Creating A Problem Statement Assignment Instructions Overview The foundation of any doctoral dissertation or project is a well-crafted problem statement. This exercise will allow you
Creating A Problem Statement Assignment Instructions
The foundation of any doctoral dissertation or project is a well-crafted problem statement. This exercise will allow you to develop and fine-tune a problem statement.
Identify a problem within the literature that needs further examination. Review the white paper on Effective Problem Statements and craft a problem statement for the path you desire to explore (Ph.D. or D.B.A.). THIS IS THE path DBA: DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT) The white papers (PhD and DBA) are posted under the Learn section of this week’s module. Depending on the direction you head, these will look slightly different. Make sure to thoroughly substantiate the problem with scholarly research. Keep in mind that a problem statement should not exceed 250 words. Please state what degree program you are in on your cover page (PhD or DBA).
Academic Research Problem Statements (Ph.D.)
Academic research problem statements should begin exactly as follows: The problem to be addressed is… Academic Research Problems identify the gap in the literature that needs to be explored and is well supported by scholarly research. What hasn’t been studied that needs to be studied?
Applied Research Problem Statements (D.B.A.)
Applied research problem statements should begin with a general problem. The general problem to be addressed is (insert problem) resulting in (insert the consequences of the problem). Likewise in Applied Research, the specific problem is narrower in scope and labeled similarly: The specific problem to be addressed is (insert narrower version of the problem (i.e., specific industry, location, profession, etc.) resulting in (insert the consequences of the problem). Applied Research Problems include 3 components: A general problem sentence, 3 – 4 supporting sentences showing that the problem exists within the literature, and a specific problem sentence.
Supporting Sentences
All problem statements should include supporting information to assist in explaining the problem and must contain at least three scholarly resources to substantiate the problem. Scholarly resources should be published within the last three to five years.
Tips: Remember that all supporting sentences need to demonstrate that the problem exists within the literature. You should not solve the problem, or provide recommendations on how to solve the problem. Proper APA formatting should be used, including a title and reference page.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Read: Keller & Alsdorf: Chapters 4 – 5
Simple but Effective Problem Statements
& Research Questions
2nd Edition
Edward M. Moore, Ph.D. Liberty University School of Business
12 February, 2021
Simple but Effective Problem Statements & Research Questions 2e Page 2 of 12
12 February, 2021
The purpose of this paper is to give the researcher an overview of how to develop simple
yet effective Problem Statements and Research Questions that will get them moving quickly and
in the right direction. The Problem Statement can be thought of as the cornerstone of the research
proposal. It is responsible for establishing broadly what area will be studied with the general
problem and narrowly focusing on a section of that broad area with the specific problem. The
Problem Statement also provides clear and direct support from the current literature that
demonstrates that the problem does exist. Research Questions on the other hand provide the basis
of inquiry for your study. They are broad questions that will be used to guide the research in
addressing the Problem Statement. The simple rule for developing Research Questions is to
make sure to ask questions that address all the factual assertions made in the Problem Statement,
but none that ask questions that are outside of the Problem Statement. Research Questions also
guide in the choice of methodology for the study as will be seen below.
The Problem Statement
All good business research begins with a clearly articulated and focused Problem Statement!
In order to build a strong and focused problem statement that is related to the field of
study for the research project just follow the method discussed below. This method is based upon
a simple three part presentation; the beginning – the general problem, the middle – supporting
statements, the end – the specific problem. The Problem Statement example below is based upon
a business research study in the field of Leadership. None of the citations provided are real and
are only intended to illustrate the process.
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The First sentence
The general problem to be addressed is ______________ resulting in _____________.
The general problem sentence must be an overarching problem clearly related to the field
of study that can be proven to exist based upon current (last five years) literature. It is also
important to note what a general problem sentence is not:
A general problem sentence is not a question – The general problem to be addressed is
why leaders are ineffective resulting in …
A general problem sentence is not a simple declarative – The general problem to be
addressed is leaders are ineffective resulting in …
A good general problem sentence addresses a specific issue in a way that is clear,
descriptive, and self-explanatory. Another way to think about a problem statement is that it
generally describes a situation we don’t want to happen that is, a situation that is not happening
that we do want, or a situation that that is happening but not to the desired level. As can be seen
from both of the examples below, there is no confusion about what the broad focus of the study
is intended to be:
The general problem to be addressed is the failure of leaders to gain employee support for
new initiatives resulting in …
The general problem to be addressed is the lack of formal leadership training in for new
managers resulting in …
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The consequences (resulting in …) should provide a broad but clear statement regarding
the negative outcomes that result from the existence of the general problem:
… resulting in the inability of organizations to make critical changes.
