With competition and technological advances occurring in the auto industry, why is it important to develop a strategic management plan?? Be specific and detailed in answer. Ba
With competition and technological advances occurring in the auto industry, why is it important to develop a strategic management plan? Be specific and detailed in answer.
Based on the two articles discussing strategy, should an auto organization choose an intended, emergent, and/or realized strategy(ies)? Explain why you chose these in details.
1/13/24, 1:33 PM 5 Benefits of Strategic Planning | Envisio
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5 Bene�ts of Strategic
By Mary King 20 January 2023
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● 1. It makes your organization proactive rather than
● 2. It instills a shared sense of responsibility
● 3. It increases operational e�ciency among
● 4. It improves sta� satisfaction and retention
● 5. It manages expectations and bolsters trust
● Get the template ↓
Many organizations understand the importance of strategic
planning, and they’ll invest a great deal of time and money
coming up with the strategic plan itself. But once the strategic
planning process is complete, it’s really common for that plan to
just… well, sit there. Maybe it gets reviewed once a year–an
obligatory thing your company or organization simply “has to
do.” Or worse, it becomes a glossy (and expensive) document
that sits gathering dust on the shelf.
Well, as the leading provider of strategic planning and execution
software, we disagree! A strategic plan is the compass for your
goals, and we’re here to re-ignite that strategic planning spark.
To get you started, you can grab our Free Strategic Plan
Template, which you can download as a PDF.
In this post, we are going to look at �ve of the major bene�ts
of a strong strategic plan, the purpose of strategic planning in
the �rst place, and how it will improve virtually every aspect
of your operations – from employee engagement, to plan
execution, to leadership.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you are certain to end up
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somewhere else.” – Yogi Berra
A strategic plan is so much more than words on a page (or a
If you have a strategic plan that you (and your employees)
reference regularly, then it becomes a living document, a
dynamic process that guides, responds to, and helps actualize
large-scale dreams.
Here are �ve bene�ts of strategic planning.
1. It makes your
organization proactive
rather than reactive
Why is strategic planning important?
A strategic plan allows organizations to anticipate things that
are most likely to happen and prepare accordingly. Through
strategic planning, companies can anticipate certain unfavorable
scenarios before they happen and take necessary precautions to
avoid them. And, if something unfortunate–whether a small
scale mishap, or a full blown crisis–does happen, then you
already have something in place to ensure you’re able to get
back on track.
When a crisis hits, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, having a
strategic plan versus not having one can make a huge
di�erence. For example, instead of having to halt construction
plans, further disrupt learning, and be stuck in a pattern of only
reacting during the pandemic, White Bear Lake Area Schools,
MN, leaned on their strategic plan:
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“We’ve completed projects already. Construction continued
throughout the pandemic, which was really exciting for us. And
through it all, our strategic plan has continued to inform our
decisions about what type of learning environment we’re
building for our students. That’s been invaluable. We’ve had to
make decisions on learning models, remote work, distance
learning… we’ve been able to root those decisions in asking what
does our strategic plan compel us to do, and what opportunities
have emerged along the way?” – Dr. Alison Gillespie, the
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning with
Of course, the importance of strategic planning and being
proactive is not just for catastrophe prevention, or mitigating
poor outcomes. Another bene�t of a strategic plan is it also
gives you a competitive edge.
When you make being engaged with your strategic plan a habit,
an integral part of how your organization operates, it means
your overall vision, and the steps required to be there, are front
of mind. This will keep your team alert, attentive, and able to
keep up with changing trends.
While other strategic plans for other organizations may sit on
the shelf, excellent strategic planning is enough to maintain a
competitive edge. Staying one step ahead of what everyone
else is doing requires a clear idea of what exactly you are doing.
Rather than just always reacting to the trends, you want to be
anticipatory. Better yet, be the trendsetter.
A strategic plan gives you this ability to be truly proactive – and,
therefore, �exible – in your vision.
2. It instills a shared
sense of responsibility
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A strategic plan helps to de�ne the direction in which an
organization must travel, and aids in establishing realistic
objectives and goals that are in line with the vision and mission
charted out for it. But it also creates a sense of collaboration
and collective responsibility.
The key to successful strategic planning is to engage everyone
with the plan as early as possible in the planning process, and
build in measures and implementation steps that allow you to
monitor the results at regular intervals. When you do this, goals
become stepping stones to even greater goals, and everyone
becomes familiar with the aspirations and pain-points of your
overall vision, and their contribution to it.
When everybody has a sense of purpose in their role within the
greater organization, they are going to care about the
outcomes. Everybody wants to feel important, needed, valued,
and heard. One bene�t of a strategic plan is that it formalizes
this process. It’s really important to make sure everyone
implementing a plan feels responsible for their part in it; when
people are intrinsically motivated to complete their tasks, this
creates energy and momentum on all organizational levels.
