What is the history of Drupal?
Drupal is a renowned open-source content management system (CMS) that has played a significant role in web development and content management since its inception. In this project, we explore the fascinating history of Drupal, from its humble beginnings to its current status as a powerful CMS used by millions.
Early Origins:
– Drupal was created by Dries Buytaert, a Belgian computer science student, in the year 2000.
– Initially, it started as a message board for Buytaert and his friends, intended to help them communicate and share information.
The Birth of Drupal:
– In January 2001, Dries released the first version of Drupal, known as “Drop” or “Drupal 1.0.”
– Drupal was born as open-source software, a decision that laid the foundation for its vibrant community.
Community Growth:
– The Drupal community began to form around this open-source project, with developers and users collaborating to improve and expand its capabilities.
– In 2001, the Drupal Association, a non-profit organization, was formed to support the community’s growth.
Milestones in Drupal’s Evolution:
– Drupal 2.0 and 3.0 (2001-2002): Introduced significant improvements and established Drupal as a capable CMS.
– Drupal 4.0 (2002): Brought enhanced user management and an API for module development, making it more extensible.
– Drupal 5.0 (2007): Introduced a more powerful theme system and expanded support for collaborative content creation.
– Drupal 6.0 (2008): Focused on improving user experience, including better content management and theming.
– Drupal 7.0 (2011): A major release with better administrative tools, improved database abstraction, and enhanced performance.
Drupal 8: A Groundbreaking Release (2015):
– Drupal 8 marked a pivotal moment in Drupal’s history.
– It adopted Symfony, a popular PHP framework, and introduced a modern, object-oriented codebase.
– Responsive design and multilingual features were integrated, making it more adaptable and accessible.
Drupal 9: The Smooth Transition (2020):
– Drupal 9 was designed for ease of upgrade from Drupal 8.
– It focused on removing deprecated code and updating dependencies while maintaining backward compatibility.
Drupal’s journey from a student’s message board to a global CMS powerhouse reflects the power of open source and community-driven development. Its rich history is a testament to the dedication of its users and developers. Today, Drupal continues to evolve and thrive as a versatile and secure CMS, serving a diverse range of web applications and websites.
Tamer Zoubi@wsdotagencyHistory of Drupal:From Drop 1.0 to Drupal 8
Tamer Zoubifrom Zagreb, CroatiaCTO at WEBSOLUTIONS | HR (http://websolutions.hr)President of Drupal Croatia Association (http://drupal.hr) Drupalist in free time (https://www.drupal.org/u/tamerzg)About me
1.Web before Drupal2.How Drupal not only survived massive changes in web industry; but it has also helped drive them3.Why and how was Drupal created?4.Tour through Drupal 1.0 to 8.1a.Lookback of how key Drupal features we use today (eg: concept of modules, nodes and multilingual support) evolved over timeb.Important Drupal events5.Drupal in futureAgenda1990.2016.
Web beforeDrupal
Not only that it survived massive changes in the web industry, but it has also helped drive them:⇁Open source⇁Modularity⇁Concept of “nodes” rather than “pages”⇁Constant evolution and reinvention over backward compatibilitymassive changes in web industryHow Drupal survived
“For me the history of Drupal is a chainof interesting surprises.”— Dries BuytaertDrupal Founder and Project LeadWhy and how was Drupal created?
Dorpje, drop, druppelThe concept that was…
From druppel toDrupal
⇁Fully-featured CMS suitable for a news-driven community or portal site⇁Concepts of stories & books for content⇁Written after Slash and Scoop⇁No menu router, everything is accessed through .php files⇁eg: account.php, admin.php, submission.php, module.php, etc.⇁Name for guest users: “Anonymous Chicken”Drupal
⇁Database abstraction layer⇁mySQL only but it should be straightforward to port to other databases⇁db_query(), db_fetch_object(), db_fetch_array() identical functions remained until Drupal 7⇁no install script, comes with SQL file⇁15 tables onlyDrupal
⇁Story submissions⇁Diary⇁Accounts⇁Comments⇁Search⇁RDF/RSS headlines⇁CalendarFeaturesDrupal
Modularity from beginningDrupal 1.0⇁Dries wanted to have a system which is as modular as possible“modular design provides flexibility, adaptability, and continuity which in turn allows people to customize the site to their needs and likings”- Dries Buytaert in documentation.module⇁A Drupal module is simply a PHP file containing a set of routines1.02.03.0
Themes⇁Drupal’s theme system is simple, elegant, flexible and powerful⇁You control all aspects of your drupal site in terms of colors, markup, layout and even the position of most blocks (or boxes)⇁Very simple, just one *.theme file⇁Theme() class with five PHP functions⇁header(), story(), controls(), box(), footer()⇁Drupal core themes: jeroen, marvin, unconedDrupal 1.0
⇁It is possible for each and every user to become a contributor⇁diff and patch for content control⇁Patches were submitted via e-mail and in plain text;maintainers can read and judge the patchCommunity engagementDrupal
⇁Added translation / localization / internationalization support,the famous t()⇁“because many people would love to see their website showing a lot less of English, and far more of their own language, drupal provides a framework to setup a multilingual website or to overwrite the default English text in English.”⇁Adding a new language requires you to edit configuration file and SQL database manuallyDrupal
⇁Added fine-grained user permission (or group) system⇁user_access()⇁Added “user ratings” ⇁similar to SlashCode’s karma or Scoop’s mojo⇁Added sections for stories⇁this will later evolve in taxonomyDrupal
Number of Core modulesDevelopment Time22presented in months2Drupal 2 in numbers
Everything is based on nodes⇁Framework for all content types (story, book, diary, forum, blog)⇁Fortuitous early decision was to focus Drupal on the conceptof “nodes” rather than “pages”⇁It wasn’t until 10 years later with the rise of mobile that westarted to see the web revolve less and less around pagesDrupal
drupal.orgDecember 20013.
