In this introduction paragraph, you will make mention of the peer questions you received (see Appendix X). After reviewing each of your peer questions, write at least two paragraphs on
In this introduction paragraph, you will make mention of the peer questions you received (see Appendix X). After reviewing each of your peer questions, write at least two paragraphs on what you learned from these questions. For example, did you find any common themes of the questions, do you feel some of the questions can help you with Part 9 of the SRP, such as recommendations, future research, and/or would have given you insight of your previous research.
I also need each question answered
1. How would you begin the strategic involvement piece?
2. Targets play an important role in moving forward as well. How many specific targets do you plan to set in a years’ time and how will you go about completing these targets?
3. Knowing your audience is a factor in the world of business. It is important that one connects and relates to the audience. In reviewing your presentation, it seems that your school run like a business. Understanding the needs of the customers is one of the essential pieces to be successful. How would you cater and motivate your audience? Would you have themes? If so why?
4. Is there funding at the district and/or state level to support these programs? Then you can use your community relations for motivational tools.
5. Does data exist to help launch the need for this program on the funding end? The data is essential to share the concern with all stakeholders of the need for and importance of the welfare of the students?
6. 6. Where is the communication breakdown? On the sending/sharing side? Or receiving?
7. Does the state education department intervene, in other forms other than money, when there is a consistency in low test scores? In New Jersey, mentorship programs and professional development are required when a school district’s test scores are consistently low.
8. Do you foresee any challenges in the recruitment of mentors? Especially when they need to be properly trained and well matched to students.
9. Could the school district partnership with a local college to attract mentors for students and potentially gain future teachers for the district?
10. Does leadership and faculty enforce high expectations for student achievement?
11. Are there state and/or local programs and incentives to get committed faculty?
12. Are community leaders (policy makers) part of the stakeholders?
13. You choose strategy 2, which did not have the parental component of strategy 1. Can you marry the parental component of strategy 1 into 2?
14. Mentors and tutors need training, as you pointed out. How do you plan to fund this training on an ongoing basis?
15. Is there a model for mentoring and tutoring programs from other comparable districts that can serve as a template for your strategy?
16. . Will the mentoring & tutoring program take place after school or is there specific time set aside in the daily schedule to allow for it during the regular school day?
17. Are there available funds to provide bus transportation for students attending program during the afterschool hours?
18. Who will be responsible for creating and administering the Assessment of Needs & Goal Setting prior to students being paired with Mentors?
19. . How can the collaborative process establish and implement a mentorship program?
20. High student engagement being one of the strengths within the research, are students able to assess their own level of engagement in class?
21. How can embedding relationship- building content in tutoring improve student’s outcomes?
Shawneequa Beal
A Strategic Research Project Submitted to the
Abraham S. Fischler College of Education
and School of Criminal Justice in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Doctor of Education
Nova Southeastern University
Approval Page
This strategic research project was submitted by Shawneequa Beal under the direction of the persons listed below. It was submitted to the Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education at Nova Southeastern University.
Gina Peyton, EdD
ESRP 9000 Faculty Member
Gina Peyton, EdD or PhD
ESRP 9001 Faculty Member
Kimberly Durham, PsyD
Statement of Original Work
I declare the following:
I have read the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility as described in the Student Handbook of Nova Southeastern University. This Strategic Research Project represents my original work, except where I have acknowledged the ideas, words, or material of other authors.
Where another author’s ideas have been presented in this Strategic Research Project, I have acknowledged the author’s ideas by citing them in the required style.
Where another author’s words have been presented in this Strategic Research Project, I have acknowledged the author’s words by using appropriate quotation devices and citations in the required style.
I have obtained permission from the author or publisher—in accordance with the required guidelines—to include any copyrighted material (e.g., tables, figures, survey instruments, large portions of text) in this Strategic Research Project manuscript.
Executive Summary
Effective Parental Engagement Through Mentoring and Tutoring Programs to Increase Academic Achievement in an Elementary School. Shawneequa V. Beal, 2023: Strategic Research Project, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice.
Keywords: strategic research proposal, George H. Oliver Elementary School, education, challenges, opportunities, analysis, recommendations, academic achievement, mentoring, tutoring, parental involvement, professional development, student outcomes, school-community relationship, continuous improvement, evidence-based decision-making, stakeholder engagement, positive change, learning environment, student engagement, school performance, training, support, diverse needs, collaboration, community psychology, education finance, policy.
