Identify Leadership and Management Principles The learner differentiates between nursing leadership and management principles across the healthcare environment for quality care delive
738.1.3 : Identify Leadership and Management Principles
The learner differentiates between nursing leadership and management principles across the healthcare environment for quality care delivery.
738.1.4 : Explore Leadership Mindset
The learner explores leadership mindset, including cultural sensitivity, diversity, equity, and inclusion, to positively influence patient care outcomes.
738.1.5 : Application of Leadership Skills
The learner applies leadership skills to influence professional practice in a healthcare environment.
Throughout your time at WGU, you will develop skills and knowledge that will support your practice as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. The purpose of this task is to create a shell of your portfolio. You will complete the remaining sections of the portfolio in later courses. A professional portfolio showcases your knowledge and skills to prospective employers and will increase your marketability as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse. This portfolio will help you focus on the concepts, strengths, and clinical reasoning abilities that will define your professional nursing practice.
Near the end of the Intrapersonal Leadership and Professional Growth course, you will reflect on leadership applications, mindset, and skills, as well as potential challenges you will encounter in the healthcare environment. Through this process, you will learn how to incorporate leadership principles for professional growth into your professional practice.
Your e-portfolio should include strategies used to ensure self-care and resilience both personally and professionally. This task also promotes a leadership mindset, including cultural sensitivity, diversity, equity, and inclusion. In completing this task, you will increase self-awareness and knowledge of how to interact effectively with different cultures. Additionally, you will learn to apply the newly acquired leadership skills to positively affect patient outcomes.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).
E-Portfolio Creation
A. Create an e-portfolio shell using the “E-Portfolio Template” in the Weblinks section.
Note: The e-portfolio shell will be submitted and evaluated with this task at the end of D218, and the final e-portfolio will be submitted and evaluated at the completion of the program in D226 BSNU Capstone.
1. Include the following 11 headings in your e-portfolio:
• Introduction
• Ethically Competent Practice
• Scholarship
• Informatics and Technology
• Safety
• Leadership and Professional
• Innovation
• Quality Assurance
• Compassionate Holistic Care
• Professional Communication and Collaboration
• Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development
2. Complete the required D218 artifact and corresponding reflection from the “Portfolio Artifact Table” located in the Weblinks section, and include the D218 artifact and the corresponding reflection in the Ethically Competent Practice section of your e-portfolio.
Note: Add the artifact from each assigned course to the corresponding section listed in the “Portfolio Artifact Table” in the Weblinks section as you complete the course.
Leadership Skills and Mindset Reflection
Note: The suggested length of your response for each part is ½–1 page.
B. Include your responses to parts C through E within the Introduction heading of your e-portfolio.
C. Complete the following:
1. Explain the differences between the roles of a leader and a manager.
2. Identify three present leadership skills and three present management skills (i.e., skills you possess).
a. Provide an example of how you use each of the leadership and management skills identified in part C2 in your practice.
3. Identify three absent leadership skills and three absent management skills (i.e., skills you currently lack).
a. Provide an example of how you can improve upon each of the three absent leadership skills from part C3.
D. Explain the importance of a leadership mindset and how it influences your professional practice, including the following:
1. Discuss how having a leadership mindset supports long-term personal growth, including two examples.
2. Discuss how having a leadership mindset supports long-term professional growth, including two examples.
E. Discuss how you would ensure equity and inclusivity as a leader in a healthcare environment, including two examples.
F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
File RestrictionsFile name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ' ( )
File size limit: 400 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z
An e-portfolio is not provided.
Not applicable.
An e-portfolio is provided.
The e-portfolio does not include any headings.
The e-portfolio does not include 1 or more of the 11 headings. Or the sections are not labeled according to the given list.
The e-portfolio includes each of the 11 headings, and all of the sections are correctly labeled according to the given list.
The D218 portfolio artifact and corresponding reflection are not provided.
The D218 portfolio artifact or corresponding reflection is missing or is not provided in the correct section of the e-portfolio. Or both the portfolio artifact and reflection are provided, but the reflection is missing requirements according to the Portfolio Artifact Table.
