Explain the key historical figure or groups movaon to parcipate in your historical event.In your explanaon, include how you think the figures or groups beliefs, assumpons, and values infl
writing multi-part question
5 small assignments for the history course. All details in attachments
Requirements: as above
3/16/23, 11:21 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-2 Activity.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-2 Activity.html1/2OverviewThe study of history is guided by asking quesons. Developing research quesons is an iterave process, which means that the quesons are connuously changing as new informaonis uncovered and new thoughts occur. In this acvity, you will consider how historical perspecves and sources influence how research quesons are wrien and revised.PromptUse the Module Three Acvity Revising Quesons Template Word Document to complete this acvity. First, use your primary and secondary sources to help you choose a historicalperspecve (social, polical, or economic) to apply to your topic. Then consider the evidence you have found in those sources and if that evidence supports your research quesons orsuggests you need to go in another direcon. Finally, you will choose one research queson to focus on and revise it. Revising may involve rewring your research queson completely.Or you may need to narrow your focus or improve the clarity of the queson.ExampleYou inially wanted to research how Nave American people and culture have been memorialized in the United States. Aer consulng sources, you realize that this queson istoo broad. So, you decide to narrow your queson to the movement to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. Aer further research, you decide to approach yourtopic from a cultural perspecve rather than a polical perspecve. You choose this perspecve because you are interested in how Indigenous Peoples Day might beerpreserve and recognize the many Nave American cultures (the cultural perspecve) rather than how governments have responded to this proposed change (the policalperspecve).Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Idenfy a historical perspecve that could be applied to your historical event.Ensure that you use evidence, such as examples or quotes, from your sources to support why you idenfied a parcular perspecve.Revise your research queson based on evidence from your primary and secondary sources.Does the evidence from your primary and secondary sources support your research queson, or do they indicate you need to reconsider it? For example, you may needto narrow your focus further or approach your topic from a di?erent perspecve. If you do not feel like your research queson needs to be changed, explain why.Explain how historical perspecve and evidence from sources influenced your finalized research queson.How did they strengthen or challenge your research queson?Guidelines for SubmissionSubmit the Module Three Acvity Template: Revising Quesons. Sources should be cited according to APA style. While references are not required, any sources used should be citedaccording to APA style if you reference them in your responses. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informaon on citaons.Module Three Acvity RubricCriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)ValueHistorical PerspecveIdenfies a historical perspecve thatcould be applied to the historical eventShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecnghistorical perspecve to a historicalevent or providing greater support forthat conneconDoes not aempt criterion30
3/16/23, 11:21 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-2 Activity.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-2 Activity.html2/2CriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)ValueRevise Research QuesonRevises the research queson based onevidence from primary and secondarysourcesShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngsources and the research queson ormaking the queson clearer ornarrowerDoes not aempt criterion30Perspecve and EvidenceExplains how historical perspecve andevidence from sources influence theresearch quesonShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngevidence or perspecve to how thequeson was revised or providing moresupport of that conneconDoes not aempt criterion30Arculaon of ResponseClearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, demonstrang anunderstanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors in grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling, negavelyimpacng readabilityThe submission has crical errors ingrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, prevenng understanding ofideas10Total: 100%
3/16/23, 11:14 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-1 Activity.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-1 Activity.html1/2OverviewNo historical event occurs in a vacuum. Instead, each event is connected to another and to larger polical, social, cultural, and economic issues. In previous modules, you idenfied atopic, a historical event, and a current event related to one another. In this acvity, you will dig deeper into the broader context and perspecves surrounding your selected historicalevent.PromptUse the provided Module Three Acvity Template: Historical Context Word Document to complete this acvity. First, you will describe the context of your historical event usingevidence from the sources you have explored. You should focus on a parcular historical perspecve (social, polical, economic) to describe what was occurring at the me. Forexample, if you were researching the establishment of Marn Luther King, Jr. Day, you could focus on the polical context of the Civil Rights Movement and the Vong Rights Act of1965. Next, you will examine how and why a key figure or group parcipated in the historical event. Use the historian think aloud examples from the module resources as inspiraonfor how you might answer these quesons.