Access 365/2019 Capstone Level 3 Working with a Sales Database Skills needed to complete this project: Create and save a new table Add a new field to a table Create a lookup fie
Access 365/2019 Capstone Level 3 Working with a Sales Database
Skills needed to complete this project:
- Create and save a new table
- Add a new field to a table
- Create a lookup field using values from another table
- Apply an input mask to a field in a table
- Apply date formatting to a field by modifying the field Format property
- Create a lookup field using list values
- Create a new record in a table
- Adjust table column widths
- Set a default value for a field in a table
- Use the Form Wizard to create a new form
- Change the data type of a field
- Create a Single Record form based on a table
- Create a Split form based on a table
- Create a new blank form in Layout view
- Add fields to a blank form from Layout view
- Resize controls in a form
- Move controls in a form
- Add a logo to a form header
- Delete a field from a table
- Import a table from an Access database
- Rename a table
- Delete a record from a table
- Find and replace data in a table
- Rename a field in a table
- Import records from an Excel worksheet
- Create a one-to-many relationship between two tables
- Enforce referential integrity in a one-to-many relationship
- Create a simple select query to combine fields from multiple tables
- Add text criteria to a query
- Hide a field in a query
- Use OR in a query
- Add numeric criteria to a query
- Specify the sort order in a query
- Use AND in a query
- Add date criteria to a query
- Add a calculated field to a query
- Create a parameter query
- Use the Report Wizard to create a new report
- Group records in a report
- Add totals to a report
- Create a new blank report
- Add fields to a blank report from Layout view
- Resize controls in a report
- Arrange controls in a report
- Add the date to a report header
- Add page numbers to a report footer
Important: Download the resource files needed for this project from the Resources link. If they download in a zipped folder, make sure to extract the files after downloading the resources zipped folder. Visit the SIMnet instant help for step-by-step instruction.
IMPORTANT: If you are a Canadian user, be sure to verify that your browser and Microsoft Office use the same country settings. See here for a Help topic on how to change your settings.
- Open the start file AC2019-Capstone-Level3.
NOTE: If necessary, enable active content by clicking the Enable Content button in the Message Bar. - The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project filename if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
- Create a new table from scratch to track sales.
- The first field should be an AutoNumber field named: SaleID
- The second field should be a Date & Time field named: SaleDate
- The third field should be a lookup field. (Hint: Use the Lookup Wizard to create the new field.) It should display the LocationDescription field from the Locations table. Values in the lookup should be sorted by values in the LocationDescription field. Include the LocationID field in the lookup, but do not display it. (Hint: Hide the key column.) Enable data integrity by restricting deletions. Name this field: SaleLocation
- Save the table with the name: Sales
- Switch to Design view and modify field properties.
- Add an input mask to the SaleDate field. Use the Short Date input mask. Do not change any other input mask options.
- Apply the Long Date format to the SaleDate field.
- Add a new lookup field as the last field in the Sales table to track payment type. (Hint: Use the Lookup Wizard to create the new field.)
- Name the field: PaymentType
- The lookup field should display these values in this order:
Credit Card
Gift Card
Store Credit - Limit data entry to values in the list. Do not allow multiple values.
- Save the table.
- Switch back to Datasheet view to add sample records to the Sales table.
- Add three records to the table with the following data. (Hint: Remember, the first field in the table, SaleID, is an AutoNumber field, so there is nothing to enter for each record.)
SaleDateSaleLocationPaymentType10/01/2019GeorgetownCredit Card10/01/2019George Washington UniversityCash10/01/2019George Washington UniversityCash - Adjust the width of the SaleDate field so the entire long date is visible.
- Save and close the table.
- Add three records to the table with the following data. (Hint: Remember, the first field in the table, SaleID, is an AutoNumber field, so there is nothing to enter for each record.)
- Create a new table to capture the details for each sale.
- The first field should be an AutoNumber field named: SaleDetailID
- The second field should be a lookup field named: SaleID The lookup field should be limited to values in the SaleID field of the Sales table. Include only the SaleID in the lookup field. Enable data integrity by restricting deletions.
