This assignment is a follow-up to this PowerPoint ?post- (ATTACHED). ? Be sure to include citatio
This assignment is a follow-up to this PowerPoint post- (ATTACHED).
· Be sure to include citations in your response – course or outside materials may be used.
In 600 words
1. Provide a brief summary of your project and the integration of technology. Please include at least one in-text citation in your summary.
2. Share the vision of your project and the integration of your chosen technology.
3. Identify how you might minimize barriers and maximize the outcomes of your project
4. Include outside references (textbook or peer reviewed literature) in your response.
McBride and Tietze (2022)
∙ Chapter 11: EHR and Health Information Exchanges
∙ Chapter 13: Public Health Data
∙ Chapter 22: National Prevention Strategy, Population Health, and Health Information Technology
Additional resources
∙ Bachynsky, N. (2020). Implications for policy: The triple aim, quadruple aim, and interprofessional collaboration. ATTACHED
∙ Colicchio, T., Cimino, J., & Del Fiol, G. (2019). Unintended consequences of nationwide electronic health record adoption: challenges and opportunities in the post-meaningful use era Available at
Nurs Forum. 2020;55:54– | © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/nuf.12382
Implications for policy: The Triple Aim, Quadruple Aim, and interprofessional collaboration
Natalie Bachynsky PhD
East Texas Medical Center Crockett, Crockett
Medical Center Clinic, Crockett, Texas
Natalie Bachynsky, PhD, East Texas Medical
Center Crockett, Crockett Medical Center
Clinic, 1050 E. Loop 304, suite 200, Crockett,
Email: [email protected]
Healthcare delivery in the Unites States stimulates policy change at a rapid pace. The
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) is intended to expand
access to care and ultimately improve the health of Americans. The Triple Aim,
created by The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, delineates policy implications
for improving population health, the healthcare experience, and per capita cost. The
Quadruple Aim adds a fourth policy implication, for example, addressing the needs of
the healthcare provider. Advanced practice registered nurses are key in carrying out
the goals of the ACA and achieving the Triple and Quadruple Aims, via the formation
of interprofessional teams. This article offers insight into these policy implications
and identifies filters through which related nursing policy will be developed.
advanced practice, interprofessional education, policy/politics, quality improvement, social
determinants of care
Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) play an integral role in
the development of health policy for our nation. Fortunately, the
number of APRNs is growing rapidly and will continue to grow as the
demand for health promotion policy and interprofessional healthcare
services increases. In 2012, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
estimated that employment of APRNs would increase 31% by the
year 2022. By comparison, the average growth rate for all employ-
ment groups was only projected to be 11% by 2022.1 APRNs must be
prepared to develop policy that considers the implications of the
patient’s health care needs and psychosocial, environmental, and
financial resources. When APRNs have access to advanced treat-
ments and therapies for patients but high costs prevents them from
obtaining the most effective treatments, both the APRN and the
patient suffer negative outcomes.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) was founded in
1991 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by a team of forward‐thinking healthcare professionals focused on cultivating healthcare policy.
Policy implications demanded improved care for patients while
enhancing interprofessional processes that included APRNs, while
providing health care in a seamless manner. The initial IHI team, led
by Dr. Don Berwick, was committed to redesign the healthcare
system. Policy implications demanded that this system be free of
errors, waste, delay, and unsustainable costs.2 The IHI has evolved
from a small, grant‐funded organization focused on researching and
disseminating evidence‐based practices, to a self‐sustaining enter-
prise committed to leading policy initiatives on major factors that
transform healthcare delivery, that is, incorporate the patient’s
experience and cost of care.
In 2008, The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) created The
Triple Aim:
A framework for optimizing health system performance
by simultaneously focusing on the health of a popula-
tion, the experience of care for individuals within that
population, and the per capita cost of providing that
The mission of the IHI is to “improve health and health care
worldwide”.2 The Triple Aim model delineates the key elements
and policy implications that are necessary to achieve this mission
Figure 1, Figure 2, and Box 1, Box 2.
