Excelsior NUR653 Assignments Latest 2023 January (Full)
Module 1 Assignment
Reflection: Considering the Syllabus
The syllabus is not only a contract between the instructor and students but also an attempt to optimize the learner-centered experience. A common concern of instructors is that students don-t read the syllabus and therefore miss vital information about course materials, instructor expectations, and course policy. Consider improvements and elements that are not traditionally included in the syllabus but would allow it to be more engaging and inviting. This is your time to think out of the box.
Reflect on your personal interaction with the course syllabus by addressing the questions below:
Do you read the entire course syllabus? If so, why? If not, why?
What actions could faculty take to improve student engagement with the syllabus?
What elements could a course instructor add to a course syllabus to make it more inviting and engaging for students?
Module 2 Assignment
Course Development Project: Part I – Your Course Description (Flipgrid)
The overall goal of this assignment is for you to have a much richer understanding of the curriculum development process. Often instructors prepare a syllabus with the intent of helping students understand the nature of the upcoming course. However, creating a syllabus also benefits the instructor because it forces them to think about not only what they are doing on a weekly basis, but also how those practices fulfill the course goals and contribute to the overall experience.
The syllabus serves as a map that describes the destination and the importance of the journey.
The process of developing a syllabus should serve as a reflective exercise, allowing the instructor to carefully consider their philosophy of teaching, the importance of the course, how the course fits in the program of study, and the practicality of the course. The syllabus should serve as both a professional and personal document. When a syllabus reflects the instructor’s feelings, attitudes, and beliefs about teaching and learning in addition to course logistics, it guides the instructor as much as the learner.
Over the next six modules, you will create an abbreviated syllabus for a course related to your specialty area. In addition to developing your syllabus, you will simultaneously submit a rationale for each part.
To begin, choose one of the three fictitious nursing programs defined below. The mission of the school will drive your approach to the course development throughout this course.
Mission One
The School of Nursing is committed to the pursuit of higher education grounded in the arts, sciences, and humanities. We believe that nurses are called to care through advocacy, action, and building trusting relationships. Caring and compassion serve as the foundation of our nursing practice. The School of Nursing is dedicated to caring, advancing the science, studying the meaning, practicing the art, and living caring day-to-day. We strive to prepare a cadre of nurses prepared to care for our most vulnerable populations.
Mission Two
The School of Nursing creates and empowers nurse leaders who develop and implement innovative and interprofessional research, education, and practice activities that make a positive difference in the health of individuals and communities. Our vision is to be recognized globally as an academic community of excellence that builds on our strengths and traditions to provide leadership in nursing research, education, and evidence-based practice in evolving, interprofessional health and scientific communities.
Mission Three
The School of Nursing strives to be an innovative leader in educating nurses who are caring, competent, and committed to individual and global health. The School of Nursing produces leaders in nursing and health care that provide thoughtful innovation in healing, teaching, and discovery. The mission is accomplished through curricula grounded in experiential learning, evidence-based standards, and collaborative strategies to build effective interprofessional teams to ensure quality healthcare delivery for diverse populations globally.
Instructions: Part I – Your Course Description
This assignment has two sections.
Section One: Describe the content that will be covered in the course and how it relates to the mission of your chosen School of Nursing. This 1-page description should be completed in Word and submitted to the dropbox below.
Section Two:
Review the AACN Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, specifically Domains, Competencies, and Sub-Competencies for Entry-level Professional Nursing Education. Links to an external site.Choose two domains that align with your course. Describe the connection between the chosen domains and your course content in Flipgrid.
Create a title for your course. Consider a title that is engaging and meaningful. Discuss the significance of the title.
The second section will be conducted through Flipgrid, which allows for discussion but uses videos rather than text. Through Flipgrid, you can create and share short videos in response to a prompt. Flipgrid calls these prompts Topics. You can even respond to the videos created by other learners. Responses can be in video or text format.
Your instructor will give you the link to Flipgrid in the Announcements.
Click the link and sign in to Flipgrid with your Username. This will be the first initial of your first name and your complete last name. For instance, Jane Smith’s username is jsmith.
Note: If you are using the Safari browser, you may be asked to download the Flash player. It is recommended that you use the most recent version of the Chrome browser.
Click the red Record a Response button to record your video. You will have 3 minutes to record your second section; however, the recording duration will differ throughout the course. When you are finished recording, click the Next arrow to the right of your screen. To Redo the video, click the Redo arrow on the left of your screen.
Upon clicking Next, you will be asked to Review your video and then take a picture (selfie) to go along with the video.
Click the red camera icon at the bottom center of the window to take a picture, and then click the green Next arrow to the right of your screen. Flipgrid uploads the video.
The last step involves confirming the name that will display with your video and clicking Submit. The Success screen then displays.
Click Complete to see your video on the class grid.
