Prepare a draft of your 10-minute PPT presentation of your evidence-based recommendation (the discussion section of your paper). On the day of presentations, you will be divided into
- Prepare a draft of your 10-minute PPT presentation of your evidence-based recommendation (the discussion section of your paper). On the day of presentations, you will be divided into groups where you will provide peer feedback to each other and submit your viewer participation worksheet (based on the PPT outline below). As each group member presents, the other group members will complete their viewer participation worksheet for each member.
PPT Outline for Discussion Final Presentation.pdf
Grab all your worksheets that helped you write your paper AND the outline above:
- You MUST use the concepts of H.A.T.S taught in class.
- You MUST use the CHECK YOUR SIMILARITY HERE folder to ensure no plagiarism.
- Grading: You MUST go to p. 78 in the Foundations text to see the Rubric for PowerPoints.
Discussion – Pollution Issues in India
Student Name
Department, Institution
Course Title
Instructor Name
Due Date
Researchers have presented concerns over the issue of pollution in India and how it affects the nation's residents. According to an article by Gupta and Dhir (2021), winter encountered higher air contaminants than summer. The challenge with these differences is that the population suffers more health complications when these air contaminants are high in winter than at other times in summer. Sasmita et al. (2022) assert that the residents are 3 to 5 times more prone to health adversities of PM10 in winter than in summer. Gupta and Dhir (2021) found that the highest quantities of PM10 and PM2.5 were in the winter, whereas huge quantities of SO2, NO2, and CO were found in the summer. In terms of location, the cities had the greatest concentrations of SO2 and CO, whereas industrial regions had the highest amounts of PM10, PM2.5, and NO2. Similarly, Lechthaler et al. (2021) found more microplastics in places with great anthropogenic influences than in places with a minimal anthropogenic effect.
Evidence-Based Recommendation
The pollution issue in India also has implications for policymakers of human and environmental health. Various stakeholders should formulate policies geared towards reducing the number of air pollutants. By doing further research on plastic contaminants, environmentalist can assess the sources of microplastics in rivers. Lechthaler et al. (2021) assert that this step would change the potential effects of microplastics on the health of the Indian population. The government of India, among other main stakeholders, should be at the forefront of protecting the health of residents. According to Bagepally et al. (2022), governments, industries, and civil society need to coordinate their efforts in minimizing air pollution and its impact on the population's health. Industries need to reduce the production of biohazardous gases in the atmosphere concerning the season.
The kind of gaseous pollutants from industries is a concern that legislators in India should keenly consider. For more effective monitoring, Gupta and Dhir (2021) advise decision-makers and city planners to investigate the fundamentals of particulate matter. By differentiating the different causes of air pollution, city planners can effectively protect the health of their residents. Moreover, Lechthaler et al. (2021) recommend more extensive data collection on tutoring and transiting river microplastics under diverse climatic conditions to increase data efficiency. In order to address the health-related issue caused by PM10, Sasmita et al. (2022) urged attention to focus on controlling and preventing air pollution. Highlighting and specifying the kind of air pollutants can help deal with air pollution in India as a nation, especially depending on the season. Further, Bagepally et al. (2022) recommend increasing public awareness of the harmful impacts of air pollution on health and the importance of air pollution reduction for long-term sustainability and economic growth.
Bagepally, S, S. K., B. S., & Rakesh, B. (2022). Air pollution attributed disease burden and economic growth in India: Estimating trends and inequality between states . The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia, 7, 100069.
Gupta, A., & Dhir, A. (2021). Spatial and temporal variations of air pollutants in urban agglomeration areas in Gujarat, India during 2004–2018. MAPAN, 37(1), 215-226.
Lechthaler, S., Waldschläger, K., Sandhani, C. G., Sannasiraj, S. A., Sundar, V., Schwarzbauer, J., & Schüttrumpf, H. (2021). Baseline study on microplastics in Indian rivers under different anthropogenic influences. Water, 13(12), 1648.
Sasmita, S., Kumar, D. B., & Priyadharshini, B. (2022). Assessment of sources and health impacts of PM10 in an urban environment over eastern coastal plain of India. Environmental Challenges, 7, 100457.
Mitigation Proposal: PowerPoint Outline
• Slide 1: Title slide
• Slide 2: Your research question
(Discussion: Mitigation Recommendation Slides)
• Slide 3: Summarize the research problem / affected populations / applicable
• Slide 4-5: Description of existing mitigation techniques you found in your research
• Slide 6-7: Your recommendation
• Slides 8-10: References
Foundations of
❖ Using APA 7th-Edition Style
❖ Finding, Evaluating, and Summarizing
Research Articles
❖ Writing a Research Paper
❖ Creating a Research Presentation
This page intentionally left blank.
