understanding language and literacy
In this essay, you are required to address the following:
Describe and discuss children’s oral language development using relevant theoretical perspectives and references to support your statements and discussion.
A tip: When planning for the components of your essay, you can consider including the following:
• the components of language development (i.e. phonological, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic development)
• a theory that explains children’s oral language development from the nature perspective
• a theory that explains children’s oral language from the nurture perspective.
Your essay should include the following sections:
Section 1: Introduction (approximately 100 words)
• Introduce the topic.
• Identify the key terms you that will address in the essay.
• Include a thesis statement that outlines the way you will respond to the question you are required to describe and discuss for this essay.
Section 2: Body of the essay (approximately 800 words)
• The body of the essay will consist of a series of paragraphs through which you will describe the process of language development and discuss the influence of nature and nurture.
• Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea or theme of that paragraph. Typically, you would then support this topic sentence with research-based evidence.
• Carefully consider how many issues you are going to cover, and how these issues are related to each other and answer the essay question.
• Make sure you write in the third person only, and that you develop a detailed explanation across the body of the essay with well-reasoned points.
• Try and keep to one topic per paragraph and keep in mind the word count.
Section 3: Conclusion (approximately 100 words)
• Summarise the information provided in the essay.
• Make one final statement about the roles of nature and nurture in language development.
Take note: While you will have personal views on this topic, this assignment requires you to define and explain from an informed perspective. This means that your work should be supported by evidence that you have found from scholarly sources, a relevant curriculum, and other relevant sources. Such evidence should help you to construct and validate your descriptions and discussion points.
As stated earlier, your essay should include at least 5 references and it must be properly referenced with in-text citations and a reference list using the APA style. Note that the reference list will not be included in the word count.
Throughout your teaching journey, you will be required to use your relevant National and/or State or Territory Curriculum. To help you build capability in this area, and to help further prepare you for placements, here at Swinburne Online we allow you to choose whether you would like to use the relevant National and/or State or Territory Curriculum in your assignments. For further information specific to your assignments for this specific unit, please seek advice from your eLAs and/or your Unit Coordinator.
Supporting resources
The following resources will assist you with completing this assignment:
• Review the ‘Essay writing’ area of the Academic writing and presenting (Links to an external site.)section in the Study Resources section of the Student Hub. The Student Hub contains a wide range of useful Study resources (Links to an external site.), including guides on Exams and assignments (Links to an external site.) and Referencing (Links to an external site.) (this includes guidelines on how to cite and reference ACARA and EYLF).
Preparing your essay
You are strongly advised to engage with all learning materials and resources provided in Weeks 1–5. It is also imperative to participate in the collaborative activities as these will help you build your understanding of the key concepts and theories related to the essay, and practise and develop your writing and referencing skills.
The essay writing guide section of the Student Hub contains references to support you in planning, structuring, writing and referencing essay assignments:
• The ‘Essay planning and structure infographic’ in the Essay writing (Links to an external site.) section of the Study resources highlights the Topic sentence, Evidence, Explanations and Linking sentence (TEEL) approach to structuring paragraphs.
• The ‘Understanding word limits infographic’ in the Essay writing (Links to an external site.) section of the Study resources shows how to distribute the number of words to each section of the essay in order to fulfil the allocated word limit of an essay.
Please only use the below references and not any other sources
• Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (2015, April 15). Developmental milestone: Baby talk from first sound to first words . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7WAfwKi88Q&feature=youtu.be
• American Educational Research Association. (2016, September 20). Ed-talk: Oral language begets literacy – Young-Suk Kim . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewx69b_Dp3s&feature=youtu.be
• Community Child Care Co-operative Ltd. (2015). Early years learning framework practice based resources – Developmental milestones. Retrieved from https://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/05_2015/developmental-milestones.pdf
• Connor, J. (2011). The early years learning framework professional learning program: Becoming literate. EYLLFPLP e_Newsletter. Retrieved from http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/nqsplp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/EYLFPLP_E-Newsletter_No18.pdf
• Department of Education and Training [DET]. (2019). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia. Retrieved from https://docs.education.gov.au/documents/belonging-being-becoming-early-years-learning-framework-australia
• Flint, A. S., Kitson, L., Lowe, K., Shaw, K., Feez, S., Humphrey, S., & Vicars, M. (2017). Literacy in Australia: Pedagogies for engagement (2nd ed.) Milton, Queensland: John Wiley & Sons.
