You are the CEO of St. Thomas Regional Healthcare Center. Over the past five years, you lead significant quality improvement initiatives resulting in national recognition
You are the CEO of St. Thomas Regional Healthcare Center. Over the past five years, you lead significant quality improvement initiatives resulting in national recognition and Magnet status. You are invited to speak at a national quality improvement conference for other hospital leaders.
"Complete a strategic plan and a complementing PowerPoint summary presentation", which reflect your process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives.
Your strategic plan should include:
- Summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and how they are influencing healthcare practices.
- An analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives.
- Discuss the Magnet model components and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes.
- Explain the quality improvement model used and strategies developed to address patient safety challenges healthcare.
- Identify two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative.
- Summary of common threats to quality improvement in healthcare and apply a quality improvement model and strategies neutralizing the threats.
Create a PowerPoint presentation, with ”detailed speaker note” (USE POWER POINT TEMPLATE ATTACHED) for the conference that summarizes the strategic plan. All files have been attached for this assignement
Al” (USE POWER POINT TEMPLATE ATTACHED) for the conference that summarizes the strategic plan.l
Rubric Below:
A – 4 – Mastery
Strategic plan included a comprehensive summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and a comprehensive description of how quality improvement initiatives are influencing healthcare practices with supporting evidence
A – 4 – Mastery
Strategic plan included a comprehensive analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives and a comprehensive description of each quality improvement principle with supporting references.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough discussion on components of Magnet Recognition Program and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough evaluation of the one model of quality improvement and how it was used to address patient safety challenges including comprehensive descriptions of the model with multiple examples of how the model is used to address patient safety challenges.
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive list of at least two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative. Included multiple examples for each item on the list.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough summary of the common threats to quality improvement Provided multiple supporting rationales for application of a quality improvement model and strategy to neutralize the threats.
A – 4 – Mastery
Clear and thorough: PowerPoint presentation, with either speaker's notes or narration, about the process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives. Provided clear and thorough description for each sub-bullet of the strategic plan.
Deliverable #7 – HAS 6200
Who Am I? CEO of Healthcare center (you’ve been CEO for the past 5 years – achieved national recognition and magnet status under your leadership
What are you preparing for? To speak at a national conference for QI for hospital leaders – PPT
What is your PPT going to include? A COMPLETE strategic plan inclusive of the process of development and implementation of QIIs
Strategic Plan on PPT needs to include:
1. Summary of QII’s over the past TEN years and influence on HC policies
2. Analysis of State and National quality measures and QI principles used in developing your initiatives. (GO BACK TO YOUR DELIVERABLE #2 FOR THIS INFORMATION!)
3. Magnet model components & QII’s developed to address patient safety outcomes. (GO BACK TO YOUR DELIVERABLE #3 FOR THIS INFORMATION).
4. Quality improvement model used and strategies developed to address patient safety challenges in healthcare. (GO BACK TO YOUR DELIVERABLE #4 for THIS INFORMATION).
5. Identify two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative (GO BACK TO DELIVERABLE #5 WHERE YOU CAME UP WITH 3 INITIATIVES)
6. Summary of common threats to quality improvement in healthcare and apply a quality improvement model and strategies neutralizing the threats (GO BACK TO DELIVERABLE #6 FOR THIS INFORMATION).
7. PPT will need to consist of either speaker note). I would recommend using Screencast-o-matic because you can use your previous deliverables and speak some of that information over the slides they go along with – if you don’t write it down, it won’t pull for plagiarism – Be sure to put only KEY WORDS and PHRASES on each slide – Rule of thumb is 5 bullet points per slide. Don’t forget to add a textbox in the lower right hand corner for in-text citations.
A strategic plan is a "future-oriented statement that presents all the information and data needed to determine the direction of a company or project. There are several elements that go into a corporate plan: vision, assumptions, objectives, information, analysis, measurement, evaluation, and opportunity" (Strategic plan, 2013).
Your assignment may specify which elements should be included in your strategic plan, so be sure to read it carefully. If it doesn't, here are some general components in most strategic plans:
· Analyze the current state of the organization or initiative. There are many tools out there to accomplish this; one of the most popular is a SWOT analysis .
· Determine where you want to go. What issues are a priority to be addressed? How do they align with the mission or the organization or initiative?
· Set goals for the organization or initiative. What do you want to achieve, and over what period of time?
· Figure out who is accountable for reaching those goals. How are you going to achieve the goals? How much time and money needs to be allocated where in order to make this achievable?
What is a SWOT analysis?
A SWOT analysis is a tool used as a planning and brainstorming tool to organize information, identify issues, determine solutions, and suggest opportunities. It is used to determine how internal and external factors contribute to outcomes.
S |
Strengths: Factors likely to have a positive effect |
W |
Weaknesses: Factors likely to have a negative effect |
O |
Opportunities: External factors that have not been previously considered and are likely to have a positive effect |
T |
Threats: External factors likely to have a negative effect |
How do I create a SWOT analysis?
