What was your definition of leadership when you started this coourse? How has it evolved (if at all)? Explain why or why not.
My Individual Leadership Development Plan Assignment
During the first seven weeks of the semester, you have been actively engaged in exploring different Leadership theories, your individual Strengths, MBTI, Values Perspective, and Emotional Intelligence in an effort to better understand YOU, your views on Leadership, and most importantly, how you see yourself as a LEADER. You have completed two Individual Reflective Assignments, participated in various in-class exercises and activities, engaged in an Online Discussion, and reflected on your learning. Each of these activities has provided you with an opportunity to identify aspects of, and critically explore your authentic self – leading you to uncover your emerging leadership voice and vision.
Key Learnings and Implications for YOU as a Leader
There is an expectation that you link current thinking and research on Leadership into your assignment. To that end, be sure to complete all of, and refer to, when appropriate, the required readings, including the chapters indicated in your weekly schedule, the additional papers (i.e. Values-Based Leadership articles) provided in SLATE, and the first 30 pages of Strengths Finder 2.0. I also encourage you to explore additional peer-reviewed papers to further support your exploration.
NOTE: A majority of our activities during weeks 1 – 5, and the reflective questions posed – both in class (during activities) or post-class were intentionally created to support your thinking and reflection for this assignment.
Assignment Details:
The assignment is comprised of three key sections:
1. Assessments and Reflections
· What was your definition of leadership when you started this coourse? How has it evolved (if at all)? Explain why or why not.
· Compare and contrast the results, and your critical reflections for each of the assessments (StrengthsFinder, MBTI, Values Perspective, and EQ-i). Identify what, if any, correlations there are among all assessment findings. Identify both the positive and the shadow or blind spots. Identify key themes that are emerging in your reflections. Explain what this suggests about you as a leader. Explain why it might be important.
Note: To complete this section successfully, you will need to draw upon your previous work and reflections in Online Discussion #2, and Individual Reflective Assignment #2. See the following summaries for each:
1. StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment – Determine your top 5 themes – how do they resonate, provide examples of when you have demonstrated these themes, explore both the positive and shadow side of the themes as they relate to leadership
2. Values Perspective Inventory – Determine your top 9 values – how do they resonate, provide examples of when you have demonstrated these values, explore both the positive and shadow side of the themes as they relate to leadership.
3. MBTI Personality Type Indicator Assessment – What is your Myers-Briggs Type – does the type assessment resonate? What do you believe your strengths are based on your M-B Type? What possible underdeveloped areas might you have? What are the positive and shadow sides of your type as it relates to leadership? Why is this important to know this?
4. EQ-i (Emotional Intelligence) – What does your EQ-i report suggest to you about your “self-perception”, “stress management”, “self-expression”, “decision making”, and “interpersonal” skills? Do these results resonate? Were you surprised? Provide examples of how and when you have demonstrated these skills, explore both the positive and shadow side of what your assessment results suggest as they relate to leadership. In what areas might you need further development? Why?
5. Connections – What connections do you see across the following: About Me, your StrengthsFinder, Values Perspective, MBTI Type, and EQ-i findings? Similarities? Differences? Gaps? Areas of growth/development? Areas to leverage in leadership contexts?
2. Development Goals and Strategies –
a) Balance is important within the EQ profile because subscales that are higher can be tempered by other related subscales, and subscales that are lower can be bolstered by related subscales. Remember that highs are not always good, and lows ae not always bad. Ten points between any two subscales indicates that you are likely to exhibit one set of behaviors significantly more often than the other set. Subscales that are lower can be bolstered by related subscales.
Look at the pages with each subscale (pages 7-21) and review any subscales that are significantly higher or lower than others. i.e. At the bottom of the page of each subscale, it shows the subscales that compares with the stated subscale. It also shows the subscales that are not balanced (i.e. the difference between the two subscales is 10 pointes or greater). Choose one set and answer the following questions:
2a) What are the subscales ? How might you interpret it?
