For this week, select one of the following prompts to begin the discussion. During the week, we will bring our ideas on sociology, culture, and media together.
Sociologist C. Wright Mills preferred to call the sociological perspective the sociological imagination, and he saw it transforming personal troubles into public issues. Let’s begin our discussion this week by considering the topic of suicide. Suicide, as we have learned this week from reading about Durkheim, is a social act as well as a personal act.
Let’s use our sociological imaginations to consider suicide as a social phenomenon. What are some aspects of social integration and social regulation that would influence an individual’s decision about suicide?
From an ethnocentric perspective, other cultures look “weird,” but to an outsider, so does ours. From a cultural relativist perspective, different ways of doing things are simply different.
Think of what you have learned about a particular culture. How much have you relied on media to gain your knowledge? Which forms of media have you relied upon?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 2 Discussion
Sociologists believe that our very personalities, that which we think are most personal to us and makes us unique, are actually the result of an ongoing socialization process as we engage with others in our social worlds. This explains why people only date others within their own race or of other races. It explains why we crave certain foods and listen to particular types of music.
Who have been your primary and secondary agents of socialization, and how do they continue to influence you?
As we can see with processes of socialization, we all belong to many groups and organizations, whether or not we have chosen to do so. Do you feel that groups and organizations primarily operate through exchange, cooperation, competition, conflict, or coercion?
In what way(s) has one of these groups shaped your own personal identity?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 3 Discussion
What is the American Dream? What are we reading this week that will help us frame this discussion? When it comes to social mobility, the American Dream is something that we hear a lot, and we may take for granted that everyone knows and agrees on what it means. Has your family experienced significant upward or downward mobility over the past three or four generations? How do you think your values and behavior might differ had you experienced the opposite pattern of mobility? How might it have been different had your family been of a different ethnic or racial origin?
Earlier in the semester, we talked about a situation, circumstance, or identity being both a personal and a public issue. As we discuss race, we first have to understand that there is no biological basis for what we call race. Indeed, the classifications of race that we see in the Western world today were developed by a botanist. As offensive as we may find Linnaeus, do you see where his categories provide the basis for racial stereotypes that still exist today? Read more at (Links to an external site.).
Is our race more a matter of how we view yourselves or of how others view us? In what ways is how you view yourself as a racial person influenced by our society and culture?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 4 Discussion
How many ways can you think of in which you “perform” your gender? We’ve read about how our gender identities are socially constructed through toys and by rituals such as team sports and beauty pageants. This socialization influences our day-to-day experiences, including which bathrooms we are permitted to use. (Links to an external site.)
How comfortable would you be using a bathroom that was not specified as either for males or females?
When sociologists study sexuality, they distinguish among desire (physical attraction), behavior (sex), and identity. How do factors such as body size, skin color, and physical ability influence how you perceive sexual attractiveness? How do you suppose your choices and decisions have been socialized? How might you behave differently if your body were a different size?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 5 Discussion
Sociologists stress that aging is not just a reflection of life expectancy and biology but also the social structure of the broader society. One aspect of society is the family. Consider the photo below.
What does this photo make you think about in relation to
family; and
Use this image and your thoughts about it as a starting point to consider the sociology of aging. What do we think of aging in society? How do family, culture, and other social attributes influence our perceptions of aging, life span, and expectations?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 6 Discussion
From the structural-functional perspective, each of us here has pursued a degree in higher education to enter the job market, expand our professional network, or advance our careers. By contrast, the conflict perspective suggests that pursuing a degree will put us farther in debt, thus maintaining economic inequality and creating a sense of rootlessness.
Think about your own life. How much time do you spend at work and with others related to school work? How much time do you spend interacting with people online rather than in person with loved ones?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 7 Discussion
What are some of the ways that religion intersects with politics, age, and race in the United States of America? What about in another country?
What is a global footprint? What steps do you and members of your family take to lessen your impact on the environment? What items do you reduce your usage of, recycle back into other products, or reuse for another purpose?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 8 Discussion
Research is fundamental in the social sciences. A common data collection method is the survey. Let’s look at the survey as a social scientist.
Navigate to the DeVry portal ( (Links to an external site.). At the student portal, enter your DSI# and the password used to log into the student portal and navigate to the End of Course Evaluations and Student Satisfaction Survey directly from the home page. Locate the Quick Links section on the left side of the home page, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select the link for Surveys.
