What is your analogy for the education profession? How does your analogy (e.g., The Drill Sergeant: My Philosophy of Education) connect with the upcoming content in the document? Section 2:
education & teaching writing question
Outline of Paper Sections
Section 1: Introduction.
Write one paragraph, on-page maximum length, double-spaced.
What is your analogy for the education profession?
How does your analogy (e.g., The Drill Sergeant: My Philosophy of Education) connect with the upcoming content in the document?
Section 2: Why You Teach (Refer to Chapter 2 in Dr. Browns Course Ref. Material)
Write two or three paragraphs, one and one-half pages, double-spaced
What is the purpose of education?
Which philosophical beliefs do you support (Complete the Philosophic Inventory, Chapter 2, Dr. Browns Reference Material)?
What is your role as a teacher?
Section 3: Whom You Teach
Write three paragraphs, one and one-half pages, double-spaced.
What is the students role in his/her education?
How will you reach the diverse children in your classroom?
What will be your relationship with the community, parents, teaching colleagues and administration?
Section 4: How and what you teach?
Write two paragraphs, one page, double-spaced.
What are your beliefs about how children learn?
How do your beliefs affect classroom management, instructional strategies, curriculum design/content, and assessment?
Section 5: Conclusion
Write one paragraph, one-half page, double-spaced.
What is an analogy?
What is your analogy of the education profession?
Educational Philosophy
Assignment Dropbox. Section #2. Why You Teach
What is the purpose of education?
Which philosophical beliefs do you support? (Remember to complete the philosophic inventory.)
What is your role as a teacher?
Instructional Objectives
2) Understand Instructional Objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy.Instructional Objectives Using Blooms Taxonomyhttps://mindflash.com/course-development/instructional-objectivesNote: Effective instructional objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-framed.Blooms Taxonomy action verb lists are also helpful in writing instructional objectives.file:///C:/Users/17066/AppData/Local/Temp/blooms_taxonomy_action_verbs.pdf
Requirements: 4p
Philosophy of Education
Tityanna Hooks
Columbus State University
EDUC 2130
March 4, 2023
Philosophy of Education
The Purpose of Education
My philosophy of education is to ensure that students have a supportive learning environment and that they grow and learn to the best of their abilities. I believe that all students can learn, provided the support, resources, and the right teaching methods are put in place. Therefore, I believe in a student-centered approach, and using Bloom’s taxonomy to learn ensures a teacher understands each student’s unique needs (Trakstar, 2023). Examples of student-centered approaches that, as a teacher, I can employ include project-based learning, service learning, and internship. The teacher can create learning experiences and methods tailored to each student’s interests, learning styles, and abilities with this approach. For students to benefit from education, I believe that teachers must first understand their profession’s purpose, what goals they strive to achieve with their students, and why they teach them.
Some goals teachers achieve include equipping students with the tools necessary for success and growing them personally and ethically. As a professional entrusted with particular students’ education, I believe that creating a mutual and respectful rapport with the students is important. As a teacher, learning about the student’s aspirations, hobbies, and interests is important to create a good rapport with students. In addition, the roles of parents in education should be noticed since they help encourage their children to take active roles in their education and motivate them in their skills and knowledge. Therefore, teachers should work hand in hand with parents to ensure that the students are inspired and motivated.
Education aims to enable students to progress to their full capability and become successful by allowing them to obtain skills and knowledge. Moreover, education also aims to teach students ethical values and morals, such as honesty, critical thinking, and humanitarianism. Therefore, teachers are responsible for empowering and preparing their students to impact society. Another purpose of education is to enable students to develop unique qualities and gain their full potential and individualities. This may be achieved by teachers assisting students in outlining their essence by divulging them to create a conducive environment where it is possible to select what is more appealing to them.
Philosophical Beliefs I Support
I support various educational philosophy orientations such as essentialism, progressivism, and existentialism. According to essentialism, schools should teach intellectual and moral standards that need to be transmitted to students in a well-organized and efficient manner. The essentialism philosophy supports the idea that the fundamental curriculum may vary, provided that the world is dynamic, unlike perennials that focus on teaching constant ideas (Parkay, 2016). I support essentialism due to its core curriculum, which is concerned with essential knowledge, skills, and academic diligence.
On the other hand, drawing ideas from progressivism, I believe that learning is rooted in the learner and should focus on the student. It is, therefore, effective for teachers to provide experience to the students in a physical and cultural context so that they can learn by undertaking some activities (Parkay, 2016). Borrowing from the existentialist, students differ from others; thus, each student should be allowed to determine what is best for them.
From my diverse philosophical viewpoints as a teacher, I have various roles and responsibilities. First, as an essentialism teacher, I need to prepare my students to become valuable members of society and make society a better place. In addition, my role as an essentialist is to train the students to read and communicate. Moreover, as a progressivist, I am responsible for making the school useful and interesting by planning teachings that aggravate curiosity. The students can therefore interact and develop social qualities such as tolerance and cooperation.
