The project is ready, 1st file is the (Word) file called (MY WORK)
The project is ready, 1st file is the (Word) file called (MY WORK) & the 2nd one is the (Presentation) file called (My work (Presentation) ), both related to each other.
but these 2 files lack some things. you will have to add some additions and see what also missing regarding the examples that I will put with my project files and compare them.
I will explain what I want in each File:
1) you will open the file called (MY WORK) and you will see a header called (Findings) you have to make it like the example that I will download, called (WORD EXAMPLE) see the findings and how the people did it & did the same, I just put the examples so that you understand exactly what I want in my project
so for (FINDINGS) I will put a link called (Research Survey) to take the questions that I need it in Word & Presentation.
u will take these questions: ( 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 18) and put it in the 2 files, With analytics for each question.
Research Survey لقد تم تسجيل ردك. إرسال رد آخر لم يتم إنشاء هذا المحتوى ولا اعتماده من قِبل Google. الإبلاغ عن إساءة الاستخدام – شروط الخدمة – سياسة الخصوصية نماذج ,
UBT-MBA Program Fall 2022 Coffee shops
Studying in Coffee Shops and How it Positively Impacts University Students
Abeer AlQurashi -WBM009
Reem Snobar- VCM024
22 October 2022
Marketing Research (MKT 532)
Supervised By: Dr. Khalid AlShohaib
Whether you're cramming for an exam or just having trouble concentrating on work, many cafes offer a variety of ways to unwind. With no distractions, you'll be able to focus better on your studies. that's why it's important to open studying cafes that cater to your needs. For example, a quiet cafe where you can read quietly, or one with loud music that keeps distracting thoughts out of your head. Also, there should be Wi-Fi access because it allows the students to do their homework without worrying about getting disconnected. In addition to offering great services, these cafés often come with perks such as free food and drinks. Often, these perks include specialty items such as baked goods, hot chocolate, and sandwiches. Also, it offers space to plug in small devices such as your phone or tablet. Cafes are a perfect place for most students for doing research, assignments, homework & study review. Cafe culture offers plenty of benefits for students who need a little downtime to unwind. Not only does it put you in a more comfortable setting, but you can take advantage of benefits such as free Wi-Fi, food, and drinks. Even if you decide to eat outside, you can easily carry your meal inside and continue studying. In addition, coffee shops are good studying areas for university students because students can get coffee. Scientific studies have revealed that coffee can enhance academic performance by enhancing their energy levels. Moreover, these studies have shown that coffee helps in improving student focus which is essential for the realization of their demanding goals. However, the level of one’s focus is dependent on the unique physiology of a person. A person is able to better focus on their studies whenever their dopamine levels remain within the recommended margin. In some instances, people already have the required level of dopamine. As a result, taking coffee would increase the dopamine signals in the brain which in turn would push their dopamine to higher levels hindering their concentration. The science of coffee reveals that when a person takes coffee, caffeine boosts their energy level which in turn prevents them from feeling tired. Caffeine is an adenosine inhibitor, a natural substance produced by the body to trigger fatigue. Coffee also interacts with dopamine which is a brain neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation. As a result, coffee helps in stimulating the nervous system as well as enhancing a student’s cognitive function (Childs E & De Wit, 2006). Whenever a student takes coffee, his/her AI receptor is inhibited which in turn inhibits drowsiness. Also, coffee blocks the A2A receptor which is responsible for boosting dopamine levels. An increase in dopamine levels in the brain helps in stimulating the brain and in turn leads to enhanced mood (McAdam, 2017). Caffeine drawn from coffee has effects that usually lasting for four to six hours. The effects of coffee on the brain further helps in explaining the reason why university students studying in coffee shops are more likely to register good performance in their academics. Taking coffee can further improve a student’s short-term memory. Studies have revealed that a person’s remembrance is enhanced after taking coffee. It is because, caffeine in the coffee improves the resting brain entropy which in turn boosts the ability to process information.
Coffee shop, Café, Students, University students, Study, Quiet place to study, Books, University, Jeddah Café, Coffee nearby, Coffee, Groups, Gathering.
