Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing
Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing : empirical, personal, ethical, and aesthetic Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing For each of these four ways of knowing describe a clinical case situation with intervention that was informed by that particular ?way of knowing?. Include an explanation on how that ?way? of knowledge helped to inform your decisions for the clinical intervention. Thus, there will be 4 situations for which you briefly describe the clinical context, an intervention used, and an explanation of how one of the ways of knowing informed the decision to implement a particular intervention. You will complete this brief case description, and explanation for EACH of four ways of knowing. Include 4 references from peer-reviewed sources. APA format. ORDER YOUR PROFESSIONAL PAPER HERE ? Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing Fundamental Pattern for Nursing Knowledge and Barbara Carpers Theory of ?Ways of Knowing? Nursing takes on a different type of learning that represents many various aspects and abilities that include a wide variety of skills and shapes the ways of knowing in nursing. Carpers (1978) pivotal work of identifying the ways of knowing nursing was a seminal work that laid the groundwork for further research. Her ways of learning have established approaches that have helped both the nursing discipline and the profession to further its knowledge. He divided awareness into two types that are both implicit and explicit. Tacit is observations and experience-based, and not easily visible and expressible, hard to share and interact with highly personal people. Empirical sources of information depend on the way a person experiences and react to outside-world events. Whereas explicit is systematic and based on logic and can easily be articulated, transmitted, communicated, which are concepts of high universality. Rationalism comes from within the person and relies more on abstract reasoning than on real-world data. Nevertheless, his main areas of knowing to include Aesthetic knowing, ethical knowing, Empirical knowing, and personal knowing. There have emerged two other forms of knowing, ?unknowing? pattern; and also Zanders sociopolitical awareness (2011, p. 9) or emancipatory model (Chinn & Kramer, 2011, p. 5). Here those trends are explored in my practice through interactions.Carper (1978) defined the first way of knowing to be empirics. Nurses and nursing students alike are familiar with this most. This form of expertise is obtained by proving something right or wrong. A simple example of acquiring this form of expertise is when we pick and conduct our science fair experiments in grade school. We follow the scientific method, we test a hypothesis, and we repeat predictable results. This empirical knowledge is based heavily on the data obtained through other disciplines, especially medicine. As Fawcett (2006) noted, more medical care is being taken by nurses, which requires more knowledge of life sciences.White (1995) attempts to criticize this way of knowing, rather than looking at a way to collect data by essential works that look at data relations. In this view, the experience learned from the relationships of the variables is acquired. I am continually learning in my nursing practice. One reason I choose this career is that it helps me to keep learning and improving my work environment while also being able to progress in my profession?the most recent example of receiving empirical knowledge from my fellow nurses and me. As I reflect on my experience in nursing, I am reminded of the skills that have helped me to learn what I know about nursing. Through Carpers theory, nurses should focus on situations that ?provide paths that can be considered to be the fullness of a situation? (Johns, 1995, p. 227). Firstly, I would like to comment on the case of a five-year-old boy brought by police to the E.R. for assessment. Upon admission, I had to apply the four areas of knowing to help me attend to the patient. When the patient was brought, no nurse seemed to be concerned with the state of the patient, yet he needed urgent attention. I immediately applied ethical knowing whereupon it works on the principle of right and wrong. I knew that my personal ethic should be based on my duty to save life and respect human life. I had to do the necessary. Rather than assume that the boy might not be in bad condition, I responded to his situation and helped save a life. Also, in my other care for patients, I do use the Evidence-based practice approach while applying Empirical knowing to attend to my patients effectively. The goal has always been providing the best care possible to my clients. Its what keeps me going. For the case of the boy, I also applied aesthetic knowing to attend to him. I let myself into discovery mode. I discovered that patients who experience accidents need to be attended to carefully without a hurry. This helped me deliver the best care to him, and after a while, he did receive a breakthrough. These ways of awareness help me to have a completely open mind about the situation and how it affects my patient, effectively denying and even questioning what I think and what I already know. Some knowledge, such as empirical knowledge, is easier to understand and put into practice. In contrast, other knowledge is much more challenging to attain, especially when it comes to ethical or sociopolitical issues.The knowledge trends described by Carper (1978) were instrumental in the development of nursing knowledge and the marking of what that information is. Throughout the study, these trends interweave and continue to develop other patterns of knowledge when adding to the body of knowledge in nursing.Studying each area of knowledge without studying the ways of knowing could be considered pointless, since each area of knowledge can be said to be intricately intertwined with innumerable forms of knowing, all linked in some respect to each other. It is, therefore, important to appreciate the ways of knowing that accompany any area of knowledge. Role of Research In Nursing And Developing New Research Methods In Oncology; Cancer Treatment One of the areas that require extensive research in the nursing field. Research in nursing plays a vital role in the development of applied medicine. Through research, nurses can identify effective practices to improve patients care. In the health field, saving and respecting human life is critical. Because of this, more research needs to be done to help come up with better alternative ways of managing ailments. Since new information comes to light daily, nurses must be prepared. Through research, new ideas and findings are uncovered that can assist in altering previous misunderstandings, create new treating methodologies, and also pave the way for new treatment protocols. All of these helps improve patients health care. The main reason, therefore, why research in nursing is crucial is that it is geared towards improving patients health care by coming up with better alternative ways of managing severe diseases. Furthermore, research in nursing enables nurses to respond to the changes in health care settings, government regulations, and patients population. One of the areas that need more research in nursing is oncology. Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with researching, preventing, and treating cancer. The word ?Onco? stands for ?tumor? and ?logy? means ?test.? Our body contains two types of cells-normal cell & cancer cells. As the regular cell grows old, they die naturally and form new cells. But the cancer cells will not die, and it develops and builds tumors in abundance. The oncology specialist who works is called an oncologist. The doctor detects the cancer with tests such as Biopsy, Ultrasound, CT Scan, MRI, and Endoscopy before starting treatment. There are various types of oncology, including Pediatric Oncology, Hemato Oncology, Clinical Oncology, Molecular Oncology, etc.Today, cancer is the most common and deadliest illness. There are several cancer treatment facilities with a well-experienced surgical oncologist. We need to have a sound mindset to cure cancer. Cancer is a condition caused by cells growing out of control and becoming rogue. A genetic mutation (caused by radiation, chemicals, viruses, etc.) results in a cell being ?immortal.? Effectively, the genes that are supposed to tell it when to die no longer work, which ensures that the cell keeps going-making several copies of itself, all with the mutated gene-rather than dying after a fixed number of divisions.In some cases, this is detected by the immune system, wiping out the rogue cells before they get too out of balance. You dont know how many times the bodys cells have done this and washed it out before you even realize it. Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing New methods for researching the cure for cancer should be developed. Perhaps the hardest problem with cancer treatment is the fact that each cancer has its cancer stem cell. You need to learn about the cancer stem cells if you want to cure cancer. The most significant breakthrough in cancer research in the last decade has, in my opinion, been the recognition that conventional cancer treatment procedures are not working very well. They included the use of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Surgery is effective in treating early cancer.But it was challenging to get radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Instead, in the last ten years, immunotherapy for cancer has emerged as the missing link. Only when we understand that most, if not all, tumors have their cancer stem cells (CSC), can the full truth about cancer be grasped. This was only known in the past for leukemia, mainly due to a lack of tools for evaluating solid tumors. With this new idea of cancer stem cells, cancer can be treated only when the CSCs are eradicated. Conventional medicine used to believe that powerful treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery actually can fight cancer. The strategy, however, has mostly failed. The stem cells survive chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It is only immunotherapy that has an opportunity to get rid of the last cancer cells. New stem cells and lengthening of telomeres should be identified in humans that may rejuvenate the immune system and give the body more energy to combat cancer. ? ORDER YOUR PROFESSIONAL PAPER HERE Knowing Whether a Topic Qualifies as Research Worthy and The Criteria to Be Used Before doing your research, it is essential to consider whether the topic you have picked is qualified for the research, and that area is worthy of studying. The first step when doing research is always to ponder on the topic that you will be researching. The topics are often generated from a specific problem that you once encountered in your area of specialization. Sometimes, you may also have an area outside your specialty that has been of interest to you, and you have been thinking about for quite sometimes and would like to pursue it further. You may also have been reading journals or newspapers, and in the process, a concerned area appears to you that needs further research. Whichever the case, whatsoever research topic you have chosen, it must be an area of interest to you. A topic qualifies as worthy of study when we find gaps in the items that have been found after doing a comprehensive literature review. Thus the requirements making a subject suitable for the study is the existence of holes in the knowledge that have already been identified and attempts being made to fill those gaps through research, therefore, a research-worthy problem is an issue that is impactful as it lacks an established viable solution, and solving it through study would result in ?an original contribution to the relevant knowledge base.? The researchers, however, warn that an issue worthy of study is not focused on superficial observations. It is not based merely on data connections. It doesnt produce a simple yes or no answer. Such elements, however, may be part of the journey to discover a research-worthy issue. Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing The criteria for choosing a research topic is quite clear. Since research is a comprehensive task, it needs significant attention as a researcher on your part. The very first thing that will determine whether your research will be successful or not is your chosen research topic. To pick on a research topic, you must first consider which area needs more research. Identifying an area of concern and interest to you is the key to developing a successful research topic. Secondly, you need to consider the clarity of your topic. Clarity is the most critical quality of any research topic. For others to easily understand the nature of your study without straining, the research topic must be very clear. It must have a single interpretation so that the readers do not get distracted. Thirdly, your research topic should be well defined. In most cases, researchers develop research topics that give double-barreled impressions to the readers hence making it difficult to interpret. Also, when choosing the research topic, consider an area that people would like to be studied. Developing a research topic from an area that interests many people, yet no one has ever researched it is key to successful research. Assignment: Carpers Ways of Knowing Order Now
Carpers Ways of Knowing
Carpets have been around since ancient times, but they’re not just for flooring your home. There are many ways to utilize carpets in your life, both at home and in the workplace. To help you decide on which carpeting method is right for you or someone you know, I’ve compiled a set of knowledge standards designed to help guide people’s decision-making process when it comes to selecting carpeting options for one’s home or business:
Emotion is a powerful force. It can move us to act, motivate us to create and inspire us to reach for the stars. In fact, it’s not just a bad thing—it’s one of the most important ways we know how to live our lives!
