As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to
As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding how to leverage EBP principles in collaboration will be important in the success of institutions delivering quality, safe, and cost-effective care. It could also lead to better job satisfaction for those engaging in remote collaboration.
Professional Context
Remote care and diagnosis is a continuing and increasingly important method for nurses to help deliver care to patients to promote safety and enhance health outcomes. Understanding best EBPs and building competence in delivering nursing care to remote patients is a key competency for all nurses. Additionally, in some scenarios, while you may be delivering care in person you may be collaborating with a physician or other team members who are remote. Understanding the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration is vital to developing effective communication strategies when coordinating care. So, being proficient at communicating and working with remote health care team members is also critical to delivering quality, evidence-base care.
Before beginning this assessment, it would be helpful to review the following media activity to examine another example of remote collaboration:
You may also wish to review Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models, which help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.
Review the case study in the Assessment 04 Supplement: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care [PDF] Download Assessment 04 Supplement: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care [PDF]resource. You will use this case study as the focus for this assessment.
For this assessment, you are a presenter! You will create a 5–10-minute video using Kaltura or similar software. In the video:
- Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the case study presented in the Assessment 04 Supplement: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care [PDF] Download Assessment 04 Supplement: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care [PDF]resource. Add your thoughts on what more could be done for the patient and what more information may have been needed.
- Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decisions about the plan you proposed
- Wrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you observed in the scenario.
Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your video. Discuss why these sources of evidence are credible and relevant. Important: You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list of the sources you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. You are required to submit a narrative of all your video content to this assessment and to SafeAssign.
The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.
- Exemplar Kaltura Reflection.
- Please note that the scenario that the speaker discusses in the exemplar is different from the Vila Health scenario you should be addressing in your video. So, the type of communication expected is being model, but the details related to the scenario in your submission will be different.
Make sure that your video addresses the following grading criteria:
- Propose your own evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient in the provided case study.
- Explain the ways in which you used an EBP model to help develop your plan of care for the client.
- Reflect on which evidence you found in your search that was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding your care plan.
- Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
- Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.
Refer to Using Kaltura as needed to record and upload your video.
Note : If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact [email protected] to request accommodations. If, for some reason, you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements:
- Length of video: 5-10 minutes.
- References: Cite at least three professional or scholarly sources of evidence to support the assertions you make in your video. Include additional properly cited references as necessary to support your statements.
- APA reference page: Submit a correctly formatted APA reference page that shows all the sources you used to create and deliver your video. Be sure to format the reference page according to current APA style. Submit a narrative of all of your video content.
Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final capstone course.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential effectiveness of evidence when making a decision.
- Reflect on which evidence you collected that was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan.
- Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to address a practice issue.
- Explain the ways in which you used the specific evidence-based practice model to help develop the care plan identifying what interventions would be necessary. This requires a particular evidence-based model, such as the Johns Hopkins, Iowa, Stetler, or other.
- Competency 4: Plan care based on the best available evidence.
- Propose your evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for the Vila Health patient with a discussion of new content for the care plan.
- Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence.
- Identify benefits and propose strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.
- Communicate via video with clear sound and light, and include a narrative of video content.
- Provide a full reference list that is relevant and evidence-based (published within five years), exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.
Assessment 04 –
Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence- based plan to improve the outcomes the patient in the provided case study below, and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care. Before you complete the instructions detailed in the courseroom, first review the case study below. INTRODUCTION Gender dysphoria is a medical condition that occurs when there is a conflict between the sex assigned at birth and the gender with which an individual identifies. To provide quality care to patients with gender dysphoria who live in rural settings or have difficulty with transportation to a care site, healthcare professionals must sometimes collaborate with other professionals in different zip codes or time zones. This case study will observe how healthcare professionals collaborate remotely and virtually to provide care for a patient with gender dysphoria. PATIENT INFORMATION The patient is a 25-year-old transgender male who lives in a rural area and has limited access to healthcare services. He was diagnosed with gender dysphoria based on a behavioral health evaluation conducted by his healthcare provider. The patient has expressed interest in receiving hormonal and surgical treatment for gender dysphoria. COLLABORATION PROCESS The patient's healthcare provider, Dr. Smith, collaborated remotely with a team of experienced experts, including mental health professionals, endocrinologists, nurses, and surgeons, to provide evidence-based care for gender dysphoria.