Although the United States delivers some of the best, most
advanced clinical care in the world, the healthcare system fails to
address the policy implications related to obtaining the quality, cost‐ effective healthcare services needed by vulnerable populations.4
APRNs often provide care to patients who face barriers such as
poverty and insufficient health literacy, preventing the underserved
from achieving the best health outcomes. Although the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has provided insurance
coverage for many individuals and families that could not afford
insurance in the past, these patients continue to be burdened by the
same barriers that existed before the time they obtained healthcare
coverage. One of the major policy implications that APRNs face is
providing health care that is available and that can be maintained for
long‐term health. The team at IHI realized:
the successful health and healthcare systems of the future
will be those that can simultaneously delivery excellent
quality of care, at optimized costs, while improving the
health of the population and believes that that is the
ultimate destination for the high‐performing hospitals and
health systems of the future.2
The Triple Aim provides a structure for APRNs to advocate and
develop policy for healthcare delivery that addresses patients’ needs
and enhances their ability to achieve optimal health with the
resources available. The IHI provides free materials and resources
for organizations and facilities interested in implementing the Triple
Aim. The IHI online site also provides exemplars from real
organizations have implemented the Triple Aim framework, high-
lighting policy implications of common barriers to achieving optimal
health care.
The US healthcare system today often lacks the capacity to link
medical information over multiple admissions, let alone over multiple
sites. Our healthcare expenditures are higher than those of other
developed countries–nearly double–but the outcomes are no better.
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly IOM) identified six
areas to which “care improvement efforts” should be directed to
provide quality of care, including safety, effectiveness, patient‐ centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity.5 Berwick, Nolan,
and Whittington6 encouraged a broader system of linked goals,
known as the Triple Aim, a three‐pronged focus on improving the
healthcare system by improving care, improving the health of the
population, and reducing per capita costs. These three aims were
interdependent goals, for pursuit of one affected the other two either
positively or negatively.
The addition of a fourth aim, known as the Quadruple Aim, added
a fourth prong, which focuses on care of the provider in optimizing
the performance of the healthcare system. The rationale for the
fourth prong is the product of the high incidence of provider burnout,
a factor that often leads to lower patient satisfaction, reduced health
outcomes, and increased patient care costs. The Quadruple Aim is
designed to enhance and improve provider work life and ultimately
patient outcomes.7 The primary concern in maintaining Quadruple
Aim balance is social justice, ensuring equitable gains in health care in
all populations of stakeholders, including the provider.6(p760‐761)
The implications of the Quadruple Aim requires an exercise in
balance for policymakers, for each aim may be subject to constraints,
for example, how to spend resources, what coverage to provide, to
whom to provide it, and how to improve the work life of the provider.
Policy implications related to one or two aims may be seen as
strategic, but the third may not be viewed by stakeholders as being in
the public’s best interest, and the fourth aim as beyond the scope of
health care. For example, a congestive heart failure patient may
receive quality inpatient care resulting in improved health on
discharge; but repeated, long‐term readmissions of this insured
individual are not perceived as cost‐effective by the insurer and
frustrating to the provider.
Berwick et al6(p761) refer to “a tragedy of the commons,” which is a
conflict between common healthcare interests of the individual and the
community. These authors theorize that the Quadruple Aim may only
F IGURE 1 The Triple Aim2 [Color figure can be viewed at]
F IGURE 2 The Quadruple Aim
be achieved by considering the policy implication of overriding common
self‐interests of both groups. Promising innovations, such as medical
homes, retail clinics, telehealth, and medical tourism, have been
developed that challenge traditional healthcare models.
Tools are being developed for measuring healthcare quality,
based upon the Quadruple Aim. The policy implications of measuring
costs and health status are more of a challenge, for knowledge of
actual costs is required from a system that typically hides them. But
gathering of both types of data is facilitated with system‐wide
electronic medical records.6(p761‐762)
3.1 | Preconditions of the quadruple aim
Policy in pursuit of the Quadruple Aim is the exception in
the American healthcare system. To pursue the Quadruple
Box 1 The SBAR Tool*
*Adapted from
Box 2 Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Priority Topics and Indicators*
1. Increase the proportion of persons with healthcare insurance and a usual primary care provider.
2. Increase the proportion of persons receiving clinical preventative services, such as routine disease screenings (e.g., colorectal
cancer, hypertension, and diabetes) and immunizations.
3. Improve environmental quality to decrease illness caused by poor air and water quality and specifically decrease children’s
exposure to secondhand smoke.
4. Prevent unintentional injury and violence that that causes negative physical and emotional consequences for the victim and
others impacted by the incidents.
5. Improve maternal, infant, and child health by decreasing the number of preterm births and infant deaths during the first year of
6. Address mental health by reducing the suicide rate and reducing the proportion of adolescents (12‐17 years old) who experience
major depressive episodes.
7. Improve nutrition and physical activity and decrease obesity in adults, children, and adolescents by increasing the number of
adults that meet physical activity guidelines and increase the proportion of children and adults that consume the adequate
amount of vegetables.
8. Improve oral health by increasing the proportion of children, adolescents, and adults who use the oral healthcare system within
the past year.
