In your upcoming Residency, you will be asked to defend your choices of potential research topic, background to the problem, problem space, theoretical foundation, initial literature review,
Assessment Description
In your upcoming Residency, you will be asked to defend your choices of potential research topic, background to the problem, problem space, theoretical foundation, initial literature review, problem statement, purpose statement, variables (quantitative) or phenomenon (qualitative), research questions (and hypotheses for quantitative), study methodology, and study feasibility. In this assignment, you will draft an initial defense of these items.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Refer to your submission of “Dissertation Development” from RES-820.
Locate the presentation template “RES-831 Quantitative Study Defense” or “RES-831 Qualitative Study Defense” attached to this assignment.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
This assignment requires the inclusion of at least two scholarly research sources related to this topic and at least one in-text citation from each source.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Refer to your potential dissertation topic from your submission of “Dissertation Development” in RES-820.
Based on the methodology of your potential dissertation topic, select the appropriate presentation template: “RES-831 Quantitative Study Defense” or RES-831 Qualitative Study Defense.?
Complete the template slides (including the slide that presents an alignment table for your potential study) to prepare a presentation in which you describe and defend your choices of the following for your potential study:
Proposed Dissertation Topic Title
Literature Review: Background to the Problem
Literature Review: Problem Space
Literature Review: Theoretical Foundations
Literature Review: Review of Literature
Problem Statement
Purpose Statement
Variables (if quantitative) or Phenomenon (if qualitative)
Research Questions (and Hypotheses if quantitative)
Methodology Justification. Note: Include a rationale for not choosing the other methodology.
Reminder: Your choices must be defended with relevant current research.
Requirements: 1300
The Role of Data and Social Media in Increasing Business Accountability
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Grand Canyon University: RES 820
The Role of Data and Social Media in Increasing Business Accountability
Liakh,?O. (2021). Accountability through sustainability data governance: Reconfiguring reporting to better account for the digital acceleration.?Sustainability,?13(24), 13814.?
In measuring a business’s performance, companies are required by law to prepare an annual report and financial statements that show their performance, profits and even losses made. According to the authors, the data provided by the companies is critical in assessing whether they met their objectives and goals. While third parties cannot determine the datas authenticity, some companies manipulate their numbers to score executive bonuses, balance their budgets and continue sourcing funds from their stakeholders. Therefore, the data can be authentic to third parties but does not reflect the actual organization’s performance in their area of specialization. As a result, companies that manipulate data try to depict their competitive advantage, better performance and strengths to lure customers of how the company is competitive. The authors, therefore, assert that since the government or customers cannot determine the performance of an organization, they (companies) are accountable for their performance (falling or successes) because they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
Reitsamer,?B.?F., & Brunner-Sperdin,?A. (2021). Its all about the brand: Place brand credibility, place attachment, and consumer loyalty.?Journal of Brand Management,?28(3), 291-301.?
Reitsamer and Brunner-Sperdin’s study focuses on the importance of providing accurate and truthful information regarding brands. In their study, companies that use social media exaggerate and provide incorrect information about their products to attract purchases. In their study, some online stores that sold electronic products and clothes were found falsely advertised thus presenting misleading information about products and services being offered. The authors assert that while many consumers use social media, any false representation of products can negatively influence customers and form unfavourable opinions that can affect the companys performance. Therefore, while companies intend to lure more customers to purchase their products, they should be held accountable for false representation of their products which creates unfair competition. Accurate product information creates a positive perception of the company, thus creating more traffic.
Hanaysha,?J.?R. (2017). Impact of social media marketing, price promotion, and corporate social responsibility on customer satisfaction.?Jindal Journal of Business Research,?6(2), 132-145.?
Satisfying customers needs and demands is one of the marketing topics that has received attention over the past. Hanayshas study contemplates social media as a driving force for the creation of sustainable competitive advantage and brand success since many potential customers are reached at once. The author asserts that looking at customers satisfaction antecedents can lead to better performance and outperforming the competitors. Using a survey to collect data, the author found that proper social media marketing promotes businesses by luring customers to try the companys products at affordable prices and keeping in touch with the new customer demands. At the same time, the author acknowledges some businesses create unfavourable environments due to the emission of waste products. The research shows that companies that are responsible for environmental pollution and have a significant emphasis on social responsibility programs that prevent further pollution result in positive perceptions of the company. Therefore, by using social media, companies should be responsible for their activities to improve how they are perceived by customers.
Appel,?G., Grewal,?L., Hadi,?R., & Stephen,?A.?T. (2019). The future of social media in marketing.?Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,?48(1), 79-95.?
