For this Assignment, you will continue your role of a consultant who has been brought in to help the leadership of a company struggling to evolve in the current market. You will present
Note: This is a three-part Assignment that is submitted over the course of 3 weeks. This week, you will submit Part 3. Additionally, you will continue using the same document for each submission (renaming it each time you submit). In this week’s submission, you will re-include what you originally submitted for Parts 1 and 2, and you will complete Part 3.
For this Assignment, you will continue your role of a consultant who has been brought in to help the leadership of a company struggling to evolve in the current market. You will present a report to the CEO in which you analyze the relationship of creativity and innovation to business practices. For your reference, the scenario that was introduced in Week 1 is included here again.
The company’s CEO, Gabriel Marron, has been resistant to change for the past 25 years, and the company recently began losing market share to other competitors. After months of being in denial, the CEO is finally open to considering the idea of implementing innovative approaches to reclaim the company’s former position at the top. Gabriel admits that it is simply not in his nature to value innovation. Sticking to tried and true methods has always worked favorably throughout his career, but you are being brought in because that is proving to no longer be the case. In your report, you will draw the connection between creativity, innovation, and business practices.
With those thoughts in mind, construct Part 3 of your report to the CEO with the following section, being sure to incorporate appropriate business examples (as indicated), as well as citations for relevant academic resources from the classroom, the Walden Library, and/or other appropriate scholarly sources to support your work.
Submit Part 3 of your analysis of the role of creativity and innovation in business, in which you address the following in a 3- to 4-page business report (excluding references):
Part 3: Incorporating an Innovative Strategy
- How can a company incorporate innovation into its strategy, and what are the benefits and potential risks (if any) of doing so?
- How can innovation lead to growth opportunities for an organization?
- How can innovation and innovation strategy create impact for an organization?
- What is the role of innovation in creating a competitive advantage for an organization?
- Using the examples of organizations you identified in Part 2 (which you submitted last week), analyze the internal and external impacts of each organization’s innovative practices.
- Specifically, in what ways does/did the innovative practices enable each organization to take advantage of growth opportunities, have an impact, and/or achieve or maintain a competitive advantage?
Refer to the Week 3 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.
Module 1 Assignment: The Role of Creativity and Innovation in Business
Prepared by: Replace this text with your name.
Date: Replace this text with the submission date.
Walden University
WMBA 6020: Fostering a Culture of Innovation
Part 1: Incorporating Creativity
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Part 2: Incorporating Innovation
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Part 3: Incorporating an Innovative Strategy
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[Please delete this note before submitting your Assignment. For more information about formatting your reference list, please visit the following site: .]
Include appropriately formatted references to support your Assignment. Refer to the Assignment guidelines for further information on the requirements.
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Module 1 Assignment:
The Role of Creativity and Innovation in Business
Prepared by: Yaina Delgado
Date: 11/05/2023
Walden University
WMBA 6020: Fostering a Culture of Innovation
Part 1: Incorporating Creativity
Answer 1
The ability of people to come up with new and creative ideas for processes, materials, or products is referred to as creativity in the workplace. Companies can use this creativity to develop ideas and a more positive, team-oriented work environment. Thinking creatively also entails asking questions and looking at problems from different angles. These qualities can help various teams collaborate and brainstorm more effectively. There are two examples to support this claim: creativity in leadership and creativity in marketing (Lee et al., 2019). Creative leadership is one area where this is clear. If there is a barrier to innovation inside a company, it may originate from the highest levels of leadership. When corporate leaders exhibit creative conduct, their staff members are inspired to think creatively. On the other hand, they act as a metaphorical roadblock to innovation when they oppose it.
Creative leaders use innovative methods in their relationships and at work. For example, they may start meetings differently and more intimately by asking attendees to share personal stories and business-related updates. This fosters a better sense of worth, loyalty, and motivation by communicating that they value their workers more than their cash contributions. It is an approach to "making appreciation easy and contagious," and it works well. In the area of creative marketing, there is another example. Imagine an ad campaign that aims to promote a new model of automobile. A traditional, unimaginative strategy may produce a feature-rich print or banner ad with a stock image of the car and many features (Kremer et al., 2019). On the other hand, a unique strategy for automotive advertising can entail making a captivating short film in which the vehicle assumes the role of the main character in a short action film. Marketers may consider going so far as to incorporate their cars into a future motion picture.
Answer 2
inspiration is a motivating condition that immediately stimulates artistic expression. Second, inspiration increases the productivity and efficiency of artists. Thirdly, more inspired people create more creative works, and inspired people are more creative themselves. Last but not least, inspiration has broad effects. Because inspired works embody the spirit with which they were made, inspiration is contagious. It is important to think about whether comparable processes take place in other contexts, such as the spread of inspiration via internet media and scripture (Oleynick et al., 2014). Work and inspiration go hand in hand and are complementary. Laziness is the reverse of work, not inspiration. Lack of inspiration is the antithesis of inspiration, not effort. Being able to exert both inspiration and effort is great. The former is our energy source as we convert original concepts into inventive solutions. The latter is a resource we voluntarily use to get through the less delightful parts of the creative process.
