Formulate a clinical question based on current practice using the PICOT format. (
A Spirit of Inquiry: Asking the Question
The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.
– Thomas Berger, American novelist (, n.d.).
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO 1: Describe the significance of fostering a spirit of inquiry in clinical practice. (EPSLO 6; SLO3)
MO 2: Formulate a clinical question based on current practice using the PICOT format. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
Developing a spirit of inquiry, one that questions how things are done, why, and its effectiveness is an important step in solving clinical problems or improving existing processes. Once a question has been identified, it is then necessary to develop a methodology to test and measure an alternative solution.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Formulate a clinical question from your own practice, using the PICOT formula. This question will be used as a basis for writing your Investigation of a Clinical Problem paper.
Explain why you think this topic is important.
Discuss the feasibility of investigating this topic in your practice environment. Are there “sacred cows” that may stand in the way of your investigation? Does the environment support and sustain a spirit of inquiry? Why or why not?
Module 2 Discussion
DQ1 Finding and Evaluating Evidence
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO 2: Assess evidence and analyze its usefulness for a clinical problem. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5)
Using key words from the compelling clinical question you developed in Module 1, perform a preliminary literature search for relevant articles, applying the information in Chapter 3 of Melnyk & Fineout- Overholt (2019). Complete either the quantitativePreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] or qualitativePreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] Research Score Card for one of the articles. This search will begin building the external evidence you need for the Investigation of a Clinical Problem Paper, Part I. You will eventually complete Research Critique Forms on all articles for your paper, but only one is required for this discussion.
Exemplars for quantitativePreview the document [DOCX, file size 25 KB] and qualitativePreview the document [DOCX, file size 25 KB] research are provided for guidance.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts:
Did you find that your question was appropriate or did you need to revise or change it as you delved deeper into the problem and evidence? Did the literature search challenge any pre-conceived notions you had about the topic?
Briefly summarize in 1-2 paragraphs, all components listed on the Research Critique Form from the article you chose on your topic.
Did you feel the theoretical basis of the study (if identified) was appropriate? Why is it important for research to be guided by theory?
DQ2 Critique of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Studies: Part I
Image of hospital nurse using computer (Life in View, n.d.).Qualitative and quantitative research each have value in evidence-based practice and leading industry standards. In this discussion, you will critique research and respond to your peers’ evaluations for both types of research.
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO 2: Assess evidence and analyze its usefulness for a clinical problem. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5)
In this discussion, you will critique a quantitative and qualitative research study. To give everyone in class an opportunity to critique both types of research, please follow the instructions below. Examples of how to use the quantitativePreview the document [DOCX, file size 25 KB] and qualitativePreview the document [DOCX, file size 28 KB] score card are provided for you.
If your last name begins with A-M:
Read the study by Spiva, et al. (2017). Complete the quantitative research score cardPreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] as you review the study. Use Chapters 5 & 6 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) as a resource. Post a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of all components listed on the Research Critique Form. Please entitle your initial discussion post: Critique of Spiva, et al. (2017).
Read the study by Hundt, et al. (2018). Reply to a minimum of two other classmates who have posted a Critique of Hundt, et al. (2018) for their initial discussion.
If your last name begins with N-Z:
Read the study by Hundt, et al. (2018). Complete the qualitative research score cardPreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] as you review the study. Use Chapters 5 & 6 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) as a resource. Post a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of all components listed on the Research Critique Form. Please entitle your initial discussion post: Critique of Hundt, et al. (2018).
Read the study by Spiva, et al. (2017). Reply to a minimum of two other classmates who have posted a Critique of Spiva, et al. (2017).
Spiva, L., Hart, P. L., Patrick, S., Waggoner, J., Jackson, C., & Threatt, J. L. (2017). Effectiveness of an evidence-based practice nurse mentor training program (Links to an external site.). Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(3), 183–191. Hundt, N. E., Helm, A., Smith, T. L., Lamkin, J., Cully, J. A., & Stanley, M. A. (2018). Failure to engage: A qualitative study of veterans who decline evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD (Links to an external site.). Psychological Services, 15(4), 536–542.