Module 3 Assignment
Course Development Project: Part II – Theories and Outcomes
In Module 2, you selected one of the three fictitious nursing programs and wrote a course description in keeping with the school’s mission. You also selected two domains from the AACN Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, specifically Domains, Competencies, and Sub-Competencies for Entry-level Professional Nursing Education Links to an external site.that align with your content, and discussed that alignment with your classmates on Flipgrid.
This assignment continues your work on your syllabus by asking you to explore prominent theories related to nursing education and relating them to the student learning outcomes for your course.
For Part 2 of your Course Development Project, you will develop 4 – 5 learning outcomes for your course. These outcomes should reflect the program mission and course description. Outcomes should be written in the SMART format. While not mandatory, consider using the following format for your outcomes:
Template: After [completing learning activity] students will be able to [action] via [criterion]
Example: By the end of the course, learners will demonstrate critical thinking skills [action] by creating two concepts on clinical clients. [criterion].
After developing your course outcomes, we will write a paper of no more than three pages in length. Select two of the following theories.
This list is a guide only; feel free to choose a learning theory that is not on the list.
Behavioral learning theories?
Cognitive theories?
Transformative learning theory?
Experiential learning theory?
Briefly describe both theories, comparing and contrasting the major tenets. Next, explain how one (1) of your learning outcomes could be taught in accordance with each theory, taking into account the theory’s basic principles. For example, if the outcome is ??by the end of the course students will be able to repair a flat tire,” you may want to discuss how the concepts of punishment and reinforcement of behaviourism would guide how that content is taught.
Provide at least two (2) concrete examples of how using each theory can guide your course student learning outcomes. Your paper should be between 2-1/2 and 3 pages in length and include at least two scholarly resources cited in APA format.
Module 5 Assignment
Course Development Project: Part III – Learning Materials & Teaching Strategies
Individual writing while watching the computer screen.The core information that students will experience, learn, and apply during a course is provided by learning materials. The best learning materials are consistent with the course’s other components, such as learning outcomes, assessments, and activities. In order to have the greatest impact, these materials must be carefully selected, organized, refined, and used in a course. To optimize student learning, instructional materials should be planned and selected with both breadth and depth of content in mind, ensuring alignment with all course components.
One of the most effective course design decisions you can make to improve student engagement is to provide course learning materials and activities in more than one modality. The same material, for example, can include audio, video, and text components. This type of redundancy reinforces important concepts and ensures that users with physical disabilities can access content in an appropriate format.
Aligning learning activities to student learning outcomes is also essential. If you do not choose activities that align, students will be less successful in achieving the learning outcome. For example, imagine you have a course with the learning outcome, ??Students will think critically about the cardiovascular system.?? What experience would help students practice thinking critically? If you choose only to lecture, students will not have the opportunity to practice thinking critically and to improve through feedback. While they may learn to remember the parts of the stages of blood pressure, this misalignment does not offer them the opportunity to build critical thinking skills. Therefore, it is essential to identify the activity-s purpose to ensure it aligns with the learning outcome.
In this section of the Course Development Project, you will identify relevant course learning materials and clarify your teaching strategies.
After a thorough review of available resources, choose between 4-6 resources and provide either a link or full APA citation. In addition, provide a brief annotation for each resource that addresses the following:
How does the resource enhance the student’s knowledge, skills, or abilities?
Is the material accessible to all students? How do you know?
How is the resource useful in preparing students to meet the student learning outcomes? How does the resource align with program mission, course description, and learning outcomes?
Once you have selected course materials, the next step is to determine the teaching strategies you will be using to engage students with the material, interact with them, and meet your instructional outcomes.
Woman with a small child accessing the computer. Here are some questions to consider as you decide on teaching strategies.
What do I know about my students?
How can I motivate these learners to engage with the content?
Which kinds of strategies will work the best for my content?
What level of Bloom’s taxonomy are my learning outcomes?
Effective teaching strategies align with the level of your outcomes. In an introductory course, for example, students may be asked to define basic terms and concepts. At this more fundamental level of learning, you would choose strategies that involve recognition and repetition. In a more advanced course, assignments might involve students analyzing problems related to introductory concepts previously explained in earlier courses. In this case, you would use strategies like case studies, modeling expert behavior, and having students in groups evaluate the effectiveness of possible derived solutions.
For this section, identify no more than four (4) teaching strategies. You only have to list your instructional methods and activities, not explain or describe how they will be implemented.
Module 7 Assignment
Course Development Project: Part IV – Assessment of Learning
For Part IV of the Course Development Project, please recreate the chart below in Word and complete it.
Student Learning Outcome Assessment Method and Brief Description Rationale and Significance
Remember that the student learning outcomes that you identified in Part II of the Course Development Project should align with the assessment method. Through the process of completing the chart you will reflect on the following questions:
How will you assess student learning? Provide no more than four assessments.