2b) How can you balance the subscales identified in 2a?
b) Three Lowest Subscales – Areas for Development
Go to page 3: Lowest 3 subscales. What are your three lowest subscales? Explain? Using the action planning template found on page 23 of your EQi report, develop an action plan to develop these three subscales.
c) Based upon your analysis and key themes emerging from number your Strengths Finder, Values, and MBTI assessments, where do you believe you need to stretch, develop, grow? Develop SMART goals on how you intend to achieve your goals.
3. Leadership Vision: Use the guiding questions above to assist you in putting your leadership vision together.
· What does it mean to lead?
· What does your analysis suggest about how you might lead? Self-lead, in teams, at work?
· How does what you have learned thus far help to increase your understanding of yourself and your leadership potential?
· What are the implications if you are leading someone whose Strengths, Values, MBTI, and/or EQ-i results are different from yours?
· How might this new knowledge help you in a future leadership situation?
· What is your emerging Leadership vision?
· What do you aspire to be as a Leader?
· How will you “live” as a leader? Articulate how you wish to “operationalize” what you are learning about leadership and yourself going forward. Utilize specific examples where you might apply your new understanding (e.g. this semester, course-work, extra-curricular activities, in your workplace, and beyond).
To assist you in this Assignment, consider applying Borton’s Model of Reflection to support your thinking through the questions presented – starting with “What?”.
Assignment Outline:
This assignment is a reflective essay and is to be written in the first-person. The use of examples from the literature, as well as personal experience (in and outside of class/school) to support one’s claims and assertions, is expected.
Maximum 1500 words (4 pages single spaced or 8 pages double spaced) in length (not including title page or reference list)
Minimum 12 point font, double spaced lines, 1-inch margins
Use of APA 7 formatting is required.
APA 7th Example for Citing Tests, Scales, and Inventories
Rubric for Individual Leadership Development Plan Assignmen
The core learning objective of this assignment is to challenge you to become more critically self aware; to identify your emerging leadership vision, potential and development needs by leveraging your strengths, values, MBTI type, and EQ; expressly exploring the shadow or blind spots, and articulating which current leadership theoretical construct(s) resonate(s) most with you and why.
By articulating your emerging leadership vision, you are in a better position to become a more effective, intentional, and authentic leader. By being more aware of what you want to be as a leader, you are also in a better position to purposefully engage in leadership behaviours for self, in teams, or in official leadership constructs, identify the types of leaders you would like to work with and identify companies whose values align with yours
The value in this exercise/assignment then is hopefully very practical and helpful for you.
NOTE: This assignment will be a core component of your final Leadership Creative Learning Portfolio Assignment due at the end of the term. I suggest that you refer to this document from time to time as a guide for your career and leadership path.
This assignment will be evaluated using the following rubric
(1 -3)
(4 – 6)
(7 – 10)
(Max 10)
Depth of Reflection
Demonstrates little or no understanding of the questions being asked.
responses descriptive in nature. No link to personal perspective or interconnections between questions made
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the questions being asked. Descriptive response, some connections made, yet provides a glimpse in understanding personal perspective and how his/her perspective may have emerged
Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the questions being asked. Connections are evident. Explores the reasons perspective using meaningful and purposeful example
Demonstrates a conscious and thorough understanding of the questions being asked. Responds thoughtfully and with care. Clearly provides reasons for personal perspective – leaving no room for further question
Critical Analysis of Concepts
Shows little or no evidence that readings/activities/assessments were completed and/or concepts understood. Largely personal opinion without clarification of assumptions or provision of links to, or drawing of conclusions using supporting resource. No comparing and contrasting of assessment findings
Shows some evidence that readings/activities/assessments were completed or understood. Minimal analysis and links to readings/assessments and supporting resources provided to support personal opinion and deductions. Some assumptions noted – yet not supported. Some evidence of comparing and contrasting of assessment findings. Many questions remain.
