What do all children need to become successful learners? What are some characteristics of quality playtime? What is cognitive conflict and why should it be ‘promoted’?
- Read Chapter 3
- Use complete sentences to answer the following questions. Each response should be at least a 5 sentence paragraph
- What do all children need to become successful learners?
- What are some characteristics of quality playtime?
- What is cognitive conflict and why should it be "promoted"?
- What are motor skills and how to they support a growing child's development?
C hapter3
C hildren's B
rains at W ork:
F rom
N ursery to Schoolroom
, A ges T
w o to
O ne m
orning w hile I w
as observing a prekindergarten class in a top-ranked school, a little boy's parents w
ere also taking a look, trying to decide w
hether they should enroll him the follow
ing year. W
hile he delved happily into the sand-and-w ater table, they
circulated around the room . I sensed som
e skepticism about w
hat they saw
, and I guessed the reason. T his program
for three- and
four-year-olds w as designed to prepare children for a high-
pow ered academ
ic setting-but it looked like too m uch fun!
In one corner children intently m easured sand and w
ater as they engineered a dam
. N earby, in the block area, tw
o boys and three girls w
orked on a "W hite H
ouse" w ith a sliding ram
p to capture "bad guys." A
teacher in the art corner helped children classify w
obbly clay anim als for an im
aginary zoo, and several youngsters in the dram
atic play area discussed their shopping list for a pretend T
hanksgiving dinner. N o w
orkbooks w ere present in the literacy
area, but an aide read a story aloud and engaged a rapt group of children w
ith questions, predictions, and evaluations. O ne sm
all boy spent the entire free play tim
e fondling and talking to the class's pet rabbit.
I could see the visiting m other peering hopefully into the five-
year-old room next door. W
hen she again found no desks or w
orkbooks, she gave up. N udging her husband, she w
hispered, "This school isn't w
orth the m oney. They don't do any w
ork here!" As adults, w
e have a pretty clear idea of w hat constitutes "w
ork" and "play." M
ost of us believe that in order to learn som ething, w
e m
ust w ork hard at it, and too m
any have forgotten that the process of m
eaningful learning can be fun, exciting, and even playful. Y et
the hum an brain changes during developm
ent, and the "w ork," as
w ell as the fun, that is appropriate for teenagers and adults is not
right for young children. Those w ho believe that "valuable tim
e" is being w asted or that their children w
ill "get behind" if they are allow
ed to
learn in
a developm
entally oriented,
creative curriculum
-w hich often looks like "play" even w
hen carefully planned-are sadly m
istaken. A s w
e shall see later, highly creative and successful adults are often those w
ho once learned to play w ith
objects and now play w
ith ideas and innovations. In this chapter w
e w ill look at the exciting developm
ents that occur during the preschool and early prim
ary years. Parents and teachers w
ho understand the unique and dynam ic nature of this
age period are best qualified to guide the process.
rain-B uilding E
nvironm ents for T
Studies show that the right kind of "enriched" environm
ents prom
ote brain grow th and lay good foundations for a lifetim
e of learning. B
ut w hat does "enriched" m
ean at different ages? First of all, good nutrition continues to get top priority. V
arious parts of the brain seem
to resppnd to different nutrients; as just one exam
ple, recent studies indicate that adequate
iron is
im portant
both for
m yelination
and for
a specific
region (hippocam
pus) that contributes to m em
ory. M any such specific
relationships w ill continue to be found, so it is w
orth the tim e and
effort it takes to help your child learn to m ake good nutritional
choices. "Enriched" w
ould include stim ulating playtl1ings that becom
e increasingly im
portant for cognitive developm ent after age one.
Interesting and challenging play m aterials in children's hom
es after the first year predict later IQ
and school achievem ent in
reading and m ath. A
s in infancy, a child's firsthand involvem ent
w ith objects and experiences is a catalyst for brain grow
th. In a m
arket of num bing electronic glitz, the fact rem
ains that sim
ple, open-ended toys are still best. A toy should encourage the
child to m anipulate, interact, or figure som
ething out. W hen there
is only one "right w ay" to play, or if toys try to "teach" routine
academ ic
skills, opportunities for
experim entation
and new
discovery are lim
ited. C om
m on household objects such as tools,
cooking utensils, and gadgets provide great possibilities for
creative problem
-solving and im
aginative play.
