Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four
To Prepare:
- Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Keep in mind that the clinical issue you identify for your research will stay the same for the entire course.
- Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles.
- Review the results of your peer-reviewed research and reflect on the process of using an unfiltered database to search for peer-reviewed research.
- Reflect on the types of research methodologies contained in the four relevant peer-reviewed articles you selected.
Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies
After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:
- The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
- A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
- A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
- A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
- A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
NOTE: For Part 1 assignment only utilize original/primary research articles (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods —- NO "REVIEWS").
To Prepare:
· Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Keep in mind that the clinical issue you identify for your research will stay the same for the entire course.
· Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles. (i.e. CINAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane).
· Review the results of your peer-reviewed research and reflect on the process of using an unfiltered database to search for peer-reviewed research.
· Reflect on the types of research methodologies contained in the four relevant peer-reviewed articles you selected.
Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies
After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:
· The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
· A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
· A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
· A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
· A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each article. Your analysis should include the following: *The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format *A brief statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest. *A brief description of the aims of the research of each article *A brief description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed methods approach= The response accurately and clearly provides a full citation of each article in APA format. …The responses accurately and thoroughly explain the selection of these articles and/or how they relate to a clinical issue of interest, including a detailed explanation of the ethics of research. …The responses accurately and clearly describe the aims of the research. …The responses accurately and clearly describe the research methodology used, and clearly identify the type of methodology used with specific and relevant examples. …The responses accurately and clearly describe the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including a detailed explanation of the reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the articles selected.
Resource Synthesis= The responses provide a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of two outside resources related to the selection of articles and two or three course-specific resources in addition to the four articles reviewed in the matrix.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Expression and Formatting—English Writing Standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation.
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
· Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
· Chapter 2, “Asking Compelling Clinical Questions” (pp. 33–54)
· Chapter 21, “Generating Evidence Through Quantitative and Qualitative Research” (pp. 607–653)
· Grant, M. J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: An analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health Information and Libraries Journal Links to an external site. , 26, 91–108. doi:10.1111/j.1471-1842.2009.00848.x
· Hoare, Z., & Hoe, J. (2013). Understanding quantitative research: Part 2. Nursing Standard Links to an external site. , 27(18), 48–55. doi:10.7748/ns2013.
· Hoe, J., & Hoare, Z. (2012). Understanding quantitative research: Part 1. Nursing Standard Links to an external site. , 27(15), 52–57. doi:10.7748/ns2012.
· Walden University Library. (n.d.-a). Databases A-Z: Nursing Links to an external site. . Retrieved September 6, 2019, from
· Walden University Library. (n.d.-b). Evaluating resources: Primary & secondary sources Links to an external site. .Links to an external site. Retrieved January 22, 2020, from
· Walden University Library. (n.d.-f). Keyword searching: Finding articles on your topic: Boolean terms. Links to an external site. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from
· Walden University Library. (n.d.-g). Keyword searching: Finding articles on your topic: Introduction to keyword searchingLinks to an external site. . Retrieved September 19, 2018, from
· Walden University Library. (n.d.-i). Quick Answers: What are filtered and unfiltered resources in nursing?Links to an external site. Retrieved September 6, 2019, from
Evidence-Based Project, Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies
Evelyne Mantab
Walden University
March 19, 2021
Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice
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Matrix Worksheet Template
Use this document to complete Part 2 of the Module 2 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry and Part 2: Research Methodologies
Full citation of selected article
Article #1 Article #2 Article #3 Article #4 Freimann, T., & Merisalu, E. (2015). Work-related psychosocial risk factors and mental health problems amongst nurses at a university hospital in Estonia: a cross sectional study. Scandinavian journal of public health, 43(5), 447-452. https://journals.sagepu /1403494815579477
Perry, L., Lamont, S., Brunero, S., Gallagher, R., & Duffield, C. (2015). The mental health of nurses in acute teaching hospital settings: a cross sectional survey. BMC nursing, 14(1), 15. The mental health of nurses in acute teaching hospital settings: a cross- sectional survey
Khamisa, N., Oldenburg, B., Peltzer, K., & Ilic, D. (2015). Work related stress, burnout, job satisfaction, and general health of nurses. International journal of environmental research and public health, 12(1), 652- 666. -4601/12/1/652/htm
Ferri, P., Guadi, M., Marcheselli, L., Balduzzi, S., Magnani, D., & Di Lorenzo, R. (2016). The impact of shift work on the psychological and physical health of nurses in a general hospital: a comparison between rotating night shifts and day shifts. Risk management and healthcare policy, 9, 203. /pmc/articles/PMC5028173/
Why you chose this I chose this article This article was The article was chosen I chose this article because it
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Matrix Worksheet Template
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article and/or how it relates to the clinical issue of interest (include a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest)
because it has explained how nurses in our health care facilities are affected by frequent changes in the healthcare system. Altering the norms of healthcare workers’ workplaces rapidly can have an impact on their mental wellbeing and can lead to compromised service delivery. The article focuses on nurses’ mental health issue, and it conducts an investigation of the impact of the psychological changes on their mental wellbeing and appropriate suggestions that can be utilized to address that issue. Participants of the research did it voluntarily. The research was conducted after the Taru University Hospital manager, and Ethics Review Committee on Human Research of the
chosen because it effectively addresses mental health issues among healthcare workers at their workplaces. The article focuses on the clinical issue of the mental wellbeing of nurses, and it addresses the mental health and related characteristics of nurses who work in acute care hospital settings. Participation among nurses was voluntary, and informed consent was achieved among all the participants. The collection of data was done anonymously; thus, no identifying data was collected. The research was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the South Eastern Sydney Health District
because it searches for the impact of several aspects of nurses’ wellbeing as a result of mental health. The article focuses on mental health among nurses as it explains the relationship between burnout, work-related stress, general health, and job satisfaction among healthcare workers (Khamisa et al., 2015).
is related to mental wellbeing among nurses since it explores how shift changes affect physical and psychological health among nurses. The study was done in line with the Declaration of Helsinki and received authorization from the Institutional Review Board of Local Nurses Association Medical Director and Director of Nursing of the General Hospital of Modena. Approval of the research was done by the Institutional Review Board of Local Nurses Association. Participants took part in the research voluntarily, and all participant identities were kept private and confidential (Ferri et al., 2016).
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University of Taru approved it (Freimann & Merisalu, 2015).
(Perry et al., 2015).
Brief description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article
The research aimed at identifying the impact of work environment changes on the nurses’ mental wellbeing (Freimann & Merisalu, 2015).
The research aimed at exploring nurses’ mental health status, working in acute hospitals in Sydney (Perry et al., 2015).
The research aimed at identifying the relationship between burnout, work- related stress, general health, and job satisfaction among healthcare workers and the impact they have on patient care and work performance (Khamisa et al., 2015).
The research aimed at identifying whether working on the night shift alone in comparison to working on day shift was related to risk factors exposing nurses to minimal job satisfaction and unfavorable health conditions (Ferri et al., 2016)
Brief description of the research methodology used Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
The research employed a cross-sectional survey whereby electronic questionnaires were given to 906 Taru University Hospital nurses. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, version II (COPSOQ-II) were used to measure psychosocial- work related factors and
The research employed a cross- sectional study design. The collection of data was done using questionnaires, which were given to patients. Analysis of statistical data was done (Perry et al., 2015). The research utilized a quantitative design.