Now, let’s discuss the merits and flaws of this survey instrument. Which questions would you add? Which would you delete? What questions would you change? What questions would you keep the same?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 1 Assignment
Our decisions do not simply result from what philosophers call free will. Sociology teaches us that the social world guides our life choices in much the same way that the physical world influences our choice of clothing or the type of food we feel like eating. C. Wright Mills pointed to the power of what he called the sociological imagination to help us understand everyday events. As he saw it, society, not people’s personal failings, is the main cause of poverty and other social problems.
For this assignment, explain how a personal problem can be caused by a larger social issue. It can be a problem that you, a friend or family member, or someone you have read about has experienced. Describe the situation, putting both the personal problem and the larger social issue in boldface, and then explain the relationship in terms of cause and effect. Limit your response to a single double-spaced page.
Remember to submit your assignment for grading.
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 2 Assignment
From our own ethnocentric perspective, other cultures may appear strange or different. But to an outsider, so does ours. From a cultural relativist perspective, different ways of doing things are simply different.
Using the concept of cultural relativism as a foundation, consider the following. What are aspects of your culture that you can identify in the context of what we are reading this week? Once you identify a culture that represents you, you will submit a written analysis that describes your culture.
This assignment will be two pages in length (not including your cultural example), follow APA standards, and will include a link to a video, image, or another form of media that represents your cultural identity. For examples of cultural identity, see page 49 in the textbook for additional guidance.
Don’t forget to submit your assignment.
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 3 Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to help you better understand concepts related to social stratification and social mobility.
What have you learned from this week’s reading about social stratification? How has this week’s reading influenced your thoughts on the American Dream? In your response, identify material from the reading that pertains to and explain the following.
A definition of social stratification
At least one sociological theory that best explains your own perspective about social mobility
The relationship between culture and social mobility
Your response should be two to three pages and include specific examples, a detailed analysis, and reasoning to support your claims.
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 6 Assignment
This scenario allows you to incorporate the concept of intersectionality as you consider the identities of each participant in this case study.
It takes place at work among a group of fellow employees. As part of this case study, we will take a look at the interaction between a few employees and how these interactions reflect, challenge, or complicate their intersectional identities. To help assess the situation, you will write a response where you consider the approach to take when the behavior of some employees is deemed inappropriate by another employee. What is the importance of each person’s multiple identities in this situation?
You are an employee who overhears conversations among your coworkers. While on break, two male coworkers, Robert and Henry, usually go outside by themselves to talk and smoke a cigarette. Robert is African-American and Henry is Hispanic. One day, Shirley is also outside and overhears bits and pieces of their conversation. Shirley, who is a white woman, is concerned that they regularly have conversations that are inappropriate for the workplace. She says that she overheard these coworkers making crude sexual references about women, sharing images and graphics of a sexist nature on their cell phones.
The matter is brought to the attention of their supervisor, Allen, who is white and male. Allen is also gay. Allen tells Robert and Henry that he is concerned about a potential gender bias in the workplace that makes gender and sexual minorities feel unsafe.
Robert makes a comment to Allen that their conversation was private and that Shirley was not invited into the conversation. He further states that white women are always inserting themselves into other people’s business. He feels that he and Henry are being called out on their behavior because they hold lower paid jobs in the organization.
Shirley replies that as one of the few females in the organization, she is often made to feel unsafe in her work environment and that as the only woman involved in this meeting, she feels as though no one is listening to her point of view.
You have been hired as a consultant to this company and have been asked advice on how to handle the situation.
You will need to incorporate a discussion of intersectionality into your response. Refer to Chapter 14.3 Workplace Identities, Interactions, and Inequalities to inform your response.
In a 500-word (minimum) essay using the concepts that you learned from this week’s readings, analyze the different ways that sexist behavior is handled in the formal and informal bureaucracy. Address the following items in your essay.
What are the power dynamics in this situation related to the statuses of racial, gender, and sexual identities?
How is each person’s point of view valid?
What would you propose as a resolution?
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 8 Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply the sociological imagination to your everyday life and to illustrate the complexities and value of your own intersectionality. To do so, that have a broad impact on the socio-cultural structures within which you live. In this assignment, you will reference appropriate Course Objectives (COs) that relate to your Socioautobiography. You can find the COs in this course listed in the Syllabus and in the weekly objectives. This assignment can be related to any and all of the COs.