Milestone 1 – Refine Your Topic and Finding Research Articles on Your Topic
Steps to getting there:
A. Brainstorming Research Problems ……………………………………………………………………………2
Search for Recent Newspaper Articles to Help Brainstorm Topics …………………….2
Resources to Help You: Monroe College Library ……………………………………………3
B. Select a Topic And Develop a Research Question with Examples ………………………………..4
Activity: Develop Proposals for Topics and Research Questions ……………………….5
C. Activity: Identifying Characteristics of a Research Articles…………………………………………..6
D. Learn to Use Monroe College Library Databases and Evaluate Source Validity …………….7
Databases: Navigation ………………………………………………………………………………….7
Databases: Subject Specific ………………………………………………………………………….8
Milestone 2 – Writing Your Literature Review
Steps to getting there:
A. APA 7 Basics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
B. Learn Heading Levels – APA 7 ……………………………………………………………………………..13
C. Learn the Five Basic Research Study Methodologies ………………………………………………..14
D. Learn the Difference Between Correlation and Causation ………………………………………….15
E. Six Questions to Answer to Summarize a Research Article ……………………………………….16
F. Writing an Objective Summary………………………………………………………………………………17
Activity: Practice with Objective Summaries ………………………………………………..17
Writing an Objective Summary: What Not to Do …………………………………………..18
Rubric for Objective Summary ……………………………………………………………………19
Student Sample with Annotations: Objective Summary ………………………………….20
G. Learn to Avoid Plagiarism with In-Text Citations …………………………………………………….23
Citing Multiple Works with Same First Author(s) in the Same Year: ……………….26
Two or More Works in the Same Parentheses ……………………………………………….26
Groups as Authors ……………………………………………………………………………………..26
Citing Indirect (Secondary) Sources …………………………………………………………….27
Citing in a Paragraph with a Single and Multiple Source ………………………………..28
Page Number Abbreviations ……………………………………………………………………….29
H. Rubric for References Page ……………………………………………………………………………………30
Student Sample with Annotations: References Page ……………………………………..31
I. APA 7: Create References and In-Text Citations for Your Research Articles ………………33
Journal Articles: Single Author and Two Authors ………………………………………….33
Journal Articles: 3-20 Authors and 21 or More Authors …………………………………34
E-Books: Chapter in a Book, With and Without Editors …………………………………35
Webpages: With Author’s Name or Group Author ………………………………………..36
Additional Resources: Online News Articles and Film …………………………………..37
Additional Resources: YouTube Videos and Instructional Aids ……………………..38
Additional Resources: PowerPoint Slides …………………………………………………….39
Activity: References Game …………………………………………………………………………40
J. Define the Literature Review …………………………………………………………………………………41
Three Parts of the Literature Review ……………………………………………………………42
K. Activity: Developing Part 1 – Introductory Paragraph to Literature Review …………………44
L. Activity: Developing Part 3 – Analysis of Literature for Your Conclusion Paragraph …..45
M. Activity: Checklist for the Literature Review …………………………………………………………..46
N. Student Sample Literature Review ………………………………………………………………………….48
Milestone 3 – Writing Your Discussion
Steps to getting there:
A. Building the Discussion ………………………………………………………………………………………..54
Activity: Summarize Your News Article to Identify Problem and Population……54
Activity: Find a Company/Organization/Policy Contributing to Mitigation ………55
Activity: Develop Your Recommendation with Evidence ……………………………….56
Milestone 4 – Assembling Your Research Paper
Steps to getting there:
A. Write the Introductory Paragraph to Your Research Paper …………………………………………58
Outline for Introductory Paragraph ………………………………………………………………58
Student Sample of an Introductory Paragraph ……………………………………………….58
Activity: 1st Sentence of the Opening Paragraph …………………………………………..60
The Thesis Statement with Samples……………………………………………………………..61
General Formula ………………………………………………………………………………………. 61
KG 604: Steps to the Thesis ………………………………………………………………………. 61
Sample Thesis Statements …………………………………………………………………………. 61
Activity: Practice with Parts of the Thesis Statement ……………………………………..62
Activity: Drafting Your Thesis Statement …………………………………………………….63
B. Insert the Literature Review and Discussion Sections ……………………………………………….64
C. The Conclusion Paragraph …………………………………………………………………………………….65
Activity: Checklist to the Conclusion Paragraph: …………………………………………..65
D. Activity: Checklist for the Final Research Paper ………………………………………………………66
Milestone 5 – Creating and Delivering an Impactful Presentation on Your Topic
Steps to getting there:
A. Creating an Impactful Presentation – Questions and a Checklist ………………………………..73
B. H.A.T.S. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..75
C. Constructing Bulleted Lists ……………………………………………………………………………………76
D. Rubric for PowerPoints …………………………………………………………………………………………78
E. Rubric for Delivering a Presentation ……………………………………………………………………….79
1 Milestone 1
Milestone 1
Milestone 1 – Refine Your Topic and Finding Research Articles on Your Topic
Steps to getting there:
A. Brainstorming Research Problems ………………………………………………………………………………2
Search for Recent Newspaper Articles to Help Brainstorm Topics ……………………….2
Resources to Help You: Monroe College Library ………………………………………………3
B. Select a Topic And Develop a Research Question with Examples …………………………………..4
Activity: Develop Proposals for Topics and Research Questions …………………………5
C. Activity: Identifying Characteristics of a Research Articles …………………………………………….6
D. Learn to Use Monroe College Library Databases and Evaluate Source Validity ……………….7
Databases: Navigation …………………………………………………………………………………….7
Databases: Subject Specific …………………………………………………………………………….8
Find research articles on your topic while refining the topic
You reached your 1st Milestone!!