Answer 3
Fostering innovation within the workplace is an essential component of a company's success. According to an IBM study, creativity is seen by 60% of CEOs as the most important leadership trait for company success (Ramos et al., 2018). There are multiple attributes to foster a creative environment, such as "Nurturing Creativity in the Workplace by Creating an Open Environment (Hermida et al., 2019)." Workers have to feel free to express themselves and make their opinions known. Managers who create dedicated spaces for creativity might inspire team members to feel comfortable coming up with novel ideas. For example, setting up focused brainstorming sessions with the team can promote expansive thinking and reinforce the idea that no idea is bad. "Embracing the Possibility of Failure" is another important attribute. It is critical to let staff members know that when they contribute creatively, management expects to expect flawless ideas or finished projects every time.
Team members must be allowed to take chances and make plans that might not work out as planned without worrying about the repercussions. Companies and managers learn from mistakes, and prudent failure helps avert disastrous mistakes (Ramos et al., 2018). "Celebrating Innovation" is also an important attribute that suggests giving staff credit for thinking beyond the box, even if the projects they suggest do not work out, or their ideas do not produce the desired outcomes. During meetings, verbally acknowledge new ideas or proposals that have come up. During performance reviews, managers must highlight new ideas that have come up from the staff. It is important to Celebrate a project's accomplishments with the team and acknowledge the workers who contributed to the process (Hermida et al., 2019).
Answer 4
When two well-known ideas come together for the first time, innovation frequently results in original solutions to issues. Great ideas are usually the result of a combination of already existing ones rather than being completely original. This is where brainstorming's power resides, as it brings people from different backgrounds together and allows them to combine ideas (Higgins, 2023). Design thinking works well because it promotes teamwork, bringing together individuals from different departments to offer their unique perspectives, skills, and problem-solving knowledge. Combining these components can result in the development of creative and innovative solutions to problems.
Hermida, Y., Clem, W., & Güss, C. D. (2019). The Inseparable Three: How Organization and Culture Can Foster Individual Creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1).
Higgins, M. (2023). Council Post: The Benefits Of Incorporating Design Thinking Into Business. Forbes.
Kremer, H., Villamor, I., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing. Business Horizons, 62(1), 65–74.
Lee, J., Suh, T., Roy, D., & Baucus, M. (2019). Emerging Technology and Business Model Innovation: The Case of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 5(3), 44.
Oleynick, V. C., Thrash, T. M., LeFew, M. C., Moldovan, E. G., & Kieffaber, P. D. (2014). The scientific study of inspiration in the creative process: challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(436).
Ramos, M. A. W., Paulo S. Figueiredo, & Pereira-Guizzo, C. (2018). Antecedents of innovation in industry: The impact of work environment factors on creative performance. Innovation & Management Review, 15(3).
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Module 1 Assignment:
The Role of Creativity and Innovation in Business
Prepared by: Yaina Delgado
Date: 10/13/2023
Walden University
WMBA 6020: Fostering a Culture of Innovation
Part 2: Incorporating Innovation
Answer 1
It is critical to distinguish between invention and innovation. Invention is the creation of a novel concept, whereas innovation is the practical application and effective implementation of that idea in a business setting. At its most basic, innovation means introducing originality into the firm, such as improving or replacing operational procedures to increase efficiency and production or broadening the scope and quality of existing items and services (Cillo et al., 2019). It is critical to foster an atmosphere or culture that encourages creativity. It is important to consider incorporating innovation into corporate objectives to create a framework that encourages it.
· Taking a holistic approach to innovation.
· Creating strong communication channels.
· Creating an environment that fosters innovation.
According to global surveys, innovation in business operations is when leaders actively promote and protect it, and executives actively manage and develop innovation (Hanaysha et al., 2021). Innovation spreads when leaders preach about innovation but do little to implement it. An effective innovation plan must be integrated into senior leadership's priorities (Boyles, 2022). Using performance indicators and innovation targets allows senior management to incorporate innovation into their everyday business processes while creating an environment where employees feel comfortable innovating and using their existing abilities.
Product development is only one aspect of innovation, including process improvements, organisational structure, business models, and marketing. The effectiveness of communication networks is critical to the success of innovative business operations. Efficient networks are another example of business innovation that enable the exchange of ideas among people with various knowledge and problem-solving techniques, igniting an innovation cycle. Similarly, innovation in operation also means an innovation culture (Hanaysha et al., 2021). A culture of innovation develops an environment where people are encouraged to experiment with their ideas and take risks. It can be as simple as recognising employee recommendations and encouraging them to explore ideas that benefit the company.