Table of Contents
“Coffee is not just a beverage in our Saudi culture. It is part of our social grain. The Saudis start our day with coffee and end our dinner with it. We meet for coffee, have coffee breaks at work, and stop for coffee” (Reese 176). Most students nowadays tend to study in some places like Cafés with different types of ambiance, especially university students, it’s almost become a trend, like they have a lot of distractions in their houses, for instance; children’s voices, family problems, video games, and series, or they don’t have a place in the house to focus and be alone, etc. Coffee shops have internet which the student can use together information that will help them with their study, people find it as a peaceful, relaxing, and ideal place to study because they have drinks and snacks to help with the study process. Although, being with a group of students helps in interaction and sharing creative ideas like thinking out of the box. Moreover, the atmosphere of the place is psychologically prepared for studying, such as the presence of a library, quiet music to focus more, and comfortable seats. These are all positive aspects of studying in Cafés.
Literature Review:
The development of the coffee shop is a form of changing consumer decision patterns in choosing and selecting the products they will consume by taking into account several criteria such as store atmosphere and service quality, Research such as that by Chism (2007) has highlighted that the “sensory stimulation of informal spaces such as the décor, carpeting and lighting” (p. 2.7) greatly influences students' perceptions of where it is good to study. At the University, of Sheffield, students found the “temperature being right, spaces not being too noisy and a good use of color schemes” Also, Fister (2009) claimed that “good lighting, comfortable furniture, warm colors and access to food”.
Coffee proves to be an ideal beverage within society. This is based on its roles and functions in enhancing interactions and communications or relationships within society. It is ideal to have coffee shops that operate on a daily basis thus serving the needs and preferences of the population in the context (Jakle, 2002). In the context of this research, students and other relevant consumers require coffee for several reasons. One of the most essential reasons for the consumption of coffee by students is the need to stay refreshed and focused most of the time. This is an illustration of why most students and the staff of numerous universities prefer coffee shops that operate on a 24/7 basis thus addressing their refreshment needs (Lewis, 2011). From this perspective, coffee plays a critical role in the enhancement of the performance of students within the institutions. Coffee also plays a critical role in the bonding aspect of human existence.
Various individuals including students make coffee shops their meeting points to interact on personal and common issues. These interactions range from social communication or meeting to personal relationships between couples and girlfriend and boyfriend interaction. It is ideal to note that coffee is an aspect or component of bonding as it is a reflection of friendship and togetherness among the students and other stakeholders. Most individuals also depend on coffee for biological reasons. These may include the prevention or delaying of certain diseases (Parkinson’s disease), elimination of rectal cancer, prevention of dizziness especially among the old population, and elimination of certain types of diabetes. In the act of consuming coffee, it is ideal to obtain effective and efficient services thus ability to save time
and energy. Adoption and implementation of drive-thru services acts towards the automation of activities within the coffee shops (Balch, 2006).
(Blazey, 2009) mentioned that’s will enable students and other stakeholders from the region of reference to save time and energy as they enjoy their favorite beverage. Adoption of the drive-thru services also contributes towards the elimination of the long queues of coffee consumers thus efficiency in service delivery and satisfaction among consumers. Several factors contribute to the consumption of coffee. One of the common factors in the determination of coffee consumption is the social factor. The social context such as personal relationships, executive or friendly meetings, and reunions lead to an increase in the consumption of coffee. The main reason behind the social factor is the environment of influence thus the ability to embrace the situation with beverage consumption. It is also evident that students take coffee for psychological reasons. This is to maintain mental alertness and thus high level of focus on the issues of concern. Consumption of coffee is also associated with class thus the act of economic reasons in the determination of coffee consumption (Blazey, 2009).
Child & de Wit (2006) provides that college learners have a lot in their plates. This include class lectures, examinations and notetaking. Therefore, the brains of college learners are usually engaged throughout their days in school. This level of academic responsibilities usually requires high levels of energy which as a result inhibits their abilities to focus. Besides, college students may experience difficulties retaining important information which in turn may affect their assignment and exam performance. One of the initiatives that colleges may take to improve student performance is the establishment of coffee shops in their premises (Child & de Wit, 2006). Coffee may significantly improve the performance of college learners by boosting their energy levels, focus and their cognitive abilities. Coffee is likened to a brain fuel for college students wishing to achieve their most demanding goals.
Coffee Science
When a college student takes coffee, their bodies gain caffeine which inhibits the feeling of tiredness. Coffee is a major adenosine blocker. Adenosine is a substance that the body produces naturally to trigger fatigue. When the production of this substance is hindered, the body is unable to trigger fatigue leading to prolonged energy levels. Also, caffeine interacts with dopamine, a substance responsible for regulating mood neurotransmitters. This interaction helps in stimulating the sections of the nervous structure responsible for enhancing cognitive function. Coffee is a blocker of the AI receptor. This in turn helps in preventing drowsiness. Whenever the A2A receptor is blocked, dopamine levels increases, therefore, stimulating the brain and boosting an individual’s mood. These coffee effects may last for a period ranging between four and six hours.
