executive functions are affected, this is linked with difficulties in planning, organizing, sequencing and concentration, all skills which are crucial for competent reading, writing and numeracy. Barriers It is not currently known if there are any concerns about J’s eyesight or hearing, either of which could act as a barrier to learning. Educational history In his SATs J reached a level 3 in his English and Maths. The expected level of attainment is level 4 by the end of KS2, which he achieved in his Science. Encouragingly, he is reported as performing at an average level in Reading, Comprehension and Spelling at this moment in time. Difficulties in speaking and listening and concentration, combined with potential problems with memory, will make it harder for J to retain and recall verbal information. It will also make it difficult to retain and learn new vocabulary. This will affect all subject areas, but particularly those that may be more language orientated (and less practical) such as Geography and History. Provision of additional support in school J is being monitored for Special Educational Needs by his school and is currently on the School Action stage. A conversation with J’s Learning Support Teacher highlighted the nature of the in class support he is currently given. The main purpose of this is to make sure that he understands instructions and to refocus him if he seems off task. The issues with organisation have improved over his time at school,
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though they still remain a problem. He recently completed a special handwriting course (‘Speed Up’) which saw his writing speed improve. Though he can often get easily distracted, J is never disruptive in class and he has matured considerably since year 7. Learner’s Views In the school questionnaire, it was noted that J has expressed his own concerns with his concentration and processing. He enjoys most lessons in school, particularly the practical side of DT and English, where he feels he has a natural interest (although he does not read very much). The only subject he did not enjoy is Spanish. Test Behaviour J instantly presented as an interesting and polite student. He understood the purpose and rationale of the assessment and displayed excellent attention and concentration throughout the whole session. He was good-natured and calm, even when he found some activities difficult, and never gave up on any tasks. He understood the instructions for the tasks without them needing to be explained again. Occasionally he seemed quite impulsive to start before the instructions had been fully given. He was able to reflect on his performance in the different tasks using a traffic light system (green = comfortable, red = uncomfortable, orange = satisfactory) where he annotated the assessment timetable. The vast majority of tasks were given an orange, some a green, none red. He used some strategies for different activities and was able to comment on these. Assessment Procedure The assessment was carried out in a quiet room in the Learning Support Unit at Weydon School. The session was broken into three separate chunks of approximately 50 minutes each. It is felt that the results of the assessment are a good indication of J’s current abilities.
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Summary of standardised test results Name: J Chronological Age: 14 years 7 months
Date of Birth: 10.10.97 Date of Assessment: 10.5.12
Standardised Score < 69 70 84 85 100 115 116 130 >130
St an
d ar
Sc o
P er
ce n
ti le
R an
Well below average
Below average
Average Range Above average
Well above average
C o
n fi
d en
In te
rv al
(9 5
% )
Underlying Ability
WRIT Verbal Analogies* 99 47 th
Vocabulary 90 25 th
Verbal Ability 94 34
th 88-
Matrices 80 9 th
Diamonds 85 16 th
Visual Ability 79 8 th
73- 88
Cognitive Processing
DMT Auditory working memory
96 39 th
PhAB Naming speed (pictures)
82 12 th
Naming speed (digits) 91-94 28 th
– 34
Fluency – semantic 88 22 nd
Fluency -rhyme 92 30 th
Fluency – alliteration 82 12
Spoonerism 87 20 th
SDMT Visuo-Motor Processing
75 5 th
DRA (Form B)
Reading Accuracy 126 95 th
Reading Fluency* Average Reading Comprehension
Below average
Comprehension Processing Speed
TOWRE (Form A)
Sight Word Efficiency 94 35 th
84- 104
Phonemic Decoding Efficiency
96 39 th
90- 102
Total Word Efficiency 94 35 th
88- 100
WRAT 4 – Green Form
Single Word Reading 108 70 th
99- 116
Single Word Spelling 102 55 th
93- 111
DASH Handwriting Speed 82 13 th
72- 92
Copy Best 105 63 rd
95- 115
Copy Fast 85 16 th
75- 95
Alphabet 75 5 th
65- 85
Free writing 75 5 th
65- 85
*See footnotes at the end of the diagnostic report
Alex Tait DAR Diagnostic Report Draft 3 June 2012 6