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Describe the historical context surrounding your historical event.Use one of the perspecves menoned in this modules overview (social, polical, economic) to focus your descripon and highlight parcular influences on the event.Describe a key historical figure or groups parcipaon in your historical event.In your descripon, idenfy that figure or groups posion/role in society and their role in the event.Explain the key historical figure or groups movaon to parcipate in your historical event.In your explanaon, include how you think the figures or groups beliefs, assumpons, and values influenced how they perceived the event and the persons ability todirectly or indirectly a?ect it.Arculate how the historical context caused or influenced your chosen historical event.How do you think what was going on in broader society at the me impacted your historical event?Explain how connecng your historical event and current event improves the understanding of your topic.How do you think using your historical event to explore the roots of your current event might help you beer understand your topic (climate change, polical protest,human rights/inequality, or global trade)?Guidelines for SubmissionSubmit the Module Three Acvity Template: Historical Context. While references are not required, any sources used should be cited according to APA style if you reference them inyour responses. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informaon on citaons.Module Three Acvity RubricCriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)ValueHistorical ContextDescribes the historical contextsurrounding the historical eventShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngcontextual elements to the event,providing more support from sources todescribe the context, or using one ofDoes not aempt criterion18
3/16/23, 11:14 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-1 Activity.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/3-1 Activity.html2/2CriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)Valuethe historical perspecves to frame thecontextHistorical Figure or GroupsParcipaonDescribes a key historical figure orgroups parcipaon in the historicaleventShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngthe figure or group to the event orproviding greater support to describetheir parcipaonDoes not aempt criterion18Historical Figure or GroupsMovaonExplains the key historical figure orgroups movaon to parcipate in thehistoric eventShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include providinggreater support to explain the figure orgroups movaon or addressing howtheir beliefs, assumpons, or valuesmay have influenced themDoes not aempt criterion18Influence of Historical ContextArculates how historical contextcaused or influenced the historicaleventShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngcontext with the event or providinggreater support of this conneconDoes not aempt criterion18Connecng Historical andCurrent EventsExplains how connecng the historicalevent and current event improvesunderstanding of the topicShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngthe two events to an understanding ofthe bigger topic or providing greatersupport of this conneconDoes not aempt criterion18Arculaon of ResponseClearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, demonstrang anunderstanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors in grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling, negavelyimpacng readabilityThe submission has crical errors ingrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, prevenng understanding ofideas5Citaons and AribuonsClearly Uses citaons for ideasrequiring aribuon with consistentminor errorsUses citaons for ideas requiringaribuon with major errorsDoes not use citaons for ideasrequiring aribuon5Total: 100%
3/16/23, 11:13 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-2 Activity Primary and Secondary Sources.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-2 Activity Primary and Secondary Sources.html1/2OverviewUsing relevant and trustworthy sources is a key element of conducng research in any field. Primary and secondary sources provide informaon necessary for historians to developtheories or interpretaons about the past. In this acvity, you will explore the exisng literature relevant to your research queson and idenfy one primary and one secondary sourcethat will help you answer your research queson.Please remember to review and keep all instructor feedback. Each module acvity will prepare you for an aspect of your final project, and you will have a future opportunity to improveyour work.PromptUse the provided Module Two Acvity Template: Primary and Secondary Sources Word Document to complete this acvity. You will first discuss the di?erences between primary andsecondary sources and arculate why using both are essenal to historical research. You will then idenfy sources relevant to the research queson you wrote in the previous module.Finally, you will idenfy a current event related to the subject of your historical research queson.