The purpose of this Strategic Research Proposal (SRP) is to address the organizational management gaps and challenges faced by George H. Oliver Elementary School (GHO) and propose a comprehensive solution to improve student outcomes and overall school performance. The problem identified in the SRP is the lack of financial resources, limited professional development opportunities for teachers, and the resulting negative impact on equity, student progress, and test scores. The chosen solution is to implement mentoring and tutoring programs, which aim to enhance academic achievement, personal development, and career readiness among students. With a high attractiveness score and various benefits, this strategy shows potential in addressing challenges such as inadequate study skills, low motivation, and socioeconomic disadvantages. The program will provide students with guidance and support from experienced mentors and tutors, facilitating enriched learning experiences beyond the traditional classroom setting.
The action plan for the implementation of mentoring and tutoring programs includes key steps. A needs assessment and goal-setting process will be conducted to identify specific areas requiring mentorship and establish measurable goals. Recruitment and training will ensure the selection of qualified mentors and tutors equipped with necessary skills. The matching process will pair mentors and tutors with learners based on individual needs. Implementation and monitoring will track progress and provide ongoing support. Evaluation and improvement steps will assess program effectiveness and allow for adjustments. In conclusion, implementing mentoring and tutoring programs offers significant potential to address the challenges faced by GHO. The action plan provides a roadmap for successful program implementation. Stakeholder engagement, resource allocation, and continuous evaluation are crucial for program effectiveness and sustainability. Through this initiative, GHO aims to create positive change, improve student outcomes, and foster a supportive educational environment.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Critical Analysis 1
Researcher’s Role 1
Description of the Setting 2
Organizational Background and History 4
The Mission Statement 4
The Vision Statement 5
The Value Statement 6
Organizational Reputation and Sustainability 7
Relevant Terms 8
Identify Potential Gaps or Areas for Growth 8
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) 10
Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) 23
External Factor Evaluation (EFE) 28
Part 2: Define the Problem 31
Synthesis of Literature Related to the Problem 33
Research Methods 37
Pertinent Models, Frameworks, or Theories 38
Summary of Findings 39
Statement of the Problem 40
Description of the Context of the Problem 41
Scope and Significance of the Problem 41
Rationale for Investigating the Problem 42
Well-Defined Problem Statement 42
Part 3: Research Possible Solutions 44
Possible Solutions 44
Possible Solution One: Increase Access to Technology for Low-Income
Students 44
Possible Solution Two: Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care
Training for Teachers 49
Possible Solution Three: Introduce a Parental Involvement Program 55
Possible Solution Four: Implementation of School-Based Health
Centers 59
Part 4: Select a Solution 64
Overview of the Four Solutions 65
Advantages (Pros) and Disadvantages (Cons) of Solutions 65
Solution One: Increase Access to Technology for Low-Income
Students 66
Solution Two: Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care Training for
Teachers 67
Solution Three: Introduce a Parental Involvement Program 68
Solution Four: Implementation of School-Based Health Centers 69
Discussion of Barriers 70
Solution One: Increase Access to Technology for Low-Income
Students 70
Solution Two: Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care Training for
Teachers 71
Solution Three: Introduce a Parental Involvement Program 71
Solution Four: Implementation of School-Based Health Centers 72
Summary of Rationale for Selected Solution 72
Part 5: Strategies to Accomplish the Selected Solution 73
Strategy One: Increasing Parental Involvement Programs 73
Synthesis of Literature Related to Strategy One 73
Strategy Two: Implementing Mentoring and Tutoring Programs 74
Synthesis of Literature Related to Strategy Two 75
Part 6: Evaluation of the Strategies 76
Quantitative Strategic Plan Matrix 76
Evaluation of Internal Factor Evaluation 78
Discussion of Internal Factors That Influence the Plan 78
Evaluation of External Factor Evaluation 81
Discussion of External Factors That Influence the Plan 81
First Alternative Attractiveness Score and Benefit for the Organization 84
Second Alternative Attractiveness Score and Benefit for the Organization 84
Summary of Most Important Strategy 85
Part 7: Development of an Action Plan 86
Action Steps 87
Timeline 90
Roles and Responsibilities 90
Resources 91
Organizational Support 92
Barriers or Resistance 92
Evaluation 93
Reflection on the Overall Experience 93
Part 8: Audio-Visual Presentation of SRP
Narrative of Electronic Presentation
Peer Review Questions
Oral Defense of the SRP
Narrative Defense of Selected Questions
Part 9: Conclusion
Final Conclusions
References 98
A Mission Statement 121
B Vision Statement 123
C Value Statement 125
D Action Plan Timeline 127
E Title in Initial Caps and Lower Case
1 Strengths 13
2 Weaknesses 16
3 Opportunities 20
4 Threats 22
5 Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix 24
6 Four Strengths and Four Weaknesses Factors 27
7 External Factor Evaluation Matrix 29
8 Four Opportunities and Four Threats Factors 32
9 Quantitative Strategic Plan Matrix: Internal Factor Strengths and
Weaknesses 79
10 Quantitative Strategic Plan Matrix: Internal Factor Opportunities and
Threats 82
11 Total Attractiveness Scores Across Analyses and Strategies 86
Part 1: Critical Analysis
Researcher’s Role
A person who conducts in-depth study on a subject to gain greater knowledge about that subject is called a researcher. A good researcher needs to be many things to many people. Research is very important in education. Education research can play a vital role in policy making and learning programs. There is no one set of duties that a researcher is expected to fulfill across all academic disciplines or professional domains. Researchers in the medical field may utilize clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of a novel treatment, whereas social scientists may use questionnaires and in-person interviews to gain a better understanding of how people behave (Aspers & Corte, 2019).