N esting
58 of 330
stacking toys or objects, containers for dum ping and pouring, art
m aterials, and stringing or sorting different sizes of beads and
buttons, for exam ple, all require active handling by the child and
teach about relationships: top, m iddle, bottom
; sm all, big, bigger,
biggest. W ooden unit blocks in graduated sizes and shapes are all-
tim e w
inners. Toys that encourage m
anipulative play help higher levels of the brain develop fine m
otor control and sequencing, w hich are
related to later attention and self-control skills, handw riting, and
proficiency in the arts. L arge m
uscle activities integrate hands, eyes, and m
uscles (as in throw ing and catching a ball, or clim
bing a jungle gym
) and prom ote coordination of both sides of the body
-im portant for building intellectual skills based on connections
w ithin and betw
een the tw o sides of the brain. A
ctivities involving balance, spinning, or som
ersaults exercise the cerebellum , w
hich also contributes to academ
ic learning later on. B etw
een the ages of tw
o to four, the m otor cortex has a m
ajor spurt in activity, so this is a tim
e for new physical challenges-
as long as they're m
anageable and fun. L
ook also for toys that encourage children to pretend, such as a dress-up box, toy tools and utensils, or sm
all play figures. It is discouraging to hear reports from
early childhood teachers that m
any of today's m edia-saturated youngsters are so full of other
people's plots and im ages that they can't pretend or im
agine. D on't
let this happen to your child!
G uidelines for C
O ther factors are also critical in determ
ining the quality of preschool environm
ents. In a day-care setting, research show s the
m ost positive outcom
es, both for intelligence and behavior, are related to sm
all group size; a close, affectionate relationship w ith
the caregiver and other adults; language stim ulation; and the level
of education of the caregiver. H ere are further research-based
ideas that any adult caring for your child should heed:
• M aintain reasonable rules so iliat the child's safety needs can
be m et w
ithout discouraging exploration.
• C hild-sized furniture, easels, and chalkboards give a com
forting feeling of control.
• Try for
em otional consistency and
a reasonably stable
em otional clim
ate. •
A void
harsh physical
punishm ent
or overly
restrictive discipline, and help the child feel successful.
• A positive em
otional clim ate also includes giving children
insight into the feelings of others ("T im
is crying because you took his ball." "Sarah feels sad because her puppy is sick, and w
e should be especially kind to her today.") C
hildren w ith better developed
em otional and social com
petence at ages three and four show
better adjustm ent in kindergarten. This "theory of m
ind" also helps children m
anage their ow n em
otions; it should be evident by about age five.
• Let the child take the lead in play. Show and guide; don't direct
or boss. Be open to new w
ays to play or use m aterials.
• D on't "protect" your child from
m aking a few
m istakes-
and learning from
them . C
om plim
ent process ("Y ou're trying hard")
rather than outcom e (''Y
ou w on!").
• Even toddlers can m ake sim
ple decisions. "W hat color Play-
D oh w
ould you like today?" "W hich book do you choose to take in
the car?" O ffer uncom
plicated choices that you both can live w ith
-an d
then stick to them .
• A t this age it is appropriate to start suggesting that the child do
som e self-evaluation. "H
ow did I do?" "D
id I finish?" Encourage the child to m
ake positive statem ents about him
self. "I stuck w ith
it." "I thought of a new w
ay and it w orked." "I did it on m
y ow n."
• Provide varied sensory stim ulation and m
any opportunities for active m
ovem ent and exploration. A
llow plenty of free play as w
ell as planned and m
eaningful play experiences. • T
he sensory aspects of play can be linked w ith language. "H
does that
look/sound/sm ell/taste/feel?"
T his
is a
good opportunity for vocabulary building (e.g., sm
ooth, bum py, sharp,
delicious). • Encourage the child to talk about her play. Show
that you are interested by listening and asking questions. Encourage her to guide her play by talking about w
hat she's doing. • A
s the child gets older, select a w eekly topic for play exploration.
For exam ple, you m
ight put out a m agnifying glass, collectingjars,
sorting boxes, and picture books for nature study. Let the child's interests guide you.
• Ideas for creative projects m ay be found in m
any m agazines.
Focus on the child's involvem ent, not on the finished product.