My Role as A Teacher
My role as a teacher when I refer to existentialism is to assist my students in understanding the curriculum and create awareness about the various paths they may take so that they can freely choose the majors they find most valuable. The most important role of a teacher is to focus on the academic needs of the students so that they can accomplish their educational goals. As a teacher, I am also responsible for acting as an external parent to my students. In this role as a teacher, I encourage my students to bring out the best in themselves and also be a source of advice to other students. Therefore, teachers need to create a good rapport with their students so that they can bring the best out of them.
Parkay, F. w. (2016). Philosophical Foundations of U.S. schools – PPT video online download. SlidePlayer.
Trakstar. (2023). Instructional objectives. Trakstar Learn. from https://learn.trakstar.com/course-development/instructional-objectives
1 Running Head: THE CHEF The Chef: My Philosophy of Education Student Sample Columbus State University Author Note
THE CHEF 2 This paper was prepared for Education 2130, Exploring Learning and Teaching, taught by Dr. J. Brown. The Chef: My Philosophy of Education Introduction Teaching is like preparing a recipe, education being the meal. Teachers are the chefs and students are the food critics. In most recipes, there is a predictable set of ingredients, the foundation of the meal. With passion and care, the chef takes time to cook the ingredients so the flavors are enhanced to complement one another. When the chef thinks the ingredients are done melding together, the chef plates the meal, then serves it to the critics. If the critics are pleased upon receiving the meal, eating the meal, and savor it, the chef should keep the recipe the same. If the critics are generally displeased with the meal or find that some of the ingredients do not work well together, the chef should adjust the recipe to appease the critics taste, but keep the recipes base the same. Specific ingredients are then added, omitted, or adjusted depending upon the personal preferences of the chef and the critics suggestions. After modifying the recipe, the chef serves the meal to the critics for their interpretations and evaluations. This process continues until the chef and the critics are in agreement of and satisfied with the end result, the meal. Chefs cook for many reasons probably because they have an enthusiasm for exploring new foods and creating new recipes. Most teachers are motivated to teach by their passion to impart knowledge and understanding to their students. Similar to chefs attending culinary school, through education and training, teachers are familiarized with the fundamentals of teaching, various concepts, classroom management ideals, and delivery techniques. Teachers, like chefs preparing a meal, have the ability to pick and choose the components that best represent their methodology, taking into consideration the students academic needs and objectives, and
THE CHEF 3 combine the components which coincide to convey material with practical application each student can comprehend and retain. Purpose of Education The purpose of education is to impart knowledge and wisdom, to teach individuals to be responsible citizens capable of thinking analytically, and to prepare students for lifelong learning in an evolving society. The teacher, therefore, must undertake multiple roles and responsibilities while guiding students during their education. Similarly, students must assume their proper roles and responsibilities during their education in order to achieve academic success. I support many elements of the various philosophical orientations, but I favor Perennialism, Existentialism, and Progressivism equally; therefore, I am eclectic in my philosophical orientation. Drawing from Perennialism, I believe the classics, insightful thoughts and works that have transcended the centuries, should remain a focal point of education. The classics provide the principles and foundations of many theories utilized to teach and learn in the classroom. In accordance with Existentialism, I believe that every student is different; thus, every student cannot be expected to learn the same way. Lessons should be tailored to the cognitive level(s) of the students so they may develop their own assumptions and formulate their own decisions. Supporting Progressivism, the focus of education should remain on the students and the curriculum should meet their academic needs. Students should learn in an environment where social interaction between their peers as well as the instructor is encouraged and natural. Just as the chef has the knowledge to select certain ingredients that will work best together for a specific meal, the eclectic teacher is able to choose and employ the most appropriate components from multiple philosophies to convey material each student can understand and master.
THE CHEF 4 Owing to my eclectic philosophical orientation, I have many responsibilities within the classroom. As the perennialist teacher, my role is to impart knowledge and understanding as well as aid in the mastering of new concepts and skills. I should foster discussion and engage the students by utilizing various methods and/or devices (e.g., the incorporation of technology into the classroom) to capture and maintain the students interest during instruction. My role as the existentialist teacher is to serve as a resource, guide instruction, and facilitate the delivery of information. As the progressivist teacher, my duty is to encourage and enable students to discover and develop new understanding through their own examination. Students should be given the resources and time to ascertain conclusions from guided instruction, group interaction, and individual exploration. Regardless of philosophical orientation, the academic needs of the student must always remain in focus so their educational goals may be accomplished. My responsibilities as a teacher are not limited to the classroom; it is also my role to facilitate and foster communication between school and home. Interaction between the students parent(s) or guardian(s) and the teacher should remain open and secure to promote efficient communication. Contact between school and home is essential to inform the students parent(s) or guardian(s) of events and developments within the school as well as provide updates about the students individual educational progress. Open communication is also necessary to receive information from home about the student and/or how the students home life can affect the students performance at school. Communication between home and school should ensure the academic needs of the student are being addressed, encouraged, and guided while away from the classroom setting.
