Courses Guides: NUR 4636L Syllabus
Community Health Nursing Practicum
Course Description
This course focuses on the clinical application of Community Health Nursing Theory. Students will utilize the nursing process in the delivery of healthcare within the community environment. Students will assess the individual, family, and community, develop a plan of care, and deliver care to an individual, family and community within a multicultural environment. Minimum grade of “C” or better required. Co-requisite: NUR 4636. (144 hr. Practicum) Hours to be split evenly between simulation (Sentinel City) and Clinical practice.
Course Competencies: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply historical and theoretical concepts to community health nursing practice by:
a. Identifying nurse established community health models in a global society.
b. Relating public health concepts to the practice and delivery of healthcare in the community.
c. Transferring the theoretical role of the professional nurse to the community setting.
2. Focus on the relationships between theory, evidence-based practice, and education as
they relate to community health nursing in a global community by:
a. Examining epidemiological concepts as they relate to global health.
b. Justifying the nurse’s role as an educator, counselor, advocate and change agent in the community.
c. Applying evidence-based principles relating to community health nursing.
3. Transfer theoretical concepts of ethnicity and culture in the provision of nursing care in the community setting by:
a. Assessing cultural differences by utilizing existing tools.
b. Documenting assessment findings.
c. Utilizing assessment findings while providing culturally competent care.
d. Evaluating the plan of care for effectiveness in a selected population.
4. Transfer concepts of community assessment, planning, education while promoting health
and cultivating empowerment by:
a. Negotiating with community leaders to empower selected underserved groups in the community.
b. Educating the consumer on using available community resources.
c. Assisting the consumer to navigate through the health care system.
5. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population based health
care services by:
a. Locating existing health promotion programs within a selected community.
b. Comparing disease processes and conditions occurring in underserved populations as specified by Healthy People 2030 indicators.
c. Examining the effectiveness of existing programs in meeting the Healthy People 2030 initiatives.
Collegewide Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of a program of study at the Medical Campus, graduates from Miami Dade College should emulate these outcomes. Participants in the community health practicum will incorporate all 10 of these outcomes in their experiences while in this course.
1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.
3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.
4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives.
6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities.
7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment.
*We will address learning outcomes #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, and #10 in this course.
Required Textbooks:
Rector, C. & Stanley, M.J (2022). Community and public health nursing: Promoting the public’s health. (10th ed). ISBN-978-1-975123-04-8
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American
psychological association (7th ed).
Required Website :
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy people 2030:
Understanding and improving health. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. See website for your specific population info.
Recommended Textbooks:
Anderson, E. T. & McFarlane, J. (2008). Community as partner: Theory and practice in
nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters-Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Friis, R. H. & Sellers, T. A. (2009). Epidemiology for public health practice (4th ed.).
Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett.
Lowstein, A. J., Foord-May, L. & Romano, J.C. (2009). Teaching strategies for health
education and health promotion: Working with patients, families, and communities.
Sudbury, Massacusetts: Jones and Bartlett.
*Note: Recommended texts are on reserve in the Miami Dade College Medical
Campus 2nd floor library.
Course Requirements
1. Develop personal learning objectives for the community practicum experience.
2. Participate in assigned clinical practicum to complete hour requirements in full.
3. Written clinical reflective journals of community experiences adhere to course calendar with topics for journal. (See Practicum Professor for further information or directions).
4. Develop and present a teaching project (s). Cite at least 4-6 relevant EBP journal articles as references.
5. Complete all evaluative documentation, including the Midterm and Final self-evaluation.
6. Reflect on how the courses activities impacted your view of the role of the professional nurse in primary/community setting.
Grading Criteria:
Assignment Percentage
Clinical Reflection Journal Entries x 3
15% (5% each)
Goals and Objectives of Teaching Project
Community Health Teaching project – Outline/Plan
Community Health Teaching project (Presentation)
Midterm Clinical evaluation
Final Clinical evaluation
Reflection Paper
Scale Grading:
93-100% A
85-92% B
77-84% C
69-76% D
Below 69% F
In order to progress, students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in every nursing course required this semester.
Clinical Calendar
Proposed Guideline for Activities/ Discussions or Reading Assignments
Mandatory Orientation
(2 hours orientation for Sentinel City.
(8 hours Simulation-Home Safety Assessment)
(Clinical Practicum experience)
Overview of Course requirements. Review of course syllabus.
Orientation to Sentinel City – student to be enrolled at the end of the day. With each sentinel city assignment, the student is to complete the pre-brief questions. (2 hrs.)
Orientation to clinical site. (8 hrs.)
Students must complete:
Clinical Reflection Journal #1
Sentinel City assignment #1 on Home Safety assessment and Family Assessment. (Total 8 hrs.)