Module 3 Discussion
DQ1 Honoring Ethical Principles in Translation and Generation of Research
Image of seven chemistry flasks with graphical representation of a baby in a womb representing the idea of human cloning. (Tissuepix/Science Photo Library, n.d.)
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO1: Identify ethical implications that may arise in the translation and generation of evidence. (EPSLO 2, SLO 5)
MO 2: Examine nursing’s historical involvement in research and the nurses’ role today. (EPSLO 6, SLO 3).
MO 4: Analyze social, cultural, and political factors that may impact ethical research practice. (EPSLO 2, SLO 5).
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts:
Choose one of the Composite Case Studies presented by Ong- Flaherty, et al., (2016) that resonates most with you.
Identify which of the Fifteen Ethical Principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights were violated in the case (These principles are on p. 682 in Melnyk & Fineout).
Examine the cultural considerations embedded in the case.
How can this case be used to inform future practice?
DQ2 Applying Ethical Principles in Practice
Image of practitioner gathering information from her patient in an exam room. (Science Photo Library, n.d.)This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO 1: Identify ethical implications that may arise in the translation and generation of evidence. (EPSLO 2, SLO 5)
MO 3: Describe various processes for protecting the rights of study participants. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5).
MO4: Analyze social, cultural, and political factors that may impact ethical research practice. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5)
The training you receive from The Research Clinic prepares you to uphold ethical principles in practice, but bear in mind that historically, evidence-based clinical management and quality improvement projects were often exempt from IRB approval. It was perceived there was no risk to human subjects, as there were no research participants. They were translating and implementing current evidence, not generating new evidence. However, any interaction with human subjects has the potential to violate ethical principles. It is now recognized that EBP and QI projects need to be reviewed to ensure they maintain ethical principles, although there are different considerations when evaluating an EBP or QI project versus a research proposal.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts:
Using your proposed project for The Investigation of a Clinical Problem Paper, discuss how you will address three of the following ethical principles:
Social or Scientific Value
Scientific Validity
Fair subject selection
Favorable risk-benefit ratio
Independent Review
Respect for potential and enrolled subjects
Informed consent (Melnyk & Fineout- Overholt, 2019, p. 694)
Then, describe how the nurses’ role in research has changed over time.
Module 4 Discussion
DQ1 Critiquing Quantitative and Qualitative Research Part II
Graphic image of a detective with magnifying glass. (Ingram Publishing, n.d.).“Critical feedback shared in good faith is inherently a constructive dialogue. A ‘critique,’ a term that is both a noun and a verb, represents the systematical application of critical thought, a disciplined method of analysis, expressing of opinions, and rendering judgments.”
? Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
(Goodreads, n.d.c)
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO 1: Analyze the methodology in quantitative and qualitative studies (EPSLO 2; SLO 5).
In this discussion, you will again critique a quantitativePreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] and qualitativePreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] research study using the provided score cards. Research Score Card exemplars on both quantitativePreview the document [DOCX, file size 25 KB] and qualitativePreview the document [DOCX, file size 25 KB] research are provided for guidance.
To give everyone in class an opportunity to critique both types of research, please follow the instructions below. The articles chosen for this discussion are listed below.
Vedana, K. G., Magrini, D. F., Miasso, A. I., Zanetti, A. G., de Souza, J., & Borges, T. L. (2017). Emergency nursing experiences in assisting people with suicidal behavior: A Grounded Theory study (Links to an external site.). Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 31345-351. doi:10.1016/j.apnu.2017.04.003. Retrieved from
McCarthy, M. S., Elshaw, E. B., Szekely, B. M., & Hobbs, C. (2017). A randomized controlled trial of nurse coaching vs. herbal supplementation for weight reduction in soldiers. (Links to an external site.) Military Medicine, 182274-280. Retrieved from
If your last name begins with A-M:
Read the study by Vedana, et al. (2017). Select and complete the appropriate score card (discussion board) as you review the study. Use Chapters 5 & 6 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) as a resource.
Post a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of all components listed on the Research Score Card. Please entitle your initial discussion post: Critique of Vedana, et al. (2017).
Reflect on your current level of skill in appraising evidence.