The Socioautobiography is a reflective paper that allows you the opportunity to explore the interconnections between biography (a slice of someone’s life), the social structure, and culture. In preparation for this paper, please read the Socioautobiography Guidelines posted in the Files section of the Course for detailed assignment instructions and the grading rubric.
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 8 Assignment
In addition to the Socioautobiography paper assignment, students are required to create an Audio PowerPoint (minimum seven to eight slides) that highlights the personal experiences shared in the Socioautobiography paper.
See the instructions for the Audio PowerPoint in the Introduction and Resources Module under Course Resources.
Don’t forget to submit your assignment.
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 4 Quiz
Question 1Which countries are among the top 10 most globalized countries in the world?
Ireland and Hungary
Monaco and Guam
Democratic Republic of Korea and Liechtenstein
Somalia and San Marino
Question 2What would a sociologist be likely to say about the notion of common sense?
Common sense explanations are true because they uphold our culture’s values.
Common sense ideas such as “men are aggressive” tend to be verified by further scientific study.
We can trust common sense explanations because they have endured across history.
Common sense explanations often trade in untrue stereotypes posed as fact.
Question 3Which statement describes trends in the popularity of the top 10 ranked names among boys and girls over time?
Although there have been periods of exception, the top 10 names have decreased markedly in popularity for both boys and girls since 1880.
With almost no exceptions, the top 10 names have been gaining in popularity for boys and girls since 1880.
Although the top 10 names for boys have increased in popularity since 1880, they have decreased for girls.
The top 10 names have been increasing dramatically in popularity for girls since the 1970s.
Question 4Some sociologists argue that although W. E. B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman studied, wrote about, and theorized about society, historically they have been excluded from lists of the canonical figures who developed the discipline. Using what you know from reading about these figures and their work, what might explain why?
Their work is far too recent to be considered canonical or foundational sociology.
Both their identities and the subjects of their focus were marginalized in society and in academic study.
Although canonical sociologists conducted rigorous empirical studies, these writers simply wrote from opinion.
Only the wealthiest social scientists could afford to circulate their work and become respected figures.
Question 5How did Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence combine themes from two Enlightenment thinkers?
It combined Wollstonecraft’s strong demand for gender equality with Rousseau’s insistence on the abolition of human slavery.
It combined Locke’s idea that humans are essentially violent and greedy with Hobbes’s idea that government must provide restraint.
It combined Locke’s idea that society is composed of sovereign individuals with Rousseau’s idea that society enhanced freedom.
It combined Locke’s argument that the King’s power must be checked with Wollstonecraft’s insistence on women’s participation in governance.
Question 6The world has seen a dramatic explosion of movements emphasizing ethnic uniformity as the sole basis for unity in recent years. Based on what you know from Chapter 1, which of the following is likely to accompany such a movement?
A nation-state that emphasizes multiculturalism
Increasing communication between people in the movement’s territory and those outside of it
An increase in security and stability in the region
The violent restoration of a strict gender binary and gender roles
Question 7Which accurately describes recent trends in how we are interacting with media?
All of our interactions increasingly take place through media, from paying bills to shopping to interacting with professors.
People are increasingly ignoring media, preferring to experience the world directly.
Although media technologies have changed dramatically, they have not changed how we interact.
Many of our interactions now occur through media, but social interaction still mostly takes place face-to-face.
Question 8What is mass media?
Ways to communicate with vast numbers of people at the same time
Ways that we communicate with each other, from voice to gestures
Only those forms of communication that are distributed electronically
Only those forms of communication that are distributed in print
Question 9How do folkways differ from mores?
Folkways are much more serious than mores.
Mores are written down and folkways are ritualized.
Folkways are relatively informal and weak, and mores are based on strong values.
Folkways are mores that have been turned into law.
Question 10Why are some practices of cultural export, such as the global spread of Coca Cola, labeled imperialist?
They are forced on their populations by authoritarian governments.
They are very unpopular, but they are present anyway.
The profits from sales return to U.S. corporations, and U.S. ideas maintain a dominant position.
They have been spread by U.S. military operations.
Question 11What concept is represented by the popularity of hip hop in South Korea?
The way cultural expressions of resistance from marginalized communities can spread around the world
The way the tastes of the privileged and powerful are dominant everywhere
Mass immigration from poor communities in the United States to Korea
The way cultural forms tend to remain isolated in the communities from which they emerge
Question 12Older generations’ resistance to new sexual practices amongst younger people illustrates the concept of
culture lag.
cultural imperialism.
culture wars.
cultural diffusion.