Clinical Practicum
(12 hours Simulation-Windshield assessment)
(Clinical experience)
Students must complete:
Goals and Objectives for the Teaching project (10%)
Sentinel City assignment #2 on Public-Community Health Assignment: Urban Windshield Survey
Sentinel City assignment #3 on Pandemic Response and ABC Day Care Emergency Scenario
Clinical Practicum
(10 hours Simulation-Pandemic Response & ABC Day Care Emergency)
(Clinical experience)
Students must complete:
Community Health Teaching Project Outline (25%)
Sentinel City assignment #4
Mid-Term Evaluations (5%)
The students may present any week after outline is approved by faculty.
Clinical Practicum
(10 hours Simulation)
(Clinical experience)
Students must complete:
Clinical Reflection Journal #2 (5%)
Sentinel City assignment # 5
*Community Teaching Presentations (30%)
The students may present any week after the outline is approved by faculty.
Clinical Practicum
(10 hours Simulation)
(Clinical experience)
Student must complete:
Clinical Reflection Journal #3 (5%)
Sentinel City assignment # 6
*Community Teaching Presentations (30%)
The students may present any week after the outline is approved by faculty.
Clinical Practicum
(10 hours Simulation)
(Clinical experience)
Course Wrap-up
Student must complete:
*Community Teaching Presentations (30%)
The students may present any week after the outline is approved by faculty.
Reflection Paper due (10%)
Final Evaluations (5%)
Topic Selections for Teaching Projects/Presentations-Suggestions:
Please, refer to the following documents to identify a possible topic for the Teaching projects/presentations .
1. See Healthy People 2030 list of related federal government priority problems to be remedied for your age group.
2. See the JCAHO list of Safety Problems for this year.
3. Speak with your professor and determine Quality Improvement Projects available, Incident Reports for the last year.
4. Do a needs survey of your classmates to determine their perception of what they want to learn?
Note: Your professor must approve all teaching topics prior to initiating a topic development/presentation.
The following is a list of suggested special projects/activities:
1. Poster.
2. Games.
3. Bulletin boards.
4. Videos.
5. Flyers.
Students may collaborate on a teaching & learning project. Approval of any joint project will be at the discretion of your clinical instructor. However, each student must submit their own evidence of active participation in the preparation, delivery, and evaluation of the project. To get credit, students must be present on the day of the presentation.
The presentation will evaluate on creativity, achievement of learning objectives, organization, evaluation, and adherence to the time frame allowed by your professor.
Guidelines for Clinical Assignments
Assignments – All written assignments for the course will be submitted and graded by your clinical instructor. All written documents must be typed double-spaced, in 12-point, New Times Roman font using APA format. Four to six (4-6) evidenced-based references must be included in teaching projects or as per your professor’s RUBRIC.
Goal and Objectives
To develop the Goals and Objectives for the Community Teaching project follows the following steps:
1. The goal or aim of your project is a broad statement of what you want to achieve.
2. Analyze the problem or the issue.
3. Find out what is causing concern and break the issue down into its components “Patients with Diabetes.”
4. Identified the Stakeholders (‘key players’ or main stakeholders and invite them to be part of the project) “Talk to the Diabetes educator.”
5. Know your target group (a group, for example, adolescents with Type I DM)
6. Understand the characteristics of your target group “recently diagnosed diabetes patient” “pre-menopausal women at risk for diabetes.”
7. Determine the result you want from your community education project. Define this in terms of a goal, educational objectives, and desired outcomes.
Example: My goal this semester is to develop an educational project to assist newly diagnosed diabetic patients in managing their nutrition and glucose monitoring.”
Define your educational objectives in terms of the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and practices you want the target group to adopt to achieve the goal.
Educational objectives:
At the end of the project, participants will:
1. verbalize increased knowledge and understanding of the diabetes disease process.
2. be able to identify the signs and symptoms of hyper and hypoglycemia.
3. be able to identify solutions to the environmental impacts.
4. develop an appreciation for glycemic diet and the importance of monitoring blood glucose.
5. use of the American Diabetes Association guidelines for blood glucose control.
Design your educational project (based on evidence)
1. Make an action plan and implement it.
2. Evaluate the objectives by testing or surveying the knowledge and attitudes of the participants concerning the purposes.
Consider This:
1. Specific: Clearly state the issue, the target group, the time and place of the activity.
2. Measurable: Be clear in the objective of what will be changed and by how much. Setting this clearly at the start makes it easier to evaluate: Example of a measurable goal “within the next six weeks, I will develop a health literacy program for at-risk of amputation diabetic patients in the community. I will survey at the end of the program, 80% of participants will answer at least five questions correctly in the survey.”