Emotion has its limits as well; sometimes it gets in the way of making sound decisions or acting on our values. But when used properly, emotion can be an incredible source of energy that fuels action in both positive and negative ways:
Intuition is a gut feeling, a subconscious process and a non-rational process. You can use your intuition to make decisions about what to do with your life or career.
Intuition involves making decisions based on feelings rather than logic or facts. Your intuition tells you whether something feels right for you, whether it’s good for others, etc., but it doesn’t always work this way in practice (for example: intuition may be telling me that I should stay at work today because I feel like I have nothing else going on).
Imagination is the ability to form images and ideas. It’s also the power to create something that isn’t real, such as an imaginary friend or a superhero. Imagination is a way of thinking about things in new ways and coming up with solutions that don’t exist yet but could work if they were made real.
For example, imagine yourself playing baseball on your front lawn with friends who love baseball just as much as you do! Or maybe you’re having dinner with your parents at a fancy restaurant where all the waiters wear tuxedos instead of uniforms; how would this change how people act around each other?
Faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven, but it can nonetheless be very powerful. We know this because we’ve all been there: you see something on the internet or hear about something from a friend and you feel compelled to believe it. It may not make sense, but your heart tells you otherwise. You can’t explain why or how, but somehow the information resonates with your soul and changes the way that you see things—for good or bad, depending on what kind of person you are!
Faith is also an excellent way of knowing because sometimes our minds don’t always function properly when they’re trying to process new information; sometimes they need guidance from outside sources before they start rolling down their own path (see “carpers” above). So if someone asks me whether I believe in God/gods/etc., then my answer would probably include phrases like “yes,” “no,” or maybe even “I don’t know.” This means that everything else I know about religion comes down solely through personal experience rather than through any kind of fact-based research—and there’s nothing wrong with either approach!
Memory is the recall of past events. This can be divided into two categories: short term memory and long term memory. Short term memory is used for immediate recall, while long term memory is used for information that is stored for a longer period of time.*
For example: you remember where you left your keys on Friday night because you were trying to get inside before someone stole them from their hook outside your front door. If there are many similar hooks all over town, however, it may take more effort than usual to find them in one spot again when next looking for them after putting them down at home or work.*
Know thyself, know thy culture
Self-knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding others. To be able to understand others, you must first know your own motivations and habits. For example, if you have a strong desire to help people in need and feel compassion for them, this is not something that can be learned from reading books or listening to lectures; it comes from within yourself. If you want to understand other cultures’ customs and traditions better than they do themselves (or vice versa), then the only way out would be through experience—and that means learning everything about yourself first!
But this isn’t just theory; it’s practical advice too: when we think about how our actions affect others around us (and ourselves) as well as their reactions toward those same actions…it makes sense why knowing oneself through self-reflection could help us become more aware of what motivates our choices before acting upon them again later on down the road.”
We hope you’ve enjoyed this tour of the seven ways of knowing. In the end, we want to leave you with a few key points: First, remember that there are many ways of knowing! This list isn’t meant to be exhaustive or definitive—it’s merely our own personal take on how we see ourselves as people in this world. Second (and perhaps most importantly), try not to get hung up on your particular methodologies or personal biases. Sometimes it helps just to keep an open mind and see what comes forth from within yourself. Plagiarism Free Papers
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