9. Address sexual and reproductive health by increasing the proportion of 15‐ to 44‐year‐old sexually experienced females receiving
reproductive health services within the past year and increasing the proportion of persons with HIV that are aware of their
10. Address social determinants (personal, social, economic, and environmental factors) that impact health, specifically increasing the
proportion of students that graduate with a regular diploma four years after starting the ninth grade.
11. Decrease the rate of substance abuse by decreasing the proportion of adolescents using alcohol or illicit drugs during the past 30
days and decreasing the proportion of adults engaging in binge drinking during the past 30 days.
12. Address the use of tobacco by reducing cigarette smoking in adults and reducing the use of cigarettes by adolescents during the
past month.
*Adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.3 Leading health indicators. Retrieved from
Aim, consideration of the following policy implications are
1. the population must be recognized as the point of concern;
2. policy constraints must be overcome; and,
3. an integrator, the key facilitator to services in all four aims, must
3.1.1 | The population and policy constraints
The first policy implication is to specify a population that is a point of
concern. In this instance, population is defined as persons enrolled in
a registry that will track the Quadruple Aims over time, that is, access
to care, health status, and costs of care. The second policy implication
is policy constraints, which occur within the processes of decision‐ making, politics, and social contracting of the population involved,
that is, implementation of, access to, and cost of health care under
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.6(p762‐763)
3.1.2 | The integrator
The integrator function is the third policy implication, which is the
entity, often the insurer, responsible for all aspects of policy
development for the Quadruple Aim, especially for a specified
population. An effective integrator links healthcare organizations for
working as one system within the policy implications of overlapping
boundaries, providing coordinated care for a defined population. The
integrator is responsible for five basic functions in facilitating policy
development supporting the Quadruple Aim.
3.1.3 | Integrator function #1
First, the integrator is responsible for involving individuals and
families, to ensure the patient population is informed about the
policy implications of health status and the benefits and limitations of
individual healthcare policies and specific practices and procedures.
Integrators work with individuals and groups through policy
development designed for providing a plan of care, guiding patients
through acute care, and providing advocacy and interpretation within
the complex healthcare system.6(p763‐764)
3.1.4 | Integrator function #2
Second, integrators work for “redesign of primary care services and
structures,” to strengthen the infrastructure for primary care within
the population. Primary care providers are expanded, for example,
through the medical home. The expanded role of providers allows for
development of policy focused on the implications of long‐term relationships between the patient and care team, shared care plans,
coordinated care, providing access to subspecialties, and innovative
scheduling and access to care facilitated by the electronic medical
3.1.5 | Integrator function #3
The third policy function of the integrator is “population health
management,” through policy development deploying resources or
specifying how resources will be deployed. Internet information may
assist segments of the population to identify options for treatment
and management through self‐care. Integrator facilitated policies also
analyze the implications of the value and resources necessary for
preventive self‐care management of high risk behaviors such as
smoking, violence, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, and other
unsafe healthcare practices.6(p764)
3.1.6 | Integrator function #4
The fourth function involves analysis of the policy implications of
financial management, thtat is, the integrator allocates payments and
resources supporting the Quadruple Aim. The first implication of
financial management is focused on policy implications of “…cost
control…defining, measuring, and making transparent the per capita
cost of care for a defined population.”6(p764) A second implication
would be to reduce and control costs and eliminate valueless
services. A third implication, and the most powerful, would be to
match supply and resources to underlying needs and to eliminate
unnecessary duplication of providers, equipment, and facilities. The
fourth implication and final component would be to “…cap total annual
spending, with strictly limited year‐on‐year growth targets.”6(p765)
3.1.7 | Integrator function #5
Fifth, the integrator’s policy implications must also focus on “system
integration at the macro level,” to produce individual and population‐ based care and interventions that are evidence‐based. Providing the
best interventions and outcomes would imply access to state‐of‐the‐ art knowledge; standardized definitions of, for example, quality and
cost; and trustworthy measurement of evidence.6(p765) In summary,
Porter and Teisberg8 indicated analysis of the policy implications of
health care would result in the best healthcare outcomes at the
lowest costs and would provide the greatest value within the
healthcare system.