What writing, multimedia, service learning, or other projects will students be asked to do????
Why are these assignments appropriate and significant? Limit this to two paragraphs per assessment method with at least one source of evidence to support.
Module 7 Assignment
Required Documentation Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare an effective portfolio in eValue Links to an external site..
Upload to your Portfolio:
M3.5 Course Development Project: Part II – Theories and Outcomes
M5.4 Course Development Project: Part III – Learning Materials & Teaching Strategies
Log your portfolio activity no later than the end of Module 7 of the course.
Submission Instructions
Submit the receipt from eValue for the submission of Practice Experience Log and Portfolio. The instructions and example can be found by visiting eValue. Directions on how to operate within eValue are available once you are logged in. If you have questions or require assistance, please reach out to [email protected].
Module 8 Assignment
Course Development Project: Part V – Final Syllabus Presentation
Over the past seven weeks, you have worked to develop critical elements of a course syllabus. In Module 8, you will have an opportunity to put all of the pieces together and share your work with your peers. Remember that the syllabus is a primary source of information to guide learners throughout the course. Think of the syllabus as a roadmap both teacher and learner can use to navigate the course. The goal of a well-designed syllabus is to ensure learners understand what is expected of them. Therefore, the syllabus should be easy to read, understand, and follow.
Below is a flexible template for a course syllabus. It is intended to serve as a guide to ensure that all critical elements are included. It is expected that you will use all of the knowledge gained throughout this course to design a meaningful syllabus that is unique to you and your course. Don-t be afraid to use varied formatting or ordering.
The presentation will consist of a 5-7 minute overview of the course syllabus. The focus of this presentation is to discuss the cohesiveness among all of the course elements.
Course Title
Academic credit hours
Course format: (e.g., lecture, lecture + discussion, lecture + lab, seminar, etc.)
Instructor-s Information
Include your name, title, contact information, and the time and location of your office hours. Also, link to your website or social media presence, if applicable. Share information about yourself (to your comfort level).
Instructor Contact Information
What is this course about? (i.e. Course Description)
Briefly describe the course, clearly explaining why you find the course important and engaging. What is this course about? What questions does it attempt to answer? How does the course fit into the overall curriculum?
What background knowledge is needed before taking this course?
Note specific prerequisite courses in addition to any specific knowledge, skills, or background needed to successfully complete this course.
What will be learned in this course? (i.e. Student Learning Outcomes)
List the learning outcomes for the course.
What will learners do in this course?
What types of activities comprise the course and the classes? List and describe the activities and assignments you will use to help students reach the learning outcomes. How will students benefit from each type of activity? (You do not need to include the specific points or grading basis; there is a later section in the template for the grading scale).
What are the required texts, materials, and technologies (i.e Learning Materials)?
List the required texts or resources that students will need to acquire, including textbooks, software, and lab manuals. List the sources where the materials should be obtained, and costs (if any). For texts, provide the full bibliographic entry for each text and URLs if applicable.
What technologies are students required to learn or purchase? Where can students find out more about these technologies? Who will students contact if they have difficulties?
What optional texts or resources might be helpful (if applicable)?
List the optional texts, reference material, or resources that will be used in the course.
How will grade be determined (i.e. Evaluation Methods)?
List the graded assessments and how they will add up to the total course grade. Include your overall grading scale (for example, A = 93% and higher, etc.)
Course Alignment (complete the table below)
Student Learning Outcome
Course Resources
Resources can be used for more than one outcome.
Teaching Methods
Teaching methods can be used for more than one outcome.
What are the relevant university and course policies?
Here you may describe topics such as availability, discussion guidelines, course community building, attendance, make-up work, assignment deadlines, academic integrity, and plagiarism. Complete information on Excelsior policies can be found by visiting Excelsior Policies Links to an external site.. You must include policies on accommodations, academic integrity, and inclusivity.
Academic Accommodations
Academic Integrity
What university resources can help during this course?
In this section, you may wish to highlight particularly relevant resources or other resources that are discipline-specific that are useful for students.
Record yourself using the Screen-O-Matic which is a free Web-based application that allows the user to create a recording of a computer screen or video capture with voice over narration. Here are the instructions:
How to use Screen-O-Matic to record and share video Links to an external site.
You should upload (or provide the link for) both your recorded presentation and syllabus to the assignment area.
Module 8 Assignment
Reflection: Considering Your Syllabus
Over the last eight weeks, you have been developing a syllabus for a course. Reflecting on that course, please address the two questions below:
Based on your syllabus, would you take the course? Why or why not?
Would you teach it? Why or why not?
This reflection will be graded using the Reflections Rubric; both reflections combined are worth 10% of the grade. Please review this rubric below prior to beginning your work to ensure your participation meets the criteria.
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