Identify five people or events that are important to American history. ?Your completed assignment will, therefore, include a total of 30 people or events. Provide a picture to ill
Identify five people or events that are important to American history. Your completed assignment will, therefore, include a total of 30 people or events. Provide a picture to illustrate each person or event that you are identifying. Provide the sources that you used in completing this assignment.
• Part #1: Read Chapter 30: Identify 5 items (people, events, or a mixture of both) by answering the questions posed above (“Writing about events” or “Writing about people”).
• Part #2: Read Chapter 31: Identify 5 items (people, events, or a mixture of both) by answering the questions posed above (“Writing about events” or “Writing about people”).
• Part #3: Read Chapter 32: Identify 5 items (people, events, or a mixture of both) by answering the questions posed above (“Writing about events” or “Writing about people”).
Writing about events/things:
What happened?
Who did it?
When did it occur?
What was it like?
What does it mean relative to the history of the United States?
Why did you identify this event?
Writing about people:
Who was it (What is the person’s background)?
When did she or he live?
What did the person do?
What are the person’s important acts, ideas, and relationships with other figures?
What are the person’s contributions to her or his times relative to the history of the United States?
Why did you identify this person?
must document all of the sources you used in completing the weekly Historical Knowledge assignments, including the textbook.
Documentation is to be according to the Chicago Manual of Style, footing format.
Chapter 30: Culture Shift
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Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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Learning Objectives
Discuss the affluence of the 1960s and 1970s including conveniences, leisure time, and travel.
Discuss the conditions of the poor during the time period and the impact of government programs on their well-being.
Explain the factors that contributed to economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s.
Explain the new sources of anxiety in the 1960s and 1970s.
Discuss the new civil rights movement.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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Learning Objectives (Continued)
Discuss the Mexican American movement including the exploits of Cesar Chavez.
Discuss the American Indian Movement including the occupation of Alcatraz and the standoff at Wounded Knee.
Explain the decline of the civil rights movement.
Discuss the women’s movement in the 1960s and 1970s.
Explain the Equal Rights Amendment and the reasons that it was never ratified.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.1a The Prosperous American During the 1960s and 70s
The majority of women worked.
Most Americans owned their homes; and most homes had telephones, televisions, and cars.
Birth rates were lower.
Educational opportunities expanded for women.
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30.1b Sports and Leisure
Spectator sports expanded, led by the NFL.
African Americans excelled in sports.
Boom occurred in participatory sports.
Newspapers declined and then rose again in the 1970s.
Magazines catered to specialized interests.
Hunting and fishing doubled.
Travel increased.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.1c Diet and Health
Near-full employment encouraged people to buy prepared foods
The availability of foods and frozen foods increased.
Use of alcohol and tobacco increased.
Life expectancy rose.
Infant mortality declined.
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30.1d Productivity and Poverty
Many Americans were more prosperous than ever before.
GNP, productivity, and buying power—all increased.
The percentage of those living in poverty dropped almost 50 percent.
Social welfare spending more than doubled.
Income distribution became less unequal.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.1e The Agricultural Sector, 1963-1980
Farmers did not share in the prosperity of the period.
The percentage employed in farming declined.
Capitalization of agriculture increased.
A chemical revolution in agriculture in the use of herbicides, pesticides, and seeds occurred.
DDT caused the Bald Eagle to become endangered.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.1f Components of Economic Growth
Multinational corporations were a major factor in economic growth.
1968: Less than three percent of corporations received 80 percent of total corporate income.
American’s businesses expanded into multinational corporations.
Federal Defense spending surged to $80 billion.
Federal spending was one-fourth of the GNP.
The housing boom continued.
The high-tech sector continued to expand.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.1g The Decline of Labor Unions
Labor unions were suddenly in decline.
The increase in the number of white-collar workers harmed the unions.
Women joined the workforce in record numbers.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.1h Silicon Valley and the High Tech Industry
Intel was founded in 1968.
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computers.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft.
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30.1i Stagflation
By the 1970s, the economy was beginning to decline.
We had deficit spending for the Vietnam War.
There weren’t enough taxes to support the Great Society.
Oil crises of 1973 and 1978 contributed to inflation.
Some manufacturing moved overseas, causing unemployment.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.2a The Novel
Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, John Updike
African American writers: Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.2b Television and Film
Movies reversed a decline that followed the advent of television.
Television was the most significant source of news and information.
By 1980 households had more than one TV set and thus watching TV could diversify.
Movies: Censorship was virtually dead by the 1970s as audiences demanded more sophisticated fare.