• Dr. Smith: "Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining me today to discuss the care of our patient with gender dysphoria. I have reviewed the patient's medical records and conducted a behavioral health evaluation. Based on my assessment, I believe that the patient would benefit from hormonal and surgical treatment. However, I would like to hear your thoughts and recommendations on the best course of action."
• Mental Health Professional: "Thank you, Dr. Smith. I have reviewed the patient's psychiatric evaluation and agree that the patient would benefit from hormonal and surgical treatment. However, I recommend that we conduct a more in-depth evaluation to exclude other conditions that might mimic gender dysphoria."
• Endocrinologist: "I agree with the mental health professional. We should conduct a more in-depth evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and exclude other conditions. Once we have confirmed the diagnosis, we can discuss the best hormonal treatment options for the patient."
• Nurse: "I concur with the mental health professional and endocrinologist. We should conduct a more in-depth evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and exclude other conditions. Once we have confirmed the diagnosis, we can discuss the best surgical treatment options for the patient with our local surgeon."
• Dr. Smith: "Thank you for your input. I will schedule a more in-depth evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and exclude other conditions. Once we have confirmed the diagnosis, we can discuss the best treatment options for the patient."
Consider additional consultations that might be necessary as you develop your plan of care for this patient.
Selecting a Model for Evidence-Based Practice Changes A Practical Approach
AACN Advanced Critical Care
Volume 19, Number 3, pp.291–300
© 2008, AACN
Anna Gawlinski, DNSc, RN, FAAN
Dana Rutledge, PhD, RN
Evidence-based practice models have been
developed to help nurses move evidence into
practice. Use of these models leads to an organ-
ized approach to evidence-based practice, pre-
vents incomplete implementation, and can
maximize use of nursing time and resources.
No one model of evidence-based practice is
present that meets the needs of all nursing envi-
ronments. This article outlines a systematic
process that can be used by organizations to
select an evidence-based practice model that
best meets the needs of their institution.
Keywords: evidence-based practice models,
evidence-based practice, models
Factors related to patient safety, quality, and evidence-based practice (EBP) are driving
changes in healthcare. Nurses are interested in how to move good evidence into practice to optimize patients’ outcomes; thus, nurses may benefit from understanding more about EBP models. These models have been developed to help nurses conceptualize moving evidence into practice. They can assist nurses in focusing efforts derived either from clinical problems or from “good ideas” toward actual implementa- tion in a specific practice setting. Use of EBP models leads to systematic approaches to EBP, prevents incomplete implementation, promotes timely evaluation, and maximizes use of time and resources.
This article describes a systematic process for organizations to use as a template for choosing an EBP nursing model. Strategies for involving staff nurses and clinical and administrative leaders are discussed. Finally, a summary of key EBP nursing models is presented.
Creating Structures or Forums for Discussions The first step in selecting a model is to estab- lish a structure or a forum in which presenta-
Anna Gawlinski is Director, Evidence-Based Practice, and
Adjunct Professor, Ronald Reagan University of California, Los
Angeles Medical Center & University of California, Los Angeles
School of Nursing, 757 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA
90095 ([email protected]).
Dana Rutledge is Professor, Department of Nursing, California
State University Fullerton; and Nursing Research Facilitator,
Saint Joseph Hospital, Irvine, California.
tions and discussions can occur about various EBP models, their advantages and disadvan- tages, and their applicability to organizational needs. Several possible strategies include:
• use of an existing nursing research commit- tee in which selection of an EBP model is added to annual goals and activities;
• formation of an EBP council, with an initial task of selecting an EBP model;
• appointment of a task force charged with selecting an EBP model;
• use of an educational event to increase knowledge about EBP models while facili- tating the selection of a model appropriate for the organization; and
• use of a focus group process to select an EBP model consistent with the philosophy, vision, and mission of the organization.1
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Any of these strategies could help “set the stage” for an organization to choose an EBP model. For example, the authors used an existing nursing research committee/council to begin the process of selecting an EBP model in 2 different settings. In a third hospital, a multidisciplinary EBP council took on the task of selecting an EBP model. Regardless of the structure or the forum used, a thoughtful and systematic process is helpful.
Composition of the Committee or the Group The second step to identifying an EBP model is to carefully consider appropriate members of the committee or the group. Administrative and clinical leaders such as nurse managers, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse educators should be represented, as should interested staff nurses. Staff nurses who are clinical resources in their units, share an interest in improving patient care, or are curious about research are likely members. The educational level of the committee members should reflect that of nurses within the department or the institution and will most commonly include nurses with associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees. In addition, members should repre- sent the various clinical units/departments or specialties within the institution.
