Schultze and Badzinski defined self-identity as the way we perceive ourselves and social identity as how others view us. Identity encompasses different roles and expectations regar
You will post one thread that is between 300- and 350-words APA FORMAT WITH 3 REFERENCES.
Schultze, Q. J. & Badzinski, D. M. (2015). An essential guide to interpersonal communication: Building great relationships with faith, skill, and virtue in the age of social media. Baker Academic. ISBN: 9781441248725
Petersen, J. C. (2022). Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships (3rd ed.). Petersen Publications. ISBN: 9780979155987.
Schultze and Badzinski defined self-identity as the way we perceive ourselves and social identity as how others view us. Identity encompasses different roles and expectations regarding how to act in different social contexts. Discuss the concept of identity, drawing on the course literature. Analyze also the identity communication illustrated in each of the three video presentations in this module.
Communication Scenario I – What Is Identity of Self?
Hi, I'm Alia, new coworker. Oh. Started in this department? Yes, yes. They told me that you were gonna be coming. The only thing I've been told is that I was going to have a coworker name. How do you pronounce your name? Alia. Oh, Allah. Yeah. Well, wonderful. They told me that you were gonna be coming. I'm really excited about the seminar. Oh oh. Before they start the seminar, do you have any preference on what cubicle you're going to sit in? No. Okay. Because I just got back from Germany on a business trip. I'm going to do a lot of traveling. I see a lot of different cultures, but they had me on this cubicle right next to the window, and the light would shine in and it would give me this awful headache. Plus, I'm really claustrophobic, so I was hoping that I would get the cubicle that's over by the end by the hallway. No problem. Oh, perfect. I promise that's the only thing that's wrong with me. Everything else, I'm pretty easy to deal with. Great. All right. All right. Let me guess where you're from. Okay. Okay. All right. Here we go. I'm really good at this game. Greece No Italy? Spain? No South America. Nope. Okay. I give up. I was born in Chicago and my parents are from Iraq. Oh well. I was born in Detroit and raised in Oregon, so. Hm. So you're an American too? Absolutely. Although it's really not that important to me. I mean, it's just a title. Right. You know, I could have sworn you were from Greece. I have a best friend, she's from Greece and you look just like her. So weird. Well, can I ask you a question? Sure. I don't want to be a weird and probably a stupid question, but aren't you supposed to wear a scarf? No, I'm actually Christian, you know, not all Muslims are Arabs. Are Muslims. And not all Muslims are Arabs. You know, although Muslim is a large, predominant religion in our country, there's also a lot of Christians as well. Wow, that's cool. I'm working with an Iraqi woman. Actually, an Iraqi American woman. Right, right. We that's what I meant to say. I'm sorry I went off on that whole cultural thing. But, you know, it's just nice to be able to work with someone who has a little bit of culture and who's, you know, from a different background. Because I travel all the time, I travel everywhere and it's just nice to have some of that culture here in the office. Still kind of in shock, You know, just coming back to the states from Germany. So I'm really glad that you're here. Well, I'm glad. I just wondered if you could help me get onto the Internet so I can send a few E mails. Yeah, sure. Sorry I was talking so much. It's okay. Well, first you need to go over to the Start button, right over here.