… resulting in the reduction of organizational performance.
Putting all of that together we could get: The general problem to be addressed is the
failure of leaders to gain employee support for new initiatives resulting in the inability of
organizations to make critical changes.
Next three or four sentences
In this middle section the researcher will need to provide current literature support for the
assertions made in the general problem sentence. In the example above, the assertion was that
leaders are failing to gain employee support for new initiatives. Current literature sources would
be scholarly articles or monographs published in the last five years. If the source is older than
that the problem might not be prevalent or it might have been solved. So, develop active voice
declarative statements from current literature that support the assertions made in the first
sentence like the fictitious ones below:
Smith (2017) stated that many high level leaders struggle with effectively projecting an
engaging vision for a new initiative which makes it difficult to gain employee buy-in.
In a recent study, Jones (2015) found that employee buy-in was the most critical
determining factor in projecting future success of organizational change.
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Herbert (2016) supported these views by explaining that the ability of an organization to
make critical strategic changes is directly related to the leader's ability to foster
organization-wide support of the initiative.
Last sentence
The specific problem to be addressed is (possible / potential) ______________ within the
_____________ (possible / potential) resulting in ____________.
The specific problem must be a narrowly focused subset of the general problem that is
practical to study within the constraints of the program. In the example we are using, the
researcher is not trying to study the entire world of organizations and leaders, just a subset that
will give insight into the entire world. In the examples below, the specific problem starts with the
same words as the general problem like the first one or a subset of the problem like the last two:
The specific problem to be addressed is the possible failure of leaders to gain employee
support for new initiatives…
The specific problem to be addressed is the possible failure of leaders to gain executive
level support for new initiatives…
The specific problem to be addressed is the possible failure of leaders to gain executive
level support for new product development initiatives…
The focus (within the…) could be based upon an industry, a region, an industry within a
region, etc. The determining factor is making it narrow enough to study but broad enough
provide enough data for the study:
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12 February, 2021
… within the high-tech electronics industry resulting in…
… within the south-western United States resulting in…
… within the retail clothing industry in the southeastern United States resulting in…
The last part of the specific problem should restate the results from the general problem
or a subset of the results from the general problem:
… resulting in the possible inability of organizations to make critical changes.
… resulting in the possible inability of the organization to make critical product line
Putting all of the pieces above together into a single sentence: The specific problem to be
addressed is the possible failure of leaders to gain executive level support for new product
development initiatives within the retail clothing industry in the southeastern United States
resulting in the possible inability of organizations to carry out critical product line changes.
Rephrasing it to make it flow better: The specific problem to be addressed is the possible
failure of leaders within the retail clothing industry in the southeastern United States to gain
executive level support for new product development initiatives resulting in the possible inability
of organizations to carry out critical product line changes.
Consider a Bridge
A nice additional touch would be a bridge sentence that takes the reader from the general
problem and it’s supporting sentences to the specific problem. With the specific problem
sentence developed, this would be the time to consider a bridge like the fictitious source below.
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12 February, 2021
Find a current literature source that supports the existence of the problem in the area focused on
with the specific problem if one is available. This sentence will come in the middle section of the
Problem Statement after the supporting sentences for the general problem sentences and before
the specific problem sentence. While this part of a problem statement is not essential, it can make
the flow better:
Adams (2017) found that the inability to gain employee support for new initiatives was a
particular challenge in the retail clothing industry.
Assembling the Final Product
What has been developed is a strong and focused problem statement that is supported by
the current literature and is 250 words or less. This provides a solid foundation for the study and
clearly defines the subject and focus of the study.
Example Problem Statement
The general problem to be addressed is the failure of leaders to gain employee support for
new initiatives resulting in the inability of organizations to make critical changes. Smith (2017)
stated that many high level leaders struggle with effectively projecting an engaging vision for a
new initiative which makes it difficult to gain employee buy-in. In a recent study, Jones (2015)
found that employee buy-in was the most critical determining factor in projecting future success
of organizational change. Herbert (2016) supported these views by explaining that the ability of
an organization to make critical strategic changes is directly related to the leader's ability to
foster organization-wide support of the initiative. Adams (2017) found that the inability to gain
employee support for new initiatives was a particular challenge in the retail clothing industry.
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The specific problem to be addressed is the possible failure of leaders within the retail clothing
industry in the southeastern United States to gain executive level support for new product
development initiatives resulting in the possible inability of organizations to carry out critical
product line changes.