1. Are you feeling more confident as the course progresses?
2. Was this article easier to critique now that you have more knowledge?
3. Or, was it harder to critique because you are aware of the complex components of research design?
Read the study by McCarthy, et al. (2017).
Reply to a minimum of two other classmates who have posted a Critique of Mc Carthy et al. (2017) for their initial discussion.
If your last name begins with N-Z:
Read the study by McCarthy, et al. (2017). Select and complete the Research Score Card (discussion board) as you review the study. Use Chapters 5 & 6 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) as a resource.
Post a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) of all components listed on the Research Score Card. Please entitle your initial discussion post: Critique of Mc Carthy et al. (2017).
Reflect on your current level of skill in appraising evidence.
Are you feeling more confident as the course progresses?
Was this article easier to critique now that you have more knowledge?
Or, was it harder to critique because you are aware of the complex components of research design?
Read the study Vedana, et al. (2017).
Reply to a minimum of two other two other classmates who have posted a Critique of Vedana et al. (2017) for their initial discussion.
DQ2 Crafting a Research Proposal
Image of a nurse and elderly patient. (Science Photo Library, n.d.)The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment.”
? Celia Green, author
(, n.d.c)
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO 4: Propose a tentative research proposal on a topic of interest. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
The purpose of this discussion is to envision yourself in the role of a novice researcher, and look at potentials for research opportunities in your practice environment. In this module, you have continued to explore methods of qualitative and quantitative research design and further refined your skills in the critical appraisal of existing research. Now, let’s practice writing a research proposal that will generate new knowledge. This is a very brief, preliminary proposal, as you probably have not finished your literature review yet, and may not have encountered a gap in the evidence. Consider it a hypothetical exercise that may lead to a study in the future.
In your discussion posting,
State your research question. You approach can be qualitative or quantitative. Choose only one method.
If your study is quantitative, discuss:
Significance of the problem
A summary of current evidence you have gathered so far
A theoretical or conceptual framework that could guide the study
Hypothesis, independent, and dependent variable
An appropriate research design
Sample population
If your study is qualitative, discuss:
Purpose of the Study
A summary of current evidence you have gathered so far
A theoretical perspective
An appropriate research design
Significance of the study
Sample population
Module 5 Discussion
DQ1 Integrating All Types of Evidence
“The plural of anecdote is not data.
? Marc Bekoff (, n.d.)
EBP diagram with three areas pointing to Evidence-Based Practice: Best Research Evidence, Clinical Expertise, and Patient Values and Preferences
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO 4: Evaluate patient preferences, clinician expertise, external evidence, culture, and context in implementing practice change. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Identify a cultural model or theory that can be used to guide your proposal. You may use the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence (in the Learning & Assessment Activities) or another model you may already be working with in your specialty track, like Madeline Leininger or Josepha Campinha-Bacote (Links to an external site.). Examine how you will apply the concept(s) from that theory/model to your proposal (1-2 paragraphs).
Discuss the range of evidence you will use to implement your EBP proposal. Include a brief analysis of the applicability of the external evidence you have found thus far, and whether clinical guidelines (discussed on pp. 233 – 247 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019) will be used to manage your practice change. Explain how you will incorporate cultural considerations, contextual factors, patient values, and patient preferences in your proposal (1-2 paragraphs).
DQ2 Leadership Styles that Support Evidence-Based Practice
Image of doctor and nurse discussing patient care while reviewing charts. (Science Photo Library/UIG, n.d.)People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, the boss drives.
– Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States of America (, n.d.b).
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO2: Examine the outcomes of evidence-based quality improvement. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
MO3: Explore leadership strategies that will foster and sustain evidence-based practice changes. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)
As a graduate nursing student, you may already be one of the leaders in your practice setting. Consider the potential barriers to using styles such as Innovation Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, or Authentic Leadership in your practice setting. Think also about the strengths inherent in your practice setting that may support a more progressive leadership style. How could you embrace EBP leadership in your current practice setting?
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Discuss which one of the following four leadership styles resonates most with you: Innovation Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, or Authentic Leadership. If you have a background in military leadership, please incorporate your experience of transitioning to leadership in civilian life.
Explain why your chosen leadership style is conducive to evidence-based quality improvement.
