PSY 570 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a case study analysis. The final project represents an authentic demonstration of competency. This competency is shown by the development of specific skill sets including: case study identification, understanding ethical conflict in a psychology-related work settings, increased knowledge in the origin and rationale for ethics orientation in the psychology profession, specific knowledge of the core ethical principles that govern professional behavior, an overview of specific standards as they apply to sub-specialties in psychology, a practical model for ethical decision making, and consideration of alternative decision-making models. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Five, and Seven. The final project will be submitted in Module Nine. By understanding the ethical principles of the psychology profession, you will learn how to inform your decision making when it comes to protecting and serving the populations we serve. It is also important that the contemporary psychologist be able to address issues that are unique to our time. Some of these challenges ask us to reconsider ethical frameworks and to be more precise in the language we use to define ethical decision making. This course allows you to explore and apply important ethical concepts to potential situations. These skills are essential for proper behavior in the psychology profession. This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
• Assess the impact of the current and emerging ethical codes on the practice of psychology for their influence in developing ethical decision-making strategies
• Assess the influence of culture and social orientations on the development and practice of ethical standards of conduct for consideration when developing ethical strategies
• Distinguish between ethically supported and ethically unsupported strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas in practice
• Develop strategies for incorporating empathy for diverse perspectives into ethically responsible practices
• Develop strategies for evaluating and resolving ethical dilemmas that integrate ethical decision-making models
Prompt The summative assignment for this course is a case study analysis. The case study is one way for you to showcase the skill sets you have learned in this course coupled with your area of professional interest. You will choose a case study from a pre-determined list. You should choose a case study that is relevant to your concentration and/or a particular career field in which you are interested in working. You will utilize codes of ethics pertinent to your chosen area of interest in psychology to approach this case study analysis. You will develop an ethical strategy for addressing the ethical issues present in your case study and analyze your strategy for how it relates to important ethical concepts in psychology. Your case study choice, including the ethical conflict in the case study will be submitted once for peer and instructor review, and then be resubmitted as a developing case study analysis following feedback that incorporates suggestions.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: For this part of the assessment, begin your case study analysis by examining the many factors that influence codes of ethics in psychology. A. Summarize the chosen case study. Be sure to include the important people and key interactions in the case study. This will be used later in your
analysis. B. Assess culture and social orientation and their influence on ethical behavior and the existing codes of conduct. Be sure to provide examples to
support your claims. C. Assess how interactions between the important roles (client, psychologist, researcher, participant, etc.) in psychology are influenced by culture
and social orientation and how that influence informs ethical conduct in psychology. D. When making ethical decisions in your chosen area of concentration, how would you go about deciding whether or not an ethical strategy is
supported or unsupported? In other words, what criteria should professionals in your selected concentration or area of interest use to determine which opinions on ethics to consider in shaping their response to the particular situation?
E. How do contemporary problems impact the need for reconsidering supported opinions on ethics in your concentration or chosen area of interest in psychology? Be sure to provide examples to support your claims.
II. Ethical Analysis: For this part of the assessment, use the Eight Step Ethical Decision Making Model to show how you would resolve the conflicts or ethical issues in your case study.
A. Describe the ethical issues in your chosen ethical scenario and relate the issues to the important people identified previously. You might consider the following: What are the questions you wish to answer and the ethical issue that must be addressed?
B. Develop an ethical strategy using an Eight Step analysis to address the ethical issues and which could be applied to the chosen scenario. Be sure to explain how your ethical strategy follows supported ethical guidelines. You might consider the following: What series of steps would you take to address the issue? What ethical principles and standards inform this strategy?
C. Assess how your strategy differs with an opposing ethical strategy that could be used to address this situation and justify why your strategy would be more preferable. Be sure to explain whether or not the opposing strategy follows supported ethical guidelines. You might consider the following: What other principles or standards could be implemented? What counter arguments may arise in response to your strategy? How would you answer them?
D. Assess your strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multiple role relationship issues. You might consider the following: Does your strategy consider the appropriateness of the different relationships psychologists can have with clients?
E. Assess your strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multicultural competence issues. You might consider the following: Does your strategy consider issues of diversity and culture with regard to your chosen ethical issue?
F. Assess your strategy for your chosen ethical scenario for how it aligns with current and emerging ethical codes in your chosen area of interest on the practice of psychology in your concentration or area of interest. You might consider the following: How does your strategy follow more modern opinions on ethics? How does your strategy reflect that ethics in psychology is not stagnant?