- Save the table as: SaleDetails
- Add a third field to the far right of the table. Name this field: Item This is another lookup field. Include all the fields from the Items table. Sort the lookup items by values in the ItemName field. Hide the primary key field. Enable data integrity by restricting deletions.
- Add a Number field to the right of the Item field. Name the field: Quantity
- Set the default value for the Quantity field to: 1
- Add three records to the table with the following data. (Hint: Remember, the first field in the table, SaleDetailID, is an AutoNumber field, so there is nothing to enter for each record.)
SaleIDItemQuantity1Chocolate62Sea Salt and Caramel43Sea Salt and Caramel5 - Close the table.
- Use the Form Wizard to create a new form for inputting sales data.
- Include all the fields from the Sales table.
- Include the Item and Quantity fields from the SaleDetails table.
- View the form data by records in the Sales table with related records in the SaleDetailstable displayed in a subform.
- The subform should be displayed as a Datasheet.
- Name the main form: SalesForm and name the subform: SaleDetailsSubform (Hint: Be sure to remove the space between SaleDetails and Subform in the subform name suggested by Access.)
- Open the form in Form view to review your work.
- Navigate to the record in the main form for SaleID 3 and enter sale details in the subform as follows:
Item: Original Blend, Quantity: 4
Item: Old Bay, Quantity: 6 - Close the form.
- Open the Items table and modify the table fields as follows:
- Set the Default Value property for the Price field to: 7
- Change the data type for the Price field to: Currency
- Autofit the width of the ItemName field.
- Save the changes and close the Items table.
- Create a Single Record form using the Items table as the record source. Save the form with the name: SingleRecordForm
- Create a form to display records from the Items table in two formats with the Single Record form at the top and a Datasheet form at the bottom.
- Create a Split Form based on the Items table.
- Name the form: SplitForm
- Begin a new blank form in Layout view.
- From the Locations table, add the LocationID, LocationDescription, and Commentsfields in that order, at the left side of the form.
- Widen the labels so that they are just wide enough for LocationDescription to be completely visible.
- From the Locations table, add the OpenTime field to the right of the LocationIDcontrols.
- Reduce the width of the OpenTime bound control so that the control is just wide enough to display the time data.
- From the Locations table, add the CloseTime field to the right of the OpenTimecontrols.
- Reduce the width of the CloseTime bound control so the control is just wide enough to display the time data.
- Move the OpenTime and CloseTime controls so they are next to the LocationDescription controls instead.
- From the Locations table, add the Days field to the form layout in the empty space to the right of the LocationID controls, above the OpenTime controls.
- Add a logo to the form header. Use this file, located with the resources for this project: toptCornLogo-small.png
- Save the form with the name: LocationsForm
- Close the forms.
- Import the StoreSales table from the SalesArchive Access database (downloaded from the Resources link). Do not open the SalesArchive database.
- Rename and open the StoreSales table. Verify that you are working in the database you downloaded from Access, not the SalesArchive database.
- Rename the table: SalesArchive
- Delete the Total field.
- Find the record with the ID 500 and delete it. (Hint: It is the last record in the table.)
- Find and replace each ItemID value OLDB with OLDB005.
- Rename the TotalSal field to: TotalSale
- Save and close the table.
- Import records from the Excel file NewSalesData (downloaded from the Resources link) and append a copy of the records to the SalesArchive table.
- Use the Relationships window to create a relationship between the Items and SalesArchive tables.
- Show the SalesArchive table in the Relationships window.
- Create a one-to-many relationship between the ItemID field in the Items table and the ItemID field in the SalesArchive table. You may rearrange the tables in the Relationships window if you want.
- Enforce referential integrity so a record cannot be deleted or altered in the Items table if it would cause a conflict with the data in the SalesArchive table.
- Close the Relationships window and save the changes.
- Create a query to display sales of Truffle flavored popcorn from the SalesArchive table.