The Research Questions
All good business research is guided by a comprehensive and clear set of Research Questions!
As previously stated, Research Questions form the basis of inquiry for the study and are
broad questions that will be used to guide the researcher in addressing the Problem Statement.
Research Questions also guide in the choice of methodology for the study. Qualitative Research
Questions are those that seek to understand or explain while Quantitative Research Questions
seek to relate or measure. Research Questions are the questions the researcher seeks to answer
and should not be confused with Interview Questions or Survey Questions which are directed
towards participants as a part of data collection during the field study.
Here are some examples:
Qualitative Research Question: What is the role of leadership in employee retention in
the manufacturing industry?
Quantitative Research Question: What is the relationship between transformational
leadership style and employee retention within the manufacturing industry?
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Interview Questions: Please describe your experience with your organizational
leadership. What role has organizational leadership played in your decision-making
process to continue with or leave the organization?
Survey Question: Transformational leaders inspire employees leading to better employee
retention (Answer 1 – 5). Scale 1 – Highly Disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Agree, 5
– Strongly Agree
The first question is open-ended and allows for the discovery (understanding) of reasons
(factors behind) why employees might leave the industry. This is exploratory rather than
measureable, and therefore no statistical test can be employed and no testable hypothesis can be
developed. Taken together, that is what makes it a solid qualitative research question.
The second question seeks to quantify (measure) the relationship between two variables;
transformational leadership and employee retention. Unlike the first question where the factors
were not known, here the factors (variables) are known. That means that this relationship can be
statistically evaluated based upon a testable hypothesis. In this case: H0 There is no statistically
significant relationship between transformational leadership style and employee retention. The
ability to develop testable hypotheses is what makes for a good quantitative research question.
The third question seeks to extract rich information from a research participant and might
be used in a study based upon the Qualitative Research Question above. This is not a research
The fourth question seeks to quantify a participant’s feelings about a specific topic to
provide measureable data. This would be a great survey question to support a study based upon
the Quantitative Research Question above. This is not a research question!
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Developing a solid set of Research Questions
As stated above, the research questions should inform the problem statement. The
researcher should start with the specific problem and take it apart to find out what areas need to
be explored. Using the Problem Statement example above, the following need to be addressed:
The failure of leaders to gain executive level support for new product development
The failure of product line changes
The retail clothing industry
That’s it. The southeast United States is a boundary for the study to narrow the focus
although you could ask about this region of the country if there are relevant differences. With
this list established, the researcher can develop the Research Questions. For qualitative studies
this will typically be between three and four broad questions and sub-questions (as appropriate)
that dig into the things you need to know about. For quantitative studies this will typically be up
to three questions that dig into relationships or measurements.
Qualitative Research Question Examples
1. Why do leaders fail to gain executive level support for new product development initiatives?
1.a. What leadership actions or behaviors contribute to failure to gain support?
1 b. What leadership actions or behaviors contribute to success in gaining support?
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2. In what way are new product development initiatives different than other change initiatives?
2.a. How do those differences manifest themselves in the ability of the leader to gain
3. What cultural elements are present in the retail clothing industry that positions organizations
for success in implementing change initiatives?
You will note that the first research question looks at both the reasons for failure and for
success. It is important to always come at a topic from both perspectives. Questions two and
three are open and will gain information related to successes and failures by asking how. It
should also be noted that the open ended nature of the inquiry has the ability to generate rich data
that is not bounded by preconceived notions regarding the topic.
Quantitative Research Question Examples
1. What is the relationship between leadership style and the leader’s ability to gain executive
level support?
2. What is the relationship between leadership style and the organization’s ability to successfully
engage in change initiatives?
It should be noted that these questions are focused on the relationship between known
factors (variables). In the first question the variables are leadership style and ability to gain
support and in the second on the variables are leadership style and the ability of the organization
to change. Each of these could be used to develop testable null hypotheses. As an example, the
second Research Question could be used to develop these null hypotheses:
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12 February, 2021
There is no statistically significant relationship between passive avoidant leadership style
and the organization’s success in completing change initiatives.
There is no statistically significant relationship between transactional leadership style and
the organization’s success in completing change initiatives.
There is no statistically significant relationship between transformational leadership style
and the organization’s success in completing change initiatives.