• A void w
orkbooks or other purchased "learning" m aterials that
"teach" rote-level academ ic tasks of letters and num
bers. T hese
w ill com
e later. • K
eep electronics to a m inim
um . R
eal intelligence and social com
petence com e from
real experiences and real people. • Easels and paints, clay, sand, Play-D
oh, fingerpaints, w ater,
construction paper, glue, and m ud are exam
ples of m aterials that
help refine and organize sensory intake system s. If you tend to be
a fanatic about cleanliness, close your eyes and im agine synapses
connecting inside that m uddy head.
I once saw a little boy w
ho becam e alm
ost panicky w hen he
spilled som e m
ilk on the table in his day-care center. Later his teachers told m
e they w ere w
orried about his learning. "H e's
sm art," they said, "but he's so afraid of m
aking a m istake that he
never tries anything that looks hard." H
elp your child risk the adventure oflearning.
Security to L earn
C hildren w
ho feel safe because they can depend on an adult are able to reach out to new
experiences. C hildren w
ho are secure as babies and toddlers tend to be better learners later on: m
ore playful, m
ore curious, m ore responsive to adults, and able to focus
attention m ore effectively. In our zest for stim
ulating children's m
inds, w e shouldn't forget that a loving and safe hom
e is alw ays
the first order of business. If you find your concerns about your child's intellect getting in the w
ay of sim ple affection, stand back
and ask yourself, "W hat's really im
? A
ges an d
Stages from T
w o to S
C hildren's thinking ability undergoes several m
ajor changes along
60 of 330
the route to adult-level reasoning, paralleling the m aturation of
new netw
orks in the brain. T he years from
tw o to seven are
characterized by cycles of m yelination and synapse refinem
ent that lead to
new stages of learning,
so dram
atic shifts in
understanding can seem to occur very quickly-
although a child m
ay regress until the connections are firm . D
ifferent types of studies have indicated so m
any different "spurts" or "w aves" of
grow th that it is hard to find a tim
e w hen this brain is not actively
developing som e sort of ability. By age seven, sensory system
s have becom
e m ore integrated, language has m
ade m ajor leaps, and
m aturation of higher-level association areas enable the child to
reason m ore logically and reflect on questions and ideas. By the
end of second grade, w e hope to have basic foundations in place
for reading, m ath, and handw
riting as w ell as an ever-expanding
grasp of facts and concepts and a solid basis of attention,
m otivation, and independent problem
-solving. A
t each stage in this process, certain types of experience are im
portant. Since later developm ent builds on earlier experience,
a child w ho gets the brain food he needs at each stage has a better
chance of reaching the top of his cognitive ladder. T he speed of this
clim b is partially related to innate intelligence, but life experiences
and individual developm ental tim
etables also play m ajor roles.
A ccording to w
ell-know n theorist Jean Piaget, the child creates his
ow n intelligence at each level by puzzling out inconsistencies
betw een his bits of know
ledge, or "schem as," and the reality of his
daily experiences.
D ifferen
t H ook
If you and your child w atch a TV
program on the w
orkings of the brain, chances are each of you w
ill learn very different things from
it. A n adult can "get m
ore out ofit" by hanging the new inform
ation on to
previous pieces
of know ledge-m
ental "hooks" about
biology, psychology, and years of practical experience w ith one's
ow n brain. The term
"schem as" w
as~sed by Piaget to describe these m
ental hooks, the bits oflearning that com bine to form
each person's structure of thought. T
he better the fram ew
ork and the bigger the hooks, the m
ore w e can rem
em ber and learn from
new experience.
Since your child's fram ew
orks are sm all and im
m ature, her
learning in any situation is qualitatively different from yours. Y
ou can try to lend her your schem
as by explaining them , but if she
lacks the personal experience, your w ords w
ill fall right off her incom
plete hooks. T his theory m
ay explain w hy each generation
seem s to have to m
ake its ow n m
istakes instead of taking the good advice of its elders!
W hen you talk w
ith your child or student, you can help bridge the schem
a gap.
1. A s you solve problem
s together, talk through your ow n
questions. "I w onder how
I should start." "A re these tw
o alike?" "C
ould I put them together?" "Is it w
orking?" "W hat's going to
happen?" "H ow
did I do?" 2
. A sk your child sim
ilar questions. 3. G
ive the child plenty of tim e to think and answ
er. 4. Let the child reenact each solution several tim
es in order to understand it.