- Include the following fields in this order: the SaleDate, Quantity, and TotalSale fields from the SalesArchive table and the ItemName field from the Items table.
- Add the criteria Truffle to the ItemName field.
- Hide the ItemName field in the query results. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 49 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as TruffleQry and then close the query.
- Create a query to display sales of Old Bay or Truffle flavored popcorn from the SalesArchive table
- Include the following fields in this order: the SaleDate, Quantity, and TotalSale fields from the SalesArchive table and the ItemName field from the Items table.
- Add the criteria Old Bay or Truffle to the ItemName field. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 114 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as NewFlavorsQry and then close the query.
- Create a query to display sales for more than $100.00 from the SalesArchive table.
- Include the following fields in this order: the SaleDate from the SalesArchive table, ItemName field from the Items table, and TotalSale from the SalesArchive table.
- Add criteria to the TotalSale field to return only sales greater than 100.
- Specify the sort order in the query, so the results always display the records with the highest values in the TotalSale field first. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 15 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as HighDollarSalesQry and close it.
- Create a query to display sales for more than $100 of Old Bay flavored popcorn from the SalesArchive table
- Include the following fields in this order: the ItemName field from the Items table and the SaleDate, Quantity, and TotalSale fields from the SalesArchive table.
- Add the criteria to the query to return only records where the ItemName is Old Bay and the TotalSale is greater than 100. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 3 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as HighDollarOldBayQry and then close the query.
- Create a query to display sales of Original Blend popcorn on July 4, 2019 from the SalesArchive table.
- Include the following fields in this order: the ItemName field from the Items table and the SaleDate and Quantity fields from the SalesArchive table.
- Add the criteria to the query to return only records where the ItemName is Original Blend and the Date is July 4, 2019. Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 3 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as July4OriginalBlendQry and then close the query.
- Create a query to calculate the per unit price of the archived sales.
- Include the following fields in this order: the ItemName field from the Items table and the Quantity and TotalSale fields from the SalesArchive table.
- Add a calculated field to the far right of the query to calculate the value of the TotalSale divided by Quantity. Name the field: CostPerUnit Run the query to check your work. (Hint: There should be 240 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as CostPerUnitQry and then close the query.
- Create a parameter query to display sales from a specific date.
- Include these fields in this order: the SaleDate field from the SalesArchive table, the ItemName field from the Items table, the Quantity and TotalSale fields from the SalesArchive table.
- Use the prompt: Enter the sale date:
- Run the query to check your work. Enter the date 7/4/2019 when prompted. (Hint: There should be 9 records in the query results.)
- Save the query as ByDateParameterQry and close it.
- Use the Report Wizard to create a report based on the NewFlavorsQry query.
- Include the fields from the NewFlavorsQry query in this order: ItemName, SaleDate, Quantity, and TotalSale.
- View the data by the Items table.
- Do not add any additional grouping.
- Sort the detail records by sale date.
- Use the Stepped layout in Portrait orientation.
- Name the report NewFlavorRpt and then view the report to check your work.
- Switch to Layout view and add more grouping and totals to the NewFlavorRpt report.
- Display the Group, Sort, and Total pane and add new grouping by values in the SaleDate field by Month.
- Add totals to each group to calculate the Sum of values in the TotalSale field.
- Save and close the report.
- Create a new report from scratch in Layout view.
- From the SalesArchive table, add the SaleDate field to the report. Add these fields in order to the right of the SaleDate controls: ItemName from the Items table, and Quantity and TotalSale from the SalesArchive table.
- Resize the ItemName controls so all the item names are visible. (Hint: Widen the ItemName column so the entire Sea Salt and Caramel name is visible.)
- Add the ItemID field from the Items table. Move the ItemID controls so they appear to the left of the ItemName controls.
- Add the current date to the report header. Use this date format: Thursday, February 25, 2019. Do not include the time.
- Add page numbers centered in the report footer. Use this page number format: Page N of M
- Save the report as: SalesArchiveRpt
- Save and close any open database objects and then close the database.
