Here you will submit your entire semester’s worth of work in the form of a complete research paper:? In class, we learned how to create an introduction paragraph for your p
Here you will submit your entire semester's worth of work in the form of a complete research paper:
In class, we learned how to create an introduction paragraph for your paper with a thesis statement, in addition to a conclusion paragraph to your paper. If you missed class, be sure to watch the recording.
- REVISE any mistakes made in your Draft submission of your complete Literature Review
- REVISE any mistakes made in your Draft submission of your Discussion
- Complete the following checklist and SUBMIT IT WITH YOUR PAPER as a SEPARATE DOCUMENT (5 pts):
Checklist for Research Paper.docx
Once you have made all required revisions, prepare for final submission in APA 7 – ALL paragraphs MUST be indented — p. 64 in Foundations for a full outline:
1. Development of Self-Driving Vehicles
2.Cybersecurity Readiness in SMEs
3.Internet of Things and Individual Privacy
4. Implications of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Assessing and Hiring Employees
APA 7 Compliant Title Page – your title is your research problem (10 pts)
- Top of p. 2, centered and bold is the EXACT title that is on your title page
- Introduction paragraph with thesis statement – worked on in class (10 pts)
- Level 1 heading "Literature Review" — place your complete, revised Literature Review here — (level 2 headings for any subheadings) intro, review of literature, analysis of literature (25 pts)
- Level 1 heading "Discussion" — place your complete, revised Discussion — (level 2 headings for anything else, such as Recommendation (25 pts)
- Level 1 heading "Conclusion" — worked on in class (10 pts)
APA 7 Compliant References Page with ALL sources listed in-text (15 pts)
What is the name of your favorite kind in the chat bar!
I am sure I made you hungry!!
You’ll see, it was all for a good cause!
Today, you will write the introduction and conclusion for to your research paper!
A research paper typically includes these sections:
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Discussion
• Conclusion
You have written these parts of your research paper:
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Discussion
• Conclusion
Today you will write
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Opening Sentence – Grab the attention of your reader
– Make them want to read more!
Sentences in between
• Closing Sentence – Thesis Statement*
– States your stance/recommendation for your reader (the rest of the paper will literally expand on this one sentence – you’ll see!)
SO… BACK to chocolate!
SO… BACK to chocolate!
A little-known fact…
According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.
According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.
Did you know that?!
(By the way, there are resources about the
Opening Sentence on page 6a of your Final Mission
Packet! Flip to it!)
Can you find all the elements of an opening sentence here?
According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.
Hint: here are the elements:
• a surprising, disturbing, little-known, or wonderful fact
• a statistic
• an in-text citation
I’m still struggling with this!
In-text citations!
In-text citations need
Who wrote it When
Two ways to cite: (p. 33-38 in manual)
author names are part of the sentence (narrative format)
author names and date of publication are not part of the sentence
(parenthetical format)
Who wrote it When
One Author Research by Smith (2004) found… Recent research (Smith, 2004) found…
Two Authors Research by Wager and Petty (1994) found…
Paraphrased material (Wager & Petty, 1994).
Which way of citing is used here?
According to Forbes (2020), Americans consume an average of 11 pounds of chocolate per person per year.
Now YOU write an opening sentence on YOUR topic.
This will open your research paper!
• Activity on p. 6a.
Expect to spend 20-40 minutes on this one sentence!!! Surprising, but true!!
Break time!
Please read the top of p. 7 in your Final Mission Packet
What is a thesis statement?
The Thesis Statement:
Justifying Your Stance Based on
The thesis statement
Is the driving force of your paper based on
Contains no opinions or generic and broad
Contains your stance on the topic based on
The Thesis Statement:
Justifying Your Stance Based on
The thesis statement
Is the driving force of your paper based on
Contains no opinions or generic and broad
Contains your stance on the topic based on
The Thesis Statement:
Justifying Your Stance Based on
The thesis statement
Is the driving force of your paper based on
Contains no opinions or generic and broad
Contains your stance on the topic based on
The Thesis Statement:
Justifying Your Stance Based on
The thesis statement
Is the driving force of your paper based on
Contains no opinions or generic and broad
Contains your stance on the topic based on
General Formula
topic +
your stance on the topic + how your stance is supported by research
(citation) = your thesis statement
General Formula
Topic (problem) +
General Formula
Topic (problem) +
General Formula
Topic (problem) +
Recommendation based on research
(citation) =
General Formula
Topic (problem) +
research+ Recommendation based on research
(citation) = your thesis statement
Now, Let’s write YOURS on YOUR topic! Page 7a.