Module 6 Discussion
DQ1 Using Conceptual Models to Guide EBP Changes
Image of a team discussion. (Birdsall, n.d.) “There is a profound difference between information and meaning.”
Warren Bennis, American writer (IZquotes, n.d.)
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO1: Describe how innovation and evidence support EBP change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
MO5: Analyze models to implement and sustain EBP. (EPSLO 7; SLO 4)
MO3: Evaluate models of organizational change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
MO6: Investigate teaching of evidence-based practice. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)
You have come to Week 10 in the course and are now armed with a wealth of knowledge about best practices for implementing EBP. In this module, you learned a bit more about EBP models and encountered new information about Organizational Change Models. Take a moment to reflect on how change is implemented in your practice setting. Now, consider the value of a theoretical model in supporting innovative evidence-based practice changes.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Discuss which one of the following four Organizational Change Models resonated most with you: The Change Curve Model, Kotter and Cohen’s Model of Change, Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations, and the Trans-Theoretical Model of Health Behavior Change
Describe how you would apply this model to the change you are proposing in your practice setting.
DQ2 Teaching Evidence-Based Practice
Image of a nurse attending to patient with nursing students assisting. (Thomas, n.d.)The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
– William Arthur Ward, inspirational writer (BrainyQuote, n.d.b)
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO1: Describe how innovation and evidence support EBP change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
MO2: Analyze models to implement and sustain EBP. (EPSLO 7; SLO 4)
MO3: Evaluate models of organizational change. (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
MO4: Investigate teaching of evidence-based practice. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)
Evidence-based practice improves patient outcomes and is required of many accrediting bodies (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). However, facilities can encounter barriers in implementing EBP due to a combination of factors, including lack of knowledge. Innovative evidence-based leaders need to make teaching EBP a priority, in both academic and clinical settings. There are models and guidelines that can be used to facilitate this process. Examining successful EBP teaching methods contributes to the knowledge base needed to teach EBP and will help guide instructors, mentors, and coaches in teaching EBP.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Consider your current practice setting. It can be academic or clinical.
Assess the organizational readiness for teaching EBP at your facility.
Analyze the strengths and barriers in your organization for teaching EBP.
Discuss strategies you could use to promote EBP teaching and how you would communicate the use of a conceptual model for EBP (such as the Stetler Model) to your team.
Module 7 Discussion
DQ1 Disseminating the Evidence
Research team discussing study with patient. (Life in View/Science Photo Library, n.d.)Knowledge is like money: to be of value it must circulate, and in circulating it can increase in quantity and, hopefully, in value.
– Louis L’Amour, 1908 – 1988, American author (QuoteSpeak, n.d.)
Think about where you might disseminate the results of your project. You have put a lot of work into this project; how can it be used to improve patient care in your practice setting, and how you could eventually disseminate the results on a larger scale?
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO1: Examine dissemination opportunities for research and EBP results (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Describe a venue in your immediate practice environment you could use to disseminate the results of your project (poster presentation at conference, media submission, grand rounds, etc.). Analyze the benefit of your findings for the everyday practice of the inter-professional team.
Identify one professional peer-reviewed journal that might be interested in publishing your results. Access the requirements for authors and view the manuscript submission guidelines of the journal. Describe the steps you would take to submit your paper as a manuscript to this journal. What do you see as the biggest challenge? Evaluate the impact your project may have on the body of knowledge in the discipline.
DQ2 Grant Writing
Two nurses reviewing information at a computer monitor. (JGI/Blend/Learning Pictures/Universal Images Group, n.d.)“The two most beautiful words in the English language are ‘cheque enclosed.’”
? Dorothy Parker-American writer (Quote Investigator, n.d.)
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO2: Describe sources of grant funding (EPSLO 6; SLO 3)
Think about how you might fund a research or EBP project on your topic. If you had a grant, how would it enhance possibilities for the generation of new knowledge, or translation of evidence into practice?
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Review the funding sources listed on pp. 657 and 675-679 of your text. Consider the funding opportunities from Sigma Theta Tau (Links to an external site.), as well. Explore one of the sites that would be most applicable to your project and/or future research interests. Describe the sources of funding you found on the site.