Through the processes of data gathering, analysis, and interpretation, the role of a researcher is to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in their respective discipline. Researchers acquire data through a variety of methods, some of which include controlled experiments, surveys, interviews, and direct observation (Bakker, 2018). Direct observation is another method. They first do statistical analysis on the data to derive conclusions, and then they interpret the findings of that study. They present their findings at conferences and publish them in academic journals and papers to share their findings with others and advance the field.
I am the former principal of George H. Oliver Elementary School (GHO). I was a teacher for 14 years before I moved into administration. I was a high school principal for 4 years before I became an elementary principal. I served as principal of GHO for 4 years before I decided to return to being a high school principal. It was my role and responsibility to serve as the instructional leader of the school. As principal, it was also my responsibility to conduct informal and formal observations of teachers using the Mississippi Professional Growth Rubric. School administrators are required to be trained by the Mississippi Department of Education to give teachers ratings during observation (Mississippi Department of Education, 2022). I also worked with teachers to set learning goals based on the state approved curriculum.
As the leader of the school, I had to build partnerships with community stakeholders so that the whole child could be educated. I was also responsible for developing and implementing a school improvement plan. In my capacity, I served as support for new teachers and served on the district’s disciplinary committee. It was also my responsibility to manage the George H. Oliver district and federal budget. I had to ensure that federal money was spent according to the needs of the school. Finally, as principal, it was my responsibility to improve the culture of the school by boosting teacher morale, decreasing the amount of discipline problems, and increasing attendance.
Description of the Setting
GHO is in Clarksdale, Mississippi, which is in the heart of the Mississippi Delta region. GHO is in the Brickyard neighborhood, an area of the city plagued by violence and crime. GHO inherits all the social ills associated with these tumultuous community environments. GHO is one of the Clarksdale Municipal School District’s four elementary magnet schools serving students in prekindergarten through Grade 4. Currently, GHO serves approximately 350 students, which represents an enrollment increase due to the closure of one of the district’s elementary schools in 2016. Students from the closed elementary school were divided among the four remaining schools. Almost all of students at GHO come from low-income families, and 100% of the students at GHO receive free meals through the district's participation in the Community Eligibility Provision Program. Approximately 99% of the students at GHO are African American (George H. Oliver, 2021).
GHO is a themed, magnet school targeting the Visual and Performing Arts to enhance the curriculum. In addition to the core subjects, students can participate in music classes including keyboarding and choral music. The staff is comprised of approximately 30 employees, consisting of one administrator; one secretary; one part-time counselor who comes two times a week; 15 full-time certified staff members, consisting of one prekindergarten teacher, one part-time music teacher, one part-time physical education teacher, one part-time librarian; and nine non-certified staff members. Staff turnover at GHO has been a tremendous challenge. Over the last 4 years, there have been three different school principals, and approximately 40% of the current teachers have less than 4 years of teaching experience. About 15% of the teachers hold an emergency or provisional license.
The district leadership includes a superintendent, assistant superintendent, chief executive officer, and business manager. The district also has several departments in the organizational structure which include the special education, transportation, maintenance, human resource, and food service departments. The various departments ensure that schools are provided with the supports they need. An important part of the district is the federal programs departments. Funds are received from the federal government to ensure equity for all the students in the Clarksdale Municipal School District. Federal funding makes up a majority of the district budget (Clarksdale Municipal School District, 2023).
Organizational Background and History
Established in 1962 in Clarksdale, Mississippi, GHO is one of four elementary schools in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Clarksdale Municipal School Board wanted to establish an elementary school in an area where it was easily accessible by the African American population. The goals of GHO are to improve student achievement, build teacher capacity, and increase student attendance (George H. Oliver, 2021). GHO increased its accountability rating with the state department of education from an F to a D in 2018. The school received recognition from the Mississippi Department of Education (Mississippi Department of Education 2018). GHO has had three principals and high traditional high teacher turnover. From 2019 to 2021, the teacher turnover rate was low because the school was able to keep the same principal for 4 years.