III. Conclusion: For this part of the assessment, develop a conclusion explaining the different influences on your own strategy. Be sure to incorporate peer
and instructor feedback you have received in order to properly reflect on your strategy.
A. Explain the influence of culture and social orientation on the development of your ethical strategy. You might consider the following: What cultural implications did you feel you had to consider when developing your strategy?
B. Explain the influence of diversity and equality on the development of your ethical strategy. You might consider the following: What issues of diversity and equality were in the ethical scenario, and how were they addressed? How did this influence your thought process and decisions while developing your ethical strategy?
C. Explain how controversial issues in ethics have shaped emerging ideas in ethics. Be sure to provide your thoughts on this and how the development of your strategy was or was not influenced by controversial issues. You might consider the following: Did you follow a strictly traditional model, or did you use a more modern approach? How did this influence your thought process and decisions while developing your ethical strategy?
D. Explain how your strategy could be changed to further address issues of multiple role relationships and justify your claims. In what ways does your strategy lack in its consideration of multiple role relationships?
E. Explain how your strategy could be changed to further address issues of multicultural competence and justify your claims. In what ways does your strategy lack in its consideration of multicultural competence?
F. Develop a conclusion summarizing your ethical strategy and how you believe it could be implemented to solve the chosen ethical scenario.
Milestones Milestone One: Case Study Selection In Module One, you will select a case study in your area of interest to analyze for your final project, the Case Study Analysis. In the Case Study Selection discussion, you will identify your selected case study, describe your interest in the case, and identify the central ethical conflict. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Case Study Analysis Outline In Module Three, you will identify the ethical conflict in the case study and produce an outline of your final case study analysis using a template provided. You addressed the first four elements (title page, case study abstract, detailed case study description, and ethical conflict) in Milestone One and will add more details in this milestone. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Applying the APA Code of Ethics Five Principles and Exploring Ethical Standards In Module Five, you will go back to your outline and explain the five general guiding ethical principles found within the APA Code of Ethics. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Milestone Four: The Ethical Decision-Making Process, Alternative Considerations, Diversity Issues, and Multiple role Relationships In Module Seven, you will list the eight-step ethical decision-making model, discuss an alternative or opposing model of decision-making, and put your case study conflict through the eight-step model. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.
Final Submission: Case Study Analysis In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should incorporate feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One Case Study Selection 2 Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Two Case Study Analysis Outline 3 Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Three Applying the APA Code of Ethics 5 Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Four The Ethical Decision-Making Process 7 Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric
Final Project Submission: Case Study Analysis
9 Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: The case study analysis paper should be 8–10 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate APA citations.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction: Summary
Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry-specific language to establish expertise
Comprehensively summarizes the chosen scenario, the important people, and the important interactions present in the case study
Summarizes the chosen scenario, the important people, and the important interactions present in the case study but is lacking in detail or breadth
Does not summarize the chosen scenario, the important people, and the important interactions present in the case study
Introduction: Culture Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers keen insight into the influence of culture and social orientation on ethical behavior
Assesses the influence of culture and social orientation on ethical behavior and adherence to codes of conduct
Assesses the influence of culture and social orientation on ethical behavior and adherence to codes of conduct but examination lacks depth or detail
Does not assess the influence of culture and social orientation on ethical behavior and adherence to codes of conduct
Introduction: Interactions
Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers keen insight into the interactions between important roles in psychology
Assesses how interactions between different roles in psychology affects the cultural development of ethical practice
Assesses how interactions between different roles in psychology affects the cultural development of ethical practice but examination lacks depth or detail
Does not assess interactions between different roles in psychology affects the cultural development of ethical practice
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction: Supported or Unsupported
Meets “Proficient” criteria and clearly articulates how the opinions on ethics relate to the area of interest
Distinguishes between supported and unsupported opinions on ethics for resolving ethical dilemmas in area of interest
Identifies supported and unsupported opinions on ethics for resolving ethical dilemmas in area of interest but does not differentiate between them
Does not distinguish supported and unsupported opinions on ethics for resolving ethical dilemmas in area of interest
Introduction: Contemporary
Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers keen insight into the impact of contemporary problems on the reconsideration of supported opinions on ethics
Assesses the impact of contemporary problems on the reconsideration of supported opinions on ethics in area of interest
Assesses the impact of contemporary problems influencing the reconsideration of supported opinions on ethics but examination lacks depth or does not connect to the area of interest
Does not assess the impact of contemporary problems influencing the reconsideration of supported opinions on ethics