Communication Scenario II – Misunderstood
Hey, son, How you doing? I noticed you've been in here a lot. What's that? A rough day. So, uh, said is girl. Oh, I can talk in three weeks. I know. Honestly, never want to get your phone for me, whatever. He watching man get my wife three. What are you gonna do? Hit me. What are you using? Your Newman. Colin, what have I told you about body? I told you the next time he would be a suspension by starting. I don't want to hear boys on, so listen if you want to we can talk about it. A loser, The time you see spec doing. I didn't see you in here yesterday. Well, the kids giving you a rough time at school, you know about it, old man. Oh, I know that people who are different, they they're often the subject of ridiculed by others like you would know. Look, I know you can't always tell the insides of a person by their outside. And there's some people who are considered, well, losers. They often have what it takes on the inside to make a difference if they'd just try. So, you've heard of Abraham Lincoln? No, he had a face that only mama could love. And he lost more elections than he won. He was ridiculed for his appearance, for taking an unpopular stand at the end of the war. What about Gandhi? Yeah. What about him? Well, he was just an ordinary man, but he changed an entire country that does all this has to do with me. Do you really think I care? You know, I think you did. You may not want to admit it, but you're something special too. What makes you think that? Nobody else thinks that? Well, Jesus Christ does. So Jesus Christ, he sees you as you really are. Well, why would you think I'm special? Well, let me explain. Look, this is going to be one of those long religious lectures and I I'm just interested, when I was 16 years old, made a big mistake. What? You stayed out past 10:00 P.M. No, I killed someone. You're kidding. Right now, my friends and I were out drinking one night I drank too much, and they they dared me to see if I could drive 100 miles an hour on an old back road. Well, I didn't want to look like a chicken, so I got in the car, took off. But when I came around a curve, I lost control and I hit a car, hit on the was a little girl inside that flew out the door. While she was killed, I wish that I had died myself. Everybody in town, even my friends that dared me that night. They, they painted me as a monster. I'd walk up to a group at school and they'd just walked away. It was a small town, and if I went down the street, people avoided me. I thought about suicide every day. It was the same thing. Even my parents seemed to treat me differently. They shouldn't think that I could take it anymore. I thought they didn't love me anymore. I wondered, what was the point in going on? No one would ever love after what I'd done. How did you get over it? I never did get over. I cook someone's life. I drank more, my parents kicked me out. I ended up leaving a little town and going to a city where no one else knew me. But things really didn't change. I still hated myself on the inside for what I've done. Then one day I was sitting at a park, it was almost night. I knew that I might be spending another night in bushes. It was cold. There was this old man that came up drinking a cup of coffee. He just started talking. I didn't want to hear a thing. He had to say, you know, there was something different about he had this light that, that shone in his face. I don't know why, but I just kept on listening. He told me about Jesus Christ and how Jesus had given his life for me, and I thought no one would ever love me again after what I've done. He brought me a friend. I think he brought me here.
Communication Scenario III – False Pretenses
Hmm. Let's see if anybody is on the line today. Emily was here for a visit, so I've been a little by my two girls and I had some cooked, ate too much food. Yep, yep. Managed to get in a little training while they were gotta go. Someone's at the door.
Peterson Chapter 1-7
Chapter 1 Options in Communicating
Why Don’t We Listen Better? To him I said, “Your wife is saying, when you didn’t call, it made her feel unimportant to you. The later it got, the more worried she became. Finally, she panicked, imagining you hurt, lying injured in a muddy road-side ditch. Sounds to me as if she cares about you.” And to her, “He understands how afraid you get. He was trying to get home to you as quickly as he could so he didn’t take the time to find a phone booth and call. On the other hand, when you get on his case for not calling he feels trapped, like you don’t trust him and are trying to control him. Sounds to me as if he cares about you.” Somehow, it worked. In my struggle to apply love that evening, I discovered that while I could hear undertones of what they were saying, they couldn’t hear each other well at all. They failed to hear the hurt and caring in their spouse’s anger. They seemed blocked by insecurity, anger, habit, and even more, their need to win the argument. However, they could hear what the other tried to say when they heard it translated through me, perhaps because they had no need to defend against me. In time both storms settled. As the couple recognized that they both hurt, they grew in their concern for each other. They rediscovered how much they cared for one another. Their need to win subsided. This experience gave me a clue how powerful good communica-tion can be. It is the oil that lubricates the engine of relationships. With-out it the engine seizes and grinds to a halt. Nearly five decades later, couple