Question 13Sociologists have discovered that members of a group
approach decision-making exactly like individuals.
have limited decision-making abilities.
have little effect on each other when making decisions.
make different decisions than would individuals deciding independently.
Question 14A social identity that is recognized as meaningful by society is called a
Question 15What is a crowd?
An aggregate of individuals who happen to be together
A formalized group with established rules for conduct and membership
The smallest configuration defined by sociologists as a group
A group of people who share a common goal and a common enemy
Question 16How is social networking related to social inequality?
Social networking reduces all inequalities by binding more people together.
There is no effect of social networking on social inequality.
Social networking increases everyone’s inequality by consuming time and resources.
Social networking can exaggerate existing inequalities by making those who are connected even more connected.
Question 17Which of these is a feature of the ideal type of bureaucracy?
Democratic leadership
Division of labor
Question 18What is an ideal type?
An organization that functions very well
The abstract mental concept of a pure version of a social phenomenon
The most popular form of something
The unrealistic but desirable vision of how the world should be
Question 19_____ is the process by which we become aware of ourselves as part of a group, learning how to communicate with others as well as the behavior expected of us.
Tabula rasa
Question 20The examples of feral children and isolated children like Isabelle show that
working-class children learn different values than middle-class children.
children learn their gender roles primarily through the media.
humans have little or no instinctive knowledge of language and facial expression.
isolated children are mostly those who were born brain damaged.
Question 21Which topic focuses most directly on how we are socialized through organized groups such as the family, religion, and school?
Question 22A child who wants to play with a toy and is acting on the drive of her id rather than her ego or superego would
ask the child who has it if she may use it when he is done with it.
take it from another child who has it by force.
hesitate to interrupt another child who is playing with it.
share the toy with another child to make them both happy.
Question 23Sennett and Cobb’s research on immigrant parents who struggled to achieve upward mobility showed that they mostly tried to teach their children to
blame the system for their struggles and organize against capitalism.
follow their parents’ example and accept a lower social status in life.
work hard to achieve the success that they had personally failed to achieve.
move back to their home country because upward mobility is not possible.
Question 24What is demonstrated by the fact that U.S. counties with incomes in the top 40% also have the highest rates of people earning bachelor’s degrees?
Bachelor’s degrees are available equally to rich and poor people in the United States.
A person who grows up in a wealthy community is much more likely to get a degree.
Wealthy people tend not to value education but focus on earning money instead.
Naturally successful people achieve both wealth and education through their talents.
Question 25Tracking in schools works to
benefit everyone by sorting students into the appropriate career tracks.
reproduce inequalities while giving the appearance of simply sorting students.
balance inequalities by causing high-achieving students to struggle more.
help children identify their genetic predetermination to academic or practical subjects.
Question 26The boundaries between childhood or adolescence and adulthood
are the same across different societies and different cultures.
have stayed fairly constant over time in the United States.
are marked only by physical signs of development.
are marked by many milestones or rites of passage.
Question 27The way that we understand and define ourselves in relation to our class status is exemplified by which sociological concept?
Question 28Allison owns a factory where others work for her. Allison exemplifies
the bourgeoisie.
the proletariat.
a feudal lord.
an ascribed status.
Question 29_____ is the best predictor of a person’s life chances.
Question 30Compared to other countries in the developed world, income in the United States is
distributed relatively evenly throughout the population.
quite high for the working classes but lower than average for the rich.
becoming more evenly distributed.
more starkly unequal.
Question 31What term describes banks’ lending tiny amounts of money to local poor people?
Commodity chain
World systems theory
Question 32What is the class-based social movement that would instill a democratic society (actual rule by numerical majority)?
Labor movement
Welfare system
Dependency theory
Question 33Omi and Winant’s theory of _____ understands that both the content and importance of racial and ethnic categories are socially constructed.
natural selection
racial formations
Question 34Considering the legacy of slavery allows us to realize that
racial oppression was already addressed adequately following the Civil War.
GPAs, test scores, and academic success are not connected to histories of racial oppression.
ending segregation and allowing black people into public institutions is enough to achieve equality.
generations of legal oppression have led to undeserved impoverishment for black people and undeserved enrichment for many white people.