For the people involved in the actual strategic planning process
itself, it creates a sense of democratic engagement. People are
able to bring their own perspectives, thoughts, and ideas to the
table, and will be encouraged when they see their strategies and
actions come to life. For people carrying out those actions, they
will feel more encouraged to be responsible for those outcomes
when the goals are attainable and clear. A strategic plan makes
those actions clear.
A strategic plan o�ers both the much-needed foundation from
which an organization can grow, but also helps establish the
roles and boundaries for everyone, thus improving e�cient
decision making and creating a greater sense of overall
momentum and direction.
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Ensuring employees feel engaged and responsible is one of the
most important strategic planning bene�ts.
3. It increases operational
e�ciency among
When discussing the importance of strategic planning in an
organization, we need to consider leadership. One way that an
organizational vision can fall short in its implementation is
when there isn’t a clear enough idea of what change is needed
where, and how complex that level of change needs to be.
That’s where we can really see the value of strategic planning.
In terms of strategic management, a plan provides leaders with
the roadmap to align the organization’s functional activities to
achieve set goals.
At Envisio, we aren’t afraid of complex plans. In fact, we love
them. Because we exclusively work with publicly accountable
organizations, such as local governments, our clients frequently
have really complex plans that can span years (sometimes even
What we’ve learned is that there is no need to shy away from a
grand vision; what matters is making sure the strategy to get
there is clear.
People in leadership roles are often juggling many di�erent
priorities and ideas, and they are overseeing the entire
operation. Management discussions, meetings, and decision
making can sometimes su�er from not being able to see the
forest from the trees–meaning, everyone is capable of losing
perspective. A strategic management plan helps carry some of
that load for leadership.
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A strategic plan also increases operational e�ciency in that it
helps determine those important, practical, company-wide
leadership considerations, such as budget requirements to
accomplish set objectives. These practical, operational
considerations illustrate why strategic planning is important.
4. It improves sta�
satisfaction and retention
Research has shown that over the course of COVID-19, local
government employees are feeling as though they lack
autonomy in their jobs, are feeling burnt out, and are
experiencing disconnection from their work and colleagues.
As previously mentioned, a strategic plan can help empower
your employees to feel responsible and engaged with their
work, but it can also be used to plan initiatives like improved
career advancement, perks and bene�ts, and improving
workplace culture.
The reality is that public sector workplaces (local government
and beyond) need to �nd ways to empower and support
employees, otherwise these sectors will experience high
turnover. Incorporating improved onboarding processes,
feedback processes, and building in a process for positive
recognition are all things that can be formalized in a strategic
plan. Having a strategic plan can also reduce the experience of
being “micro-managed,” which can increase senses of
autonomy, and therefore satisfaction, in the workplace.
5. It manages
expectations and bolsters
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A strategic plan increases transparency, which helps build trust
and eliminate ambiguity–both inside the organization and
among key stakeholders. Strategic planning done well is
bene�cial because it creates more opportunities for
collaboration across teams. Working together to see what each
department is doing, rather than having disjointed groups,
improves trust in the overall direction of the organization.
Because so much of strategic planning refers to determining
organizational goals, this helps set expectations across the
di�erent areas of your organization, and improves the overall
functioning of the company.
Public sector work requires a lot of passion and care; it tends to
attract value-driven people. Ensuring that the values of the
organization are built into the strategic plan communicates to
sta� a sense of openness, and helps assure them (and remind
them) about the overall mission.
One of the other bene�ts of having a strategy is it shows how
information is being managed, in a modernized, quanti�able,
secure manner. Being able to back up decisions using data, for
example, is an objective, non-partisan way to communicate the
rationale behind the moves your organization is making. All of
this goes a long way in improving trust – both internally, and
externally, to the community being served.
And if you really want to boost trust with your external
stakeholders, consider sharing your organizational progress
against your strategic plan via a public strategic plan dashboard.
Get the template ↓ Ready to start your strategic planning journey? Check out our
1/13/24, 1:28 PM Driving Forward – The Crucial Role of Strategic Foresight in Sustainable Planning for the Automobile Retail Industry
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The automobile retail industry has been undergoing significant changes in recent years, driven by new technologies, changing consumer preferences, and evolving regulatory environments. To navigate these changes and remain competitive, automobile retailers must engage in sustainable strategic planning. However, simply having a strategic plan is not enough. To truly succeed in the long run, automobile retailers must also have strategic foresight. In this article, we will explore why strategic foresight is essential for sustainable strategic planning in the automobile retail industry.