THE CHEF 5 Beliefs about Students I believe the students roles in her/his education are philosopher (Perennialism), investigator (Progressivism), and engineer (Existentialism). In the Perennialist classroom, student responsibilities include discussing, examining, and reexamining the presented materials for comprehension and retention. The students role in the Progressivist classroom is to lead the investigation to acquire new and more profound knowledge with my assistance. In the Existentialist classroom, the student is responsible for conducting her/his own examination of the presented topics until the projected educational goals have been achieved. While Perennialism, Progressivism, and Existentialism define the specific roles of the student within each orientation, students should be able to learn the classics as well as the basics and accomplish their educational goals through their roles as philosopher, investigator, and engineer with my guidance and facilitation. To ensure that students are prepared to assume their roles within the classroom, their preparedness must be measured through evaluations. Student assessments should be conducted at the beginning and end of the school year, as well as at regular intervals during the course of the class. Systematic evaluations will aid in determining the students levels of preparedness as well as if external resources are needed to supplement primary instruction and encourage students to assume their educational roles. The students who are prepared to assume their roles within the classroom should be allowed to develop naturally, with additional guidance when necessary. The students who are unprepared, or disinclined to accept their roles, should be offered more encouragement and direction from the teacher to begin development on their own and take responsibility within the classroom. External resources (e.g., tutoring, peer study groups, and test preparation coaching) are practical means of secondary instruction to establish, support, and
THE CHEF 6 reinforce effective comprehension/retention techniques and positive educational behaviors in students whom need more guidance to assume and maintain their roles within their education. Within the context of French language instruction, in order to acknowledge and embrace student diversity within the classroom, I may assign students the task of writing a short description of a custom or tradition associated with their respective culture. The students will present the custom/tradition to the class, then, once everyone has shared, they will discuss similarities and differences amongst cultures and how they contribute to understanding their peers. This cultural awareness assignment can serve as an icebreaker to introduce students to one another. In higher-level French language education, this activity is beneficial to the students practice of conversational French and can be used to evaluate her/his comprehension and written/oral application of the French language. In order to examine the cultural diversity of the French language, this assignment may also be adapted to explore the variety of francophone cultures throughout the world. The French language thus presents many opportunities to discover and discuss diversity in multiple contexts. My relationship with the community, parents, colleagues, and administration will be to bridge the gap from instruction within the classroom to involvement and interaction within the community, communication between home and school, collaboration with and reinforcement from colleagues, and mutual cooperation with administration. One of the reasons the community exists is to aid and support its members; therefore, involvement and interaction within the community is essential to developing practical application outside of the classroom setting. Open and secure interaction between parent(s) or guardian(s) and teachers is necessary to effectively communicate the needs and progress of the student in both environments, as well as ensure the students educational needs are being addressed and encouraged outside of the classroom.
THE CHEF 7 Partnerships with colleagues, especially within the same content area, are often necessary to proportionately distribute the workload to buttress and achieve a common objective. Intricacies of administration require dual communication to express and address teachers and students academic goals and educational needs, as well as concerns. Cooperation is necessary to fulfill these goals and necessities while undertaking concerns within a timely manner to properly maintain the functionality of education as a whole. Instruction and Knowledge I believe every child is unique; therefore, every child learns differently. While students may exhibit similar academic goals, each students educational requirements, cognitive level, and learning style are distinct and require individual attention. Adapting instructional methods and materials to accommodate the students various needs, skills, and learning abilities is necessary to ensure success?an achievement I believe every student is capable of in her/his education. The goals I expect my students to develop and achieve are to: 1. Be motivated to learn the French language and explore Francophone culture. 2. Appreciate the diversity of Francophone culture. 3. Succeed at learning French and demonstrate competency in (level-appropriate) reading, speaking, and writing abilities. 4. Cultivate interest in advancing French communication abilities and pursue inquiries of the various Francophone cultures beyond the high school classroom (e.g., participate in French Club, volunteer as a peer mentor, acquire a Francophone pen pal, or travel abroad). My comprehensive beliefs and practices will facilitate the adaptation of my instruction and educational materials to meet the academic needs and cognitive levels of the students.
