The content of this presentation needs to cover the future development of AI trends, as well as how Microsoft Copilot AI can maintain its competitiveness in the future. I hope there is no
The content of this presentation needs to cover the future development of AI trends, as well as how Microsoft Copilot AI can maintain its competitiveness in the future.
I hope there is no reason to be confused:
Indeed, the prompt in the assignment document asks you to explain "why and how your generative AI tool must evolve over the next 3-5 years to remain competitive.".
The way to explain those potential directions for your AI tool is by looking at competitors (not only ChatGPT) and different trends in the coming years (that was my clarification – .
you should not make assumptions about how your AI company should evolve but research trends and competitors to identify those areas).
Prepare a 4-slide, 5-minute presentation using a deductive argument to explain why and how your generative AI tool must evolve over the next 3-5 years to remain competitive
- Always read the prompt and the rubric carefully
- You should look at AI trends in the following 3-5 years. You do not have to compare only with ChatGPT.
- The lead Product Manager at your new firm asked you to assess how its Microsoft Copilot AI needs to evolve over the next 3-5 years, to remain competitive in this fast-changing industry.
- You have secured time to present to the larger product team – including engineering, marketing, and sales – where you will recommend evolving Microsoft Copilot AI to remain competitive in the fast-evolving industry. Using a deductive argument, prepare a 4-slide, 5-minute presentation to the product team.
- Make sure to properly use a deductive structure: Situation ("as you know"…), Complication ("However…" – risks, opportunities, etc.), and the resolution with action items.
- Submit in PPTX format.
Please upload your slides in .pptx form, the Generative AI appendix and draft of speech about the slides(Please note that the content for the speech and slides should be for five minutes.) by 1pm. on Wednesday February
Specific requirements follow: 1Generative AI Presentation(Presentation Grading Rubric needs Exceeds Expectations)
This announcement contains tips for your March 1 presentations, including: 1) the Situation-Complication-Resolution framework, 2) slide best practices, 3) citations, and 4) an example presentation from a prior semester.
1.Quick refresher on Situation-Complication-Resolution
Here are 2 short videos if you'd like to review the Situation-Complication-Resolution framework.
2.Slide best practices
Here are 2 short videos that summarize expectations for your slides.
Please put an abbreviated citation on each slide and a complete Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) citation on a bibliography slide at the end.
See this document for an example: CMS citation guide for presentation
4.Example Presentation.Specific requirements follow:
As we reviewed in class, here is an example presentation from a prior semester for reference. It is **not** perfect and is not necessarily an "A" presentation, but can give you an idea for the look and feel of a presentation in this model:
Example Presentation (S-C-R)
Despite a company and industry in flux, Hulu should continue to produce original programming.
Hulu’s recent uncertainties and competitive positioning make original content seem like a risky investment.
Though there are risks to investing in original content, investing in original will enable Hulu to grow financially and gain a competitive advantage.
Hulu must increase original content investment to differentiate itself from its competitors.
Hulu’s recent uncertainties and competitive positioning make original content seem like a risky investment.
• Disney now owns 60% of Hulu • Disney is also launching their own
streaming service in 20193
• Impossible to predict what shows will be economic successes
• Investments in full seasons not piolets4
• Hulu spends $125 annually per subscriber on content
• Netflix spends $70 annually per subscriber on content
• Amazon spends $40 annually per subscriber on content2
• Hulu is spending $2.5 billion on content in 2018
• Netflix is spending roughly $8 billion on content in 2018
• Amazon is spending $4 billion on content in 20181
Streaming is a Crowded Industry
Hulu is Overspending Per Consumer
Hulu is Undergoing Corporate
Content is “Hit or Miss”
1 John Koblin, "Hulu Puts Up a Fight Against Netflix, Amazon and Apple," The New York Times, last modified February 25, 2018, accessed December 16, 2018, %20LLC&action=click&contentCollection=business®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=19&pgtype=collection. 2 Audrey Schomer, "Hulu announces new offerings to lure advertisers," Business Insider, last modified May 4, 2018, accessed December 17, 2018, 3 Sarah Perz, "Disney to invest in more original content for Hulu," Tech Crunch, last modified November 16, 2018, accessed December 17, 2018, 4 Stephen Lovely, "Netflix's Original Content Strategy Is Paying Off," The Motley Fool, last modified November 13, 2018, accessed December 17, 2018,
1 Mike Shields, "Hulu's Originals Problem," Digiday, last modified January 17, 2012, accessed December 16, 2018, 2 Jeff Prince and Shane Greenstein, "Does Original Content Help Streaming Services Attract More Subscribers?," Harvard Business Review, last modified April 24, 2018, accessed December 16, 2018, 3 Ibid. 4 Stephen Lovely, "Netflix's Original Content Strategy Is Paying Off," The Motley Fool, last modified November 13, 2018, accessed December 17, 2018, 5 Sarah Perz, "Disney to invest in more original content for Hulu," Tech Crunch, last modified November 16, 2018, accessed December 17, 2018,
Though there are risks to investing in original content, Hulu must continue to invest to grow financially and gain a competitive advantage.