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Disnguish between primary and secondary sources.What are the di?erences between them?Explain why it is important to consult a variety of sources when conducng historical research.Why should you avoid relying only on one type of source? What are the benefits of using a diversity of sources?Idenfy one primary source that would help invesgate your research queson.Using the HIS 100 Library Guide in the Shapiro Library, skim through the suggested resources or find your own from the Shapiro Library. Ensure they are credible andrelevant to your research queson.Idenfy one secondary source that would help invesgate your research queson.Using the HIS 100 Library Guide in the Shapiro Library, skim through the suggested resources or find your own from the Shapiro Library. Ensure they are credible andrelevant to your research queson.Choose a current event related to the subject of your research queson and explain how they are connected.Read what you wrote in the previous modules acvity about how your historical topic is relevant to modern society. Using your response and what you have learnedthus far about your topic, idenfy a specific current event that you feel is relevant to your research queson. Then explain how the current event is connected to yourresearch queson. Keep in mind that the link between your topic and your current event will become clearer as you connue to research.Guidelines for SubmissionSubmit the Module Two Acvity Template: Primary and Secondary Sources. While references are not required, any sources used should be cited according to APA style if you referencethem in your responses. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informaon on citaons.Module Two Acvity RubricCriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)ValuePrimary vs. Secondary SourcesDisnguishes between primary andsecondary sourcesShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include correctlyDoes not aempt criterion18
3/16/23, 11:13 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-2 Activity Primary and Secondary Sources.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-2 Activity Primary and Secondary Sources.html2/2CriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)Valueexplaining di?erences between primaryand secondary sourcesVariety of SourcesExplains why it is important to consult avariety of sources when conducnghistorical researchShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include explainingthe importance of using a variety ofsources or connecng sourcesspecifically to historical researchDoes not aempt criterion18Primary SourceIdenfies one primary source thatwould help invesgate the researchquesonShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include choosing aprimary source that is clearly relevantto the queson or is more credibleDoes not aempt criterion18Secondary SourceIdenfies one secondary source thatwould help invesgate the researchquesonShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include choosing asecondary source that is clearlyrelevant to the queson or is morecredibleDoes not aempt criterion18Current EventChooses a current event related to thesubject of the research queson andexplains how they are connectedShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include choosing acurrent event, connecng the researchqueson to the current event, orproviding more support for theconneconDoes not aempt criterion18Arculaon of ResponseClearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, demonstrang anunderstanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors in grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling, negavelyimpacng readabilityThe submission has crical errors ingrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, prevenng understanding ofideas10Total: 100%
3/16/23, 11:12 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/1-2 Activity Project Topic Exploration.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/1-2 Activity Project Topic Exploration.html1/2OverviewHistory is much more than a list of dates, names, and places. Examining our histories helps us understand how the past connects to our present and what it means to be human. Itallows us to make beer decisions about our futures. History also provides us with very praccal skills that are useful in any profession, such as determining the credibility ofinformaon, conducng research, and asking crical quesons.In each module, you will complete assignments that will prepare you for an aspect of your final project. In this assignment, you will choose your project topic. Before compleng thisacvity, review the Project Guidelines and Rubric and the Library Research Guide to know exactly what you will be working on. Make certain to review the historical topic in the libraryguide, which provides an overview of the topic as well as primary and secondary sources to support your research.While it is a good idea to choose your topic early, you may change it unl the next module. PromptUse the provided Module One Acvity Template: Project Topic Exploraon and the Research Topic Lists in the HIS 100 Library Guide to complete this assignment. In the Library Guide,you will see the following pages:Research Topic List: Human Rights and InequalityTulsa MassacreWounded Knee OccupaonStonewall RebellionResearch Topic List: Polical RevoluonsHaian IndependencePhilippine RevoluonIranian RevoluonResearch Topic List: Climate Change and Environmental IssuesGreat London SmogCreaon of Earth DayChernobylResearch Topic List: GlobalizaonCreaon of the UNAct Prohibion the Importaon of SlavesFounding of NATOMake certain to review the lists of more specific topics within each theme to choose your research topic.Then, describe your prior knowledge, beliefs, assumpons, and values related to your chosen topic. Finally, you will explain why you think this historical topic is relevant tocontemporary society.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Explain what you already know about the chosen topic based on your personal history or experiences.If you do not have prior knowledge about your topic, explain what you would like to learn more about.