THE CHEF 8 Similar to the chef, I am able to select certain components of each philosophical belief and practice, combine the correct amounts of each component, and apply them as necessary to accommodate the students diverse abilities, achieve the desired instructional objectives, and maintain a structured environment conducive to learning. In my high school French classroom, I will manage the schoolroom environment by cocreating and enforcing classroom guidelines with my students, establishing daily procedures, regulating behavior using appropriate techniques, and holding my students to high standards. My students and I will create positive, practical classroom rules with realistic consequences at the beginning of the school year and post them in the classroom. We will review the classroom guidelines daily the first few weeks of school, to establish their permanency, and then as needed throughout the school year. Our Horaire Quotidien (Daily Schedule) will include reviewing homework, as well as the previous days lesson, and instruction of the current lesson. I will create a boîte aux lettres (mailbox) for students to retrieve missed assignments and other important paperwork, implement a boîte denvoi (outbox) for students to obtain supplemental materials related to the current lesson, and a boîte de réception (inbox) to collect completed classwork and homework. I will use a point-based reward system to motivate student participation and reinforce positive behavior. Points, Euros (coinage or paper currency), will be given for in-class participation and good behavior. Amounts will be totaled at the end of each week and applied to the students participation grade for the grading period. In addition, I will utilize the ABC Chart (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence) as a functional assessment tool to regulate behavior within the classroom, collaborate with colleagues and staff if intervention is needed, as well as establish and promote communication between school and home.
THE CHEF 9 I will hold my students to the standards that they will achieve success in my classroom, they will respect their teachers and peers alike, and they will be honest. I will foster a constructive learning environment for students of all abilities. I will provide aid within the classroom as well as offer external resources to establish, support, and reinforce effective comprehension/retention techniques and positive educational behaviors. The instructional strategies utilized in my French classroom will depend upon the level of French being taught as well as the unit/topic. Lower-level French courses will benefit from Teacher-Centered Direct Instruction, such as grammar tutorials and verb conjugation. Lower level French courses may also benefit from the Student-Centered instructional strategies of Cooperative Learning Groups and Role-Playing. Cooperative Learning Groups enable students to practice their skills with each other, and, occasionally, give higher-achieving students the opportunity to help lower-achieving students with difficult material. Role-Playing allows students to practice their verbal skills in real and/or imagined situations. Higher level French courses can benefit from Teacher-Centered Direct Instruction as well, although Lecture with Discussion will be the most effective instructional strategy for conveying large amounts of material to students within a specific time frame. Student-Centered instructional strategies, such as Role-Playing and Discovery Learning may be beneficial for a limited number of topics in higher-level French courses. While Role-Playing is useful in practicing conversational French, higher-level courses focus more on critical thinking skills and analytical methods applicable to examining Francophone culture. Accordingly, Discovery Learning may be better suited for higher-level French students depending upon the content of the unit/topic. Regardless, it is crucial to tailor instructional methods to the abilities of the students without depreciating the value of the material.
THE CHEF 10 I will utilize backwards planning and other lesson planning techniques to design French language and culture curricula to support national and/or state standards. Curricula content will consist of level-appropriate goals, materials, and supplemental aides in a variety of mediums. The essential questions and instructional objectives of each unit will correspond with the established standards and guide my planning as well as unit instruction. The curricula content will be adjusted according to the students needs and the assessments will be closely linked with the units instructional objectives. Assessments are intended to measure the amount of student knowledge gained during the unit instruction and determine acceptable performance based upon grade level and district. Formative assessments will be implemented frequently within classroom instruction to check for comprehension. I will utilize summative assessments at the end of the instructional period to measure the students proficiency in the material. Both assessments are useful for indicating the areas in which students need further clarity or review. With this information, adjustments can be made to the curricula and/or instructional strategies, if necessary. As an eclectic teacher, I am receptive to change and can employ my diverse philosophical beliefs by adapting instructional strategies and curriculum to balance the needs of the individual learner with the needs of the learning community. I have many tools and techniques available for utilization that I may combine to develop the most effective formula for teaching a unique group of students. It is imperative to recognize students unique learning abilities, vary instruction methods accordingly, and modify curriculum as necessary to appease the students various academic needs and ensure success in their education.
THE CHEF 11 Conclusion In the same manner as the chef who selects certain ingredients for a specific meal, the teacher may select particular elements of each philosophical belief and practice and combine the correct amounts to deliver the final product. Through education, training, and practice, the teacher gains the knowledge and wisdom necessary to be able to adjust her/his capabilities and resources in order to accommodate students diverse educational needs, cognitive levels, and skills. Similar to the chef, the teacher has many tools and techniques available for utilization to develop the most effective formula for transmitting the material to achieve the desired result. The teacher, like the chef, must be receptive to her/his audiences criticism and prepared to modify instructional strategies and curricula in order to balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the community. It is essential the teacher recognizes the students unique learning abilities, modifies instructional procedures accordingly, and adjusts curricula as necessary to fulfill students academic goals, ensuring success in the students education. Occasionally, the materials need to be updated and the techniques need to be revised, but the students educational needs must always remain in focus and be fulfilled.
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