STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC COMPETITIVENESS Week 3 Assignment – Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Overview Choose one public corporation in an industry
Week 3 Assignment – Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Choose one public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. (Note: you will use this same corporation in every assignment throughout the course)Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the corporation:
- The corporation’s website.
- Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission's Filings & Forms page.
- Strayer University's online databases.
- The Nexis Uni database.
- Other credible sources such as the corporation's annual report, will often provide insights that other resources may not include.
- It is expected that you will use your textbook as a resource for this assignment.
- Read Assignment Formatting and Tips [PDF] before starting the assignment. Refer back to this document as needed.
- Review the scoring guide (rubric) in the course guide before starting the assignment.
- Download and save the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Template [DOCX].
- (Note: this template is provided as a guide for the first assignment. Refer back to it if needed as guidance for later assignments.)
- Use the template to write a 4-6 page academic research paper in which you include the following:
Step 1: Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Support your assessment with specific evidence.Step 2: Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Support your response with specific evidence.Step 3: Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influences its overall success. Support your assessment with specific evidence.Step 4: Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of the corporation. Support your response with specific evidence.
- Use three or more quality sources, including your textbook, to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources)
- For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library.
- Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is the following:
- Determine the impact of globalization and technology changes, strategic models, vision and mission statements, and stakeholders on a corporation's success.
Wendy Sanderfer
April 17, 2023
Reference for Essay Paper Checklist– The outline below is provided to guide you in meeting the requirements for this assignment. Delete Red text instructions before Submitting Paper.
· Three to five lines only.
Summarize the company’s primary products and or services
· Explain what the company does and/or offers to consumers
Suggest three ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance.
· Evidence/support for response
· Evidence/support for response
· Evidence/support for response
Consider summarizing points made in the paragraph.
Describe two critical factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success.
· Evidence/support your assertions.
· Evidence/support your assertions.
Assess the company’s biggest success or missed opportunity to respond to a recent or current social issue.
· You are evaluating the selected company’s response to a recent or current social issue – Assess whether is was their biggest success or missed opportunity and why.
How did it impact company performance?
· Explain the impact on the company’s performance
1. Anne Lawrence. 2020. Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy. BUS475 McGraw-Hill Irwin 16th edition textbook.
2. Enter the second source entry here.
3. Enter the third source entry here.
4. Enter the fourth source entry here.
Strayer University
How to Earn Full Credit on Assignment 1
Strayer University
Key Outcomes & Expectations
Display your understanding/application of key course concepts:
• Assess – consider the concept to make a judgment and/or determine its significance.
• Apply – to put into practical use, utilize a concept as it is relevant to something.
• Evaluate – carefully consider the concept or its components to draw conclusions or make a judgment.
• Predict – declare in advance based on supported research and reason.
Strayer University
Use the Template
1. Open and save the assignment template.
2. Save the file to your computer.
Strayer University
Review the Instructions
1. Download the Course Guide.
2. Review the Scoring Guide for Assignment 1 in the Course Guide.
3. Open the previously saved Assignment Template.
4. Read the entire template.
5. Navigate to Week 3 in the Course: ❖Read the Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness section
6. Be sure to attend Zoom meetings and read all announcements and emails. Note: All Zoom meetings are recorded and posted for viewing at a later date.
Strayer University
Study Key Course Concepts
1. Complete the To-Do List in weeks 1, 2, and 3.
2. Read Chapters 1-3.
3. Review the Week 1 “Learn” Readings.
4. Pay close attention to the following concepts: ❖Globalization ❖Technological Changes ❖Industrial Organization and Resource-Based Models ❖Vision and Mission ❖Three Categories of Stakeholders
Strayer University
Select a Company to Research
1. Navigate to Week 3 in the Course.
2. Locate “Week 3 – Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness.”
3. Follow the instructions in the ”Overview” section.
4. You MUST choose a public company (i.e., a company with actively traded stock).
5. Papers written about companies without actively traded stock will earn a score of zero.
Strayer University
The Tit le Page
1. Replace the text “Student’s Full Name” with your name.
2. Replace the text that reads “Date” with the current date.
3. Highlight your name and the date, then change the font color to black.
4. Save the document.
Strayer University
Template Instructions
1. Read the template instructions.
2. Delete the template instructions before submitting your paper: • You will lose points if you submit your paper with the template instructions
Strayer University
This is a 4-Page Paper
• It is very important that you meet the minimum page requirement of 4 pages, NOT including the title and source pages.
• The level of depth required in each core requirement warrants 4 full pages.
• Less than 4 full pages of content will result in less than the level of depth required and will impact your grade.
Strayer University
Requires Original Research
• Do not copy content written in other classes. Recycling work from previous classes is an academic integrity violation.
• All academic integrity violations are reported to the Office of Student Affairs.
• Visit the Virtual Writing Center for academic writing support.
Strayer University
The Introduction
1. Begin your paper with a brief introduction of no more than 6 sentences.
2. Do not use direct quotes.
3. Replace the introduction instructions with the introduction you developed.
4. Most of your introduction may be taken from the assignment instructions (in your own words).
Strayer University
1. Scroll to the section with the “Globalization” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Globalization” section.