Interpreting the scores: Standardised Scores (SS) – This allows a comparison of a learner’s scores with the average scores that would be obtained by learners of the same age, and those of other tests scored this way. In other words, it shows where the learner’s score sits compared to peers’ scores. The average is 100 (and this is the 50th percentile). The average range contains 68% of the population and usually the average range is between SS85 and SS115. Learners scoring higher than this average band will be ‘above average’ and ‘below average’. 16% of the population fall into each of these bands. Percentile Rank – This score ranges from 0 – 100 and shows a learner’s position in relation to his/her peer group. The 50th percentile is the central score (equivalent to SS100). The average percentile range is between 16 and 84. Test Information
Summary of further test results
Test Name Subtest Comments
PEERAMID 2 Pediatric Examination of Educational Readiness at Middle Childhood 2: Levine. Educational Publishing Service, Inc: Cambridge and Toronto. (1996)
Rapid Verbal Recall Good
Drawing from Memory Average
Visual Vigilance Accurate but slow
One minute number test: Westwood, Harris-Hughes, Nolan and Scrymgeour. Remedial Education (Criterion referenced) (1974)
One minute addition test
One minute subtraction test
Very Weak
Common sequences Days of week, months of year
Diagnostic Reading Analysis, 2nd Edition (DRA2): Crumpler and McCarty: Hodder & Stoughton (2008) Test of Word Reading Efficiency: Torgensen, Wagner and Rashotte: Pro-Ed (1999) Digit Memory Test: Turner and Ridsdale: Dyslexia Action (2004) Phonological Assessment Battery: Frederickson, Frith and Reason: GL Assessment (1997) Wide Range Intelligence Test : Glutting, Adams and Sheslow: Wide Range Inc. (2000) Wide Range Achievement Test, 4th Edn: Psychological Assessment Resources Inc (2006) Symbol Digit Modalities Test: Western Psychological Services (1973) Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting: Pearson (2007)
Alex Tait DAR Diagnostic Report Draft 3 June 2012 7
General Ability The Wide Range Intelligence Test (‘WRIT’) has four subtests of cognitive ability that assess verbal and non-verbal abilities relevant in school. The Verbal scale is made up of the Vocabulary and Verbal Analogies subtests, whilst the Visual (non-verbal) scale consists of the Matrices and Diamonds subtests. Verbal Ability
The Verbal Analogies subtest requires the learner to provide a word verbally to complete an analogy: “The sky is to blue as snow is to….”.
Success on this requires good verbal reasoning and receptive language ability. J achieved a solid average score in this test (SS 99, 47th percentile). His responses here were fairly automatic. He did not require any repetition of the analogy. Two of the responses were mirroring the first word, which may have been a working memory issue. Two errors were appropriate substitutions (if still incorrect) suggesting that J is able to think about the semantics of the analogy. Overall it suggests that J is able to use the context of a sentence effectively to generate an answer, ie use the clues provided by the sentence to come up with the right word.
The Vocabulary subtest requires the learner to define a word verbally, which has been presented orally.
Performance is affected by expressive language ability, word knowledge and familiarity with specific vocabulary as well as auditory processing.
J achieved a low average score in this subtest (SS90, 25th percentile). J gave quite full responses to the majority of the questions and displayed a good use of expressive vocabulary in the process. Despite this the ceiling of errors was reached quite early on. Two of the errors suggested were to do with substituting a word that sounded similar. For three of the errors no answer was given. A weaker score on this test compared with the Verbal Analogies suggests that without context to help J may have some difficulties with the meaning of some words. Combining these two scores gives an indication of the verbal measure of intelligence – also known as crystallised ability. Here his score was within the average band (SS94, 34th percentile). This measure is dependent on the knowledge, skills and vocabulary built up over a lifetime. It can be strongly affected by long term verbal memory and expressive/receptive language. Overall this is an encouraging strength for J. Non-Verbal Ability
The Matrices subtest requires the learner to select a picture from a series in order to complete an initial incomplete picture stimulus.
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This test assesses non-verbal reasoning, visual observation and pattern recognition.
J’s score here was below average (SS80, 9th percentile). After an initial measured start, much of J’s responses reflected a certain impulsivity. This may have been caused by the fact that it was a timed exercise, but J explained that he tended to see the answer straight away – there was no obvious process of deduction taking place, backed up by the lack of subvocalisation or use of a finger to figure out the relationship. Essentially what this meant was that there was an absence of reasoning in the errors made; the responses chosen were not without a degree of logic, but the lack of attention to detail meant they were the wrong ones. There was also evidence of some difficulties with spatial ability (specifically problems with orientation).
The Diamonds subtest requires the construction of 2d and 3d patterns using diamond shaped pieces.