Driving Forward – The Crucial Role of Strategic Foresight in Sustainable Planning for the Automobile Retail Industry
Robert M. Haeusler Director I Innovation, Strategy, & Transformation @EV Mobility and New Retail I Global Solution Lead Published Mar 17, 2023
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1/13/24, 1:28 PM Driving Forward – The Crucial Role of Strategic Foresight in Sustainable Planning for the Automobile Retail Industry
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What is Strategic Foresight?
Strategic foresight is a process of exploring and analyzing potential futures to identify emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges that may impact the automobile retail industry. It involves looking beyond the immediate horizon and considering a range of possible scenarios that could shape the future of the industry. This can help automobile retailers make more informed decisions about where to invest their resources and how to adapt to changing circumstances.
Why is Strategic Foresight Important for Automobile Retail?
Anticipating Changes in Consumer Behavior
Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, and automobile retailers must be able to adapt to these changes to remain relevant. By identifying emerging trends and potential disruptions early on, automobile retailers can position themselves to take advantage of new opportunities and mitigate risks. This can help them stay ahead of the competition and maintain their competitive edge over time.
Preparing for Technological Disruptions
Technological disruptions are transforming the automobile industry, from electric and self-driving cars to new mobility solutions. Strategic foresight can help automobile retailers prepare for these changes by identifying emerging technologies and understanding their potential impact on the industry. This can help retailers develop new business models and partnerships to stay ahead of the curve.
Adapting to Regulatory Changes
Regulatory changes can have a significant impact on the automobile retail industry, from emissions standards to safety regulations. Strategic foresight can help automobile retailers anticipate these changes and adapt their strategies accordingly. This can help them avoid potential penalties or fines and position themselves as leaders in compliance and sustainability.
Engaging Customers
1/13/24, 1:28 PM Driving Forward – The Crucial Role of Strategic Foresight in Sustainable Planning for the Automobile Retail Industry
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Strategic foresight is not just about predicting the future – it is also about engaging customers in a conversation about where the automobile retail industry is headed. By involving customers in the strategic planning process, automobile retailers can gain valuable insights and perspectives that can help them make more informed decisions about their future direction.
In conclusion, strategic foresight is essential for sustainable strategic planning in the automobile retail industry. It enables automobile retailers to anticipate and prepare for potential changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. By engaging customers in the process, retailers can gain valuable insights that can inform their future direction.
To put strategic foresight into action, automobile retailers must first invest in the necessary tools and resources to gather and analyze data on emerging trends and potential future scenarios. This may involve hiring external consultants, investing in market research, or leveraging internal expertise. Once the data is collected, retailers must use it to inform their strategic planning process, making adjustments to their business models, operations, and partnerships as needed.
In addition to investing in strategic foresight, automobile retailers must also prioritize continuous learning and adaptation. The industry is constantly evolving, and retailers must be willing to adapt to changing circumstances if they want to remain competitive. This may involve developing new skills, cultivating new partnerships, or exploring new technologies.
Finally, automobile retailers must be willing to take risks and embrace uncertainty. Strategic foresight can help reduce the risk of failure, but it cannot eliminate it entirely. Retailers must be willing to experiment and try new things, even if they are not sure what the outcome will be.
Strategic foresight is a powerful tool for automobile retailers looking to stay ahead of the competition and position themselves for long-term success. By investing in data collection and analysis, continuous learning and adaptation, and a willingness to take risks, retailers can use strategic foresight to drive innovation and build a more sustainable future for the industry.
Answer the Question(s) listed below using APA formatting, citing from references used and include your references at the end of your assignment. These references can include but are not limited to the textbook, journal articles and other outside legitimate resources. Be careful of internet references to ensure they are reliable sources as there are some that are not reliable such as blogs or opinionated postings. Be detailed in your answer to the question(s). Must be double-spaced with a 12 point font and one inch margins. Proofread it very carefully for proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph formation as these points will be deducted for these if incorrect. Use APA format style for your in-text citations and list of references.
It is expected that you take time in your assignment to include detailed answering of the questions. For brief, non-specific, non-detailed answers, points will be deducted. Be sure that you meet the requirements for the Turnitin threshold of 20% or less. Copying and/or sharing answers in any format is strictly prohibited and will be considered a violation of the LSUS Code of Student Conduct, MBA Honor Code, and copyright law. Be sure your work is strictly yours!
Individual Assignment Reading:
After reading Chapter One in your textbook, read the two attached articles. After reading all, reflect on the need for strategic management and answer the questions below in the required assignment instructions.
Assignment Questions:
With competition and technological advances occurring in the auto industry, why is it important to develop a strategic management plan? Be specific and detailed in answer.
Based on the two articles discussing strategy, should an auto organization choose an intended, emergent, and/or realized strategy(ies)? Explain why you chose these in details.
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