3.2 | Precedents and possibilities
Stakeholders addressing the policy implications of the Quadruple
Aim include the following entities:
1. government‐sponsored or owned healthcare systems with legally
defined duties to a specific population, that is, Veteran’s
Administration Medical Centers;
2. classic staff and group‐model health maintenance organizations
(HMOs), that is, Kaiser Permanente; and,
3. other national and governmental healthcare systems with global
budgets, for example, National Health Service of the United
HMOs were designed to act as integrators in pursuit of the
Quadruple Aim. However, the HMO model often cannot overcome
the policy implications of barriers to care, for example, choice of
providers or specialists. Because of these barriers, managed care
actually managed money, not health care. But encouraging signs for
virtual integrated care, via electronic support systems and instant
communication capabilities, have emerged within HMOs.6(p766‐767)
Progress toward the goal of integrated care within the Quadruple
Aim depends upon the following policy implications:
1. political action and policy essentially focused on budget caps on
spending for specific populations;
2. measurement and fixed accountability for health status and needs
of specific populations;
3. improved, standardized measures of care, and per capita costs;
4. changes in payment models so that financial gains from cost
reduction are shared between those who pay and those who
invest; and,
5. evolving professional education accreditation, ensuring capable
and improving care processes and skills.6(p767‐768)
Interprofessional education is a key implication or consideration for
development of policies designed to resolve the complex problems of
the healthcare system. Patients often require care from multiple
health professionals, especially when managing a chronic condition
and the disjointed healthcare system of the past has been
detrimental at best. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM, now
the National Academy of Medicine) published the well‐known study,
To Err Is Human, which revealed the devastating number of
healthcare errors that harmed or killed patients. This study pointed
to the fragmented nature of healthcare delivery, especially in
instances where patients see multiple providers in different settings
that do not have access to complete information.9 When systems are
in place that do not safeguard patients from preventable healthcare
errors, patients, and families are harmed and may lose faith in the
healthcare community. By contrast, employing processes that
facilitate open and thorough communication between and among
team members decreases the number of mistakes by individual
healthcare providers because the plan of care is transparent and
actively monitored by every healthcare professional caring for the
In To Err Is Human, the IOM concluded that the majority of
healthcare errors do not result from individual recklessness but
instead are caused by faulty systems, processes, and conditions
that lead people to make mistakes or fail to prevent them.9 The
policy implications of interprofessional care, where two or more
individuals from different professions work together, has been
emphasized in health care since the IOM report. The primary
goal of interprofessional collaboration, improved quality of
healthcare delivery, is at the forefront of interprofessional policy
The policy implications of the APRNs role in interprofessional
healthcare delivery, serve as the “connector” for the other profes-
sionals who comprise the healthcare team. In The Future of Nursing:
Leading Change, Advancing Health, nurses are called to collaborate
with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, physical and
occupational therapists, social workers, and pharmacists to provide
quality care to patients with complex conditions.11 Policy promoting
the best interprofessional collaboration outcomes provides opportu-
nities for optimal use of the skills and knowledge of all health
professionals working together as a team to deliver comprehensive,
integrated care over which the patient ultimately maintains
Despite the evidence‐based policy supporting interprofessional
collaboration and care, human factors often hinder effective
implementation of this practice. The attitudes of the team members
are a significant policy implication in the outcomes of the team. The
concept of “interprofessionality” takes the mindset of the individuals
into account as a key implication impacting the functionality of the
team. Interprofessionality impacts interprofessional collaboration and
occurs when healthcare professionals “reflect on and develop ways of
practicing that provide an integrated and cohesive" approach to
meeting the needs of patients and families.12(p9)
Interprofessional collaboration is difficult for healthcare profes-
sionals when open communication, transparency, and shared‐ decision‐making are required. The paternalistic and hierarchical
system of the past was based upon the healthcare model in which
the physician diagnosed the patient, prescribed the treatment, and
evaluated the outcome, often without feedback from the other
members of the healthcare team or the patient. The policy
implications of interprofessional collaboration consider giving voice
to all team members and encouraging dialog based upon different
perspectives and viewpoints.
Following the IOM’s recommendation to implement interprofes-
sional care (IPC), healthcare systems transitioning to IPC had to
consider the policy implications embedded in barriers and resistance
arising from seasoned healthcare professionals. These policy implica-
tions encompassed the impracticalities in mandating team care for
healthcare professionals not trained in interprofessional collabora-
tion, that is, team working skills to foster communication and shared‐ decision‐making. The IOM further anticipated the policy implications
and challenges in actually implementing IPC in existing healthcare
systems, addressing the importance of integrating interprofessional
collaboration within continuing education courses and the didactic
and clinical curriculums of healthcare profession students.
4.1 | Interprofessional education
Interprofessional education (IPE) is defined as “‘members (or students)
of two or more professions associated with health or social care, to
be engaged in learning with, from and about each other”’ (p12).13 IPE
provides students with structured learning experiences for working
with other health profession students. In t Plagiarism Free Papers
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