You will combine the strategic process framework, the AIM statement, and the SWOT analysis and add the following sections found in the template
I need this assignment in 6 pages, excluding the demographic and reference pages. References must be within the last 5 years, no article older than 5 years. Please include the lecture materials, also ensure to provide INTEXT-CITATIONS FOR ALL REFERENCES USED
Download Module 7_Template_Executive Summary-Business Proposal and Financial Plan.docx ATTACHED
Module 7: Final Assignment – Business Proposal and Financial Plan Executive Summary
Complete an executive summary of a business proposal and financial plan to support a needed service or change in current service.
Required elements are to be presented with complete, accurate, concise information. Writing is succinct, organized, and reflects a synthesis of information.
Required elements include:
Executive Summary
[Student Name]
Professor Name
DNP 804
Instructions for using the template: Remove all yellowed instructional content prior to submitting.
You will combine the strategic process framework, the AIM statement, and the SWOT analysis and add the following sections found in the template:
· Implementation plan and timeline
· Evaluation/monitoring plan, how will you know you have made a difference?
· The financials, depending on the proposal, this could be a budget, an FTE request, revenue, or cost reduction include concepts/references from the coursework, text, and literature reviewed over the semester.
· Conclusion/ Summary / Recommendation for your proposal
Table of Contents Introduction and Overview 3 Organization Mission, Vision, and Values 3 Vision Statement. 3 Organizational Values. 3 AIM Statement 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Strengths 4 Weaknesses 4 Opportunities 4 Threats 4 Implementation Plan and Timeline with Goals and Action Planning 4 Financial / Budget Plan 4 Conclusion / Summary / Recommendations for Proposal 5 References 6
Introduction and Overview
(Describe the proposed initiative and an overview of the organization)
Organization Mission, Vision, and Values
Insert Mission
Vision Statement.
Insert Vision: A key component of strategic planning is the development of a future vision. This vision should reflect the agency’s intentions, describe the way the organization will look in the future, and help to position the organization to achieve its goals. The strategic plan is then developed to move the agency from its current position toward this vision.
Organizational Values.
Insert Values: Value statements go beyond what an organization does, and describe the core beliefs that influence the way the organization conducts business. These enduring tenets will be incorporated across the organization in promotional materials, staff orientation and training, and turned to when making key organizational decisions.
Strategic Issues, Goals, and Strategies
Name at least three issues, goals, and strategies associated with your plan.
Strategic Issue# 1:
Strategic Issue #2:
Strategic Issue #3:
AIM Statement
Use the IHI Worksheet to draft an AIM Statement that utilizes SMART goal creation.
SWOT Analysis
Provide a summary of key internal and external issues affecting the organization.
A strategic planning process includes an analysis of an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities or threats. The goal of the planning process is to help the organization use its strengths to seize new opportunities and minimize any potential threats while developing a plan to address its weaknesses so they do not hinder the success of the organization.
Implementation Plan and Timeline with Goals and Action Planning
Financial / Budget Plan
Conclusion / Summary / Recommendations for Proposal
Northern Kentucky University
DNP-804-Economics & Fin. Aspects of Healthcare
Aim Statement Worksheet
Among nurses experiencing burnout in a home health setting, how does the introduction of a mindfulness-based program(I) as compared to no mindfulness-based program (C) affect nurse burnout(O) within 2 months (T)
Burnout is a psychological condition that involves emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced individual achievement. It leads to high turnover rates and poor job satisfaction among healthcare employees, both of which negatively influence patient care and healthcare outcomes (Maslach & Leiter 2016). Research shows that burnout is detrimental to both nurses and their patients. A study by Van der Riet et al. (2018) showed a connection between burnout, fatigue, and both higher error rates and poorer patient satisfaction, safety, and higher nurse turnover. A mindfulness-based program enables nurses to pay attention and be concerned about the well-being of their patients. The implementation of this approach will see nurses improve the quality of services that they offer and at the same time reduce burnout on themselves.
What? What’s the problem or opportunity? Make sure it relates to a fundamental customer need.
Nurses experience burnout while working which not only hurts their performance but also affects patient care leading to less satisfied patients.