Involvement of persons with special expert- ise in research or EBP, such as a nurse researcher or faculty member from a local unit, hospital, or school of nursing, may be especially helpful. These persons may be internal or external to the organization and have valuable expertise in EBP nursing models. They can function as active members or as consultants. A librarian member may also be useful in retrieving needed publications to evaluate selected models.
The evaluation process and the number of EBP models that are considered can influence the desirable number of committee members. For example, at one institution (a university academic hospital), the nursing research council selected 7 EBP nursing models for review and evaluation. Table 1 lists the mod- els and shows the criteria used to evaluate them. These 7 models were chosen for evalua- tion either because they were commonly men- tioned in publications about EBP nursing models or because they were identified by committee members. At another institution (a community hospital), the nursing research council selected 4 EBP nursing models to eval-
uate on the basis of council members’ knowl- edge of the models’ utility and potential fit with the organization.
Involvement of all committee members in the evaluation process is vital. Using a process where 2 or 3 persons volunteer to review and present 1 to 2 EBP nursing models can get all members involved. Staff nurses can be paired with administrative or clinical leaders in teams of 2 to 3 persons. All committee members can then participate in the process of evaluating models by attending presentations about each model and actively participating in discus- sions. By having small groups present each model, the workload is divided among group members. The more people involved in the process, the greater the need for coordination and oversight by the chairperson.
Organizing the First Meeting Once the group has been selected, the next step is to organize the first meeting so that clear communication about the roles and responsibilities of team members can occur. The chairperson or the leader can survey the group members to determine the optimal date, time, and comfortable location for this meet- ing. Because of the nature of the work involved in selecting a model, 2 hours is an optimal duration for meetings. An agenda should accompany the meeting invitations and initially will include items such as discussions of the purpose and goals of the committee and the roles and responsibilities of committee members (Table 2). Providing a brief reading assignment that gives an overview of EBP models and should be completed before the first meeting is advisable. The chairperson can request committee members who are already knowledgeable about EBP models to highlight parts of the reading assignment at the first meeting to promote discussion. The chairper- son should also collaborate with unit leaders to ensure that staff nurses have appropriate release time for meetings.
Roles and Responsibilities of Committee or Members At the first meeting, roles and responsibilities of the members for reviewing, presenting, and evaluating each EBP model should be addressed. Assignments and due dates are determined to ensure steady progress. For example, a member can elect to work in a small group to review the literature on an EBP
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Table 1: Evaluation Criteria and Scoring for 7 Models of Evidence-Based Practice Changesa
Evaluation Criteria for EBP Model
Purpose of Project: Evaluation and selection of an EBP model for the Nursing Department of Ronald
Reagan University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center.
1. Search, retrieve, and synthesize the current literature describing EBP models to help staff nurses use
EBP concepts and apply them in clinical practice.
2. Recommend the adoption of a specific EBP model for use by UCLA nurses.
Scoring system: 0 � not present; �1 � present/yes; �2 � highly present/yes
Criteria Models
1. Concepts and organization of model are
clear and concise
2. Diagrammatic representation of the
model allows quick assimilation of
concepts and organizes the steps in the
process of EBP changes
3. The model is comprehensive from
beginning stages through implementation
and evaluation of outcomes
4. The model is easy to use when
concepts are applied to direct EBP
changes and practice issues in clinical
5. The model is general and can be applied
to various populations of patients,
EBP projects, and department initiatives
and programs
6. The model can be easily applied to
typical practice issues as evidenced
with practice scenario or in published
EBP Model: Strengths:
EBP Model: Strengths:
EBP Model: Strengths:
EBP Model: Strengths:
EBP Model: Strengths:
a Used with permission from the Evidence-Based Practice Program, Nursing Department at Ronald Reagan University of California, Los
Angeles Medical Center, Los Angeles, California.
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model. Work teams should be assigned a pres- entation date to present details of the reviewed EBP model to committee members. Presenta- tions of each EBP model may take 30 to 45 minutes and might include information on the history and development of the EBP model (who, what, when, where, and how), revision of the model over time, overall concepts in the EBP model, the process and flow of the EBP model, and publications describing how the model guided EBP changes in other facilities.