Consider the “Major Pitfalls of Grant Proposals” listed in Box 22.5- 5 on p. 673 of your text and the YouTube video, It’s not about the post hole digger (Links to an external site.), in the Learning & Assessment Activities.
Would any of the “pitfalls” apply to your project? What are the strengths of your project that may increase the chances of getting grant funding? How would you search for possible sources of funding?
Module 8 Discussion
DQ1 Reflection on EBP Leadership
Image of nurses discussing staff development. (Bridsall, J., n.d.b)“A clear purpose will unite you as you move forward, values will guide your behavior, and goals will focus your energy.”
? Kenneth H. Blanchard, author of Collaboration Begins with You: Be a Silo Buster (Goodreads, n.d.c)
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO2: Design questions for a nurse leader on EBP change (EPSLO 6, SLO 3).
In this course, you explored innovative leadership styles that support evidence-based practice change. You have also identified a leadership style that particularly resonates with you. Now, consider the questions you would ask a healthcare leader about the use of evidence-based practice in their setting, and how you would structure those questions to obtain information about whether the leadership style supports EBP. Perhaps you want to investigate your current leader’s thoughts on EBP, or perhaps you want to change jobs and there are specific questions that elicit information about that individual’s style of leadership in a different setting. Consider whether a leadership style that supports innovation, inquiry, and EBP would play a part in your current and future employment decisions.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Design 5 questions you would ask a nurse leader, and explain why each question is important for EBP.
Would a feeling of safety among employees lead to exploration and adoption of EBP changes? Why or why not? Support with evidence.
DQ2 Reflection on Scholarly and Personal Growth as an EBP Nurse LeaderImage of two hands cupped together to hold dirt and a blooming seedling of greenery. (Pedrazzini, C., n.d.)This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO1: Outline your role as a novice nurse researcher (EPSLO 2, SLO 1).
MO3: Analyze your scholarly and personal growth as a nurse leader in generating and translating nursing knowledge (EPSLO 2, SLO 1).
Take a moment to reflect on your growth as a scholar and nurse researcher, and the impact this growth will have on your future practice. In this course, we explored research concepts that will prepare you to conduct a research study on a topic of interest. You are now well-prepared to present a research question based on a clinical problem. You even have a certificate from The National Institutes of Health to present to an Institutional Review Board.
It is good practice to try to pair up with an experienced researcher who can act as a mentor if you choose to conduct a research study. Explore the options available to you in your current environment for this opportunity, and don’t be afraid to ask an experienced colleague. Most nurse researchers are happy to help novice researchers develop their skills. If you work in a Magnet facility, there may even be a process in place to support you in your quest.
You have also explored different methods of initiating EBP changes, the importance of a spirit of inquiry in practice, and how certain leadership styles can nurture these processes. As a parting exercise, you will now take a moment to pull all this information together, think about what it means to your practice, and what you may still want to know.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
What did you find easy to understand about the translation and generation of knowledge?
What did you find difficult to understand about the translation and generation of knowledge? Are these concepts clearer to you now? If not, present what you need clarified for discussion.
Discuss how the knowledge you have learned in this course will impact your future practice as an EBP leader.
Module 3 Assignment
Research Simulation
As part of this module, you need to participate in the video simulation The Research Clinic (Links to an external site.). Institutional Review Boards (IRB) typically require training in ethical research practice for its members and researchers.
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO 1: Identify ethical implications that may arise in the translation and generation of evidence. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5)
MO 3: Describe various processes for protecting the rights of study participants. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5)
MO 4: Analyze social, cultural, and political factors that may impact ethical research practice. (EPSLO 2; SLO 5)
You can access The Research Clinic (Links to an external site.) here. During the training, you have the opportunity to take on the role of the IRB Chairperson, the lead physician researcher, the research nurse, and her associate. This activity is worth 10 points towards your grade. Course readings are lighter during this module to give you time to complete the training. There is no cost.***Submit a brief synopsis of your observations as you participated in The Research Clinic by Sunday at 11:59 PM (end of Week 4).
Module 6 Assignment
Investigation of Evidence for Nursing
This course has Turnitin® fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to
Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. The overall match can be no higher than 15%, with any one match no higher than 2%. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.