Ethical Analysis: Ethical Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and described ethical issues encompass a variety of types of ethical dilemmas
Describes the ethical issues and potential questions and how the important people in the case study relate to the ethical issues
Describes the ethical issues and potential questions and how the important people in the case study relate to the ethical issues but description lacks depth or detail
Does not describe the ethical issues and potential questions and the important people in the case study
Ethical Analysis: Ethical Strategy
Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry-specific language to establish expertise
Develops an ethical strategy using Eight Step analysis and explains how the strategy follows supported ethical guidelines
Develops an ethical strategy but does not use Eight Step analysis or does not explain how it follows supported ethical guidelines
Does not develop an ethical strategy using Eight Step analysis
Ethical Analysis: Opposing Ethical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and justification acknowledges counter arguments and the relationship between the arguments and strategy presented
Justifies why developed strategy is more preferable than an opposing strategy
Explains how developed strategy would be more preferable than an opposing strategy but does not justify claims
Does not explain how strategy would be more preferable than an opposing ethical strategy
Ethical Analysis: Multiple role
Relationship Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers keen insight into how the strategy addresses issues with multiple role relationships
Assesses strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multiple role relationships
Assesses strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multiple role relationships but examination lacks depth or detail
Does not assess strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multiple role relationships
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Ethical Analysis: Multicultural
Competence Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers keen insight into how the strategy addresses issues with multicultural competence and social awareness and competence
Assesses strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multicultural competence and social orientation awareness and competence
Assesses strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multicultural competence but examination lacks depth or detail
Does not assess strategy for how it addresses ethical problems associated with multicultural competence
Ethical Analysis: Codes
Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides cogent reasoning with regard to how current and emerging ethical codes shape ethical decision making in area of interest
Assesses strategy for how it aligns with current and emerging ethical codes in area of interest
Assesses strategy for how it aligns with current and emerging ethical codes in area of interest but examination lacks depth or detail
Does not assess strategy for how it aligns with current and emerging ethical codes in area of interest
Conclusion: Culture and Social Orientation
Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides cogent reasoning with regard to the influence of culture and social orientation on ethical strategies
Explains the influence of culture and social orientation on the development of ethical strategy
Explains the influence of culture and social orientation on the development of ethical strategy, but discussion lacks detail or depth
Does not explain the influence of culture and social orientation on the development of ethical strategy
Conclusion: Diversity and Equality
Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides cogent reasoning with regard to the influence of diversity and equality on ethical strategy
Explains the influence of diversity and equality on the development of ethical strategy
Explains the influence of diversity and equality on the development of ethical strategy but discussion lacks detail or depth
Does not explain the influence of diversity and equality on the development of ethical strategy
Conclusion: Controversial Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides cogent reasoning with regard to the influence of controversial issues on the development of ethical strategies
Explains how ethical controversies shape ethical frameworks and how they influenced or did not influence development of strategy with regard to emerging ideas in ethics
Explains how ethical controversies shape ethical frameworks and how they influenced or did not influence development of strategy with regard to emerging ideas in ethics but lacks detail or depth
Does not explain how ethical controversies shape ethical frameworks and how they influenced or did not influence development of strategy with regard to emerging ideas
Ethical Analysis: Issues of Multiple role
Meets “Proficient” criteria and clearly articulates elements of strategy that are lacking
Justifies how your strategy could be changed to further address issues of multiple role relationships
Explains how your strategy could be changed to further address issues of multiple role relationships but does not justify claims
Does not explain how your strategy could be changed to further address issues of multiple role relationships
Ethical Analysis: Issues of Multicultural
Meets “Proficient” criteria and clearly articulates elements of strategy that are lacking
Justifies how strategy could be changed to further address issues of multicultural competence
Explains how strategy could be changed to further address issues of multicultural competence but does not justify claims
Does not explain how strategy could be changed to further address issues of multicultural competence
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Conclusion: Conclusion
Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses industry-specific language to establish expertise
Comprehensively summarizes your ethical strategy and discusses how it could be implemented to address the scenario
Summarizes ethical strategy and discusses how it could be implemented to address the scenario, but is lacking in breadth or detail
Does not provide a summary of ethical strategy
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format with language that is appropriate to the intended audience
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, organization or audience-appropriate terminology
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, organization, or audience-appropriate language that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, organization, or audience-specific language that prevent understanding of ideas
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