3. Develop your assessment of how your selected public corporation has been impacted by globalization.
4. Replace the “Globalization” section instructions with your globalization assessment.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your globalization assessment is in black • Make sure the font for your globalization assessment is NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Globalization” section heading
Strayer University
1. Scroll to the section with the “Technology” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Technology” section.
3. Assess how technological changes have impacted your selected public corporation.
4. Replace the “Technology” section instructions with your technology assessment.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your technology assessment is in black • Make sure the font for your technology assessment is NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Technology” section heading
Strayer University
Industrial Organization Model
1. Scroll to the section with the “Industrial Organization Model” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Industrial Organization Model” section.
3. Thoroughly apply each step in the Industrial Organization Model to your selected public corporation to determine how it could earn above-average returns. Hint – See Figure 1.2., The I/O Model of Above-Average Returns, in the textbook.
4. Replace the “Industrial Organization Model” section instructions with your Industrial Organization Model application and determination.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your Industrial Organization Model application &
determination is in black • Make sure the font for your Industrial Organization Model application &
determination is NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Industrial Organization Model” section heading
Strayer University
Resource-Based Model
1. Scroll to the section with the “Resource-Based Model” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Resource-Based Model” section.
3. Thoroughly apply each step in the Resource-Based Model to your selected public corporation to determine how they could earn above-average returns. Hint – See Figure 1.3, The Resource-Based Model of Above Average Returns, in the textbook.
4. Replace the “Resource-Based Model” section instructions with your Resource-Based Model application and determination.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your Resource-Based Model application & determination is in
black • Make sure the font for your Resource-Based Model application & determination is
NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Resource-Based Model” section heading
Strayer University
1. Scroll to the section with the “Vision” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Vision” section.
3. Thoroughly assess how the vision statement of your selected public corporation influences its overall success.
4. Replace the “Vision” section instructions with your vision assessment.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your vision assessment is in black • Make sure the font for your vision assessment is NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Vision” section heading
Strayer University
1. Scroll to the section with the “Mission” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Mission” section.
3. Thoroughly assess how the mission statement of your selected public corporation influences its overall success.
4. Replace the “Mission” section instructions with your mission assessment.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your mission statement assessment is in black • Make sure the font for your mission statement assessment is NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Mission” section heading
Strayer University
1. Scroll to the section with the “Stakeholders” heading.
2. Read the instructions in the “Stakeholders” section.
3. Thoroughly evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts your selected public corporation’s overall success Hint – See Figure 1.4, The Three Stakeholder Groups, in the textbook.
4. Replace the “Stakeholders” section instructions with your stakeholder evaluation.
5. Make sure the instructions are removed: • Make sure the font for your stakeholder evaluation is in black • Make sure the font for your stakeholder evaluation is NOT in bold • Do not delete the “Stakeholders” section heading
Strayer University
1. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and locate at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not quality as academic resources. Sites offering free essays (e.g., UKEssay, Chegg, Course Hero, etc., are considered “cheat” sites.
2. Scroll to the section of your paper with the “Sources” heading: • The textbook is a required source.
3. Provide at least three (3) quality sources used in your paper: • Again, one MUST be the textbook
4. All sources listed on the Source page must have corresponding in-text citations in your paper.
5. Make sure the font for your sources is in black.
Strayer University
Academic Writ ing Resources
• The Strayer Virtual Writing Center includes information on ethical writing, plagiarism, citations, and choosing quality sources.
• Study “Strayer Writing Standards” :
• Use the free tutoring service to help you with proper academic writing, including paraphrasing, quoting, and avoiding plagiarism. You may also schedule a one-on-one appointment with the Librarian:
Strayer University
Academic Writ ing Resources (cont inued)
• Use the Citation Generators in the Strayer Library to help you properly format in-text citations and your source list:
• Read the “Using Your Own Words – Preventing Plagiarism” and the “Academic Integrity Reminders” Guides:
Strayer University
Academic Integrity
1. Academic Integrity is fundamental to quality education and Strayer University.
2. The Student Handbook includes the full Academic Integrity policy. You must understand the policy so that you do not violate it: disciplinary-and-grievance-policies-and-procedures/academic-integrity-policy/
3. Your professors are required to address all academic integrity violations.
Strayer University
Submit Your Assignment
• Submit your assignment using the MSWord template: • Do not change the document type to pdf, jpeg, ppt, html, etc.
• Submit your assignment as an attachment in Blackboard: • Assignments may not be emailed or posted to any other location • Do not copy and paste the content of your paper as comments in Blackboard
• Submit your assignment by the due date to avoid late penalties: • Late penalties can drop your grade significantly (refer to the Late Policy)
• Confirm your submission was successful: • You will receive a confirmation email • You will see a preview of your work in Blackboard
Strayer University
Grading Reminders
• All assignment grades include grading feedback.
• Read the feedback attached to your grade to understand what you did well and where you may improve.