It necessitates good spatial ability, visual perception (interpreting and analysing what is seen) and combining the visual with fine motor skills.
J’s score in this test was in the average band (SS85, 16th percentile) but at its lowest point. He did not find this task easy and showed some difficulties manipulating the diamond pieces accurately. Getting the correct orientation of the construction was an initial issue and several of his answers fell only just inside the time limit. Despite finding these tasks difficult, he persisted and was not afraid of starting all over again if he reached an impasse. This is where a distinction can be drawn between his performance here and in the Matrices test – far less impulsive. Once again, however. there was no obvious attempt to subvocalise or point at the picture to help work things out. These two scores give an indication of visual intelligence – or ‘fluid ability’. This is the ability to solve new problems and understand the relationships of various concepts and is thought to be independent of acquired knowledge. A combined score of the Matrices and Diamonds tests gave J a below average score for non-verbal ability (SS 79, 8th percentile). A weakness in this kind of non-verbal reasoning is significant because this is the kind of thinking that enables learners to analyse and solve complex problems without relying on, or being limited by, language abilities. Many mathematical concepts, science problems, interpretation of diagrams and graphs require exactly this. It also enables much of our everyday small scale ‘mental leaps’ – transferring concepts across topics, finding solutions, problem solving. Summary of relative strengths and weaknesses in underlying ability
Strengths Weaknesses
Relatively good verbal reasoning Relatively good expressive language abilities Perseverance with problem solving in practical tasks
Weak non-verbal reasoning skills Weak visual perception Poor use of strategies to help in deduction Impulsiveness for solving visual tasks
Alex Tait DAR Diagnostic Report Draft 3 June 2012 9
Underlying cognitive skills Memory Digit Memory Test
The Digit Memory Test assesses the ability to remember and repeat sequences accurately, and the ability to hold and manipulate sounds in working memory.
A series of numbers is presented orally in a monotone voice one second apart.
The learner has to listen and repeat these digits forwards and then, in the second part of the tests, backwards.
J’s score in this test puts him firmly in the average band (SS 96, 39th percentile). He used a strategy of counting on his fingers to remember the initial and final number in the sequence and this seemed to work well for him. Working memory has been described as ‘the mental workspace where material can be processed and maintained’. When working memory is weak it is very difficult to hold onto information that has been verbally presented (eg a list of instructions). ‘Zoning out’ happens because often the crucial information needed to guide an activity has been forgotten, and once information is lost from working memory it is gone for good. This was something that was noted in the observation material from J’s Learning Support Teacher. The score obtained in this test was encouraging because it suggests that J has the ‘capacity’ to hold onto and process information. A classroom situation, though, can often present more distractions and this may have an impact on working memory. Visual Memory (PEERAMID 2)
Drawing from Memory is a visual retrieval task where the learner looks at a design or pattern and then completes a similar one that has parts missing.
It requires good short term memory and attention skills. J scored in the expected band for his age group. There were minor issues with orientation but attention and focus were good. Visual recall is relevant for spelling, writing and certain aspects of mathematics.
Common sequences J had no difficulties recalling the days of the week or months of the year both forwards and backwards. Summary of memory strengths
Strengths Weaknesses
Average short term auditory memory Background information suggesting
Alex Tait DAR Diagnostic Report Draft 3 June 2012 10
and working memory when tested on DMT Average short term visual retrieval memory Good sequential memory
possible weakness in working memory in a classroom setting
Phonological and processing skills
The Phonological Assessment Battery (PhAB) contains a range of tasks to assess phonological skills and processing abilities. In other words, the skills linked to the sound patterns we hear in speech and language and how efficiently they can be carried out. These skills are seen as very important for reading and spelling. PhAB Naming Speed tests
These determine the speed of phonological processing and word retrieval, i.e how quickly and efficiently can someone access known words from their ’phonological filing system’
The learner looks at a series of pictures or digits and names them as fast as possible while being timed.
J achieved an average score for Naming Speed of digits (SS 91-94, 28th – 34th
percentile) but a below average score for Naming Speed of pictures (SS 82, 12th percentile). The discrepancy in this case suggests that whilst J should be able to recall letter/sound links fairly efficiently, accessing whole words from long term memory is more difficult for J. This could impact on his ability to recognise and pronounce vocabulary quickly and accurately while reading. PhAB Fluency test
This assesses the ability to retrieve words (and phonological information) from long term memory at speed.