How much? By how much will you improve? Or “how good” do you want to get?
At least 50% of the nurses will experience a reduction in burnout rate and will be more satisfied with their jobs.
By when? What is the date by which you will achieve the level of improvement you’ve set out to accomplish?
The improvement should be realized by March 31, 2024.
For whom? Who is the customer or population who will benefit from the improvement?
The improvement will be beneficial to nurses, patients and the organization as well.
Where? What are the boundaries of the process or system you’re trying to improve? Where does it begin and end?
The process will be within Harris County Home Health
Aim Statement
By March 31st, 2024, at least 50% of nurses who are currently experiencing job dissatisfaction and burnout will experience 50% increase in job satisfaction and a 50% decrease in burnout after participating in a mindfulness-based program at Mercris Home Health in Harris County.
The Institute for Health Improvement (IHI) ensures there is improvement in science and patient safety so that there is advancement and sustainability in terms of health outcomes (Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 2022). While healthcare organizations look forward to improving their strategies for better quality services, they need to keep in mind the following IHI aims for improvement:
· Safe: Avoid injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them.
· Effective: Match care to science; avoid overuse of ineffective care and underuse of effective care.
· Patient-Centered: Honor the individual and respect choice.
· Timely: Reduce waiting for both patients and those who give care.
· Efficient: Reduce waste.
· Equitable: Close racial and ethnic gaps in health status.
As healthcare organizations in home health settings improve their strategies to incorporate mindfulness-based programs, they must be within the aims of the IHI to make sure there is relevance.
During the improvement process, healthcare organizations need to ensure nobody is injured or hurt. A healthcare setting should be a safe setting, and this implies that all measures need to be taken to ensure no injuries are experienced. In this case, nurses are experiencing burnout, and this hurts them in different ways and mostly they are affected physically, psychologically, and emotionally. The improvement is set to eliminate these negative impacts by ensuring that the well-being of the nurses are a priority. Nurses will be interviewed so that they can give their opinions in terms of how they want their work schedule to be and the amount of workload that they can handle. This will play a crucial role in designing activities that will be safe for the nurses from different perspectives. In other words, the nurses will be actively involved in creating their schedules while ensuring that there are no burnout, and everyone is safe.
This is one of the aims of the Institute of Health Improvement concerned with ensuring a change serves its purpose. Every initiative taken in an organization should meet the goal that it is intended to (IHI, 2023). The incorporation of mindfulness-based programs in home health settings focuses on reducing burnout among nurses and improving their productivity. As aforementioned, the program will ensure the individual needs of every nurse are taken into consideration. This will make it possible to come up with strategies that will solve the problem, they will be effective in reducing nurse burnout. A change is said to be successful if it achieves the goal for which it was established (Maxworthy, 2021).
Healthcare facilities are established to meet the needs of patients; therefore, improvement plans in facilities should focus on the patient, making the changes revolve around them. In the case of mindfulness-based programs, as much as from the outside it looks as if it benefits the nurses, the greatest beneficiaries are patients. When levels of burnout are reduced, it leads to nurses being more energetic in their work, allowing them to offer high-quality services to patients, meeting and surpassing their needs. Patients will be satisfied with the services offered to them because even the nurses will be encouraged and motivated to do their best. Nurses should be motivated in the right way so that they can offer the best services to patients which leads to having positive impacts with the patients after the changes are implemented.
New changes and improvements that are introduced in healthcare facilities should make sure there is timely delivery of services. Time is one of the most precious resources and should be used wisely. Mindfulness-based programs will focus on what benefits the patients and the nurses so that there is no burnout and there is improvement in the quality of services offered (Lehrhaupt & Meibert, 2017). Nurses will offer personalized services to their patients, leading to every patient receiving specific services that they need within a timely fashion since timeliness is a key component in service delivery.
Efficiency refers to maximizing the output from resources and minimizing waste (Maxworthy, 2021). Resources are scarce and expensive, and they must be utilized in the best way possible. When organizations introduce changes, they must make sure they will use minimal resources to get maximum output. In the case of reducing nurse burnout in the home health setting, the major resources are the nurses and they are the ones that play a role in ensuring they offer the best services that will benefit them and the patients. As stated earlier, the services will be effective in the sense that they will achieve their purpose. Efficiency eliminates time-wasting for everyone involved while reducing duplication of roles.