Most spectacular success on TV was Roots.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.3a Sources of Anxiety
Thousands of Americans died in Korea and Vietnam.
Fear of Communism during Cold War affected many.
Architectural Digest suggested that every home would have a bomb shelter.
Prosperity was a source of envy and materialism.
Even the poor were aware, through TV, of better lives; this sparked resentment and anger.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.3b The Transformation of the City
America’s cities were being transformed.
Three-fourths of all Americans lived in cities.
Movement to suburbs grew rapidly.
Public transportation faced competition from cars; 85 percent of Americans drove to work.
Central cities began to decline.
Housing could not keep up with the demand.
Schools were under funded and overcrowded.
Crime increased.
“Urban renewal” was an attempt to rehabilitate neighborhoods.
New cabinet department was established in 1965, Housing and Urban Development.
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30.3c A New Ethnic and Racial Self-Consciousness
1960s brought greater awareness of ethnic minorities.
Once submerged groups rose to prominence (Irish).
The Black Revolution sparked recognition of other identities.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4 The Second Reconstruction
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 allocated funding based on the number of poor children in school districts.
Number of black children in Southern schools increased dramatically.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4a A New Civil Rights Movement
The March on Washington occurred in August 1963; Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream Speech.”
Many white Southerners resisted continued busing.
By 1980, more Southern schools were integrated than were schools in the Midwest and the Northeast.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4b The Rights of Urban Dwellers
Baker v. Carr required state legislatures to have electoral districts of equal size.
Redistricting translated into new political strength for urban areas.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.4c Black Power
In the mid-1960s, black nationalist or separatist groups emerged.
Black Muslims became prominent because of the charismatic Malcolm X.
The most militant of the nationalist groups was the Black Panthers, led by spokesman Eldridge Cleaver.
Stokely Carmichael became head of SNCC, and ushered in the era of “Black Power.”
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.4d A Southern President and Black America
Lyndon Johnson was responsible for many civil rights reforms.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended racial discrimination in public places, employment, and labor unions.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 made it a federal crime to hinder voting rights.
Number of black voters in Southern states increased dramatically.
Johnson also made numerous appointments of African Americans, including Thurgood Marshall, who was appointed to the Supreme Court.
In spite of accomplishments, there were numerous race-related murders.
Medgar Evers
Freedom Summer murders
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30.4e Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Congress failed to pass a open housing bill in 1966.
Numerous governors, such as George Wallace, were still racist throughout the South
Mid- to late-1960s witnessed numerous race riots, particularly the Watts riots in 1965.
Martin Luther King was assassinated in April 1968.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4f The Mexican American Movement
Civil rights movement also spurred numerous other movements for equality.
Mexican Americans began to organize for more rights.
Cesar Chavez was the best known leader of the Chicano movement.
Cuban Americans in southern Florida began to organize.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.4g The American Indian Movement
American Indian movement organized under Russell Means.
Native Americans occupied Alcatraz.
The Wounded Knee shoot-out occurred in 1973.
Lyndon Johnson appointed the first Native American head of Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.4h The Decline of the Civil Rights Movement
By the 1980s, minority appeals for equality were less effective.
The white majority lost interest in the rights of minorities.
The Reagan administration showed little concern for minorities.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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30.4i Challenges to the Educational System
Baby boom generation strained the higher education system.
Number of students in higher education increased 150 percent by 1970.
A college degree became essential to the average American.
New educational institutions were founded across the country.
Student concern with the quality of education grew, as illustrated by the Berkeley Free Speech Movement (1964).
Students became involved in antiwar movement by 1968.
Demonstrations declined after the violence at University of Wisconsin and Kent State.
Ending the draft also reduced activism.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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30.4j The Youth Culture
The mid-1960s marked the beginning of an increasing self-consciousness among young people.
Port Huron Statement (1962) criticized affluence and injustice of American society.
1964: Freedom Summer
Sexual revolution
Birth control was approved in 1960.
There was greater tolerance of sex outside marriage.
Twenty-sixth Amendment extended the right to vote to eighteen-year-olds.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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30.4k The Women’s Movement
Women were also inspired by the civil rights movement.
National Organization for Women was founded in 1966.
Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964: The government forced open new jobs for women.
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibited sex discrimination in educational programs receiving federal money.
Phyllis Schlafly argued against the ERA.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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30.4l The New Right
The conservative movement grew.
A growing backlash against the rapid changes of the 1960s developed.
Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority and made abortion a Christian issue.
Falwell considered Harvey Milk’s murder a judgment from God.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4m Right to Privacy and Abortion Rights
Abortion became a highly contentious political issue.
The Court recognized right to privacy in Griswold v. CT.