3/16/23, 11:12 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/1-2 Activity Project Topic Exploration.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/1-2 Activity Project Topic Exploration.html2/2Describe the beliefs, assumpons, and values you have related to the topic you chose.What opinions or perspecves do you have about your topic? What conclusions have you already drawn about it?Explain why this topic is relevant to current events or to modern society.Why might this topic maer to us now?Guidelines for SubmissionUse the provided Module One Acvity Template: Project Topic Exploraon to address the steps above. While references are not required, any sources used should be cited according toAPA style if you reference them in your responses. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informaon on citaons.Module One Acvity RubricCriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)ValueExisng KnowledgeExplains what is already known aboutthe chosen topic based on personalhistory or experiencesShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngtopic to exisng knowledge orproviding more detailed explanaons ofknowledgeDoes not aempt criterion30Beliefs, Assumpons, andValuesDescribes the beliefs, assumpons, andvalues concerning a chosen topicShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngtopic to beliefs, assumpons, andvalues or providing more support ofthat conneconDoes not aempt criterion30Why Topic Is RelevantExplains why the topic is relevant tocurrent events or to modern societyShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngthe topic to current events or modernsociety or making a more persuasiveargument about the topics relevance tocontemporary societyDoes not aempt criterion30Arculaon of ResponseClearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, demonstrang anunderstanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors in grammar, sentencestructure, and spelling, negavelyimpacng readabilityThe submission has crical errors ingrammar, sentence structure, andspelling, prevenng understanding ofideas10Total: 100%
3/16/23, 11:13 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-1 Activity Historical Research Questions.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-1 Activity Historical Research Questions.html1/2OverviewAll historical research begins with asking good quesons, and who asks the quesons maers. It is also important to ask how history is represented, whether in textbooks and mediareports or by governments and independent organizaons. Developing historical inquiry skills will help you ask crical quesons about headlines you see or claims you hear. In thisacvity, you will take the first step toward developing those skills by wring a research queson about your chosen historical topic.Keep in mind that you cannot change your topic aer this module. Please remember to review and keep all instructor feedback. Each module acvity will prepare you for an aspect ofyour final project, and you will have a future opportunity to improve your work.PromptIn this acvity, you will make your final topic selecon and write a research queson that is clear, relevant, and focused. Your research queson will evolve as you progress through thecourse, so what you write now is not final. You will then aempt to look at your historical topic from a di?erent persons perspecve. Use the provided HIS 100 Module Two AcvityResearch Queson Template Word Document to complete this assignment.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Write a clear, relevant, and focused research queson about the topic you have selected.Refer to the module overview and resources for helpful informaon about wring e?ecve research quesons.Explain how another persons beliefs, assumpons, and values may lead that person to create a di?erent queson than you.Guidelines for SubmissionUse the provided Module Two Acvity Template: Historical Research Queson to address the steps above. While references are not required, any sources used should be citedaccording to APA style if you reference them in your responses. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informaon on citaons.Module Two Acvity RubricCriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)ValueHistorical Research QuesonWrites a clear, relevant, and focusedhistorical research quesonShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include rephrasingthe queson to enhance clarity,strengthen relevance to the topic, ornarrow the focusDoes not aempt criterion45Beliefs, Assumpons, andValuesExplains how another persons beliefs,assumpons, and values may lead themto create a di?erent quesonShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors or omissions; areas forimprovement may include connecngassumpons, beliefs, and values to howresearch quesons are chosen/wrienor providing a more detailedexplanaon of their influence onresearchDoes not aempt criterion45Arculaon of ResponseClearly conveys meaning with correctgrammar, sentence structure, andShows progress toward proficiency, butwith errors in grammar, sentenceThe submission has crical errors ingrammar, sentence structure, and10
3/16/23, 11:13 PMhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-1 Activity Historical Research Questions.htmlhttps://learn.snhu.edu/content/enforced/1260509-HIS-100-Q4297-OL-TRAD-UG.23EW4/2-1 Activity Historical Research Questions.html2/2CriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)Valuespelling, demonstrang anunderstanding of audience and purposestructure, and spelling, negavelyimpacng readabilityspelling, prevenng understanding ofideasTotal: 100%
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