You can start by asking yourself these questions:
· What do we do well?
· What are our strengths?
· What do others see as our strengths?
· What resources do we have that we can use?
· What would the community say we are best at providing?
· Do we have strong name recognition?
· Do we have a stable workforce?
· What do we need to improve?
· What areas are less strong?
· What would others see as our weaknesses?
· What other resources are needed?
· What currently causes us trouble in providing exceptional care?
· What opportunities are open to you?
· How can we turn our strengths into opportunities?
· How can we eliminate our weaknesses?
· What other resources can we access?
· Who else can help us?
· What can we learn from others?
· What challenges/barriers are there
· How could our weaknesses become threats?
· Who could hinder us?
· What could make our goal unnecessary or unachievable?
How do I format a SWOT analysis?
The most common way to see a SWOT analysis presented is in a four-square model followed by an analysis of each section.
Strengths · List your strengths here · List your strengths here · List your strengths here · List your strengths here |
Weaknesses · List your weaknesses here · List your weaknesses here · List your weaknesses here · List your weaknesses here |
Opportunities · List your opportunities here · List your opportunities here · List your opportunities here · List your opportunities here |
Threats · List your threats here · List your threats here · List your threats here · List your threats here |
Write your in-depth strengths analysis here to provide insight into how you identified your strengths and what they mean for you as a provider.
Write your in-depth weaknesses analysis here to provide insight into how you identified your weaknesses and what they mean for you as a provider.
Write your in-depth opportunities analysis here to provide insight into how you identified your opportunities and what they mean for you as a provider.
Write your in-depth threat analysis here to provide insight into how you identified your threats and what they mean for you as a provider.
Do you have any examples?
See the files below for examples.
Doucette, J. (2014). Leadership Q&A. Nursing management, 45(10). https : doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000453945.08276.8c
Foundation of Nursing Studies. (2015). Swot analysis. Retrieved from
Morrison, M. (2011, October 30). Swot analysis in nursing & health care. Retrieved from
INDEED Strategic Plan Page Click HERE
What are strategic plan elements?
The elements you include in your strategic plan can vary depending on your purpose for creating a strategic plan. An example of this would be starting a business versus expanding into a new industry or product line. Here is a list of standard strategic planning elements to help you structure your own plan:
Vision statement
The vision statement is an important part of a strategic plan as it provides a short summary highlighting what your business will look like in the future.
Example: To provide innovative technological solutions to businesses throughout the nation and the world.
Mission statement
The mission statement defines the purpose of your business within your industry or the world. The mission statement usually consists of your business's main industries or target audiences, key products or services and what makes you different from your competitors.
Example: At our company, we are committed to helping low-income families find the resources they need to get healthcare loans with no credit checks and low-interest payments.
Goals and objectives
Every strategic plan should include a goals and objectives section. You can include both short- and long-term goals as they relate to your overall business vision.
Short-term goals:
· Hire five new employees within the next four months.
· Increase sales quotas by 10% within the next six months.
· Update internal communication systems to improve productivity.
· Create and implement a three-month-long marketing campaign for a new product.
· Increase market prices for products by 2% over the next four months.
Long-term goals:
· Transition from the paper industry into the office supply industry within the next five years.
· Expand to include three new retail locations within the next two years.
· Pay-off debts by the end of next year.
· Create an internal promotion program to keep talent within the company.
· Enhance brand recognition by 15% through marketing and promotional events.
SWOT analysis
A SWOT analysis allows you to identify and list your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is important as it allows you to determine potential challenges to achieving your business goals and what you need to do to overcome them.
Example: A regional clothing retailer's SWOT analysis:
· Strong brand recognition and social media following
· Excellent customer service
· Skilled sales team
· Clothing quality
· Frequent shipping errors
· Limited marketing budget
· Expansion into children's clothing
· Expansion into men's clothing
· Potential to open one location in another state
· National clothing retailers nearby
· Target customers outgrowing our styles
· Economic down-turns reducing sales
Action plan
Using what you learned from your SWOT analysis, you can create an action plan. Action plans consist of strategies for achieving short- and long-term goals or objectives and overcoming challenges.
Example: Here is an example of an action plan for a business looking to expand their brand awareness:
Goal: To increase brand awareness by 10%
Action 1: Create social media accounts
· *Individuals responsible: Social media marketing team*
· *Resources needed: Access to digital photo libraries, creative software programs, social media posting calendar*
· *Deadline: December 31, 2020*
Action 2: Plan and host three promotional events
· *Individuals responsible: Marketing team, sales team and advertising team*
· *Resources needed: outsourced event planning staff, event venue, print and visual advertisements, ticket sale locations*
· *Deadline: March 20, 2021*
Action 3: Obtain additional funds for advertising and marketing budgets
· *Individuals responsible: Marketing director*
· *Resources needed: Financial advice, marketing proposal document*
· *Deadline: April 15, 2021*
KPIs or key performance indicators are measurable components that allow businesses to track the progress of particular initiatives in relation to business goals.