Demonstrates understanding of readings/assessments/ activities. Personal opinion stated with supportive links to readings/assessments provided. Assumptions identified and supported with evidence from readings, activities, assessments and other resources. Evidence of comparing and contrasting of assessment findings. Some links to assessments made. Some questions remain
Exceptional analysis demonstrating clear understanding of readings/assessments and concepts. Strong links made between personal experiences, in-class activities, assessment findings and additional resources. Clear evidence of comparing and contrasting of assessment findings. Identification of links between assessments. Assumptions identified and conclusions drawn clearly supported with evidence
Language Use
Uses language that is vague or imprecise for the audience of purpose, with little sense of voice and a limited awareness of how to vary sentence structure
Uses basic but appropriate language, with a basic sense of voice, some awareness of audience and purpose and some attempt to vary sentence structure.
Uses language that is fluent and original, with a sense of voice, awareness of audience and purpose,and the ability to vary sentence structure.
Uses language that is precise and engaging, with notable sense of voice, awareness of audience and purpose, and varied sentence structure.
Writing Conventions
Demonstrates limited control of the conventions, exhibiting frequent errors that make comprehension difficult.
Demonstrates partial control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension
Demonstrates control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors only when using sophisticated language.
Demonstrates control of the conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language
Academic Integrity/Work Ethics
No citations or references included (0 grade for paper)
3 – 4 citations missing, reference list included with errors
1 – 2 citations missing, reference list included with 1 – 2 errors
All citations accounted for and reference list included – no errors
Adjusted Grade
Academic Integrity
According to Daft (2018), effective leaders are leaders who are ethical, honest, and lead with integrity (p. 39). Integrity, in a leadership context refers to “a leader’s character as a whole, integrated, and grounded in solid ethical principles, and he or she acts in keeping with those principles. . . . Honest and integrity are the foundation of trust between leaders and followers” (p. 39).
In keeping with the importance of integrity in leadership, this course holds learners to the highest standard in Academic Integrity. To support your learning and understanding of Academic Integrity and its role in your learning please refer to the Academic Integrity information embedded in this course.
Submission Instructions
The assignment must be submitted to the Assignment Dropbox on the due date noted in the schedule . Please note, Late Penalties (in accordance with the BBA Student Handbook ) will be applied to ALL late assignments.
Turnitin has been activated for this (and all assignments for this course) assignment.
In alignment with Sheridan’s Academic Integrity Policy, we want to encourage students to use proper citation and documentation practices to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Turnitin is a tool intended to assist students in determining if their written work contains material that could be interpreted as copied from another source. By providing this guidance, students may then attribute written work appropriately, thus avoiding concerns related to copying the work of others. (Source: Teaching with Technology ).
All students have access to Turnitin’s Originality Check tool through the self-check Turnitin folder in the assignment dropbox folder.
Here is some guidance on what assessment results shows for me
1a. What Domain or Domains did your themes fall? [Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building or Strategic Thinking]
Influencing and strategic thinking was the domains for most of my themes (Communication, Maximizer, Learner, Strategic)
1b. What are your top five Signature Themes (explain)? How might you apply your top 5 themes (strengths) into your emerging leadership identity?
My top 5 strong signature theme includes Achiever, Communication, Maximizer, Learner and Strategic.
Achiever means that “working hard and have a considerable amount of resilience, relishing in being busy and effective” (GALLUP, 2023).
I could apply this strength by setting smart goals to keep me focused.
Communication means that” finding it easy to put their thoughts into words” (GALLUP, 2023).
I could apply this strength by actively listening to others and ask open ended questions to clarify their thoughts before making a conclusion.
Maximizer means that “focusing on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence” (GALLUP, 2023).
I could apply this strength by seeking and providing regular feedback and strengthen any areas of improvement to help grow, learn or achieve goals.
Learner means that” having great desire to learn and continuously wanting to improve” (GALLUP, 2023).
I could apply this strength by seeking out new experiences and challenges to expand knowledge and skills.
Strategic means that” alternative ways to proceed, quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.” (GALLUP, 2023).
I could apply this strength by developing multiple scenarios and evaluating the risks and benefits of each scenario. This can help eliminate challenges and maximize our opportunity.
1c. What is one word or phrase from that theme definition that best describes you?