Expect to spend 25 -45 minutes on this. This is a hard one, because it is the outline to your paper!!!
See sample on
pp 7
Take a BREATH!!!
Where in the Opening
Paragraph does the
thesis statement go?
Where in the Opening Paragraph
does it go?
It’s the LAST sentence of the Opening Paragraph
(and helps you to organize your paper!)
Now, you have the two “BOOKENDS!”
Your opening sentence
Now, you have the two “BOOKENDS!”
Your opening sentence
Your thesis statement
Green = Opening sentence meant to grab reader’s attention
Red = Sentences in between that are needed to transition from Green to Blue
Blue = Recommendation based on research
Food fraud has been identified in multiple communities, and in some cases there is a rise in this fraudulent behavior with the increase in different needs regarding food types (Northern District of Iowa, 2019this s). Food fraud refers to the deliberate alteration of food, related ingredients, or packaging, as well as the creation of false or deceptive assertions about a product in order to profit financially (Spink & Moyer, 2011, as cited in Levy, 2020). This fraud can cause damage to consumers’ health, or can affect entire supply chains (Northern District of Iowa, 2019). Food fraud has been found in the research and in (popular press/relevant journals) to be a threat to public health as well as to the economy. Due to food fraud’s threats to segments of business as well as communities, government and food, organizations should install more efficient legislature such as (name of policy with citation) to oversee and regulate the food chains operated by independent providers such as farmers and sole proprietors.
Please write your
opening paragraph in color!
• Start with your opening sentence
• Have red sentences in the middle
• End with your thesis statement
Conclusion Paragraph
• Most students overthink this but think of it like a mirror image of your introduction paragraph.
Turn the opening paragraph upside down!
Conclusion Paragraph Turn the opening paragraph upside down!
Food fraud has been identified in multiple communities, and in some
cases there is a rise in this fraudulent behavior with the increase in
different needs regarding food types (Northern District of Iowa, 2019).
Food fraud refers to the deliberate alteration of food, related
ingredients, or packaging, as well as the creation of false or deceptive
assertions about a product in order to profit financially (Spink &
Moyer, 2011, as cited in Levy, 2020). This fraud can cause damage to
consumers’ health, or can affect entire supply chains (Northern District
of Iowa, 2019). Food fraud has been found in the research and in
(popular press/relevant journals) to be a threat to public health as well
as to the economy. Due to food fraud’s threats to segments of business
as well as communities,government and food, organizations should
install more efficient legislature such as (name of policy with citation)
tooversee and regulate the food chains operated by independent
providers such as farmers and sole proprietors.
Conclusion Paragraph Turn the opening paragraph upside down!
Due to food fraud’s threats to segments of business as well as to
communities, government and food, organizations should install more
efficient legislature such as (name of policy with citation) to oversee
and regulate the food chains operated by independent providers such as
farmers and sole proprietors. Food fraud has been found in the research
and in (popular press/relevant journals) to be a threat to public health as
well as to the economy. This fraud, as seen in the research (cite all
research studies from the literature review), can cause damage to
consumers’ health, or can affect entire supply chains (Northern District
of Iowa, 2019). The (recommended action) is necessary, as food fraud
has been identified in multiple communities, and in some cases there is
a rise in this fraudulent behavior with the increase in different needs
regarding food types (Northern District of Iowa, 2019).
Implications of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Assessing and Hiring Employees
Students Name
Professors Name
Course Title
Implications of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Assessing and Hiring Employees
In a highly competitive market, getting and retaining the best employees require additional analytical tools such as artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has often been used to help assess and hire staff without bias or discrimination (Van den Broek et al., 2019). The algorithmic decision-making process, as done by artificial intelligence, helps a company's management to hire the most qualified staff based on their skills. Unlike the previous recruitment processes where a panel of human resources personnel cross-checked the applicant's knowledge, an algorithm is used to ascertain the candidate's knowledge, personality, and required knowledge (Köchling & Wehner, 2020). Therefore, companies that need to recruit the best talents without bias must use artificial intelligence because of its highest rate of impartiality and discrimination. The critical implication of utilizing artificial intelligence in hiring includes efficiency and overcoming bias, which consequently leads to hiring the most qualified.