· Net profit margin
· Gross profit margin
· Cash flow
· Employee turnover
· Employee satisfaction
· Employee productivity
· Cost per lead
· Monthly sales totals
· Product returns
· Customer turnover
· Customer satisfaction
· Return customer rate
How to write a strategic plan
Creating a strategic plan involves using an appropriate layout, format and elements to specify the company strategy. Here's what you can include:
1. Consider the company mission
The mission for a business describes what the company does. Company leaders often establish a mission when creating a company and write it down for later reference. When creating a strategic plan at the onset of a business venture, founders might ask themselves what the main function of the business is and how it may impact the people or entities it serves.
Mission example: To create and sell quality cupcakes
Related: Why Is a Company Mission Statement Important?
2. Establish a communal vision
Company vision refers to the future goals of what the company may become. Establishing a communal vision for the company can help ensure everyone shares the same understanding of the company's trajectory. Everything else that follows in your strategic plan may ultimately contribute to fulfilling the vision. This makes the vision statement particularly important because it can give you a sound objective on which to focus.
Vision example: To be the most notable and successful cupcake shop in Seattle
Related: Guide to Vision Statements
3. State key values
Company values represent how team members and the company as a whole may behave to work toward the communal vision. To state values, consider what the business does, who it serves and the founders' motivations for starting the business. Values may be broad, with a word or two representing each.
Value examples:
· Quality
· Service
· Atmosphere
· Community
· Teamwork
Related: Core Values in the Workplace: 84 Powerful Examples
4. Develop focus areas
Focus areas are the high-priority elements the company plans to focus its efforts on in working toward its vision. For each value in the strategic plan, state a focus area to accompany that value. These focus areas may be more specific than the vision statement and include a quantifiable metric to achieve. It may be ideal for creating between three and five different focus areas per value to maintain company focus.
Here are some examples of focus areas for a cupcake shop:
· Best cupcakes in town
· Refined ingredients
· Healthy desserts
Related: 14 Types of Business Growth Explained
5. Create specific objectives
At this point in the planning process, you may be ready to create specific objectives representing what the company wants to accomplish. These objectives will likely help guide the rest of your strategic plan and keep a company on schedule to meet and exceed expectations. Consider using three to six objectives to define your aim. Each may align with one or more of the focus areas. It can also be helpful to include specific deadlines and success markers to measure.
Objective example: Expand menu section for healthy dessert options by December 31, 2023
Related: 13 Best Business Objectives To Consider (Plus Tips)
6. Describe projects
Listing specific projects that the company can complete to accomplish its objects can add action to a strategic plan. Effective strategic plans may pair each objective with an actionable project. The project may clearly detail how you plan to achieve the corresponding objective.
Project example: Create contracts with local farmers for organic foods and ingredients by June 30, 2023
Related: What Is a Business Project? (Plus Tips for Executing Them)
7. Define key performance indicators
Key performance indicators are measurable values demonstrating how effectively a business achieves its objectives. This means that KPIs can help evaluate the success of each objective and project in your plan. The best KPIs may be measurable and specific to the goal they evaluate.
KPIs are also important because they serve as communication in business. In addition to helping individuals within a company assess their progress, they can inform other business leaders of a company's advancement toward reaching a key business objective.
KPI examples:
· Percentage growth in sales
· Percentage growth in new markets
· Number of new partnerships
· Number of healthy menu items
Related: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Definition and Examples
Elements to include in a strategic plan
Here are some key elements to include while creating a strategic plan:
· Executive summary: An effective executive summary may include a mission and vision statements, values, and objectives for the business. This section may be a brief overview.
· Signature page: This page includes signatures from the board of directors or senior management, marking approval for the strategic plan.
· Company description: This section outlines the business' history and reason for existing. It can also include products and services it provides or relevant business accomplishments.
· Mission, vision and value statements: In your mission, vision and value statements, describe what the company is doing now and what it may accomplish in the future. The values provide the reader a sense of key priorities in the organization.
· Strategic analysis: This section gives an overview of the business' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) from both internal and external perspectives. It can be helpful to identify areas where the company might benefit from growth and describe actionable plans for each area.
· Action plan: The action plan presents objectives and projects. This shows readers how the company plans to improve and demonstrates quantifiable goals.
· Budget and operating plans: The budget plan details resources and funding necessary to achieve the strategic goals. This section can also list the KPIs and projections for growth that the company hopes to see.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year, Month day). Webpage or article title. Website Name. https://URL
Mahon, J. (2020, May 6). COVID-19: Agriculture’s ominous feeling about the pandemic. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
Strategic Implementation of Quality Initiatives
10 Years of QIIs and Influence
State and National QI Measures and Principles
Magnet Model & QII’s for Patient Safety
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