Original content will allow Hulu to grow financially and gain a competitive advantage 3 ways:
Increase Advertisement Revenue Increase Subscription Revenue Reap Benefits of New Ownership Structure
• Using Disney studious for production could reduce costs about 30-50%4
• Disney believes in the future of Hulu and is willing invest5
• Offering content from TV channels does not attract subscribers2
• Offering original content does attract new subscribers3
• Advertisers will spend more for advertisements shown during original content1
• The Handmaid’s Tale is a price setter rather than a price taker
Hulu must increase original content investment to differentiate itself from its competitors.
Offer competitive
terms for talent and content
1 Leverage ads to cover costs of
original content 2 Make original
content with the global consumer
in mind 3
• Hulu needs to keep the door open to expanding internationally3
• Original content should be made
to appeal to a domestic and global audience to mitigate further investments down the road
• As writers shop around their content at Netflix and HBO, they should be blow away by Hulu’s terms1
• Investing in star power for
original content will help draw viewers in
• Advertisers must be incentivized to help viewers discover original content2
• Offer temporary lower rates for advertisements of lesser known original content
• Offer exclusive advertisement rights for original programs
1 John Koblin, "Hulu Puts Up a Fight Against Netflix, Amazon and Apple," The New York Times, last modified February 25, 2018, accessed December 16, 2018, %20LLC&action=click&contentCollection=business®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=19&pgtype=collection. 2 Ibid. 3 Sarah Perz, "Disney to invest in more original content for Hulu," Tech Crunch, last modified November 16, 2018, accessed December 17, 2018,
Generative AI Memo (Inductive Reasoning)
Generative AI Appendix
I acknowledge the following AI use for this assignment:
I did use generative AI to help me complete this assignment
I did not use generative AI to help me complete this assignment
If your answer to the above question was no, you may submit this appendix without further additions.
If your answer to the above question was yes, please answer the following:
1. Provide a direct link to your conversation with the AI chatbot used (e.g.: ChatGPT, Claude, etc.):
OR copy & paste your conversation with the AI chatbot into the Blackboard textbox.
2. How did you use the generative AI chatbot to help you complete this assignment?
3. How well did the generative AI chatbot perform in responding to your prompts?
4. How would you improve your interactions with generative AI chatbots in the future?
Current Outlook Is Cautious for the Automotive Industry
The 2021 outlook forecasts a decline in automotive sales in all geographical market regions due to COVID-19-related disruptions to the economy, restricted movement facing consumers, and possible new waves of COVID-19:1
1. Global Autos Report – Q4 2020. Fitch Solutions Group Limited, 2020, 6. '
Global Autos Report – Q4 2020. London: Fitch Solutions Group Limited, 2020, 1-27. report-q4-2020%2Fdocview%2F2447091064%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D9676.'