Number of Core modulesDevelopment Time26presented in months6Drupal 3 in numbers
Coming out to the world of techies⇁In 2002 Dries initiated a relationship with Jeremy Andrews author of kerneltrap.org and suggested Drupal as an alternative to PHP-Nuke⇁kerneltrap.org was a very popular news site reporting about Linux⇁Feb.2002 kerneltrap.org is migrated on Drupal 3.0.2⇁Jeremy wrote Throttle module which will later be included in core and became one of top Drupal contributors⇁He reported on his early conversion to work with Drupal on kerneltrap.orgkerneltrap.org2002
“Drupal is now really a platform for any type of web application as users can easily extend it and modify it to better fit their needs.” – Drupal 4 PR⇁Close to 100 major sites running Drupal⇁With developers from all parts of Europe and the U.S.,Drupal became an international open source projectDrupal
⇁D3 used metatags and attributes to classify the content,in a parent-child relationships, but those relationshipsaren’t being used⇁Added taxonomy module which replaces the meta module⇁supports relations, hierarchies and synonyms⇁Controlled vocabulary with ability to ‘bookmark’or organize content⇁It was at this point that Drupal started to look more like an enterprise CMSDrupal
Unsuccessful conceptsDrupal 4.0⇁Next generation distributed authentication based on XML-RPC allows users to be identified with existing Drupal logins(even across sites) or Jabber or Yahoo logins⇁Blogger API support allowing Drupal to both be posted toand post with the Blogger API⇁Automatic notification to www.weblogs.com of changesto a user’s blog4.
Drupal⇁Successful concepts: Profiles, pagers, theme functions, pager support, improved forums, improved statistics tracking, various performance improvements⇁Unsuccessful concepts: Throttle module in core⇁auto-throttle congestion control mechanism⇁as of D7, will be removed from core⇁today there are far better mechanisms⇁eg. aggressive anonymous page caching4.
Drupal⇁WYSIWYG, MSSQL support, Node API, Xtemplate⇁Clean URLs⇁simple, easy to remember “clean URLs”⇁First ideas leading to menu router⇁every request goes through index.php⇁using _GET[‘q’] param and hook_page()⇁now you could access nodes through /node/view/{nid} instead of node.php?op=view&id={nid}
Drupal coming out to the world2003⇁Interest in Drupal got a significant boost in summer of 2003 when it helped build “DeanSpace” for Howard Dean, one of the 2004 U.S. presidential election candidates⇁DeanSpace provided something like Drupal distribution which anyone could download and install his own Dean-site⇁As campaign grew more and more, Drupal saw 300% increased activity on drupal.org in terms of content4. coming out to the worldDeanSpace
Drupal 4.301.11.2003⇁Focus has gone into improving user-friendliness, both to end-users and administrators⇁URL alias support through new path.module⇁Database prefixing⇁Breadcrumbs⇁Mass node operations4.
Drupal 4.401.04.2004⇁Added a file API⇁enables better document management⇁Added fieldsets⇁Added many new theme functions and refactored existing theme functions⇁improved themability of Drupal⇁made all theme functions start with ‘theme_’⇁First eCommerce contributed module4.
Drupal 4.518.10.2004⇁Configurable menus⇁made it possible to add, delete, rename and move menu items⇁hook_menu() is born⇁Tab based user interface⇁introduced tabs and subtabs for local tasks⇁Multiple roles per user⇁Customizable user profiles⇁made it possible to add custom profile fields through UI4.
Admin UIDrupal
Translation improvementsDrupal 4.5Finally since Drupal 2.0 we are seeing some major improvementson translation⇁managing translations is now completely done through the administration interface⇁no more manually editing tables in SQL to add new language⇁added support for importing/exporting gettext .po files4.