Each presentation of an EBP model can be followed by 10 or 15 minutes for group mem- bers to raise questions and discuss specific aspects of the EBP model. After the presenta- tion and discussion, group members could review an example of how the EBP model might be applied in a realistic practice scenario that requires consideration of a practice change (Table 3). Group members could then use the EBP model under discussion to address the practice issue. Depending on the group’s size, this work can be done in small groups, with each small group slated to report back to the larger group its opinion about how the model “worked.” It is recommended that groups break into smaller groups of 2 or 3 persons to “rate” the models’ applicability on the basis of predetermined criteria (Table 4). Criteria for evaluating the applicability of the EBP model
should include clarity of the EBP model con- cepts and diagrammatic representation, appli- cability of the EBP model to clinical practice issues for diverse patient care situations in the institution, ease and user-friendliness of the EBP model, and the ability of the EBP model to pro- vide direction for all phases of the EBP process.
Table 1 shows an example of an evaluation tool that can be used by committee members when reviewing each EBP model. After the evaluation instrument is administered and scored, committee members can compare and contrast the ratings, strengths, and weaknesses for addressing the practice scenarios, and potential adoption by the institution for each model is reviewed.
The use of a structured process provides members with little or no background in evalu- ating an EBP model to learn about EBP models and have greater participation and support in the evaluation process. The link of the EBP model to practice is clear when the practice sce- nario is used. Members increase their knowl- edge and skills in using EBP models for practice changes and become champions for the adop- tion of a model within the organization.
Finally, the ongoing work of the committee should be communicated through forums such as mass e-mails, newsletters, posters, nursing grand rounds, and other continuing education programs. Such communication helps dissemi- nate the process used in selecting a model for the organization, while inviting others to par- ticipate via comments and feedback.
Summary of Selected EBP Nursing Models A number of EBP models have been devel- oped; many appear very different from each other. Some of these models are more useful in some contexts than others, and each has advantages and disadvantages. The following steps or phases are common to most models:
• Identification of a clinical problem or poten- tial problem
• Gathering of best evidence • Critical appraisal and evaluation of evi-
dence; when appropriate, determination of a potential change in practice
• Implementation of the practice change • Evaluation of practice change outcomes,
both in terms of adherence to processes and planned outcomes (eg, clinical, fiscal, administrative)
Table 2: Example of Agenda Items for the First Evidence-Based Practice Committee or Group Meeting
Welcome and introduce members
Review agenda
Discuss the goals of the committee
Discuss roles and responsibilities of committee
Select models for evaluation
Discuss the process for presenting and evaluating
evidence-based practice models
Make assignments and schedule
Identify resources and forms
Identify strategies to communicate ongoing
committee work to the department
Open discussion of other items
Plan for next meeting
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Table 3: Sample Practice Scenario for Evaluating Applicability of Models for Evidence- Based Practice Changesa
Scenario for Application of Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Models
Note: The following scenario includes selected literature on the subject for the purpose of providing a
clinical practice issue for use when applying EBP models. The following does not include an extensive or
integrated review of the literature on the subject.
Clinical Issue Suctioning patients who have endotracheal and tracheal tubes is a frequent and important nursing intervention.
These tubes interrupt the normal mucociliary system and can result in a patient’s inability to mobilize and
expectorate secretions).13 Suctioning is an intervention that has beneficial effects such as removal of secretions,
maintenance of airway patency, and promotion of optimal ventilation and oxygenation.13
It is common practice for nurses and other healthcare providers to instill 3 to 10 mL of sodium chloride
in the endotracheal or tracheal tubes before suctioning.14 The action of sodium chloride is believed to
loosen and thin secretions, stimulate a cough, and lubricate the suction catheter.13,15,16
Research and Evidence-Based Literature Results of research on the benefits of sodium chloride instillation have been inconclusive.13,17–23 In fact,
studies indicate that this practice may result in the following adverse outcomes:
• Interferes with the alveolar-capillary oxygen exchange, causing a decrease in oxygen saturation,
• Increases rate of respiration,
• Increases the risk of infection by dislodging significantly more bacterial colonies, and
• Increases intracranial pressure.13,19,21,22
Furthermore, patients can panic or feel as though they are drowning during routine instillation of
sodium chloride via endotracheal or tracheal tubes.24
Research results indicate that mucus and sodium chloride solution are immiscible.13,17 Therefore, it is
unlikely that instillation of sodium chloride loosens secretions and aids in the expectoration of airway
secretions.13 The application of heat and humidification to the airway and the use of sodium chloride
nebulizers are effective in thinning secretions and promoting airway clearance.13,23
Nursing Staff and EBP Process The nurses in your unit have recently heard a lecture presenting the lack of evidence supporting the
routine use of instillation of sodium chloride before suctioning patients with endotracheal and tracheal
tubes and the potential deleterious effects. They are questioning this practice and come to you as the unit
manager or the clinical nurse specialist to help them with considering a change in this practice.
