The concept of healthcare diversity extends beyond cultural, racial, and religious personal identity. Healthcare professionals need to develop the ability to understand the extent of
Healthcare Diversity
The concept of healthcare diversity extends beyond cultural, racial, and religious personal identity. Healthcare professionals need to develop the ability to understand the extent of individual differences commonly referred to as diversity. The differences must be recognized, but to what extent is the healthcare provider’s obligation to accommodate? It must also be recognized that some cultures from around the globe view sickness through a different lens and are accustomed to different healthcare approaches and outcomes. Finally, the spectrum of diversity must be recognized as ranging from race and religion to amputee or the hearing impaired.
Based on your readings and research, answer the following:
- What is the best approach to understanding diversity and why?
- To what extent should the healthcare organization/professional accommodate?
- Do you believe there are specific categories of diversity that must be recognized? What are they and why?
- Do you believe the difference in defining diversity is within the lived experience of the patient?
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings
respond to your 2 classmates responses
Your initial posting should be addressed in 150–300 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Marlana Richardson posted Oct 11, 2023 2:36 PM
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To approach variety, one must first grasp its meaning. Diversity refers to the presence of people from varied racial or cultural backgrounds within a community or organization. Cultural competence and patient-centered care are two methods for addressing diversity. Patients with varying cultural backgrounds deserve to receive care that is both effective and of high quality, and this can only be achieved through cultural competence. Patient-centered care is providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions. Improvements in patient health outcomes are the major focus of any patient-centered care plan, but healthcare providers also stand to gain from things like increased patient happiness, increased staff productivity and morale, and lower overall costs (Purnell, 2020). Due to this, healthcare delivery models that prioritize the patient or family should be seriously considered in virtually all contexts.
One of the best ways to foster a welcoming company culture is to encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace. More cultural faculty is being added in some institutions. Better communication and fewer misunderstandings can result from taking the time to learn about other people's backgrounds and worldviews, whether they're colleagues, superiors, or customers. Try to open your mind to new ideas and viewpoints by talking to people from many walks of life. Be respectful of other people's space and aware of the limits they may have set for themselves (Almomani et al., 2021). Participate in and promote the cultural variety of your company by honoring the customs and holidays of people from different backgrounds.
I don't think it's enough to simply acknowledge one or two forms of diversity. Each of us should treat every other person with dignity and respect at all times. If you want respect, you must first offer it, which is why I adhere to the adage "treat others as you would like to be treated." Having experienced life in a number of different parts of the United States, I can say with confidence that everyone has inherent worth and dignity, regardless of their age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender.
People from low socioeconomic backgrounds with little or no access to health education are only one example of the unique diversity that may be seen in people's lived experiences. This will cause individuals to carry a grudge towards society and shape their behavior accordingly.
Almomani, E., Sullivan, J., & Mathias, J. (2021). 78 simulation integrating deliberate practice method for developing Assesors of competence. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation.
Purnell, L. D. (2020). Organizational cultural competence. Textbook for Transcultural Health Care: A Population Approach, 81-100.
Natasha Boyd posted Oct 1, 2023 1:14 PM
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The idea of difference in culture can be especially interesting. Culture is basically viewed as a set of norms establishing a standard for acceptable social behavior and interaction (Rowan et al., 2018). Diversity really breaks down to meaning different, the difference in people, places, and things. For example, lets say that we have 100 people from all over the world in the same room. They have different beliefs, morals, values, languages, lifestyles, interests, and experiences. We can say that "there are a lot of diversity in the group". I think that the best approach to understanding diversity is to observe. I say this because I am a visual learner. When I see things, I seem to process images in my mind and it stays with me longer. If I study the actions and behaviors of a group, I will remember them. I know that it would be difficult for healthcare organizations to try to accommodate to all diverse employees. I do feel like it is essential that they accommodate for the visually and hearing impaired, and employees with physical disabilities to make them more comfortable and productive. Placing handicap ramps, bathroom stalls, and water fountains would be essential for them to carry out their day. This category of diversity must be recognized because there are a lot of physically impaired individuals in the work force. I think the difference to defining diversity is within the individual. I say this because we like what we know. Just by observing people, I know that people tend to be drawn to people like them. For instance, the Filipino nurses at work all take lunch together, they go to smoke together, and some even ride to work together. The African American nurses does the same thing. I know it is because they like the same types of food, cigarettes', and they can understand each other clearly, so they relate to their own kind better. So it seems, the more we come together, the more we're pulled apart, and we don't even realize it.
Rowan, H., Hendrickx, K., Lanting, K., MacFarlane, A., & Suurmond, J. (2018). Defining a framework for medical teachers’ competencies to teach ethnic and cultural diversity: Results of a European Delphi study.
Striving to Understand Cultural Competence.html
Striving to Understand Cultural Competence
Striving to understand various cultures and achieve cultural competence is a challenge for a healthcare organization and more so for a health professional. Many healthcare professionals choose the healthcare field out of a profound desire to help others. The desire to overcome barriers is often at a subconscious level as well as the endeavor to understand health beliefs, behaviors, and culture to achieve culturally competent and care for the whole patient.
Many healthcare providers might consider an introspective approach to identify, understand, and assess their ability to care for a diverse patient population. Campinha-Bacote (2002) have developed a mnemonic "ASKED" to assist the health professional in self-assessing to determine and identify areas of sensitivity or needed understanding. The mnemonic "ASKED" represents Awareness, Skill, Knowledge, Encounters, and Desire (see table 1). It must be noted the expectation is not to become an expert or develop the falsehood of believing that one is an expert on the various cultures and differences in society. It should be understood that the difference is not only real, but is a lived experience viewed through the eyes of the patient. As such, the best approach to understand diversity is through an emotionally astute interrogative interview exchange between the healthcare professional and the patient.
Several pathways have been developed to facilitate the idea of addressing diverse cultural desires. The “LEARN” model provides a process to assist the healthcare professional with an approach to understand a patient’s difference. The mnemonic represented by the acronym “LEARN” is the process of listening, explaining, acknowledging, recommending, and negotiating. In a patient-centered approach, the diagnosis must first be understood and accepted, treatment options need to be explained, and the patient should be allowed to select the treatment that best suits his or her lifestyle, cultural belief, and other factors (Berlin & Fowkes, 1982).
Berlin, E., & Fowkes, W. (1982). A teaching framework for cross-cultural health care. Western Journal of Medicine, 139(6), 934–938. Retrieved from
Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). Cultural competence in psychiatric nursing: Have you "ASKED" the right questions? Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 8(6), 183–187. doi: 10.1067/mpn.2002.130216
Cultural Competence: Have I "ASKED" Myself the Right Questions? Review each icon to understand the ASKED model.
Additional Materials
From the Internet, read the following:
- Hemberg, J. (2020). Caring ethics as the foundation for cultural competence: views of health professionals working in student healthcare context.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 34(4), 989–1000.
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