• Hill, S. (2012). Developing early literacy: Assessment and teaching (2nd ed.). Victoria: Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
• nefecVideo. (2011, September 30). REACH workshop series: Oral language . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gplBn1ypBOg&feature=youtu.be
• Week 2
• Community Child Care Co-operative Ltd. (2015). Early years learning framework practice based resources – Developmental milestones. Retrieved from https://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/05_2015/developmental-milestones.pdf
• Davidson Films, Inc. (2010, June 24). Nourishing language development in early childhood (Davidson Films, Inc.) . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5e4Asdqt80&list=PL9WsCBTC-pXiD-qh7sZKzN–khVXRq5Gx
• Hill, S. (2012). Developing early literacy: Assessment and teaching (2nd ed.). Victoria: Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
• Week 3
• DET. (2019). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia. Retrieved from https://docs.education.gov.au/documents/belonging-being-becoming-early-years-learning-framework-australia
• ECA Learning hub. (2012, August 23). Linking literacy learning through outdoor play . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYLrDiPH9sk
• ECA Learning hub. (2012, July 3). Small group time . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efxvUvHUpZU&feature=youtu.be
• Jimmy Kimmel Live. (2013, February 8). Jimmy talks to kids about driving and money . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7q597MqcvE
• nefecVideo. (2011, September 30). REACH workshop series: Oral language . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gplBn1ypBOg
• nefecVideo. (2011, September 30). REACH workshop series: Phonological awareness . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LucNw_2G_FU
• Rinaldi, C. (2005). In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, Researching and Learning, Routledge. ProQuest Ebook Central. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/swin/detail.action?docID=199505.
• State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training). (2018). Literacy Teaching Toolkit video: Gesture and joint attention. Retrieved from https://www.education.vic.gov.au/childhood/professionals/learning/ecliteracy/videos/Pages/gesture.aspx
• State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training). (2019). Conversation and social skills. Retrieved from https://www.education.vic.gov.au/childhood/professionals/learning/ecliteracy/interactingwithothers/Pages/conversationandsocialskills.aspx
• Week 4
• Community Child Care Co-operative Ltd. (2015). Early years learning framework practice based resources – Developmental milestones. Retrieved from https://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/05_2015/developmental-milestones.pdf
• Kennedy, A. (2012). What have theories got to do with it? EYLLFPLP eNewsletter. Retrieved from https://www.acecqa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-12/WhatHaveTheoriesGotToDoWithIt.PDF
• Khan Academy. (2017). Theories of the early stages of language acquisition. Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/processing-the-environment/language/a/theories-of-the-early-stages-of-language-acquisition
• khanacademymedicine. (2013, September 17).Theories of language development: Nativist, learning, interactionist | MCAT | Khan Academy . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRGwdfQV8kU
• Week 5
• BBC Radio 4. (2015, January 22). Noam Chomsky on language aquisition . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cgpfw4z8cw#action=share
• Berk, L. E. (2014). Development through the lifespan (7th ed.). Hoboken: Pearson Education.
• Elwood, B. (2012, November 10). Behaviorism: A theory of language development . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7uLApXDRdM
• Ferjan-Ramirez, N., & Kuhl, P. (2017). Bilingual baby: Foreign language intervention in madrid’s infant education centers. Mind, brain and education, 11:3, 133-143.
• khanacademymedicine. (2013, September 17). Theories of language and cognition | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=RgvmKfvCwps
• khanacademymedicine. (2014, February 25). Vygotsky sociocultural development | Individuals and Society | MCAT | Khan Academy . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p_-0n2f35o
• Kuhl, P. (2010). Brain mechanisms in early language acquisition. Neuron, 67:5, 713-727.