Coffee caffeine has been found to affect Cytochrome P450 IA2 enzyme responsible for metabolizing caffeine. Caffeine further influences how the body generates this enzyme which in turn impacts the rate at which the body digests caffeine. With time, A2A receptor is desensitized and the body’s euphoric and mood boosting reaction is reduced. Since coffee causes the blockage of the substance causing drowsiness, students may feel more energetic when executing their college tasks. Coffee helps to improve the mental alertness of students while at the same time increasing their reaction time. Coffee enhances the rate at which the brain neurons fire which in turn elevates the rate at which the brain operates. Therefore, the fact that coffee increases the energy levels, it is considered to incredibly assist university learners pulling their late-night study sessions and those taking their early morning classes.
The most important thing one can draw from studying in coffee shop is coffee. Scientific studies have proven that a cup of coffee is good for improving the memory and concentration. Coffee influences one’s concentration by impacting on dopamine. Scientific studies have shown that caffeine may increase the brain’s dopamine signals. Caffeine may, however, be a hindrance to one’s concentration especially when one’s dopamine levels are high prior to taking coffee (Nehlig, 2010). The dopamine levels may further increase to levels that hinder concentration.
It has been found that coffee improves one’s short-term memory. Scientific studies have indicated that a person’s level of remembrances increase after drinking coffee. It is, however, important to note that studies on this subject reveals mixed outcomes. Some of the studies offers that coffee does not impact on memory while others show that coffee poses significant effects on one’s short-term and long-term memory. Caffeine affects the brain entropy which refers to the number of neural states accessible to the brain. A greater brain entropy is an indicator that the brain is able to process high volumes of information. On the other hand, low entropy levels are indicative of repetitive and orderly function of the brain, a brain function that happens whenever a person is asleep. Thus, caffeine elevates the resting entropy of the brain, thereby enhancing the brains capacity for processing information. A John Hopkin’s University study documenting the effects of caffeine on memory included participants that did not regularly take caffeine. Some of the study participants were provided with placebo while others were given a 200-mgs of caffeine tablets five minutes after viewing some images. In the following, these participants viewed the images for a second time. However, some images were new while others were slightly different. The results revealed that more participants given caffeine tablets managed to identify similar and different images than the number of participants given placebo. This ability is regarded as pattern separation and is indicative of a high memory retention capacity.
The research method will include 150 respondents, including all students from Jeddah. A randomly distributed number of female and male participants will occur. To generate closely representative data, convenience and non-probability sampling will be chosen. A group of students will be selected and will receive an online survey that consists of 20 to 25 questions max via a link distributed in WhatsApp & other applications through Google Forms that will automatically record and analyze the data collected by using a quantitative method.
Out of the 150 respondents included in the study, 140 responded to online survey questionnaires. The core aim of the survey was to demonstrate the effects of studying in a coffee shop to the academic performance of Jeddah University students. The findings of this study revealed that students who executed their studies in a coffee shop achieved higher academic performance than students who studied in the class. The questionnaires contained a form in which participants were required to provide their demographic information including age, sex, gender, and education level. The participants were required to take a test an hour after taking a caffeinated drink. A control group was used, whereby some participants were required to take a test without taking the caffeinated drink. The results of those who took caffeinated drink prior to taking the test was then compared to the test results of the control group. In order to determine whether the participants had significant statistical variations in the levels of their caffeinated drinks, this study utilized a one-way ANOVA. The findings of the study reveals that the ANOVA failed to reject a null hypothesis which implies the lack of a significance difference in participants’ test scores. The study participants who took caffeinated drink prior to the test performed better than participants who did not take a caffeinated drink before the test.