Trust aspect is slowly affecting social media marketing. According to Appel et al, consumers continue to negatively view brands because they (companies) use their (customers) data and even expose it to third parties who eventually expose it. As a result, about 40% of social media users delete their social media activities and presence because they fear the mishandling of their data. The researcher further notes that the customers decisions to delete their social media accounts deny companies from collecting enough data for making business insights and informed decisions. The companies should therefore be held responsible for the low data availability. The author notes that while many customers are running away from exposure, changes should be made to the use of social media data to mitigate the erosion of customer trust. The author recommends that companies should get permission from customers before using their data. At the same time, the author asserts that everyone (the customer and the customer) should benefit from consumer data. For instance, since companies will use the data in determining various trends to focus on, the customer should be paid because their data has been used.
Virglerova,?Z., Panic,?M., Voza,?D., & Velickovic,?M. (2021). Model of business risks and their impact on the operational performance of SMEs.?Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja,?35(1), 4047-4064.?
Risks negatively affect any business performance. Inappropriate risk mitigation measures can lead to massive losses and even the closure of business. Research by Virglerova et al shows that acquiring data from different sectors can result in the identification of specific risks that are likely to affect a business’s profits. The data will expose the risks the company is likely to encounter and how it should prevent them. At the same time, the article notes that through the collected data, companies can know how different businesses mitigated risks, the challenges they faced and whether the measures they put in place were appropriate. Therefore, businesses should be held accountable if they identified the various risks but never put in place mitigation measures.
Shamsuzzoha,?A., & Raappana,?H. (2021). Perspectives of business process ethics in data?driven marketing management.?Security and Privacy,?4(6).?
As technological advancements continue to occur, social media users leave their data on their favourite sites without their knowledge. Marketers mine the data for marketing insights and making essential business decisions. However, Shamsuzzoha and Raappana assert that the unconsented retrieval of customers data risks ending up in the wrong hands. The authors recommend online platforms allow users to opt out of their data from the platforms to prevent data privacy infringements. According to the authors, smaller businesses do not emphasize risk management because they see them as non-profitable and time-consuming. Even though their perception might be true, the businesses risk losing more resources because they failed to make informed decisions by collecting data relevant to their area of specialization. Companies that accrue losses should be blamed for not using technology to mine data on risks they are likely to face and prevent the risks in time. Therefore, businesses that do not invest in risk analysis and mitigation measures should be accountable for their failures or poor performances.
Horng,?J., Liu,?C., Chou,?S., Yu,?T., & Hu,?D. (2022). Role of big data capabilities in enhancing competitive advantage and performance in the hospitality sector: Knowledge-based dynamic capabilities view.?Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,?51, 22-38.?
Besides risks, Horng et al. assert that data collection is essential in determining business environment complexity and competitiveness. Todays businesses know consumer purchase decisions and predict customer behaviour by using data analytic approaches. It is a companys role to explore their customers unanticipated patterns including factors that promote customer satisfaction. The authors posited that big data analytics can be used to facilitate innovation. The data can be collected from social media platforms, reviews made by customers on rivals products and other product-specific sites. After collecting the data, the organizations can learn the different customer purchase patterns, preferences and qualities they prioritize. As noted by the authors, data analytics is an essential aspect of positioning a companys competence. By collecting specific data and making data-driven decisions, businesses gain an upper hand in attracting more customers, thus gaining a competitive advantage because they meet customers preferences. Therefore, a business should rely on the data to make meaningful decisions that align with its goals. Otherwise, any failure should be associated with the managements incompetence.
Fadler,?M., & Legner,?C. (2021). Data ownership revisited: Clarifying data accountabilities in times of big data and analytics.?Journal of Business Analytics,?5(1), 123-139.?
Today, companies generate and mine data through digital applications where their current and potential customers spend time interacting with themselves or with other parties. The authors note that data ownership has been a contended issue as many companies leak their customers personal information to monetize it. Fadler and Legner assert that companies must be held accountable for any illegal data leakage or alienation that can harm customers or expose their personal information to third parties. Even though the companies have the right to mine and collect any relevant data that seek to improve existing processes and products, the authors find that the data collected is essential in determining whether an organization is responsible and accountable for the data. Using the explorative case study research design, the authors report that data is used to determine who the data source owner, platform owner, and the data product owner is, thus preventing information privacy infringement.
Shahbaznezhad,?H., Dolan,?R., & Rashidirad,?M. (2021). The role of social media content format and platform in users’ engagement behaviour.?Journal of Interactive Marketing,?53, 47-65.?
Despite acting as a mode of communication, social media is a great source of reference. Customers following the various companies social media accounts can refer to any earlier communication when they defer with the services offered and products delivered. Accordingly, the business should be held accountable for any information they share through their platforms. By sharing with their intended audience, it implies that the management has approved the information, thus they (the company) should adhere to what they communicated. The article further notes that social media platforms create better avenues to launch complaints when their demands are not met. The complaints can be made on their social media posts where they advertised a product, or announced a promotion or discount. As noted by the authors, companies should be held accountable for any misinformation or failure to meet their customers demands. Whenever any communication is to be made, relevant authorities should authenticate it to ensure customers receive appropriate products and services as communicated.
Mohammed,?M. (2018). Corporate accountability in the context of sustainability ? A conceptual framework.?EuroMed Journal of Business,?8(3).?