Literature Review
Van den Broek et al. (2019) argues that the contemporary corporate domain is changing, with numerous applications received for every job opportunity advertised. The process of analyzing the applicant’s data manually may take longer. As the personnel categorizes data while tired, they will likely make mistakes and choose the least qualified. Research by Köchling & Wehner (2020) inferred that the application of artificial intelligence helps in sorting the extensive data on time and helps them get the most qualified candidate. As technology advances, it becomes impossible for manual applications to be accurately analyzed. Instead, the online application requires artificial intelligence to seek out the candidates and shortlist the ones who are qualified for the job and have the necessary qualifications. Further research inferred that the artificial intelligence and application of algorithms in the hiring process not only speeded up the process but also enhanced quality in the capability.
Getting rid of irrelevant Applications.
Different research have been conducted to determine the benefits of AI in the recruitment process. According to research by Köchling & Wehner (2020), the hiring process has improved accuracy as the algorithms eliminate all irrelevant applications, increasing the process's efficiency. On the contrary, Broek et al., (2019) insinuated that the bulk applications in the contemporary domain encourage companies to have a pool to choose from the best clients. The manual application typically allows people who need the qualification to submit their papers. Consequently, the process becomes cumbersome, jeopardizing quality (Brishti & Javed, 2020). The introduction of artificial intelligence introduces algorithms that filter the applications based on relevance and qualifications.
The filtering process helps to ensure that only the relevant applicants pass the final stage of the selection process from the pool of applicants who are interested in the position. Brishti & Javed’s research in 2020 shared similar sentiments with Köchling & Wehner (2020) that the new technology helps in sampling the applications, and only qualified candidates make it to the shortlisting. Therefore, the application of the technology has led to a better recruitment process in due course.
Improving the Objectivity of the Recruitment
The recruitment process becomes objectives when the required aspects are all fulfilled. In some positions, numerous requirements are needed to ensure a candidate has the right hard and soft skills. Artificial intelligence and related algorithms help to determine whether a candidate has the correct variety of the required soft and hard skills (Köchling & Wehner, 2020). As people show the right combination of the necessary hard and soft skills, it becomes possible to meet employment standards. Similarly, Brishti & Javed (2020) inferred that objectivity could only be achieved when a relevant algorithm is used.
In the contemporary domain, it is common for some candidates to be met with discrimination because of race, culture, or religion, as artificial intelligence uses an embedded system to filter the candidates and looks for qualifications in every candidate without considering the other factors that may result in discrimination (Broek et al., 2019). Since discrimination deprives companies of good employees, artificial intelligence enables companies to perform better and have applicants selected based on their knowledge and experience, not on social factors that may disadvantage some candidates. However, it is imperative to note that research by Brishti & Javed (2020) proved that some pre-programmed algorithms might lead to selected discriminations in the long run. It is, therefore, the role of human resource management to use the algorithm to ensure that it does not have any inbuilt bias.
Artificial Intelligence Lacks Human Touch and May Select A Person without Humanity
Some aspects of the hiring process require a person's humanity to be involved in making the decisions, such as rational thinking and making informed decisions. For example, artificial intelligence does not understand the candidate’s moral values, beliefs in the family systems, and moral values (Broek et al., 2019). Consequently, it implies that organizations can be used to achieve family values. Therefore, it is not entirely reliable in the hiring process to ensure that the people may not get the required company values. Some organizations deeply believe in family values because AI cannot offer family values as necessary for a better outcome.
Analysis of literature
In the contemporary corporate domain, a holistic hiring process is required to obtain all-rounded candidates equipped with soft and hard skills. Although AI is essential in introducing amplitude tests that help determine the personality of candidates, the most profound moral values and beliefs may still need to be achieved or overcome in the discourse (Brishti & Javed, 2020). It is imperative to note that even though artificial intelligence increases speed and offers subjectivity to the process, it lacks the human touch and therefore makes the entire process prone to errors and implied biases as the people who program the algorithms may complete it to favor a particular set of values.
Human resource departments intending to have a holistic and speedy recruitment process must consider using AI. The technology used in the hiring process makes it fast, eliminates all forms of bias, and instils objectivity. However, negative implications come from usage, such as lacking a human touch in the design van den (Broek et al., 2019). It is, therefore, the role of human resource management to ensure that the algorithm it uses is customized to meet the organization's unique needs and eliminate the bias and negative implications of the algorithms in the hiring process.
Brishti, J. K., & Javed, A. (2020). The viability of AI-based recruitment process: A systematic literature review, (dissertation).