As stated earlier, all good business research begins with a clearly articulated and focused
Problem Statement and is guided by a comprehensive and clear set of Research Questions. Keep
in mind that the goal here is not to develop a literary masterpiece; instead the goal is to establish
clearly stated foundation upon which the rest of the research project can be built. It is only with
the Problem Statement and Research Questions in place, that it is possible to develop the
conceptual / theoretical framework, methodology, and topical outline for the literature review.
The critical nature of these first two steps in the research journey cannot be overstated. It is
essential that the researcher take the necessary time here to get this right or the research project
will flounder or not develop at all.
Happy Researching!
Dr. Moore
Effective Problem Statements
Ph.D. Dissertations
Version 1.0
Edward M. Moore, Ph.D. Liberty University School of Business
25 May 2021
Effective Problem Statements for Ph.D. Dissertations V1.0 Page 2 of 9
25 May 2021
The purpose of this paper is to give the researcher an overview of how to develop an
effective Problem Statement that will get them moving quickly and in the right direction for their
Ph.D. Dissertation. The Problem Statement can be thought of as the cornerstone of the research
proposal and it is responsible for establishing broadly what area will be studied. The Problem
Statement also provides clear and direct support from the current literature that demonstrates that
the problem does exist and how the research will add to the body of knowledge.
The Ph.D. dissertation is an academic research process which is intended to pursue
theoretical knowledge or practical knowledge with the overarching goal of adding to the body of
knowledge or fill a gap in the body of knowledge. The construction of the problem statement
begins by knowing which type of knowledge one is seeking. We can think of Theoretical
Knowledge as knowledge about a ‘thing’. One might make statements such as “I know about it”,
“I understand it”, or “I know what it is”. Practical Knowledge on the other hand can be thought of
as knowledge of how to use a ‘thing’. Here one might make statements such as “I know how to
use it”, “I know how to apply it”, or I know how to do it”. As an example, it is clear from this
discussion that an individual can have deep theoretical knowledge about transformational
leadership theory. This person can fully describe the benefits to followers of idealized influence
and how that impacts organizational performance. However, that same person might have no idea
how to actually deliver idealized influence in a meaningful way for a follower in a leader-follower
situation because they lack the practical knowledge that comes with application. Similarly, a leader
may have the practical knowledge necessary to provide meaningful idealized influence for a
follower in such a way that it positively impacts organizational performance but might not have
any idea regarding how the theoretical construct of idealized influence functions.
Effective Problem Statements for Ph.D. Dissertations V1.0 Page 3 of 9
25 May 2021
Both types of knowledge have great benefit to the body of knowledge. Theoretical
knowledge provides a framework for understanding complex topics and developing theories about
how persons and organizations are impacted by them. That knowledge can then be applied in
various environments allowing practical knowledge to be developed. The task of developing a
problem statement for theoretical research and practical research share the same two basic steps.
First, the researcher must frame the problem, and second, the researcher must describe the
importance of understanding the problem.
All good research begins with a clearly articulated and focused Problem Statement.
Step One, Frame the Problem
Theoretical research problems – the goal is to gain theoretical understanding about a ‘thing’. It
could be a new trend, it could be a change in environmental conditions, it could be a change in
work or business circumstances. It is useful to ask yourself some questions to help clarify what
you are trying to understand. Some questions you might ask are:
What is the problem?
What are the circumstances / environments of the problem?
What knowledge already exists about the problem?
How is the problem currently described in the literature?
Below is an example of this type of theoretical problem framing:
The problem to be addressed is the generational shift in attitudes regarding the importance
of work-life balance. While Gen-X and older workers feel that work can and should take
priority over life when required by the organization, younger workers starting with
Millennials feel that life is equally important and that work priorities should not push aside
Effective Problem Statements for Ph.D. Dissertations V1.0 Page 4 of 9
25 May 2021
life priorities. Research has focused on the reasons that younger workers give for making
these life priority choices, but there has been little research on the effect those choices have
on career development.
The first sentence clearly states what the problem is which in this case is a generational
shift in attitudes regarding work-life balance. The second sentence gives insight into the
circumstances surrounding the problem and the environment within which the problem is
occurring. The third sentence provides a brief overview of what the literature currently tells us
about the problem and what it does not currently tell us about the problem, which is identifying a
gap in the literature. Of course, when framing an actual research problem, you would include
multiple current (less than five years) citations from the literature to support the factual assertions
being made.
Practical research problems – the goal here is to gain practical understanding about a ‘thing’. It
could be a leadership or management technique, it could be a human resource development effort,
it could be a toxic leadership intervention technique. It is useful to ask clarifying question Plagiarism Free Papers
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