The learner is asked to say as many words as possible fitting in to a particular category (semantic) / starting with a particular letter (alliteration) / rhyming with a one syllable word in 30 seconds (rhyme).
J’s scores on the semantic and rhyme tests were in the low average band, this despite grouping items in a very logical way (SS 88 22nd percentile, SS92 30th percentile respectively). His score in the alliteration subtest put him below average (SS 82, 12th percentile) and on one of the tests he said that he ‘lost what I’m doing’ – this may have been an issue with working memory or simply attention. The results suggest that there may be a weakness at retrieving words (from a range of stimuli) at speed, and that the ‘phonological organisation’ of his word bank – almost like a filing system – is not very efficient. PhAB Spoonerisms test
This assesses the ability to segment and manipulate sounds and then synthesise the segments to make new words.
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In part 1 the learner is asked to replace the first sound of a word with a new sound.
In part 2 the learner is asked to exchange the initial sounds of two words. J’s low average score in the Spoonerisms test (SS87, 20th percentile) could have been a reflection of difficulties manipulating onset and rime in words. As important, though, may have been a weakness in working memory – particularly important when it came to the second part of the test where all of J’s errors occurred. There were no attempts at sub vocalisation and in conversation afterwards he discussed how his technique was trying to see what he could hear (rather than repeating the words in his head to play about with the sounds). Summary of strengths and weaknesses of phonological skills
Strengths Weaknesses
Relatively good phonological manipulation with single words (ie with less pressure on working memory) Average rapid naming of symbols (supporting fluency of blending and segmenting) Use of categorisation to group words
Poor phonological manipulation when working memory is involved Weak rapid naming of whole words (may have an effect on word recognition/reading fluency) Poor use of strategies to help with phonological skills
Language Skills Rapid Verbal Recall (PEERAMID 2)
This requires the assessor to read a list of short, simple questions that require the learner to name something they already know. The learner has to answer as quickly as possible.
The activity measures the speed of language processing and production. J’s score put him firmly in the expected band for his age. There was no hesitation with word retrieval when fed the stimuli verbally. This mirrors the strengths shown in the Verbal Ability section of the WRIT – J uses context well to generate the right word and this would appear to speed up his word retrieval (as compared with the PhAB tests). Summary of language skills strengths and weaknesses
Good word retrieval following verbal stimuli
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Visual Functions Symbol Digits Modalities Test
In the Symbol Digits Modalities Test, the learner is asked to assign numbers to specific symbols, using a key provided at the top of the page.
It measures speed of visual-motor processing, visual tracking/copying, visual processing and attention to detail.
The manipulation of written symbols at speed has a direct relationship to writing.
J’s score was in the below average band by some margin (SS 75). He worked very methodically but very slowly, and the score highlights a clear issue with visuo-motor processing specifically, and processing speed in general. The need to constantly refer to the key for most of the decoding is also a possible indicator of working memory issues. The impact of a weakness on visuo-motor processing will be most felt in handwriting and performance in activities where he is required to multi-task, for example taking notes from a text or copying from the board in class.
Visual Vigilance (PEERAMID 2) The learner is presented with visual stimuli that they then need to match.
It gives an insight into attention, visual discrimination and scanning strategies.
J’s score here was lower than the range expected for his age group. Interestingly there were more omissions of stimuli (false negatives, ie missing out on an answer) suggesting inattention rather than errors of commission (false positives ie circling the wrong answer) which often suggest an impulsive approach to the task. He was slightly faster processing information with letters (his speed here was within the expected age band but at the lowest end) rather than symbols (where his time fell outside the expected band) . J did use a strategy to try and be more systematic about his scanning but it proved ineffective and this can suggest more generalised problems with planning and organisation. Summary of visual strengths and weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses
Methodical approach Some attempt to find a strategy
Poor visuo-motor skills Poor attention to detail
Alex Tait DAR Diagnostic Report Draft 3 June 2012 13
Attainments Reading Prose Reading
In the Diagnostic Reading Analysis (DRA) the learner first listens to a passage read by the assessor and answers questions. He or she then reads three of more passages and answers questions, until a ceiling of errors is reached.
This test can be used to obtain a score for reading accuracy, fluency, comprehension and comprehension processing speed.
J’s score for reading accuracy places him in the above average band (SS126, 95th
percentile). He makes very good use of context to work out unfamiliar words and was quick to recognise substitutions that did not make sense and correct these accordingly. This reflected his performance on the V Plagiarism Free Papers
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