In 2018, the school was a comprehensive support and improvement school because of the F rating on accountability. The school was able to raise the accountability level by eighty-seven points to become a D school on accountability (Mississippi Department of Education 2018). Factors that contributed to the improvement was improved school culture, teacher retention, and improved attendance. One of the most importance factors in helping to transform the school was increase in teacher morale. GHO continues to struggle with socioeconomic issues that prevent academic achievement from being the main focus.
The Mission Statement
The elementary school's mission is to provide an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary curriculum that prepares students for increased understanding, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. In addition, the school aspires to contribute to developing a positive school environment where students are nurtured as healthy individuals who can become active participants in society. The mission statement (see Appendix A) is concise, focused on what drives the school, and includes who it is, what the school does, and why things are being doing a certain way (Alegre et al., 2018). It also sets out how these goals are achieved. It should guide the organization whom they want to serve and what it wants to be. The given mission statement consists of the name of the school (George H. Oliver Elementary School), high-quality learning, and a unique distinguishing factor that makes the school stand out: teamwork of parents and qualified staff. The statement outlines what the school is striving to accomplish. It describes student life, parent involvement, and community relations. The statement also highlights the organization's future target, ensuring that students are responsible citizens in the future. An essential part to add would be the school's innovations. Moreover, long-term goals inclusion would make the statement a success.
The Vision Statement
The future is now! The faculty and staff believe a great school starts with a deep understanding of each student's needs and the communities surrounding our schools. This is a shared belief and the faculty and staff are passionate about developing strong leaders who can serve their students, communities, and the world in the ways they want to. The school will provide many opportunities for students to develop skills in areas such as reading, writing, math, and science, as well as other areas which give them a strong foundation for success. Each student will graduate from elementary school with a quality education, knowledge of navigating the world surrounding them, and the motivation needed to achieve their personal goals. The statement encompasses a completely objective or goals the school can and will achieve (Allen et al., 2018).
The vision statement also contains something simple to remember, concise, and intellectual (Sulastri et al., 2021). It clarifies goals, defines values, and communicates how people are motivated. This should define what the organization wants to become in the long run and its target position. The vision statement for GHO (see Appendix B) has been expressed positively, where the institution strives to utilize its high-quality learning experiences to provide superior education to every child. Although the statement is short and complete, I would add details on learning technologies to support learners in becoming productive global citizens
The Value Statement
The school emphasizes the importance of respect, responsibility, integrity, excellence, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. These values will be expressed in a way that speaks to the school’s commitment to helping the students reach their fullest potential. This statement is clear, concise, and straightforward (Gurley et al., 2021). This provides clarity for teachers, classmates, administrators, and parents (Vermont Primary School, 2022). The statement is neither too long or nor complex to read that easier to comprehend it. The value statement (see Appendix C) is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It has been written in a way that is accessible and easily understood by students, staff, and the wider community. Also, it is reflective of the school's culture and values, and it is aspiring and inspiring while reflecting the school's goals and objectives. It is the foundation that sets the school's tone and establishes the values, principles, and beliefs that the school stands for and will strive to uphold. It is important to clearly articulate the school's values to create an environment conducive to learning, growth, and success.
Organizational Reputation and Sustainability
Reputation. GHO in Clarksdale, Mississippi, has a poor reputation based on test scores, student progress, and equity. The test scores at this school fall far below the state average, which indicates that most students need to perform as expected at grade level (U.S. News and World Report, 2019a). The student progress is also slow and poor annually compared to similar students in the state (U.S. News and World Report, 2019b). In addition to low test scores, most students in this school have earned low points and fall behind their peers in terms of their academic progress. The highest percentage involves underserved students from low-income families, which leaves them at an economic disadvantage that create a significant achievement gap (U.S. News and World Report, 2019a). This vulnerability makes most students fall behind other students in the state. Based on enrollment and student demographics, 98% of the students are Black and 2% of the students are White (Mississippi Department of Education (2023). Overall, this imbalance creates a negative perspective that results in a negative reputation for the school.
Sustainability. GHO lacks sustainability due to an absence of capacity building of professional teacher, lack of financial resources, and short-term pressure for higher academic performance. Nonetheless, there is an opportunity for the school to improve its organizational sustainability. For example, the school can use the student support and academic enrichment grant to increase its capacity to establish a pool of professional teachers (Mississippi Department of Education, 2023). The grant can also help the school to provide all the students with access to a well-rounded education, improve the use of technology and improve school conditions for student learning resulting in improved academic achievement (Mississippi Department of Education, 2023). It can further use Section 4101, Section 4106(d), Section 4110, and Section 4109(b) of Article IV to establish student support and academic enrichment programs that ensure the school's substantiality in short and long term.
Relevant Terms
Academic Achievement refers to a student’s learning outcome of a school’s curriculum (Tian, 2018).
At-Risk Student is defined as a student who is likely to perform poorly in school (Fazul, 2022).
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