counseling still thrills me when an angry pair begins to hear the hurt and caring under their partners’ words. Sometimes, they end up in tears when they move beneath the complaints and jabs to rediscover, to their surprise, that their partners not only care for them — but still love them. Good communication matters even when close-in intimacy is not your goal. Listening well can improve how effectively you work with your business associates, co-workers, and community volunteers. It helps keep friendships vital and even makes a difference in casual relationships learned some of this early I grew up the middle one of three boys. Two girl cousins lived across the street. The five of us bounced back and forth between homes. Each of us chose where to eat depending on who was fixing liver and onions, who baked cakes, and who was in trouble with whom. Aunts and uncles, other cousins, friends and strays collected around our homes. We never ate a holiday dinner with fewer than twenty people. We jockeyed for attention, teased and sparred, argued, and protected our-selves with “friendly sarcasm.” Most of us talked better than we listened, though we appreciated each other and would defend the family against any outside criticism. As a somewhat shy highschooler in the middle of that mayhem, I often found myself listening as others went on and on, wrapped up in their own thinking. I learned that listening pays dividends. Occasional-ly, someone would visit who seldom got along with anyone. They took to me and I liked that. At first, I hoped it meant I was particularly charm-ing and likeable. I soon figured out they liked me because I listened to them. (Don’t we all like an audience?) I observed that while others avoided grumpy people, all I had to do to reduce their grump-factor was to ask questions and let them tell me their stories. As I listened, one of the payoffs for me was that these folks became more interesting. I also found that after I paid enough attention to their personal and political tirades, they became more receptive to me. (My lesson: Listen first; talk second.) I could toss in my views and even argue some, as long as I didn’t go on long enough to steal their stages. Communication balancing I learned the value of communication balancing: • Listen awhile. • Talk until the other person almost stops hearing. • Listen until the person calms enough to hear again. I sensed that most people were more interested in telling their sto-ries than hearing mine. And to be honest, I was more interested in telling mine than hearing theirs. While I relished times when others tried to understand my stories, I came to value even more, friendships where understanding worked both ways. Listening deeper I wanted to be liked. I never did enjoy conflict or when people were angry with me. But at a deeper level I liked it even less when tense situ-ations were ignored. Those times hung heavy in the air and soured the atmosphere for me. I couldn’t relax and enjoy interactions when the real issues were hidden underneath what was being said and done. That felt way too manipulative and bunched my insides. I made it my mission to deal with those unpleasant situations by sur-facing under-the-table problems so they could be dealt with. I experiment-ed with versions of my “grumpy people technique,” that is, ask questions, listen awhile, surface hidden issues, and wait for my time to talk. I soon discovered that chronically angry people harbor hurt feelings under their anger. So, when I encountered these unpleasant folks, I put my stubbornness to work. I determined to listen until I dug deep enough to understand what made them feel, think, and act the way they did. To my surprise, something strange happened. I began to care for the grumps, and often, even to like them. C. S. Lewis pinpointed what I experienced. Lewis said in effect: Don’t wait until you love people to act on their behalf. Act on their behalf, and you will come to love them. When I took time to understand others, it not only benefited them, it benefited me. I grew to accept a wider range of people and to enjoy most of the unlikely and unlikable among them. I became motivated by the pure joy of connecting at a deeper level with people and wanted others to be able to do the same. I still do. That’s why I wrote the book. During my final edit of the first edition, I woke early from a dream where I was puzzling with people who were busy judging the motives and behaviors of others. This book had become so much a part of me, what was inside the folks they were judging. I longed for them to listen and understand, because I knew that if they did, they would stop put-ting others down. (How’s that for a dream?) Real listening gets us inside each other. There seems to be some-thing in such human connection that touches and changes us (for the better). I don’t know, maybe it’s that when we get far enough inside someone else, we see and connect more with ourselves. So how can we do anything then but be supportive of others? What’s ahead? Ever since my first dinner table reflections, I have observed people, stud-ied, experimented with different ways of communicating, practiced a lot, counseled, taught, led business and college workshops, and nur-tured the growth of these insights. In this book I intend to share my current thinking, hoping you will find it as helpful in your lives as I have in mine. Most people think they listen well, but don’t One of the most frequent comments I’ve heard since first publishing fifteen years ago was this: “When I started the book I thought