The D218 portfolio artifact and corresponding reflection are provided in the correct section of the e-portfolio and are complete according to the Portfolio Artifact Table.
None of the required content from parts C through E is included in the Introduction headingof the e-portfolio.
Some of the required content from parts C through E is included in the Introduction heading of the e-portfolio, but some is missing.
All the required content from parts C through E is included in the Introduction heading of the e-portfolio.
The submission does not explain the differences between the roles of a leader and a manager.
The submission explains only a leadership role or only a management role, or the explanation is not logical or relevant.
The submission clearly explains the differences between the roles of a leader and a manager.
The submission does not identify any present skills.
The submission identifies only 1 or 2 present leadership skills and management skills, or the submission identifies only leadership skills or management skills. Or the skills identified are unrelated to leadership or management.
The submission clearly identifies 3 present leadership skills and 3 present management skills.
The submission does not provide examples of how any leadership and management skills from part C2 are used in practice.
The submission provides examples of how some but not all the leadership and management skills from part C2 are used in practice, or the submission is not supported by an example for each skill.
The submission provides examples of how each of the leadership and management skills from part C2 are used in practice, with an example for each skill.
The submission does not identify any absent skills.
The submission identifies only 1 or 2 absent leadership skills and management skills, or the submission identifies only leadership skills or management skills. Or the skills identified are unrelated to leadership or management.
The submission clearly identifies 3 absent leadership skills and 3 absent management skills.
The submission does not provide examples of how any leadership skills from part C3 can be improved.
The submission provides examples of how some but not all of the leadership skills from part C3 can be improved upon, or the submission is not supported by an example for each skill.
The submission provides examples of how each of the leadership skills from part C3 can be improved upon, with an example for each skill.
The submission does not provide an explanation relevant to a leadership mindset.
The submission does not explain the importance of a leadership mindset or does not explain how it influences the candidate's professional practice.
The submission explains the importance of a leadership mindset and how it influences the candidate's professional practice.
A discussion about having a leadership mindset is not provided.
The discussion about having a leadership mindset does not logically address how it supports long-term personal growth, or the discussion does not include 2 relevant examples.
The discussion logically addresses how having a leadership mindset supports long-term personal growth, and the discussion includes 2 relevant examples.
The discussion about having a leadership mindset is not provided.
The discussion about having a leadership mindset does not logically address how it supports long-term professional growth, or the discussion does not include 2 relevant examples.
The discussion logically addresses how having a leadership mindset supports long-term professional growth, and the discussion includes 2 relevant examples.
The submission does not discuss how to ensure equity and inclusivity in a healthcare environment.
The submission does not discuss how the candidate would ensure both equity and inclusivity as a leader in a healthcare environment. Or the discussion does not include 2 relevant examples.
The submission discusses how the candidate would ensure both equity and inclusivity as a leader in a healthcare environment. The discussion includes 2 relevant examples.
The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list; however, the citations and/or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate.
The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available.
Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic.
Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective.
Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.
1 |
D-Code E-Portfolio Template
Only use this portfolio template if you are enrolled in a course that starts with "D" (ex: D218, D226).
Student Name:
Course Name:
Refer to your performance assessment for how to complete this template.
To insert a PDF document or previously created Word Documents, follow these instructions:
1. Click or tap where you want to insert the content of the existing document.
2. Go to Insert and select the arrow next to Object.
3. Select Text from File.
4. Locate the file that you want and then double-click it.
5. To add in the contents of additional Word documents, repeat the above steps as needed.
Contents Introduction 1 Ethically Competent Practice 2 Scholarship 3 Informatics and Technology 4 Safety 5 Leadership and Professional Image 6 Innovation 7 Quality Assurance 8 Compassionate Holistic Care 9 Professional Communication and Collaboration 10 Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development 11 Appendix 12
Ethically Competent Practice
Informatics and Technology
Leadership and Professional Image
Quality Assurance
Compassionate Holistic Care
Professional Communication and Collaboration
Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development
1 |
Portfolio Artifact Table
Course |
List of Programmatic Competencies (and Professional Definitions) |
Portfolio Artifact and Course Requirements |
Portfolio Tab Section to Enter the Artifact in OneNote |
D218 |
Competency 8 Ethically Competent Practice: The learner formulates and cultivates a professional identity that includes accountability, collaborative disposition, and ethical comportment reflective of the profession's characteristics, norms, and values. |
D218 Intrapersonal Leadership and Professional Growth Provide the certificate from the “Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring.” Provide a 3–5 paragraph reflection of the knowledge gained from the completion of the certificate program. Reflect on how this module has assisted you in formulating a professional identity that cultivates ethical and culturally competent care for all populations. |
Tab 2: Ethically Competent Practice |
D219 |
Competency 3 Scholarship: The learner integrates best evidence into nursing practice incorporating individual values as well as clinical expertise from industry analyses to persons and populations at the local, regional, national, and global levels. |
D219 Scholarship in Nursing Practice Provide the evidence-based practice (EBP) paper from the performance assessment for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this task has assisted you in meeting the competency by reflecting on your understanding of EBP and its usefulness in practice. |
Tab 3: Scholarship |
D220 |
Competency 6 Informatics and Technology: The learner integrates informatics knowledge and skills to provide safe, high-quality care, incorporating best practices, industry and professional guidance, and regulatory standards. |
D220 Information Technology in Nursing Practice Reflection: Identify an evidence-based technology improvement that was, or should have been, included in your practice environment. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this change incorporated best practices to improve the quality of care and meet professional standards. |
Tab 4: Informatics and Technology |
D221 |
Competency 1 Safety: The learner provides a safe, fiscally responsive quality care environment for individuals, families, communities, and multidisciplinary teams using established and emerging principles of safety science. |
D221 Organizational Systems and Healthcare Provide Task 1 from the performance assessment for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph reflection of how this task has assisted you in identifying safe, quality care opportunities for populations and meeting the competency. |
Tab 5: Safety |
D222 |
Competency 7 Leadership and Professional: The learner demonstrates leadership by identifying and prioritizing goals to achieve optimal outcomes for person-centered care and population health. |
D222 Comprehensive Health Assessment Provide the teaching plan from the performance assessment task for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this task has assisted you in identifying and prioritizing goals for this specific patient and why it is important to promote person-centered care in professional practice. |
Tab 6: Leadership and Professional |
D223 |
Competency 4 Innovation: The learner innovates creative, agile responses to complex and evolving care environments through a systems-based approach to value-based care across the care continuum. |
D223 Healthcare Policy and Economics Provide Task 1 from the performance assessment from this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph reflection on the importance of using data to make informed decisions that impact organizational change and systematic outcomes. |
Tab 7: Innovation |
D224 |
Competency 2 Quality Assurance: The learner collects, analyzes, and interprets data to improve patient outcomes and provide value-based care to persons and populations at the local, regional, national, and global levels. |
D224- Global and Population Health Provide a 3–5 paragraph reflection of how completing the population assessment in Task 1 assisted you in analyzing and interpreting data that could be utilized to identify population needs and create solutions to improve quality and patient outcomes. |
Tab 8: Quality Assurance |
D225 |
Competency 10 Compassionate Holistic Care: The learner provides holistic and compassionate person-centered care that respects individual and community diversity while considering determinants of health. |
D225 Emerging Professional Practice Provide a copy of the certificate from the selected specialty certification in Section 3, Lesson 5, of the course (IHI, SOGI Nursing, Caring Science). Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this new knowledge will assist you as a professional nurse to provide holistic care and serve diverse populations in healthcare. |
Tab 9: Compassionate Holistic Care |
D226 |