Ranked form most important to least
Achiever = Bring intensity and effort to the most important areas of your life. (GALLUP, 2023)
Communication = easy to put their thoughts into words(GALLUP, 2023
Maximizer = Strive for excellence, and encourage others to do the same. (GALLUP, 2023
Learner = Use your passion for learning to add value to your own and others’ lives. (GALLUP, 2023
Strategic = Always have at least three options in mind so you can adapt if circumstances change. (GALLUP, 2023
1d. Does anything in the report surprise you?
The result are quiet accurate and unintentionally I practice this at work and in my personal life.
1e. What is your first reaction to these themes (strengths)? What do they mean to you at this point?
My first reaction to these themes (strengths) is that they are all valuable and important qualities to have. Communication, Maximizer, Learner, they are all strengths that can help me to achieve success in my personal and professional lives.
1f. How might you leverage this theme (strengths), and your understanding of it, in a leadership context?
These strengths can be leveraged in various contexts, including personal development, career advancement, and leadership. By understanding and utilizing these strengths, hopefully I can achieve greater success in the future.
1g. Explore the “shadow” side, or “blind spot” of one (1) of your top 5 themes (strengths) as they relate to leadership. i)Has there been a time when the application of your strength was misunderstood/misinterpreted? ii) If so, what happened? iii) How did you feel? iv) How did others respond? V) What might you need to be mindful of as you seek to develop and leverage your strengths in a leadership context in the future?
One blind spot I always face as a manager of customer service is that in problem resolution situations and as a leader having a learner theme might be misunderstood in such situations people feel frustrated or misunderstood. Others may lose confidence in me to hep them fix that problem. To avoid this potential pitfall, it’s important to communicate our intentions and explain to the other party why this is happening and it will definitely eliminate further escalation and make people more confident in the process we are following to help them thankfully I always try to provide my best to help customers and people around me but communication is a key and will try to communicate my actions more clearly in the future.
2a. According to your Values Perspective report (from PORT 10100D), what is your Values Perspective? or the values perspective from the free assessment.
Working Conditions.
Achievement. (TypeFocus, 2023)
2b. Share one example of how you have demonstrated/activated your Values Perspective in a learning/leadership context.
An example of how I have demonstrated my learning /leadership context when I do my team coaching by reviewing their goals and showing them the benefit of achieving as well as recognizing them when they preform good.
2c. Explore both the positive and shadow side of the themes as they relate to leadership. In reviewing the Values Perspectives, where might you experience tension or challenge, and why?
Positive side of Working Conditions: Good working conditions can improve employee satisfaction and productivity This can include things like a safe and comfortable work environment, flexible work hours, and access to necessary resources. A shadow side of it might be employees are not comfortable and they try to quit their job after a short time if the hours are not flexible. And working environment doesn’t have minimum standards
Positive side of Recognition: Recognition is important because it shows employees that their hard work and contributions are valued. This can boost morale, increase motivation, and foster a positive work culture. A shadow side of contribution is that if any one does something good and they don’t get recognized for it. They will feel discouraged to continue working hard.
Achievement: Achievement can provide a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. It can also lead to personal growth, increased confidence, and opportunities for advancement. A shadow side is that if people doesn’t have an end goal there is nothing motivate them to work hard and preform well to get better everyday and preform well to get promoted and achieve carer and personal goals.
3. According to your MBTI assessment results (from PORT 10100D or Becoming a Master Learner or the free assessment), what is your Myers-Briggs Type? What might your type suggest about your preferences as a leader? Given your understanding of your type, of what might you need to be mindful of when working with/leading others who may not have the same type as you – provide a specific example. What possible underdeveloped areas might you have? What are the positive and shadow sides of your type as it relates to leadership? Why is this important to know this?
My personality type suggests that I am an ISFJ leader is that I tend to help people, realistic, and focused on what can be done to help others. Also, the ability to take everyone’s opinion into account. (TypeFocus, 2023)
Careers that value the ISFJ’s natural focus on caring and commitment will be good choices. Helping careers such as health and teaching are popular. However, the other side of ISFJs, their ability to be practical and organized, open the door to such careers as librarian or office manager. Whatever specific career the ISFJ chooses, they will always focus on helping people in warm, practical ways. They get along best in jobs that are structured and offer the chance to work by themselves at times. (TypeFocus, 2023)
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