The act of fairness and being unbiased should be visible in the new changes. Ethnic and racial gaps should be closed; nobody should feel left out or discriminated against. Mindfulness-based programs being incorporated would take into consideration the well-being of every nurse regardless of their race or gender. The program will be designed to be effective on a personal level. Every nurse’s needs would be addressed effectively, and this will be experienced through the reduction of burnout. The program/initiative is a patient-centered one that will meet the personal needs of each nurse. New changes introduced in healthcare facilities should take into consideration the needs of all stakeholders. Each stakeholder should feel that they are part of the plan and have adequately benefited from the same (Lehrhaupt & Meibert, 2017).
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). (2022). AIM statement worksheet.
Institute of Health Improvement (2023). Improving Health and Health Care Worldwide. Retrieved from
Lehrhaupt, L. & Meibert, P. (2017). Mindful-Based Stress Reduction: The MBSR Program for Enhancing Health and Vitality. Novato, CA: New World Library.
Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2016). Understanding the burnout experience: recent research and its implications for psychiatry. World psychiatry, 15(2), 103-111.
Maxworthy, J. (2021). Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice. Springer Publishing.
Van der Riet, P., Levett-Jones, T., & Aquino-Russell, C. (2018). The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for nurses and nursing students: An integrated literature review. Nurse education today, 65, 201-211.
Nanu Ogunyoku
Northern Kentucky University
DNP-804-Economics & Fin. Aspects of Healthcare
Dr. Dolores White
July 13, 2023
Nurses in the home health setting are experiencing burnout and there is a need to introduce mindfulness-based programs to help in reducing burnout. The program will be implemented, and its impact evaluated after 6 months. It is a strategic planning move that has a significant impact on the organization. Below is a SWOT analysis that outlines how the organization will handle the situation.
The SWOT analysis looks at the environmental factors that will affect the organizations' efforts in terms of incorporating the new program (Capella, 2017). Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that are controllable by the organization. Opportunities are external factors that the organization can respond to by adjusting its internal activities. A SWOT is a necessary tool in strategic management.
Strengths are internal factors that an organization does well in and can take advantage of them for its benefit. Strengths are controllable by the organization.
1. Sufficient Financial Resources
The organization is financially stable; it has the required resources to incorporate the changes. This is the major strength that the organization has and can use to achieve its purpose. Incorporating mindfulness-based programs requires the facility to use financial resources. Reducing burnout will also need financial incentives for the nurses so that they feel appreciated and motivated. With a strong financial base, the organization is properly positioned to succeed. Any change that an organization wishes to make involves using financial resources. The organization will use its financial resources in different ways to make sure it has incorporated mindfulness-based programs into its strategies.
2. Effective Financial Management
Having an effective team is a great asset for any business. The organization has a committed and dedicated management team that ensures the right decisions are made. The nature of the decisions made determines whether an organization will be successful in its quest or not (Ginter & Duncan, 2017). The team comprises a competent team of professionals who are knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. They will make the right financial decisions so that the available resources are used in the best way possible. Organizations have different professionals in different fields. Each member needs to do their work as expected. This will ensure goals are achieved in the best way possible. An effective management team is beneficial to the organization because it will make the right decisions that ensure activities and operations are relevant and worth the effort.
These are challenges that exist within the organization and can hinder the achievement of its goals.
1. Limited Sources of Finance
As much as the organization is financially stable and has a competent management team, there is the challenge of limited sources of financial resources. Currently, the organization largely depends on the income earned from the services offered to its clients. In the short run, this can work. However, the organization needs to incorporate the new changes over a long period and if there are any challenges in terms of finances then it will be difficult to deal with them. Organizations need to have multiple sources of finance so that they can be sure about their stability in the long run. Financial resources are among the most valuable resources in an organization, and it is important when they are available at any time. With limited resources, organizations risk going bankrupt if they face a challenge.