Competency 9 Professional Communication and Collaboration: The learner effectively communicates and collaborates with interprofessional teams, persons, families, and communities to optimize care and improve health outcomes using a value-centered approach. |
D226 BSNU Capstone Provide the comprehensive healthcare change proposal from Task 1 of the performance assessment for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this task has assisted you in identifying opportunities to improve patient outcomes through the use of innovation and how you will apply this competency in your professional practice. |
Tab 10: Professional Communication and Collaboration |
D235 |
Competency 5 Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development: The learner engages in self-reflection and other activities to foster personal health, resilience, well-being, and lifelong learning in a purposeful leadership practice. |
D235 Professional Communication and Leadership Provide the paper from the performance assessment for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this task has assisted you in meeting the competency by reflecting on the development of resilience and personal health and why it is important in professional practice. |
Tab 11: Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development |
MXM2: Professional Nursing Role Transition (Prelicensure)
Portfolio Artifact Table
Course |
List of Programmatic Competencies (and Professional Definitions) |
Portfolio Artifact and Course Requirements |
Portfolio Tab Section to Enter the Artifact in OneNote |
D442 (Traditional Prelicensure and ABSN students only) |
Competency 10 Compassionate Holistic Care:The graduate provides holistic and compassionate person-centered care that respects individual and community diversity while considering determinants of health. |
D442 Basic Nursing Skills Provide your Basic Nursing Skills Lab Completion Certificate. |
Tab 9: Compassionate Holistic Care |
D457 (Transition students only) |
Competency 10 Compassionate Holistic Care:The graduate provides holistic and compassionate person-centered care that respects individual and community diversity while considering determinants of health. |
D457 Basic Nursing Skills for Transitioning Healthcare Professionals Provide your Basic Nursing Skills for Transitioning Healthcare Professionals Lab Completion Certificate. |
Tab 9: Compassionate Holistic Care |
D220 |
Competency 6 Informatics and Technology: The learner integrates informatics knowledge and skills to provide safe, high-quality care, incorporating best practices, industry and professional guidance, and regulatory standards. |
D220 Information Technology in Nursing Practice Reflection: Identify an evidence-based technology improvement that was, or should have been, included in your practice environment. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this change incorporated best practices to improve the quality of care and meet professional standards. |
Tab 4: Informatics and Technology |
D445 |
Competency 10 Compassionate Holistic Care:The graduate provides holistic and compassionate person-centered care that respects individual and community diversity while considering determinants of health. |
D445 Intermediate Nursing Skills Provide your Intermediate Nursing Skills Lab Completion Certificate. |
Tab 9: Compassionate Holistic Care |
D218 |
Competency 8 Ethically Competent Practice: The learner formulates and cultivates a professional identity that includes accountability, collaborative disposition, and ethical comportment reflective of the profession's characteristics, norms, and values. |
D218 Intrapersonal Leadership and Professional Growth Provide the certificate from the “Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring.” Provide a 3–5 paragraph reflection of the knowledge gained from the completion of the certificate program. Reflect on how this module has assisted you in formulating a professional identity that cultivates ethical and culturally competent care for all populations. |
Tab 2: Ethically Competent Practice |
D221 |
Competency 1 Safety: The learner provides a safe, fiscally responsive quality care environment for individuals, families, communities, and multidisciplinary teams using established and emerging principles of safety science. |
D221 Organizational Systems and Healthcare Provide Task 1 from the performance assessment for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph reflection of how this task has assisted you in identifying safe, quality care opportunities for populations and meeting the competency. |
Tab 5: Safety |
D219 |
Competency 3 Scholarship: The learner integrates best evidence into nursing practice incorporating individual values as well as clinical expertise from industry analyses to persons and populations at the local, regional, national, and global levels. |
D219 Scholarship in Nursing Practice Provide the evidence-based practice (EBP) paper from the performance assessment for this course. Provide a 3–5 paragraph description of how this task has assisted you in meeting the competency by reflecting on your understanding of EBP and its usefulness in practice. | Plagiarism Free Papers Are you looking for custom essay writing service or even dissertation writing services? Just request for our write my paper service, and we'll match you with the best essay writer in your subject! With an exceptional team of professional academic experts in a wide range of subjects, we can guarantee you an unrivaled quality of custom-written papers. Get ZERO PLAGIARISM, HUMAN WRITTEN ESSAYS Why Hire writers to do your paper? Quality- We are experienced and have access to ample research materials. We write plagiarism Free Content Confidential- We never share or sell your personal information to third parties. Support-Chat with us today! We are always waiting to answer all your questions. ![]() All Rights Reserved Terms and Conditions |