Note:)) • All'sources'must'be'high$quality,,reputable,,and,relevant'and'must'be'given'proper'aFribu?on'for'informa?on'(e.g.,'text,'images)'presented'in'the'slides'either'
by'paraphrasing'and/or'direct'quotes'using'the'Chicago)Manual)of)Style)(CMS))cita?ons)@)Notes)&)Bibliography)format)(most'recent'edi?on).' '
• Place'footnotes'on'the'boFom'of'PowerPoint'slides'(with'a'superscript)number)aNer'the'text'or'image'on'the'slide)'&'use'a'shortened'form'of'the'Chicago'Style' cita?on.'In'the'Bibliography'(last'slide),'use'the'full'Chicago'Style'cita?on.'Examples:' Footnote)on)slide:) 1.'Global,Autos,Report,$,Q4,2020.'Fitch'Solu?ons'Group'Limited,'2020,'6.'(see'sample'slide'with'a'superscript)1'aNer'the'text'or'image'on'slide)' Bibliography)entry:) Global'Autos'Report'X'Q4'2020.'London:'Fitch'Solu?ons'Group'Limited,'2020,'1X27.' 'hFps:// %2Freports%2FglobalXautosXreportXq4X '2020%2Fdocview%2F2447091064%2FseX2%3Faccoun?d%3D9676.' '
• Bibliography'entries'are'to'be'in'alphabe?cal)order)by)author’s)last)name,'when'given.'E.g.:' Ede,'Lisa'and'Andrea'A.'Lunsford.'“Collabora?on'and'Concepts'of'Authorship.”'PMLA'116,'no.'2'
'(March'2001):'354X69.'hFp://' '
• The'format'of'footnotes'and'bibliography'entries'may'vary'depending'on'the'type)of)source.'Refer'to'the'following'Chicago'Manual'of'Style'(CMOS)'resources:' • BU'Libraries'–'Ci?ng'Business'Resources:'hFps://'''' • BU'Libraries'Cita?on'Quick'Guide'for'Notes'and'Bibliography'Style:''
hFps://' • Purdue'University'Online'Wri?ng'Lab'(OWL)'–''
• General'Format'–'Chicago'Manual'Of'Style'(CMOS):' hFps://'
• Chicago'Notes'&'Bibliography'Sample'Paper:' hFps://'
RE: Competitive Analysis Memo – Microsoft Copilot AI
Carrying out a competitive analysis of different companies that are leading in adopting and using AI in their technologies is one thing that will help chatGPT improve and find areas that it can learn from[footnoteRef:1]. Carrying out a competitive analysis of the current leading competitor between generative AI and Microsoft Copilot AI will help achieve the above objective[footnoteRef:2]. The goal is to bring to light some benefits of the Copilot, including the competitiveness of ChatGPT, which may also be a great source of information for its weaknesses[footnoteRef:3]. [1: Adetayo, Adebowale Jeremy, Mariam Oyinda Aborisade, and Basheer Abiodun Sanni. "Microsoft Copilot and Anthropic Claude AI in education and library service." Library Hi Tech News (2024).] [2: Ebert, Christof, and Panos Louridas. "Generative AI for software practitioners." IEEE Software 40, no. 4 (2023): 30-38.] [3: Coyle, Jeff, and Stephen Jeske. "The rise of AI copilots: How LLMs turn data into actions, advance the business intelligence industry and make data accessible company-wide." Applied Marketing Analytics 9, no. 3 (2023): 207-214. ]
Competitive Advantages of Microsoft Copilot AI:
1. Rich Integration with Development Environments: Copilot can seamlessly integrate with different development environments, such as Visual Studio Code[footnoteRef:4]. The integration is essential as it provides developers with convenience[footnoteRef:5]. The integration also improves the overall development experience needed in this field[footnoteRef:6]. [4: Bird, C., Ford, D., Zimmermann, T., Forsgren, N., Kalliamvakou, E., Lowdermilk, T., & Gazit, I. (2022). Taking Flight with Copilot: Early insights and opportunities of AI-powered pair-programming tools. Queue, 20(6), 35-57.] [5: Keisala, Jukka. "Utilizing Large Language Models as No-code Interface in a Software Development Toolkit." (2023).] [6: Adetayo, A. J., Aborisade, M. O., & Sanni, B. A. (2024). Microsoft Copilot and Anthropic Claude AI in education and library service.]
2. Learning from Open-Source Repositories: The deep learning model is Microsoft Copilot's core, adapted from GitHub, a well-known place for open-source code and resources[footnoteRef:7]. Through this exposure, Copilot develops the skill to produce code snippets that concisely communicate ideas using the best practices[footnoteRef:8]. The coding platform builds applications from several coding projects that provide endless learning opportunities for personalizing a developer's work[footnoteRef:9]. [7: KANTEK, BC PETR. "AI-driven Software Development Source Code Quality."] [8: Khalfi, Mohammed Fethi, Mohammed Nadjib Tabbiche, and Reda Adjoudj. "From programming-to-modeling-to-prompts smart ubiquitous applications." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Preprint (2023): 1-39.] [9: Da Cruz, Mauro AA, Heitor TL de Paula, Bruno PG Caputo, Samuel B. Mafra, Pascal Lorenz, and Joel JPC Rodrigues. "Olp—a restful open low-code platform." Future Internet 13, no. 10 (2021): 249.]
3. Effective Collaboration with Developers: Copilot will bring together developers via efficient engagement[footnoteRef:10]/[footnoteRef:11]. Collaboration is one trait of Copilot that is usually of high value when it comes to group work, and the attribute of Copilot promotes team-based, streamlined, and cooperative environments[footnoteRef:12]. [10: Pudari, Rohith, and Neil A. Ernst. "From Copilot to Pilot: Towards AI Supported Software Development." arXiv preprint arXiv: 2303.04142 (2023).] [11: Pudari, Rohith, and Neil A. Ernst. "From Copilot to Pilot: Towards AI Supported Software Development." arXiv preprint arXiv: 2303.04142 (2023).] [12: Coyle, J., & Jeske, S. (2023). The rise of AI copilots: How LLMs turn data into actions, advance the business intelligence industry and make data accessible company-wide.]