I was a good listener. Now I know better.” Not listening well causes a lot of unnecessary confu-sion and pain. Experience also tells me that people who are willing to work at listening better can improve their relationships across the board. While better communication skills do improve relationships, they are not the entire picture. I am putting in your hands a practical “how to” guide to help improve your listening and talking skills, but I intend to take you deeper than that. The need-to-win and put ourselves above others in relationships causes even more problems than shoddy communication. If we learn to recognize this tendency, we have a chance to set it aside and move into more meaningful connections with family, friends, and co-workers. This revised and expanded edition includes three major sections,each one broken into chapters with many bite-size pieces for you to chew on. At the end of each chapter, I’ve added a listening technique for you to start practicing. They will get more complex as you go and later in the book I’ll group them for easier use. However, they are not directly related to the chapters they follow. I want you to have enough for a wide variety of situations. (If you have an urgent need for help in a relationship, turn immediately to the first few How to Listen Better: Techniques.) PART ONE moves on from here with a communication chapter on connecting and disconnecting in relationships and then introduces my (kiddingly serious) “Flat-Brain Theory of Emotions.” It explains how our emotions, thinking and relating abilities work and how what goes on inside us comes out in the ways we communicate and act. Then the Flat-Brain Syndrome shows why it’s so difficult for us to listen, think, act, or even relate to others when our emotions go on over-load. It will make it easier to accept ourselves (and others), when we’re out of whack — very important. It will also illustrate how, when we’re upset and out of phase, good listening helps return us to whatever is normal for us. PART TWO discusses the use of the Talker-Listener Card, a radical departure from “everyone talking at once with no one really listening.” The Talker-Listener Card facilitates a “taking-turns” method in commu-nication. It reminds us to listen first, and talk second. PART THREE begins with my ten favorite communication traps, in-cludes more essential Listening Techniques, wraps up with extended ex-amples using the Talker-Listener process, and a closing section on grow-ing to become “people in whose presence good things happen.”
To get the most out of this book The book is designed to be read in short sections. While it builds throughout, you can easily revisit pieces by using the detailed Table of Contents, which I prefer to an index. Even after all this time, I find that going over the material again and again causes me to rethink how I re-late to others. I also find that reading the listening responses aloud helps embed them in my mind. Hearing myself say them makes them more likely to pop up when I need them. Couples report that it’s best to read the book together, because when you ask your partner to read a book “to improve our communication,” it usu-ally creates defensiveness. Your partner hears, “Our trouble is your fault and I’m going to use this book to fix you.” And so arguments escalate over who needs help, who has read how much, what the book said about whom, and who “really cares” about this relationship. One partner reading and passing on the ideas, often sets up skirmishes and defensiveness. I don’t want you arguing over the book. Instead, offer, “I’m going to read this book that says we can quit argu-ing by listening better. Sounds impossible to me, but I’d like to try taking turns reading it aloud. I think we could have fun with it. And who knows? We might get along better and I’d like that. How about Thursday evening or Saturday morning?” Couples who spend time reading the book together hear each other say the listening responses. They sense what works and what doesn’t. And yes, to answer the question you may have in your mind (that I’ve been asked tons of times), even if your spouse/partner refuses, read it yourself anyway and practice the methods. Why? When you change, your relationships will change. You’ll be less defensive and your partner will feel heard, get calmer, and think straighter. But more on that later. You’ll notice repetition as you work your way through the book — that’s intentional. Sometimes, I’ll take a concept to a deeper level. At other times, use it as a gentle reminder of just how hard it is to change thinking and behavior. I’ll often put an idea in more than one way in order to get through to readers who learn differently. ommunication habits our culture drums into us. I hope this book will assist your journey of self-discovery, increase your understanding of people, and make your relationships more what you want them to be. I also hope you have fun with it. May you hear and be heard in ways that deepen your connections and increase your commitment to constructive living. The next chapter will take us deeper into communication and con-necting in relationships, but for the moment, dive into the first listen-ing technique. −∞− How to Listen Better: Technique #1 Many of the skills I’ll include have been around long enough to become part of a generic pool and you’ll recognize them. Some I modified. Oth-ers I created. They all work at times, if not overused. In the listening examples I use an odd punctuation mark (…?) to indicate that good listening includes a