This research employed a cross-sectional survey whereby participants were randomly selected. The collection of data was done using questionnaires, which were administered to participants. Analysis of data was done using SPSS version 20 (Khamisa et al., 2015). The research was quantitative because it used
The research employed a cross-sectional study design. The collection of data was done using questionnaires, which were given to 278 nurses. The data collection instrument used was Standard Shift Work Index. Data were entered into an excel database, and analysis was done using the STATA program (Ferri et al., 2016). The research
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mental health problems. To analyze data, the researchers used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) (Freimann & Merisalu, 2015). The research was quantitative because it used statistical analysis.
statistical analysis.
utilized a quantitative design.
A brief description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
The cross-sectional study utilized in the study is an easy and quick method. This is because there are no long-follow up periods needed. The method permits the measurement of prevalence factors that are being investigated, and various exposures and outcomes can be studied (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). Cronbach’s alphas were calculated for
The cross-sectional study made it quick and easy to collect data due to the lack of long periods of follow up (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). SCOFF tool was used to measure internal validity and reliability. SCOFF tool is a screening tool for eating disorders.
The study methodology used in this research is easy and permits for various variables measurement. This can result in various outcomes. The study methodology also permits the researcher in applying various methods to check for reliability and internal validity (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018).
The study methodology used in this research takes a short time to conduct and is relatively inexpensive. The study methodology also allows assessing risk factors and many outcomes (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). Validation of data was done using the Standard Shift Work Index.
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psychosocial factors and mental health problems. This was done to make sure that internal validity was achieved.
General Notes/Comments
The article is peer- reviewed.
The study findings indicated that work- related psychological risk factors like emotional demands, quantitative demands, workload, role conflicts and work pace have significant relationships among nurses and contribute to burnout and high-stress levels.
The article is peer- reviewed.
The study findings indicated that nurses and their managers should put efforts in coming up with workplaces that improve nurses’ wellbeing and health or reduce deleterious effects; where nurses and their managers are familiar with the potential for negative impacts on the workforce mental health, making it easier to discuss such
The article is peer-reviewed.
The study findings demonstrated that stress- related issues are critical in determining job satisfaction and burnout among nurses and other health care professionals. Burnout has an impact on the mental wellbeing and health among nurses and van most likely compromise performance, productivity, and patient care quality. Improving job satisfaction and managing stress may minimize burnout impact on nurses’ general health, reducing turnover and absenteeism;
The article is peer-reviewed.
The study findings demonstrated that nurses who have rotating night schedule require special attention because of a higher risk for undesirable health effects and job dissatisfaction.
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kind of cultures openly without denigration or fear.
establishing evidence-based policies that purpose to enhance work environments with nurses feeling more secure and having enough resources to successfully perform their jobs; resulting in improved health outcomes and also those of patients.
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Ferri, P., Guadi, M., Marcheselli, L., Balduzzi, S., Magnani, D., & Di Lorenzo, R. (2016). The impact of shift work on the psychological
and physical health of nurses in a general hospital: a comparison between rotating night shifts and day shifts. Risk management
and healthcare policy, 9, 203.
Freimann, T., & Merisalu, E. (2015). Work-related psychosocial risk factors and mental health problems amongst nurses at a university
hospital in Estonia: a cross-sectional study. Scandinavian journal of public health, 43(5), 447-452.
Khamisa, N., Oldenburg, B., Peltzer, K., & Ilic, D. (2015). Work related stress, burnout, job satisfaction and general health of nurses.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 12(1), 652-666.
Nieswiadomy, R. M., & Bailey, C. (2018). Foundations of nursing research.
Perry, L., Lamont, S., Brunero, S., Gallagher, R., & Duffield, C. (2015). The mental health of nurses in acute teaching hospital settings: a
cross-sectional survey. BMC nursing, 14(1), 15
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Matrix Worksheet Template
Use this document to complete Part 1 of the Module 2 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 1: Identifying Research Methodologies
Full citation of selected article |
Article #1 |
Article #2 |
Article #3 |
Article #4 |
Why you chose this article and/or how it relates to the clinical issue of interest (include a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest) |
Brief description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article |
Brief description of the research methodology used Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative , quantitative , or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific. |
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