Reflect on this EBP model to guide you through the steps to help your staff with this EBP change project.
a Used with permission from the Evidence-Based Practice Program, Nursing Department, Ronald Reagan University of California, Los Angeles
Medical Center, Los Angeles, California.
Table 4: Criteria for Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice Models to Meet Institutional Needs
Concepts and organization of the model are clear and concise
Diagrammatic representation of the model allows quick assimilation of concepts and organizes the steps
in the process of EBP changes
Model is comprehensive from beginning stages to implementation and evaluation of outcomes
Model is easy to use when concepts are applied to direct EBP changes and practice issues in clinical settings
Model is general and can be applied to various populations of patients, EBP projects, and department
initiatives and programs
Model can be easily applied to typical practice issues as evidenced with practice scenario or in the
published literature
Abbreviation: EBP, evidence-based practice.
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The following paragraphs describe several EBP models that are often considered for use in hospitals (Tables 5 and 6). These models were selected on the basis of the following criteria: (1) they commonly appear in nurs- ing publications about EBP models; (2) pub- lished reports support their use to guide EBP changes in the clinical setting; (3) institutions (hospitals or schools of nursing) use the model; and (4) the models are intended to be used by nurses as they set out to find and use evidence to enhance patients’ or organiza- tions’ outcomes. Table 5 describes selected EBP models that have specific steps or phases to guide the EBP process. Table 6 identifies key components of EBP models that do not have specific steps or phases but help describe and conceptualize the many variables and interactions that occur when making EBP practice changes.
One of the oldest models that has recently been revised to include EBP outcomes is Stetler’s EBP model.2 This model is one of the few that does not focus entirely on formal changes led by
nurses in organizational settings, suggesting use by individual nurses as well. Developed as a model for nurses within an East Coast hospital, Stetler’s model promotes use of both internal (eg, data from quality improvement, opera- tional, or evaluation projects) and external (primary research evidence and consensus of national experts) evidence. Stetler’s model con- sists of 5 phases, ranging from searching for evi- dence about a clinical problem to formal and/or informal evaluations. Decision making about whether a practice change should be made includes consideration of substantiating evi- dence, setting fit, feasibility, and current practice.
Developed as a model to promote quality care, the Iowa model of EBP has been used in multiple academic and clinical settings.3 This model melds quality improvement with research utilization in an algorithm that nurses find intuitively understandable. Unique to the Iowa model is the concept of “triggers” of EBP. Evidence-based practice may be spurred by a clinical problem or by knowledge coming from
Table 5: Selected Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Models and Key Components
Iowa Model3
1 Trigger: Problem
or new knowledge
2 Organizational
3 Team formation
4 Evidence gathered
5 Research base
critiqued and
6 Sufficient?
7 Pilot change
8 Decision?
9 Widespread
with continual
monitoring of
10 Dissemination
of results
Stetler’s Model2
At individual nurse
or organizational
1 Preparation
2 Validation
3 Comparative
4 Decision making
5 Translation/
6 Evaluation
Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model4
Organizational process
1 Assess need for
change in practice
2 Link problem
interventions and
3 Synthesize best
4 Design practice
5 Implement and
evaluate change
in practice
6 Integrate and
Johns Hopkins Nursing Model5
1 Practice question
2 Evidence gathered
3 Translation:
Plan, implement,
evaluate, and
ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation6
1 Knowledge
2 Evidence
3 Translation into
4 Integration into
5 Evaluation
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outside an organization. Either of these triggers can set an EBP project into motion. Thereafter, the model delineates 3 key decision points during the process of making a practice change: (1) Is there an institutional reason to focus on this problem or use this knowledge? (2) Is there a sufficient research base? (3) Is the change appropriate for adoption in practice? At 2 of these points, users must focus on the realities within an organizational context; the third point infers the possibility that evidence is not sufficient and thus that a research study may be needed or other evidence sought.
Rosswurm and Larrabee4 developed a 6-step model for change in EBP that aims for integration of EBP into a care delivery sys- tem. The initial need for change is deter- mined by comparing internal data such as quality indicators with data from outside the organization. When possible, this problem is
linked to standard interventions and out- comes. Research and contextual evidence are sought to solve the problem and combined with clinical judgment. With sufficient evi- dence, a practice protocol is developed and a pilot test Plagiarism Free Papers
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