Opportunities are the chances that an organization can take to improve its situation.
1. Engage in more income-generating activities.
One of the opportunities that the organization has is to engage in more income-generating activities (Chiletsos & Saiti, 2020). In other words, it should diversify its operations. This will enable it to generate more income and be more sustainable in the long run. Nurses need to be motivated and one of the ways to do this is by increasing their salaries and allowances. Burnouts burnout also involves hiring more nurses which requires more finances. Services such as consultation and ambulatory operations can be added to generate more income for the organization.
2. Improve Efficiency
Efficiency refers to the proper utilization of resources so that there is no waste. In this case, efficiency should be applied in utilizing financial resources to make sure all spent resources are used to generate value for the organization. This is a great opportunity to ensure resources are directed to the right operations that are relevant to reducing nurses' burnout and increasing productivity as well as job satisfaction. To make this possible, there will be thorough research to determine the different activities and operations that should be engaged in to reduce nurses' burnout. A proper analysis will also be made to determine the exact number of resources needed for each operation. Financial resources will then be allocated following the needs of each activity. By doing this, processes will be efficient in the sense that resources will only be used in the right way. More resources will be available for improving the situation in the organization.
Threats are external factors that work against an organization's plan. They might be challenges that an organization has to deal with for it to achieve its purpose.
Many activities that need financial resources
The greatest threat that the organization can be faced is an increase in the activities and operations that require financial resources (Capella, 2017). For instance, as aforementioned, one of the ways to motivate nurses so that they can be satisfied with their jobs is through salaries and allowances. This will create additional expenses and if the organization does not handle this well it can be a threat. Threats will always be there; it is the responsibility of the management team to effectively handle them.
Capella, E. (2017). Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice. New York: Springer.
Chiletsos, M. & Saiti, A. (2020). Strategic Management and Economics in Healthcare. Springer.
Ginter, P. & Duncan, J. (2017). Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations. W
Sufficient financial resourses
Limited Sources of Finance
Many activities that need financial resources
Engaging in more income generating activities
Effective financial managemet
Improve efficiency
Nanu Ogunyoku
Northern Kentucky University
DNP-804-Economics & Fin. Aspects of Healthcare
Dr. Dolores White
July 3, 2023
Introduction and Overview
The proposed effort intends to improve patient care and financial performance within the healthcare organization by implementing a healthcare service supported by evidence. The organization's vision is to become a top provider of cutting-edge, patient-centered care, while its mission is to offer its community access to high-quality healthcare services (Bock et al., 2022). The organization's fundamental values emphasize compassion, integrity, cooperation, and continual improvement. By tackling strategic concerns, including revenue diversification, cost control, and financial risk management, the company may better connect its efforts with its goal, vision, and values, resulting in improved outcomes and sustainable growth.
Organization Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission. The mission of the healthcare company is to offer the local population high-quality healthcare services while fostering wellness, compassion, and patient-centered care.
Vision Statement. Our vision is to become a renowned leader in innovative and patient-centered treatment, known for our outstanding quality results, state-of-the-art equipment, and dedication to improving healthcare. Our company wants to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation, continually looking for new approaches to boost patient satisfaction, improve clinical outcomes, and optimize care delivery. Our goal represents our desire to be a dependable partner in the health and well-being of our neighborhood, setting the bar for excellence among healthcare professionals.
Organizational Values. Everything we do, every choice we make, and every encounter we have with one another and with our patients and other stakeholders is informed by our core principles. These guiding principles distinguish us as a healthcare provider and form our company culture:
1. Compassion: We treat each patient with kindness and compassion, acknowledging their uniqueness and respecting their autonomy at all times.
2. Integrity: We are always committed to acting with the utmost integrity and encourage open communication, honesty, and personal responsibility. Our staff is dedicated to protecting our patients' privacy and retaining their trust.
3. Collaboration: We emphasize teamwork and collaboration because it improves patient outcomes when our healthcare professionals and staff pool their knowledge and viewpoints. We encourage open communication and respect for one another in our collaborative work environment.
4. Continuous Improvement: Our organization promotes a culture of ongoing learning and development Plagiarism Free Papers
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