In order to verify whether the participant’s results were influenced by caffeinated drink, a repeat experiment was done. The repeat experiment involved students who previously took the caffeinated drink. In the second test, no caffeinated drink was given before the test. A comparison between their first and second test results indicates revealed a significant difference in the participant’s performance. The first test score in which the participants had taken a caffeinated drink was higher than their second test score which they executed without taking a caffeinated drink. The difference between the first and the second test scores confirmed that caffeinated drinks improved the participants’ test scores. Moreover, the second test performance were similar to the test scores registered by the control group. This further revealed that students who did not take a caffeinated drink prior to undertaking a test recorded significantly low test score. The participants further indicated that the intake of caffeine altered their mood and increased their alertness on the morning and at night. Participants who took coffee at night recorded diminished sleep quality and altered sleep patterns. The participants further revealed that caffeine effects lasted for four to six hours after the coffee. The findings of this study further revealed that participants who took coffee before embarking on their study registered a prolonged time of study than participants who did not take coffee before the study. In addition, a comparison of the participants was done when studying after taking the coffee and when studying without taking coffee. The results indicated that the participants spent more time and were more focused when they had taken coffee before the study than when they undertook their study without taking coffee. This finding reveals that coffee had an effect of boosting their alertness and energy level.
The findings of this study revealed that caffeine influenced the test score of the participants. This confirms a study by Childs E & De Wit (2006) which considers caffeine a psychoactive stimulant working within the central nervous system. Given that caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant, it enhances the arousal of the brain. A number of studies provides that caffeine intake improves the working memory of a person. When taken in low doses, caffeine usually enhances a person’s memory performance. On the other hand, low doses of caffeine have been found to reduce memory performance. Possibly, this usually results from over-stimulation (Nehlig, 2010). The study findings further revealed that caffeine intake improved on the participant’s alertness and helped in prolonging their studying time both in the morning and at night. These findings are consistent to the findings of a study undertaken by McAdams in 2017 suggesting that caffeine impacts mood and performance whenever one’s alertness is low. Normally, caffeine is taken after waking up to help improve on alertness and fight sleep inertia. It is because the intake of caffeine helps in the reduction of motor dexterity and subjective grogginess feelings that occur after an abrupt awakening (McAdam, 2017). The feeling of grogginess usually interferes with one’s ability to execute physical and mental tasks.
McAdam (2017) provides that alertness is one of the positive impact associated with caffeine intake by students. Caffeine functions in the brain by blocking the functions of adenosine. Adenosine is a chemical functioning in the brain with its main roles being that of a depressant and inducing of drowsiness after binding the brain cells receptors. When the brain cells are bound, drowsiness and fatigue results and this in turn leads to a decline in mental clarity. Caffeine on the other hand prevents adenosine from binding the brain receptors. Therefore, increased intake of caffeine increases mental alertness (McAdam, 2017). Hence, caffeine ingestion temporarily boosts a student’s studying skills. Participants further indicated altered sleeping patterns and diminished sleep quality when coffee was taken when undertaking night studies. caffeine has some negative effects on learners. One such negative effect involves promoting irregular sleep patterns. Thus, if caffeine is taken before going to sleep, one’s sleeping ability is inhibited. The intake of caffeine before bed also diminishes sleep quality. In order to void the negative effects linked to caffeine, it is important to refrain from taking caffeine when one is undertaking evening studies (McAdam, 2017).
The effects of caffeine lasts for four to six hours after the intake. Most studies advocate that one should not ingest caffeine within four to six hours prior to going to bed. It is because the effects associated with caffeine lasts for four to six hours (McWilliams, 2014). Similar to the findings of this research, moderate coffee consumption improves learners test score. In particular, the participants who took caffeinated drinks before taking the test recorded higher scores than learners who took the test score without taking a caffeinated drink. The findings of this study aligns to McWilliams (2014) study that recorded an improve in test score after taking caffeinated drink. Between 2001 and 2007, a study in which 51% of the 496 college students regularly resorted to the intake of coffee and as a way of helping them to undertake their test preparations. A study by Johnson Wiley titled ‘Human Psychopharmacology’ revealed students who took caffeinated drink when executing their studies had an advantage (McWilliams, 2014). In addition, this study revealed that higher stimulant levels in coffee elevated the alertness levels and further enhanced cognitive responses.
EFSA has provided a well-established benefits of caffeinated drink on mental performance. EFSA provides that the causes and effects linked with the intake of caffeinated drinks particularly 75mg caffeine serving (an amount equal to one cup of coffee) have been shown to enhance attention and alertness. This is particularly in low arousal and stimulation situations. In most cases, caffeine provides most people temporary energy boost while boosting their mood. Elevated alertness, mood and energy boost are linked to caffeine e stimulation of the central nervous system to execute a distinctive body response.
