What is the aspect of yourself you want to change and why. For example, is it currently creating problems for you, if so what (e.g., consequences)? Is it a self-development project you have
business question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Instructions are below, and all the materials too. please read them carefully and finish this essay. Please do not use Chatgpt, my teacher will know.Thank you!
Requirements: 3 pages
HRM360 PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The goal of this project is threefold: first, to change the aspects of yourself that you have always wanted to; second, to know who you are; and third, to use that information to your advantage when you actually start applying for jobs. Over this course, you have been asked to take multiple surveys that should give insight into who you are as well as how you behave in work settings. This assignment requires you to extend on that knowledge and learn how to present an authentic and improved version of yourself to employers?since it is in yours and your future organization?s best interests that both sides present a realistic and honest picture of who both parties really are. All written components are to be submitted online via dropbox for plagiarism checks unless otherwise stated. Part I: What you want to change (1000 points total) You have just learnt different motivational theories. The first part of the project will have you focus on applying Goal Setting Theory to changing two aspects of your life. You are to choose two aspects of your life you intend to change and write about it (300 points, change proposal). This can be any area of your life, e.g., exercise more, be more punctual to classes, or even changing your personality (be more extroverted). Your change proposal should consist of not more than three written pages (cover page and appendices excluded) outlining which aspects you want to change and how. When writing about the aspects you wish to change you should tell me in detail: 1. What is the aspect of yourself you want to change and why. For example, is it currently creating problems for you, if so what (e.g., consequences)? Is it a self-development project you have always wanted to embark upon (e.g., programming)? Relatedly, you should answer in detail the following: a. What are the best possible outcomes I stand to gain if I reach this aspect? b. What are the worst possible outcomes I stand to lose if I don?t reach this goal? c. Where are you at now and where would like to be at the end of the assignment. 2. What are the goals you intend to set to change this part of yourself? Discuss how your goals you set are in accordance with goal setting theory. These goals should be (1) difficult but attainable, (2) specific and concrete, and (3) will provide feedback about your goal progress. You can also use tools like the small steps? approach or the If … then? approaches to setting your goals. Small steps. Assume you want to change your personality to be less anxious / depressed. An example of a small steps? approach might be: I will spend 2 minutes writing about what went right about my day each day.? If … then. An example of a If … then? approach might be: If I feel stressed or anxious, then I will call my mom to talk about it.? Your plans and goals should obviously more detailed.
You should include a cover page and formatted in APA 6 or 7. If your work is deemed overly sloppy or slipshod I reserve the right not to grade your work at all and have you re-submit the work with ALL the late penalties associated with it. This change proposal and is due on the 14th March at 9:00am. Please submit an online copy via dropbox and a bring printed hard copy in class for this component. Keeping track of your goals (100X 7 = 700 points) You will use a diary to keep track of these changes for 7 consecutive weeks (100 X 7 = 700 points). Do so by using a word (doc) file and write about your goal progress every week evaluating whether you were successful or not in meeting your goals and what you would change for the next week. These should be approximately a page long and submitted APA format. You are to submit this only in softcopy. Submissions are due on Sunday at 11:59pm each week starting at the end of week 9 (19th Mar onwards). Late or shoddy submissions count as an automatic zero. Part II: Who you are (500 points total) In addition to the surveys you have taken in class, you will need to take and report on three of the surveys (3 X 100 points). They are: 1. Your interests: https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip 2. Your values: https://www.cacareerzone.org/wip/ 3. Your personality (select the original not the short version): https://www.personal.psu.edu/~j5j/IPIP/ipipneo300.htm Deliverables: 1. An attachment of your results (3 total). Please use the print to pdf function from your browser and attach it to your dropbox submission. This part are your Traits and is due 21st Mar by 11:59pm. An annotated cover letter (200 points) In this second part, you are to find a real job posting and craft an (2) annotated cover letter. The cover letter should be written as though you are applying for the position. Where this differs from an actual cover letter is that every paragraph should be annotated explaining how the paragraph written does the following: a) Addresses what the job ad is asking for b) Addresses what the job entails (use the ONET) c) Your current skillsets that met those requirements d) How what you have learnt about yourself in part 1 that fits the job. e) How what you have learnt about yourself through the course from the in-class surveys fits the job. (Please use the names of the actual constructs, e.g., sportsmanship or helpfulness.) Deliverables:
1. A 2 to 3 page cover letter with annotations that include all of the five points above in detail. This submission is due on the 3rd of May at 11:59pm. Please submit an online copy and a bring printed hard copy in class for this component. Assignment component Due date (points) Penalty type 1. Change proposal* 14th Mar at 9 AM (300 points) I 2. Diary+ Every Sunday from 19th Mar 11:59 PM 7 x 100 points) II 3. Traits+ 21st Mar 11:59 PM (100 x 3 = 300 points) I 4. Cover letter* 3rd of May at 11:59pm (200 points) I * Submit both a copy online for plagiarism check and bring a physical copy to class for grading + Submit this assessment online only. Link to start you on your APA journey: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/
PointsWriting0-1011-1516-2020Incorporated elements of the Essential Writing GuidelinesNone to very little incorporation of guidelines into writing that changes spoken language to descriptive writing. Shows some incorporation of guidelines into writing to address spoken language to strengthen descriptive writing.Strong incorporation of guidelines into writing to clearly and concisely addresses content. 20Formal language to describe context versus colloquialismPrimarily uses colloquial language in describing that leads to confusion and ambiguity.Uses some non-business terms that can leave the reader confused or reading ambiguity into a business description in a statement.Uses business terms when describing situations, actions, etc., so the reader understands the application of a solution to a work problem.20Evidence of proofreadingLarge number of writing errors around punctuation, capitalization of common nouns, noun/pronoun agreement, etc., with minimal writing focus.Few writing errors around punctuation, capitalization of common nouns, etc., with average writing focus.Very few writing errors around punctuation, capitalization of common nouns, etc., with excellent writing focus.20Writes three-full pagesWrites less than two pages of substantive and unsuperfluous material.Writes two page and 50% on third page of substantive unsuperfluous material.20APA FormattingLittle adherence to APA formatting expectations.Some attempts at following the APA guidelines with some deviations or mistakes.Almost flawsless adherence to APA formatting with only very minor errors. PointsGoals and life change aspect0-56-1213-1515Aspect of change Provides little to no information information the aspect of change and why it was selected. The aspect of change is sufficiently outlined along but the impetus as to why change is desired is lacking in some respects.The aspect of change is fully outlined, impetus for change is clearly and cogently made. 0-1718-2727-30Provides insufficient information on the aspect of change. Multiple pieces of relevant information missing. Most information on the aspect is present with little pertinent information missing. May require futher exposition. Detailed pertinent information on the best and worst outcomes as well as current and desired end state. 0-2020-3536-40Little or highly insufficient information provided. Multiple elements of goal setting theory missing or misapplied. Reasonable amount of detail on goals provided but a few necessary components are missing; and/or insufficiently expounded upon; and/or few key mistakes in goal setting theory application present.Goals are detailed and feasible. Goals are: (1) difficult but attaintable, (2) specifc & concrete, and (3) means of tracking progress is progress. Goals are behavioral focused and not results focused. 101010A useful and innovative feature/content is included that adds value above and beyond what is expected.A useful and innovative feature/content is included that adds value above and beyond what is expected.A useful and innovative feature/content is included that adds value above and beyond what is expected.30Aspect details40Goals set, strategy, and application of goal setting theory.Outstanding elements30
Essential Writing GuidelinesIt?s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.?Ernest HemingwayThings I Look for in Written Documents that Effects Your Grade1Average sentence length of 15 words. To check average sentence length and general document information, use the following steps in Word to set the Show Readability Statistics? feature as a review tool: File; Options; Proofing; Show Readability Statistics; check box to the left; click on OK. I use this feature to check your written document stats for the feel? of your messages ? the intangibles. Make use of this tool in every document you write.2Keep paragraph length in any written context to an average of 130 words (plus or minus 2 percent) that can use 6-7 lines minimum, maximum of eight lines without a one-word hangover (see #11).3Recognize your first draft expresses spoken language, so does your second and third drafts. Revise your work multiple times to remove spoken language, moving to descriptive, detailed business messages and word use to identify action. Don?t use slang terms or colloquialisms that generalize a detailed situation. Write detailed messages. DON?T SUBMIT A ROUGH DRAFT, and most documents that I read sound like a rough draft.4Write descriptive sentences that express the detail about your thought development. Work to complete your thoughts with succinct sentences. Don?t use colloquialism in business writing.5Use of action verbs. Edit is, was, were, and have, had, and has from your rough drafts. Also, I don?t use the following verbs in business writing: feel? or hope? as they don?t speak directly to a problem and its solution. See Bloom?s Taxonomy for action verbs in the Content section in Beachboard.6Address noun/pronoun agreement. State a clear antecedent before you use a pronoun.7Conditionals: should, would, and could: In business writing state your thoughts, suggestions, and recommendations using direct action verbs. Don?t write or say, for example, You should (or could, orwould) need to do this?.? Write or say, The data indicated that you need to adjust?.? or You need to address this person about?.? State a direct action that the other person needs to take. Don?t use conditionals in a recommendation paragraph. The Greeks did not tolerate ?maybe? in their