3. Achievable: Be realistic about what the project achieves in terms of the scale/scope of what is being done, time, and resources available.
4. Relevant: Objectives need to relate to and be relevant to the goals. Remember objectives are the building blocks/steps toward meeting the goals
5. Time Specific: Be clear in the objectives about the timeframe in which the program/activities, as well as expected changes, will take place
Remember that the rest of the course will be used to accomplish your goal by having a clear goal.
1. Goal statements “identify” the specific target group and provide the “what” information as distinct from the “how” the goal will be achieved or when it will come about.
2. Objectives are the building blocks or steps towards achieving a program’s goals. Objectives are specific and concise statements that state who will make what change, by how much, where, and by when.
Identifies the target group
States the result (change)
Specifies the degree of change in measurable terms (degree)
Identifies when the will happen (time)
Clinical Journals-Students are required to maintain a written journal of their activities within the clinical area and should also include what simulation module you completed for that week. Follow the calendar for topic.
Please follow the calendar for weekly topic. Each journal is unique, and the purpose is to critically think about issues that are pivotal in the role of the community health nurse. Reflections must demonstrate a high degree of critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and relevant connections are made through contextual explanations, inferences, and examples. Thoughtfulness is demonstrated by conveying strong evidence of reflection on own work with a personal response to the self-assessment questions posed. Demonstrates significant personal growth and awareness of deeper meaning through inferences made examples, well developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions and challenges. Synthesizes current experience into future implications.
1 %
3 %
5 %
Rudimentary and superficial. No analysis or insight is displayed.
Substantial information (describes) but lacks either the insight or analysis.
Rich in content. Full of thought, insight, and analysis.
The following is a list from which a topic may be selected for your presentation(s). These are only suggestions; you may have another area that you may want to explore; these presentations will be done at the clinical site (confirm with clinical professor for evaluation method):
· Global society
· Cultural competence
· Health promotion-exercise, nutrition, disease prevention, immunizations, wellness, fitness, Breast & cervical cancer screening; mental health
· Environmental safety
· Community empowerment
· Care of families
· Care of populations-health disparities
· Child and adolescent needs
· Health needs of men or women-sexual and reproductive health
· Health needs of older adults
· Meeting the needs of the homeless
· Home care
· School client care
· Work setting client care
· Correctional client care
· Communicable diseases-TB, STD’s, HIV/AIDS
· Substance Abuse-Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.
· Mental Health client needs
· Societal violence
· Physical health problems
· Urban and rural care
· Disaster care
· Community resources
Community Health Teaching Project Outline
(this could be a written paper or PowerPoint presentation- all questions are to be answered)
After you have done the goal and objectives for the teaching project. The next step is to outline a Community Health Plan and Health Education Lesson Plan for his/her community and implement this in his/her community.
Students will use the following steps below to complete your teaching project:
1. Assessment: Assess a targeted population in your community to see what needs to exist. This is done by researching health data for your population. Make sure you select and define your community by noting the history of your community.
2. Capture a picture of your selected community. What are the vital statistics of your community? Think about socioeconomic statistics. What illnesses or diseases are present in your community? Do citizens in your community have easy access to primary care? What are the most prevalent health problems in your community?
3. Formulate a community health nursing diagnosis related to this health need, based on this data, what are the strengths and needs of your community?
4. Plan community intervention. Ask yourself if this will have a positive health impact in the designated population? How do you know?
5. Implementation. Create an educational presentation that will address the most important needs of your population. The presentation must be arranged with your instructor. The instructor will attend your presentation virtually or in person.
6. Evaluation: How would you evaluate your intervention.
Examples for the project: Health screening, health education, getting a sidewalk or gym or rec. center built, provide car seats for children in poverty areas, design and after-school-program for at risk students, provide training to inmates or correctional facility staff on infection control, organize a home visitation for at-risk teen moms, teaching nutritional cooking to moms receiving WIC, intervene in a communicable disease outbreak situation, develop a disaster plan, STD/HIV reduction rate program in a specific population, increase immunization rates in school-age children, Safety (texting while driving)(car seats)(firearm)(summer), depression screening of college students, assessing client satisfaction with public health services, obesity prevention, nutrition programs, physical fitness programs, marketing prenatal care, CHIP (community health improvement plan), teaching parents alternative discipline methods, tobacco cessation, etc.
Rating Criteria
Good 10 points
Proficient 15 points
Distinguished 20 points
How the selected population demonstrates they have deficient knowledge regarding the topic.
Performs needs assessment. Establishes barriers to successful learning.
Performs needs assessment. Partially identifies special needs. Partially determines learning style. Identifies barriers to successful learning.