In this assignment, you will identify a nursing problem, investigate available evidence, and either present a plan for practice change or a proposal for further research. You will use the Stetler Model as a guide. This paper has two parts, outlined below. The Stetler Model is explained on pp. 384-389 of your textbook. You may use material from your discussion posts in this paper, however, you will need to revise them as necessary to meet the objectives of this assignment.
This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO2: Analyze models to implement and sustain EBP. (EPSLO 7; SLO 4)
MO5: Explain the role of the master’s-prepared nurse in translating evidence for practice changes in an inter-professional team. (EPSLO 2; SLO 1)
Part I: Analysis of Evidence: Due Week 10
In Part I of the assignment, you will use Phase I, II, and III of the Stetler Model. These steps are described in further detail below. Please use the grading rubric to guide your work.
Phase I: Preparation
Define the nursing problem and present your research question. Make sure you describe the context of the problem, and why you think practice should change. Clearly identify the target population and potential benefits the population may reap from the proposed practice change.
Phase II: Validation
Assemble a body of evidence supporting your proposal for practice change. Perform a literature review to gather research evidence. Critique the merit of each article using the information in Chapter 5 & 6 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) as a guide. Present relevant cultural and contextual factors, your own individual experience and degree of expertise in this area, and preferences and values of the population.
Use the qualitativePreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] and quantitativePreview the document [XLSX, file size 21 KB] research score cards to help organize your work and develop your own thoughts about the merits of each study. It is not necessary to complete a critique if one of your sources is a clinical guideline. A completed research score card must be submitted for each article when you submit your paper. Submit all research score cards to the separate dropbox, using the appropriate score card for each study, labeled M6A1: Research Critique Forms Submission Only.
You should have a minimum of seven sources (external evidence) that provide evidence about your proposed change in practice.
All seven external sources must be primary sources, robust systematic reviews, or clinical guidelines derived form a large data base.
Five of these sources must be from peer-reviewed nursing journals.
Two sources can be from other disciplines (if appropriate), but must also be peer reviewed.
You may use a clinical guideline as one of your sources, if appropriate.
Phase III: Comparative Evaluation/Decision Making
Synthesize the results of the evidence. Logically present and analyze the evidence, comparing and contrasting the results. This is not an annotated bibliography or a series of summaries of each article. It is a synthesis of pertinent information from the evidence. Evaluate all of the available evidence (external sources, relevant cultural and contextual factors, your own individual experience and degree of expertise in this area, and preferences and values of the population) and determine if it provides sufficient evidence to support an evidence based practice change.
This portion of the paper should be 8-10 pages in length (not including title page or references) and is due Week 10. You will receive a grade on this portion of the paper and instructor feedback. You should review the feedback, and incorporate it into Part II. Your grade on Part II will be partially dependent on revisions made to Part I.
Refer to the Master’s Library Guide (Links to an external site.) for additional assistance. You can locate your specific course by clicking on the dropdown menu under, the Courses tab.
Module 7 Assignment
Investigation of a Clinical Problem (Option A)
This course has Turnitin® fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to
Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. The overall match can be no higher than 15%, with any one match no higher than 2%. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.
In this assignment, you will identify a nursing problem, investigate available evidence, and either present a plan for practice change or a proposal for further research. You will use the Stetler Model as a guide. This paper has two parts, with Part 2 outlined below. The Stetler Model is explained on pp. 279- 283 of your textbook. You may use material from your discussion posts in this paper, however, you will need to revise them as necessary to meet the objectives of this assignment.
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO3: Using the Stetler model, analyze evidence to present a practice change or a research proposal (EPSLO 7; SLO 4)
Part II: Translation/ Generation of Evidence to Practice: Due Week 13
Phase IV: Translation/ Generation
This section is your recommendation, based on the results of the review of evidence. Did you find evidence that supports a practice change? Or did you find a gap in the evidence that points to the need for further research? Depending on the results of your search, you will either complete Option A) write a plan for an evidence-based practice proposal or Option B) propose a plan to conduct research that addresses the gap in evidence. The instructions for Option B are outlined below. This portion of the paper may be written from a first person point of view, as this is your plan for a change in practice. However, bear in mind that this is not an opinion paper, it is a recommendation based on evidence. As an evidence- based leader, you will use current, pertinent evidence to support your proposal and strategies for implementation. Please use the grading rubric to guide your work.