• Once an assignment is graded and feedback is provided, the assignment cannot be resubmitted for a better grade.
• Plagiarized papers earn a grade of zero and will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs.
Strayer University
Grading Timeline
• Your submitted assignment will be graded in the order received.
• If submitted on time, expect your grade and feedback no later than 7 days after the assignment due date: • Late submissions are graded after all on-time assignments have been graded
• Please do not send an email asking when your assignment will be graded: • All submitted assignments are graded
• Please do not send an email telling us that you submitted your assignment: • An email has no bearing on when your submission is graded
Strayer University
Issues that Impact Your Grade
• Submitting work late. (Refer to the Late Policy for this course in Blackboard.)
• Not providing a thorough assessment, evaluation, justification, or determination.
• Not submitting at least 4 full pages of content addressing the requirements.
• Not using the textbook and course material.
• Academic integrity issues, including plagiarism, borrowing too closely from sources, and recycling content written in other classes.
• Hint: Before submitting your paper, compare it to the grading rubric.
Strayer University
We are Here to Help!
Please refer to “My Professor” in Blackboard for your BUS499 academic team’s contact information.
- Default Slides
- Slide 1: BUS499 – assignment 1
- Slide 2: Key Outcomes & Expectations
- Slide 3: Use the Template
- Slide 4: Review the Instructions
- Slide 5: Study Key Course Concepts
- Slide 6: Select a Company to Research
- Slide 7: The Title Page
- Slide 8: Template Instructions
- Slide 9: This is a 4-Page Paper
- Slide 10: Requires Original Research
- Slide 11: The Introduction
- Slide 12: Globalization
- Slide 13: Technology
- Slide 14: Industrial Organization Model
- Slide 15: Resource-Based Model
- Slide 16: Vision
- Slide 17: Mission
- Slide 18: Stakeholders
- Slide 19: Sources
- Slide 20: Academic Writing Resources
- Slide 21: Academic Writing Resources (continued)
- Slide 22: Academic Integrity
- Slide 23: Submit Your Assignment
- Slide 24: Grading Reminders
- Slide 25: Grading Timeline
- Slide 26: Issues that Impact Your Grade
- Slide 27: We are Here to Help!
Week 3 Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Assignment
Student’s Full Name
Strayer University
BUS499 Business Administration Capstone
Professor’s Name
(Note: This assignment should be 4-6 pages not including the title or source pages. The headings for each section are provided below as well as tips for success. Delete the content provided and replace it with your own content. Refer to your assignment instructions, Assignment Formatting Tips PDF, and the scoring guide (rubric) for specific details as you complete your paper. Always follow Strayer Writing Standards. Delete this text.)
Write an introduction paragraph. No more than 6 sentences. No direct quotes. (Replace this text with your text which will be in black font.)
(This is Step 1 of the assignment. You are asked to assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Consider the various aspects of globalization discussed in the course and assess [e.g., make judgments about] their impact on the selected corporation. Aspects could include the global expansion of the corporation, the impact of global competition, and the global economy. Delete this text)
Industrial Organization Model
(This is Step 2 of the assignment. You are asked to apply the industrial organization model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns and to support your response with specific evidence. Apply the components of the model, as described in the course material, to the specific corporation. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and how to apply those concepts to a real-world corporation. Support your rationale with specific evidence. Delete this text)
Resource-Based Model
(This is a continuation of Step 2 of the assignment. You are asked to apply the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns and to support your response with specific evidence. Consider the corporation’s unique resources (corporate culture, land, location, equipment, brand, reputation, trademarks, patents, etc.) and capabilities (skills, experience, etc.) that set it apart from its competition. Walk through the components the model suggests are needed to earn superior returns. Support your rationale with specific evidence. Delete this text)
(This is Step 3 of the assignment. You are asked to assess how the vision statement of the corporation influences its overall success and to support your assessment with specific evidence. Consider the various aspects of vision statements discussed in the course and assess [e.g., make judgments about] their impacts on the selected corporation. Address how the specific vision statement of the chosen corporation influences its overall success. Delete this text)
(This is a continuation of Step 3 of the assignment. You are asked to assess how the mission statement of the corporation influences its overall success and to support your assessment with specific evidence. Consider the various aspects of mission statements discussed in the course and assess [e.g., make judgments about] their impact on the selected corporation. Address how the specific mission statement of the chosen corporation influences its overall success. Delete this text)
(This is Step 4 of the assignment. You are asked to evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of the corporation and to support your response with specific evidence. Consider how each classification of stakeholders impacts the selected corporation’s success. Evaluate [e.g., make judgments about] each category as it relates to the corporation and in a way that shows a clear understanding of stakeholder classifications. Support your evaluation with relevant and specific evidence. Delete this text)
1. Michael A. Hitt. 2020. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization. 13th ed. Cengage Learning.
2. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How to Find (e.g., web address)
3. Author. Publication Date. Title. Page # (written as p. #). How to Find (e.g., web address)
(Add entries if needed and be sure to apply Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Delete this text.)
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