Answer 2
Like many other strategic undertakings, establishing a culture of innovation ultimately depends on competent managerial leadership.
Giving employees the freedom and autonomy to perform their work, assigning challenging tasks, articulating well-defined strategic objectives, and forming work teams of individuals with diverse skills and viewpoints are all specific actions and practices that influence an innovative culture (Kremer et al., 2019). It is also critical to have leaders who are cognizant of not unintentionally harming innovation. Following are some ways leaders promote innovation:
Autonomy: People should be able to choose the most effective means for completing their jobs. This gives people control over their jobs and a sense of accountability for the ultimate product (or process).
Challenging work: Assigning difficult jobs allows people to work conscientiously, feel challenged, and understand the significance and worth of their work. Employees should understand how their efforts help the firm maintain its competitive edge and long-term viability.
Managerial Direction: Managers should establish and communicate high yet attainable innovation goals. They should be positive role models, show support for the workgroup, recognise individual accomplishments, and have faith in the team (van der Voet & Steijn, 2020). Managers should support employees who express their thoughts, take chances, and try new things.
Support for Teamwork: Because innovation often takes a collaborative effort, people must work in teams with diverse abilities. Team members should communicate effectively, be open to new ideas, constructively challenge each other's work, trust and assist one another, and be committed to their collective tasks.
Individuals must balance managing daily operations and aiming for improvement and additional value to support innovation (Kremer et al., 2019). It is critical to determine whether the group has the appropriate resources to carry out their work efficiently or if substantial time and effort are lost due to resource scarcity and juggling.
Focus on two crucial criteria while developing an innovation-driven culture:
Adequate Resources: Because innovation is a team effort, employees must have access to the necessary resources, including financial assistance, supplies, facilities, and knowledge.
Realistic Workload Expectations: Imposing excessive time limitations, setting unattainable productivity objectives, and generating distractions that impede creative work are all unhelpful when striving to foster an innovative culture. Leaders at all company levels must understand their role in encouraging innovation (Business Queensland, 2018). A leader's role as a top executive is to provide adequate resources to foster an innovative culture. This could imply lowering administrative layers and streamlining bureaucracy. Such efforts make greater room for creativity, allowing it to develop.
Answer 3
Amazon and Microsoft are the two organisations that reflect innovation in their business practices and overall culture.
. Amazon has long been an important example of customer-centricity due to its unwavering dedication to continuing experimentation and innovation (Rikap, 2020). As firms attempt to improve their agility, innovation, and resilience, technology executives should study Amazon's best practices for establishing distinctiveness and stimulating growth. Organizational architecture, technical choices, management approaches, and operational processes are all influenced by culture. Diversity and inclusion are critical facilitators of successful innovation because they contribute to introducing new viewpoints and ideas. Amazon's innovation strategy includes a variety of approaches, concepts, and tools ranging from culture to procedures to technology (Ives et al., 2019). A commitment to customer orientation lies at the heart of Amazon's innovation approach.
The process of improving innovation begins with the development of a plan. This innovation plan at Microsoft considers all aspects of culture, processes, and supporting technology. Microsoft has created an Innovation Management Framework to help firms construct a comprehensive, integrated approach to adopting and supporting their innovation management strategy (Foerderer, 2020). This framework is intended to enable firms to communicate and learn about the best practices and technology linked to innovation management and to serve as a platform for strategic discussions on their innovation management strategy. There are best-practice methods and solutions inside this framework that give a strategic roadmap. This roadmap comprises tried-and-true approaches for improving innovation and innovation management performance that have been honed through experience.
Boyles, M. (2022, March 8). Innovation in Business: What It Is & Why It’s so Important. Harvard Business School.
Business Queensland. (2018). Integrating innovation into your business strategy | Business Queensland.
Cillo, V., Petruzzelli, A. M., Ardito, L., & Del Giudice, M. (2019). Understanding sustainable innovation: A systematic literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(5), 1012–1025.
Foerderer, J. (2020). Interfirm Exchange and Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: Evidence from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference. Management Science, 66(10), 4772–4787.
Hanaysha, J. R., Al-Shaikh, M. E., Joghee, S., & Alzoubi, H. M. (2021). Impact of Innovation Capabilities on Business Sustainability in Small and Medium Enterprises. FIIB Business Review, 11(1), 231971452110422.
Ives, B., Cossick, K., & Adams, D. (2019). Amazon Go: Disrupting retail? Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 9(1), 2–12.
Kremer, H., Villamor, I., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing. Business Horizons, 62(1), 65–74.
Rikap, C. (2020). Amazon: A story of accumulation through intellectual rentiers and predation. Competition & Change, 26(3-4), 102452942093241.
van der Voet, J., & Steijn, B. (2020). Team innovation through collaboration: how visionary leadership spurs innovation via team cohesion. Public Management Review, 23(9), 1–20.
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