- Upload and save your project file.
- Submit project for grading.
ItemID | ItemName | Price |
CARA002 | Sea Salt and Caramel | 8 |
OLDB005 | Old Bay | 9 |
ORIG001 | Original Blend | 7 |
TRUF003 | Truffle | 10 |
CHOC008 | Chocolate | 9 |
LocationID | LocationDescription | Comments | OpenTime | CloseTime | Days |
FARR | Farragut Square | 1899-12-30 | 1899-12-30 | M-F | |
Gtown | Georgetown | 1899-12-30 | 1899-12-30 | Th-Sa | |
GW | George Washington University | 1899-12-30 | 1899-12-30 | Th-Sa | |
KSt | K Street | 1899-12-30 | 1899-12-30 | M-F | |
Tysons | Tysons Corner Store | Our store location at Tysons Corner near the mall | 1899-12-30 | 1899-12-30 | M-Su |
ID | SaleDate | Quantity | ItemID | TotalSale |
501 | 7/30/19 | 7 | OLDB005 | 38.50 |
502 | 7/30/19 | 4 | OLDB005 | 22.00 |
503 | 7/30/19 | 4 | OLDB005 | 22.00 |
504 | 7/30/19 | 7 | OLDB005 | 38.50 |
505 | 7/31/19 | 4 | OLDB005 | 22.00 |
506 | 7/31/19 | 6 | OLDB005 | 33.00 |
507 | 7/31/19 | 8 | OLDB005 | 44.00 |
508 | 7/31/19 | 1 | OLDB005 | 5.50 |
509 | 7/31/19 | 11 | OLDB005 | 60.50 |
510 | 8/1/19 | 5 | OLDB005 | 27.50 |
511 | 8/1/19 | 3 | OLDB005 | 16.50 |
512 | 8/1/19 | 3 | OLDB005 | 16.50 |
513 | 8/1/19 | 1 | OLDB005 | 5.50 |
514 | 8/1/19 | 3 | OLDB005 | 16.50 |
515 | 8/2/19 | 2 | OLDB005 | 11.00 |
516 | 8/2/19 | 19 | OLDB005 | 104.50 |
517 | 8/2/19 | 5 | OLDB005 | 27.50 |
518 | 8/3/19 | 10 | OLDB005 | 55.00 |
519 | 8/3/19 | 5 | OLDB005 | 27.50 |
520 | 8/4/19 | 9 | OLDB005 | 49.50 |
521 | 8/4/19 | 6 | OLDB005 | 33.00 |
522 | 8/4/19 | 19 | OLDB005 | 104.50 |
523 | 8/4/19 | 2 | OLDB005 | 11.00 |
524 | 8/4/19 | 4 | OLDB005 | 22.00 |
525 | 8/4/19 | 8 | OLDB005 | 44.00 |
526 | 8/4/19 | 6 | OLDB005 | 33.00 |
527 | 8/4/19 | 4 | OLDB005 | 22.00 |
528 | 8/4/19 | 10 | OLDB005 | 55.00 |
529 | 8/5/19 | 2 | OLDB005 | 11.00 |
530 | 8/5/19 | 9 | OLDB005 | 49.50 |
531 | 8/5/19 | 20 | OLDB005 | 110.00 |
532 | 8/5/19 | 6 | OLDB005 | 33.00 |
533 | 8/5/19 | 6 | OLDB005 | 33.00 |
534 | 7/30/19 | 11 | ORIG001 | 60.00 |
535 | 7/30/19 | 1 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
536 | 7/30/19 | 11 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
537 | 7/30/19 | 6 | ORIG001 | 50.00 |
538 | 7/30/19 | 3 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
539 | 7/31/19 | 1 | ORIG001 | 50.00 |
540 | 7/31/19 | 10 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
541 | 7/31/19 | 3 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
542 | 7/31/19 | 1 | ORIG001 | 50.00 |
543 | 7/31/19 | 10 | ORIG001 | 30.00 |
544 | 8/1/19 | 5 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