Question 35In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that separate but equal accommodations for blacks and whites
were discriminatory and therefore illegal.
were necessary to protect the idea of racial harmony while maintaining white supremacy.
although not discriminatory, were no longer necessary.
must be replaced by legal integration.
Question 36Historically, the category white has been
determined solely by skin color.
determined mostly by income level.
static and determined by country of origin.
shifting and affected by social positioning.
Question 37The vision of the United States as a melting pot where ethnicities assimilate and become one homogenous American identity can best be described as
accurate because each ethnic group so far has successfully entirely assimilated.
accurate because people of different ethnicities have equal access to wealth and power in the United States.
inaccurate because ethnic Americans are welcomed into the United States without facing prejudice.
inaccurate because ethnic Americans are often segregated and differences are maintained.
Question 38The Black Lives Matter movement emerged in response to
the absence of black actors honored with Academy Awards.
the racist aggression displayed toward President Obama.
legal segregation and Jim Crow laws.
the disproportionate killings of black people by police officers.
Question 39_____ maintains that different groups in a stable society can treat each other with mutual respect instead of competing and trying to dominate each other, maintaining their distinctiveness while still participating in the greater society without discrimination.
Question 40A person who is transgender
has developed a gender identity that is different from what the culture says should match the sex the person was assigned at birth.
wears the clothing typically assigned to the gender opposite of the person’s own.
was born with a combination of chromosomes that caused the person’s sex to deviate from the binary.
has undergone medical procedures to alter the person’s anatomical sex.
Question 41Which statement accurately describes what sociologists mean by the statement that we “do gender?”
We perform according to the gender we are born with, due to unconscious drives.
Gender identity is only communicated through bodily movement.
Gender is entirely voluntary—something we choose to do without external pressures.
Gender is something that has to be learned and performed; it is not instinctive.
Question 42What do we know about the way color and clothing has been associated with gender across time and culture?
Although many colors have been associated with boys, pink and light colors have always been for girls.
The colors and clothes associated with boys and girls have varied dramatically across time and place.
Girls and boys in every culture have been associated with pink and blue respectively.
Although the colors associated with gender have differed, girls have always been associated with more delicate clothing.
Question 43What do recent studies show about the desires of young men and women in relation to marriage?
Young men want traditional marriages, but women more often prefer egalitarian marriages.
Young men want egalitarian marriages, and young women prefer to remain self-reliant.
Young men and women both want egalitarian marriages, but men want traditional marriage as their fallback choice while women want self-reliance.
Young women want traditional marriages, but men prefer self-reliance.
Question 44Which statement illustrates the concept of occupational sex segregation?
Women, and especially women of color, tend to be disproportionately present in lower-wage careers.
Women tend to find their way into top management positions more easily than men.
Men are overrepresented in domestic and care industries.
Women and men are naturally predisposed to select certain occupations.
Question 45How does marriage affect the health and happiness of men and women?
Although both men and women experience greater happiness and health from marriage, men experience greater benefits.
Men’s happiness and health improves from marriage, but women’s happiness and health declines.
Women benefit from marriage, but men experience less happiness and poorer health.
Both men and women experience poorer health and less happiness after marriage.
Question 46Sociologist Jo Reger says that for young people today, feminism is both “everywhere and nowhere.” What does this mean?
Young people today subscribe to nearly all the tenets of feminism, but believe gender inequality is no longer a problem and often reject the label feminist.
Feminism today is so stigmatized that feminists hide their political position, preferring to write anonymously.
Young people today nearly all identify as feminists but cannot find any avenue for political engagement.
Feminism today is widespread in cultural forms such as music and film, but there is no real movement.
Question 47Tony receives beneficial treatment from his colleagues because of his good looks. Tony is being treated with
negative discrimination.
positive discrimination.
body image.
Question 48In 2015, healthcare represented _____% of Gross Domestic Product in the United States.
Question 49 Sexuality refers to
only our sexual behaviors.
only our sexual identities.
our chromosomal differences.
sexual desire, behavior, and identity.
Question 50The ideology by which attraction between a man and a woman is seen as normal and departure from this norm is stigmatized is
sexual script.
sexual identity.
SOCS185 Culture and Society
Week 7 Quiz
Question 1Today, increasing affluence, better nutrition, and more sophisticated medical expertise have increased the average _____ in rich countries.
age cohort
functional age
life expectancy
life stage
Question 2Generation X is sometimes called the “baby bust” because they
produced more children than any other generation.
are a small age cohort.
were deprived of luxuries as children.
represent the largest generation, numerically.