Performs needs assessment. Identify special needs. Determines preferred learning style. Establishes readiness to learn.
What is the problem or needs of the selected population
Shows that the major problem is not identified.
The major problem is identified but analysis is not fully developed.
Analysis is fully develop. It shows with evidence the importance of the major identified issues.
Outcome identification
Always: the participant will
Goal for teaching is identified.
Goal for teaching is identified. Objectives are established.
Goal for teaching is identified with clear and measurable goals.
Project Method Rationale
How you will teach the population, rationale is scientific evidence that this information was taken from a reliable source and will explain why teaching this will help encourage understanding.
Determines method of presentation. Identify required materials.
Reflects on teaching needs of the patient. Identify where teaching will take place. Identify required materials.
Synthesizes patient needs and chosen method of presentation. Identify required materials. Identify where teaching will take place. Create positive learning environment. Formulate lesson/teaching plan supported by scientific rationale.
Planning Implementation
Specific Content: the material you will teach the group or population.
Identifies minimal teaching needs of the population
Identifies all possible teaching points. Considers most effective approach for the group.
Manages a positive learning environment. Lesson/teaching plan is supported by scientific rationale. Teaching is designed to achieve desired outcomes.
How the patient understood each part of the content. how you realized the group understood. (Example: group members verbalized understanding regarding )
Determines effectiveness of teaching plan.
Determines effectiveness of teaching plan with patient-centered focus.
Determines effectiveness of teaching plan with patient-centered focus. Revise plan as needed.
Presentation Materials
The presentation includes visual aids that are inappropriate, disorganized, and with very little appealing.
Visual tools are used but there are few and encourage minimal participation.
Visual tools are creative and encourage participation.
Oral Presentation
Minimal participation read the PowerPoint, monotonous. Lacks organization, does not encourage change. Appears insecure and conveys lack of caring.
The presenter speaks clearly but fails to use eyes contact or engagement.
Presenter is articulate and knowledgeable Presentation main points are clear and well developed, information is thoughtful, organized, and encourage the participant to contemplate behavioral changes.
Reflection Paper
The final paper will be a reflection of the student’s course participation and what was learned in the clinical setting, and the teaching project. Reflection papers are meant to summarize your impressions of a course in a few short pages (2 pages). They answer three basic questions: What, Why, and How. Most of the paper is aimed at explaining why what you have learned was important and valuable. Finally, the conclusion demonstrates how the course influenced you, as well as how you are going to use the material in the future.
In this final reflection paper, students are responsible for:
1. How were your personal learning objectives accomplished?
2. How did the course activities connect with the assignments done throughout the semester? Does it affirm, challenge, illustrate the concepts and strategies of community health nursing?
3. What is your personal definition of service learning and your role in the community?
4. What is your personal definition of behavioral change? Do you feel the service you provided as a community nurse brings some form of behavioral change and why?
5. Please post a photograph/picture along with a summary describing how the photo/picture relates to your clinical experience and learning. Focus on metaphors, feelings, and how the experience reminded you of a prior experience.
Grading rubric for Final Reflection
Needs Improvement
10 points
15 points
20 points
Response demonstrates a minimal reflection on, and personalization of, the concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are unsupported or supported with flawed arguments. Examples, when applicable, are not provided or are irrelevant to the assignment.
Response demonstrates a general reflection on, and personalization of, the concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are supported. Appropriate examples are provided, as applicable.
Response demonstrates an in-depth reflection on, and personalization of, the concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful and well supported. Clear, detailed examples are provided, as applicable.
Post a photograph that summarizes the experience.
Does not post a photograph.
Post a photograph but fails to discuss it meanings.
Post a photograph and explains fully the meaning of the learning.
Course/Departmental Policies
Communication: Official communication will be done using your Miami Dade College email account. Students must check their email daily to check for important notices and information sent. Students may also communicate with the professor using email or cell phone numbers as supplied by the professor.
Attendance Policy : Attendance is essential for completion of the course objectives. Notice must be given for any virtual meeting missed and communication to make up missed time is expected
Confidentiality: Students will adhere to the confidentiality laws that protect patients’ identities (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act: HIPAA).
Available Support Services
Access Services: “By providing a variety of services that address a spectrum of disabilities, the ACCESS department works to ensure equal access and opportunity throughout the college experience. Students with a documented disability are encouraged to contact the campus ACCESS (Disability Services) Department in advance for information on appropriate policies and procedures for obtaining assistance. Retroactive auxiliary aids and services cannot be provided. The ACCESS department is located in Building 1, Room 1113, and can be reached at (305) 237-4027. Please note, it is the student’s responsibility to self-identify at each campus where they are taking courses and seeking services.” Plagiarism Free Papers
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