Implications for ChatGPT:
1. Integration with Development Environments: The successful integration of Visual Studio with Copilot shows the necessity of seamless developer tool-AI tool interaction[footnoteRef:13]. Thus, ChatGPT might use the possibilities described here to build relationships with well-known IDEs[footnoteRef:14]. This also provides coding environments to improve developers’ user experience[footnoteRef:15]. [13: Kumar, Yulia, Zachary Gordon, Oluwatunmise Alabi, Jenny Li, Kathryn Leonard, Linda Ness, and Patricia Morreale. "ChatGPT Translation of Program Code for Image Sketch Abstraction." Applied Sciences 14, no. 3 (2024): 992.] [14: Polverini, Giulia, and Bor Gregorcic. "How understanding large language models can inform the use of ChatGPT in physics education." European Journal of Physics 45, no. 2 (2024): 025701.] [15: Borger, Jessica G., Ashley P. Ng, Holly Anderton, George W. Ashdown, Megan Auld, Marnie E. Blewitt, Daniel V. Brown et al. "Artificial intelligence takes center stage: exploring the capabilities and implications of ChatGPT and other AI‐assisted technologies in scientific research and education." Immunology and Cell Biology 101, no. 10 (2023): 923-935.]
2. Language Support and Versatility: The vast scope of languages and frameworks that Copilot can relate to highlights the developer community’s vast appetite for flexible AI lenses[footnoteRef:16]. Regarding ChatGPT’s abilities, the tool should be built up to cover numerous domains of technical subjects[footnoteRef:17]. The tool should include more than just a narrow field to keep it on top of the competition and fulfill the demands of users[footnoteRef:18]. [16: Hall, Patrick, James Curtis, and Parul Pandey. Machine learning for high-risk applications. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2023.] [17: Haleem, Abid, Mohd Javaid, and Ravi Pratap Singh. "An era of ChatGPT as a significant futuristic support tool: A study on features, abilities, and challenges." BenchCouncil transactions on benchmarks, standards and evaluations 2, no. 4 (2022): 100089.] [18: Frieder, Simon, Luca Pinchetti, Ryan-Rhys Griffiths, Tommaso Salvatori, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Philipp Petersen, and Julius Berner. "Mathematical capabilities of chatgpt." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (2024).]
3. Facilitating Collaboration: The mention of Copilot as a partner in coding is a sign of the usefulness of such AI tools in general[footnoteRef:19]. It also suggests an increasing demand for AI tools that encourage working together and talking together[footnoteRef:20]. In response, the Chabot could add features that elevate the collaboration level – for instance, it might support the working process of writing together or being involved in the collective decision-making processes[footnoteRef:21]. [19: Dakhel, Arghavan Moradi, Vahid Majdinasab, Amin Nikanjam, Foutse Khomh, Michel C. Desmarais, and Zhen Ming Jack Jiang. "Github copilot ai pair programmer: Asset or liability?." Journal of Systems and Software 203 (2023): 111734.] [20: Aydin, Ömer, and Enis KARAARSLAN. "Is chatGPT leading generative AI? What is beyond expectations?." Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Smart Systems 11, no. 3 (2023): 118-134.] [21: Baskara, Risang. "Exploring the implications of ChatGPT for language learning in higher education." Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 7, no. 2 (2023): 343-358.]
Looking at the competitive advantages of Microsoft Copilot AI, this underscores the landscape of generative AI tools[footnoteRef:22] that are continuously evolving. This, in the process, emphasizes the significance of versatility, accuracy, integration, collaboration, and even real-world data learning[footnoteRef:23]. By ensuring that the insights from Copilot’s strengths are incorporated, ChatGPT can use this to position itself, ensure that it stays competitive, and continue providing valuable solutions to the developers[footnoteRef:24]. [22: Scappaticci, Chiara Silveira. "Artificial intelligence: how can Gen-AI tools support the current business models of the firms and add value?." PhD diss., 2023.] [23: Grassini, Simone. "Shaping the future of education: exploring the potential and consequences of AI and ChatGPT in educational settings." Education Sciences 13, no. 7 (2023): 692.] [24: Merali, Shabbir, and Ali Merali. "The Generative AI Revolution."] Plagiarism Free Papers
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