• Roy, B.C., Frank, M.C., DeCapm, P., Miller, M., & Deb, R. (2015). Predicting the birth of a spoken word. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112:41, 12663-12668.
• Voegel, D. (2015, January 22). Maturationist theory . Retrieved from https://prezi.com/4wiyrc9l55fb/maturationist-theory/#
• Zhao, T. C., & Kuhl, P.K. (2016). Musical intervention enhances infants’ neural processing of temporal structure in music and speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113:19, 5212-5217.
• Images
• Socialcultural theory of cognitive development [Image]. (2014). Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/Cogpsychteacher/lb-wk-9
• Criteria
• No Pass
• Pass
• Credit
• Distinction
• High Distinction
80–100% (The bold writing indicates the marking)
• The depth and relevance of the descriptions and discussions.
• (40%)
• Did not meet the criterion.
• The descriptions and discussions that were presented demonstrate a developing awareness of children’s oral language development.
• There was at least one theoretical perspective was identified and described accurately.
• Statements and/or discussion points were supported by references made to a limited number of scholarly sources and other relevant sources.
• The attributes of the previous criterion were met.
• In addition, there were two theoretical perspectives that were adequately described and linked to the discussions.
• Also, there was an added depth in the discussion of the roles that nature and nurture play in children’s oral language development.
• Statements and/or discussion points were supported by references made to a range of scholarly sources and other relevant sources.
• The attributes of the previous criteria were met.
• In addition, the descriptions and discussions were logically and cohesively presented thus demonstrating its depth and relevance to the roles that nature and nurture play in children’s oral language development.
• The theoretical perspectives, statements and discussion points were informed by references made to a wide range of scholarly sources and other relevant sources.
• The attributes of the previous criteria were met.
• In addition, the essay demonstrates attributes of critical reading (such as analysis and interpretation), and critical thinking (such as depth, breadth) of your own and others’ ideas through the description and discussion of children’s language development.
• The theoretical perspectives, statements and discussion points were well informed by a high engagement with a wide range of scholarly sources and other relevant sources.
• Written structure and expression.
• (40%)
• Did not meet the criterion.
• The essay has a rudimentary structure: an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction identifies the purpose of your essay.
• The body of the essay allows for the loose development of ideas.
• The conclusion sums up the discussion without introducing any new information.
• A well-reasoned discussion is logically structured. Each paragraph contains one idea.
• The progression and development of ideas are evident and each supports the overall discussion of the topic.
• A cohesive and persuasive discussion is presented, using evidence from a wide range of appropriate scholarly and professional literature to explicitly support the points made.
• The essay demonstrates attributes of critical reading, critical analysis and the insightful synthesis of you own stance through the way the argument is structured across the essay.
• Each point connects to and builds on the last ensuring that the overall thesis is clearly elaborated.
• The use of relevant conventions of English: spelling, punctuation, grammar and
• (10%)
• Did not meet the criterion.
• Errors in the use of relevant conventions of English are prevalent; however, they do not detract substantially from the communication of ideas.
• There are some errors in the use of relevant conventions of English; however, they do not detract from the communication of ideas.
• There are minor errors in the use of relevant conventions of English; however, they do not detract from the overall good quality of the submission, or from the meaning communicated.
• Thorough proofreading and editing are evident in the adherence to the relevant conventions of English as shown in the work submitted.
• In addition, there is a high degree of structure and formality that is maintained throughout the work submitted.
• Therefore, there were no errors in the relevant English conventions that were found.
• The correct use of APA referencing style.
• (10%)
• Did not meet the criterion.
• The original work and others’ ideas have been cited; however, the incorrect use of APA referencing conventions was prevalent.
• The original work and others’ ideas have been cited; however, with some incorrect APA referencing conventions.
• The original work and others’ ideas have been cited; however, with minor errors APA referencing conventions.
• The original work and others’ ideas have been cited with accurate use of APA referencing conventions.
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