545 | 8/1/19 | 2 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
546 | 8/1/19 | 2 | ORIG001 | 70.00 |
547 | 8/1/19 | 6 | ORIG001 | 60.00 |
548 | 8/1/19 | 6 | ORIG001 | 60.00 |
549 | 8/1/19 | 4 | ORIG001 | 50.00 |
550 | 8/1/19 | 8 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
551 | 8/1/19 | 2 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
552 | 8/2/19 | 2 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
553 | 8/2/19 | 5 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
554 | 8/3/19 | 2 | ORIG001 | 30.00 |
555 | 8/3/19 | 11 | ORIG001 | 40.00 |
556 | 8/3/19 | 5 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
557 | 8/4/19 | 2 | ORIG001 | 30.00 |
558 | 8/4/19 | 4 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
559 | 8/4/19 | 8 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
560 | 8/4/19 | 5 | ORIG001 | 30.00 |
561 | 8/4/19 | 5 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
562 | 8/4/19 | 1 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
563 | 8/4/19 | 3 | ORIG001 | 30.00 |
564 | 8/4/19 | 7 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
565 | 8/5/19 | 10 | ORIG001 | 20.00 |
566 | 8/5/19 | 5 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
567 | 8/5/19 | 7 | ORIG001 | 10.00 |
568 | 8/5/19 | 18 | ORIG001 | 60.00 |
569 | 7/30/19 | 19 | CARA002 | 114.00 |
570 | 7/30/19 | 2 | CARA002 | 12.00 |
571 | 7/30/19 | 8 | CARA002 | 48.00 |
572 | 7/30/19 | 3 | CARA002 | 18.00 |
573 | 7/30/19 | 8 | CARA002 | 48.00 |
574 | 7/31/19 | 5 | CARA002 | 30.00 |
575 | 7/31/19 | 4 | CARA002 | 24.00 |
576 | 7/31/19 | 2 | CARA002 | 12.00 |
577 | 7/31/19 | 11 | CARA002 | 66.00 |
578 | 7/31/19 | 17 | CARA002 | 102.00 |
579 | 8/1/19 | 4 | CARA002 | 24.00 |
580 | 8/1/19 | 9 | CARA002 | 54.00 |
581 | 8/1/19 | 17 | CARA002 | 102.00 |
582 | 8/1/19 | 18 | CARA002 | 108.00 |
583 | 8/2/19 | 17 | CARA002 | 102.00 |
584 | 8/2/19 | 17 | CARA002 | 102.00 |
585 | 8/3/19 | 9 | CARA002 | 54.00 |
586 | 8/3/19 | 7 | CARA002 | 42.00 |
587 | 8/3/19 | 9 | CARA002 | 54.00 |
588 | 8/4/19 | 17 | CARA002 | 102.00 |
589 | 8/4/19 | 1 | CARA002 | 6.00 |
590 | 8/4/19 | 9 | CARA002 | 54.00 |
591 | 8/4/19 | 5 | CARA002 | 30.00 |
592 | 8/5/19 | 8 | CARA002 | 48.00 |
593 | 8/5/19 | 1 | CARA002 | 6.00 |
594 | 8/5/19 | 20 | CARA002 | 120.00 |
595 | 8/5/19 | 5 | CARA002 | 30.00 |
596 | 8/5/19 | 16 | CARA002 | 96.00 |
597 | 8/5/19 | 19 | CARA002 | 114.00 |
598 | 7/30/19 | 2 | TRUF003 | 13.00 |
599 | 7/30/19 | 1 | TRUF003 | 6.50 |
600 | 7/30/19 | 18 | TRUF003 | 117.00 |
601 | 7/31/19 | 5 | TRUF003 | 32.50 |
602 | 7/31/19 | 1 | TRUF003 | 6.50 |
603 | 7/31/19 | 18 | TRUF003 | 117.00 |
604 | 8/1/19 | 19 |