The article discusses the importance of accountability in any business. The research reviews different studies conducted on the topic and found that the current conceptual frameworks are inadequate to escalate sustainability. At the same time, while many businesses claim responsibility for their actions, the corporate social responsibility programs are poorly driven leading to little benefit to the affected society. The article notes that meaningful activities entailing corporate social responsibilities should be initiated, monitored and effectively implemented to benefit the local community. By implementing meaningful programs, a companys positive reputation increases and even acquires more customers because they care about its environment and customers. Such accountability activities create social connections between customers and brands leading to success.
I am pursuing XXX program majoring in marketing, data mining, analysis and decision making.
Research Focus
My program and area of specialization integrate different marketing, data analysis and decision-making facets, thus it aligns with the topic of study.
Feasibility of Research Problem
Researching the role of social media and data on business accountability is a feasible topic because companies utilize social media for marketing and use data to make essential business decisions that can determine their performance.
Problem Statement
While the literature indicates that data and social media are essential marketing and decision-making tools, it is still unknown how social media and data can increase business accountability.
Need for Study
Even though business accountability has been vigorously researched, few studies have been conducted on how social media and data can increase accountability. Accountability is essential in the business world because it makes companies feel responsible for their actions and improve. An organization that values accountability attracts more customers and creates a positive perception among customers. Once companies have customers personal information, they should be accountable in case of any leakages or mishandling. At the same time, social media increases accountability by compelling companies to offer the services they advertise. The research topic, therefore, compels us to unearth how social media and data can increase business accountability. The research will focus on performance reporting, how companies collect data from connected devices, reviews, and customer feedback. At the same time, social media posts and promotions will be assessed to determine whether the companies are accountable for the incorrect products delivered from what was advertised. Therefore, the benefit of researching this topic is to explore how data can increase business accountability, how companies misrepresent data to create a perception of good performance and whether a business is liable for the pollution caused within their neighbourhoods.
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
While different frameworks could be applied in this study, the accountability theory will be the most suitable. According to Pilon and Brouard, (2022), the accountability framework focuses on a person or companys willingness to take responsibility for their actions consequences. The framework works for the public interests and mutual benefit of the business and consumers. The theory will help in determining why some companies provide false financial information about their performance and identify how data is manipulated to meet an organizations demands and making of decisions. At the same time, the framework will help discover why many organizations secretly mine the customers data but cannot be responsible when the data is mishandled or falls on unauthorised third parties. Additionally, the theory will help us understand how being accountable positively favours businesses. The authors used different case studies denoting how anonymous companies leaked customers data and later denied responsibility. These companies destroyed their good reputation with customers leading to poor customer relations and a decline in sales. Customers feared purchasing from the companies because they feared their data being exposed to third parties. The authors note that such irresponsibility makes customers delete their social media data and accounts after completing some activities to avoid being exposed.
Hanayshas article exemplarily discusses the need for companies to claim responsibility for their actions within their area of operations. The authors found that social media marketing and price promotions increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, a third factor, social corporate responsibility is the force that companies should never ignore. According to the findings, putting social corporate responsibility programs that favour society can improve a companys perception among consumers and promote a good reputation. When a company identifies the negative consequences of its actions, it should claim responsibility and mitigate the consequences as soon as possible before they affect the locals. These findings were significant to the topic of study because it denotes the need to be accountable for each action undertaken. If a company mishandles customer data, it should be accountable and promise customers that they have put in place measures to prevent future data breaches. The articles significance sections precisely discuss what each article achieves and their weaknesses and limitations. The sections, therefore, help determine the research gaps which will be covered in my study. My study will therefore enrich the existing knowledge by empathising the importance of social media and data accountability in increasing a companys profits.
Defence of Article Selection
Several peer-reviewed articles have been published on the importance of technology especially social media and data analysis. The ten chosen articles not only focused on social media but also provided essential information about business accountability. Even though several gaps were noted, the chosen articles gave a lead and enough literature to address the research question. For instance, many studies focused on the importance of social media and failed to address the aspect of privacy. The chosen articles addressed how businesses fail to protect their customers data leading to third parties which later disclose it. The articles denote that while social media is a significant marketing tool, it can also destroy the customer-organization reputation. When handling customer data, the chosen article notes that companies should be cautious and protect their customers data. The articles were further chosen because they emphasise the importance of accountability. While customer data can be found in the wrong hands, the articles capitalize on the importance of claiming responsibility.
Other than social media, data reporting is an essential factor that informs stakeholders about the companys performance. While some companies manipulate their data to outperform rivals, this approach might negatively impact the business. The articles assert the need for honesty. When reporting the data, companies should reflect the exact performance of their business without providing any false information. The ten articles align with the topic of study because they researched the different aspects of increasing business accountability through the use of social media, mining and protecting customers data, thus are relevant. Finally, all the articles were published within the past 5 years. Plagiarism Free Papers
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