Translation improvementsDrupal
20051st Drupal conferenceBelgium 2005
Drupal 4.64.7⇁PHP5 support⇁Multi-site support to run multiple Drupal sitesfrom a single code base⇁Personal contact forms for registered users⇁Added an image API: enables better image handling⇁image resizing, crop, scale using GD2⇁predecessor to imagestyle module in D75.015.04.20054.64.54.4
Drupal 4.701.05.2006⇁30+ servicing firms employing 100+ Drupal professionals, 300+ contrib modules, and 55,000+ Drupal powered sites later, Drupal 4.7 is finally here and it rocks!⇁There have been over 338 contributors with over 1500 patches ⇁Major usability improvements and new Drupal core functionality⇁Later this year Views module is born4.
New featuresDrupal 4.7⇁Lots of JS & AJAX⇁autocomplete & file uploading⇁New Forms API: The forms API has been refactored to make it possible to alter, extend or theme any form in Drupal⇁made it possible to alter, extend or theme forms⇁however broke hundreds of contributed modules⇁but eventually pay-off was huge4.
Module improvementsDrupal 4.7Modules can install database tables⇁each module can define its .install file⇁using hook_install() table would be created using db_query()⇁later to be replaced with Database schema API⇁prior to this if module needed to install database tables, it would come with sql dump and instructions how to manually import it!
Theme improvementsDrupal 4.7⇁PHPTemplate⇁written by Adrian Rossouw specifically for use with Drupal⇁Xtemplate engine removed ⇁Existing core themes ported to PHPTemplate⇁uses individual tpl.php files to theme Drupal’s theme_something() functions ⇁PHPTemplate was used until Drupal 8 when it was replaced by Twig4.
Number of Core modulesDevelopment Time31in months, all 4.x releases55.5Drupal 4 in numbers4.7
Drupal⇁Released on Drupal’s 6th birthday⇁Drupal 4.0 was released in 2002 and finally community feel confident to increase the major version number from 4 to 5⇁Over 492 contributors to the Drupal 5.0 release,submitting 1173 patches⇁Over 2500 contributed modules5.
FeaturesDrupal 5.0⇁Web-based installer⇁no more manual import of sql dump⇁checks run-time requirements⇁Reorganized module directory structure⇁modules now have their own directory ⇁contrib modules & themes go to sites/all directory⇁Module dependencies⇁added .info files for module meta-data⇁added support for module dependencies5.
FeaturesDrupal 5.0⇁Pluggable cache backends⇁use file caching, memcached or other cache strategies instead of the default database caching⇁jQuery 1.0.4 ⇁all existing JS in Drupal core has been converted to use it⇁Drupal was early adopter, today jQuery is used on 60% of top-million sites⇁Drupal distributions⇁allow people to create ready-made downloadable packages with their own focus and vision5.
Theme improvementsDrupal 5.0⇁Garland as the new default theme ⇁uses the new color module to change the theme’s entire color schemeon the fly⇁CSS preprocessor ⇁all (cacheable) stylesheets are now aggregated into one compressed file⇁makes site faster5. default themeGarland
Number of Core modulesDevelopment Time29presented in months8.5Drupal 5 in numbers
Drupal⇁Reached EOL recently (24 Feb 2016)⇁Still estimated of 100k websites are using Drupal 6⇁Over 7000 contributed modules and 600 custom themes⇁Drupal’s menu system has been rewritten from scratch,making it much more efficient and powerful⇁Friendlier installer, Drag-and-drop administration, Improved security6.
Goes DrupalWhite HouseOctober 2009Goes Drupal
Number of Core modulesDevelopment Time34presented in months13Drupal 6 in numbers
Drupal⇁Drupal is now used for building any kind of website from blogs and microsites to enterprise level systems⇁12000+ contrib modules, 700+ themes & 280+ distributions⇁Everything is an entity⇁Content types⇁Taxonomy⇁Users⇁Custom entity types⇁Now it’s all about web apps7.
Drupal 8.0 released19. November 2015
⇁Starting with Drupal 8.0, core releases moved to a new release cycle schedule, and begin using the semantic versioning (semver) numbering system⇁Scheduled minor releases (8.1, 8.2) will be released approximately every 6 months, and will incorporate new features⇁20.04.2016 – Drupal 8.1 released with BigPipe⇁20.10.2016 – Drupal 8.2 will be released⇁Drupal 9.0 will be 8.x but without backward compatibility8.0… 8.1, 8.2, … 9.0
Number of core modules
Number of database tables
Development times between releases
Development times between releases
⇁You can get my slides from http://websolutions.hr/drupal-history⇁There you will also find links to GitHub where you can browse and download old releases, including Drupal 1.0⇁Follow us @wsdotagencyThank you for your timeDrop 1.0Drupal 8
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