5. E ncourage understanding. A
sk, "W hy do you think that
happened?" "W hy did/didn't that w
ork?" 6. A
s a teacher, I learned that if things w eren't going w
ell, I needed to ask m
yself, "W hat am
I assum ing about this situation
that the child doesn't yet understand?" It helps to ask w hat the
child is thinking or seeing, and then listen carefully to her answ er.
m all P
iece o f L
I once had a conversation w ith a six-year-old that taught m
e about one child's m
ental "hooks." D uring the first snow
storm of the year,
the level of classroom excitem
ent rose steadily until dism issal
tim e. A
s the day ended, M arcy lingered behind, staring at the still-
barren grass outside. "W hy isn't the snow
sticking on the ground?" she asked. N
ot w anting to deprive her of the chance to do som
e thinking (and learning) for herself, I replied, "W
hat do you think?" "W
ell," she replied, "I don't know because snow
is supposed to stay there after it com
es dow n-w
hy isn't it?" "It does seem
to be disappearing," I acknow ledged. "D
o you know anything that w
ould m ake snow
disappear?" M
arcy thought for a m om
ent. "N ot really. Snow
is cold and it stays. W
ell, m aybe if you put w
ater on it." A
t this point I realized that M arcy's notion of snow
w as both
inaccurate and incom plete, so there w
as no w ay she could grasp
the principle involved. Instead of trying to explain it to her, I took her outside, grabbed som
e snow flakes as they fell, and w
e w atched
them turn into w
ater. Finally w e felt the ground tem
perature and M
arcy drew her ow
n conclusions. She enlarged her "snow " schem
a to include her observation that w
arm th m
akes it m elt, and she w
as forced to change her ideas to accom
m odate this new
inform ation.
It is through countless such firsthand experiences that children develop know
ledge and the ability to m anipulate it m
entally. For this type of learning, parents or thoughtful caregivers are the.first and best teachers.
A s schem
as develop and enlarge, they are com bined into m
ental operations, or patterns, that enable the child to think about relationships in m
ore abstract w ays. For exam
ple, a tw o-year-old
m ust line up blocks in order to see w
hat they look like; an eight- year-old can think about lining them
up w ithout actually doing it,
and a fifteen-year-old m ay be able to m
ake com binations in his
m ind to test scientific relationships am
ong them .
L evels o
f P rocessin
D oes experience alone account for these changes? A
child's ability to com
bine new ideas also results from
m aturation of three special
system s in the brain that neuropsychologistA
lexander L uria called
"functional units." A s
the child
handles m
illions of bits of
experience, chains of neurons link together-first w ithin and then
betw een different brain areas. In a sense, the thinking child m
akes his ow
n brain fit together. Low
er-level netw orks com
e first. A t the bottom
are reflex responses and directing attention, then com
es the ,.eception of countless pieces of incom
ing inform ation and association of the
pieces w ith each other for understanding. W
hen enough pieces have been taken in, the child finally begins to inte1·p1·et them
and plan responses.
63 of 330
H ow
does L uria's m
odel w ork in a real situation? Let's say you
are trying to get your child to leave the TV set.
T he first functional unit regulates consciousness and initial
attention. T o be consciously processed and rem
em bered, the
inform ation m
ust cross the attention threshold. "O
ops, I hear M om
's voice." O
nce the m essage gets into conscious aw
areness, it is directed to a specialized reception area w
here the second functional unit converts it into a m
eaningful signal and sends it to the appropriate part of the cortex, in this case the centers for auditory processing. First it m
ust be received and sorted out from other auditory
stim uli:
"W hat did she say?"
then sent to higher-level system s to be analyzed and organized into
som e sort of m
eaning: "W
hat does she m ean, 'C
lean up your room '?"
and finally, associated w ith inform
ation from other senses or from
em ory for com
plete understanding: "O
h, I rem em
ber, I left m y clothes and toys all over the floor and
she's having com pany tonight."
O nly after all these steps are com
pleted can the thirdfim ctional
unit, corresponding to the prefrontal lobes of the cortex, do its w
ork of evaluating the inform ation and planning behavior:
"G uess I'd better pick up that stuff as soon as this program
is over."
For m ost parents this particular exam
ple proves L uria's point
that the m ere presence of a neural structure does not guarantee
that it can (or w ill) be used! Practice is the essential ingredient,
and it takes all of childhood and m ost of adolescence to perfect and
connect all the system s.
: T H
M ak
in g C
on n
ection s
A child's first m
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