The Court invalidated state restrictions on abortions in the first trimester as violations of privacy.
The fetus did not receive health safety protection of the state in the first trimester because it was not considered viable life.
In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court struck down state restrictions on abortion in the first trimester.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4n The Religious Right and Republicanism
Falwell aligned Moral Majority with the Republican Party.
Falwell urged Christians to stay out of politics during the Civil Rights Movement.
Falwell and his followers were drawn into politics due to what they viewed as attacks on “family.”
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4o Criminal Rights
The Supreme Court established protections for citizens charged with crimes.
Gideon v. Wainwright established right to state-supported counsel for all felons on the state level.
Miranda v. Arizona provided that states must inform persons of their rights upon arrest or incarceration.
Furman v. Georgia struck down the death penalty as arbitrarily and capriciously applied—and as a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause since black Americans were nine times more likely than whites to receive the death penalty.
Introduction to American History Combined
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30.4p Gay Liberation
Gays and lesbians were also inspired by the civil rights movement.
June 28, 1969: Stonewall Riot in New York City
Consensual sex between adults of the same gender was illegal in most states.
The artist, Andy Warhol, became a gay icon.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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30.4q A Resurgence of Religion
Churches became involved in social issues in 1960s.
Church attendance declined; many feared the spiritual message was being forgotten.
By the 1970s, churches that emphasized personal salvation and individual fulfillment grew rapidly.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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Chapter 31: Reagan’s America
© Joseph Sohm /
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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Learning Objectives
Assess the policies of the Reagan administration.
Evaluate the Reagan administration’s defense and Cold War policies.
Explain the Reagan Doctrine and how it translated into American policies in Latin America.
Explain the Iran-Contra Affair and the violations of the Constitution and Congressional statutes by the Reagan Administration.
Assess the collapse of Communism and the Soviet Union, and describe its impact on American foreign policy. Was the end of the Cold War more influenced by Ronald Reagan or Mikhail Gorbachev?
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
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Learning Objectives (Continued)
Discuss the electoral victory of George H.W. Bush in 1988. What factors hindered his campaign? What factors contributed to his victory?
Evaluate the American military action in the Persian Gulf War. Was Bush’s attack on the fleeing Iraqi Army justified and ethical?
Explain the reasons that President Bush opposed an invasion of Iraq for the purposes of ousting Saddam Hussein from power. Did Bush make the right choice?
Discuss the American roles in the Shiite and Kurdish rebellions that followed the Persian Gulf War.
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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Learning Objectives (Continued)
Discuss the domestic policies of George H.W. Bush, including environmental protection and the Americans with Disabilities Act. How did Bush’s approach differ from Reagan’s?
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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31.1 The First Couple
An unusual presidential couple
Both were former movie stars.
Reagan was the oldest President and the first ‘divorced’ one.
He attended Eureka College and worked as a sportscaster, actor, and President of Screen Actor’s Guild.
A delusional movie fan shot President Reagan on day 69 of his presidency.
Nancy consulted astrologers.
Introduction to American History Combined
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31.2a Reaganomics
Reagan believed that the wealthy should pay less and promoted cutting taxes to increase revenue.
George Bush labeled Reaganomics “Voo Doo Economics.”
Reagan popularized idea that government was the source of many economic and social problems, yet he doubled military spending.
Deficit spending
Severe Recession 1982-1983
Introduction to American History Combined
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31.2b The Air Traffic Controllers’ Strike
PATCO was one of the only unions to support Reagan.
Air traffic controllers wanted 40 percent pay increase and reduction in their work week.
President Raegan fired them all after they went on strike.
This sent a chilling message to labor
Introduction to American History Combined
Ninth Edition, by Farmer © 2019
BVT Publishing
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31.2c Shaping the Supreme Court
His appointment of Sandra Day O’Connor was one of Reagan’s most popular decisions.
O’Connor decision would grow in stature over the years.
Justice O’Connor often functioned as the swing vote.
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31.2d Robert Bork Appointment
Bork was a staunch conservative, and he disagreed with what he viewed as “judicial activism.”
Bork was voted down in the Senate.
Republicans charged that Democrats voted down Bork for political reasons.
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31.2e The Great Crash
“Black Monday”
Stocks dropped 22.6 percent.
Some blamed Reagan’s deficits and deregulation.
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31.2f Economic Inequality
Economic inequality increased dramatically in the 1980s.
Wealthiest 5 percent of Americans were receiving 21 percent of all income.
Americans could no longer expect that their children would be better off than the parents were.
The US had the highest poverty rate among the industrialized democracies.
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