disciplines: it either was or it was not, until it was proven.? The Legacy of Pythagoras8Avoid It Is/There Are. Sentences starting with these two phrases fail to provide subject matter and generally contain more words than needed. If you don?t know what either means or refers to as the actual subject of the sentence, neither will the reader know this information. You need to find the true noun in the sentence and place it at the beginning of the sentence, not use it as a direct object in the last prepositional phrase of a sentence. Move the true noun to the beginning of the sentence, which will automatically generate an action verb and shorten spoken language to written language.9Don?t over capitalize common nouns. Know the difference between common and proper nouns.10Basic Paragraph Structure: 1) topic sentence about the paragraph; 2) three supporting sentences that analyze, solve, define, specify, describe, explain, illustrate, qualify, etc., the topic sentence; 3) concluding sentence that may summarize the content in the paragraph and may end with an introduction to the next paragraph.11One-word Hangover Sentence (Keep in mind for cover letters and resumes.)As you read this sentence, you will see that a one-word hangover will add nothing important to a paragraph. (Use the last line of a paragraph to complete your thought with the remaining space.)Dr. Wendell Nekoranec? July 2021
1 Personal Improvement Project XXXXX College of Business, California State University Long Beach HRM 360: Organizational Behavior Professor Jonathan Phan
2 Two Aspects of my Life that I would like to Change The aspects of my life that I would like to improve on are becoming a better student by studying more and organizing when I will study, and to lose weight by incorporating exercising and eating healthier foods. Aspect 1: Becoming a Better Student The first aspect of my life that I would like to improve on is being a better student by studying more and managing my time. I just transferred from a community college where my grade average was about a A/B for most of my coursework. Currently, I am averaging Ds in all my exams which is very discouraging. If I do not improve my grades by the end of the semester, I might be put on academic probation and delay my expected graduation date. The best possible outcome I stand to gain if I reach my goal is I improve my grades and learn the course information. The worst possible outcome is I continue to average Ds, start my CSULB GPA extremely low, get placed on academic probation, and delay my projected graduation of next fall. Currently, I am studying the day before the test, not reading assigned or recommended chapters, and overall procrastinating. At the end of this assignment, I would like to dedicate more time studying, focusing on learning, and understanding the information to improve my grades and be more prepared for exams. To achieve my goal, I plan to organize myself by filling in a calendar with assignment due dates and review assigned/discussed book chapters. During the week I will visit the library and study from 12-2PM on Mondays and Wednesdays, reviewing the textbook chapters, taking notes, and working on homework assignments. On the remaining days I plan to dedicate 20 to 40 minutes to work on assignments and study. I also plan to write down when the exam dates are and review with classmates 2-3 days before the test. Writing down due dates, exam dates, and scheduling
3 study time falls under the small steps method as scheduling/planning my daily activities takes little time and helps me organize myself. Studying between the times of 12-2PM on Mondays and Wednesdays falls under goal setting theory. I am specifying a set time and place to work which is a challenging task as it is unusual for me to do. Aspect 2: Exercising More Another aspect of myself that I would like to change is to lose weight. Like many other people, during the COVID-19 pandemic I gained weight. Before COVID, exercising was a daily activity I enjoyed as I played sports, but as I got older and busier, I worried about my physical health less. Therefore, I would like to begin exercising anew to lose weight and get back into shape. As of lately, I have been keeping up with the habits of the pandemic, which consist of watching TV shows, Movies, and Anime instead of going out for walk or exercising. One of the possible outcomes I stand to gain from exercising more is I can lose some weight and hopefully drop down in clothing sizes. The worst possible outcome I stand to lose if I do not reach this goal is I either stay at around the same weight or gain even more weight, which can lead to health problems in the future. Now that I live on campus and have in person classes, I am walking a bit more then I was during quarantine, and I have noticed minor changes. At the end of this assignment, I would like to dedicate more time to exercising, make going to the gym or for a run a daily activity, and to eat healthier foods. To achieve the goal of exercising more, I will implement a small steps approach. I will dedicate Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings to reaching the goal of exercising more. First, I will spend 20-30 minutes walking every day for about a week. Then I will increase the time limit to an hour and star incorporating weights by attending the gym. After my body has acclimated to exercising daily, I will continue the 1hr of daily exercise but incorporate running instead of walking
4 and continue to go to the gym for weight training. While doing these exercising activities I will listen to music or podcasts to make exercising daily tolerable. To eat healthier foods, I will begin by cutting out my sugary drink intake and increase this with water daily. I will also cut out my carb intake and replace the carbs with larger portions of vegetables and proteins. This carb deficit will contribute to exercising daily and help me lose weight.
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