You will add this portion of the paper to the revisions you made in Part I, submitting one document in Week 13, comprised of Part I (revised) and Part II. All references should be on one page, at the end of the entire document. The total length for Parts I & II should be 16- 20 pages (excluding title page and references).
Option B: Research Proposal. To be used if evidence was not strong enough to support a change in practice and there is a need for further research. Please refer to Chapter 19 & 20 in your textbook for further guidance. Be sure to use current, pertinent literature to support your ideas.
Briefly summarize your recommendations based on the evidence, clearly identifying the gap in evidence. Explain why you think it is important to gain further evidence on this topic.
Present your research question and independent and dependent variables (if quantitative)
Identify a theoretical basis, and explain how the theory will guide the research. You may use a theory that applies directly to the specialty track you might want to pursue as a graduate student (education, informatics, leadership), or use a general nursing theory. Use this link to access theories specific to
Identify a leadership style that resonates with you and explain how that style will be conducive to conducting this study as an evidence based leader.
Examine ethical considerations.
Describe the type of qualitative or quantitative research (e.g.: Grounded Theory, Quasi- experimental, etc.).
Explain why you chose this methodology for the study.
Describe the sample population.
Describe how data will be collected.
Refer to the Master’s Library Guide (Links to an external site.) for additional assistance. You can locate your specific course by clicking on the dropdown menu under, the Courses tab.
Module 4 Quiz
Question 1You find a link in the electronic data base for a source that says “citation.” When you open it up, you have an option for APA. “My day has just gotten much easier!” you remark to yourself. Better yet- when you click on the APA link, the citation for the source is formatted in what appears to be APA style. Can you trust this source and just cut and paste this formatting onto your reference page?
No, it constitutes plagiarism.
No, these citations are only designed to be in the data base and are not APA style.
Yes, but you need to review it for potential errors in APA style, revising as needed.
Yes, these citations have been pre- approved by librarians and are correctly formatted.
Question 2Which of the following is the correct format for citing the book, Guide to culturally competent health care?
Purnell, L. D. (2009). Guide to culturally
competent health care. F.A.
Davis Co.
Purnell, L. D. (April, 2009). Guide to culturally
competent health care. Philadelphia: F.A.
Davis Co.
Purnell, L. D. (2009). Guide to culturally
competent health care. Philadelphia: F.A.
Davis Co.
Purnell, L. D. (2009). Guide to culturally
competent health care. Philadelphia: F.A.
Davis Co.
Question 3The research you are using for your paper includes research from another source. You want to use this information. How would you cite it?
List the name and title of the research in your paper.
List the name and title of the research followed by the words “as cited in…” then the name of the secondary source.
You cannot use this source unless you locate the primary research, as the source may be quoted incorrectly.
Use the words “secondary source” and list the source you found the research in.
Question 4You have retrieved a source from a Youtube video. Below are the different pieces of the source information. Write the reference in the correct order.
Please note, in the answers below, The rules of writing: Write and rewrite, should be italicized in correct APA format. However, due to limitations in the programming of the quiz, it will appear in regular font.
Answer 1:
Hudson, A. J.
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Answer 4:
The rules of writing: Write and rewrite.
Answer 5:
[Video file].
Answer 6:
Retrieved from
Question 5Which of the following is the correct way to reference more than seven authors from an online database in the reference list?
Authors: Connor, Michael J.; Tringale, Kathryn; Moiseenko, Vitali; Marshall, Deborah C.; Moore, Kevin; Cervino, Laura; Atwood, Todd; Brown, Derek; Mundt, Arno J.; Pawlicki, Todd; Recht, Abram; Hattangadi-Gluth, Jona A.
Connor, M. J., Tringale, K., Moiseenko, V., Marshall, D. C., Moore, K., Cervino, L., and … Hattangadi-Gluth, J. A.
Connor, M. J., Tringale, K., Moiseenko, V., Marshall, D. C., Moore, K., Cervino, L., & … Hattangadi-Gluth, J. A.