2 Milestone 1
Brainstorming Research Problems
The first step of the research process is to brainstorm relevant problems that interest you and are
related to your area of study.
Think about your field of study as a master's student. Use one of the two methods below to learn ways
to find two news articles. You will need to find articles that report on issues or problems related to the
industry of your major of study as a master’s student (you could think about scandals within the last 5
Two Methods to Find Your News Article
Method 1: Google
a. Go to Google
b. Type in the search bar → your major + selected search term + timeframe
Major Search Terms Timeframe
Select your major:
• Business/Accounting
• Computer Science
• Criminal Justice
• Health Care
• Teaching
You may choose to
search each of the terms
below, but do so one at
a time.
Select your term:
• Scandals
• Issues
• Problems
• Controversies
Must be within the last
5 years
Checklist to Help You Evaluate Website Sources
If you marked any of these ‘No’, find a new resource!
Yes/No Is the author/publisher/source/sponsor known, or are the author’s
credentials or organizational affiliations respected?
Yes/No Does the URL end in .edu .gov .org?
(check with your professor if .com is acceptable)
Yes/No Does the source provide objective data
(does not attempt to sway the reader to any belief system)?
3 Milestone 1
Method 2: Industry-Specific Publications or Organizations to access through Google or the
Monroe College Library (you can ask your department’s professors for names of other
sources, too)
Major/Industry Publication Titles and/or Organizations
• Wall Street Journal
• Financial Times
• Barron’s
• Brookings Institution
Computer Science
• Wired
• PC Magazine
Criminal Justice
• Justice Department
• Bureau of Justice Statistics
Health Care
• New York Times
• Kaiser Family Foundation
• The Commonwealth Fund
• Education Week
• EdSurge
Troubleshoot Accessibility
Resources to Help You
Monroe College Library
• Link:
• Hyperlink: Finding Newspaper Articles – Finding Articles in the Databases – Monroe College
LibGuides at Monroe College
If you do not have full access to the article or you are told to pay to gain access,
please contact the Monroe College Library for help on how to gain access.
4 Milestone 1
Topics and Research Questions
Research Problem: A General Area of Study You Want to Learn
About Example Topics
If my master’s degree program is education, I would come up with something
like this:
Issue/Problem 1: Depression and anxiety among young adults
1) People Involved: College students, parents
2) Link to Article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about the impact of COVID
19 on depression and anxiety among young adult students?
If my master’s degree program is public health, I would come up with something like this:
Issue/Problem 2: Walgreens’ contribution to the opioid crisis in San Francisco
1) People Involved: Walgreens, pharmacists, doctors, patients, public spaces in San
2) Link to Article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about contributing factors
to opioid misuse?
Important Note: Research questions can be about impacts (effects), perceptions,
disparities, contributing factors, or correlations.
Milestone 1 5
Activity: Develop Proposals for Topics and Research Questions
Complete the brainstorming worksheet below. Your professor will approve one of the proposed research
problems below for you to use this semester, which will be developed in the final KG 604 research paper.
Proposed Research Problem 1:
1) People Involved:
2) Link to Article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about
Proposed Research Problem 2:
1) People Involved:
2) Link to Article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about
Optional Proposed Research Problem 3:
1) People Involved:
2) Link to Article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about
Milestone 1 6
Identifying Research Articles
1. In your database, check off that you want only
FULL TEXT articles that are in RESEARCH JOURNALS
2. Then, please fill out the checklist for each article you want to use.
(A research article will always include how the study was done, and what the researchers
found. Any “no” means this is NOT a research article and you need to find a different one!)
Complete the Activity Below
Name of article #1
Does it detail how the study was conducted?
Does it detail what the researcher(s) found?
Name of article #2
Does it detail how the study was conducted?
Does it detail what the researcher(s) found?
Name of article #3
Does it detail how the study was conducted?
Does it detail what the researcher(s) found?
Important to Note
You will typically need at least 5 research articles for a Literature Review, but as this is a
foundations course, you will only provide a total of 3 research articles for your Literature
Milestone 1 7
Databases: Navigation
Follow the instructions below to navigate to the Monroe College library databases:
1. Go to
2. In the upper right hand corner, click on this icon for a drop-down menu:
3. Click on “Current Students”
4. Click on “My Monroe”
5. Log in using your Monroe College username and password
6. Ensure you are coded as “Student” (not “Member” or “Faculty,” like the image below)
7. If you are not coded as “Student,” you will need toto
to contact the IT Help Desk to have this fixed before you will be able to move on:
8. Click on the “Library Resources” icon
9. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Databases”
10. A long list of databases will populate and you have
access to all of them as a Monroe College student!
Milestone 1 8 Plagiarism Free Papers
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