The findings of this study shows that students who drank coffee before undertaking their studies spent more time reading than they used to when they had not taken caffeinated drinks. This is a finding that confirms that caffeine helps to increase the temporary energy of the students. It is a finding that further confirms a finding by Child & de Wit (2006) which provides that caffeine leads to a temporary energy boost and elevated. An increase in alertness level, energy boost and the elevation of moods and the occur because caffeine has some stimulating effects. Gregg (2004) further confirms the findings of this study when he records that caffeine can help college students to enhance their concentration levels which enables them have more focus on the information they attempt to acquire for their examinations. Gregg (2004) found that caffeine enhances the heartbeat. The findings of the study further suggested that having strong heartbeats is helpful to college students to remain focused for a longer time because caffeine prolongs their oxygenation. With prolonged elevation, students can remain awake for a much longer than usual. Child & de Wit (2006) further provides that caffeine helps in boosting one’s cognitive functions. The findings further reveals that caffeine enhanced the studying mood of students particularly because they felt more energized after taking the than when they had not taken the coffee. The findings, therefore, confirms that coffee can be used to improve college student performance. This, therefore, confirms the reason as to why college students should prefer studying in a coffee shop in order to boost their academic performance. In addition, the findings confirm the results of the previously done studies on the effects of caffeinated drinks on the study mood, focus and energy levels. In order to enhance the performance of college students, there is a need for colleges to take an initiative of establishing coffee shops where students can study.
Students need coffee to stay refreshed and focused most of the time. Coffee plays a critical role in the enhancement of the performance of students within institutions. Coffee is an aspect or component of bonding as it reflects friendship and togetherness among the students. It is ideal to have coffee shops that operate daily thus serving the needs and preferences of the population.
When studying or clamming for an assignment or an exam, a coffee shop is an ideal place to execute your study. Coffee shops are further ideal when one experiences some problems concentrating on their work. With little or no distractions, a coffee shop provides an ideal environment for university students to undertake their studies. However, one should select a coffee shop that is free from distractions caused by music. Most coffee shops are fitted with Wi-Fi which allows the learners to perform their home works with little or no worries of being disconnected. Coffee is the number one most important thing which makes a coffee shop an ideal reading environment for university students. It is because coffee has some effects on the brain. Caffeine is an element in the coffee which usually impacts student performance. Scientific studies have revealed that coffee enhances the energy levels. This study has demonstrated that increased energy levels reduces tiredness enabling students to spend longer time in their studies. The study has also found that college learners often have busy study schedules in which they are engaged in note taking, lectures, assignments and exams. Such activities require high levels of energy to perform. Therefore, learners can benefit from drinking coffee which boosts their energy levels. This paper has further revealed that caffeine affects one’s dopamine levels. Usually, coffee leads to the elevation of dopamine signals in the brain which in turn enhances their focus. In addition, caffeine interaction with dopamine helps in regulating moods. Coffee is further a booster to the cognitive functions of a person. Coffee drinking usually inhibits the AI receptors which in turn inhibits drowsiness. Moreover, coffee acts as an A2A receptor inhibitor that is responsible for boosting dopamine levels. This as a result helps to boost ones’ concentration and alertness. Therefore, studying in a coffee shop positively impact the academic performances of college students especially because of their likeliness to take coffee which is a major booster of focus, alertness and memory. In this study, 150 participants were included. All the participants were learners from Jeddah. The study involved taking an online survey comprising of 20 to 25 questions. The distribution of survey questions was done through a link which was distributed through the WhatApp and other social media applications. Distribution of the link was done via Google Forms which automatically recorded and analysed the collected data. The findings of this study have further demonstrated the importance of establishing coffee shops in colleges. Such initiatives would help in fostering the performance of college learners by fostering their concentration and study time. A comparison between participants who studied after taking coffee with participants who studied without taking coffee reveals a significant difference. The first difference is noted in the amount of time that both groups of participants spent in their studies. Participants who took coffee before studying stayed longer in their study than participants who did not take coffee before studying. This reveals that coffee is a booster of both focus and energy levels in students. The second difference between the participants was noted in their test scores. Participants who took coffee registered higher test scores than participants who did not take coffee. The test results hence signify that taking coffee improved the memory of participants enabling them to remember what they had learnt. The findings of the study lead to a number of conclusions. First, it is important to acknowledge the effects of coffee on the performance of learners. Second, coffee is a good enhancer of focus/concentration, energy and mood. Therefore, there is need for colleges to provide coffee shops for their learners as a way of enhancing their academic performance. Plagiarism Free Papers
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