Köchling, A., & Wehner, M. C. (2020). Discriminated by an algorithm: a systematic review of discrimination and fairness by algorithmic decision-making in the context of HR recruitment and HR development. Business Research, 13(3), 795-848.
van den Broek, E., Sergeeva, A., & Huysman, M. (2019). Hiring algorithms: An ethnography of fairness in practice. Association for Information Systems
Implications of using AI in Employee Recruitment
Student’s name
Professor’s name
Course title
Implications of using AI in Employee Recruitment
Organizations are increasingly using artificial intelligence-based algorithms in the process of recruiting employees (Jognson et al., 2020). This is the hiring tool of the future. The AI systems are aiding the access to the workforce in the market, but they are also leading to the introduction of biases and perpetuation of disparities in hiring workers. Many major employers apply AI and automation in assessing and recruiting employees (Jognson et al., 2020). AI can measure personality, but it lacks reliability as it can integrate or prevent the hiring of certain workers without full knowledge of the applicants' capabilities. There has been substantial evidence that AI leads to discrimination which results in inequalities in employment opportunities. Discrimination is generally based on aspects such as gender, race and ethnicity. There is an urgent need for organizations to figure out how to prevent discrimination when using AI in hiring, as the more entities rely on the algorithms, the more potential employees will get discriminated against.
Köchling & Wehner (2020) provided recommended that an improved algorithmic decision-making tool be used for the recruitment and hiring process. This tool should be combined with human resource skills for good governance to ensure the computer-generated decision have some human touch. The recommendation by Javed & Brishti (2020) was that more research is necessary to improve the functioning of AI in recruiting workers, as the downsides of the tool are significant. They, however, also recommended that hiring managers can benefit from using this technology. Van den Broek et al. (2019) and Wright & Atkinson (2019) stated that entities should not place substantial confidence in using AI to accomplish their recruitment objectives.
From the review of the articles, there is more progress and developments required before AI-based algorithms are fully implemented in recruiting workers. According to all articles involved, from Javed & Brishti (2020 to Köchling & Wehner (2020), more research should help ensure that biases and discrimination in hiring are eliminated. This will mean that minority populations such as women and African Americans are not disadvantaged when applying for jobs that they are qualified for. The second recommendation is that AI can be applied, as despite its disadvantages, its application has immense benefits. AI should help hiring managers improve the quality of their hires, help in the automation of tedious manual tasks and improve the candidate experience. AI should also help minimize the hiring time and make the process more cost-effective (Jognson et al., 2020). The application should come with cautiousness in order to avoid any drawbacks.
Brishti, J. K., & Javed, A. (2020). The viability of ai-based recruitment process: A systematic literature review.
Elmira van den Broek, E., Sergeeva, A., & Huysman, M. (2019). Hiring algorithms: An ethnography of fairness in practice.
Jognson, R. D., Stone, D. L., & Lukaszewski, K. M. (2020). The benefits of eHRM and AI for talent acquisition. Journal of Tourism Futures, 7(1), 40-52.
Köchling, A Wehner, M. C. (2020). Discriminated by an algorithm: a systematic review of discrimination and fairness by algorithmic decision-making in the context of HR recruitment and HR development. Business Research, 13(3), 795-848.
Wright, J., & Atkinson, D. (2019). The impact of artificial intelligence within the recruitment industry: Defining a new way of recruiting. Carmichael Fisher, 1-39.
Literature Review: Cybersecurity Readiness in SMEs
Student Name
Department, Institution
Course Title
Instructor Name
Due Date
Literature Review: Cybersecurity Readiness in SMEs
Introduction to Literature Review
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) encounter risks to cybersecurity safety as they implement technological processes in their business operations (Perozzo et al., 2021). Following the cybersecurity risks that SMEs face in the ever-growing business world, there is need for research to help determine the level of preparedness and offer possible remedies for the cybersecurity safety issue. The literature review comprised only research articles and literature about the status of readiness of SMEs when it comes to cybersecurity challenges. The factors that were reviewed in the study were the organizational readiness of SMEs, different cyber threats to SMEs and their impacts, and the possible preventive measures SMEs can use against cyberattacks. The literature review process was conducted in Monroe College Library databases like ProQuest, EBSCO Host, and Google Scholar. SMEs, cybersecurity organizational preparation, and cybersecurity were some of the search phrases used to locate pertinent publications for the literature review.
Review of Literature
Cybersecurity Awareness
Perozzo et al. (2021) conducted a qualitative multiple-case study in Italy to explore existing literature on cybersecurity. This study was published in the Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ) journal as article 185 and issue number 33, from pages 53 to 66. The paper follows a multiple case study using multiple resources to explore real-life cases over time. The authors aimed to explore the limitations of the readiness models of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for cybersecurity and proposed a framework that may be used. The authors use a qualitative multiple-case study method to understand the socio-cultural context of the study participants. Perozzo et al. (2021) collected data through semi-structured interviews and Plagiarism Free Papers
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