Connor, M. J., et al.
Connor, M. J., Tringale, K., Moiseenko, V., Marshall, D. C., & … Hattangadi-Gluth, J. A.
Question 6You have retrieved a source from an online data base. Below are the different pieces of the source information. Select each piece in the correct order.
Please note, in the answers below, College Writing Today, 25, 31-36., should be italicized in correct APA format. However, due to limitations in the programming of the quiz, it will appear in regular font.
Answer 1:
Crocco, F. Abeyta, M., & Aldrich, L.
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Impact of the OWL in freshman composition classes.
Answer 4:
College Writing Today, 25, 31-36.
Answer 5:
Question 7You want to use an older source that does not have a doi (digital object identifier). Which of the following at the right represents the correct format for this situation in the reference page?
Sidani, S. (2003). Enhancing the evaluation of
nursing care effectiveness. Canadian Journal
of Nursing Research, 35(3), 26-38. Retrieved
Sidani, S. (2003). Retrieved
from Enhancing the
evaluation of nursing care
effectiveness. Canadian Journal of Nursing
Research, 35(3), 26-38.
Sidani, S. (2003). Enhancing the evaluation of
nursing care effectiveness. Canadian Journal
of Nursing Research, 35(3), 26-38. Retrieved
on August 29, 2017 from
Sidani, S. (2003). Enhancing the evaluation of
nursing care effectiveness. Canadian Journal
of Nursing Research, 35(3), 26-38.
Question 8Which of the following will help you avoid plagiarizing? Select all that apply.
Give proper credit to all sources
If the assignment allows, submit your paper to and revise based on the originality report
Do not cite when quoting directly from the source
Use quotes correctly
When paraphrasing, rewrite statements completely in your own words and cite the source
Question 9Which of the following would be the correct format for paraphrasing an idea from the author of a non-edited text book? Select all that apply.
Benner states that a nurse in the expert stage will unconsciously process many aspects of patient care at once, whereas a novice nurse needs more time for clinical decision making.
A nurse in the expert stage will unconsciously process many aspects of patient care at once, whereas a novice nurse needs more time for clinical decision making (Benner, 2001).
Benner (2001) maintains that a nurse in the expert stage will unconsciously process many aspects of patient care at once, whereas a novice nurse needs more time for clinical decision making.
A nurse in the expert stage will unconsciously process many aspects of patient care at once, whereas a novice nurse needs more time for clinical decision making (Benner, Patricia, 2001).
Question 10Which of the following are correct when citing a personal communication? Select all that apply.
Use the format in the reference page for newspaper articles.
Use this format in text: (R. Diaz, personal communication, August 15, 2017).
Only reference in text, as personal communication is not recoverable data.
Use this format in text: Ronald Diaz, 2017.
List it in the reference page as a primary source.
Question 11Which of the following demonstrates the correct way to cite multiple references in text in the same parenthesis?
(Benner, Patrica, 2011; Erikson, Erik, 1952, Nightingale, Florence,1892, Watson, Jean, 2017).
(Benner, P., 2011; Erikson, E., 1952; Nightingale, F.,1892; Watson, J., 2017)
(Benner, 2011; Erikson, 1952; Nightingale, 1892; Watson, 2017)
(Benner, 2011, Erikson, 1952, Nightingale, 1892, Watson, 2017)
Question 12What information would an in-text citation include if the author is unknown?
The first few words of the reference list entry and the year
The first few words of the reference list entry, the year, and place of publication
The word “anonymous,” followed by the year and place of publication
The word “anonymous,” followed by the year
Question 13Select all that apply. If you can’t find the format for a particular reference in the APA manual, you should
consult with the APA Style Blog.
find a similar type in the manual and use it.
use a different reference style and make note of it.
consult with Excelsior College Online Writing Lab.
Question 14In-text citations should be used throughout your paper to give credit to the original author(s), but citations that reference direct quotes should be used sparingly. What are the reasons for this? Select all that apply.
Original ideas should be paraphrased in your own words.
Interpreting original ideas in your own voice will help you grow as a scholar.
APA style does not provide correct formatting for direct quotes.
Direct quotes cannot be used if they are more than a year old. Plagiarism Free Papers
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