Question 3Socially, death is marked
in very different ways across cultures and time periods.
with weeping, wailing, and tearing off of clothes.
with a joyful feast.
with ritualistic markings on the body of the dead.
Question 4Before the 20th century, elders without families to care for them
were provided for by well-funded public retirement homes.
were supported by hefty welfare payments from the state.
would either enter a convent or monastery or become beggars.
were given steady employment by the military.
Question 5The AARP is an organization that
advocates for gun owners.
actively supports youth rights.
advocates for the elderly.
helps people in midlife crisis.
Question 6In the most common, popular sense, a family is understood as a group of people who
are related by blood or marriage.
consist of a legally married couple and their children.
live together and have emotional ties.
share the same beliefs and traditions.
Question 7Most gay and lesbian couples
live in rural areas.
are more egalitarian than heterosexual couples.
are poorly educated and make little money.
are likely to have children.
Question 8Chris and Kelly are discussing who will run errands and who will take care of their child. They are engaging in
time diary studies.
the domestic division of labor.
Question 9Current trends toward lower rates of both marriage and divorce in the United States are led by the
working classes.
middle classes.
economic elite.
Question 10E. D. Hirsch Jr.’s Dictionary of Cultural Literacy is biased in that it
only selects the highest-quality cultural artifacts.
lists almost entirely science fiction.
mostly excludes racial minorities and nonWestern cultures.
excludes wealthy white men.
Question 11Which is true about girls in secondary education in poor versus rich countries?
In poor countries, girls often do not have equal access, but they outnumber boys in rich countries.
In poor countries, girls outnumber boys, but they do not have equal access in rich countries.
Girls do not have equal access to secondary education in either poor or rich countries.
Girls outnumber boys in secondary education in both poor and rich countries.
Question 12Between 2007 and 2012, the number of schools educating students in same-sex environments
dropped by 5%.
dropped by 11%.
remained at 2%, where it has been for decades.
increased by 24%.
Question 13Minority school children, especially boys, tend to believe that good school performance
has no effect on their personal identity or social life.
reinforces and upholds their strong sense of ethnic identity.
is a challenge to or betrayal of their ethnic identity.
is important because they want to leave behind their ethnic identity.
Question 14When Correll compared the way men and women with the same math test scores assessed themselves, she found that
women were more likely to assess themselves positively, and grades had no impact.
men were more likely to assess themselves positively, and grades had no impact.
women were less likely to assess themselves positively, and grades had a bigger impact on this for women than for men.
men were less likely to assess themselves positively, and grades had a bigger impact on men’s self-assessment.
Question 15In an agricultural economy, farmers can use their crops to pay for the services of potters, builders, or priests. This exemplifies
conspicuous consumption.
division of labor.
Question 16The unemployment rate is calculated by
adding up all of the employees that corporations say they have laid off.
dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in the labor force.
counting the number of homeless people visible in major cities and multiplying by 2.
studying the loss of sales in consumer goods, indicating fewer people working.
Question 17Someone who is tokenized in the workplace
has much more privilege than others.
is seen as an individual, not as part of a group.
must outperform coworkers to be perceived as equal.
is comfortably in the majority.
Question 18The way religious identity impacts and is impacted by other aspects of identity including gender, sexuality, race, and class exemplifies the sociological concept of
Question 19If you take it for granted that blasphemy laws seem like a thing of the past, you live in a society that understands
there is only one true religion.
speaking against God is not a sin.
the Church should be in charge of politics.
politics and religion are separate social realms.
Question 20According to your text, participatory democracy can only work in what kind of population or group?
Small, heterogeneous
Large, heterogeneous
Large, homogeneous
Small, homogeneous
Question 21What proportion of Americans have switched religious denomination?
1 in 3
1 in 5
1 in 7
1 in 10
Question 22Small-scale political acts in the context of everyday life that connect us to political life can be referred to as
everyday secularism.
secular religion.
civil religion.
everyday politics.
Question 23In most European countries, the population growth rate is
very high (very rapid growth).
somewhat high (moderate to somewhat rapid growth).
fairly stable (little growth).
negative (shrinking populations).
Chapter 16: 16-1 The Human Environment
Question 24According to Herbert Gans, social networks in cities are _____ compared to social networks in small towns.
much larger
about the same size
somewhat smaller
much smaller
Question 25In which type of area is air pollution concentrated?
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