gentle accepting style. You catch and hand back what the talker is saying without strong statements or pushy questions. The ellipses (…) suggest incompleteness, while the question marks (?) encourage a slight rise in tone at the end of the lis-tening response. Together they signal an open-ended inquiry to reduce the talker’s fear of judgment and reprisal. We’ll start with acknowledge. It helps people accept themselves and feel real support from the listener — a foundation of good listening. Acknowledge ■ Use words, tone, and body language to acknowledge it’s okay for the talker to feel or think the way he/she does. It usually takes just a few words and an inviting, bite-your-tongue, patient attitude. “Ah, so you’re irritated…?” Or, “Mmmm, unhappy about that…?” This form of acknowledging is a non-argumentative, non-judgmental ac-ceptance of what the talker feels or is trying to say. (Neither agreeing nor disagreeing.) When a child skins a knee and is crying, parents feel called upon to debate whether the pain level is worth “the carrying on.” It rarely helps. If you say, “Oh, it can’t be that bad!” you’ll get an argument and louder bel-lows. The youngster will have to prove his knee does hurt “that” much. Instead, try this: When the child sniffles, “It hurts.” You acknowledge softly, “Mmmm, ouch…?” Or, nod and say, “Mmmm, it hurts…?” And he/ she will likely nod and say, “Yeah!” heading right back outside to play. Sometimes we youngsters and adults just need to have our feelings acknowledged. Then we can move on, knowing our emotions are okay and that we’re not alone with them. Your spouse says, “I’m frustrated. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.” It does not help to say, “But we have bills to pay and you should be thankful for having a job in this economy, and don’t forget I have to work at a rotten job too.” To simply acknowledge may be all that’s necessary. Try saying: “Tough work day to face huh…? Bet you’d rather go to the beach…?” Then bite your tongue and listen some more. This acknowledges the pain and allows its level to subside. It also makes room for the talker to go on, feel understood, and not be alone in frustration. Or your partner comes home babbling about a new purchase. You don’t have to ask, “But how much did it cost?” Try, “Wow, you really sound pleased and excited…?” And then listen some more to share in the excitement. You might go back and repeat the acknowledging responses out loud. Get used to them rolling off your tongue with that little rise at the end. Then find an opportunity to PRACTICE with someone close, the grocery clerk, a co-worker, on the phone with a telemarketer. (I shouted “practice” because I want to emphasize it takes pots of practice to change personal patterns. Making changes takes work.) Again, practice until you get comfortable using acknowledge and until your responses begin to sound like you.
Communication — Connecting & Disconnecting the wOrd cOmmunicatiOn derives from the root “to commune.” It has at least two levels — sharing information and connecting with others. For the spiritually-minded, overtones of “to commune” suggest that at a higher level people connect in a health producing way with other people, nature, and God as well. For the otherwise-minded, these same overtones may suggest the deep growth producing connections with people that can result from what psychologists call the “unconditional acceptance” in therapeutic relationships. Two levels of communication Level one communicating gives and receives information and discusses points of view. At this level, when we ask where the copy machine is, who decides on vacation schedules, or how much fifteen percent of the dinner bill comes to, all we care about is getting the facts. Here, factual exchanges work. However, even when the primary goal of exchanging information is met, if the exchange is too brief (for us) or a tone of voice seems brusque, we may leave the conversation feeling unsatisfied. We might wonder: • “Can we work together?” • “Do we even want to work together?” • “Do we trust each other?” • “Are we friends?” Since most of us yearn for personal connection, level one informa-tion exchanges by themselves can complicate matters. When we sense that others don’t care what we think or feel, discussing points of view easily turns into arguments. To the disconnected person a simple ques-tion of curiosity like: “Why are you doing it that way?” can sound like: “Look stupid, you’re doing it wrong.” Level two communicating goes deeper than words. It moves us to-ward more satisfying relationships where we develop trust, intimacy, and personal sharing. Level two connects us at a level of feeling and spirit where strangers become friends. At level two, information sharing becomes easier, clearer, and the process more forgiving. We give each other more slack, the benefit of the doubt, and expect honorable intentions. For example: Look at this shortened interaction between a frustrat-ed computer owner and a tech support person. The computer owner phones and says, “I just spent an hour trying to get my Wi-Fi connection to work. You’ve got to fix it.” Techie responds, “Your wireless isn’t working? That must be really frus-trating.” Owner: “You bet I’m frustrated. No e-mail and I can’t do my business research on the web.” Techie: “Sounds bad for your business. So, tell me what your system is doing, what you’ve tried, and let’s see if we can get you back online.” When the caller senses that the tech is on his side, he feels like he’s not alone with his problem. He feels supported even if the computer’s problem can’t be fixed without serious expense. This situation might have turned sour if the tech had not listened with care and moved the conversation from information sharing to a personal connection. Feeling heard and understood has a lot to do with whether or not personal connection happens. We humans want to know that people care about us, value us, and take us seriously. (And, of course, we want our computers fixed too.) When we don’t hear each other Talking and listening to each other ought to help us get along. Right? Often wrong. We picked up our ways of communicating automatically from others. We learned by observation, osmosis, and imitation. Unfor-tunately, many of us learned ineffective methods. The people we copied learned the same way we did. So it’s a waste of time trying to blame our predecessors, ourselves, or each other. I sup-pose someone long ago traded trying to understand for trying to win, and we’ve been paying the price ever since. Many of you experienced communication as I did at my home din-ner table with everyone talking at once and no one really hearing each other. How many times have we left such conversations with a vague sense of un-fulfillment, feeling that we hadn’t connect with anyone? How about the social times when we’re visiting before a soccer game, being friendly at an office party, or making coffee time con-versation? People standing around, waiting for an opening to start or finish their stories. I’ve watched myself get frustrated through five grandparents’ stories about their grandkids, hoping for a chance to share the (important) news about my (special) granddaughter. So I jump into a crack in the conversation to talk, but if I take a breath or hesitate, I lose my place to someone else’s straight-A student, tennis elbow, or trip to France. We’ve all heard people grouse after parties, meetings, and coffee breaks: “I’m not going back. Small talk is such a waste of time.” Were they complaining out of hurt feelings, because no one showed enough inter-est to listen to them? Such conversations can be pulled apart and written side by side in unrelated columns. Timing is about all they have in common. They do little more than bounce off each other. Check this disconnection example: Jack: “I’ve had a tough week with my boss.” Jill: “Thank God it’s Friday.” Jack: “This guy’s a killer — too many unrealistic expectations.” Jill: “I can’t wait to get home and start painting my house.” Jack: “It’s a relief to get out of the office and away from him.” Jill: “Hope I get it painted before the rain sets in.” Jack: “I don’t know if I can go back to work next week.” Jill: “If the painting doesn’t get done, the repair costs will double later.” Jack: “Oh, ah, Jill, have a good weekend.” Jill: “See you Monday, Jack.” Jack and Jill’s dialogue could be read together as a conversation or split apart as two individual stories, each independent of the other. They both talked, and neither listened to (nor cared?) what the other was try-ing to say. Notice that we’re observing a trivial everyday conversation, noth-ing unusual, but if the concerns were serious, the “missed” communica-tion would have been a much bigger problem. Would you risk sharing anything important with either Jack or Jill, if all your exchanges worked like that? When you want a listener and get a pool-grabber We all have times when something is troubling us, when we want a listener and need to talk it out. But, sometimes the person we choose not only doesn’t listen, but takes the conversation off in a completely different direction — theirs, not ours. Imagine preparing to dive into your brand new above-ground swimming pool. On to the diving board you go. You spring from the board, soar into the air, and begin a beautiful swan dive. You look into the sky, straighten downward in perfect entry position, only to discover the pool is gone. You either suspend in mid-air or splat on concrete. Your neighbor grabbed your pool, dragged it into his/her backyard and is now swimming in it. That’s the way it feels when we try to share something that matters to us, only to find that someone else used our story as a springboard to dive into their story. Spring-boarding happens in conversations ranging from telling a funny story about our children to discussing serious crises in our lives. It’s bad enough when we try to talk about our struggle with the school bureaucracy and another parent switches the discussion to their excep-tional child. But when we need to talk about a failing marriage and someone springboards into their best purchase on eBay, our frustration can grow exponentially. When others change the subject from our concerns to theirs, we learn not to risk going off our diving boards with them around. We may even begin building walls around us for protection against them. In reality, we stop sharing what matters to us with those who matter to us. In fact, those who don’t listen eventually become those who used to matter to us. Being heard In contrast to not being heard, when someone acknowledges what we said and wants to know more, we find that being listened to warms the heart and makes our day. “Oh, really? Tell me about your granddaughter…?” Or, “About this problem with your boss…?” Or, “How much are you worried about painting your house before the rain sets in…?” It’s no big surprise when we don’t connect with strangers, but it can be distressing when it happens with people closer to us. When we Plagiarism Free Papers
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